Пример #1
        def __init__(
            from scitbx import simplex

            # Get the oscillation width
            dphi2 = scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)[1] / 2.0

            # Calculate a list of angles and zeta's
            tau, zeta, n, indices = self._calculate_tau_and_zeta(
                crystal, beam, detector, goniometer, scan, reflections)

            # Calculate zeta * (tau +- dphi / 2) / math.sqrt(2)
            self.e1 = (tau + dphi2) * flex.abs(zeta) / math.sqrt(2.0)
            self.e2 = (tau - dphi2) * flex.abs(zeta) / math.sqrt(2.0)
            self.indices = indices
            if len(self.e1) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Something went wrong. Zero pixels selected for estimation of profile parameters."

            # Compute intensity
            self.K = flex.double()
            self.nj = []
            for i0, i1 in zip(self.indices[:-1], self.indices[1:]):
                nj = n[i0:i1]

            # Set the starting values to try 1, 3 degrees seems sensible for
            # crystal mosaic spread
            start = math.log(0.1 * math.pi / 180)
            stop = math.log(1 * math.pi / 180)
            starting_simplex = [flex.double([start]), flex.double([stop])]

            # Initialise the optimizer
            optimizer = simplex.simplex_opt(1,

            # Get the solution
            sigma = math.exp(optimizer.get_solution()[0])

            # Save the result
            self.sigma = sigma
 def lorentz_callable(self, values):
     Rh = self.get_Rh_array(values)
     Rs = flex.double(len(self.MILLER), 1. / values.DEFF) + flex.double(
         len(self.MILLER), values.ETA / 2.) / self.DVEC
     ratio = Rh / Rs
     ratio_abs = flex.abs(ratio)
     return ratio_abs
Пример #3
    def _reorient_coordinate_frame(self):
        """Align a DIALS experiment and data in a reflection table to the
        PETS coordinate system. In that system, the s0 vector is aligned with
        -Z, while the rotation axis is in the X-Z plane, close to +X"""

        axis = matrix.col(self.experiment.goniometer.get_rotation_axis())
        us0 = matrix.col(self.experiment.beam.get_unit_s0())

        normal = us0.cross(-axis).normalize()
        orthogonalised_axis = us0.cross(normal).normalize()

        # Keep track of s1.us0 values to check reorientation
        s1_dot_us0 = self.reflections["s1"].dot(us0)

        R = align_reference_frame(us0, (0, 0, -1), orthogonalised_axis,
                                  (1, 0, 0))

        axis_angle = r3_rotation_axis_and_angle_from_matrix(R)
        axis = axis_angle.axis
        angle = axis_angle.angle(deg=False)
            "Rotating experiment about axis ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}) by {:.3f}°"
            .format(*axis, np.degrees(angle)))

        self.experiment.detector.rotate_around_origin(axis, angle, deg=False)
        self.experiment.crystal = rotate_crystal(self.experiment.crystal, R,
                                                 axis, angle)

        # Following does not work (https://github.com/cctbx/dxtbx/issues/454)
        # self.experiment.beam.rotate_around_origin(axis, angle, deg=False)
        # Set unit s0 and polarization normal directly instead (preserving inconsistent
        # beam, if that's what we have).
        new_us0 = (R *
        new_p_norm = (R * matrix.col(

        # Rotating the goniometer is also complicated. See https://github.com/cctbx/dxtbx/pull/451
        new_datum = (R * matrix.col(
        new_F = (R *
                 matrix.sqr(self.experiment.goniometer.get_fixed_rotation()) *
        new_S = (
            R * matrix.sqr(self.experiment.goniometer.get_setting_rotation()) *

        # Re-calculate s1 vectors and reciprocal lattice points with new geometry
        el = ExperimentList()
        self.reflections.map_centroids_to_reciprocal_space(el, calculated=True)

        error = flex.abs(s1_dot_us0 - self.reflections["s1"].dot(new_us0))
        if flex.max(error) > 1e-10:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to rotate experiment correctly")
Пример #4
    def _filter_reflections(self, params, experiments, reflections):
        ''' Filter the reflections to integrate. '''
        from dials.util.command_line import Command
        from dials.algorithms import filtering
        from dials.array_family import flex

        # Set all reflections which overlap bad pixels to zero
        Command.start('Filtering reflections by detector mask')
        if experiments[0].scan == None:
            array_range = 1
            array_range = experiments[0].scan.get_array_range()
        mask = filtering.by_detector_mask(
            experiments[0].imageset.get_raw_data(0)[0] >= 0, array_range)
        reflections.del_selected(not mask)
        Command.end('Filtered %d reflections by detector mask' %

        # Filter the reflections by zeta
        min_zeta = params.integration.filter.by_zeta
        if min_zeta > 0:
            Command.start('Filtering reflections by zeta >= %f' % min_zeta)
            zeta = reflections.compute_zeta(experiments[0])
            reflections.del_selected(flex.abs(zeta) < min_zeta)
            n = len(reflections)
            Command.end('Filtered %d reflections by zeta >= %f' %
                        (n, min_zeta))
            return reflections
Пример #5
def test_multi_sweep(dials_regression, tmpdir):

  # Call dials.integrate
  result = procrunner.run_process([
      os.path.join(dials_regression, "integration_test_data", 'multi_sweep', 'experiments.json'),
      os.path.join(dials_regression, "integration_test_data", 'multi_sweep', 'indexed.pickle'),
  assert result['exitcode'] == 0
  assert result['stderr'] == ''
  assert os.path.exists('integrated.pickle')

  with open('integrated.pickle', 'rb') as fh:
    table = pickle.load(fh)
  assert len(table) == 4020

  # Check the results
  T1 = table[:2010]
  T2 = table[2010:]
  ID1 = list(set(T1['id']))
  ID2 = list(set(T2['id']))
  assert len(ID1) == 1
  assert len(ID2) == 1
  assert ID1[0] == 0
  assert ID2[0] == 1
  I1 = T1['intensity.prf.value']
  I2 = T2['intensity.prf.value']
  F1 = T1.get_flags(T1.flags.integrated_prf)
  F2 = T2.get_flags(T2.flags.integrated_prf)
  assert F1 == F2
  I1 = I1.select(F1)
  I2 = I2.select(F2)
  assert flex.abs(I1 - I2) < 1e-6
Пример #6
 def tst_flatten(self):
     from dials.array_family import flex
     from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
     for shoebox, (XC, I) in self.random_shoeboxes(10, mask=True):
         assert (not shoebox.flat)
         zs = shoebox.zsize()
         ys = shoebox.ysize()
         xs = shoebox.xsize()
         expected_data = flex.real(flex.grid(1, ys, xs), 0)
         expected_mask = flex.int(flex.grid(1, ys, xs), 0)
         for k in range(zs):
             for j in range(ys):
                 for i in range(xs):
                     expected_data[0, j, i] += shoebox.data[k, j, i]
                     expected_mask[0, j, i] |= shoebox.mask[k, j, i]
                     if (not (expected_mask[0, j, i] & MaskCode.Valid) or
                             not (shoebox.mask[k, j, i] & MaskCode.Valid)):
                         expected_mask[0, j, i] &= ~MaskCode.Valid
         diff = expected_data.as_double() - shoebox.data.as_double()
         max_diff = flex.max(flex.abs(diff))
         assert (max_diff < 1e-7)
         assert (expected_mask.all_eq(shoebox.mask))
         assert (shoebox.flat)
         assert (shoebox.is_consistent())
     print 'OK'
Пример #7
def test_run(dials_regression):
    filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, 'centroid_test_data',

    from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory
    exlist = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(filename)
    assert len(exlist) == 1

    from dials.array_family import flex
    rlist = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions_multi(exlist)

    from dials.algorithms.integration import CorrectionsMulti, Corrections

    corrector = CorrectionsMulti()
    for experiment in exlist:
            Corrections(experiment.beam, experiment.goniometer,

    lp1 = corrector.lp(rlist['id'], rlist['s1'])

    lp2 = flex.double([
        LP_calculations(exlist[i], s1)
        for i, s1 in zip(rlist['id'], rlist['s1'])

    diff = flex.abs(lp1 - lp2)
    assert diff.all_lt(1e-7)
Пример #8
 def onclick(event):
   import math
   ts = event.xdata
   if ts is None: return
   diffs = flex.abs(t - ts)
   ts = t[flex.first_index(diffs, flex.min(diffs))]
   print(get_paths_from_timestamps([ts], tag="shot", ext=ext)[0])
Пример #9
def test_simple(dials_data, model, tmpdir):
    path = dials_data("centroid_test_data")
    experiments = path.join("experiments.json")

    reflns_simple = tmpdir.join("simple").join("observations.refl")
    reflns_g_simple = tmpdir.join("gmodel_simple").join("observations.refl")

    result = procrunner.run(
            "output.reflections=" + reflns_simple.strpath,
    assert not result.returncode and not result.stderr
    assert reflns_simple.check()

    result = procrunner.run(
            "output.reflections=" + reflns_g_simple.strpath,
    assert not result.returncode and not result.stderr
    assert reflns_g_simple.check()

    from dials.array_family import flex

    reflections1 = flex.reflection_table.from_file(reflns_simple.strpath)
    reflections3 = flex.reflection_table.from_file(reflns_g_simple.strpath)
    assert len(reflections1) == len(reflections3)

    flag = flex.reflection_table.flags.integrated_sum
    integrated1 = reflections1.select(reflections1.get_flags(flag, all=True))
    integrated3 = reflections3.select(reflections3.get_flags(flag, all=True))

    assert len(integrated1) > 0
    assert len(integrated1) == len(integrated3)

    mean_bg1 = integrated1["background.mean"]
    mean_bg3 = integrated3["background.mean"]
    scale3 = integrated3["background.scale"]

    diff1 = flex.abs(mean_bg1 - mean_bg3)
    assert (scale3 > 0).count(False) == 0
    assert (diff1 < 1e-5).count(False) == 0
Пример #10
  def _filter_reflections(self, params, experiments, reflections):
    ''' Filter the reflections to integrate. '''
    from dials.util.command_line import Command
    from dials.algorithms import filtering
    from dials.array_family import flex

    # Set all reflections which overlap bad pixels to zero
    Command.start('Filtering reflections by detector mask')
    if experiments[0].scan == None:
      array_range = 1
      array_range = experiments[0].scan.get_array_range()
    mask = filtering.by_detector_mask(
      experiments[0].imageset.get_raw_data(0)[0] >= 0,
    reflections.del_selected(not mask)
    Command.end('Filtered %d reflections by detector mask' % len(reflections))

    # Filter the reflections by zeta
    min_zeta = params.integration.filter.by_zeta
    if min_zeta > 0:
      Command.start('Filtering reflections by zeta >= %f' % min_zeta)
      zeta = reflections.compute_zeta(experiments[0])
      reflections.del_selected(flex.abs(zeta) < min_zeta)
      n = len(reflections)
      Command.end('Filtered %d reflections by zeta >= %f' % (n, min_zeta))
      return reflections
Пример #11
    def _local_setup(self, reflections):
        """Setup additional attributes used in gradients calculation. These are
        specific to scans-type prediction parameterisations"""

        # Spindle rotation matrices for every reflection
        # R = self._axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi)
        # R = flex.mat3_double(len(reflections))
        # NB for now use flex.vec3_double.rotate_around_origin each time I need the
        # rotation matrix R.

        # r is the reciprocal lattice vector, in the lab frame
        self._phi_calc = reflections["xyzcal.mm"].parts()[2]
        q = self._fixed_rotation * (self._UB * self._h)
        self._r = self._setting_rotation * q.rotate_around_origin(
            self._axis, self._phi_calc

        # All of the derivatives of phi have a common denominator, given by
        # (e X r).s0, where e is the rotation axis. Calculate this once, here.
        self._e_X_r = (self._setting_rotation * self._axis).cross(self._r)
        self._e_r_s0 = (self._e_X_r).dot(self._s0)

        # Note that e_r_s0 -> 0 when the rotation axis, beam vector and
        # relp are coplanar. This occurs when a reflection just touches
        # the Ewald sphere.
        # There is a relationship between e_r_s0 and zeta_factor.
        # Uncommenting the code below shows that
        # s0.(e X r) = zeta * |s X s0|

        # from dials.algorithms.profile_model.gaussian_rs import zeta_factor
        # from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
        # s = matrix.col(reflections['s1'][0])
        # z = zeta_factor(axis[0], s0[0], s)
        # ss0 = (s.cross(matrix.col(s0[0]))).length()
        # assert approx_equal(e_r_s0[0], z * ss0)

        # catch small values of e_r_s0
        e_r_s0_mag = flex.abs(self._e_r_s0)
            assert flex.min(e_r_s0_mag) > 1.0e-6
        except AssertionError as e:
            imin = flex.min_index(e_r_s0_mag)
            print("(e X r).s0 too small:")
            print("for", (e_r_s0_mag <= 1.0e-6).count(True), "reflections")
            print("out of", len(e_r_s0_mag), "total")
            print("such as", reflections["miller_index"][imin])
            print("with scattering vector", reflections["s1"][imin])
            print("where r =", self._r[imin])
            print("e =", self._axis[imin])
            print("s0 =", self._s0[imin])
            print("this reflection forms angle with the equatorial plane " "normal:")
            vecn = (
            raise e
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, crystal, beam, detector, goniometer, scan, reflections):
        """Initialise the algorithm. Calculate the list of tau and zetas.

            reflections The list of reflections
            experiment The experiment object
        # Get the oscillation width
        dphi2 = scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)[1] / 2.0

        # Calculate a list of angles and zeta's
        tau, zeta = self._calculate_tau_and_zeta(crystal, beam, detector,
                                                 goniometer, scan, reflections)

        # Calculate zeta * (tau +- dphi / 2) / math.sqrt(2)
        self.e1 = (tau + dphi2) * flex.abs(zeta) / math.sqrt(2.0)
        self.e2 = (tau - dphi2) * flex.abs(zeta) / math.sqrt(2.0)
Пример #13
    def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data):
        """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions.

    This step includes rejection of reflections too close to the spindle,
    reflections measured outside the scan range, rejection of the (0,0,0)
    Miller index and rejection of reflections with the overload flag set.
    Outlier rejection is done later."""

        # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0
        sel1 = obs_data['miller_index'] != (0, 0, 0)

        # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids
        sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded)

        # combine selections
        sel = sel1 & sel2
        inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel)
        obs_data = obs_data.select(sel)

        # Default to True to pass the following test if there is no rotation axis
        # for a particular experiment
        to_keep = flex.bool(len(inc), True)

        for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):
            axis = self._axes[iexp]
            if not axis or exp.scan is None: continue
            if exp.scan.get_oscillation()[1] == 0.0: continue
            sel = obs_data['id'] == iexp
            s0 = self._s0vecs[iexp]
            s1 = obs_data['s1'].select(sel)
            phi = obs_data['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[2].select(sel)

            # first test: reject reflections for which the parallelepiped formed
            # between the gonio axis, s0 and s1 has a volume of less than the cutoff.
            # Those reflections are by definition closer to the spindle-beam
            # plane and for low values of the cutoff are troublesome to
            # integrate anyway.
            p_vol = flex.abs(
                s1.cross(flex.vec3_double(s1.size(), s0)).dot(axis))
            passed1 = p_vol > self._close_to_spindle_cutoff

            # second test: reject reflections that lie outside the scan range
            passed2 = exp.scan.is_angle_valid(phi, deg=False)

            # sanity check to catch a mutilated scan that does not make sense
            if passed2.count(True) == 0:
                from libtbx.utils import Sorry
                raise Sorry(
                    "Experiment id {0} contains no reflections with valid "
                    "scan angles".format(iexp))

            # combine tests
            to_update = passed1 & passed2
            to_keep.set_selected(sel, to_update)

        inc = inc.select(to_keep)

        return inc
Пример #14
def chosen_weights(observation_set, params):
    data = observation_set.data()
    sigmas = observation_set.sigmas()
    return {
        "unit": flex.double(len(data), 1.),
        "variance": 1. / (sigmas * sigmas),
        "gentle": flex.pow(flex.sqrt(flex.abs(data)) / sigmas, 2),
        "extreme": flex.pow(data / sigmas, 2)
Пример #15
def select_strong(reflections):
    from dials.array_family import flex

    selection1 = reflections.get_flags(reflections.flags.indexed)
    selection2 = reflections.get_flags(reflections.flags.centroid_outlier)
    selection3 = flex.abs(reflections["zeta"]) > 0.05
    selection4 = reflections["partiality"] > 0.99
    selection = (selection1) & (~selection2) & (selection3) & (selection4)
    return reflections.select(selection)
Пример #16
  def _local_setup(self, reflections):
    """Setup additional attributes used in gradients calculation. These are
    specific to scans-type prediction parameterisations"""

    # Spindle rotation matrices for every reflection
    #R = self._axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi)
    #R = flex.mat3_double(len(reflections))
    # NB for now use flex.vec3_double.rotate_around_origin each time I need the
    # rotation matrix R.

    # r is the reciprocal lattice vector, in the lab frame
    self._phi_calc = reflections['xyzcal.mm'].parts()[2]
    q = self._fixed_rotation * (self._UB * self._h)
    self._r = self._setting_rotation * q.rotate_around_origin(self._axis, self._phi_calc)

    # All of the derivatives of phi have a common denominator, given by
    # (e X r).s0, where e is the rotation axis. Calculate this once, here.
    self._e_X_r = (self._setting_rotation * self._axis).cross(self._r)
    self._e_r_s0 = (self._e_X_r).dot(self._s0)

    # Note that e_r_s0 -> 0 when the rotation axis, beam vector and
    # relp are coplanar. This occurs when a reflection just touches
    # the Ewald sphere.
    # There is a relationship between e_r_s0 and zeta_factor.
    # Uncommenting the code below shows that
    # s0.(e X r) = zeta * |s X s0|

    #from dials.algorithms.profile_model.gaussian_rs import zeta_factor
    #from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
    #s = matrix.col(reflections['s1'][0])
    #z = zeta_factor(axis[0], s0[0], s)
    #ss0 = (s.cross(matrix.col(s0[0]))).length()
    #assert approx_equal(e_r_s0[0], z * ss0)

    # catch small values of e_r_s0
    e_r_s0_mag = flex.abs(self._e_r_s0)
      assert flex.min(e_r_s0_mag) > 1.e-6
    except AssertionError as e:
      imin = flex.min_index(e_r_s0_mag)
      print "(e X r).s0 too small:"
      print "for", (e_r_s0_mag <= 1.e-6).count(True), "reflections"
      print "out of", len(e_r_s0_mag), "total"
      print "such as", reflections['miller_index'][imin]
      print "with scattering vector", reflections['s1'][imin]
      print "where r =", self._r[imin]
      print "e =", self._axis[imin]
      print "s0 =", self._s0[imin]
      print ("this reflection forms angle with the equatorial plane "
      vecn = matrix.col(self._s0[imin]).cross(matrix.col(self._axis[imin])).normalize()
      print matrix.col(reflections['s1'][imin]).accute_angle(vecn)
      raise e
Пример #17
def test_multi_sweep(dials_regression, tmpdir):

    expts = os.path.join(
        dials_regression, "integration_test_data", "multi_sweep", "experiments.json"

    experiments = load.experiment_list(expts)
    for i, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        expt.identifier = str(100 + i)

    refls = os.path.join(
        dials_regression, "integration_test_data", "multi_sweep", "indexed.pickle"

    result = procrunner.run(
    assert not result.returncode and not result.stderr
    assert (tmpdir / "integrated.refl").check()
    assert (tmpdir / "integrated.expt").check()

    experiments = load.experiment_list(tmpdir.join("integrated.expt").strpath)
    for i, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        assert expt.identifier == str(100 + i)

    table = flex.reflection_table.from_file(tmpdir / "integrated.refl")
    assert len(table) == 4020
    assert dict(table.experiment_identifiers()) == {0: "100", 1: "101"}

    # Check the results
    T1 = table[:2010]
    T2 = table[2010:]
    ID1 = list(set(T1["id"]))
    ID2 = list(set(T2["id"]))
    assert len(ID1) == 1
    assert len(ID2) == 1
    assert ID1[0] == 0
    assert ID2[0] == 1
    I1 = T1["intensity.prf.value"]
    I2 = T2["intensity.prf.value"]
    F1 = T1.get_flags(T1.flags.integrated_prf)
    F2 = T2.get_flags(T2.flags.integrated_prf)
    assert F1 == F2
    I1 = I1.select(F1)
    I2 = I2.select(F2)
    assert flex.abs(I1 - I2) < 1e-6
Пример #18
 def apply_iterative_weights(self):
     e_i = (
         - (self.Ih_table.inverse_scale_factors * self.Ih_table.Ih_values)
     ) / (self.Ih_table.inverse_scale_factors * self.Ih_table.Ih_values)
     abs_ei = flex.abs(e_i)
     self.Ih_table.weights = flex.double(self.Ih_table.size, 1.0)
     sel = abs_ei > self.c
     sel_abs_ei = abs_ei.select(sel)
     sel_weight_fn = self.c / sel_abs_ei
     self.Ih_table.weights.set_selected(sel, sel_weight_fn)
Пример #19
    def __call__(self, d):
        True if within powder ring.

        :param d: The resolution
        :return: True/False in powder ring
        result = flex.bool(len(d), False)
        d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(d)
        for ds2 in self.d_star_sq:
            result = result | (flex.abs(d_star_sq - ds2) < self.half_width)
        return result
Пример #20
    def r_split(self,
        # Used in Boutet et al. (2012), which credit it to Owen et al
        # (2006).  See also R_mrgd_I in Diederichs & Karplus (1997)?
        # Barends cites Collaborative Computational Project Number 4. The
        # CCP4 suite: programs for protein crystallography. Acta
        # Crystallogr. Sect. D-Biol. Crystallogr. 50, 760-763 (1994) and
        # White, T. A. et al. CrystFEL: a software suite for snapshot
        # serial crystallography. J. Appl. Cryst. 45, 335-341 (2012).
        if not use_binning:
            assert other.indices().size() == this.indices().size()
            if this.data().size() == 0:
                return None

            if assume_index_matching:
                (o, c) = (this, other)
                (o, c) = this.common_sets(other=other, assert_no_singles=True)

            # The case where the denominator is less or equal to zero is
            # pathological and should never arise in practice.
            den = flex.sum(flex.abs(o.data() + c.data()))
            assert den > 0
            return math.sqrt(2) * flex.sum(flex.abs(o.data() - c.data())) / den

        assert this.binner is not None
        results = []
        for i_bin in this.binner().range_all():
            sel = this.binner().selection(i_bin)
        return binned_data(binner=this.binner(),
Пример #21
    def r1_factor(self,
        """Get the R1 factor according to this formula

      .. math::
         R1 = \dfrac{\sum{||F| - k|F'||}}{\sum{|F|}}

      where F is this.data() and F' is other.data() and
      k is the factor to put F' on the same scale as F"""
        assert not use_binning or this.binner() is not None
        assert other.indices().size() == this.indices().size()
        if not use_binning:
            if this.data().size() == 0: return None
            if (assume_index_matching):
                o, c = this, other
                o, c = this.common_sets(other=other, assert_no_singles=True)
            o = flex.abs(o.data())
            c = flex.abs(c.data())
            if (scale_factor is None):
                den = flex.sum(c * c)
                if (den != 0):
                    c *= (flex.sum(o * c) / den)
            elif (scale_factor is not None):
                c *= scale_factor
            return flex.sum(flex.abs(o - c)) / flex.sum(o)
        results = []
        for i_bin in this.binner().range_all():
            sel = this.binner().selection(i_bin)
                self.r1_factor(this.select(sel), other.select(sel),
        return binned_data(binner=this.binner(),
Пример #22
    def __call__(self, d):
    True if within powder ring.

    :param d: The resolution
    :return: True/False in powder ring

        from dials.array_family import flex
        result = flex.bool(len(d), False)
        for d_spacing in self.d_spacings:
            result = result | (flex.abs(d - d_spacing) < self.half_width)
        return result
Пример #23
  def __call__(self, d):
    True if within powder ring.

    :param d: The resolution
    :return: True/False in powder ring

    from dials.array_family import flex
    result = flex.bool(len(d), False)
    for d_spacing in self.d_spacings:
      result = result | (flex.abs(d - d_spacing) < self.half_width)
    return result
Пример #24
  def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data):
    """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions.

    This step includes rejection of reflections too close to the spindle,
    reflections measured outside the scan range, rejection of the (0,0,0)
    Miller index and rejection of reflections with the overload flag set.
    Outlier rejection is done later."""

    # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0
    sel1 = obs_data['miller_index'] != (0,0,0)

    # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids
    sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded)

    # combine selections
    sel = sel1 & sel2
    inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel)
    obs_data = obs_data.select(sel)

    # Default to True to pass the following test if there is no rotation axis
    # for a particular experiment
    to_keep = flex.bool(len(inc), True)

    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):
      axis = self._axes[iexp]
      if not axis or exp.scan is None: continue
      if exp.scan.get_oscillation()[1] == 0.0: continue
      sel = obs_data['id'] == iexp
      s0 = self._s0vecs[iexp]
      s1 = obs_data['s1'].select(sel)
      phi = obs_data['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[2].select(sel)

      # first test: reject reflections for which the parallelepiped formed
      # between the gonio axis, s0 and s1 has a volume of less than the cutoff.
      # Those reflections are by definition closer to the spindle-beam
      # plane and for low values of the cutoff are troublesome to
      # integrate anyway.
      p_vol = flex.abs(s1.cross(flex.vec3_double(s1.size(), s0)).dot(axis))
      passed1 = p_vol > self._close_to_spindle_cutoff

      # second test: reject reflections that lie outside the scan range
      phi_min, phi_max = exp.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False)
      passed2 = (phi >= phi_min) & (phi <= phi_max)

      # combine tests
      to_update = passed1 & passed2
      to_keep.set_selected(sel, to_update)

    inc = inc.select(to_keep)

    return inc
Пример #25
    def __call__(self, d):
    True if within powder ring.

    :param d: The resolution
    :return: True/False in powder ring

        from dials.array_family import flex
        from cctbx import uctbx
        result = flex.bool(len(d), False)
        d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(d)
        for ds2 in self.d_star_sq:
            result = result | (flex.abs(d_star_sq - ds2) < self.half_width)
        return result
Пример #26
def filter_unsuitable_reflections(Ih_table, cutoff, min_Ih, min_partiality,
    """Do a first pass to calculate delta_hl and filter out the largest
    deviants, so that the error model is not misled by these and instead
    operates on the central ~90% of the data. Also choose reflection groups
    with n_h > 1, as these have deltas of zero by definition and will bias
    the variance calculations. Also, only use groups where <Ih> > 25.0, as
    the assumptions of normally distributed deltas will not hold for low
    n_h = Ih_table.calc_nh()
    sigmaprime = calc_sigmaprime([1.0, 0.0], Ih_table)
    delta_hl = calc_deltahl(Ih_table, n_h, sigmaprime)
    # make sure the fit isn't misled by extreme values
    sel = flex.abs(delta_hl) < cutoff
    if "partiality" in Ih_table.Ih_table:
        sel &= Ih_table.Ih_table["partiality"] > min_partiality
    Ih_table = Ih_table.select(sel)

    n = Ih_table.size
    sum_I_over_var = (Ih_table.intensities /
                      Ih_table.variances) * Ih_table.h_index_matrix
    n_per_group = flex.double(n, 1) * Ih_table.h_index_matrix
    avg_I_over_var = sum_I_over_var / n_per_group
    sel = avg_I_over_var > 0.85
    Ih_table = Ih_table.select_on_groups(sel)
    n_h = Ih_table.calc_nh()
    scaled_Ih = Ih_table.Ih_values * Ih_table.inverse_scale_factors
    # need a scaled min_Ih, where can reasonably expect norm distribution
    # (use min_Ih=25 by default, sigma ~ 5)
    sel2 = scaled_Ih > min_Ih
    # can't calculate a true deviation for groups of 1
    sel3 = n_h > 1.0
    sel4 = Ih_table.intensities > 0.001
    # don't want to include weaker reflections where the background adds
    # significantly to the variances, as these would no longer be normally
    # distributed and skew the fit.
    Ih_table = Ih_table.select(sel2 & sel3 & sel4)
    n = Ih_table.size
    if n < min_reflections_required:
        raise ValueError(
            "Insufficient reflections (%s < %s) to perform error modelling." %
            (n, min_reflections_required))
    n_h = Ih_table.calc_nh()
    # now make sure any left also have n > 1
    sel = n_h > 1.0
    Ih_table = Ih_table.select(sel)
    return Ih_table
Пример #27
    def run(self):
        from dials.algorithms.integration import CorrectionsMulti, Corrections
        from dials.array_family import flex

        corrector = CorrectionsMulti()
        for experiment in self.exlist:
                Corrections(experiment.beam, experiment.goniometer,

        lp1 = corrector.lp(self.rlist['id'], self.rlist['s1'])

        lp2 = self.compute_expected()

        diff = flex.abs(lp1 - lp2)
        assert (diff.all_lt(1e-7))
        print 'OK'
Пример #28
    def __call__(self, reflections):
        Do some pre-processing.
        # Compute some reflection properties

        # Filter the reflections by zeta
        mask = flex.abs(reflections["zeta"]) < self.params.filter.min_zeta
        reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.dont_integrate)

        # Filter the reflections by powder ring
        if self.params.filter.powder_filter is not None:
            mask = self.params.filter.powder_filter(reflections["d"])
            reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.in_powder_ring)
Пример #29
  def run(self):
    from dials.algorithms.integration import CorrectionsMulti, Corrections
    from dials.array_family import flex

    corrector = CorrectionsMulti()
    for experiment in self.exlist:

    lp1 = corrector.lp(self.rlist['id'], self.rlist['s1'])

    lp2 = self.compute_expected()

    diff = flex.abs(lp1 - lp2)
    print 'OK'
Пример #30
def test_multi_sequence(dials_regression, run_in_tmpdir):
    result = procrunner.run(
    assert not result.returncode and not result.stderr
    assert os.path.exists("integrated.refl")

    with open("integrated.refl", "rb") as fh:
        table = pickle.load(fh)
    assert len(table) == 4020

    # Check the results
    T1 = table[:2010]
    T2 = table[2010:]
    ID1 = list(set(T1["id"]))
    ID2 = list(set(T2["id"]))
    assert len(ID1) == 1
    assert len(ID2) == 1
    assert ID1[0] == 0
    assert ID2[0] == 1
    I1 = T1["intensity.prf.value"]
    I2 = T2["intensity.prf.value"]
    F1 = T1.get_flags(T1.flags.integrated_prf)
    F2 = T2.get_flags(T2.flags.integrated_prf)
    assert F1 == F2
    I1 = I1.select(F1)
    I2 = I2.select(F2)
    assert flex.abs(I1 - I2) < 1e-6
Пример #31
    def test_multi_sweep(self):
        from os.path import join
        from libtbx import easy_run
        import os

        dirname = 'multi_sweep'

        # Call dials.integrate
            join(self.integration_test_data, 'multi_sweep',
            join(self.integration_test_data, 'multi_sweep', 'indexed.pickle'),

        import cPickle as pickle
        table = pickle.load(open('integrated.pickle', 'rb'))
        assert len(table) == 4020

        # Check the results
        T1 = table[:2010]
        T2 = table[2010:]
        ID1 = list(set(T1['id']))
        ID2 = list(set(T2['id']))
        assert len(ID1) == 1
        assert len(ID2) == 1
        assert ID1[0] == 0
        assert ID2[0] == 1
        I1 = T1['intensity.prf.value']
        I2 = T2['intensity.prf.value']
        F1 = T1.get_flags(T1.flags.integrated_prf)
        F2 = T2.get_flags(T2.flags.integrated_prf)
        assert F1 == F2
        I1 = I1.select(F1)
        I2 = I2.select(F2)
        assert flex.abs(I1 - I2) < 1e-6

        print 'OK'
Пример #32
    def __call__(self, reflections):
    Do some pre-processing.

        from dials.array_family import flex

        # Compute some reflection properties

        # Filter the reflections by zeta
        mask = flex.abs(reflections['zeta']) < self.params.filter.min_zeta
        num_ignore = mask.count(True)
        reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.dont_integrate)

        # Filter the reflections by powder ring
        if self.params.filter.powder_filter is not None:
            mask = self.params.filter.powder_filter(reflections['d'])
            reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.in_powder_ring)
Пример #33
  def test_multi_sweep(self):
    from os.path import join
    from libtbx import easy_run
    import os

    dirname ='multi_sweep'

    # Call dials.integrate
      join(self.integration_test_data, 'multi_sweep', 'experiments.json'),
      join(self.integration_test_data, 'multi_sweep', 'indexed.pickle')

    import cPickle as pickle
    table = pickle.load(open('integrated.pickle', 'rb'))
    assert len(table) == 4020

    # Check the results
    T1 = table[:2010]
    T2 = table[2010:]
    ID1 = list(set(T1['id']))
    ID2 = list(set(T2['id']))
    assert len(ID1) == 1
    assert len(ID2) == 1
    assert ID1[0] == 0
    assert ID2[0] == 1
    I1 = T1['intensity.prf.value']
    I2 = T2['intensity.prf.value']
    F1 = T1.get_flags(T1.flags.integrated_prf)
    F2 = T2.get_flags(T2.flags.integrated_prf)
    assert F1 == F2
    I1 = I1.select(F1)
    I2 = I2.select(F2)
    assert flex.abs(I1 - I2) < 1e-6

    print 'OK'
Пример #34
def predict_reflections(experiments):
    from dials.array_family import flex

    print("Predicting reflections")

    # Predict
    reflections = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions_multi(experiments)

    # Compute some reflection properties

    # Filter the reflections by zeta
    mask = flex.abs(reflections["zeta"]) < 0.05
    num_ignore = mask.count(True)
    reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.dont_integrate)

    print("Predicted %d reflections" % len(reflections))
    print("Ignoring %d reflections" % num_ignore)

    return reflections
Пример #35
def test_run(dials_data):
    filename = dials_data("centroid_test_data").join("experiments.json").strpath

    exlist = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(filename)
    assert len(exlist) == 1

    rlist = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions_multi(exlist)

    corrector = CorrectionsMulti()
    for experiment in exlist:
            Corrections(experiment.beam, experiment.goniometer, experiment.detector)

    lp1 = corrector.lp(rlist["id"], rlist["s1"])

    lp2 = flex.double(
        [LP_calculations(exlist[i], s1) for i, s1 in zip(rlist["id"], rlist["s1"])]

    diff = flex.abs(lp1 - lp2)
    assert diff.all_lt(1e-7)
Пример #36
  def __call__(self, reflections):
    Do some pre-processing.

    from dials.array_family import flex
    from scitbx.array_family import shared

    # Compute some reflection properties

    # Filter the reflections by zeta
    mask = flex.abs(reflections['zeta']) < self.params.filter.min_zeta
    num_ignore = mask.count(True)
    reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.dont_integrate)

    # Filter the reflections by powder ring
    if self.params.filter.powder_filter is not None:
      mask = self.params.filter.powder_filter(reflections['d'])
      reflections.set_flags(mask, reflections.flags.in_powder_ring)
Пример #37
  def _write_pickle(self, batch):

  def _write_predictions(self, predictions):

def open_shoebox_writer(filename):
  writer = ShoeboxWriter(filename)
  yield writer

if __name__ == '__main__':
  from dxtbx.model.experiment.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory
  from dials.array_family import flex

  experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(

  predictions = flex.reflection_table.from_predictions(experiments[0])
  predictions.compute_bbox(experiments[0], nsigma=3, sigma_d=0.024,

  zeta = predictions.compute_zeta(experiments[0])
  mask = flex.abs(zeta) < 0.05

  with open_shoebox_writer("extracted.tar") as writer:
    writer.write(predictions, experiments[0].imageset)
Пример #38
 def onclick(event):
   import math
   ts = event.xdata
   diffs = flex.abs(t - ts)
   ts = t[flex.first_index(diffs, flex.min(diffs))]
   print get_paths_from_timestamps([ts], tag="shot")[0]
Пример #39
  def test_for_reference(self):
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from math import sqrt, pi

    # Integrate
    integration = self.experiments[0].profile.fitting_class()(self.experiments[0])

    # Integrate the reference profiles
    integration(self.experiments, self.reference)
    locator = integration.learner.locate()
    # Check the reference profiles and spots are ok

    # Make sure background is zero
    profiles = self.reference['rs_shoebox']
    eps = 1e-7
    for p in profiles:
      assert(abs(flex.sum(p.background) - 0) < eps)
    print 'OK'

    # Only select variances greater than zero
    mask = self.reference.get_flags(self.reference.flags.integrated, all=False)
    assert(mask.count(True) > 0)
    I_cal = self.reference['intensity.prf.value']
    I_var = self.reference['intensity.prf.variance']
    B_sim = self.reference['background.sim.a'].as_double()
    I_sim = self.reference['intensity.sim'].as_double()
    I_exp = self.reference['intensity.exp']
    P_cor = self.reference['profile.correlation']
    X_pos, Y_pos, Z_pos = self.reference['xyzcal.px'].parts()
    I_cal = I_cal.select(mask)
    I_var = I_var.select(mask)
    I_sim = I_sim.select(mask)
    I_exp = I_exp.select(mask)
    P_cor = P_cor.select(mask)

    max_ind = flex.max_index(flex.abs(I_cal-I_sim))
    max_I = I_cal[max_ind]
    max_P = self.reference[max_ind]['rs_shoebox'].data
    max_C = self.reference[max_ind]['xyzcal.px']
    max_S = self.reference[max_ind]['shoebox'].data

    ref_ind = locator.index(max_C)
    ref_P = locator.profile(ref_ind)
    ref_C = locator.coord(ref_ind)

    #def f(I):
      #mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      #for k in range(9):
        #for j in range(9):
          #for i in range(9):
            #dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            #if dd <= 3:
              #mask[k,j,i] = True

      #mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      #p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #return flex.sum((c - I * p)**2 / (I * p))

    #ff = []
    #for I in range(9500, 11500):
    #print 'Old I: ', sorted(range(len(ff)), key=lambda x: ff[x])[0] + 9500

    #from matplotlib import pylab
    #pylab.plot(range(9500, 11500), ff)

    #def estI(I):
      #mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      #for k in range(9):
        #for j in range(9):
          #for i in range(9):
            #dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            #if dd <= 3:
              #mask[k,j,i] = True

      #mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      #p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #v = I * p
      #return flex.sum(c * p / v) / flex.sum(p*p/v)

    #def iterI(I0):
      #I = estI(I0)
      #print I
      #if abs(I - I0) < 1e-3:
        #return I
      #return iterI(I)

    #newI = iterI(10703)#flex.sum(max_P))
    #print "New I: ", newI

    # Calculate the z score
    perc = self.mv3n_tolerance_interval(3*3)
    Z = (I_cal - I_sim) / flex.sqrt(I_var)
    mv = flex.mean_and_variance(Z)
    Z_mean = mv.mean()
    Z_var = mv.unweighted_sample_variance()
    print "Z: mean: %f, var: %f, sig: %f" % (Z_mean, Z_var, sqrt(Z_var))
Пример #40
 def plot_obs_colored_by_transverse_deltas(self, reflections, panel = None, ax = None, bounds = None):
   return self.plot_obs_colored_by_data(flex.abs(reflections['transverse_displacements']), reflections, panel, ax, bounds)
 def lorentz_callable(self,values):
   Rh = self.get_Rh_array(values)
   Rs = flex.double(len(self.MILLER),1./values.DEFF)+flex.double(len(self.MILLER),values.ETA/2.)/self.DVEC
   ratio = Rh / Rs
   ratio_abs = flex.abs(ratio)
   return ratio_abs
  def _get_gradients_core(self, reflections, D, s0, U, B, axis, fixed_rotation, callback=None):
    """Calculate gradients of the prediction formula with respect to
    each of the parameters of the contained models, for reflection h
    that reflects at rotation angle phi with scattering vector s that
    intersects panel panel_id. That is, calculate dX/dp, dY/dp and

    # Spindle rotation matrices for every reflection
    #R = self._axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(phi)
    #R = flex.mat3_double(len(reflections))
    # NB for now use flex.vec3_double.rotate_around_origin each time I need the
    # rotation matrix R.

    self._axis = axis
    self._fixed_rotation = fixed_rotation
    self._s0 = s0

    # pv is the 'projection vector' for the ray along s1.
    self._D = D
    self._s1 = reflections['s1']
    self._pv = D * self._s1

    # also need quantities derived from pv, precalculated for efficiency
    u, v, w = self._pv.parts()
    self._w_inv = 1/w
    self._u_w_inv = u * self._w_inv
    self._v_w_inv = v * self._w_inv

    self._UB = U * B
    self._U = U
    self._B = B

    # r is the reciprocal lattice vector, in the lab frame
    self._h = reflections['miller_index'].as_vec3_double()
    self._phi_calc = reflections['xyzcal.mm'].parts()[2]
    self._r = (self._fixed_rotation * (self._UB * self._h)).rotate_around_origin(self._axis, self._phi_calc)

    # All of the derivatives of phi have a common denominator, given by
    # (e X r).s0, where e is the rotation axis. Calculate this once, here.
    self._e_X_r = self._axis.cross(self._r)
    self._e_r_s0 = (self._e_X_r).dot(self._s0)

    # Note that e_r_s0 -> 0 when the rotation axis, beam vector and
    # relp are coplanar. This occurs when a reflection just touches
    # the Ewald sphere.
    # There is a relationship between e_r_s0 and zeta_factor.
    # Uncommenting the code below shows that
    # s0.(e X r) = zeta * |s X s0|

    #from dials.algorithms.profile_model.gaussian_rs import zeta_factor
    #from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
    #s = matrix.col(reflections['s1'][0])
    #z = zeta_factor(axis[0], s0[0], s)
    #ss0 = (s.cross(matrix.col(s0[0]))).length()
    #assert approx_equal(e_r_s0[0], z * ss0)

    # catch small values of e_r_s0
    e_r_s0_mag = flex.abs(self._e_r_s0)
      assert flex.min(e_r_s0_mag) > 1.e-6
    except AssertionError as e:
      imin = flex.min_index(e_r_s0_mag)
      print "(e X r).s0 too small:"
      print "for", (e_r_s0_mag <= 1.e-6).count(True), "reflections"
      print "out of", len(e_r_s0_mag), "total"
      print "such as", reflections['miller_index'][imin]
      print "with scattering vector", reflections['s1'][imin]
      print "where r =", self._r[imin]
      print "e =", self._axis[imin]
      print "s0 =", self._s0[imin]
      print ("this reflection forms angle with the equatorial plane "
      vecn = matrix.col(self._s0[imin]).cross(matrix.col(self._axis[imin])).normalize()
      print matrix.col(reflections['s1'][imin]).accute_angle(vecn)
      raise e

    # Set up empty list in which to store gradients
    m = len(reflections)
    results = []

    # determine experiment to indices mappings once, here
    experiment_to_idx = []
    for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):

      sel = reflections['id'] == iexp
      isel = sel.iselection()

    # reset a pointer to the parameter number
    self._iparam = 0

    ### Work through the parameterisations, calculating their contributions
    ### to derivatives d[pv]/dp and d[phi]/dp

    # loop over the detector parameterisations
    for dp in self._detector_parameterisations:

      # Determine (sub)set of reflections affected by this parameterisation
      isel = flex.size_t()
      for exp_id in dp.get_experiment_ids():

      # Access the detector model being parameterised
      detector = dp.get_model()

      # Get panel numbers of the affected reflections
      panel = reflections['panel'].select(isel)

      # Extend derivative vectors for this detector parameterisation
      results = self._extend_gradient_vectors(results, m, dp.num_free(),

      # loop through the panels in this detector
      for panel_id, _ in enumerate(exp.detector):

        # get the right subset of array indices to set for this panel
        sub_isel = isel.select(panel == panel_id)
        if len(sub_isel) == 0:
          # if no reflections intersect this panel, skip calculation
        sub_pv = self._pv.select(sub_isel)
        sub_D = self._D.select(sub_isel)
        dpv_ddet_p = self._detector_derivatives(dp, sub_pv, sub_D, panel_id)

        # convert to dX/dp, dY/dp and assign the elements of the vectors
        # corresponding to this experiment and panel
        sub_w_inv = self._w_inv.select(sub_isel)
        sub_u_w_inv = self._u_w_inv.select(sub_isel)
        sub_v_w_inv = self._v_w_inv.select(sub_isel)
        dX_ddet_p, dY_ddet_p = self._calc_dX_dp_and_dY_dp_from_dpv_dp(
          sub_w_inv, sub_u_w_inv, sub_v_w_inv, dpv_ddet_p)

        # use a local parameter index pointer because we set all derivatives
        # for this panel before moving on to the next
        iparam = self._iparam
        for dX, dY in zip(dX_ddet_p, dY_ddet_p):
          if dX is not None:
            results[iparam]['dX_dp'].set_selected(sub_isel, dX)
          if dY is not None:
            results[iparam]['dY_dp'].set_selected(sub_isel, dY)
          # increment the local parameter index pointer
          iparam += 1

      if callback is not None:
        iparam = self._iparam
        for i in range(dp.num_free()):
          results[iparam] = callback(results[iparam])
          iparam += 1

      # increment the parameter index pointer to the last detector parameter
      self._iparam += dp.num_free()

    # loop over the beam parameterisations
    for bp in self._beam_parameterisations:

      # Determine (sub)set of reflections affected by this parameterisation
      isel = flex.size_t()
      for exp_id in bp.get_experiment_ids():

      # Extend derivative vectors for this beam parameterisation
      results = self._extend_gradient_vectors(results, m, bp.num_free(),

      if len(isel) == 0:
        # if no reflections are in this experiment, skip calculation
        self._iparam += bp.num_free()

      # Get required data from those reflections
      r = self._r.select(isel)
      e_X_r = self._e_X_r.select(isel)
      e_r_s0 = self._e_r_s0.select(isel)
      D = self._D.select(isel)

      w_inv = self._w_inv.select(isel)
      u_w_inv = self._u_w_inv.select(isel)
      v_w_inv = self._v_w_inv.select(isel)

      dpv_dbeam_p, dphi_dbeam_p = self._beam_derivatives(bp, r, e_X_r, e_r_s0, D)

      # convert to dX/dp, dY/dp and assign the elements of the vectors
      # corresponding to this experiment
      dX_dbeam_p, dY_dbeam_p = self._calc_dX_dp_and_dY_dp_from_dpv_dp(
        w_inv, u_w_inv, v_w_inv, dpv_dbeam_p)
      for dX, dY, dphi in zip(dX_dbeam_p, dY_dbeam_p, dphi_dbeam_p):
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[0]].set_selected(isel, dX)
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[1]].set_selected(isel, dY)
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[2]].set_selected(isel, dphi)

        if callback is not None:
          results[self._iparam] = callback(results[self._iparam])
        # increment the parameter index pointer
        self._iparam += 1

    # loop over the crystal orientation parameterisations
    for xlop in self._xl_orientation_parameterisations:

      # Determine (sub)set of reflections affected by this parameterisation
      isel = flex.size_t()
      for exp_id in xlop.get_experiment_ids():

      # Extend derivative vectors for this crystal orientation parameterisation
      results = self._extend_gradient_vectors(results, m, xlop.num_free(),

      if len(isel) == 0:
        # if no reflections are in this experiment, skip calculation
        self._iparam += xlop.num_free()

      # Get required data from those reflections
      axis = self._axis.select(isel)
      fixed_rotation = self._fixed_rotation.select(isel)
      phi_calc = self._phi_calc.select(isel)
      h = self._h.select(isel)
      s1 = self._s1.select(isel)
      e_X_r = self._e_X_r.select(isel)
      e_r_s0 = self._e_r_s0.select(isel)
      B = self._B.select(isel)
      D = self._D.select(isel)

      w_inv = self._w_inv.select(isel)
      u_w_inv = self._u_w_inv.select(isel)
      v_w_inv = self._v_w_inv.select(isel)

      # get derivatives of the U matrix wrt the parameters
      dU_dxlo_p = [reflections["dU_dp{0}".format(i)].select(isel) \
                   for i in range(xlop.num_free())]
      dpv_dxlo_p, dphi_dxlo_p = self._xl_orientation_derivatives(
        dU_dxlo_p, axis, fixed_rotation, phi_calc, h, s1, e_X_r, e_r_s0, B, D)

      # convert to dX/dp, dY/dp and assign the elements of the vectors
      # corresponding to this experiment
      dX_dxlo_p, dY_dxlo_p = self._calc_dX_dp_and_dY_dp_from_dpv_dp(
        w_inv, u_w_inv, v_w_inv, dpv_dxlo_p)
      for dX, dY, dphi in zip(dX_dxlo_p, dY_dxlo_p, dphi_dxlo_p):
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[0]].set_selected(isel, dX)
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[1]].set_selected(isel, dY)
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[2]].set_selected(isel, dphi)
        if callback is not None:
          results[self._iparam] = callback(results[self._iparam])
        # increment the parameter index pointer
        self._iparam += 1

    # loop over the crystal unit cell parameterisations
    for xlucp in self._xl_unit_cell_parameterisations:

      # Determine (sub)set of reflections affected by this parameterisation
      isel = flex.size_t()
      for exp_id in xlucp.get_experiment_ids():

      # Extend derivative vectors for this crystal unit cell parameterisation
      results = self._extend_gradient_vectors(results, m, xlucp.num_free(),

      if len(isel) == 0:
        # if no reflections are in this experiment, skip calculation
        self._iparam += xlucp.num_free()

      # Get required data from those reflections
      axis = self._axis.select(isel)
      fixed_rotation = self._fixed_rotation.select(isel)
      phi_calc = self._phi_calc.select(isel)
      h = self._h.select(isel)
      s1 = self._s1.select(isel)
      e_X_r = self._e_X_r.select(isel)
      e_r_s0 = self._e_r_s0.select(isel)
      U = self._U.select(isel)
      D = self._D.select(isel)

      w_inv = self._w_inv.select(isel)
      u_w_inv = self._u_w_inv.select(isel)
      v_w_inv = self._v_w_inv.select(isel)

      dB_dxluc_p = [reflections["dB_dp{0}".format(i)].select(isel) \
                   for i in range(xlucp.num_free())]
      dpv_dxluc_p, dphi_dxluc_p =  self._xl_unit_cell_derivatives(
        dB_dxluc_p, axis, fixed_rotation, phi_calc, h, s1, e_X_r, e_r_s0, U, D)

      # convert to dX/dp, dY/dp and assign the elements of the vectors
      # corresponding to this experiment
      dX_dxluc_p, dY_dxluc_p = self._calc_dX_dp_and_dY_dp_from_dpv_dp(
        w_inv, u_w_inv, v_w_inv, dpv_dxluc_p)
      for dX, dY, dphi in zip(dX_dxluc_p, dY_dxluc_p, dphi_dxluc_p):
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[0]].set_selected(isel, dX)
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[1]].set_selected(isel, dY)
        results[self._iparam][self._grad_names[2]].set_selected(isel, dphi)
        if callback is not None:
          results[self._iparam] = callback(results[self._iparam])
        # increment the parameter index pointer
        self._iparam += 1

    return results
  def run_stills_pred_param(self, verbose = False):

    if verbose:
      print 'Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation'
      print '========================================================'

    # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
    pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(self.stills_experiments,
                   detector_parameterisations = [self.det_param],
                   beam_parameterisations = [self.s0_param],
                   xl_orientation_parameterisations = [self.xlo_param],
                   xl_unit_cell_parameterisations = [self.xluc_param])

    # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
    # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
    ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(self.stills_experiments)

    # get analytical gradients
    an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(self.reflections)

    fd_grads = self.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

    for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

      # compare FD with analytical calculations
      if verbose: print "\nParameter {0}: {1}". format(i,  fd_grad['name'])

      for idx, name in enumerate(["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]):
        if verbose: print name
        a = fd_grad[name]
        b = an_grad[name]

        abs_error = a - b
        denom = a + b

        fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
        # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

        # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
        # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
        if iqr < 1.e-10:

        sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
        sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
        sel = sel1 & sel2
        tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(abs_error.select(sel)))
        tst_val = abs_error.select(sel)[tst]
        n_outliers = sel.count(False)
        if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
          "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
        # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
        assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

        # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
        # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
        sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.e-10
        if sel1.all_eq(True):

        # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
        # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
        norm_error = abs_error / iqr
        fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3.
          assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
        except AssertionError as e:
          e.args += ("extreme normalised error value: {0}".format(
          raise e

        # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
        if iqr > 0.:
          sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
          sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
          sel = sel1 & sel2
          tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(norm_error.select(sel)))
          tst_val = norm_error.select(sel)[tst]
          n_outliers = sel.count(False)

          # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
          # largest errors, so no surprise there).
            assert n_outliers < 250
          except AssertionError as e:
            e.args += ("too many outliers rejected: {0}".format(n_outliers),)
            raise e

          if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
            "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
          # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
          assert abs(tst_val) < 4.5
    if verbose: print

Пример #44
  def test3(self):
    from os.path import join
    from libtbx import easy_run
    import shutil
    from os.path import join
    shutil.copyfile(join(self.path, "experiments.json"), "experiments.json")
    for i in range(1, 10):
      shutil.copyfile(join(self.path, "centroid_000%d.cbf" % i),
                      "centroid_001%d.cbf" % i)

    with open("experiments.json", "r") as infile:
      lines = infile.readlines()
    inscan = False
    inimagerange = False
    inoscillation = False
    count = 0
    done1 = False
    done2 = False
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
      if not inscan:
        if line.strip().startswith('"scan": ['):
          inscan = True
        if not inimagerange and not inoscillation:
          if line.strip().startswith('"image_range": ['):
            inimagerange = True
          if line.strip().startswith('"oscillation": ['):
            inoscillation = True
        elif inimagerange:
          if count == 0:
            lines[i] = '11,'
            count += 1
          elif count == 1:
            lines[i] = '19'
            done1 = True
            inimagerange = False
            count = 0
        elif inoscillation:
          if count == 0:
            lines[i] = '360.0,'
            done2 = True
            inoscillation = False
            inscan = False
    with open("experiments.json", "w") as outfile:

    # Call dials.integrate

    from math import pi
    import cPickle as pickle
    table = pickle.load(open('integrated.pickle', 'rb'))
    mask1 = table.get_flags(table.flags.integrated,all=False)
    assert(len(table) == 1996), "Table has %d entries instead of 1996" % len(table)
    assert(mask1.count(True) == 1666)
    mask2 = self.table.get_flags(table.flags.integrated,all=False)
    t1 = table.select(mask1)
    t2 = self.table.select(mask1)
    Cal_P1 = t1['xyzcal.mm'].parts()[2]
    Cal_Z1 = t1['xyzcal.px'].parts()[2]
    Obs_Z1 = t1['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()[2]
    # Obs_P1 = t1['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[2]
    Cal_Z2 = t2['xyzcal.px'].parts()[2]
    Cal_P2 = t2['xyzcal.mm'].parts()[2]
    Obs_Z2 = t2['xyzobs.px.value'].parts()[2]
    # Obs_P2 = t2['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()[2]
    diff_I = t1['intensity.sum.value'] - t2['intensity.sum.value']
    diff_Cal_Z = Cal_Z1 - (Cal_Z2 + 10)
    diff_Obs_Z = Obs_Z1 - (Obs_Z2 + 10)
    diff_Cal_P = Cal_P1 - (Cal_P2 + 2*pi)
    # diff_Obs_P = Obs_P1 - (Obs_P2 + 2*pi)
    # assert(flex.abs(diff_Obs_P).all_lt(1e-7))

    print 'OK'
Пример #45
    def run(self):
        from os.path import join, exists
        from libtbx import easy_run
        import os
        from uuid import uuid4


        assert exists(join(self.path, "experiments.json"))

        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.algorithms.background.gmodel import StaticBackgroundModel

        ysize = 2527
        xsize = 2463
        data = flex.double(flex.grid(ysize, xsize), 1)
        model = StaticBackgroundModel()
        import cPickle as pickle

        pickle.dump(model, open("model.pickle", "w"))

        # Call dials.integrate
                join(self.path, "experiments.json"),

        assert exists("simple/reflections.pickle")

        # Call dials.integrate
                join(self.path, "experiments.json"),

        assert exists("robust/reflections.pickle")

        # Call dials.integrate
                join(self.path, "experiments.json"),

        assert exists("gmodel_simple/reflections.pickle")

        # Call dials.integrate
                join(self.path, "experiments.json"),

        assert exists("gmodel_robust/reflections.pickle")

        from dials.array_family import flex

        reflections1 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("simple/reflections.pickle")
        reflections2 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("robust/reflections.pickle")
        reflections3 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("gmodel_simple/reflections.pickle")
        reflections4 = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("gmodel_robust/reflections.pickle")

        assert len(reflections1) == len(reflections3)
        assert len(reflections2) == len(reflections4)

        flag = flex.reflection_table.flags.integrated_sum
        integrated1 = reflections1.select(reflections1.get_flags(flag, all=True))
        integrated2 = reflections2.select(reflections2.get_flags(flag, all=True))
        integrated3 = reflections3.select(reflections3.get_flags(flag, all=True))
        integrated4 = reflections4.select(reflections4.get_flags(flag, all=True))

        assert len(integrated1) > 0
        assert len(integrated2) > 0
        assert len(integrated1) == len(integrated3)
        assert len(integrated2) == len(integrated4)

        mean_bg1 = integrated1["background.mean"]
        mean_bg2 = integrated2["background.mean"]
        mean_bg3 = integrated3["background.mean"]
        mean_bg4 = integrated4["background.mean"]

        scale3 = integrated3["background.scale"]
        scale4 = integrated4["background.scale"]

        diff1 = flex.abs(mean_bg1 - mean_bg3)
        diff2 = flex.abs(mean_bg2 - mean_bg4)
        assert (scale3 > 0).count(False) == 0
        assert (scale4 > 0).count(False) == 0
        assert (diff1 < 1e-5).count(False) == 0

        print "OK"
Пример #46
    def _id_refs_to_keep(self, obs_data):
        """Create a selection of observations that pass certain conditions.

        This step includes rejection of reflections too close to the spindle,
        reflections measured outside the scan range, rejection of the (0,0,0)
        Miller index and rejection of reflections with the overload flag set.
        Outlier rejection is done later."""

        # first exclude reflections with miller index set to 0,0,0
        sel1 = obs_data["miller_index"] != (0, 0, 0)

        # exclude reflections with overloads, as these have worse centroids
        sel2 = ~obs_data.get_flags(obs_data.flags.overloaded)

        # combine selections
        sel = sel1 & sel2
        inc = flex.size_t_range(len(obs_data)).select(sel)
        obs_data = obs_data.select(sel)

        # Default to True to pass the following test if there is no rotation axis
        # for a particular experiment
        to_keep = flex.bool(len(inc), True)

        for iexp, exp in enumerate(self._experiments):
            axis = self._axes[iexp]
            if not axis or exp.scan is None:
            if exp.scan.is_still():
            sel = obs_data["id"] == iexp
            s0 = self._s0vecs[iexp]
            s1 = obs_data["s1"].select(sel)
            phi = obs_data["xyzobs.mm.value"].parts()[2].select(sel)

            # first test: reject reflections for which the parallelepiped formed
            # between the gonio axis, s0 and s1 has a volume of less than the cutoff.
            # Those reflections are by definition closer to the spindle-beam
            # plane and for low values of the cutoff are troublesome to
            # integrate anyway.
            p_vol = flex.abs(s1.cross(flex.vec3_double(s1.size(), s0)).dot(axis))
            passed1 = p_vol > self._close_to_spindle_cutoff

            # second test: reject reflections that lie outside the scan range
            passed2 = exp.scan.is_angle_valid(phi, deg=False)

            # sanity check to catch a mutilated scan that does not make sense
            if passed2.count(True) == 0:
                raise DialsRefineConfigError(
                    "Experiment id {} contains no reflections with valid "
                    "scan angles".format(iexp)

            # combine tests so far
            to_update = passed1 & passed2

            # third test: reject reflections close to the centres of the first and
            # last images in the scan
            if self._scan_margin > 0.0:
                edge1, edge2 = [e + 0.5 for e in exp.scan.get_image_range()]
                edge1 = exp.scan.get_angle_from_image_index(edge1, deg=False)
                edge1 += self._scan_margin
                edge2 = exp.scan.get_angle_from_image_index(edge2, deg=False)
                edge2 -= self._scan_margin
                passed3 = (edge1 <= phi) & (phi <= edge2)

                # combine the last test only if there would be a reasonable number of
                # reflections left for refinement
                tmp = to_update
                to_update = to_update & passed3
                if to_update.count(True) < 40:
                        "Too few reflections to trim centroids from the scan "
                        "edges. Resetting scan_margin=0.0"
                    to_update = tmp

            # make selection
            to_keep.set_selected(sel, to_update)

        inc = inc.select(to_keep)

        return inc
Пример #47
  def __call__(self):
    """Determine optimal mosaicity and domain size model (monochromatic)"""
    RR = self.refinery.predict_for_reflection_table(self.reflections)
    excursion_rad = RR["delpsical.rad"]
    delta_psi_deg = excursion_rad * 180./math.pi
    print flex.max(delta_psi_deg), flex.min(delta_psi_deg)
    mean_excursion = flex.mean(delta_psi_deg)
    print "The mean excursion is %7.3f degrees, r.m.s.d %7.3f"%(mean_excursion, math.sqrt(flex.mean(RR["delpsical2"])))

    crystal = self.experiments[0].crystal
    beam = self.experiments[0].beam
    miller_indices = self.reflections["miller_index"]

    # FIXME XXX revise this formula so as to use a different wavelength potentially for each reflection
    two_thetas = crystal.get_unit_cell().two_theta(miller_indices,beam.get_wavelength(),deg=True)
    dspacings = crystal.get_unit_cell().d(miller_indices)
    dspace_sq = dspacings * dspacings

    #  First -- try to get a reasonable envelope for the observed excursions.
        ## minimum of three regions; maximum of 50 measurements in each bin
    print "fitting parameters on %d spots"%len(excursion_rad)
    n_bins = min(max(3, len(excursion_rad)//25),50)
    bin_sz = len(excursion_rad)//n_bins
    print "nbins",n_bins,"bin_sz",bin_sz
    order = flex.sort_permutation(two_thetas)
    two_thetas_env = flex.double()
    dspacings_env = flex.double()
    excursion_rads_env = flex.double()
    for x in xrange(0,n_bins):
      subset = order[x*bin_sz:(x+1)*bin_sz]

    #  Second -- parameter fit
        ## solve the normal equations
    sum_inv_u_sq = flex.sum(dspacings_env * dspacings_env)
    sum_inv_u    = flex.sum(dspacings_env)
    sum_te_u     = flex.sum(dspacings_env * excursion_rads_env)
    sum_te       = flex.sum(excursion_rads_env)
    Normal_Mat   = sqr((sum_inv_u_sq, sum_inv_u, sum_inv_u, len(dspacings_env)))
    Vector       = col((sum_te_u, sum_te))
    solution     = Normal_Mat.inverse() * Vector
    s_ang = 1./(2*solution[0])
    print "Best LSQ fit Scheerer domain size is %9.2f ang"%(

    tan_phi_rad = dspacings / (2. * s_ang)
    tan_phi_deg = tan_phi_rad * 180./math.pi
    k_degrees = solution[1]* 180./math.pi
    print "The LSQ full mosaicity is %8.5f deg; half-mosaicity %9.5f"%(2*k_degrees, k_degrees)
    tan_outer_deg = tan_phi_deg + k_degrees

    from xfel.mono_simulation.max_like import minimizer
    # coerce the estimates to be positive for max-likelihood
    lower_limit_domain_size = math.pow(crystal.get_unit_cell().volume(),
     1./3.)*3 # params.refinement.domain_size_lower_limit

    d_estimate = max(s_ang, lower_limit_domain_size)
    M = minimizer(d_i = dspacings, psi_i = excursion_rad, eta_rad = abs(2. * solution[1]),
                  Deff = d_estimate)
    print "ML: mosaicity FW=%4.2f deg, Dsize=%5.0fA on %d spots"%(M.x[1]*180./math.pi, 2./M.x[0], len(two_thetas))
    tan_phi_rad_ML = dspacings / (2. / M.x[0])
    tan_phi_deg_ML = tan_phi_rad_ML * 180./math.pi
    tan_outer_deg_ML = tan_phi_deg_ML + 0.5*M.x[1]*180./math.pi

    self.nv_acceptance_flags = flex.abs(delta_psi_deg) < tan_outer_deg_ML

    if self.graph_verbose: #params.refinement.mosaic.enable_AD14F7B: # Excursion vs resolution fit
      AD1TF7B_MAX2T = 30.
      AD1TF7B_MAXDP = 1.
      from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
      plt.plot(two_thetas, delta_psi_deg, "bo")
      minplot = flex.min(two_thetas)
      LR = flex.linear_regression(two_thetas, delta_psi_deg)
      model_y = LR.slope()*two_thetas + LR.y_intercept()
      plt.plot(two_thetas, model_y, "k-")

      plt.title("ML: mosaicity FW=%4.2f deg, Dsize=%5.0fA on %d spots"%(M.x[1]*180./math.pi, 2./M.x[0], len(two_thetas)))
      plt.plot(two_thetas, tan_phi_deg_ML, "r.")
      plt.plot(two_thetas, -tan_phi_deg_ML, "r.")
      plt.plot(two_thetas, tan_outer_deg_ML, "g.")
      plt.plot(two_thetas, -tan_outer_deg_ML, "g.")

    from xfel.mono_simulation.util import green_curve_area
    self.green_curve_area = green_curve_area(two_thetas, tan_outer_deg_ML)
    print "The green curve area is ", self.green_curve_area

    crystal._ML_half_mosaicity_deg = M.x[1]*180./(2.*math.pi)
    crystal._ML_domain_size_ang = 2./M.x[0]
    self._ML_full_mosaicity_rad = M.x[1]
    self._ML_domain_size_ang = 2./M.x[0]

    """The expansion factor should be initially set to 1, then expanded so that the # reflections matched becomes
    as close as possible to # of observed reflections input, in the last integration call.  Determine this by
    inspecting the output log file interactively.  Do not exceed the bare minimum threshold needed.
    The intention is to find an optimal value, global for a given dataset."""
    model_expansion_factor = 1.4
    crystal._ML_half_mosaicity_deg *= model_expansion_factor
    crystal._ML_domain_size_ang /= model_expansion_factor

    return crystal