Пример #1
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Operator for dataset[key]=value. Check consistency, and deal with private tags"""
        if not isinstance(
             RawDataElement)):  # ok if is subclass, e.g. DeferredDataElement
            raise TypeError(
                "Dataset contents must be DataElement instances.\n"
                "To set a data_element value use data_element.value=val")
        tag = Tag(value.tag)
        if key != tag:
            raise ValueError("data_element.tag must match the dictionary key")

        data_element = value
        if tag.is_private:
            # See PS 3.5-2008 section 7.8.1 (p. 44) for how blocks are reserved
            logger.debug("Setting private tag %r" % tag)
            private_block = tag.elem >> 8
            private_creator_tag = Tag(tag.group, private_block)
            if private_creator_tag in self and tag != private_creator_tag:
                if isinstance(data_element, RawDataElement):
                    data_element = DataElement_from_raw(
                        data_element, self._character_set)
                data_element.private_creator = self[private_creator_tag].value
        dict.__setitem__(self, tag, data_element)
Пример #2
def get_frame_ds(frame, ds):
    # "frame" starts from 1, not 0.  Need to subtract 1 for correct indexing.
    slicenum = frame - 1
    n_frames = ds.NumberOfFrames
    print "Extracting frame " + str(frame) + " of " + str(n_frames)
    #	print "    Copying original dataset"
    ds_new = copy.deepcopy(ds)
    #	ds_new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(ds))
    #	ds_new = ujson.loads(ujson.dumps(ds))
    #	ds_new = Dataset()
    #	ds_new = add_all(ds_new,ds)
    #	print ds._character_set
    #	print "    Stripping out old tags"
    del ds_new[Tag(0x5200, 0x9230)]
    del ds_new[Tag(0x5200, 0x9229)]
    #	print "    Adding new tags"
    ds_new = add_all(ds_new, ds[0x5200, 0x9229][0])
    ds_new = add_all(ds_new, ds[0x5200, 0x9230][slicenum])
    #	print "    Correcting rows and columns"
    rows = int(ds_new.Rows)
    cols = int(ds_new.Columns)
    #	print "    Copying pixel data"
    ds_new.PixelData = ds.PixelData[slicenum *
                                    (rows * cols * 2):(slicenum + 1) *
                                    (rows * cols * 2)]
    #	print "    Replacing instance number"
    ds_new.InstanceNumber = frame
    ds_new.NumberOfFrames = 1
    ds_new._character_set = ds._character_set
    #	print "    Returning split dataset"

    return ds_new
Пример #3
def apply_scaling(data, dicom_headers):
    Rescale the data based on the RescaleSlope and RescaleOffset
    Based on the scaling from pydicomseries

    :param dicom_headers: dicom headers to use to retreive the scaling factors
    :param data: the input data

    # Apply the rescaling if needed
    private_scale_slope_tag = Tag(0x2005, 0x100E)
    private_scale_intercept_tag = Tag(0x2005, 0x100D)
    if 'RescaleSlope' in dicom_headers or 'RescaleIntercept' in dicom_headers \
            or private_scale_slope_tag in dicom_headers or private_scale_intercept_tag in dicom_headers:
        rescale_slope = 1
        rescale_intercept = 0
        private_scale_slope = 1.0
        private_scale_intercept = 0.0
        if 'RescaleSlope' in dicom_headers:
            rescale_slope = dicom_headers.RescaleSlope
        if 'RescaleIntercept' in dicom_headers:
            rescale_intercept = dicom_headers.RescaleIntercept
            # this section can sometimes fail due to unknown private fields
            if private_scale_slope_tag in dicom_headers:
                private_scale_slope = float(dicom_headers[private_scale_slope_tag].value)
            if private_scale_slope_tag in dicom_headers:
                private_scale_slope = float(dicom_headers[private_scale_slope_tag].value)
        return do_scaling(data, rescale_slope, rescale_intercept, private_scale_slope, private_scale_intercept)
        return data
Пример #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.int1 = 0x300a00b0
     self.tup1 = (0x300a, 0xb0)
     self.tup3 = (0xFFFE, 0xFFFC)
     self.t1 = Tag(self.int1)
     self.t2 = Tag(self.tup1)
     self.t3 = Tag(self.tup3)
Пример #5
 def testNameFinding(self):
     """dicom_dictionary: get long and short names for a data_element name"""
     names = all_names_for_tag(Tag(0x300a00b2))  # Treatment Machine Name
     expected = ['TreatmentMachineName']
     self.assertEqual(names, expected, "Expected %s, got %s" % (expected, names))
     names = all_names_for_tag(Tag(0x300A0120))
     expected = ['BeamLimitingDeviceAngle', 'BLDAngle']
     self.assertEqual(names, expected, "Expected %s, got %s" % (expected, names))
Пример #6
    def testJPEG2000(self):
        """JPEG2000: Returns correct values for sample data elements............"""
        expected = [Tag(0x0054, 0x0010), Tag(0x0054, 0x0020)]  # XX also tests multiple-valued AT data element
        got = self.jpeg.FrameIncrementPointer
        self.assertEqual(got, expected, "JPEG2000 file, Frame Increment Pointer: expected %s, got %s" % (expected, got))

        got = self.jpeg.DerivationCodeSequence[0].CodeMeaning
        expected = 'Lossy Compression'
        self.assertEqual(got, expected, "JPEG200 file, Code Meaning got %s, expected %s" % (got, expected))
Пример #7
def dicom_to_nifti(dicom_input, output_file):
    This function will convert an anatomical dicom series to a nifti

    Examples: See unit test

    :param output_file: filepath to the output nifti
    :param dicom_input: directory with the dicom files for a single scan, or list of read in dicoms
    if len(dicom_input) <= 0:
        raise ConversionError('NO_DICOM_FILES_FOUND')

    dicom_input = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda k: k.InstanceNumber)

    # remove localizers based on image type
    dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_imagetype(dicom_input)
    if settings.validate_slicecount:
        # remove_localizers based on image orientation (only valid if slicecount is validated)
        dicom_input = _remove_localizers_by_orientation(dicom_input)

        # validate all the dicom files for correct orientations
    if settings.validate_orientation:
        # validate that all slices have the same orientation
    if settings.validate_orthogonal:
        # validate that we have an orthogonal image (to detect gantry tilting etc)

    dicom_input = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda k: k.InstanceNumber)

    if settings.validate_sliceincrement:
        # validate that all slices have a consistent slice increment

    # Get data; originally z,y,x, transposed to x,y,z
    data = common.get_volume_pixeldata(dicom_input)

    affine = common.create_affine(dicom_input)

    # Convert to nifti
    img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, affine)

    # Set TR and TE if available
    if Tag(0x0018, 0x0081) in dicom_input[0] and Tag(0x0018,
                                                     0x0081) in dicom_input[0]:
        common.set_tr_te(img, float(dicom_input[0].RepetitionTime),

    # Save to disk
    print('Saving nifti to disk %s' % output_file)

    return {'NII_FILE': output_file}
Пример #8
def write_ATvalue(fp, data_element):
    """Write a data_element tag to a file."""
        iter(data_element.value)  # see if is multi-valued AT;  # Note will fail if Tag ever derived from true tuple rather than being a long
    except TypeError:
        tag = Tag(data_element.value)   # make sure is expressed as a Tag instance
        tags = [Tag(tag) for tag in data_element.value]
        for tag in tags:
Пример #9
 def testNoPixelsRead(self):
     """Returns all data elements before pixels using stop_before_pixels=False"""
     # Just check the tags, and a couple of values
     ctpartial = read_file(ct_name, stop_before_pixels=True)
     ctpartial_tags = sorted(ctpartial.keys())
     ctfull = read_file(ct_name)
     ctfull_tags = sorted(ctfull.keys())
     msg = "Tag list of partial CT read (except pixel tag and padding) did not match full read"
     msg += "\nExpected: %r\nGot %r" % (ctfull_tags[:-2], ctpartial_tags)
     missing = [Tag(0x7fe0, 0x10), Tag(0xfffc, 0xfffc)]
     self.assertEqual(ctfull_tags, ctpartial_tags + missing, msg)
Пример #10
    def testGetFromRaw(self):
        """Dataset: get(tag) returns same object as ds[tag] for raw element.."""
        # This came from issue 88, where get(tag#) returned a RawDataElement,
        #     while get(name) converted to a true DataElement
        test_tag = 0x100010
        test_elem = RawDataElement(Tag(test_tag), 'PN', 4, 'test', 0, True,
        ds = Dataset({Tag(test_tag): test_elem})
        by_get = ds.get(test_tag)
        by_item = ds[test_tag]

        # self.assertEqual(type(elem_get), type(name_get), "Dataset.get() returned different type for name vs tag access")
        msg = "Dataset.get() returned different objects for ds.get(tag) and ds[tag]:\nBy get():%r\nBy ds[tag]:%r\n"
        self.assertEqual(by_get, by_item, msg % (by_get, by_item))
Пример #11
def _is_bval_type_b(grouped_dicoms):
    Check if the bvals are stored in the second of 2 currently known ways for single frame dti
    bval_tag = Tag(0x0018, 0x9087)
    bvec_tag = Tag(0x0018, 0x9089)
    for group in grouped_dicoms:
        if bvec_tag in group[0] and bval_tag in group[0]:
            bvec = common.get_fd_array_value(group[0][bvec_tag], 3)
            bval = common.get_fd_value(group[0][bval_tag])
            if _is_float(bvec[0]) and _is_float(bvec[1]) and _is_float(
                    bvec[2]) and _is_float(bval) and bval != 0:
                return True
    return False
Пример #12
def saveImage(m, b, minMax):
    image['0008', '0008'].value[0] = 'DERIVED'  # Image Type
    image['0008', '0008'].value[1] = 'SECONDARY'  # Image Type
    image['0008', '103E'].value = 'Description'  # Series description
    image.add_new(Tag(['0008', '103F']), 'LO', 'Series description code')  # Series description
    image.add_new(Tag(['0020', '0016']), 'LO', uuid.uuid4().hex)  # Sop Instance
    image.add_new(Tag(['0002', '0003']), 'LO', image['0020', '0016'].value)  # Sop Instance
    image['0020', '000E'].value = uuid.uuid4().hex  # Series instance UID
    image.add_new(Tag(['0028', '0106']), 'FL', minMax[0])  # Smallest Image Pixel Value
    image.add_new(Tag(['0028', '0107']), 'FL', minMax[1])  # Largest Image Pixel Value
    image['0028', '1052'].value = b  # Rescale intercept
    image['0028', '1053'].value = m  # Rescale slope
    image['0028', '0100'].value = 16  # Rescale slope
Пример #13
def _create_bvecs(sorted_dicoms, bvec_file):
    Calculate the bvecs and write the to a bvec file
    # inspired by dicom2nii from mricron
    # see  http://users.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~robson/internal/Dicom2Nifti111.m
    if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
        dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[0][0]
        dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[0]

    # get the patient orientation
    image_orientation = dicom_headers.ImageOrientationPatient
    read_vector = numpy.array([float(image_orientation[0]), float(image_orientation[1]), float(image_orientation[2])])
    phase_vector = numpy.array([float(image_orientation[3]), float(image_orientation[4]), float(image_orientation[5])])
    mosaic_vector = numpy.cross(read_vector, phase_vector)

    # normalize the vectors
    read_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(read_vector)
    phase_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(phase_vector)
    mosaic_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(mosaic_vector)
    # create an empty array for the new bvecs
    bvecs = numpy.zeros([len(sorted_dicoms), 3])
    # for each slice calculate the new bvec
    for index in range(0, len(sorted_dicoms)):
        if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index][0]
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index]

        # get the bval als this is needed in some checks
        bval = common.get_is_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100c)])
        # get the bvec if it exists in the headers
        bvec = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
        if Tag(0x0019, 0x100e) in dicom_headers:
            # in case of implicit VR the private field cannot be split into an array, we do this here
            bvec = numpy.array(common.get_fd_array_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100e)], 3))
        # if bval is 0 or the vector is 0 no projection is needed and the vector is 0,0,0
        new_bvec = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])

        if bval > 0 and not (bvec == [0, 0, 0]).all():
            # project the bvec and invert the y direction
            new_bvec = numpy.array(
                [numpy.dot(bvec, read_vector), -numpy.dot(bvec, phase_vector), numpy.dot(bvec, mosaic_vector)])
            # normalize the bvec
            new_bvec /= numpy.linalg.norm(new_bvec)
        bvecs[index, :] = new_bvec
    # save the found bvecs to the file
    common.write_bvec_file(bvecs, bvec_file)
Пример #14
def _write_file_meta_info(fp, meta_dataset):
    """Write the dicom group 2 dicom storage File Meta Information to the file.

    The file should already be positioned past the 128 byte preamble.
    Raises ValueError if the required data_elements (elements 2,3,0x10,0x12)
    are not in the dataset. If the dataset came from a file read with
    read_file(), then the required data_elements should already be there.

    # File meta info is always LittleEndian, Explicit VR. After will change these
    #    to the transfer syntax values set in the meta info
    fp.is_little_endian = True
    fp.is_implicit_VR = False

    if Tag((2, 1)) not in meta_dataset:
        meta_dataset.add_new((2, 1), 'OB',
                             b"\0\1")  # file meta information version

    # Now check that required meta info tags are present:
    missing = []
    for element in [2, 3, 0x10, 0x12]:
        if Tag((2, element)) not in meta_dataset:
            missing.append(Tag((2, element)))
    if missing:
        raise ValueError(
            "Missing required tags {0} for file meta information".format(

    # Put in temp number for required group length, save current location to come back
    meta_dataset[(2, 0)] = DataElement((2, 0), 'UL', 0)  # put 0 to start
    group_length_data_element_size = 12  # !based on DICOM std ExplVR
    group_length_tell = fp.tell()

    # Write the file meta datset, including temp group length
    length = write_dataset(fp, meta_dataset)
    group_length = length - group_length_data_element_size  # counts from end of that

    # Save end of file meta to go back to
    end_of_file_meta = fp.tell()

    # Go back and write the actual group length
    group_length_data_element = DataElement((2, 0), 'UL', group_length)
    write_data_element(fp, group_length_data_element)

    # Return to end of file meta, ready to write remainder of the file
Пример #15
def _get_grouped_dicoms(dicom_input):
    Search all dicoms in the dicom directory, sort and validate them

    fast_read = True will only read the headers not the data
    # Order all dicom files by InstanceNumber
    dicoms = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda x: x.InstanceNumber)

    # now group per stack
    grouped_dicoms = [[]]  # list with first element a list
    timepoint_index = 0
    previous_stack_position = -1

    # loop over all sorted dicoms
    stack_position_tag = Tag(
        0x2001, 0x100a)  # put this there as this is a slow step and used a lot
    for index in range(0, len(dicoms)):
        dicom_ = dicoms[index]
        stack_position = 0
        if stack_position_tag in dicom_:
            stack_position = common.get_is_value(dicom_[stack_position_tag])
        if previous_stack_position == stack_position:
            # if the stack number is the same we move to the next timepoint
            timepoint_index += 1
            if len(grouped_dicoms) <= timepoint_index:
            # if it changes move back to the first timepoint
            timepoint_index = 0
        previous_stack_position = stack_position

    return grouped_dicoms
def read_delimiter_item(fp, delimiter):
    """Read and ignore an expected delimiter.

    If the delimiter is not found or correctly formed, a warning is logged.
    found = fp.read(4)
    if found != delimiter:
        logger.warn("Expected delimitor %s, got %s at file position 0x%x",
                    Tag(delimiter), Tag(found),
                    fp.tell() - 4)
    length = fp.read_UL()
    if length != 0:
            "Expected delimiter item to have length 0, got %d at file position 0x%x",
            fp.tell() - 4)
Пример #17
 def update(self, dictionary):
     """Extend dict.update() to handle *named tags*."""
     for key, value in dictionary.items():
         if is_stringlike(key):
             setattr(self, key, value)
             self[Tag(key)] = value
Пример #18
def get_private_entry(tag, private_creator):
    """Return the tuple (VR, VM, name, is_retired) from a private dictionary"""
    tag = Tag(tag)
        private_dict = private_dictionaries[private_creator]
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError("Private creator {0} not in private dictionary".format(

    # private elements are usually agnostic for "block" (see PS3.5-2008 7.8.1 p44)
    # Some elements in _private_dict are explicit; most have "xx" for high-byte of element
    # Try exact key first, but then try with "xx" in block position
        dict_entry = private_dict[tag]
    except KeyError:
        #     so here put in the "xx" in the block position for key to look up
        group_str = "%04x" % tag.group
        elem_str = "%04x" % tag.elem
        key = "%sxx%s" % (group_str, elem_str[-2:])
        if key not in private_dict:
            raise KeyError(
                "Tag {0} not in private dictionary for private creator {1}".
                format(key, private_creator))
        dict_entry = private_dict[key]
    return dict_entry
Пример #19
    def prep_data(self, PathDicom):
        self.PathDicom = PathDicom
        self.lstFilesDCM = []
        self.lstRSFile = []
        self.Dicom_info = []

        fileList = []
        for dirName, dirs, fileList in os.walk(PathDicom):
        if len(fileList) < 10:  # If there are no files, break out
            return None
        for filename in fileList:
                ds = dicom.read_file(os.path.join(dirName, filename))
                if ds.Modality == 'CT' or ds.Modality == 'MR':  # check whether the file's DICOM
                    self.lstFilesDCM.append(os.path.join(dirName, filename))
                elif ds.Modality == 'RTSTRUCT':
                    self.lstRSFile = os.path.join(dirName, filename)
                # if filename.find('Iteration_') == 0:
                #     os.remove(PathDicom+filename)
        self.RefDs = dicom.read_file(self.lstFilesDCM[0])
        self.mask_exist = False
        if self.lstRSFile:
            self.RS_struct = dicom.read_file(self.lstRSFile)
            if Tag((0x3006, 0x020)) in self.RS_struct.keys():
                self.ROI_Structure = self.RS_struct.StructureSetROISequence
                self.ROI_Structure = []
            self.rois_in_case = []
            for Structures in self.ROI_Structure:
Пример #20
def _is_bval_type_a(grouped_dicoms):
    Check if the bvals are stored in the first of 2 currently known ways for single frame dti
    bval_tag = Tag(0x2001, 0x1003)
    bvec_x_tag = Tag(0x2005, 0x10b0)
    bvec_y_tag = Tag(0x2005, 0x10b1)
    bvec_z_tag = Tag(0x2005, 0x10b2)
    for group in grouped_dicoms:
        if bvec_x_tag in group[0] and _is_float(common.get_fl_value(group[0][bvec_x_tag])) and \
                        bvec_y_tag in group[0] and _is_float(common.get_fl_value(group[0][bvec_y_tag])) and \
                        bvec_z_tag in group[0] and _is_float(common.get_fl_value(group[0][bvec_z_tag])) and \
                        bval_tag in group[0] and _is_float(common.get_fl_value(group[0][bval_tag])) and \
                        common.get_fl_value(group[0][bval_tag]) != 0:
            return True
    return False
Пример #21
def _classic_get_grouped_dicoms(dicom_input):
    Search all dicoms in the dicom directory, sort and validate them

    fast_read = True will only read the headers not the data
    # Loop overall files and build dict
    # Order all dicom files by InstanceNumber
    dicoms = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda x: x.InstanceNumber)

    # now group per stack
    grouped_dicoms = []

    # loop over all sorted dicoms
    stack_position_tag = Tag(0x0020, 0x0012)  # in this case it is the acquisition number
    for index in range(0, len(dicoms)):
        dicom_ = dicoms[index]
        if stack_position_tag not in dicom_:
            stack_index = 0
            stack_index = dicom_[stack_position_tag].value - 1
        while len(grouped_dicoms) <= stack_index:

    return grouped_dicoms
Пример #22
def CleanName(tag):
    """Return the dictionary descriptive text string but without bad characters.
    Used for e.g. *named tags* of Dataset instances (before DICOM keywords were
    part of the standard)
    tag = Tag(tag)
    if tag not in DicomDictionary:
        if tag.element == 0:  # 0=implied group length in DICOM versions < 3
            return "GroupLength"
            return ""
    s = dictionary_description(tag)  # Descriptive name in dictionary
    # remove blanks and nasty characters
    s = s.translate(normTable, r""" !@#$%^&*(),;:.?\|{}[]+-="'’/""")

    # Take "Sequence" out of name as more natural sounding
    # e..g "BeamSequence"->"Beams"; "ReferencedImageBoxSequence"->"ReferencedImageBoxes"
    # 'Other Patient ID' exists as single value AND as sequence so check for it and leave 'Sequence' in
    if dictionaryVR(tag) == "SQ" and not s.startswith("OtherPatientIDs"):
        if s.endswith("Sequence"):
            s = s[:-8] + "s"
            if s.endswith("ss"):
                s = s[:-1]
            if s.endswith("xs"):
                s = s[:-1] + "es"
            if s.endswith("Studys"):
                s = s[:-2] + "ies"
    return s
Пример #23
 def update(self, dictionary):
     """Extend dict.update() to handle DICOM keywords."""
     for key, value in dictionary.items():
         if isinstance(key, (str, unicode)):
             setattr(self, key, value)
             self[Tag(key)] = value
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a data element instance.

        Most user code should instead use DICOM keywords
        to create data_elements, for which only the value is supplied,
        and the VR and tag are determined from the dicom dictionary.

        tag -- dicom (group, element) tag in any form accepted by Tag().
        VR -- dicom value representation (see DICOM standard part 6)
        value -- the value of the data element. One of the following:
            - a single string value
            - a number
            - a list or tuple with all strings or all numbers
            - a multi-value string with backslash separator
        file_value_tell -- used internally by Dataset, to store the write
            position for ReplaceDataElementValue method
        is_undefined_length -- used internally to store whether the length
            field in this data element was 0xFFFFFFFFL, i.e. "undefined length"

        self.tag = Tag(tag)
        self.VR = VR  # Note!: you must set VR before setting value
        if already_converted:
            self._value = value
            self.value = value  # calls property setter which will convert
        self.file_tell = file_value_tell
        self.is_undefined_length = is_undefined_length
Пример #25
def _get_grouped_dicoms(dicom_input):
    Search all dicoms in the dicom directory, sort and validate them

    fast_read = True will only read the headers not the data

    # Order all dicom files by InstanceNumber
    dicoms = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda x: x.InstanceNumber)

    # now group per stack
    grouped_dicoms = [[]]  # list with first element a list
    stack_index = 0
    previous_stack_position = -1

    # loop over all sorted dicoms
    stack_position_tag = Tag(
        0x0020, 0x9057)  # put this there as this is a slow step and used a lot
    for index in range(0, len(dicoms)):
        dicom_ = dicoms[index]
        # if the stack number decreases we moved to the next stack
        stack_position = 0
        if stack_position_tag in dicom_:
            stack_position = dicom_[stack_position_tag].value
        if previous_stack_position > stack_position:
            stack_index += 1
        previous_stack_position = stack_position

    return grouped_dicoms
Пример #26
 def testGetDefault4(self):
     """Dataset: dataset.get() returns default for non-existing Tag......."""
     ds = self.dummy_dataset()
     not_there = ds.get(Tag(0x99999999), "not-there")
         not_there, "not-there",
         "dataset.get() did not return default value for non-member by Tag")
Пример #27
 def testGetExists4(self):
     """Dataset: dataset.get() returns an existing item by Tag............"""
     ds = self.dummy_dataset()
     unit = ds.get(Tag(0x300A00B2), None).value
         unit, 'unit001',
         "dataset.get() did not return existing member by tuple tag")
Пример #28
def _is_multiframe_4d(dicom_input):
    Use this function to detect if a dicom series is a philips multiframe 4D dataset
    # check if it is multi frame dicom
    if not is_multiframe_dicom(dicom_input):
        return False

    header = dicom_input[0]

    # check if there are multiple stacks
    number_of_stack_slices = common.get_ss_value(header[Tag(
        0x2001, 0x105f)][0][Tag(0x2001, 0x102d)])
    number_of_stacks = int(int(header.NumberOfFrames) / number_of_stack_slices)
    if number_of_stacks <= 1:
        return False

    return True
Пример #29
 def __delitem__(self, key):
     """Intercept requests to delete an attribute by key, e.g. del ds[tag]"""
     # Assume is a standard tag (for speed in common case)
         dict.__delitem__(self, key)
     # If not a standard tag, than convert to Tag and try again
     except KeyError:
         tag = Tag(key)
         dict.__delitem__(self, tag)
Пример #30
def _get_asconv_headers(mosaic):
    Getter for the asconv headers (asci header info stored in the dicom)
    asconv_headers = re.findall(r'### ASCCONV BEGIN(.*)### ASCCONV END ###',
                                mosaic[Tag(0x0029, 0x1020)].value.decode(encoding='ISO-8859-1'),

    return asconv_headers