Пример #1
# Build the fluid and rock model
# See to this later!
f = Fluid(refRho=62.428, refPres=14.7, compress=3.5 * 1e-6, mu=10)
r = Rock(refPoro=0.18, refPres=14.7, compress=0, perm=0.015)

# rho is in lbm/ft^3
# refPres is in psi
# compress is in psi^-1
# mu is in cP
# perm is in D (Darcy)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
bc = BoundaryCondition()
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 85, 85), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=0.1, nTime=10 * 3 + 2)

#runSimulation2(res, dt=15, nTime=30)
Пример #2
# Build the fluid and rock model
# See to this later!
f = Fluid(refRho=62.428, refPres=14.7, compress=3.5 * 1e-6, mu=10)
r = Rock(refPoro=0.18, refPres=14.7, compress=0, perm=0.015)

# rho is in lbm/ft^3
# refPres is in psi
# compress is in psi^-1
# mu is in cP
# perm is in D (Darcy)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
bc = BoundaryCondition()
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 24, 24), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=15, nTime=24)

#runSimulation2(res, dt=15, nTime=30)
Пример #3
# mu is in cP
# perm is in D (Darcy)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
bc = BoundaryCondition()
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 85, 85), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=0.1, nTime=10*3+2)

#runSimulation2(res, dt=15, nTime=30)

Пример #4
# mu is in cP
# perm is in D (Darcy)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
bc = BoundaryCondition()
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 4, 13), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=15, nTime=24)

#runSimulation2(res, dt=15, nTime=30)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
#bc = BoundaryCondition("d", 6000)
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='after')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='after')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 25, 25), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=0.25, nTime=5)

# Temporarily use MRST's plotCellData
#generateMFile('example-4', res.grid.dims, res.resDim, 23)

Пример #6
# rho is in lbm/ft^3
# refPres is in psi
# compress is in psi^-1
# mu is in cP
# perm is in D (Darcy)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
#bc = BoundaryCondition("d", 6000)
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='after')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='after')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 25, 25), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=0.25, nTime=4 * 3 + 2)

# Temporarily use MRST's plotCellData
#generateMFile('example-4', res.grid.dims, res.resDim, 13)
Пример #7
# rho is in lbm/ft^3
# refPres is in psi
# compress is in psi^-1
# mu is in cP
# perm is in D (Darcy)

# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
#bc = BoundaryCondition("d", 6000)
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='after')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='after')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 25, 25), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=0.25, nTime=5)

# Temporarily use MRST's plotCellData
#generateMFile('example-4', res.grid.dims, res.resDim, 23)
Пример #8
# We contain all these informations in a Reservoir object
res = Reservoir(grid=g, fluid=f, rock=r, resDim=resDimension)

# By default, the moment we declare a Node object, a no-flow Neumann
# condition has already been imposed if the Node is a boundary Node.
# But we can specify another condition with another value as follows
#bc = BoundaryCondition("d", 6000)
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, x='after')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='before')
#res.addBoundaryCondition(bc, y='after')

# Set the initial pressure array

# Set a source/sink in coordinate (0, 0, 3)
res.grid.nodes[np.ravel_multi_index((0, 25, 25), res.grid.dims)].setSrc(-150)

# Finally, run the simulation!
runSimulation(res, dt=0.25, nTime=4*3+2)

# Temporarily use MRST's plotCellData
#generateMFile('example-4', res.grid.dims, res.resDim, 13)