Пример #1
class OperatorSetSymmetry(OperatorSet):
    the main container of a set of symmetry operators

    ParamDict = {
        IntInfo("Nsym", "crystallographic symmetry operators number", 0, 0,
        EnumInfo("Cen", "centrosymmetry flag", 1, {
            1: "1",
            2: "2"
        }, [1, 2]),
            "Laue", "Laue class for magnetic symmetry", 1, {
                1: "1",
                2: "",
                3: "",
                4: "",
                5: "",
                6: "",
                7: "",
                8: "",
                9: "",
                10: "",
                11: "",
                12: "",
                13: "",
                14: ""
            }, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]),
        IntInfo("Nsym", "symmetry operator number", 0),
        IntInfo("MagMat", "magnetic matrix number", 0),
        IntInfo("DepMat", "displacement matrix number", 0),

    ObjectDict = {}

    ObjectListDict = {
        "OperatorCombo": ObjectInfo("SetOperatorCombo", "OperatorCombo", 0,

    def __init__(self, parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, parent)

Пример #2
class SimulatedAnnealing(RietveldClass):
    # Simulated (Cry=3): Simulated annealing parameters

    ParamDict = {
        FloatInfo("T_INI", "Initial Temperature", 0.0, '', 0.0, None),
                  "Reduction Factor of the temperature between the MC Cycles",
                  0.9, '', 0.0, None),
        FloatInfo("ACCEPT", "Lowest percentage of accepted configurations",
                  0.5, '', 0.0, None),
        IntInfo("NUMTEMPS", "Maximum number of temperature", 1, 1, None),
        IntInfo("NUMTHCYC", "Number of Monte Carlo Cycles", 1, 1, None),
        EnumInfo("INITCONF", "Initial Configuration", 0, {
            0: "random",
            1: "given"
        }, [0, 1]),
        StringInfo("SEED_Random", "Randomized Seed", ""),
        IntInfo("NCONF", "Number of Configuration", 1, 1, None),
        IntInfo("NSOLU", "Number of Solution", 1, 1, None),
        IntInfo("NREFLEXF", "Number of Reflection", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("NSCALEF", "Scale Factor", 0),
            "NALGOR", "Algorithm", 0, {
                0: "Corana algorithm",
                1: "Corana algorithm is selected using as initial steps",
                2: "Conventional algorithm using fixed steps"
            }, [2, 0, 1]),
        IntInfo("ISWAP", "Interchange of Atoms", 0, 0, None),
    ObjectDict = {}
    ObjectListDict = {
        "CPL": ObjectInfo("CPLList", "CPL", 0, None),

    def __init__(self, Parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, Parent)

Пример #3
class PatternTOFThermalNeutron(PatternTOF):
    ParamDict = {
        # experiment set
        "Npr":      EnumInfo("Npr", "Default Profile", 10,
                        10: "T.O.F. Convolution Pseudo-Voigt versus d-spacing",
        "Zerot":    RefineInfo("Zerot", "Zero shift for thermal neutrons", 0.0),
        "Dtt1t":    RefineInfo("Dtt1t", "coefficient 1 for d-spacing calculation", 0.0),
        "Dtt2t":    RefineInfo("Dtt1t", "coefficient 2 for d-spacing calculation", 0.0),

    ObjectDict  = {}

    ObjectListDict = {

    def validate(self):
        validate the parameters, subclass and container to meet the refinement requirement
        rvalue = PatternTOF.validate(self)

        if self.get("Npr") != 10:
            rvalue = False
            errmsg = "PyFullProf.Core.PatternTOFNeutronThermal:  Npr = %-10 (Must Be 10)"% \
            print errmsg

        return rvalue
Пример #4
class LPFactor(RietveldClass):
    class to handle all the related parameters for Lorentz polarization

    ParamDict = {
        "Ilo":      EnumInfo("Ilo", "Lorentz and polarization corrections", 0,
                    {0: "Standard Debye-Scherrer Geometry",
                    1:  "Flat Plate PSD Geometry",
                    -1: "No Correction",
                    2:  "Transmission Geometry",
                    3:  "Special Polarization Correction"},
                    [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]),
        "Cthm":     FloatInfo("Cthm", "Monochromator Polarization Correction", 0.0),
        "Rpolarz":  FloatInfo("Rpolarz", "Polarization Factor", 0.0),
    ObjectDict  = {}
    ConstrainDict = {}

    def __init__(self, parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, parent)

Пример #5
class ScatterFactorNeutron(ScatterFactor):
    scattering factor for neutron

    ParamDict = {
        "NAM":  StringInfo("NAM", "name of chemical element", ""),
        "b":    FloatInfo("b", "b", 0.0),
        "ITY":  EnumInfo("ITY", "form factor definition", 0,
                    {0: "only read a user defined atomic Fermi length b",
                    1:  "user providing magnetic form factor",
                    -1: "user defining a table of sin(theta)/lambda - f"},
                    [0, 1, -1]),
    ObjectDict  = {}
    ObjectListDict = {}

    def __init__(self, parent):
        inheriting initialization
        ScatterFactor.__init__(self, parent)
        formfactor = FormFactorNeutron(None)
        self.set('FormFactor', formfactor)

Пример #6
class ScatterFactorXray(ScatterFactor):
    scattering factor for x-ray

    ParamDict = {
        "NAM":  StringInfo("NAM", "name of chemical element", ""),
        "DFP":  FloatInfo("DFP", "Df'", 0.0),
        "DFPP": FloatInfo("DFPP", "Df''", 0.0),
        "ITY":  EnumInfo("ITY", "form factor definition", 0,
                    {0: "user providing sin(theta)/lambda dependent part of X-rays form factor",
                    -1: "user defining a table of form factor sin(theta)/lambda - f",
                    2:  "using tabulated coefficient for sin(theta)/lambda - f"},
                    [0, -1, 2]),
    ObjectDict  = {}
    ObjectListDict = {}

    def __init__(self, parent):
        inheriting initialization
        ScatterFactor.__init__(self, parent)

        formfactorxray = FormFactorXray(None)
        self.set('FormFactor', formfactorxray)

Пример #7
class OperatorSetBasisFunction(OperatorSet):

    ParamDict = {
        IntInfo("Ireps", "number of irreducible representation", 0, 0, None),
        EnumInfo("Complex", "atomic basis funtion complex number or not", 0, {
            0: "real",
            1: "complex"
        }, [0, 1]),

    ObjectDict = {}

    ObjectListDict = {
        "Icompl": ObjectInfo("SetIcompl", "Icompl", 0, 1),

    def __init__(self, parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, parent)

Пример #8
class PatternED(Pattern):

    ParamDict = {
        "TwoSinTh": FloatInfo("TwoSinTh", "2*sin(theta)", 0.0, "degree", 0, 360),         # 2SinTh
        "Npr":      EnumInfo("Npr", "Default Profile", 0,
                        0:  "Gaussian",
                        1:  "Cauchy",
                        2:  "Modified 1 Lorentzian",
                        3:  "Modified 2 Lorentzian",
                        4:  "Tripled Pseudo-Voigt",
                        5:  "Psuedo-Voigt",
                        6:  "Pearson VII",
                        7:  "Thompson-Cox-Hastings",
                        8:  "Numerical Profile given in CODFIL.shp",
                        9:  "T.O.F. Convolution Pseudo-Voigt",
                        10: "T.O.F. Convolution Pseudo-Voigt versus d-spacing",
                        11: "Split Psuedo-Voigt Function",
                        12: "Pseudo-Voigt function convoluted with axial divergence asymmetry function",
                        13: "T.O.F. Pseudo-Voigt function convoluted with Ikeda-Carpenter function"
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]),     

    def __init__(self, Parent=None):
        initialize:  combine dictionaries
        Pattern.__init__(self, Parent)


    def validate(self):
        validate the parameters, subclass and container to meet the refinement requirement
        rvalue = Pattern.validate(self)

        # Uni
        self.set("Uni", 2)

        # Check:  TwoSinTh
        if abs(self.get("TwoSinTh")) < 1.0E-7:
            print "Not Allowed:  TwoSinTh = 0.0"
            rvalue = False

        return rvalue
Пример #9
class CPL(RietveldClass):

    ParamDict = {
                 "flags to indicate if the coefficient will be switched", 0, {
                     0: "remain fixed",
                     1: "switched"
                 }, [1, 0]),

    def __init__(self, Parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, Parent)

Пример #10
class Fit(RietveldClass):
    Fit contains information for a single Rietveld refinement configuration


    banklist    --  list of integers,  index of banks used
    ParamDict = {
        # general information
        "Name":         StringInfo("Name",     "Fit Name",           "new fit"), \
        "Information":  StringInfo("Information", "Fit Information",  ""), \
        "physparam":    FloatInfo("physparam", "External Parameter", 0.0),  \
        # refinement solution information

        "Chi2":         FloatInfo("Chi2", "Chi^2", 0.0, '',  0.0, None),
        # refinement setup    information
        "Dum":          EnumInfo("Dum",        "Divergence Control", 0, \
                        {0: "Regular", \
                        1: "criterion of convergence is not applied when shifts are lower than a fraction of standard deviation", \
                        2: "stopped in case of local divergence", \
                        3: "reflection near excluded regions are not taken into account for Bragg R-factor"}, \
                        [0, 1, 2, 3]),
        "Ias":          EnumInfo("Ias", "Reordering of Reflections", 0,
                        {0: "At First Cycle",
                         1: "At Each Cycle"},
                        [0, 1]),
        "Cry":          EnumInfo("Cry",  "Job and Refinement Algorithm", 0,            \
                        {0: "Rietveld refinement", \
                        1: "Refinement of single crystal data or integrated intensity of powder data", \
                        2: "No least-square method is applied (Monte Carlo)", \
                        3: "Simulated Annearing"}, \
                        [0, 1, 2, 3]),
        "Opt":          BoolInfo("Opt", "Calculation Optimization", False),
        "Aut":          BoolInfo("Aut", "Automatic Mode for Refinement Codes Numbering", False),
        "NCY":          IntInfo("NCY", "Refinement Cycle Number", 1, 1, None),
        "Eps":          FloatInfo("Eps", "Convergence Precision", 0.1, '', 0.0, None),
        "R_at":         FloatInfo("R_at", "Atomic Relaxation Factor",       1.0),
        "R_an":         FloatInfo("R_an", "Anisotropic Relaxation Factor",  1.0),
        "R_pr":         FloatInfo("R_pr", "Profile Relaxation Factor",      1.0),
        "R_gl":         FloatInfo("R_gl", "Global Pamameter Relaxation Factor", 1.0),
        # output options
        "Mat":          EnumInfo("Mat", "Correlation Matrix Output", 1,
                        {0: "no action", \
                        1:  "written in CODFIL.dat", \
                        2:  "diagonal of least square matrix is printed at every cycle"},
        "Pcr":          EnumInfo("Pcr", "Upate .pcr file after refinement", 1,
                        {1: "CODFIL.pcr is re-written with updated parameters",
                        2: "A new input file is generated named CODFIL.new"},
        "Syo":          EnumInfo("Syo", "Output of the symmetry operator", 0,
                        {0: "no action",
                        1:  "symmetry operators are written in CODFIL.out"},
        "Rpa":          EnumInfo("Rpa", "Output .rpa file", 1,
                        {-1:".cif file",
                        0: "no action",
                        1:  ".rpa file",
                        2:  ".sav file"},
        "Sym":          EnumInfo("Sym", "Output .sym file", 1,
                        {0: "no cation",
                        1:  "prepare CODFIL.sym"},
        "Sho":          BoolInfo("Sho", "Reduced output", False),
        "Nre":          IntInfo("Nre", "Number of restrainted parameters", 0),

    ObjectDict = {
        "Refine": ObjectInfo("Refine", "Refine"),

    ObjectListDict = {
        #"MonteCarlo":           ObjectInfo("MonteCarlo", "MonteCarlo", 0, 1),
        #"SimulatedAnnealing":   ObjectInfo("SimulatedAnneaing", "SimulatedAnnealing", 0, 1),
        "Pattern": ObjectInfo("PatternList", "Pattern", 1, None),
        "Phase": ObjectInfo("PhaseList", "Phase", 1, None),
        "Contribution": ObjectInfo("ContributionList", "Contribution", 0,

    def __init__(self, parent):
        initialization: add a new Fit, and create the refine object belonged to this fit object
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, parent)

        # init refine
        refineobj = Refine(None)
        self.set("Refine", refineobj)

        # bank information:  This is for some specific pattern data such as ".gss" with different bank
        self.banklist = []

        # internal data
        self.key = ''
        self._param_indices = {}


    def __str__(self):
        customerized output
        rstring = ""

        rstring += RietveldClass.__str__(self)

        return rstring

    def getContribution(self, p1, p2):
        get the contribution by pattern and phase
        p1: pattern/phase
        p2: phase/pattern

        return  --  (1) Contribution
                    (2) None if not exist
        from diffpy.pyfullprof.pattern import Pattern
        from diffpy.pyfullprof.phase import Phase
        from diffpy.pyfullprof.contribution import Contribution

        phase = None
        pattern = None
        if isinstance(p1, Pattern) and isinstance(p2, Phase):
            pattern = p1
            phase = p2
        elif isinstance(p1, Phase) and isinstance(p2, Pattern):
            pattern = p2
            phase = p1
            raise NotImplementedError, "fit.getContribution:  p1 and p2 must be phase and pattern or pattern and phase"

        contributionlist = self.get("Contribution")
        for contribution in contributionlist:
            if contribution._ParentPhase == phase and contribution._ParentPattern == pattern:
                return contribution

        # if return will be None, then print out some debugging information
        if 0:
            contributionlist = self.get("Contribution")
            dbmsg = "pyfullprof.core.Fit.getContribution():  Cannot Find a Matching Contribution!\n"
            dbmsg += "%-20s: Phase -- %-30s   Pattern -- %-30s\n" % (
                "Input", repr(phase), repr(pattern))
            counts = 0
            for contribution in contributionlist:
                addrphase = repr(contribution._ParentPhase)
                addrpattern = repr(contribution._ParentPattern)
                dbmsg += "%-20s: Phase -- %-30s  Pattern -- %-30s\n" % (
                    "Contribution " + str(counts), addrphase, addrpattern)
                counts += 1
            print dbmsg

        return None

    def getParamList(self):
        return self.Refine.constraints

    def updateFit(self, newfit):
        """Update self with the new fit, which is the resultant Fit instance.
        newfit --   an instance of Fit
        # update Chi^2
        for paramname in self.ParamDict:
            self.set(paramname, newfit.get(paramname))
        for constraint in self.get("Refine").constraints[:]:
            if constraint.on:
                path = constraint.path
                val = newfit.getByPath(path)
                self.setByPath(path, val)

                #FIXME: it is a get-around of the engine bug
                newconstraint = newfit.getConstraintByPath(path)
                if newconstraint is not None:
                    constraint.sigma = newconstraint.sigma

        for constraint in self.get("Refine").constraints[:]:
            print "                    %-10s    %-15s    %-15.6f+/- %-11.6f" \
            % ( constraint.name, constraint.varName, constraint.getValue(),
        print "\n"

    def validate(self, mode="Refine"):
        validate the parameters, subclass and container to meet the refinement requirement

        - mode  :  string, validate mode, (Refine, Calculate)

        Return  :  Boolean 
        rvalue = RietveldClass.validate(self)
        errmsg = ""

        # I. Synchronization of FulProf Parameter & Check Data File Existence
        for pattern in self.get("Pattern"):

            # 2.1 data file existence
            if mode == "Refine":
                exist = checkFileExistence(pattern.get("Datafile"))
                if not exist:
                    rvalue = False
                    errmsg += "Data File %-10s Cannot Be Found\n" % (

        # 2. Nre
        nre = 0
        for variable in self.get("Refine").get("Variable"):
            if variable.get("usemin") is True:
                nre += 1
        # End -- for variable in ...
        self.set("Nre", nre)

        # Check Validity
        # 1. parameter
        if self.get("NCY") < 1:
            rvalue = False

        # 2. .hkl file
        #   the reason why not put the checking .hkl file in Contribution is that
        #   there is a sequence number related between pattern sequence
        #   within contribution, it is hard to get this number
        for pattern in self.get("Pattern"):
            # scan all Phases
            pindex = 1
            fnamer = pattern.get("Datafile").split(".")[0]
            usehkl = False
            for phase in self.get("Phase"):
                # get contribution
                contribution = self.getContribution(pattern, phase)

                if contribution is not None and contribution.get("Irf") == 2:
                    # using reflection
                    usehkl = True
                    # check single phase/contribution hkl file
                    hklfname = fnamer + str(pindex) + ".hkl"
                        hklfile = open(hklfname, "r")
                    except IOError, err:
                        # if no such file exits, update Irf to 0
                        contribution.set("Irf", 0)
                        # error message output
                        errmsg += "Fit.validate():  Reflection File %-10s Cannot Be Found: " % (
                        errmsg += "Chaning Contribution.Irf to 0 ... Related to Phase[%-5s]" % (
                        print errmsg
                # End -- if contribution is not None and Irf == 2:

                pindex += 1
            # End -- for phase in self.get("Phase"):

            if usehkl is True:
                # check overall hkl file
                hklfname = fnamer + ".hkl"
                    hklfile = open(hklfname, "r")
                except IOError, err:
                    # if no such file exists, update all Irf to 0
                    for contribution in self.get("Contribution"):
                        contribution.set("Irf", 0)
Пример #11
class PatternTOF(Pattern):
    """ Class for Time-of-flight Pattern
    ParamDict = {
        # experiment set
        "Bank":     IntInfo("Bank", "Bank Index In Pattern File", 1),
        "Npr":      EnumInfo("Npr", "Default Profile", 0,
                        0:  "Gaussian",
                        1:  "Cauchy",
                        2:  "Modified 1 Lorentzian",
                        3:  "Modified 2 Lorentzian",
                        4:  "Tripled Pseudo-Voigt",
                        5:  "Psuedo-Voigt",
                        6:  "Pearson VII",
                        7:  "Thompson-Cox-Hastings",
                        8:  "Numerical Profile given in CODFIL.shp",
                        9:  "T.O.F. Convolution Pseudo-Voigt",
                        10: "T.O.F. Convolution Pseudo-Voigt versus d-spacing",
                        11: "Split Psuedo-Voigt Function",
                        12: "Pseudo-Voigt function convoluted with axial divergence asymmetry function",
                        13: "T.O.F. Pseudo-Voigt function convoluted with Ikeda-Carpenter function"
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]),           
        "Iabscor":  EnumInfo("Iabscor", "Absorption Correction", 3,
                    {1: "Flat Plate Perpendicular to Incident Beam",
                    2:  "Cylindrical Sample",
                    3:  "Exponential correction"},
                    [1, 2, 3]),
        # refinement parameters and powder data range
        "Thmin":    FloatInfo("Thmin", "Starting Scattering Variable", 0.0, "micro-second"),
        "Step":     FloatInfo("Step", "Step of Scattering Variable", 1.0, "micro-second"),
        "Thmax":    FloatInfo("Thmax", "Ending Scattering Variable", 0.0, "micro-second"),
        "TwoSinTh": FloatInfo("TwoSinTh", "2*sin(theta)", 0.0, "degree", 0, 360),         # 2SinTh
        # experiment set II: refinable parameters
        "Zero":     RefineInfo("Zero", "Zero Point", 0.0, unit="microsecond"),
        "Dtt1":     RefineInfo("Dtt1", "Dtt1", 0.0),
        "Dtt2":     RefineInfo("Dtt2", "Dtt2", 0.0),
        "Width":    RefineInfo("Width", "Width of the crossover region", 0.0),
        "xcross":   RefineInfo("xcross", "position of center of the crossover region", 0.0),
    ObjectDict  = {}
    ObjectListDict = {}

    def __init__(self, Parent=None):
        """ initialize:  combine dictionaries
        Pattern.__init__(self, Parent)


    def addContribution(self, contribution):
        """ add a Contribution pertinent to this phase

        return  --  None

        contribution  --  Contribution instance
        from diffpy.pyfullprof.contribution import ContributionTOF
        verifyType(contribution, ContributionTOF)



    def setCalculation(self):
        set this instance to pattern calculation mode

        return  --  None
        self.set("Job", -3)


    def getUnitString(self):
        provide a string to the unit of this pattern

        return  --  string, unit of this type of pattern TOF
        rstring = "Time-of-Flight (micro-second)"

        return rstring

    def validate(self):
        validate the parameters, subclass and container to meet the refinement requirement
        rvalue = Pattern.validate(self)

        # Set:  Uni
        self.set("Uni", 1)

        # Check: TwoSinTh
        if abs(self.get("TwoSinTh")) < 1.0E-7:
            print "Not Allowed:  TwoSinTh = 0.0"
            rvalue = False

        return rvalue
Пример #12
class Pattern2Theta(Pattern):
    """ Pattern with Xray Unit

    ParamDict = {
        # experiment set
        "Npr":      EnumInfo("Npr", "Default Profile", 0,
                        0:  "Gaussian",
                        1:  "Cauchy",
                        2:  "Modified 1 Lorentzian",
                        3:  "Modified 2 Lorentzian",
                        4:  "Tripled Pseudo-Voigt",
                        5:  "Psuedo-Voigt",
                        6:  "Pearson VII",
                        7:  "Thompson-Cox-Hastings",
                        8:  "Numerical Profile given in CODFIL.shp",
                        11: "Split Psuedo-Voigt Function",
                        12: "Pseudo-Voigt function convoluted with axial divergence asymmetry function",
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12]),       
        "Lambda1":  FloatInfo("Lambda1", "Wavelength lambda_1", -0.0, "A", 0.0, None),
        "Lambda2":  FloatInfo("Lambda2", "Wavelength lambda_2", -0.0, "A", 0.0, None),
        "Ratio":    FloatInfo("Ratio", "I_1/I_2", 1.0),
        "muR":      FloatInfo("muR", "Absorption Correction", 0.0),
        "2nd-muR":  FloatInfo('2nd-muR', 'Second Absorption Correction', 0.0), # new in 2011 
        "AsymLim":  FloatInfo("AsymLim", "Limit Angle for Asymmetry correction", 1.0, "2theta degree"),
        # refinement parameters and powder data range
        "Thmin":    FloatInfo("Thmin", "Starting Scattering Variable", 0.0, "2theta degree"),
        "Step":     FloatInfo("Step", "Step of Scattering Variable", 1.0, "2theta degree"),
        "Thmax":    FloatInfo("Thmax", "Ending Scattering Variable", 90.0, "2theta degree"),
        "PSD":      FloatInfo("PSD", "Incident Beam Angle", 45.0, "degree"),
        "Sent0":    FloatInfo("Sent0", "Maximum Angle To Where Primary Beam", 0.0, "degree"),
        # experiment set II: refinable parameters
        "More":     BoolInfo("More", "More Options", True),
        "Zero":     RefineInfo("Zero", "Zero Point", 0.0, unit="degree"), 
        "Sycos":    RefineInfo("Sycos", "Sycos", 0.0),
        "Sysin":    RefineInfo("Sysin", "Sysin", 0.0),
        "Lambda":   RefineInfo("Lambda", "Wavelength \lambda", 0.0),

    ObjectDict  = { }

    ObjectListDict = {
        "MicroAbsorption":   ObjectInfo("SetMicroAbsorption", "MicroAbsorption", 0, 1),

    def __init__(self, Parent=None):
        """ initialize:  combine dictionaries

          - Parent  :   Rietveld object

        Return      :   None
        Pattern.__init__(self, Parent)


    def setCalculation(self):
        set this instance to pattern calculation mode

        return  --  None
        thisjob = self.get("Job")

        if thisjob == 0:
            self.set("Job", 2)
        elif thisjob == 1:
            self.set("Job", 3)
        elif thisjob == 2 or thisjob == 3:
            errmsg = "Job = %-10s Is Not In Class %-20s Object" % \
                    (self.get("Job"), self.__class__.__name__)
            raise RietError(errmsg)
        # END-IF-ELSE


    def addContribution(self, contribution):
        add a Contribution pertinent to this phase

        return  --  None

        contribution  --  Contribution instance
        from diffpy.pyfullprof.contribution import Contribution2Theta
        verifyType(contribution, Contribution2Theta)

    def getUnitString(self):
        provide a string to the unit of this pattern

        return  --  string, unit of this type of pattern 2theta
        rstring = "2-theta (degree)"

        return rstring

    def validate(self):
        validate the parameters, subclass and container to meet the refinement requirement
        rvalue = Pattern.validate(self)

        # Set: Uni
        self.set("Uni", 0)

        return rvalue
Пример #13
class Pattern(RietveldClass):
    Pattern contains all the information for a single pattern 
    for Rietveld refinement

    _contributionlist   --  list, containing related Contribution instance

    ParamDict = {
        "Name":     StringInfo("Name", "Name", "Pattern"),
        "W_PAT":    FloatInfo("W_PAT", "Pattern Weight", 1.0, "", 0.0, 1.0),
        #"Chi2":     FloatInfo("Chi2", "Chi^2", 1.0E+8),
        "Scale":    RefineInfo("Scale", "Scale factor", 1.0E-3),
        "Rp":       FloatInfo("Rp", "Rp", 1.0E+8),
        "Rwp":      FloatInfo("Rwp", "Rwp", 1.0E+8),
        "Bkpos":    FloatInfo("Bkpos", "Origin of Polynomial Background", 47.0, "", 1.0E-8, None),
        "Wdt":      FloatInfo("Wdt", "Cut-off of the peak profile tails", 8.0),
        "Job":      EnumInfo("Job", "Radiation Type", -1,
                    {0: "X-ray",
                    1:  "Neutron Constant Wave",
                    -1: "Neutron T.O.F. and Magnetic",
                    -3: "Pattern Calculation Neutron T.O.F",
                    2:  "Pattern Calculation X-ray",
                    3:  "Pattern Calculation Neutron Constant Wavelength"},
                    [-1, 1, 0, -3, 2, 3]), 
        "Nba":      EnumInfo("Nba", "Background Type", 0,
                    {0: "Polynomial",
                    1:  "From CODFIL.bac",
                    -1: "Debye-like Polynomial",
                    -2: "Fourier Filtering",
                    -3: "Read 6 Additional Polynomial Coefficients",
                    2:  "Linear Interpolation with given background",
                    -4: "Polynomial",
                    -5: "Cubic Spline Interpolation"},
                    [0, -1, -3, -2, 2, -4, 1, -5]),
        "NbaPoint": IntInfo("NbaPoint", "number of points for user-defined background", 0, 0, None),
        "Nor":      EnumInfo("Nor", "Preferred Orientation Function", -1,
                    {0: "Preferred Orientation No.1",
                    1:  "Preferred Orientation No.2",
                    -1: "No preferred orientation"},
                    [0, 1, -1]),
        "Iwg":      EnumInfo("Iwg", "Refinement Weight Scheme", 0,
                    {0: "Standard Least Square Refinement",
                    1:  "Maximum Likelihood Refinement",
                    2:  "Unit Weights"},
                    [0, 1, 2]),
        "Res":      EnumInfo("Res", "Resolution Function", 0,
                    {0: "Not Given",
                    1:  "Given by File with Resolution Function 1",
                    2:  "Given by File with Resolution Function 2",
                    3:  "Given by File with Resolution Function 3",
                    4:  "List of value 2theta, H_G(2theta), H_L(2theta)",
                    5:  "User Input Resolution File",},
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
        "Ste":      IntInfo("Ste", "Number of data points reduction factor in powder data", 0, 0, None),
        "Uni":      EnumInfo("Uni", "Scattering Variable Unit", 1,
                    {0: "2theta degree",
                    1:  "T.O.F in microseconds",
                    2:  "Energy in keV"},
                    [1, 0, 2]),
        "Cor":      EnumInfo("Cor", "Intensity Correction", 0,
                    {0: "No Correction",
                    1:  "file with intensity correction is read",
                    2:  "file with coefficients of empirical function"},
                    [0, 1, 2]),
        "Datafile": StringInfo("Datafile", "Powder Data File", ""),
        "Instrumentfile":     StringInfo("InstrumentFile", "Instrument file fullpath", ""),
        "Resofile": StringInfo("Resofile", "Resolution File", ""),
        # output
        "Ipr":      EnumInfo("Ipr", "Profile integrated intensities output", 3,
                    {0: "no action",
                    1:  "observed and calculated proile intensities written in CODFIL.out",
                    2:  "CODFILn.sub with the calculated profile for each phase are generated",
                    3:  "CODFILn.sub with the calculated profile for each phase are generated, background added to each file"},
                    [0, 1, 2, 3]),
        "Ppl":      EnumInfo("Ppl", "Various types of calculated output - I", 0,
                    {0: "No action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    2:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    3:  "MORE TO ADD"},
                    [0, 1, 2, 3]),
        "Ioc":      EnumInfo("Ioc", "Various types of calculated outpout - II", 0,
                    {0: "No action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    2:  "MORE TO ADD"},
                    [0, 1, 2]),
        "Ls1":      EnumInfo("Ls1", "Various types of calculated outpout - III", 0,
                    {0: "No action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD"},
                    [0, 1]),
        "Ls2":      EnumInfo("Ls2", "Various types of calculated outpout - IV", 0,
                    {0: "No action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    4:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    5:  "unknown operation"},
                    [0, 1, 4, 5]),
        "Ls3":      EnumInfo("Ls3", "Various types of calculated outpout - V", 0,
                    {0: "No action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD"},
                    [0, 1]),
        "Prf":      EnumInfo("Prf", "Output Format of Rietveld Plot File CODFIL.prf", 0,
                    0: "no action",
                    -3: "WinPlot Output",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    2:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    3:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    4:  "pl1 File Output"},
                    [0, -3, 1, 2, 3, 4]),
        "Ins":      EnumInfo("Ins", "Data File Format", 0,
                    {0: "Data in free format",
                    1: "D1A/D2B format",
                    2: "D1B old format",
                    3: "Format corresponding to the ILL instruments D1B and D20",
                    4: "Brookaven synchrotron data",
                   -4: "Brookaven synchrotron data given by DBWS program",
                    5: "GENERAL FORMAT for TWO AXIS instrument",
                    6: "D1A/D2B standard format prepared by D1A(D2B) SUM (ILL), ADDET(LLB), MIPDSUM(LLB) or equivalent programs",
                    7: "Files from D4 or D20L",
                    8: "Data from DMC at Paul Scherrer Institute",
                   10: "X, Y, Sigma format with header lines",
                   11: "Data from varaible time X-ray collection",
                   12: "data file conforming to GSAS standard data file",
                   14: "multiple bank data file from GEM (ISIS).gss file"},
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14]),
        "Hkl":      EnumInfo("Hkl", "Output of Reflection List in CODFIL.hkl", 0, 
                    {0: "no action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    2:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    -2: "xpc add",
                    3:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    -3: "MORE TO ADD",
                    4:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    5:  "MORE TO ADD"},
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, -3, 4, 5]),
        "Fou":      EnumInfo("Fou", "Output of CODEFILE.fou Files", 0,
                    {0: "no action",
                    1:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    2:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    3:  "MORE TO ADD",
                    4:  "MORE TO ADD"},
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]),
        "Ana":      EnumInfo("Ana", "Reliability of the refinement analysis", 0,
                    {0: "no action",
                    1:  "provides an analysis of the refinement at the end of summary file"},
                    [0, 1]),
        "Nex":      IntInfo("Nex", "Excluded Region Number", 0),
        "Nsc":      IntInfo("Nsc", "Scatteirng Factor Number", 0),
        # Histogram usage flag, this flag is added here to be compatible with GSAS
        "ISUSED" : BoolInfo("ISUSED",
                'True if pattern is used in the refinement',

    ObjectDict  = {
        "LPFactor":     ObjectInfo("LPFactor", "LPFactor"),
        "Background":   ObjectInfo("Background", "Background"),

    ObjectListDict = {
        "ExcludedRegion":   ObjectInfo("SetExcludedRegion", "ExcludedRegion", 0, None),
        "ScatterFactor":    ObjectInfo("SetScatterFactor", "ScatterFactor", 0, None),

    def __init__(self, Parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, Parent)

        init subclass
        background = Background(None)
        self.set("Background", background)

        lpfactor = LPFactor(None)
        self.set("LPFactor", lpfactor)

        # init attributes

        self._contributionlist = []
        self._reflections = {} 

    def set(self, param_name, value,  index=None):
        function:    set value to parameter 'param'

        param_name:  parameter name, can be (1) parameter name (2) subclass name
        value     :  (1) corresponding python build-in type
                     (2) an object reference
        index:       for the location in ObjectListDict/ParamListDict

        rvalue = RietveldClass.set(self, param_name, value, index)

        if param_name == "Nba":
            nba = self.get(param_name)
            background = None

            if nba == 0:
                background = BackgroundPolynomial(self)
                background.set("Order", 6)
            elif nba == 1:
                background = BackgroundPolynomial(self)
                background.set("Order", 4)
            elif nba == -1:
                background = BackgroundDebye(self)
            elif nba == -2:
                background = BackgroundFourierwindow(self)
            elif nba == -3:
                background = BackgroundPolynomial(self)
                background.set("Order", 12)
            elif nba == -4:
                background = BackgroundPolynomial(self)
                background.set("Order", 12)
            elif nba == 2:
                background = BackgroundUserDefinedLinear(self)
            elif nba == -5:
                background = BackgroundUserDefinedCubic(self)
                errmsg = "Nba = %-10s is not supported" % (nba)
                raise RietError, errmsg

            if background is not None:
                self.set("Background", background)


        return rvalue

    def addBackgroundPoints(self, bkgdpointlist):
        add Background point (x, intensity) to this InterpolatedBackground instance

        bkgdpointlist   --  list of 2-tuple(x, intensity) for pre-selected background points

        Return          --  None
        background = self.get("Background")
        for bkgdtup in bkgdpointlist:
            # 1. verify the input list term
                pos = bkgdtup[0]
                bck = bkgdtup[1]
            except IndexError, err:
                errmsg = "%-30s:  Input Error!  Element in input bkgdpointlist is not 2-tuple\n"% \
                errmsg += "Error message:  %-40s"% (err)
                raise RietError(errmsg)

            # 2. make Core objects 
            background.set("POS", pos)
            background.set("BCK", bck)
        # END -- for bkgdtup in bkgdpointlist:

Пример #14
class Phase(RietveldClass):
    Phase contains all the information only belongs to  a single phase


    _contributionlist --  list instance containing all the contribution related to this Phase

    ParamDict = {
        StringInfo("Name", "Phase Name", ""),
            "Jbt", "Structure factor model and refinement method", 0, {
                "treated with Rietveld method, refining a given structural model",
                "treated with Rietveld method, pure magnetic",
                "treated with Rietveld method, pure magentic with magnetic moments",
                "profile matching method with constant scale factor",
                "profile matching method with constant scale factor and given CODFiln.hkl",
                "profile matching method with constant relative intensities for the current phase",
                "profile matching method with given structure factor in CODFiln.hkl",
                "intensities of nuclear reflection from Rigid body groups",
                "intensities of magnetic reflection from conical magnetic structure in real space",
                "nuclear and magnetic phase with Cartesian magnetic moment",
                "nuclear and magnetic phase with spherical magnetic moment",
                "commensurate modulated crystal structure with Cartesian magnetic components",
                "commensurate modulated crystal structure with spherical magnetic components"
            }, [0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, 5, 10, -10, 15, -15]),
        StringInfo("Comment", "Allowed Options", ""),
        RefineInfo("a", "a", 1.0),
        RefineInfo("b", "b", 1.0),
        RefineInfo("c", "c", 1.0),
        RefineInfo("alpha", "alpha", 90.0),
        RefineInfo("beta", "beta", 90.0),
        RefineInfo("gamma", "gamma", 90.0),
        StringInfo("Spacegroup", "Space group", ""),
        FloatInfo("ATZ", "weight percent coefficient", 1.0, "", 0.0, None),
            "Isy", "Symmetry opertor reading control", 0, {
                "symmetry operators generated automatically from the space group symbol",
                1: "user-input symmetry operator",
                -1: "user-input symmetry operator",
                2: "basis function"
            }, [0, 1, -1, 2]),
            "Str", "size strain reading control", 0, {
                0: "using selected models",
                1: "generalized formulation of strains parameters be used",
                "using selected models and generalized formulation of strains parameters be used",
                2: "generalized formulation of size parameters be used",
                "generalized formulation of strain and size parameters be used"
            }, [0, 1, -1, 2, 3]),
        EnumInfo("Jvi", "Output options", 0, {
            0: "no operation",
            3: "unknow operation",
            1: "",
            2: "",
            11: ""
        }, [0, 3, 1, 2, 11]),
        EnumInfo("Jdi", "Crystallographic output options", 0, {
            0: "",
            1: "",
            -1: "",
            2: "",
            3: "",
            4: ""
        }, [0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 4]),
        FloatInfo("Dis_max", "maximum distance between atoms to output", 0.0),
        FloatInfo("Ang_max", "maximum angle between atoms to output", 0.0),
        StringInfo("BVS", "BVS calculation flag", ""),
        FloatInfo("Tolerance", "Tolerance for the ionic radius", 0.0, "%"),
                 "Control to constrain a magnetic structure to be helicoidal",
        BoolInfo("Sol", "Additional hkl-dependent shifts reading control",
        IntInfo("Nat", "Atom Number", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("Dis", "distance restraint number", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("MomMA", "number of angle/magnetic restraint", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("MomMoment", "number of magnetic restraints", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("MomAngles", "number of angle restraints", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("Furth", "user defined parameter number", 0, 0, None),
        IntInfo("Nvk", "number of propagation vector", 0),
        BoolInfo("More", "flag for using Jvi, Jdi, Hel, Sol, Mom and Ter",
        IntInfo("N_Domains", "Number of Domains/twins", 0, 0, None),

    ObjectDict = {
        "OperatorSet": ObjectInfo("OperatorSet", "OperatorSet"),

    ObjectListDict = {
        ObjectInfo("TimeRev", "TimeRev", 0, 1),
        ObjectInfo("SetAtom", "Atom", 0, None),
        ObjectInfo("SetPropagationVector", "PropagationVector", 0, None),
        ObjectInfo("SetDistanceRestraint", "DistanceRestraint", 0, None),
        ObjectInfo("SetAngleRestraint", "AngleRestraint", 0, None),
        ObjectInfo("SetMomentRestraint", "MomentRestraint", 0, None),
        ObjectInfo("TransformationMatrixSet", "TransformationMatrixSet", 0, 1),

    def __init__(self, parent):
        RietveldClass.__init__(self, parent)

        # initialize subclass-object
        operatorset = OperatorSet(self)
        self.set("OperatorSet", operatorset)

        # initialize attributes
        self._contributionlist = []


    def isCrystalPhase(self):
        tell the user whether this phase is a crystal phase or not

        Return  --  True/False
        jbt = self.get("Jbt")

        if jbt == 0 or jbt == 2:
            rvalue = True
            rvalue = False

        return rvalue

    def needAtoms(self):
        jbt = self.get("Jbt")
        if jbt == 2:
            return False
            return True

    def addContribution(self, contribution):
        add a Contribution pertinent to this phase

        return  --  None

        contribution  --  Contribution instance
        from diffpy.pyfullprof.contribution import Contribution
        verifyType(contribution, Contribution)



    def getContribution(self):
        get the list of Contribution of this phase

        return  --  list of Contribution 
        return self._contributionlist

    def delContribution(self, contribution):
        remove the Contribution instance from the Contribution-list

        return  --  None

        contribution    --  instance of Contribution

        1. if contribution is not in self._contributionlist
        verifyType(contribution, Contribution)



    def shiftOrigin(self, dx, dy, dz):
        for the Space group with multiple origin, the implementation in FullProf
        is to shift the position of each atom by a specified amount
        return  --  None

        dx      --  float, -1 < dx < 1
        dy      --  float, -1 < dy < 1
        dz      --  float, -1 < dz < 1
        verifyType(dx, float)
        verifyType(dy, float)
        verifyType(dz, float)

        # check range
        if abs(dx) > 1 or abs(dy) > 1 or abs(dz) > 1:
            errmsg = "Phase.shiftOrigin(%-5s, %-5s, %-5s), Shift amount our of range"\
                     (str(dx), str(dy), str(dz))
            raise RietError(errmsg)

        # set shift
        for atom in self.get("Atom"):
            atom.shiftPosition(dx, dy, dz)


    def set(self, param_name, value, index=None):
        Phase extending RietveldClass.set() method

        param_name  --  string, parameter name
        value       --  instance, value to set
        rvalue = RietveldClass.set(self, param_name, value, index=index)

        if param_name == "Jvi":
            self.set("More", True)
        elif param_name == "Jdi":
            self.set("More", True)
        elif param_name == "Hel":
            self.set("More", True)
        elif param_name == "Sol":
            self.set("More", True)
        elif param_name == "Mom":
            self.set("More", True)
        elif param_name == "Ter":
            self.set("More", True)

        return rvalue

    def validate(self):
        validate of class Phase
        rvalue = RietveldClass.validate(self)

        errmsg = ""

        # FullProf parameter synchronization
        # atom
        nat = len(self.get("Atom"))
        self.set("Nat", nat)
        # dis
        dis = len(self.get("DistanceRestraint"))
        self.set("Dis", dis)
        # momma
        ang = len(self.get("AngleRestraint"))
        mom = len(self.get("MomentRestraint"))
        if ang != 0 and mom != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError, "Angular Restraint and Moment Restraint cannot be used simultaneously"
        self.set("MomMA", ang + mom)
        # nvk
        nvk = len(self.get("PropagationVector"))
        self.set("Nvk", nvk)

        # Situation validation
        # 1. Jbt and Atom Number
        jbt = self.get("Jbt")
        if abs(jbt) != 2 and nat == 0:
            # not Le-Bail (profile match)
            rvalue = False
            errmsg += "No Atom is defined while Jbt = %-5s (Not Le-Bail)" % (

        # error message output
        if errmsg != "":
            prtmsg = "Phase Invalid Setup: %-60s" % (errmsg)
            print prtmsg

        if rvalue is not True:
            print "Invalidity Deteced In %-10s" % (self.__class__.__name__)

        return rvalue
Пример #15
        for i in xrange(0, self.get("NS")+1):
            param_name = "TimeRev"+str(i)
            TimeRev.__dict__[param_name] = data.IntData(self.ParamDict[param_name].get("default"))


# make doc string
MaxNS = 20
for i in xrange(0, MaxNS + 1):
    param_name = "TimeRev" + str(i)
    TimeRev.ParamDict[param_name] = EnumInfo(param_name,
                                             "time reversal operator", -1, {
                                                 1: "1",
                                                 -1: "-1"
                                             }, [1, -1])
"""     OperatorSet Suite   """

class OperatorSet(RietveldClass):
    base class for operator set including symmetry operator set and basis function set

    ParamDict = {}
    ObjectDict = {}
    ObjectListDict = {}