def main():
    theDie = Die()

    count = eval(input("How many times should I roll the die? "))

    c1 = 0
    c2 = 0
    c3 = 0
    c4 = 0
    c5 = 0
    c6 = 0

    for i in range(count):
        val = theDie.getFaceValue()
        if val == 1:
            c1 = c1 + 1
        elif val == 2:
            c2 = c2 + 1
        elif val == 3:
            c3 = c3 + 1
        elif val == 4:
            c4 = c4 + 1
        elif val == 5:
            c5 = c5 + 1
        elif val == 6:
            c6 = c6 + 1
            print ("Error - value of die was", val)

    c1Percent = float(c1)/count * 100
    c2Percent = float(c2)/count * 100
    c3Percent = float(c3)/count * 100
    c4Percent = float(c4)/count * 100
    c5Percent = float(c5)/count * 100
    c6Percent = float(c6)/count * 100

    print ("Value 1 came up:", c1, "or a percentage of", c1Percent)
    print ("Value 2 came up:", c2, "or a percentage of", c2Percent)
    print ("Value 3 came up:", c3, "or a percentage of", c3Percent)
    print ("Value 4 came up:", c4, "or a percentage of", c4Percent)
    print ("Value 5 came up:", c5, "or a percentage of", c5Percent)
    print ("Value 6 came up:", c6, "or a percentage of", c6Percent)
def main():
    theDie = Die()

    count = eval(input("How many times should I roll the die? "))

    c1 = 0
    c2 = 0
    c3 = 0
    c4 = 0
    c5 = 0
    c6 = 0

    for i in range(count):
        val = theDie.getFaceValue()
        if val == 1:
            c1 = c1 + 1
        elif val == 2:
            c2 = c2 + 1
        elif val == 3:
            c3 = c3 + 1
        elif val == 4:
            c4 = c4 + 1
        elif val == 5:
            c5 = c5 + 1
        elif val == 6:
            c6 = c6 + 1
            print("Error - value of die was", val)

    c1Percent = float(c1) / count * 100
    c2Percent = float(c2) / count * 100
    c3Percent = float(c3) / count * 100
    c4Percent = float(c4) / count * 100
    c5Percent = float(c5) / count * 100
    c6Percent = float(c6) / count * 100

    print("Value 1 came up:", c1, "or a percentage of", c1Percent)
    print("Value 2 came up:", c2, "or a percentage of", c2Percent)
    print("Value 3 came up:", c3, "or a percentage of", c3Percent)
    print("Value 4 came up:", c4, "or a percentage of", c4Percent)
    print("Value 5 came up:", c5, "or a percentage of", c5Percent)
    print("Value 6 came up:", c6, "or a percentage of", c6Percent)
Пример #3
def main():
   trisha = Die(-5)
##   trisha.roll()
   print("Trisha", trisha.getFaceValue())
##   sheldon = Die()
##   for i in range(10):
##      trisha.roll()
##      sheldon.roll()
##      tValue = trisha.getFaceValue()
##      sValue = sheldon.getFaceValue()
##      if sValue <= tValue:
##         sheldon.setFaceValue(5.5)
##         sValue = sheldon.getFaceValue()
##      print("Trisha: " + str(tValue), end = " ")
##      print("Sheldon: " + str(sValue))
##      if tValue > sValue:
##         print ("Trisha won!")
##      elif tValue == sValue:
##         print("Tie")
##      else:
##         print("Sheldon won!")
   print ("Done!")
Пример #4
def main():
    trisha = Die(-5)
    ##   trisha.roll()
    print("Trisha", trisha.getFaceValue())
    ##   sheldon = Die()
    ##   for i in range(10):
    ##      trisha.roll()
    ##      sheldon.roll()
    ##      tValue = trisha.getFaceValue()
    ##      sValue = sheldon.getFaceValue()
    ##      if sValue <= tValue:
    ##         sheldon.setFaceValue(5.5)
    ##         sValue = sheldon.getFaceValue()
    ##      print("Trisha: " + str(tValue), end = " ")
    ##      print("Sheldon: " + str(sValue))
    ##      if tValue > sValue:
    ##         print ("Trisha won!")
    ##      elif tValue == sValue:
    ##         print("Tie")
    ##      else:
    ##         print("Sheldon won!")