Пример #1
def reeke_model_for_use_case(phi_beg, phi_end, margin):
    """Construct a reeke_model for the geometry of the Use Case Thaumatin
  dataset, taken from the XDS XPARM. The values are hard-
  coded here so that this module does not rely on the location of that

    axis = matrix.col([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

    # original (unrotated) setting
    ub = matrix.sqr([
        -0.0133393674072, -0.00541609051856, -0.00367748834997,
        0.00989309470346, 0.000574825936669, -0.0054505379664,
        0.00475395109417, -0.0163935257377, 0.00102384915696
    r_beg = matrix.sqr(
    r_osc = matrix.sqr(
                                                         angle=(phi_end -

    ub_beg = r_beg * ub
    ub_end = self._r_osc * ub_mid
    s0 = matrix.col([0.00237878589035, 1.55544539299e-16, -1.09015329696])
    dmin = 1.20117776325

    return reeke_model(ub_beg, ub_end, axis, s0, dmin, margin)
Пример #2
def reeke_model_for_use_case(phi_beg, phi_end, margin):
    """Construct a reeke_model for the geometry of the Use Case Thaumatin
  dataset, taken from the XDS XPARM. The values are hard-
  coded here so that this module does not rely on the location of that

    axis = matrix.col([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

    # original (unrotated) setting
    ub = matrix.sqr(
    r_beg = matrix.sqr(scitbx.math.r3_rotation_axis_and_angle_as_matrix(axis=self._axis, angle=phi_beg, deg=True))
    r_osc = matrix.sqr(
        scitbx.math.r3_rotation_axis_and_angle_as_matrix(axis=self._axis, angle=(phi_end - phi_beg), deg=True)

    ub_beg = r_beg * ub
    ub_end = self._r_osc * ub_mid
    s0 = matrix.col([0.00237878589035, 1.55544539299e-16, -1.09015329696])
    dmin = 1.20117776325

    return reeke_model(ub_beg, ub_end, axis, s0, dmin, margin)
Пример #3
 def generate_python(self, frame):
   from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction.reeke import reeke_model
   ub_beg, ub_end = self.get_ub(frame)
   r = reeke_model(ub_beg, ub_end, self.axis, self.s0, self.dmin, self.margin)
   hkl = r.generate_indices()
   hkl = [h for h in hkl if h != (0, 0, 0)]
   return sorted(hkl)
Пример #4
def regression_test():
    """Perform a regression test by comparing to indices generating
  by the brute force method used in the Use Case."""

    from rstbx.diffraction import rotation_angles
    from rstbx.diffraction import full_sphere_indices
    from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group, space_group_symbols
    from cctbx.uctbx import unit_cell

    # cubic, 50A cell, 1A radiation, 1 deg osciillation, everything ideal

    a = 50.0

    ub_beg = matrix.sqr(
        (1.0 / a, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / a, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / a))

    axis = matrix.col((0, 1, 0))

    r_osc = matrix.sqr(

    ub_end = r_osc * ub_beg

    uc = unit_cell((a, a, a, 90, 90, 90))
    sg = space_group(space_group_symbols('P23').hall())

    s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1))

    wavelength = 1.0
    dmin = 1.5

    indices = full_sphere_indices(unit_cell=uc,

    ra = rotation_angles(dmin, ub_beg, wavelength, axis)

    obs_indices, obs_angles = ra.observed_indices_and_angles_from_angle_range(
        phi_start_rad=0.0 * pi / 180.0,
        phi_end_rad=1.0 * pi / 180.0,

    r = reeke_model(ub_beg, ub_end, axis, s0, dmin, 1.0)
    reeke_indices = r.generate_indices()

    for oi in obs_indices:
        assert (tuple(map(int, oi)) in reeke_indices)

    #TODO Tests for an oblique cell

    print "OK"
Пример #5
def regression_test():
    """Perform a regression test by comparing to indices generating
  by the brute force method used in the Use Case."""

    from rstbx.diffraction import rotation_angles
    from rstbx.diffraction import full_sphere_indices
    from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group, space_group_symbols
    from cctbx.uctbx import unit_cell

    # cubic, 50A cell, 1A radiation, 1 deg osciillation, everything ideal

    a = 50.0

    ub_beg = matrix.sqr((1.0 / a, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / a, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / a))

    axis = matrix.col((0, 1, 0))

    r_osc = matrix.sqr(scitbx.math.r3_rotation_axis_and_angle_as_matrix(axis=axis, angle=1.0, deg=True))

    ub_end = r_osc * ub_beg

    uc = unit_cell((a, a, a, 90, 90, 90))
    sg = space_group(space_group_symbols("P23").hall())

    s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1))

    wavelength = 1.0
    dmin = 1.5

    indices = full_sphere_indices(unit_cell=uc, resolution_limit=dmin, space_group=sg)

    ra = rotation_angles(dmin, ub_beg, wavelength, axis)

    obs_indices, obs_angles = ra.observed_indices_and_angles_from_angle_range(
        phi_start_rad=0.0 * pi / 180.0, phi_end_rad=1.0 * pi / 180.0, indices=indices

    r = reeke_model(ub_beg, ub_end, axis, s0, dmin, 1.0)
    reeke_indices = r.generate_indices()
    # r.visualize_with_rgl()

    for oi in obs_indices:
        assert tuple(map(int, oi)) in reeke_indices

    # TODO Tests for an oblique cell

    print "OK"
Пример #6
            "Expecting either 3 or 4 arguments: path/to/xparm.xds start_phi end_phi margin=3"

        # take an xparm.xds, phi_beg, phi_end and margin from the command arguments.
        from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import coordinate_frame_converter

        cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(sys.argv[1])
        phi_beg, phi_end = float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3])
        margin = int(sys.argv[4]) if len(sys.argv) == 5 else 3

        # test run for development/debugging.
        u, b = cfc.get_u_b()
        ub = matrix.sqr(u * b)
        axis = matrix.col(cfc.get("rotation_axis"))
        rub_beg = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi_beg) * ub
        rub_end = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi_end) * ub
        wavelength = cfc.get("wavelength")
        sample_to_source_vec = matrix.col(
        s0 = (-1.0 / wavelength) * sample_to_source_vec
        dmin = 1.20117776325

        r = reeke_model(rub_beg, rub_end, axis, s0, dmin, margin)

        indices = r.generate_indices()

        for hkl in indices:
            print("%4d %4d %4d" % hkl)
Пример #7
        from libtbx.utils import Sorry

        raise Sorry("Expecting either 3 or 4 arguments: path/to/xparm.xds start_phi end_phi margin=3")


        # take an xparm.xds, phi_beg, phi_end and margin from the command arguments.
        from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import coordinate_frame_converter

        cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(sys.argv[1])
        phi_beg, phi_end = float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3])
        margin = int(sys.argv[4]) if len(sys.argv) == 5 else 3

        # test run for development/debugging.
        u, b = cfc.get_u_b()
        ub = matrix.sqr(u * b)
        axis = matrix.col(cfc.get("rotation_axis"))
        rub_beg = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi_beg) * ub
        rub_end = axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi_end) * ub
        wavelength = cfc.get("wavelength")
        sample_to_source_vec = matrix.col(cfc.get_c("sample_to_source").normalize())
        s0 = (-1.0 / wavelength) * sample_to_source_vec
        dmin = 1.20117776325

        r = reeke_model(rub_beg, rub_end, axis, s0, dmin, margin)

        indices = r.generate_indices()

        for hkl in indices:
            print "%4d %4d %4d" % hkl
Пример #8
def tst_use_in_stills_parameterisation_for_crystal(crystal_param=0):

    # test use of analytical expression in stills prediction parameterisation

    from scitbx import matrix
    from math import pi, sqrt, atan2
    import random

    print "Test use of analytical expressions in stills prediction " + "parameterisation for crystal parameters"

    # crystal model
    from dxtbx.model.crystal import crystal_model
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.parameterisation.crystal_parameters import (

    crystal = crystal_model((20, 0, 0), (0, 30, 0), (0, 0, 40), space_group_symbol="P 1")
    # random reorientation
    e = matrix.col((random.random(), random.random(), random.random())).normalize()
    angle = random.random() * 180
    crystal.rotate_around_origin(e, angle)

    wl = 1.1
    s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1 / wl))
    s0u = s0.normalize()

    # these are stills, but need a rotation axis for the Reeke algorithm
    axis = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))

    # crystal parameterisations
    xlop = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(crystal)
    xlucp = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(crystal)

    # Find some reflections close to the Ewald sphere
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction.reeke import reeke_model

    U = crystal.get_U()
    B = crystal.get_B()
    UB = U * B
    dmin = 4
    hkl = reeke_model(UB, UB, axis, s0, dmin, margin=1).generate_indices()

    # choose first reflection for now, calc quantities relating to q
    h = matrix.col(hkl[0])
    q = UB * h
    q0 = q.normalize()
    q_scalar = q.length()
    qq = q_scalar * q_scalar

    # calculate the axis of closest rotation
    e1 = q0.cross(s0u).normalize()

    # calculate c0, a vector orthogonal to s0u and e1
    c0 = s0u.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate q1
    q1 = q0.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate DeltaPsi
    a = 0.5 * qq * wl
    b = sqrt(qq - a * a)
    r = -1.0 * a * s0u + b * c0
    DeltaPsi = -1.0 * atan2(r.dot(q1), r.dot(q0))

    # Checks on the reflection prediction
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal

    # 1. check r is on the Ewald sphere
    s1 = s0 + r
    assert approx_equal(s1.length(), s0.length())
    # 2. check DeltaPsi is correct
    tst = q.rotate_around_origin(e1, DeltaPsi)
    assert approx_equal(tst, r)

    # choose the derivative with respect to a particular parameter.
    if crystal_param < 3:
        dU_dp = xlop.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param]
        dq = dU_dp * B * h
        dB_dp = xlucp.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param - 3]
        dq = U * dB_dp * h

    # NKS method of calculating d[q0]/dp
    q_dot_dq = q.dot(dq)
    dqq = 2.0 * q_dot_dq
    dq_scalar = dqq / q_scalar
    dq0_dp = (q_scalar * dq - (q_dot_dq * q0)) / qq
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print "NKS [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp))

    # intuitive method of calculating d[q0]/dp, based on the fact that
    # it must be orthogonal to q0, i.e. in the plane containing q1 and e1
    scaled = dq / q.length()
    dq0_dp = scaled.dot(q1) * q1 + scaled.dot(e1) * e1
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print "DGW [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp))

    # So it doesn't matter which method I use to calculate d[q0]/dp, as
    # both methods give the same results

    # use the fact that -e1 == q0.cross(q1) to redefine the derivative d[e1]/dp
    # from Sauter et al. (2014) (A.22)
    de1_dp = -1.0 * dq0_dp.cross(q1)

    # this *is* orthogonal to e1, as expected.
    print "[e1].(d[e1]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(e1.dot(de1_dp))

    # calculate (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp) analytically
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from dials_refinement_helpers_ext import dRq_de

    dr_de1 = matrix.sqr(dRq_de(flex.double([DeltaPsi]), flex.vec3_double([e1]), flex.vec3_double([q]))[0])
    print "Analytical calculation for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):"
    print dr_de1 * de1_dp

    # now calculate using finite differences.
    dp = 1.0e-8
    del_e1 = de1_dp * dp
    e1f = e1 + del_e1 * 0.5
    rfwd = q.rotate_around_origin(e1f, DeltaPsi)
    e1r = e1 - del_e1 * 0.5
    rrev = q.rotate_around_origin(e1r, DeltaPsi)

    print "Finite difference estimate for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):"
    print (rfwd - rrev) * (1 / dp)

    print "These are essentially the same :-)"
Пример #9
def tst_use_in_stills_parameterisation_for_crystal(crystal_param=0):

    # test use of analytical expression in stills prediction parameterisation

    from scitbx import matrix
    from math import pi, sqrt, atan2
    import random

    print("Test use of analytical expressions in stills prediction " +
          "parameterisation for crystal parameters")

    # crystal model
    from dxtbx.model.crystal import crystal_model
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.parameterisation.crystal_parameters import (

    crystal = crystal_model((20, 0, 0), (0, 30, 0), (0, 0, 40),
                            space_group_symbol="P 1")
    # random reorientation
    e = matrix.col(
        (random.random(), random.random(), random.random())).normalize()
    angle = random.random() * 180
    crystal.rotate_around_origin(e, angle)

    wl = 1.1
    s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1 / wl))
    s0u = s0.normalize()

    # these are stills, but need a rotation axis for the Reeke algorithm
    axis = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))

    # crystal parameterisations
    xlop = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(crystal)
    xlucp = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(crystal)

    # Find some reflections close to the Ewald sphere
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction.reeke import reeke_model

    U = crystal.get_U()
    B = crystal.get_B()
    UB = U * B
    dmin = 4
    hkl = reeke_model(UB, UB, axis, s0, dmin, margin=1).generate_indices()

    # choose first reflection for now, calc quantities relating to q
    h = matrix.col(hkl[0])
    q = UB * h
    q0 = q.normalize()
    q_scalar = q.length()
    qq = q_scalar * q_scalar

    # calculate the axis of closest rotation
    e1 = q0.cross(s0u).normalize()

    # calculate c0, a vector orthogonal to s0u and e1
    c0 = s0u.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate q1
    q1 = q0.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate DeltaPsi
    a = 0.5 * qq * wl
    b = sqrt(qq - a * a)
    r = -1.0 * a * s0u + b * c0
    DeltaPsi = -1.0 * atan2(r.dot(q1), r.dot(q0))

    # Checks on the reflection prediction
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal

    # 1. check r is on the Ewald sphere
    s1 = s0 + r
    assert approx_equal(s1.length(), s0.length())
    # 2. check DeltaPsi is correct
    tst = q.rotate_around_origin(e1, DeltaPsi)
    assert approx_equal(tst, r)

    # choose the derivative with respect to a particular parameter.
    if crystal_param < 3:
        dU_dp = xlop.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param]
        dq = dU_dp * B * h
        dB_dp = xlucp.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param - 3]
        dq = U * dB_dp * h

    # NKS method of calculating d[q0]/dp
    q_dot_dq = q.dot(dq)
    dqq = 2.0 * q_dot_dq
    dq_scalar = dqq / q_scalar
    dq0_dp = (q_scalar * dq - (q_dot_dq * q0)) / qq
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print("NKS [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp)))

    # intuitive method of calculating d[q0]/dp, based on the fact that
    # it must be orthogonal to q0, i.e. in the plane containing q1 and e1
    scaled = dq / q.length()
    dq0_dp = scaled.dot(q1) * q1 + scaled.dot(e1) * e1
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print("DGW [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp)))

    # So it doesn't matter which method I use to calculate d[q0]/dp, as
    # both methods give the same results

    # use the fact that -e1 == q0.cross(q1) to redefine the derivative d[e1]/dp
    # from Sauter et al. (2014) (A.22)
    de1_dp = -1.0 * dq0_dp.cross(q1)

    # this *is* orthogonal to e1, as expected.
    print("[e1].(d[e1]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(e1.dot(de1_dp)))

    # calculate (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp) analytically
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from dials_refinement_helpers_ext import dRq_de

    dr_de1 = matrix.sqr(
        dRq_de(flex.double([DeltaPsi]), flex.vec3_double([e1]),
    print("Analytical calculation for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):")
    print(dr_de1 * de1_dp)

    # now calculate using finite differences.
    dp = 1.0e-8
    del_e1 = de1_dp * dp
    e1f = e1 + del_e1 * 0.5
    rfwd = q.rotate_around_origin(e1f, DeltaPsi)
    e1r = e1 - del_e1 * 0.5
    rrev = q.rotate_around_origin(e1r, DeltaPsi)

    print("Finite difference estimate for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):")
    print((rfwd - rrev) * (1 / dp))

    print("These are essentially the same :-)")