Пример #1
from diagrams.oci.network import Firewall
from diagrams.oci.devops import APIService
from diagrams.oci.network import Drg
from diagrams.oci.compute import Container

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram

with Diagram("API Gateway Reference Architecture", show=False):

    dns = DNS("DNS")
    waf = WAF("WAF")
    dc = CustomerDatacenter("Customer DC")
    fc = FastConnect("Fast Connect")
    vpn = VPN("VPN")

    with Cluster("Tenancy"):
        ten_grp = [
        with Cluster("Compartment"):
            id = IDAccess("IAM")
            with Cluster("VCN"):
                ig = InternetGateway("Internet Gateway")
                lb = LoadBalancer("Load Balancer")
                api = APIService("API Gateway")
                fw = Firewall("Firewall")
                drg = Drg("DRG")
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.generic.device import Tablet, Mobile
from diagrams.generic.blank import Blank
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client, User
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
# aws resources
from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.general import TradicionalServer, GenericSamlToken
from diagrams.aws.engagement import SimpleEmailServiceSes
from diagrams.aws.network import ElasticLoadBalancing
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS, Elasticache

with Diagram("Graph-testing123", show=True, outformat="png", direction="TB"):
    with Cluster("apigatewaybase"):
        with Cluster("application-apigatewaybase"):
            appXapigatewaybase = Server(
    with Cluster("filetransferbase"):
        with Cluster("application-filetransferbase"):
            appXfiletransferbase = Server(
    with Cluster("s3base"):
        with Cluster("application-s3base"):
            appXs3base = Server("mockedup-integration-application-s3base")
    with Cluster("postgresdbbase"):
        with Cluster("database-postgresdbbase"):
            dbXpostgresdbbase = Server(
    with Cluster("postgresdbgenerated"):
        with Cluster("database-postgresdbgenerated"):
Пример #3
from diagrams.aws.general import User

graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "20",

node_attr = {
    "margin": "1000",
    "fontsize": "15",


with Diagram("VPC Public and Private Subnet", show=False, filename="VPC_public_Private", graph_attr=graph_attr, node_attr=node_attr):

    with Cluster("AWS"):
        with Cluster("VPC"):
            vpc = VPC('custom-vpc')
            out_inter = InternetAlt1('Internet')
            with Cluster("Public"):
                sub_public = PublicSubnet('Public Subnet')
                web = EC2("Bastion-Host")
                nat = NATGateway("NAT_Gateway")
                igw = InternetGateway('pubic-IGW')
                sub_public >> web
                out_inter >> igw >> sub_public >> nat
            with Cluster("Private"):
                sub_private = PrivateSubnet('Private Subnet')
                priv_ec2 = [EC2("app1"), EC2("app2")]

                out_inter >> igw >> sub_public >> nat >> priv_ec2
Пример #4
from diagrams.onprem.ci import Jenkins, Circleci
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Git, Github, Gitlab
from diagrams.azure import devops
from diagrams.generic.storage import Storage
from diagrams.alibabacloud.application import RdCloud

with Diagram("Upskilling Malmö", show=True, direction="TB"):
    # Timeline
    now = Storage("Now")

    ## -------------------------------------------------------
    ## PAST
    ## -------------------------------------------------------
    # Castle: Git
    with Cluster("Git"):
        git = Git("")
    git >> now

    ## -------------------------------------------------------
    ## FUTURE
    ## -------------------------------------------------------
    # Castle: Docker
    with Cluster("Docker"):
        docker = Docker("")
    now >> docker

    # Castle: Build Tools
    with Cluster("Build Tools Familiarity"):
        buildtools = ELB("")
        jenkins = Jenkins("Jenkins")
Пример #5
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS, EKS, Lambda
from diagrams.aws.database import Redshift
from diagrams.aws.integration import SQS
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.programming.language import Bash

with Diagram("Falco For Security", show=False):
    source = EKS("Syscall Events")

    with Cluster("Falco"):
        with Cluster("Falco Processing"):
            workers = [ECS("Falco Daemon")]

        queue = SQS("Falco Sidekick")

        with Cluster("Sidekick outputs"):
            handlers = [Lambda("slack"), Lambda("logdna"), Lambda("loki")]

    store = S3("store")
    dw = Redshift("analytics")

    rules = Bash("Rules Definitions")
    source >> workers >> queue >> handlers
    rules >> workers
    handlers >> store
    handlers >> dw
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Memcached
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Redis
from diagrams.onprem.logging import Fluentd
from diagrams.onprem.monitoring import Grafana, Prometheus
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka

with Diagram("Bloosa architecture", show=False):
    nginx = Nginx("nginx")

    metrics = Prometheus("metric")
    metrics << Grafana("monitoring")

    with Cluster("Apps Cluster"):
        grpcsvc = [Server("puma 1"), Server("puma 2"), Server("puma 3")]

    cache = Memcached('Cache')
    grpcsvc >> cache

    with Cluster("Sessions HA"):
        master = Redis("session")
        master - Redis("replica") << metrics
        grpcsvc >> master

    with Cluster("Database HA"):
        master = PostgreSQL("users")
        master - PostgreSQL("slave") << metrics
        grpcsvc >> master
Пример #7
graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "30",
    "ranksep": "3",
    "nodesep": "3",
    "splines": "true",
    "dirtype": "foward",

with Diagram("Architecture", show=True, graph_attr=graph_attr):

    # windows = Windows("OS")
    router1 = Router("localhost:3000")
    router2 = Router("localhost:5000")

    with Cluster("Model", ):
        mongo = MongoDB("MongoDB")

    with Cluster("Controller"):
        flask = Flask()
        python = Python()
        python - flask

    with Cluster("View"):
        react = React("React")
        js = Javascript()
        js - react

    mongo >> Edge() >> flask
    flask >> Edge() >> mongo
Пример #8
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Redis
from diagrams.onprem.logging import Fluentd
from diagrams.onprem.monitoring import Grafana, Prometheus
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka

with Diagram(name="Advanced Web Service with On-Premise (colored)",
    ingress = Nginx("ingress")

    metrics = Prometheus("metric")
    metrics << Edge(color="firebrick", style="dashed") << Grafana("monitoring")

    with Cluster("Service Cluster"):
        grpcsvc = [Server("grpc1"), Server("grpc2"), Server("grpc3")]

    with Cluster("Sessions HA"):
        master = Redis("session")
        master - Edge(color="brown",
                      style="dashed") - Redis("replica") << Edge(
                          label="collect") << metrics
        grpcsvc >> Edge(color="brown") >> master

    with Cluster("Database HA"):
        master = PostgreSQL("users")
        master - Edge(color="brown",
                      style="dotted") - PostgreSQL("slave") << Edge(
                          label="collect") << metrics
        grpcsvc >> Edge(color="black") >> master
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Service
from diagrams.k8s.podconfig import Secret, ConfigMap
from diagrams.oci.compute import Container
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.network import Gunicorn
from diagrams.programming.framework import Flask

with Diagram("Lorem Ipsum Cloud Native Books Service",
    with Cluster("Kube"):
        svc = Service('svc')
        pod = Pod('pod')
        secrets = Secret('secrets')
        cm = ConfigMap('cm')

        with Cluster('Runtime'):
            stats = Custom('stats', './resources/statsd.png')
            app = Container('app')
            statsd = Container('statsd')
            docker = Docker('')
            web = Flask('web')
            wsgi = Gunicorn('wsgi')
            app >> Edge(label='runs_on') >> docker
            app >> Edge(label='runs') >> [wsgi]
            app >> Edge(label='uses') >> [web]
            wsgi >> stats
        svc >> pod >> [app, statsd]
Пример #10
    _icon = "MuPDF.png"

class Peewee(Custom):
    _icon = "peewee.png"

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS
from diagrams.aws.integration import SQS
from diagrams.elastic.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx

with Diagram("Web Service", show=True):
    with Cluster("Processing"):
        workers = [ECS("worker1"), ECS("worker2")]

    with Cluster("Extraction"):
        with Cluster("PDF"):
            pdf = Camelot("Table") - MuPDF("Text")

    with Cluster("database"):
        orm = Peewee("ORM")
        postgres = PostgreSQL("storage")

    queue = SQS("event queue")
    server = Flask()
    Nginx("Nginx") >> server >> queue >> workers >> pdf
    pdf >> orm >> postgres
Пример #11
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.k8s.clusterconfig import HPA
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Deployment, Pod, StatefulSet
from diagrams.k8s.network import Ingress, Service

globe_img = "resources/globe.png"

graph_attr = {"pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram(filename="jitsi_meet",
    with Cluster("Conference 1"):
        users_1 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(3)]
    with Cluster("Conference 2"):
        users_2 = [Custom("user", globe_img) for _ in range(2)]

    all_users = Custom("all users", globe_img)

    with Cluster("Namespace 'jitsi'"):
        n_shards = 2
        n_haproxy = 2
        haproxy_sts = StatefulSet("haproxy")
        haproxy_pods = [Pod(f"haproxy-{j}") for j in range(n_haproxy)]
        haproxy_sts >> haproxy_pods
        web_service = Service("web")
        ingress = Ingress("jitsi.beyondcloud.com.br")
        ingress >> Service("haproxy") >> haproxy_pods >> web_service
Пример #12
#  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
#  Contributors:
#      Pavel Tisnovsky

from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams import Cluster
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka, ActiveMQ
from diagrams.programming.language import Go, Rust
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS

# definice diagramu se specifikaci jeho zakladnich vlastnosti
with Diagram("Clusters #4", show=True, direction="LR"):
    # definice clusteru
    with Cluster("Input processor"):
        # definice uzlu v clusteru
        consumer = Kafka("input stream")

        # definice clusteru uvnitr cluster
        with Cluster("Worker group A"):
            # rozvetveni
            workersA = [Go("worker #1"), Go("worker #2"), Go("worker #3")]

        # definice uzlu
        db = RDS("storage")

    # definice uzlu mimo cluster
    buffer = ActiveMQ("buffer")

    # definice clusteru
Пример #13
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB
from diagrams.programming.framework import React
from diagrams.onprem.database import Mongodb
from diagrams.programming.language import Nodejs

with Diagram("Microservices", show=False):
    with Cluster("Service"):
        external_api = ELB("ExternalApi")
    with Cluster("Database\nMongoDB"):
        mongo = Mongodb("Contenedor-a")
    with Cluster("Service\nMongoExpress"):
        mongo_express = Nodejs("Contenedor-b")
        mongo_express >> mongo
        mongo >> mongo_express
    with Cluster("Service\nNodeJS\nScrapper"):
        scrapper = Nodejs("Contenedor-c")
        scrapper >> external_api
        external_api >> scrapper
        scrapper >> mongo
    with Cluster("Service\nNodeJS\nExpress\nAPI"):
        express_api = Nodejs("Contenedor-d")
    with Cluster("Service\nReactJS\nApacheServer"):
        react = React("Contenedor-f")
        react >> express_api
        express_api >> mongo
        mongo >> express_api
        express_api >> react
Пример #14
from diagrams.aws.management import Cloudwatch

graph_attr = {
    # "fontsize": "45",
    # "bgcolor": "transparent"

with Diagram(
    "'Kitchen Sink' Sample on AWS",

    with Cluster("Admin"):
        tf = Terraform("IAC")
        # docker = Docker("Docker")
        admin = User("Admin User")

    with Cluster("End Users"):
        users = Users("End Users")

    with Cluster("AWS"):

        with Cluster("VPC"):

            routetable = network.RouteTable("Route Tables")
            firewall = network.VPC("VPC Firewall Rules")

            with Cluster("Public Subnets") as public1:
Пример #15
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.aws.compute import EC2
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB
from diagrams.aws.network import Route53
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Redis

with Diagram("Simple Website Diagram", direction='LR') as diag: # It's LR by default, but you have a few options with the orientation
    dns = Route53("dns")
    load_balancer = ELB("Load Balancer")
    database = RDS("User Database")
    cache = Redis("Cache")
    with Cluster("Webserver Cluster"):
        svc_group = [EC2("Webserver 1"),
                    EC2("Webserver 2"),
                    EC2("Webserver 3")]
    dns >> load_balancer >> svc_group
    svc_group >> cache
    svc_group >> database
Пример #16
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.generic.network import Router, Switch
from diagrams.onprem.network import Internet
from diagrams.generic.os import Android, LinuxGeneral, Windows
from diagrams.aws.iot import IotAlexaEcho, IotLightbulb, IotSensor
from diagrams.custom import Custom

graph_attr = {
    "pad" : "0"

with Diagram("Network Map", show=False):

    with Cluster("Internet"):

    with Cluster("Local"):

        with Cluster("Hardware"):
            netgear = Router("Netgear")
            net_bridge = Edge(style="dashed",label="bridge")
            udmpro = Router("UDM-PRO")
            usw = Switch("USW-24-POE")
            ap = Custom("3 x Unifi AC Lite","unifi_ac.png")
            nanobeam = Custom("2 x Nanobeam Gen2 5AC","nanobeam.png")

        with Cluster("Trusted\n10.8.10.1/24"):
            windows=Windows("Win Laptops")
            linux=LinuxGeneral("Linux laptops")
Пример #17
def main():
    graph_attr = {
        "fontsize": "45",
        'overlap_scaling': '100',
        'size': '24!',
        'ratio': 'expand'

    with Diagram(name='Automation Framework Kubernetes', direction='LR', graph_attr=graph_attr):
        with Cluster('Kafka Cluster'):
            with Cluster('Zookeeper'):

            with Cluster('REST Proxy'):
                rest_proxy = Custom('REST Proxy\ntcp:8082', 'custom_icons/REST-API.png')

            with Cluster('Control Center'):
                control_center = Kafka('Control Center\ntcp:9021')

            """ Removed for now not working right
            with Cluster('Schema Registry'):
                schema_registry = Storage('Schema Registry\ntcp:8081')

            with Cluster('Brokers'):
                broker_1 = Kafka('Broker 1\ntcp:9092')
                kafka_brokers = [
                    Kafka('Broker 2\ntcp:9093'),
                    Kafka('Broker 3\ntcp:9094')

        with Cluster('Docker Cluster'):
            docker = Docker('Docker')

            with Cluster('container1'):
                python_container = Python('APIs\nOther Microservices')

            with Cluster('Docker Registry'):
                docker_registry_container = Docker('Docker Registry\ntcp:5000')

            with Cluster('Docker Registry Browser'):
                docker_registry_browser_container = Python('Docker Registry Browser\ntcp:8088')

            with Cluster('BatFish'):
                batfish_container = Custom('BatFish\ntcp:8888\ntcp:9997\ntcp:9996', 'custom_icons/BatFish.png')

        with Cluster('Secrets Managers'):
            vault = Vault('HashiCorp Vault\ntcp:8200')
            secrets_managers = [

        with Cluster('Logging and Search'):
            with Cluster('ELK Stack'):
                elastic_search = Elasticsearch('Elastic Search\ntcp:9200')
                kibana = Kibana('Kibana\ntcp:5601')
                logstash = Logstash('Logstash\ntcp:5044')
                search_log = [

            with Cluster('Influxdb'):
                infulxdb = Influxdb('Influxdb\ntcp:8086')

            with Cluster('Grafana'):
                grafana = Grafana('Grafana\ntcp:3000')

        with Cluster('Database'):
            with Cluster('Mongo dB'):
                mongodb = Mongodb('MongoDb\ntcp:27017')
                mongodb_express = Mongodb('MongoDb Express\ntcp:8181')
                mongo_group = [

        with Cluster('CI/CD'):
            team_city = TC('TeamCity')

        kafka_brokers - python_container

        python_container - vault

        python_container - logstash

        python_container - infulxdb

        python_container - mongodb
Пример #18
# diagram.py
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import EC2
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB

with Diagram("AIK web service", show=False):
    lb = ELB("lb")
    db = RDS("userdb")

    with Cluster("Service"):
        svc_group = EC2("web")

    lb >> svc_group >> db
Пример #19
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.k8s.compute import Pod
from diagrams.k8s.network import Service
from diagrams.onprem.database import PostgreSQL
from diagrams.onprem.network import Nginx
from diagrams.programming.framework import React

def kube_svc(name, replica_count, db):
    svc = Service(name)
    apps = []
    for _ in range(replica_count):
        pod = Pod("pod")
        apps.append(svc >> pod >> db)
    return svc

with Diagram("Lorem Ipsum Simple", show=True, filename='lorem_ipsum_simple'):
    ui = React("UI")

    with Cluster("Lorem Ipsum - Kube"):
        with Cluster("db") as cluster:
            db_books = PostgreSQL("books")
            db_auth = PostgreSQL("auth")
        net = Nginx("loremipsum.com")
        net >> kube_svc('books', 2, db_books)
        net >> kube_svc('auth', 2, db_auth)
        search_engine = Service("Search Engine")
        db_books - search_engine
    ui >> net
Пример #20
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.custom import Custom

from diagrams.aws.compute import ECS, AutoScaling, EC2
from diagrams.aws.database import ElastiCache
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB, Route53

kafka_icon = "assets/kafka.png"

with Diagram("Infrastructure architecture", show=False):
    dns = Route53("Smart-Foodies-Shop.com")
    lb = ELB("Load Balancer")

    scaler = AutoScaling("Auto Scaling Group")
    with Cluster("VPC"):
        svc_group = [ECS("Frontend"), EC2("Redis"), EC2("Backend")]

    queue = Custom("Kafka", kafka_icon)
    db = EC2("MySQL")

    dns >> lb >> scaler
    scaler >> svc_group
    svc_group >> db
    svc_group >> queue