Пример #1
def test_scale_parameterisation():

    # FIXME we want multiple scale components to test how derivatives of the
    # overall scale are affected, but at the moment only IncidentBeamFactor is
    # available. So we can use two of them...
    sf = ScaleParameterisation(factors_list=[
        IncidentBeamFactor([0, 180]),
        IncidentBeamFactor([0, 180])

    # test getting and setting parameter values
    p = sf.get_param_vals()
    p2 = [random.uniform(0.8, 1.2) * e for e in p]
    p3 = sf.get_param_vals()
    for e1, e2 in zip(p2, p3):
        assert e1 == e2
    print "OK"

    # test getting overall scale and its derivatives
    phi = [0, random.uniform(0, 180), 180]
    scale, dscale_dp = sf.scales_and_derivatives(phi)

    # calculate finite difference derivatives
    delta = 1.e-7
    fd_grad = []
    p_vals = sf.get_param_vals()

    for i, p in enumerate(p_vals):
        p_vals[i] = p - delta / 2
        rev_state = sf.scales_and_derivatives(phi)[0]

        p_vals[i] = p + delta / 2
        fwd_state = sf.scales_and_derivatives(phi)[0]

        p_vals[i] = p

        fd_grad.append((fwd_state - rev_state) / delta)

    # convert to list of lists and construct 2D matrix
    fd_grad = flex.double([list(e) for e in fd_grad]).matrix_transpose()

    # compare with the analytical calculation, converted to dense
    assert approx_equal(dscale_dp.as_dense_matrix(), fd_grad)

    print "OK"
Пример #2
def test_incident_beam_factor():
    ibf = IncidentBeamFactor([0, 180])
    assert ibf.get_param_vals() == [1] * 38

    # set the smoother parameters to something other than unity throughout
    v2 = [random.uniform(0.8, 1.2) for v in ibf.get_param_vals()]

    # request values at 3 phi positions, one of them randomly chosen
    phi = [0, random.uniform(0, 180), 180]

    v, dv_dp = ibf.get_factors_and_derivatives(phi)

    def _calc_fd_grad():
        delta = 1.0e-7
        fd_grad = []
        p_vals = ibf.get_param_vals()

        for i, p in enumerate(p_vals):
            p_vals[i] = p - delta / 2
            rev_state = ibf.get_factors_and_derivatives(phi)[0]

            p_vals[i] = p + delta / 2
            fwd_state = ibf.get_factors_and_derivatives(phi)[0]

            p_vals[i] = p

            fd_grad.append((fwd_state - rev_state) / delta)

        return fd_grad

    # calculate finite diff gradients. This comes back as a list of flex.doubles
    fd_dv_dp = _calc_fd_grad()

    # convert to list of lists and construct 2D matrix
    fd_dv_dp = flex.double([list(e) for e in fd_dv_dp]).matrix_transpose()

    # compare with the analytical calculation, converted to dense
    assert approx_equal(dv_dp.as_dense_matrix(), fd_dv_dp)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):

        self.ibf = IncidentBeamFactor([0, 180])
        assert self.ibf.get_param_vals() == [1] * 38

        # set the smoother parameters to something other than unity throughout
        v2 = [random.uniform(0.8, 1.2) for v in self.ibf.get_param_vals()]

        # request values at 3 phi positions, one of them randomly chosen
        self.phi = [0, random.uniform(0, 180), 180]

        v, dv_dp = self.ibf.get_factors_and_derivatives(self.phi)

        # calculate finite diff gradients. This comes back as a list of flex.doubles
        fd_dv_dp = self._calc_fd_grad()

        # convert to list of lists and construct 2D matrix
        fd_dv_dp = flex.double([list(e) for e in fd_dv_dp]).matrix_transpose()

        # compare with the analytical calculation, converted to dense
        assert approx_equal(dv_dp.as_dense_matrix(), fd_dv_dp)

        print "OK"