Пример #1
def workflow_final():
    with Diagram("",
                     'margin': "5",
                 #  direction="TB",
        Users(f'"{random.randrange(0,1000)} Hackers"', **COMMON_NODE_ATTR) \
                >> get_diagram_edge() \
                >> [
                    EC2("server", **COMMON_NODE_ATTR),
                    EC2("server", **COMMON_NODE_ATTR),
                    EC2("server", **COMMON_NODE_ATTR),
                    ] \
                >> get_diagram_edge() \
                >> Splunk("", **COMMON_NODE_ATTR) \
                >> get_diagram_edge() \
                >> SimpleStorageServiceS3("Public S3 Bucket", **COMMON_NODE_ATTR) \
                >> get_diagram_edge() \
                << EC2("server", **COMMON_NODE_ATTR) \
                >> get_diagram_edge() \
                >> Firewall("IPTables", fillcolor='red', **COMMON_NODE_ATTR)
Пример #2
from diagrams.aws.analytics import Kinesis
from diagrams.aws.database import Dynamodb
from pathlib import Path

with Diagram(
    "CC3 AWS Connect High Level Architecture",
    connect = Connect("Connect")
    connectLambda = Lambda("awsConnect")
    web = Vue("CCU3 Web")
    api = Django("CCU3 Api")
    users = [Users("Users"), Users("Agents")]

    with Cluster("CCU3 awsconnect"):
        gateway = APIGateway("Websocket Gateway")
        database = Dynamodb("ConnectClientsDB")

        with Cluster("Websocket Handler"):

            with Cluster("Connection"):
                connectionHandlers = [Lambda("$connect" + str(i)) for i in range(3)]
                gateway - connectionHandlers
                connectionHandlers >> database

            with Cluster("Messaging"):
                wsHandlers = [Lambda("$default" + str(i)) for i in range(3)]
                gateway - wsHandlers
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda
from diagrams.aws.network import Route53, APIGateway, CF
from diagrams.aws.security import Cognito, IAM, WAF
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.engagement import SES
from diagrams.aws.database import DDB
from diagrams.aws.management import Cloudwatch

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "40"}

with Diagram("Static Website on Amazon S3 ",

    users = Users()

    with Cluster("AWS"):

        security = Cognito("Cognito")
        gateway = APIGateway("Gateway")
        route = Route53("Route53")
        db = DDB("DynamoDB")
        email_service = SES("SES")
        monitoring = Cloudwatch("AWS CloudWatch ")
        firewall = WAF("AWS WAF")
        identity = IAM("AWS IAM")

        with Cluster("CDN"):
            cdn = S3("S3") >> CF("CloudFront CDN")
Пример #4
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.aws.compute import EC2
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB, VPC, NATGateway, InternetGateway
from diagrams.aws.management import SystemsManager as SSM
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.onprem.network import Internet

with Diagram("3 Tier Web Module", show=False):
    users = Users("Users")
    internet = Internet("Internet")
    with Cluster("Region Sa-East-1"):
        ssm = SSM("SSM Management")
        with Cluster("VPC"):
            with Cluster("subnet/public"):
                igw = InternetGateway("InternetGateway")
                lb = ELB("lb")

            with Cluster("subnet/private"):
                with Cluster("App"):
                    auto_scaling_group = [EC2("app1"), EC2("app2")]
                with Cluster("Database"):
                    database = RDS("app_db")
                natgw = NATGateway("NATGW")

    users >> internet >> lb >> auto_scaling_group
    natgw - auto_scaling_group
    auto_scaling_group - Edge(style="dotted") - database
    ssm >> Cluster("subnet/private")
    "fontsize": "20",
    "bgcolor": "white"  #transparent

with Diagram("Application Architecture",
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb") >> S3("store")
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb") << EC2("stat")
    (ELB("lb") >> EC2("web")) - EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb")

    with Cluster("Application Context"):
        app = EC2("Spring Boot")

    ELB("lb") >> app

    metrics = Prometheus("metric")
    metrics << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Grafana("monitoring")

    client = Client("A")
    client >> User("B") >> Users("S")
    client >> PostgreSQL("Database")
    client >> Internet("Remote API")
    client >> Docker("Docker")
    client >> Server("Server")
    client >> SQS("Sync Books")
    client >> Spring("Backend")
    client >> React("React")
Пример #6
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.oci.connectivity import Backbone

# aws
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.compute import AutoScaling, EC2
from diagrams.aws.analytics import Glue
from diagrams.aws.network import CF, ELB, Route53, SiteToSiteVpn as s2s_vpn

from diagrams.aws.compute import Batch
from diagrams.aws.management import Cloudwatch as cw

with Diagram("On-prem web application", show=False):
    dns = onprDns('Round-robin DNS ')
    users = Users('website/mobile users')
    nfs = nfs('Shared filesystem')

    with Cluster("Application Servers"):
        app_servers = [
        Backbone = Backbone("Network")

    with Cluster("WebProxy Servers"):
        web_servers = [Nginx("web_srv1"), Nginx("web_srv2"), Nginx("web_srv3")]

    with Cluster("Mysql active-active cluster"):
        db_master = onprMysql("userdb")
Пример #7
# diagram.py
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.iac import Terraform
from diagrams.onprem.client import User, Users

with Diagram("Terraform Cloud Organization", show=False, direction="RL"):
    Terraform("tfe organization") << [User("admin"), Users("membership")]
# kubeflow architecture diagram
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

with Diagram("Kubeflow Networking Architecture", show=False):
    user = Users("Users")
    with Cluster("API gateway"):
        ingress_gateway = Ingress("Ingress")
        user >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> ingress_gateway

        ingress_gateway >> [
            Service("Central Dashboard Virtual Service"),
            Service("Notebooks App Virtual Service")
Пример #9
from diagrams.onprem.database import Postgresql
from diagrams.gcp.network import LoadBalancing
from diagrams.onprem.monitoring import Prometheus, Grafana
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users, Client
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.infra import Master
from diagrams.k8s.controlplane import API
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service
from diagrams.onprem.network import Traefik
from diagrams.programming.language import Python

with Diagram("Simplified Orchestra Architecture Diagram", show=False):
    dns = Route53("Wildcard DNS\n*.bioc.cancerdatasci.org")
    lb = LoadBalancing("Load Balancer")
    pg = Postgresql("AWS Aurora PostgreSQL")
    users = Users("Workshop\nParticipants")
    web = Client("Standard Web Browser")
    with Cluster("Kubernetes Cluster"):
        app = Python("Orchestra")
        master = Master("Kubernetes Master\nRunning on GKE")
        k8api = API("Kubernetes Control API")
        s = []
        w = []
        ing = Traefik("Router & Proxy")
        ing >> app
        app >> pg
        app >> k8api
        k8api >> master
        pg >> app
        prom = Prometheus("Prometheus\nMonitoring")
        graf = Grafana("Grafana\nVisualization")
Пример #10
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster, Edge
from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.network import Route53, ELB, InternetGateway
from diagrams.onprem.network import Internet
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.aws.network import CloudFront
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.security import ACM

with Diagram("LogOrg", show=False):
    with Cluster("Internet"):
        internet = Internet("internet")
        users    = Users("User")

        with Cluster("AWS"):

            dns  = Route53("DNS")
            acm  = ACM("Certificate Manager")

            with Cluster("CDN/cdn.logorg.work"):

                cdn_front = CloudFront("CDN Front")
                cdn_storage = S3("Logorg Bucket")

            with Cluster("APP/VPC"):

                elb  = ELB("LB")
                igw  = InternetGateway("Internet Gateway")

                with Cluster("subnet-private"):
Пример #11
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.gcp.analytics import BigQuery, Dataflow, PubSub, DataCatalog
from diagrams.gcp.compute import AppEngine, Functions, GPU, ComputeEngine, GKE
from diagrams.gcp.database import BigTable, Spanner, Firestore, SQL, Datastore
from diagrams.gcp.storage import GCS

with Diagram("Референсная архитектура робота сервисного центра"):
    users = Users("Пользователи")
    analytics = Users("Аналитики заказчика")
    modellers = Users("Модельеры исполнителя")

    with Cluster("Корпоративные сиcтемы"):
        itsm = GCS("ITSM")
        exchange = GCS("Exchange")
        teams = GCS("Teams")
        msad = GCS("AD")
        confluence = GCS("Confluence")

    with Cluster("Кластер с компонентами робота"):
        with Cluster("Основной бизнес-процесс"):
            with Cluster("Обработка входящего трафика"):
                emailmod = GKE("Обработка писем")
                msgmod = GKE("Обработка сообщений")
            with Cluster("Общие компоненты"):
                ocr = GKE("OCR")
                s2t = GKE("Speech to Text")
                t2s = GKE("Text to Speech")
                cls = GKE("Text Classifiers")
                ceph = GCS("Object Storage")
            with Cluster("База знаний"):
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.programming.framework import Spring

graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "20",
    "bgcolor": "white"  # transparent

with Diagram("",
    users = Users("Integration Tests")
    backend = Spring("Application")
    database = Docker("PostgreSQL database")

    backend >> database
    users >> backend
Пример #13
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server


graph_attr = {
    "label": "",

with Diagram(
    users = Users("End Users")

    with Cluster("NCSA"):
        cilogon = Server("CILogon")
        comanage = Server("COmanage")
        ldap = Server("LDAP")

        users >> cilogon >> comanage >> ldap
        users >> comanage

    with Cluster("Science Platform"):
        ingress = LoadBalancing("NGINX Ingress")
        notebook = KubernetesEngine("Notebook")
        vo = KubernetesEngine("VO Services")

        redis = KubernetesEngine("Redis")
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.onprem.database import Mssql
from diagrams.onprem.network import Apache
from diagrams.onprem.logging import Logstash
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users

from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS, EKS, Lambda
from diagrams.aws.database import Redshift
from diagrams.aws.integration import SQS
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3

with Diagram("", show=False):
    source = Mssql("SQL Server")
    website = Apache("Web Server")
    logstash = Logstash("Network share for Logs")
    users = Users("Excel Users")

    source >> website >> logstash
    source >> users
Пример #15
        with Cluster("ASP"):
            aws_asp_app = Server("application")
            aws_asp_db = Dynamodb("database")
            aws_asp_web_server = Nginx("web server")

    with Cluster("Azure"):
        azure_balancer = Server("balancer")
        azure_jenkins = Jenkins("deploy worker")

        with Cluster("ASP"):
            azure_asp_app = Server("application")
            azure_asp_db = CosmosDb("database")
            azure_asp_web_server = Nginx("web server")

    consumers = Users("consumers")

    # on-premises
    git >> on_premises_deploy_worker
    developer >> on_premises_deploy_worker
    on_premises_asp_app >> on_premises_asp_db
    on_premises_asp_web_server << on_premises_balancer
    on_premises_asp_web_server >> on_premises_asp_app
    on_premises_balancer << consumers
    on_premises_deploy_worker >> on_premises_asp_app

    # AWS
    git >> aws_jenkins
    developer >> aws_jenkins
    aws_asp_app >> aws_asp_db
    aws_asp_web_server << aws_balancer
Пример #16
def draw():
    with Diagram("Example Microservice for EBA", show=False, graph_attr=graph_attr, direction="LR"):
        staff = Client('EBA Staff')
        organinzer = User("EBA Organinzer")
        users = Users("EBA Users")
        mobileApp = Flutter("EBA Mobile")
        dns = DNS('Cloud DNS')
        loadbalance = LoadBalancing('Cloud Loadbalancing')
        auth = Authentication("Firebase Auth")
        users >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> mobileApp << Edge(
            color="darkgreen") >> auth
        [organinzer, staff] << Edge(color="darkgreen") >> dns
        dns << Edge(color="darkgreen") >> loadbalance

        with Cluster("Google Cloud Platform", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
            with Cluster("WEB Frontend", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                with Cluster("Web Container1", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    web1 = Hosting("Firebase Hosting")
                    react1 = React("Frontend")
                    web1 - react1
                with Cluster("Web Container2", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    web2 = Hosting("Firebase Hosting")
                    react2 = React("Frontend")
                    web2 - react2
            with Cluster("WEB Backend", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                with Cluster("Web Backend Container"):
                    web3 = Hosting("Firebase Hosting")
                    react3 = React("Backend")
                    web3 - react3
            loadbalance << Edge(color="darkgreen") >> [web1, web2, web3]
            with Cluster("APIs", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                func = Functions("Cloud Functions")
                remoteCnf = RemoteConfig("RemoteConfig")
                [react1, react2, react3] << Edge(
                    color="darkgreen") >> remoteCnf << Edge(
                    color="darkgreen") >> func
                with Cluster("Feeds", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    apiFeeds = NodeJS("Express")
                with Cluster("Tournaments", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    apiTournament = NodeJS("Express")
                with Cluster("Badges", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    apiBadges = NodeJS("Express")
                with Cluster("User", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    apiUser = NodeJS("Express")
                with Cluster("Games", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    apiGames = NodeJS("Express")
                with Cluster("Notifications", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                    apiNotifications = NodeJS("Express")
                auth << Edge(color="darkgreen") >> func >> Edge(color="darkorange") >> [apiBadges, apiUser, apiFeeds,
                                                                                        apiGames, apiNotifications, apiTournament]
            with Cluster("Database", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                badgesSQL = SQL("Badges")
                userSQL = SQL("User")
                notificationSQL = SQL("Notifications")
                tournamentsSQL = SQL("Tournaments")
                gamesSQL = SQL("Games")
                feedsSQL = SQL("Feeds")

                apiBadges - Edge(color="darkorange") - badgesSQL
                apiUser - Edge(color="darkorange") - userSQL
                apiFeeds - Edge(color="darkorange") - feedsSQL
                apiGames - Edge(color="darkorange") - gamesSQL
                apiNotifications - Edge(color="darkorange") - notificationSQL
                apiTournament - Edge(color="darkorange") - tournamentsSQL

                firestore = Firestore("Firestore")

            with Cluster("Message Queue", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                messageQueue = Pubsub("Pubsub")
            [badgesSQL, userSQL, notificationSQL, tournamentsSQL,
                gamesSQL, feedsSQL] >> Edge(color="darkorange") >> messageQueue

            messageQueue >> Edge(color="darkred") >> firestore >> Edge(color="darkred", style="dotted") >> [apiBadges, apiUser, apiFeeds,
                                                                                                            apiGames, apiNotifications, apiTournament]
            with Cluster("Storage", graph_attr=graph_attr2):
                badgesStorage = Storage("Badges")
                userStorage = Storage("User")
                gameStorage = Storage("Games")
                tournamentsStorage = Storage("Tournaments")
            apiBadges - Edge(color="blue") - badgesStorage
            apiUser - Edge(color="blue") - userStorage
            apiGames - Edge(color="blue") - gameStorage
            apiTournament - Edge(color="blue") - tournamentsStorage

            fcm = Messaging("Cloud Messaging")
            apiNotifications >> \
                Edge(color="darkorange") >> \
                fcm >> Edge(color="darkgreen") >> auth
Пример #17
        node_2 - instance_2
        node_3 - instance_3
        instance_1 - disk_1
        instance_2 - disk_2
        instance_3 - disk_3
        instance_3 - pv_disk
        pv_workspace - pv_disk
        core - SQL('PostgreSQL')

        core - GCS('Object Storage')
        lb = LoadBalancing('Load Balancer')
        dns = DNS('DNS')
        lb >> ing
        dns >> lb

    [Client('SDKs'), Users('Users')] >> dns

with Diagram('Amazon Web Services resources',
    with Cluster('Amazon Web Services'):
        with Cluster('Virtual Private Cloud'):
            kube = EKS('Elastic Kubernetes\nService')
            instance_1 = EC2('EC2 Instance 1\n(m5.xlarge)')
            disk_1 = EBS('EBS Disk 1\n(gp2)')
            instance_2 = EC2('EC2 Instance 2\n(m5.xlarge)')
            disk_2 = EBS('EBS Disk 2\n(gp2)')

            instance_1 - disk_1
            instance_2 - disk_2
Пример #18
with Diagram("./custom_resources/Workflow", direction="TB"):
    with Cluster("Local"):
        # local_development = Custom("macOS", "https://download.logo.wine/logo/MacOS/MacOS-Logo.wine.png")
        local_development = Custom("", "MacOS-Logo.png")
    with Cluster("GitHub"):
        github_actions = GithubActions("GitHub Actions")
        github = Github("GitHub")
        local_development >> github >> github_actions
    with Cluster("Digital Ocean", direction="LR"):
        server = Ubuntu("Ubuntu 18.04")
        github_actions >> server

with Diagram("./custom_resources/Internal Working"):
    with Cluster("Internet"):
        users = Users("Site Visitors")

    with Cluster("Digital Ocean", direction="LR"):
        server = Ubuntu("Ubuntu 18.04")
        nginx = Nginx("Nginx")
        static_assets = Custom("Static", "static.png")
        with Cluster("Gunicorn Workers", direction="LR"):
            worker1 = Gunicorn("worker1")
            worker2 = Gunicorn("worker2")
            worker3 = Gunicorn("worker3")
            workers = [worker3, worker2, worker1]
        with Cluster("Django Stack", direction="LR"):
            django_app = Django("Django")
            sqlite = Custom("SQLite", "SQLite.svg")

        django_app - sqlite
Пример #19
        backend_lb = Nginx("Backend-LB")

        with Cluster("Backend Cluster"):
            backend = [

        Mysql_db = Mysql("MySQL-DB")

        with Cluster("Redis Cluster"):
            master = Redis("Master")
            master - Redis("Replica")

        with Cluster("Metrics"):
            metrics = Prometheus("Metric")
            metrics << Grafana("Monitoring")

        frontend_lb = Nginx("Frontend-LB")
    internet = Internet("Internet")
    webuser = Users("User")

    webuser >> Edge(color="black", label="TCP/443") >> internet >> Edge(color="black", label="TCP/443") >> \
    frontend_lb >> Edge(color="darkgreen", label="TCP/80") >> frontend >> Edge(color="darkgreen", label="TCP/80") >> \
    backend_lb >> Edge(color="darkgreen", label="TCP/80") >> backend >> Edge(color="red", label="TCP/3306",style="dashed") >> Mysql_db \
    >>  backend >>  Edge(color="orange", style="dotted") >>metrics
    backend >> Edge(color="blue", style="dotted") >> master
    frontend >> Edge(color="orange", style="dotted") >> metrics