def get_fullbatch_average( dataset: OffpolicyDataset, limit: Optional[int] = None, by_steps: bool = True, truncate_episode_at: Optional[int] = None, reward_fn: Callable = None, weight_fn: Callable = None, gamma: Union[float, tf.Tensor] = 1.0) -> Union[float, tf.Tensor]: """Computes average reward over full dataset. Args: dataset: The dataset to sample experience from. limit: If specified, the maximum number of steps/episodes to take from the dataset. by_steps: Whether to sample batches of steps (default) or episodes. truncate_episode_at: If sampling by episodes, where to truncate episodes from the environment, if at all. reward_fn: A function that takes in an EnvStep and returns the reward for that step. If not specified, defaults to just EnvStep.reward. When sampling by episode, valid_steps is also passed into reward_fn. weight_fn: A function that takes in an EnvStep and returns a weight for that step. If not specified, defaults to gamma ** step_num. When sampling by episode, valid_steps is also passed into reward_fn. gamma: The discount factor to use for the default reward/weight functions. Returns: An estimate of the average reward. """ if reward_fn is None: if by_steps: reward_fn = _default_by_steps_reward_fn else: reward_fn = lambda *args: _default_by_episodes_reward_fn( *args, gamma=gamma) if weight_fn is None: if by_steps: weight_fn = lambda *args: _default_by_steps_weight_fn(*args, gamma=gamma) else: weight_fn = _default_by_episodes_weight_fn if by_steps: steps = dataset.get_all_steps(limit=limit) rewards = reward_fn(steps) weights = weight_fn(steps) else: episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes( truncate_episode_at=truncate_episode_at, limit=limit) rewards = reward_fn(episodes, valid_steps) weights = weight_fn(episodes, valid_steps) rewards = common_lib.reverse_broadcast(rewards, weights) weights = common_lib.reverse_broadcast(weights, rewards) if tf.rank(weights) < 2: return (tf.reduce_sum(rewards * weights, axis=0) / tf.reduce_sum(weights, axis=0)) return (tf.linalg.matmul(weights, rewards) / tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.reduce_mean(weights, axis=0)))
def _eval_constraint_and_regs(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy): """Get the residual term and the primal and dual regularizers during eval. Args: dataset: The dataset to sample experience from. target_policy: The policy whose value we want to estimate. Returns: The residual term (weighted by zeta), primal, and dual reg values. """ experience = dataset.get_all_steps(num_steps=2) env_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[:, 0, ...], experience) next_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[:, 1, ...], experience) nu_values, _, _ = self._sample_value(self._nu_network, env_step) next_nu_values, _, _ = self._sample_average_value( self._nu_network, next_env_step, target_policy) zeta_values, neg_kl, _ = self._sample_value(self._zeta_network, env_step) discounts = self._gamma * bellman_residuals = ( common_lib.reverse_broadcast(discounts, nu_values) * next_nu_values - nu_values - self._norm_regularizer * self._lam) # Always include reward during eval bellman_residuals += self._reward_fn(env_step) constraint = tf.reduce_mean(zeta_values * bellman_residuals) f_nu = tf.reduce_mean(self._f_fn(nu_values)) f_zeta = tf.reduce_mean(self._f_fn(zeta_values)) return constraint, f_nu, f_zeta, tf.reduce_mean(neg_kl)
def solve(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy, regularizer: float = 1e-8): """Solves for density ratios and then approximates target policy value. Args: dataset: The dataset to sample experience from. target_policy: The policy whose value we want to estimate. regularizer: A small constant to add to matrices before inverting them or to floats before taking square root. Returns: Estimated average per-step reward of the target policy. """ td_residuals = np.zeros([self._dimension, self._dimension]) total_weights = np.zeros([self._dimension]) initial_weights = np.zeros([self._dimension]) episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes(limit=None) tfagents_episodes = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(episodes) for episode_num in range(tf.shape(valid_steps)[0]): # Precompute probabilites for this episode. this_episode = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[episode_num], episodes) first_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[0], this_episode) this_tfagents_episode = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( this_episode) episode_target_log_probabilities = target_policy.distribution( this_tfagents_episode).action.log_prob(this_episode.action) episode_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( this_tfagents_episode).action.probs_parameter() for step_num in range(tf.shape(valid_steps)[1] - 1): this_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: t[episode_num, step_num], episodes) next_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: t[episode_num, step_num + 1], episodes) if this_step.is_last() or not valid_steps[episode_num, step_num]: continue weight = 1.0 nu_index = self._get_index(this_step.observation, this_step.action) td_residuals[nu_index, nu_index] += weight total_weights[nu_index] += weight policy_ratio = 1.0 if not self._solve_for_state_action_ratio: policy_ratio = tf.exp( episode_target_log_probabilities[step_num] - this_step.get_log_probability()) # Need to weight next nu by importance weight. next_weight = (weight if self._solve_for_state_action_ratio else policy_ratio * weight) next_probs = episode_target_probs[step_num + 1] for next_action, next_prob in enumerate(next_probs): next_nu_index = self._get_index(next_step.observation, next_action) td_residuals[next_nu_index, nu_index] += (-next_prob * self._gamma * next_weight) initial_probs = episode_target_probs[0] for initial_action, initial_prob in enumerate(initial_probs): initial_nu_index = self._get_index(first_step.observation, initial_action) initial_weights[initial_nu_index] += weight * initial_prob td_residuals /= np.sqrt(regularizer + total_weights)[None, :] td_errors =, td_residuals.T) self._nu = np.linalg.solve( td_errors + regularizer * np.eye(self._dimension), (1 - self._gamma) * initial_weights) self._zeta = self._nu, td_residuals) / np.sqrt(regularizer + total_weights) return self.estimate_average_reward(dataset, target_policy)
def solve_nu_zeta(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy, regularizer: float = 1e-6): """Solves for density ratios and then approximates target policy value. Args: dataset: The dataset to sample experience from. target_policy: The policy whose value we want to estimate. regularizer: A small constant to add to matrices before inverting them or to floats before taking square root. Returns: Estimated average per-step reward of the target policy. """ if not hasattr(self, '_td_mat'): # Set up env_steps. episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes( limit=self._limit_episodes) total_num_steps_per_episode = tf.shape(valid_steps)[1] - 1 num_episodes = tf.shape(valid_steps)[0] num_samples = num_episodes * total_num_steps_per_episode valid_and_not_last = tf.logical_and(valid_steps, > 0) valid_indices = tf.squeeze( tf.where(tf.reshape(valid_and_not_last[:, :-1], [-1]))) initial_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape( tf.repeat(t[:, 0:1, ...], axis=1, repeats=total_num_steps_per_episode), [num_samples, -1])), episodes) initial_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.gather(t, valid_indices), initial_env_step) tfagents_initial_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( initial_env_step) env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape(t[:, 0:total_num_steps_per_episode, ...], [num_samples, -1])), episodes) env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.gather(t, valid_indices), env_step) tfagents_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( env_step) next_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape(t[:, 1:total_num_steps_per_episode + 1, ...], [num_samples, -1])), episodes) next_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.gather(t, valid_indices), next_env_step) tfagents_next_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( next_env_step) # get probabilities initial_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_initial_env_step).action.probs_parameter() next_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_next_env_step).action.probs_parameter() # First, get the nu_loss and data weights #current_nu_loss = self._get_nu_loss(initial_env_step, env_step, # next_env_step, target_policy) #data_weight, _ = self._get_weights(current_nu_loss) # # debug only and to reproduce dual dice result, DELETE # data_weight = tf.ones_like(data_weight) state_action_count = self._get_state_action_counts(env_step) counts = tf.reduce_sum( tf.one_hot(state_action_count, self._dimension), 0) gamma_sample = tf.pow(self._gamma, tf.cast(env_step.step_num, tf.float32)) # # debug only and to reproduce dual dice result, DELETE # gamma_sample = tf.ones_like(gamma_sample) # now we need to expand_dims to include action space in extra dimensions #data_weights = tf.reshape(data_weight, [-1, self._num_limits]) # both are data sample weights for L2 problem, needs to be normalized later #gamma_data_weights = tf.reshape(gamma_sample, [-1, 1]) * data_weights initial_states = tf.tile( tf.reshape(initial_env_step.observation, [-1, 1]), [1, self._num_actions]) initial_actions = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(self._num_actions), [1, -1]), [initial_env_step.observation.shape[0], 1]) initial_nu_indices = self._get_index(initial_states, initial_actions) # linear term w.r.t. initial distribution #b_vec_2 = tf.stack([ # tf.reduce_sum( # tf.reshape( # data_weights[:, itr] / tf.reduce_sum(data_weights[:, itr]), # [-1, 1]) * tf.reduce_sum( # tf.one_hot(initial_nu_indices, self._dimension) * # (1 - self._gamma) * # tf.expand_dims(initial_target_probs, axis=-1), # axis=1), # axis=0) for itr in range(self._num_limits) #], # axis=0) next_states = tf.tile( tf.reshape(next_env_step.observation, [-1, 1]), [1, self._num_actions]) next_actions = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(self._num_actions), [1, -1]), [next_env_step.observation.shape[0], 1]) next_nu_indices = self._get_index(next_states, next_actions) next_nu_indices = tf.where( tf.expand_dims(next_env_step.is_absorbing(), -1), -1 * tf.ones_like(next_nu_indices), next_nu_indices) nu_indices = self._get_index(env_step.observation, env_step.action) target_log_probabilities = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_env_step).action.log_prob(env_step.action) if not self._solve_for_state_action_ratio: policy_ratio = tf.exp(target_log_probabilities - env_step.get_log_probability()) else: policy_ratio = tf.ones([ target_log_probabilities.shape[0], ]) policy_ratios = tf.tile(tf.reshape(policy_ratio, [-1, 1]), [1, self._num_actions]) # the tabular feature vector a_vec = tf.one_hot(nu_indices, self._dimension) - tf.reduce_sum( self._gamma * tf.expand_dims(next_target_probs * policy_ratios, axis=-1) * tf.one_hot(next_nu_indices, self._dimension), axis=1) # linear term w.r.t. reward #b_vec_1 = tf.stack([ # tf.reduce_sum( # tf.reshape( # (gamma_data_weights[:, itr] / # tf.reduce_sum(gamma_data_weights[:, itr])) * self._reward_fn(env_step), #/ # #tf.cast(state_action_count, tf.float32), # [-1, 1]) * a_vec, # axis=0) for itr in range(self._num_limits) #], # axis=0) # quadratic term of feature # Get weighted outer product by using einsum to save computing resource! #a_mat = tf.stack([ # tf.einsum( # 'ai, a, aj -> ij', a_vec, # #1.0 / tf.cast(state_action_count, tf.float32), # gamma_data_weights[:, itr] / # tf.reduce_sum(gamma_data_weights[:, itr]), # a_vec) # for itr in range(self._num_limits) #], # axis=0) td_mat = tf.einsum('ai, a, aj -> ij', tf.one_hot(nu_indices, self._dimension), 1.0 / tf.cast(state_action_count, tf.float32), a_vec) weighted_rewards = policy_ratio * self._reward_fn(env_step) bias = tf.reduce_sum( tf.one_hot(nu_indices, self._dimension) * tf.reshape(weighted_rewards, [-1, 1]) * 1.0 / tf.cast(state_action_count, tf.float32)[:, None], axis=0) # Initialize self._nu = np.ones_like(self._nu) * bias[:, None] self._nu2 = np.ones_like(self._nu2) * bias[:, None] self._a_vec = a_vec self._td_mat = td_mat self._bias = bias self._weighted_rewards = weighted_rewards self._state_action_count = state_action_count self._nu_indices = nu_indices self._initial_nu_indices = initial_nu_indices self._initial_target_probs = initial_target_probs self._gamma_sample = gamma_sample self._gamma_sample = tf.ones_like(gamma_sample) saddle_bellman_residuals = (tf.matmul(self._a_vec, self._nu) - self._weighted_rewards[:, None]) saddle_bellman_residuals *= -1 * self._algae_alpha_sign saddle_zetas = tf.gather(self._zeta, self._nu_indices) saddle_initial_nu_values = tf.reduce_sum( # Average over actions. self._initial_target_probs[:, :, None] * tf.gather(self._nu, self._initial_nu_indices), axis=1) saddle_init_nu_loss = ((1 - self._gamma) * saddle_initial_nu_values * self._algae_alpha_sign) saddle_bellman_residuals2 = (tf.matmul(self._a_vec, self._nu2) - self._weighted_rewards[:, None]) saddle_bellman_residuals2 *= 1 * self._algae_alpha_sign saddle_zetas2 = tf.gather(self._zeta2, self._nu_indices) saddle_initial_nu_values2 = tf.reduce_sum( # Average over actions. self._initial_target_probs[:, :, None] * tf.gather(self._nu2, self._initial_nu_indices), axis=1) saddle_init_nu_loss2 = ((1 - self._gamma) * saddle_initial_nu_values2 * -1 * self._algae_alpha_sign) saddle_loss = 0.5 * ( saddle_init_nu_loss + saddle_bellman_residuals * saddle_zetas + -tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) * 0.5 * tf.square(saddle_zetas) + -saddle_init_nu_loss2 + -saddle_bellman_residuals2 * saddle_zetas2 + tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) * 0.5 * tf.square(saddle_zetas2)) # Binary search to find best alpha. left = tf.constant([-8., -8.]) right = tf.constant([32., 32.]) for _ in range(16): mid = 0.5 * (left + right) self._alpha.assign(mid) weights, log_weights = self._get_weights( saddle_loss * self._gamma_sample[:, None]) divergence = self._compute_divergence(weights, log_weights) divergence_violation = divergence - self._two_sided_limit left = tf.where(divergence_violation > 0., mid, left) right = tf.where(divergence_violation > 0., right, mid) self._alpha.assign(0.5 * (left + right)) weights, log_weights = self._get_weights(saddle_loss * self._gamma_sample[:, None]) gamma_data_weights = tf.stop_gradient(weights * self._gamma_sample[:, None]) #print(tf.concat([gamma_data_weights, saddle_loss], axis=-1)) avg_saddle_loss = ( tf.reduce_sum(gamma_data_weights * saddle_loss, axis=0) / tf.reduce_sum(gamma_data_weights, axis=0)) weighted_state_action_count = tf.reduce_sum( tf.one_hot(self._nu_indices, self._dimension)[:, :, None] * weights[:, None, :], axis=0) weighted_state_action_count = tf.gather(weighted_state_action_count, self._nu_indices) my_td_mat = tf.einsum( 'ai, ab, ab, aj -> bij', tf.one_hot(self._nu_indices, self._dimension), #1.0 / tf.cast(self._state_action_count, tf.float32), 1.0 / weighted_state_action_count, weights, self._a_vec) my_bias = tf.reduce_sum( tf.transpose(weights)[:, :, None] * tf.one_hot(self._nu_indices, self._dimension)[None, :, :] * tf.reshape(self._weighted_rewards, [1, -1, 1]) * #1.0 / tf.cast(self._state_action_count, tf.float32)[None, :, None], 1.0 / tf.transpose(weighted_state_action_count)[:, :, None], axis=1) #print('hello', saddle_initial_nu_values[:1], saddle_zetas[:3], # self._nu[:2], my_bias[:, :2], saddle_loss[:4]) with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False, persistent=True) as tape:[self._nu, self._nu2, self._alpha]) bellman_residuals = tf.matmul( my_td_mat, tf.transpose(self._nu)[:, :, None]) - my_bias[:, :, None] bellman_residuals = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(bellman_residuals, -1)) bellman_residuals = tf.gather(bellman_residuals, self._nu_indices) initial_nu_values = tf.reduce_sum( # Average over actions. self._initial_target_probs[:, :, None] * tf.gather(self._nu, self._initial_nu_indices), axis=1) bellman_residuals *= self._algae_alpha_sign init_nu_loss = ((1 - self._gamma) * initial_nu_values * self._algae_alpha_sign) nu_loss = (tf.math.square(bellman_residuals) / 2.0 + tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) * init_nu_loss) loss = (gamma_data_weights * nu_loss / tf.reduce_sum(gamma_data_weights, axis=0, keepdims=True)) bellman_residuals2 = tf.matmul( my_td_mat, tf.transpose(self._nu2)[:, :, None]) - my_bias[:, :, None] bellman_residuals2 = tf.transpose( tf.squeeze(bellman_residuals2, -1)) bellman_residuals2 = tf.gather(bellman_residuals2, self._nu_indices) initial_nu_values2 = tf.reduce_sum( # Average over actions. self._initial_target_probs[:, :, None] * tf.gather(self._nu2, self._initial_nu_indices), axis=1) bellman_residuals2 *= -1 * self._algae_alpha_sign init_nu_loss2 = ((1 - self._gamma) * initial_nu_values2 * -1 * self._algae_alpha_sign) nu_loss2 = (tf.math.square(bellman_residuals2) / 2.0 + tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) * init_nu_loss2) loss2 = (gamma_data_weights * nu_loss2 / tf.reduce_sum(gamma_data_weights, axis=0, keepdims=True)) divergence = self._compute_divergence(weights, log_weights) divergence_violation = divergence - self._two_sided_limit alpha_loss = (-tf.exp(self._alpha) * tf.stop_gradient(divergence_violation)) extra_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(self._nu[-1, :])) extra_loss2 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(self._nu2[-1, :])) nu_grad = tape.gradient(loss + extra_loss, [self._nu])[0] nu_grad2 = tape.gradient(loss2 + extra_loss2, [self._nu2])[0] avg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(0.5 * (loss - loss2) / tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha), axis=0) nu_jacob = tape.jacobian(nu_grad, [self._nu])[0] nu_hess = tf.stack( [nu_jacob[:, i, :, i] for i in range(self._num_limits)], axis=0) nu_jacob2 = tape.jacobian(nu_grad2, [self._nu2])[0] nu_hess2 = tf.stack( [nu_jacob2[:, i, :, i] for i in range(self._num_limits)], axis=0) for idx, div in enumerate(divergence): tf.summary.scalar('divergence%d' % idx, div) #alpha_grads = tape.gradient(alpha_loss, [self._alpha]) #alpha_grad_op = self._alpha_optimizer.apply_gradients( # zip(alpha_grads, [self._alpha])) #self._alpha.assign(tf.minimum(8., tf.maximum(-8., self._alpha))) #print(self._alpha, tf.concat([weights, nu_loss], -1)) #regularizer = 0.1 nu_transformed = tf.transpose( tf.squeeze( tf.linalg.solve( nu_hess + regularizer * tf.eye(self._dimension), tf.expand_dims(-tf.transpose(nu_grad), axis=-1)))) self._nu = self._nu + 0.1 * nu_transformed nu_transformed2 = tf.transpose( tf.squeeze( tf.linalg.solve( nu_hess2 + regularizer * tf.eye(self._dimension), tf.expand_dims(-tf.transpose(nu_grad2), axis=-1)))) self._nu2 = self._nu2 + 0.1 * nu_transformed2 print(avg_loss * self._algae_alpha_sign, avg_saddle_loss * self._algae_alpha_sign, self._nu[:2], divergence) #print(init_nu_loss[:8], init_nu_loss[-8:]) #print(bellman_residuals[:8]) #print(self._nu[:3], self._zeta[:3]) zetas = tf.matmul(my_td_mat, tf.transpose(self._nu)[:, :, None]) - my_bias[:, :, None] zetas = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(zetas, -1)) zetas *= -self._algae_alpha_sign zetas /= tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) self._zeta = self._zeta + 0.1 * (zetas - self._zeta) zetas2 = tf.matmul(my_td_mat, tf.transpose(self._nu2)[:, :, None]) - my_bias[:, :, None] zetas2 = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(zetas2, -1)) zetas2 *= 1 * self._algae_alpha_sign zetas2 /= tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) self._zeta2 = self._zeta2 + 0.1 * (zetas2 - self._zeta2) #self._zeta = ( # tf.einsum('ij,ja-> ia', self._td_mat, self._nu) - # tf.transpose(my_bias)) #self._zeta *= -tf.reshape(self._algae_alpha_sign, [1, self._num_limits]) #self._zeta /= tf.math.abs(self._algae_alpha) return [ avg_saddle_loss * self._algae_alpha_sign, avg_loss * self._algae_alpha_sign, divergence ]
def prepare_dataset(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy): """Performs pre-computations on dataset to make solving easier.""" episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes(limit=self._limit_episodes) total_num_steps_per_episode = tf.shape(valid_steps)[1] - 1 num_episodes = tf.shape(valid_steps)[0] num_samples = num_episodes * total_num_steps_per_episode valid_and_not_last = tf.logical_and(valid_steps, > 0) valid_indices = tf.squeeze( tf.where(tf.reshape(valid_and_not_last[:, :-1], [-1]))) # Flatten all tensors so that each data sample is a tuple of # (initial_env_step, env_step, next_env_step). initial_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape( tf.repeat( t[:, 0:1, ...], axis=1, repeats=total_num_steps_per_episode ), [num_samples, -1])), episodes) initial_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.gather(t, valid_indices), initial_env_step) tfagents_initial_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( initial_env_step) env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape(t[:, 0:total_num_steps_per_episode, ...], [num_samples, -1])), episodes) env_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: tf.gather(t, valid_indices), env_step) tfagents_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(env_step) next_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape(t[:, 1:total_num_steps_per_episode + 1, ...], [num_samples, -1])), episodes) next_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: tf.gather(t, valid_indices), next_env_step) tfagents_next_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( next_env_step) # Get target probabilities for initial and next steps. initial_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_initial_env_step).action.probs_parameter() next_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_next_env_step).action.probs_parameter() # Map states and actions to indices into tabular representation. initial_states = tf.tile( tf.reshape(initial_env_step.observation, [-1, 1]), [1, self._num_actions]) initial_actions = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(self._num_actions), [1, -1]), [initial_env_step.observation.shape[0], 1]) initial_nu_indices = self._get_index(initial_states, initial_actions) next_states = tf.tile( tf.reshape(next_env_step.observation, [-1, 1]), [1, self._num_actions]) next_actions = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(self._num_actions), [1, -1]), [next_env_step.observation.shape[0], 1]) next_nu_indices = self._get_index(next_states, next_actions) next_nu_indices = tf.where( tf.expand_dims(next_env_step.is_absorbing(), -1), -1 * tf.ones_like(next_nu_indices), next_nu_indices) nu_indices = self._get_index(env_step.observation, env_step.action) target_log_probabilities = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_env_step).action.log_prob(env_step.action) if not self._solve_for_state_action_ratio: policy_ratio = tf.exp(target_log_probabilities - env_step.get_log_probability()) else: policy_ratio = tf.ones([ target_log_probabilities.shape[0], ]) policy_ratios = tf.tile( tf.reshape(policy_ratio, [-1, 1]), [1, self._num_actions]) # Bellman residual matrix of size [n_data, n_dim]. a_vec = tf.one_hot(nu_indices, self._dimension) - tf.reduce_sum( self._gamma * tf.expand_dims(next_target_probs * policy_ratios, axis=-1) * tf.one_hot(next_nu_indices, self._dimension), axis=1) state_action_count = self._get_state_action_counts(env_step) # Bellman residual matrix of size [n_dim, n_dim]. td_mat = tf.einsum('ai, a, aj -> ij', tf.one_hot(nu_indices, self._dimension), 1.0 / tf.cast(state_action_count, tf.float32), a_vec) # Reward vector of size [n_data]. weighted_rewards = policy_ratio * self._reward_fn(env_step) # Reward vector of size [n_dim]. bias = tf.reduce_sum( tf.one_hot(nu_indices, self._dimension) * tf.reshape(weighted_rewards, [-1, 1]) * 1.0 / tf.cast(state_action_count, tf.float32)[:, None], axis=0) # Initialize. self._nu = np.ones_like(self._nu) * bias[:, None] self._nu2 = np.ones_like(self._nu2) * bias[:, None] self._a_vec = a_vec self._td_mat = td_mat self._bias = bias self._weighted_rewards = weighted_rewards self._state_action_count = state_action_count self._nu_indices = nu_indices self._initial_nu_indices = initial_nu_indices self._initial_target_probs = initial_target_probs
def solve(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy, regularizer: float = 1e-8): """Solves for Q-values and then approximates target policy value. Args: dataset: The dataset to sample experience from. target_policy: The policy whose value we want to estimate. regularizer: A small constant to add before dividing. Returns: Estimated average per-step reward of the target policy. """ num_estimates = 1 + int(self._num_qvalues) transition_matrix = np.zeros( [self._dimension, self._dimension, num_estimates]) reward_vector = np.zeros( [self._dimension, num_estimates, self._num_perturbations]) total_weights = np.zeros([self._dimension, num_estimates]) episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes(limit=self._limit_episodes) #all_rewards = self._reward_fn(episodes) #reward_std =, valid_steps).std() tfagents_episodes = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(episodes) sample_weights = np.array(valid_steps, dtype=np.int64) if not self._bootstrap or self._num_qvalues is None: sample_weights = ( sample_weights[:, :, None] * np.ones([1, 1, num_estimates])) else: probs = np.reshape(sample_weights, [-1]) / np.sum(sample_weights) weights = np.random.multinomial( np.sum(sample_weights), probs, size=self._num_qvalues).astype(np.float32) weights = np.reshape( np.transpose(weights), list(np.shape(sample_weights)) + [self._num_qvalues]) sample_weights = np.concatenate([sample_weights[:, :, None], weights], axis=-1) for episode_num in range(tf.shape(valid_steps)[0]): # Precompute probabilites for this episode. this_episode = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[episode_num], episodes) this_tfagents_episode = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( this_episode) episode_target_log_probabilities = target_policy.distribution( this_tfagents_episode).action.log_prob(this_episode.action) episode_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( this_tfagents_episode).action.probs_parameter() for step_num in range(tf.shape(valid_steps)[1] - 1): this_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[episode_num, step_num], episodes) next_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: t[episode_num, step_num + 1], episodes) this_tfagents_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(this_step) next_tfagents_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(next_step) this_weights = sample_weights[episode_num, step_num, :] if this_step.is_last() or not valid_steps[episode_num, step_num]: continue weight = this_weights this_index = self._get_index(this_step.observation, this_step.action) reward_vector[this_index, :, :] += np.expand_dims( self._reward_fn(this_step) * weight, -1) if self._num_qvalues is not None: random_noise = np.random.binomial(this_weights[1:].astype('int64'), 0.5) reward_vector[this_index, 1:, :] += ( self._perturbation_scale[None, :] * (2 * random_noise - this_weights[1:])[:, None]) total_weights[this_index] += weight policy_ratio = 1.0 if not self._solve_for_state_action_value: policy_ratio = tf.exp(episode_target_log_probabilities[step_num] - this_step.get_log_probability()) # Need to weight next nu by importance weight. next_weight = ( weight if self._solve_for_state_action_value else policy_ratio * weight) if next_step.is_absorbing(): next_index = -1 # Absorbing state. transition_matrix[this_index, next_index] += next_weight else: next_probs = episode_target_probs[step_num + 1] for next_action, next_prob in enumerate(next_probs): next_index = self._get_index(next_step.observation, next_action) transition_matrix[this_index, next_index] += next_prob * next_weight print('Done processing data.') transition_matrix /= (regularizer + total_weights)[:, None, :] reward_vector /= (regularizer + total_weights)[:, :, None] reward_vector[np.where(np.equal(total_weights, 0.0))] = self._default_reward_value reward_vector[-1, :, :] = 0.0 # Terminal absorbing state has 0 reward. self._point_qvalues = np.linalg.solve( np.eye(self._dimension) - self._gamma * transition_matrix[:, :, 0], reward_vector[:, 0]) if self._num_qvalues is not None: self._ensemble_qvalues = np.linalg.solve( (np.eye(self._dimension) - self._gamma * np.transpose(transition_matrix, [2, 0, 1])), np.transpose(reward_vector, [1, 0, 2])) return self.estimate_average_reward(dataset, target_policy)
def prepare_dataset(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy): episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes() tfagents_episodes = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(episodes) for episode_num in range(tf.shape(valid_steps)[0]): # Precompute probabilites for this episode. this_episode = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[episode_num], episodes) first_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[0], this_episode) this_tfagents_episode = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep( this_episode) episode_target_log_probabilities = target_policy.distribution( this_tfagents_episode).action.log_prob(this_episode.action) episode_target_probs = target_policy.distribution( this_tfagents_episode).action.probs_parameter() for step_num in range(tf.shape(valid_steps)[1] - 1): this_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: t[episode_num, step_num], episodes) next_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: t[episode_num, step_num + 1], episodes) if this_step.is_last() or not valid_steps[episode_num, step_num]: continue weight = 1.0 nu_index = self._get_index(this_step.observation, this_step.action) self._td_residuals[nu_index, nu_index] += -weight self._total_weights[nu_index] += weight policy_ratio = 1.0 if not self._solve_for_state_action_ratio: policy_ratio = tf.exp( episode_target_log_probabilities[step_num] - this_step.get_log_probability()) # Need to weight next nu by importance weight. next_weight = (weight if self._solve_for_state_action_ratio else policy_ratio * weight) next_probs = episode_target_probs[step_num + 1] for next_action, next_prob in enumerate(next_probs): next_nu_index = self._get_index(next_step.observation, next_action) self._td_residuals[next_nu_index, nu_index] += (next_prob * self._gamma * next_weight) initial_probs = episode_target_probs[0] for initial_action, initial_prob in enumerate(initial_probs): initial_nu_index = self._get_index(first_step.observation, initial_action) self._initial_weights[ initial_nu_index] += weight * initial_prob self._initial_weights = tf.cast(self._initial_weights, tf.float32) self._total_weights = tf.cast(self._total_weights, tf.float32) self._td_residuals = self._td_residuals / np.sqrt( 1e-8 + self._total_weights)[None, :] self._td_errors = tf.cast(, self._td_residuals.T), tf.float32) self._td_residuals = tf.cast(self._td_residuals, tf.float32)
def estimate_reward_ci(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy, episode_limit: Optional[int] = None, num_grid: Optional[int] = 100, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-6, num_bootstraps: Optional[int] = 10000, num_bootstrap_samples: Optional[int] = 10000): """Estimate the confidence interval of reward.""" is_weighted_reward_samples = self.get_is_weighted_reward_samples( dataset, target_policy, episode_limit) episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes(limit=episode_limit) num_episodes = tf.shape(valid_steps)[0] max_abs_reward = tf.reduce_max( tf.where(valid_steps, tf.abs(self._reward_fn(episodes)), 0.)) # mean estimate center = self.estimate_average_reward(dataset, target_policy) delta_tail_half = self._delta_tail / 2.0 num_episodes_float = tf.cast(num_episodes, tf.float32) if self._ci_method == 'CH': # Chernoff-Hoeffding width = max_abs_reward * tf.math.sqrt( tf.math.log(1.0 / delta_tail_half) / num_episodes_float) lb = center - width ub = center + width elif self._ci_method == 'BE': # Empirical Bernstein constant_term = 7 * max_abs_reward * tf.math.log( 2.0 / delta_tail_half) / (3 * (num_episodes_float - 1)) is_weighted_reward_samples_2d = tf.reshape( is_weighted_reward_samples, [-1, 1]) variance_term = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square( tf.tile(is_weighted_reward_samples_2d, [1, num_episodes]) - is_weighted_reward_samples_2d)) variance_term *= tf.math.log( 2.0 / delta_tail_half) / (num_episodes_float - 1) width = constant_term + tf.math.sqrt( variance_term) / num_episodes_float lb = center - width ub = center + width elif self._ci_method == 'C-BE': # Clipped empirical Bernstein # need to learn c def compute_center_width(c_const): """Compute the center and width of CI.""" c_vec = c_const * tf.ones_like(is_weighted_reward_samples) c_is_weighted_reward_samples = tf.minimum( is_weighted_reward_samples, c_vec) / c_vec c_is_weighted_reward_samples_2d = tf.reshape( c_is_weighted_reward_samples, [-1, 1]) constant_term = 7 * num_episodes_float * tf.math.log( 2.0 / delta_tail_half) / (3 * (num_episodes_float - 1)) variance_term = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square( tf.tile(c_is_weighted_reward_samples_2d, [1, num_episodes]) - c_is_weighted_reward_samples_2d)) variance_term *= tf.math.log( 2.0 / delta_tail_half) / (num_episodes_float - 1) width = (constant_term + tf.math.sqrt(variance_term) ) / tf.reduce_sum(1.0 / c_vec) center = tf.reduce_sum( c_is_weighted_reward_samples) / tf.reduce_sum(1.0 / c_vec) return center, width def compute_bdd(c_const): center, width = compute_center_width(c_const) return center - width, center + width def compute_obj(c_const, obj='width'): center, width = compute_center_width(c_const) if obj == 'lb': return center - width elif obj == 'ub': # minimize ub return -(center + width) elif obj == 'width': return width elif obj == 'lb_ub': return -2 * width else: ValueError('Objective is not implemented') c_grid = tf.linspace(eps, max_abs_reward, num_grid) objs = tf.map_fn(compute_obj, c_grid, dtype=tf.float32) star_index = tf.argmax(objs) c_star = tf.gather(c_grid, star_index) lb, ub = compute_bdd(c_star) elif self._ci_method == 'TT': # Student-t test # Two-tailed confidence intervals t_statistic_quantile = stats.t.ppf(1 - delta_tail_half, num_episodes_float - 1) std_term = tf.math.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(is_weighted_reward_samples - center)) / (num_episodes_float - 1)) width = t_statistic_quantile * std_term / tf.math.sqrt( num_episodes_float) lb = center - width ub = center + width elif self._ci_method == 'BCa': # Bootstrap # see references # # gaussian_rv = tfp.distributions.Normal(loc=0, scale=1) def _compute_bootstrap_lb_ub(reward_samples): """Compute Efron's bootstrap lb.""" sample_mean = tf.reduce_mean(reward_samples) # Step 1, sample with replacement and compute subsampled mean uniform_log_prob = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.zeros(num_episodes), 0), [num_bootstraps, 1]) ind = tf.random.categorical(uniform_log_prob, num_bootstrap_samples) bootstrap_subsamples = tf.gather(reward_samples, ind) subsample_means = tf.reduce_mean(bootstrap_subsamples, axis=1) # Step 2, sort subsample means, compute y, z_0, and a sorted_subsample_means = tf.sort(subsample_means, axis=0, direction='ASCENDING') # bias factor z_0 = gaussian_rv.quantile( tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.greater(sample_mean, sorted_subsample_means), tf.float32)) / float(num_bootstraps)) # y is the leave-one-out, jackknife sample mean mask_matrix = tf.ones([num_episodes, num_episodes ]) - tf.eye(num_episodes) leave_one_out_subsample_sums = tf.einsum( 'j,jk->k', reward_samples, mask_matrix) ys = leave_one_out_subsample_sums / (num_episodes_float - 1) # average of jackknife estimate y_bar = tf.reduce_mean(ys) # acceleration factor d_ys = y_bar - ys a = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(d_ys, 3.0)) / tf.maximum( eps, 6.0 * tf.pow(tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(d_ys, 2.0)), 1.5)) # Step 3, compute z_scores for lb and ub z_score_delta_tail = gaussian_rv.quantile(delta_tail_half) z_score_1_delta_tail = gaussian_rv.quantile(1.0 - delta_tail_half) z_lb = z_0 + (z_score_delta_tail + z_0) / tf.maximum( eps, 1 - a * (z_score_delta_tail + z_0)) z_ub = z_0 + (z_score_1_delta_tail + z_0) / tf.maximum( eps, 1 - a * (z_score_1_delta_tail + z_0)) # Step 4, compute corresponding quantiles and get bootstrap intervals lb_index = tf.cast( tf.maximum( tf.minimum( tf.floor(num_bootstraps * gaussian_rv.cdf(z_lb)), num_bootstraps - 1), 1), tf.int64) ub_index = tf.cast( tf.maximum( tf.minimum( tf.floor(num_bootstraps * gaussian_rv.cdf(z_ub)), num_bootstraps - 1), 1), tf.int64) lb = tf.gather(sorted_subsample_means, lb_index) ub = tf.gather(sorted_subsample_means, ub_index) return lb, ub lb, ub = _compute_bootstrap_lb_ub(is_weighted_reward_samples) else: ValueError('Confidence interval is not implemented!') return [lb, ub]
def get_is_weighted_reward_samples(self, dataset: dataset_lib.OffpolicyDataset, target_policy: tf_policy.TFPolicy, episode_limit: Optional[int] = None, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-8): """Get the IS weighted reweard samples.""" episodes, valid_steps = dataset.get_all_episodes(limit=episode_limit) total_num_steps_per_episode = tf.shape(valid_steps)[1] - 1 num_episodes = tf.shape(valid_steps)[0] num_samples = num_episodes * total_num_steps_per_episode init_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: t[:, 0, ...], episodes) env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape(t[:, 0:total_num_steps_per_episode, ...], [num_samples, -1])), episodes) next_env_step = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: tf.squeeze( tf.reshape(t[:, 1:1 + total_num_steps_per_episode, ...], [num_samples, -1])), episodes) tfagents_env_step = dataset_lib.convert_to_tfagents_timestep(env_step) gamma_weights = tf.reshape( tf.pow(self._gamma, tf.cast(env_step.step_num, tf.float32)), [num_episodes, total_num_steps_per_episode]) rewards = (-self._get_q_value(env_step) + self._reward_fn(env_step) + self._gamma * * self._get_v_value(next_env_step, target_policy)) rewards = tf.reshape(rewards, [num_episodes, total_num_steps_per_episode]) init_values = self._get_v_value(init_env_step, target_policy) init_offset = (1 - self._gamma) * init_values target_log_probabilities = target_policy.distribution( tfagents_env_step).action.log_prob(env_step.action) if tf.rank(target_log_probabilities) > 1: target_log_probabilities = tf.reduce_sum(target_log_probabilities, -1) if self._policy_network is not None: baseline_policy_log_probability = self._get_log_prob( self._policy_network, env_step) if tf.rank(baseline_policy_log_probability) > 1: baseline_policy_log_probability = tf.reduce_sum( baseline_policy_log_probability, -1) policy_log_ratios = tf.reshape( tf.maximum( -1.0 / eps, target_log_probabilities - baseline_policy_log_probability), [num_episodes, total_num_steps_per_episode]) else: policy_log_ratios = tf.reshape( tf.maximum( -1.0 / eps, target_log_probabilities - env_step.get_log_probability()), [num_episodes, total_num_steps_per_episode]) valid_steps_in = valid_steps[:, 0:total_num_steps_per_episode] mask = tf.cast( tf.logical_and(valid_steps_in,[:, :-1] > 0.), tf.float32) masked_rewards = tf.where(mask > 0, rewards, tf.zeros_like(rewards)) clipped_policy_log_ratios = mask * self.clip_log_factor( policy_log_ratios) if self._mode in ['trajectory-wise', 'weighted-trajectory-wise']: trajectory_avg_rewards = tf.reduce_sum( masked_rewards * gamma_weights, axis=1) / tf.reduce_sum( gamma_weights, axis=1) trajectory_log_ratios = tf.reduce_sum(clipped_policy_log_ratios, axis=1) if self._mode == 'trajectory-wise': trajectory_avg_rewards *= tf.exp(trajectory_log_ratios) return init_offset + trajectory_avg_rewards else: offset = tf.reduce_max(trajectory_log_ratios) normalized_clipped_ratios = tf.exp(trajectory_log_ratios - offset) normalized_clipped_ratios /= tf.maximum( eps, tf.reduce_mean(normalized_clipped_ratios)) trajectory_avg_rewards *= normalized_clipped_ratios return init_offset + trajectory_avg_rewards elif self._mode in ['step-wise', 'weighted-step-wise']: trajectory_log_ratios = mask * tf.cumsum(policy_log_ratios, axis=1) if self._mode == 'step-wise': trajectory_avg_rewards = tf.reduce_sum( masked_rewards * gamma_weights * tf.exp(trajectory_log_ratios), axis=1) / tf.reduce_sum(gamma_weights, axis=1) return init_offset + trajectory_avg_rewards else: # Average over data, for each time step. offset = tf.reduce_max(trajectory_log_ratios, axis=0) # TODO: Handle mask. normalized_imp_weights = tf.exp(trajectory_log_ratios - offset) normalized_imp_weights /= tf.maximum( eps, tf.reduce_sum(mask * normalized_imp_weights, axis=0) / tf.maximum(eps, tf.reduce_sum(mask, axis=0)))[None, :] trajectory_avg_rewards = tf.reduce_sum( masked_rewards * gamma_weights * normalized_imp_weights, axis=1) / tf.reduce_sum(gamma_weights, axis=1) return init_offset + trajectory_avg_rewards else: ValueError('Estimator is not implemented!')