Пример #1
def make_generator(
        config: GenConfig) -> Union[PDFGenerator, DebyePDFGenerator]:
    Build a generator according to the information in the GenConfig.

    config : GenConfig
        A configuration instance for generator building.

    generator: PDFGenerator or DebyePDFGenerator
        A generator built from GenConfig.

    name = config.name
    stru: Structure = loadStructure(config.stru_file)
    ncpu = config.ncpu

    if config.debye:
        generator = DebyePDFGenerator(name)
        generator = PDFGenerator(name)

    generator.setStructure(stru, periodic=config.periodic)

    if ncpu:
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(ncpu)
        generator.parallel(ncpu, mapfunc=pool.imap_unordered)

    return generator
Пример #2
def make_generator(genconfig: GenConfig) -> Union[PDFGenerator, DebyePDFGenerator]:
    Build a generator according to the information in the GenConfig.

    genconfig : GenConfig
        A configuration instance for generator building.

    generator: PDFGenerator or DebyePDFGenerator
        A generator built from GenConfig.
    generator = DebyePDFGenerator(genconfig.name) if genconfig.debye else PDFGenerator(genconfig.name)
    generator.setStructure(genconfig.structure, periodic=genconfig.structure)
    ncpu = genconfig.ncpu
    if ncpu:
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(ncpu)
        generator.parallel(ncpu, mapfunc=pool.imap_unordered)
    return generator
Пример #3
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, stru3, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1, xmax = 40, dx = 0.01)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    generator_MEF_Cryst_B = PDFGenerator("G_MEF_Cryst_B")
    generator_MEF_Cryst_B.setStructure(stru1, periodic = True)
    generator_MEF_Mole_B = DebyePDFGenerator("G_MEF_Mole_B")
    generator_MEF_Mole_B.setStructure(stru2, periodic = False)
    generator_MEF_Intra = DebyePDFGenerator("G_MEF_Intra")
    generator_MEF_Intra.setStructure(stru3, periodic = False)

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators to the FitContribution. Add the Profile. This will
    # send the metadata to the generators.
    contribution = FitContribution("MEF")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")
    #write down the fit equation:
    #(G_MEF_Cryst_B - G_MEF_Mole_B) gives the intermolecular PDF, using a larger atomic displacement parameter
    #G_MEF_Intra gives intramolecular PDF, using a smaller atomic displacement parameter.
    #The sum of both parts gives the total PDF.
    contribution.setEquation("scale * (G_MEF_Cryst_B - G_MEF_Mole_B + G_MEF_Intra)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    qdamp = 0.02902
    generator_MEF_Cryst_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_MEF_Mole_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_MEF_Intra.qdamp.value = qdamp

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 1) 

############### First the MEF_Cryst_B parameters ############################################
    phase_MEF_Cryst_B = generator_MEF_Cryst_B.phase

    lat = phase_MEF_Cryst_B.getLattice()
    atoms = phase_MEF_Cryst_B.getScatterers()
    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Inter", 0.05, tag = "T1")
    recipe.newVar("lat_a", 14.556, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_b", 6.811, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_c", 7.657, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("alpha", 119.57, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("beta", 103.93, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("gamma", 91.30, tag = "lat")

    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "lat_a")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "lat_b")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "lat_c")
    recipe.constrain(lat.alpha, "alpha")
    recipe.constrain(lat.beta, "beta")
    recipe.constrain(lat.gamma, "gamma")
    for atom in atoms:
    	if atom.element.title() == "N":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")
    	elif atom.element.title() == "O":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "C":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "H":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_MEF_Cryst_B.delta2.value = 0

############### Second the MEF_Mole_B parameters ############################################
    phase_MEF_Mole_B = generator_MEF_Mole_B.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Mole_B", 1, tag = "lat2") 

    lat = phase_MEF_Mole_B.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Mole_B")
   # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_MEF_Mole_B.getScatterers()
   # Constrain ADPs

    for atom in atoms:
    	if atom.element.title() == "C":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "O":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "N":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "H":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_MEF_Mole_B.delta2.value = 0

############### Third the intra molecule parameters##########################################
    phase_MEF_Intra = generator_MEF_Intra.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Intra", 1, tag = "lat3") 

    lat = phase_MEF_Intra.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Intra")
   # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_MEF_Intra.getScatterers()
   # Constrain ADPs
    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Intra", 0.005, tag = "T2") 
    for atom in atoms:
    	if atom.element.title() == "C":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "O":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "N":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "H":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    generator_MEF_Intra.delta2.value = 0

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Пример #4
def makeRecipe(molecule, datname):
    """Create a recipe that uses the DebyePDFGenerator."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1.2, xmax=8)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # Create a DebyePDFGenerator named "G".
    generator = DebyePDFGenerator("G")
    # These are metadata needed by the generator

    ## The FitContribution
    contribution = FitContribution("bucky")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")

    # Make a FitRecipe.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # Specify which parameters we want to refine. We'll be using the
    # MoleculeParSet within the generator, so let's get a handle to it. See the
    # diffpy.srfit.structure.objcryststructure module for more information
    # about the MoleculeParSet hierarchy.
    c60 = generator.phase

    # First, the isotropic thermal displacement factor.
    Biso = recipe.newVar("Biso")
    for atom in c60.getScatterers():

        # We have defined a 'center' atom that is a dummy, which means that it
        # has no scattering power. It is only used as a reference point for
        # our bond length. We don't want to constrain it.
        if not atom.isDummy():
            recipe.constrain(atom.Biso, Biso)

    # We need to let the molecule expand. If we were modeling it as a crystal,
    # we could let the unit cell expand. For instruction purposes, we use a
    # Molecule to model C60, and molecules have different modeling options than
    # crystals. To make the molecule expand from a central point, we will
    # constrain the distance from each atom to a dummy center atom that was
    # created with the molecule, and allow that distance to vary. (We could
    # also let the nearest-neighbor bond lengths vary, but that would be much
    # more difficult to set up.)
    center = c60.center
    # Create a new Parameter that represents the radius of the molecule. Note
    # that we don't give it an initial value. Since the variable is being
    # directly constrained to further below, its initial value will be inferred
    # from the constraint.
    radius = recipe.newVar("radius")
    for i, atom in enumerate(c60.getScatterers()):

        if atom.isDummy():

        # This creates a Parameter that moves the second atom according to the
        # bond length. Note that each Parameter needs a unique name.
        par = c60.addBondLengthParameter("rad%i"%i, center, atom)
        recipe.constrain(par, radius)

    # Add the correlation term, scale. The scale is too short to effectively
    # determine qdamp.
    recipe.addVar(generator.delta2, 2)
    recipe.addVar(generator.scale, 1.3e4)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Пример #5
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, stru3, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1, xmax=20, dx=0.01)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B = PDFGenerator("G_ROY_Cryst_B")
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.setStructure(stru1, periodic=True)
    generator_ROY_Mole_B = DebyePDFGenerator("G_ROY_Mole_B")
    generator_ROY_Mole_B.setStructure(stru2, periodic=False)
    generator_ROY_Intra = DebyePDFGenerator("G_ROY_Intra")
    generator_ROY_Intra.setStructure(stru3, periodic=False)

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators to the FitContribution. Add the Profile. This will
    # send the metadata to the generators.
    contribution = FitContribution("ROY")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="r")

    # Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
    # multiply it by a scaling factor. We also want a certain phase scaling
    # relationship between the PDFs which we will enforce with constraints in
    # the FitRecipe.
    #from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF
    #contribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name = "f_IMC")
        "scale * (G_ROY_Cryst_B - G_ROY_Mole_B + G_ROY_Intra)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    qdamp = 0.02902
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_ROY_Mole_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_ROY_Intra.qdamp.value = qdamp

    qbroad = 0.017315
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.qbroad.value = qbroad
    generator_ROY_Mole_B.qbroad.value = qbroad
    generator_ROY_Intra.qbroad.value = qbroad

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 1)

    ############### First the ROY_Cryst_B parameters ############################################
    phase_ROY_Cryst_B = generator_ROY_Cryst_B.phase

    lat = phase_ROY_Cryst_B.getLattice()
    atoms = phase_ROY_Cryst_B.getScatterers()

    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Inter", 0.05, tag="T1")
    recipe.newVar("lat_a", 3.9453, tag="lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_b", 18.685, tag="lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_c", 16.3948, tag="lat")
    #recipe.newVar("alpha", 90, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("beta", 93.83, tag="lat")
    #recipe.newVar("gamma", 90, tag = "lat")

    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "lat_a")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "lat_b")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "lat_c")
    #recipe.constrain(lat.alpha, "alpha")
    recipe.constrain(lat.beta, "beta")
    #recipe.constrain(lat.gamma, "gamma")

    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.element.title() == "N":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "O":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "C":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "H":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "S":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.delta2.value = 0
    #    recipe.addVar(generator_IMC_Cryst_B.delta2, name = "delta2_IMC_Cryst_B", value =
    #            0, tag = "delta")

    ############### Second the ROY_Mole_B parameters ############################################
    phase_ROY_Mole_B = generator_ROY_Mole_B.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Mole_B", 1, tag="lat2")

    lat = phase_ROY_Mole_B.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Mole_B")
    # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_ROY_Mole_B.getScatterers()
    # Constrain ADPs
    #recipe.newVar("Uiso_Inter", 0.05, tag = "T2")

    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.element.title() == "C":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "O":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "N":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "H":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "S":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_ROY_Mole_B.delta2.value = 0

    #    recipe.addVar(generator_IMC_Mole_B.delta2, name = "delta2_IMC_Mole_B", value
    #            = 5.66086478091, tag = "delta")

    ############### Third the intra molecule parameters##########################################
    phase_ROY_Intra = generator_ROY_Intra.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Intra", 1, tag="lat3")

    lat = phase_ROY_Intra.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Intra")
    # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_ROY_Intra.getScatterers()
    # Constrain ADPs
    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Intra", 0.005, tag="T2")

    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.element.title() == "C":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "O":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "N":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "H":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "S":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    generator_ROY_Intra.delta2.value = 0

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe