Пример #1
 def __init__(self, node_file_path, link_file_path, dist_col="dist_corr"):
     self.graph3 = dijkstra.Graph()
     self.graph1 = dijkstra.Graph()
     links_df = pd.read_csv(link_file_path)
     for r, row in links_df.iterrows():
         self.graph1.add_edge(row["frm_node"], row["to_node"],
         if row["n_link_sample"] >= 3:
             self.graph3.add_edge(row["frm_node"], row["to_node"],
     nodes_df = pd.read_csv(node_file_path)
     self.node_lat_arr = nodes_df["lat"].values
     self.node_lng_arr = nodes_df["lng"].values
     self.node_names = nodes_df["node"].values
     self.node_col = np.argwhere(nodes_df.columns.values == "node")[0][0]
Пример #2
def create_map(x_size, y_size, obs_list):
    grid = dij.Graph()
    for i in range(0, y_size):
        for j in range(0, x_size - 1):
            n1 = y_size * i + j
            n2 = n1 + 1
            if not ((n1 in obs_list) or (n2 in obs_list)):
                grid.add_edge(n1, n2, 1)
        for j in range(x_size - 1, 0, -1):
            n1 = y_size * i + j
            n2 = n1 - 1
            if not ((n1 in obs_list) or (n2 in obs_list)):
                grid.add_edge(n1, n2, 1)

    for j in range(0, x_size):
        for i in range(0, y_size - 1):
            n1 = y_size * i + j
            n2 = n1 + x_size
            if not ((n1 in obs_list) or (n2 in obs_list)):
                grid.add_edge(n1, n2, 1)
        for i in range(y_size - 1, 0, -1):
            n1 = y_size * i + j
            n2 = n1 - x_size
            if not ((n1 in obs_list) or (n2 in obs_list)):
                grid.add_edge(n1, n2, 1)
    return grid
Пример #3
    def find_path(self):
        #create graph
        graph = dijkstra.Graph()

        #construct vertices and edges
        for i in range(self.rows):
            for j in range(self.cols):
                id = i * self.rows + j
                adjacent = []
                if (i != 0):
                    adjacent.append((i - 1) * self.rows + j)
                    graph.add_edge(id, (i - 1) * self.rows + j, 1)
                if (j != 0):
                    adjacent.append(i * self.rows + j - 1)
                    graph.add_edge(id, i * self.rows + j - 1, 1)
                if (i != (self.rows - 1)):
                    adjacent.append((i + 1) * self.rows + j)
                    graph.add_edge(id, (i + 1) * self.rows + j, 1)
                if (j != (self.cols - 1)):
                    adjacent.append(i * self.rows + j + 1)
                    graph.add_edge(id, i * self.rows + j + 1, 1)
                new_v = dijkstra.Vertex(id, i, j, adjacent)

        # update edges for obstacle nodes
        for edge in self.obstacles['costs']:
            id = edge['i'] * self.rows + edge['j']
            graph.update_in_edges(id, edge['value'])

        #compute and convert the shortest path
        shortest_path = graph.shortest_path(self.wI * self.rows + self.wJ,
                                            self.eI * self.rows + self.eJ)
        dict_path = [{'i': v.i, 'j': v.j} for v in shortest_path]

        return {'steps': len(dict_path), 'path': dict_path}
Пример #4
 def get_shortest_paths(self, router_id):
     """Return a list of shortest paths from router_id to all other nodes"""
     g = dijkstra.Graph()
     nodes = []
     paths = {}
     for lsa in self.values():
         for data in lsa.networks.values():
             neighbor_id, cost = data[:2]
             g.add_e(lsa.adv_router, neighbor_id, cost)
     if router_id in nodes:
     # Find a shortest path from router_id to dest
     dist, prev = g.s_path(router_id)
     for dest in nodes:
         # Trace the path back using the prev array.
         path = []
         current = dest
         while current in prev:
             path.insert(0, prev[current])
             current = prev[current]
             cost = dist[dest]
         except KeyError:
             next_hop = (path[1] if len(path) > 1 else dest)
             paths[dest] = (next_hop, cost)
     return paths
Пример #5
    def setUp(self):
        #testing out two different kinds of graphs, one based on speed limit + distance
        #and one based purely on distance
        self.speed_graph = dj.Graph('test_data.gpkg', 'dc_roads', 'road_nodes')
        self.length_graph = dj.Graph('test_data.gpkg',
        #generate all the shortest paths to node 60288
        self.speed_paths = self.speed_graph.dijkstra(60288)
        self.length_paths = self.length_graph.dijkstra(60288)

Пример #6
    def __init__(self, venue_id, lat, lon):
        # Set up member variables
        self.waypoints = {}
        self.graph = dijkstra.Graph()
        self.venue_id = venue_id

        # Create graph from the database
        self.create_graph(lat, lon)
Пример #7
def create_vgraph(coord, edges):
	graph = dijkstra.Graph()
	for i in range(0, len(coord)):
		for j in range(0, len(coord)):
			if (i != j):
				if feasible_segment(coord[i], coord[j], edges):
					graph.add_edge(i, j, canvas.dist(coord[i], coord[j]))
	return graph
Пример #8
    def get_dist_graph(self):
        # O(m*logn)
        graph = dijkstra.Graph()

        for i in self.edges:
            for j in self.edges[i]:
                graph.add_edge(i, j[0], self.distance(i, j[0]))

        return graph
Пример #9
    def get_time_graph(self, time=False):
        # O(m*logn)
        graph = dijkstra.Graph()

        for i in self.edges:
            for j in self.edges[i]:
                if time and j[1][1]:
                graph.add_edge(i, j[0], self.time_dist(i, j))

        return graph
Пример #10
def get_cost(source_tree):
    graph = dijkstra.Graph()
    for i, node in enumerate(source_tree):
        graph.add_edge(node, i, 1)
    N = len(source_tree)
    cost = 100 * np.ones((N, N))
    for d, h in enumerate(source_tree):
        for a in range(N):
            if a == h or a == d:
                cost[a, d] = 0
                cost[a, d] = dijkstra.transformation(graph, a, h)
    return cost
Пример #11
def dijkstra(start, dest):
    keys = node.lsdb.keys()
    graph_array = []

    for key in keys:
        node_array = node.lsdb[key]
        for n in node_array:
            graph_array.append((key, n, 1))

    import dijkstra

    graph = dijkstra.Graph(graph_array)
    shortest_path = graph.dijkstra(start, dest)
    return shortest_path
Пример #12
def convert_road_matrix_to_distance_dict(route_map):
    graph = dijkstra.Graph()
    distance_dict = {}

    for node in range(0, len(route_map)):
    for start_node in range(0, len(route_map)):
        for end_node in range(0, len(route_map)):
            distance = route_map[start_node][end_node]
            if distance >= 0:
                graph.add_edge(start_node, end_node, distance)
    for node in graph.nodes:
        distance_dict[node] = dijkstra.dijkstra(graph, node)
    return distance_dict
Пример #13
def create_graph(matrix):
    i = 0
    j = 0
    graph = []
    while i < len(matrix):
        while j < len(matrix[i]):
            # only add the node if there is a route
            if matrix[i][j] > 0:
                graph.append((str(i), str(j), matrix[i][j]))
            j += 1
        i += 1
        j = 0
    # this prints the nodes created for dijkstra
    # print(graph)
    return dijkstra.Graph(graph)
def tree_dijk(root, nodes, edges):
    flag = False
    graph = dk.Graph()
    list = []

    for node in nodes:

    for edge in edges:
        c, v1, v2 = edge.split(" ")
        graph.add_edge(str(v1), str(v2), int(c))

    for i in nodes:
        if (i != root):
            cost, path = dk.shortest_path(graph, root, i, flag)
    return list
Пример #15
def linkStateRouting(data):
    grafoDatos = []
    mensajeEnvio = {}
    for conexion in tablaConexionesPesos:
        grafoDatos.append((conexion[0], conexion[1], conexion[2])) 
        grafoDatos.append((conexion[1], conexion[0], conexion[2]))
    graph = dijkstra.Graph(grafoDatos)
    data['receptor'] = graph.dijkstra(data["emisor"], data["receptor_final"])[1]
    for conexion in tablaConexionesPesos:
        if ((conexion[0] == data['emisor'] and conexion[1] == data['receptor']) or (conexion[1] == data['emisor'] and conexion[0] == data['receptor'])):
            data['distancia'] = data['distancia'] + conexion[2]
    mensajeEnvio = data
Пример #16
 def __init__(self, description):
     self.__graph = dijkstra.Graph()
Пример #17

test_graph = dijkstra.Graph(test_matrix, 4)
test_path = test_graph.make_path()
for n in test_path:
p = test_graph.calc_path_length(test_path)
if p == 2297:
    graph = dijkstra.Graph(matrix, 4)
    path = graph.make_path()
Пример #18
def getCollection():
    mapName = request.args.get('map')
    origin = request.args.get('origin')  #Ponto de origem
    destiny = request.args.get('destiny')  #Ponto final (chegada)
    price = request.args.get('price')
    autonomy = request.args.get('autonomy')
    steps = []  # Lista que ira ser preenchida com todos os passos do caminho
    dictPaths = {}  # Dicionario com o valor de todos as rotas
    graph = dijkstra.Graph(
    )  # Lib que faz o grafico de vertex para calcular o dijkstra
    vertex = []  # Lista de vertex
        map = collection.find_one({'title': mapName})
        response = jsonify(
            {'response': 'Application could not use the DB especifield'})
        response.status_code = 500
        return response

    # Fazendo a iteração para preencher uma lista
    # de vertex que serão usado na lib Graph()
    for vert in map['routes']:

    # Iterando nos vertex setando para que nao se repitam
    for i in list(set(vertex)):

    # Adicionando os vertexa lib Graph
    for vert in map['routes']:
        dictPaths[vert['origin'] + vert['destiny']] = vert['distance']
        graph.add_edge(vert['origin'], vert['destiny'], vert['distance'])

    # Verificando se os pontos existem
    if origin not in vertex:
        response = jsonify({
            'The parameter origin does not contain on map %s' % mapName
        response.status_code = 400
        return response
    if destiny not in vertex:
        response = jsonify({
            'The parameter destiny does not contain on map %s' % mapName
        response.status_code = 400
        return response

    dijkstra.dijkstra(graph, graph.get_vertex(origin),
    target = graph.get_vertex(destiny)
    path = [target.get_id()]
    dijkstra.shortest(target, path)

    a = 0
    while a < (len(path[::-1]) - 1):
        steps.append(path[::-1][a] + path[::-1][a + 1])
        a = a + 1

    total = 0
    for i in steps:
        total = total + dictPaths[i]

    # Apenas formatando a lista para utf-8
    pathList = []
    for i in path[::-1]:

    # Fazendo o calculo do custo nessa rota de menor distancia
    cost = float(total) / float(autonomy) * float(price)

    response = []
    response.append({'Path': '%s' % pathList})
    response.append({'Total KM': '%.2f' % total})
    response.append({'Cost': '%.2f' % cost})
    return jsonify(data=response)
Пример #19
    #json.load(data_file) #Loading the file containing our vehicles-requets-edges distances

    datastore = json.load(open('data.json', 'r'))

    #Parsing the input JSON data file into 3 variables with key word in '.....'
    distances = datastore['distances']
    requests = datastore['requests']
    vehicles = datastore['vehicles']

    #Iterating over all the items in vehicles and initializing the availability for each one to TRUE
    for vehicle in vehicles:
        vehicle['available'] = True

    #Creating an object of Dijkstra's class to use the methods inside
    g = dijkstra.Graph()

    #Iterating over all the elements in distances variable and adding vertices/nodes/points it to graph
    for distance in distances:
        #We are adding the zipcode1 and zipcode2(nodes) only after checking whether they already exist in the object 'g'(graph) or not
        #If the zipcode is present, we skip it and if not, we add it to our graph as a new vertex/node point
        if not distance['zipcode1'] in g.get_vertices():

        if not distance['zipcode2'] in g.get_vertices():

        #Adding the edges to the graph from start
        #passing vertices as arguments, we are drawing an edge between the two nodes and assigning thier weightage.
        g.add_edge(distance['zipcode1'], distance['zipcode2'],
Пример #20
nodes = [[None for _ in range(image.width)] for __ in range(image.height)]

for x in range(image.width):
    for y in range(image.height):
        pixel = pixels[x, y]
        if pixel == COLOR_WALL:
            nodes[y][x] = None
            nodes[y][x] = d.Node(x, y)

        if pixel == COLOR_START:
            initial_coords = (x, y)
        if pixel == COLOR_END:
            destination_coords = (x, y)

graph = d.Graph(nodes, initial_coords, destination_coords)

destination_distance = d.dijkstra(graph)

initial_node = graph.graph[initial_coords[1]][initial_coords[0]]
destination_node = graph.graph[destination_coords[1]][destination_coords[0]]

nodes = graph.get_nodes()

for node in nodes:
    if node:
        node.visited = False

current_node = destination_node
smallest_tentative_distance = destination_distance
# Go from destination node to initial node to find path
Пример #21
def navigate(map_file, scale, entry_point, items_file, labels_file):
    # Each item "x" will have a file x_output.png which contains an image of the path
    output_file = "output.png"
    # Black
    COLOR_WALL = (0, 0, 0, 255)
    # White
    COLOR_PATH = (255, 255, 255, 255)
    # Red
    COLOR_START = (255, 0, 0, 255)
    # Green
    COLOR_END = (0, 255, 0, 255)
    # Blue
    COLOR_SOLVED = (0, 0, 255, 255)

    HOST = ''  # Standard loopback interface address (localhost)

    PORT = 65432  # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023)

        image = Image.open(map_file)
        imagePixels = image.load()
        print("Could not load file", map_file)

    # Saving the imagePixels in a 2D array to refer to this whenever resetting pixels
    defaultPixels = [[None for _ in range(image.height)]
                     for __ in range(image.width)]
    for x in range(image.width):
        for y in range(image.height):
            defaultPixels[x][y] = imagePixels[x, y]

    f = open(items_file)
    data = json.load(f)
    destinations = dict()
    distances = dict()
    graphs = dict()
    for k, v in data.items():
        destinations[k] = tuple(v)
        distances[k] = float("inf")
        graphs[k] = None

    f = open(labels_file)
    data = json.load(f)
    labels = dict()
    for k, v in data.items():
        labels[k] = tuple([tuple(v[0]), v[1]])

    # # access points of items
    # destinations = {
    #     "apple": (1.1, 0),
    #     "shampoo": (2.2, 1.4),
    #     "deodorant": (1.7, 0.5),
    # }
    # # Distances to reach the items from varying starting points
    # # Every time we reach an item, we remove it from the distances & graphs dictionary and set  visited flag in destinations as false
    # distances = {
    #     "apple": float("inf"),
    #     "shampoo": float("inf"),
    #     "deodorant": float("inf")
    # }
    # graphs = {
    #     "apple": None,
    #     "shampoo": None,
    #     "deodorant": None
    # }
    # # Label with its centre and rotation
    # labels = {
    #     "1": ((1.4, 1.7), 0),   # located in pixel (4,5) facing downward
    #     "2": ((1.7, 2.2), -90),  # located in pixel (5,7) facing the right
    #     "3": ((2.3, 1.3), -90)  # located in pixel (7,4) facing the right
    # }

    # Initial point that is replaced at the end with whatever destination we reach
    initialX = entry_point[0]
    initialY = entry_point[1]

    # Establishing socket and listening
    with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
        s.bind((HOST, PORT))
        print("Waiting for connection...")
        conn, addr = s.accept()
        with conn:
            while len(distances) > 0:
                nodes = [[None for _ in range(image.width)]
                         for __ in range(image.height)]
                for k, v in destinations.items():
                    # Resetting pixels to default pixel values every iteration
                    pixels = [[None for _ in range(image.height)]
                              for __ in range(image.width)]
                    for x in range(image.width):
                        for y in range(image.height):
                            pixels[x][y] = defaultPixels[x][y]
                    pixels[convertRealToMap(scale, initialX)][convertRealToMap(
                        scale, initialY)] = COLOR_START
                    pixels[convertRealToMap(scale, v[0])][convertRealToMap(
                        scale, v[1])] = COLOR_END

                    for x in range(image.width):
                        for y in range(image.height):
                            pixel = pixels[x][y]
                            if pixel == COLOR_WALL:
                                nodes[y][x] = None
                                nodes[y][x] = d.Node(x, y)
                            if pixel == COLOR_START:
                                initial_coords = (x, y)
                            if pixel == COLOR_END:
                                destination_coords = (x, y)

                    graph = d.Graph(nodes, initial_coords, destination_coords)
                    # Saving destination graph
                    graphs[k] = graph
                    # Saving destination distance
                    distances[k] = d.dijkstra(graph)

                # Retrieving item with minimum distance and plotting its path
                item = min(distances, key=distances.get)
                print("Item that we are going to retrieve: " + item)
                graph = graphs[item]

                initial_node = graph.graph[convertRealToMap(
                    scale, initialY)][convertRealToMap(scale, initialX)]
                destination_node = graph.graph[convertRealToMap(
                    scale, destinations[item][1])][convertRealToMap(
                        scale, destinations[item][0])]

                nodes = graph.get_nodes()

                for node in nodes:
                    if node:
                        node.visited = False

                current_node = destination_node
                smallest_tentative_distance = distances[item]
                # Go from destination node to initial node to find path
                while current_node is not initial_node:
                    neighbors = graph.get_neighbors(current_node)
                    for neighbor in neighbors:
                        if not neighbor or neighbor.visited:
                        if neighbor.tentative_distance < smallest_tentative_distance:
                            smallest_tentative_distance = neighbor.tentative_distance
                            neighbor.visited = True
                            current_node = neighbor
                    imagePixels[current_node.x, current_node.y] = COLOR_SOLVED

                imagePixels[destination_node.x, destination_node.y] = COLOR_END
                image.save(item + "_" + output_file, "PNG")
                # Resetting the image pixels that were coloured for the next item's path
                for x in range(image.width):
                    for y in range(image.height):
                        if imagePixels[x, y] == COLOR_SOLVED:
                            imagePixels[x, y] = COLOR_PATH

                currentRealX = currentRealY = -1
                # Giving directions until destination is reached
                while convertRealToMap(
                        scale, currentRealX) != convertRealToMap(
                            scale, destinations[item][0]) or convertRealToMap(
                                scale, currentRealY) != convertRealToMap(
                                    scale, destinations[item][1]):
                    # Receiving coordinates from received from another process through socket
                    data = conn.recv(1024)
                    if not data:
                        raise Exception("Disconnected from client")
                    # Function that converts camera plane coordinates to map plane coordinates
                    labelNo, cameraRealX, cameraRealY = data.decode().split()
                    # Handling invalid label received
                        currentRealX, currentRealY = rotate_around_point(
                            (float(cameraRealX), float(cameraRealY)),
                            labels[labelNo][1], labels[labelNo][0])
                    except KeyError:
                    currentMapX = convertRealToMap(scale, currentRealX)
                    currentMapY = convertRealToMap(scale, currentRealY)

                    for node in nodes:
                        if node:
                            node.visited = False

                    current_node = destination_node
                    smallest_tentative_distance = distances[item]
                    # Flag if directions are sent
                    directions_sent = False
                    # Go from destination node to initial node to find path
                    while current_node is not initial_node:
                        neighbors = graph.get_neighbors(current_node)
                        for neighbor in neighbors:
                            if not neighbor or neighbor.visited:
                            if neighbor.tentative_distance < smallest_tentative_distance:
                                smallest_tentative_distance = neighbor.tentative_distance
                                neighbor.visited = True
                                # Printing the instructions on how to move to reach destination
                                if neighbor.x == currentMapX and neighbor.y == currentMapY:
                                    # Printing directions
                                    # print("Heading towards " + item + ": Move by " + str(current_node.x - neighbor.x) + " x blocks & " + str(current_node.y - neighbor.y) + " y blocks")
                                    string_to_send = "Heading towards " + item + ": Move by " + str(
                                        current_node.x -
                                        neighbor.x) + " x blocks & " + str(
                                            current_node.y -
                                            neighbor.y) + " y blocks"
                                    directions_sent = True
                                current_node = neighbor
                    if not directions_sent:
                        # Do nothing is sent when either an item has just been retrieved or location received is invalid
                        conn.sendall(b"Do nothing")
                # Change initial point at the end to the destination point
                initialX = currentRealX
                initialY = currentRealY
                # Remove the item from the destinations, distances and graphs dictionaries
                del destinations[item]
                del distances[item]
                del graphs[item]
Пример #22
 def __init__(self, *data_centers):
     self._graph = dijkstra.Graph()
     self._data_centers = set(data_centers)
     self._user_nodes = self._graph.nodes - self._data_centers
Пример #23
                print("\nNot a valid number for distance, please try again.")
                x[2] = int(x[2])  # make distance into an int
                edges.append(tuple(x))  # append tuple to edge list
                print("\nEdge " + str(x) + " added!")
                answer = input(
                    "\nAre these all the edges you want? Input Y/y for yes, anything else for no: "
                if answer == "y" or answer == "Y":  # make sure they want to calculate this expression
                elif answer == "exit":  # if user wants to quit, break from loop
                    sentence = "exit"
        if sentence == "exit":  # if you broke from the previous loop, break from big loop
        graph = dijkstra.Graph(edges)  # add edges and create the graph
        while True:
            # ask to calculate path
            sentence = input(
                "\nPlease input the shortest path you want to calculate in the form-> NODE1 NODE2: "
            x = sentence.split(' ', 1)
            if len(x) != 2:  # make sure length is 2 nodes long
                print("\nInvalid input form, please try again.")
            elif x[0] not in graph.nodes or x[
                    1] not in graph.nodes:  # make sure both of the nodes are actually in the graph
                    "\nOne or more of the nodes is invalid, please try again.")

                # perform dijkstra's algorithm
Пример #24
#!/usr/bin/env pypy3

import dijkstra as dij
import math

if __name__ == '__main__':
    graph = dij.Graph()
    # fin = open('test.txt', 'r')
    # graph.vexnum = int(fin.readline())
    # start, end = [int(i) for i in fin.readline().split()]
    # fin = open('t()est.txt', 'r')
    # fin.close
    graph.vexnum = int(input())
    start, end = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
    for i in range(graph.vexnum):
            [int(j) if int(j) != -1 else math.inf for j in input().split()])
        # graph.arcs.append([int(j) if int(j) != -1 else math.inf for j in fin.readline().split()])
        for j in range(i):
            graph.arcs[i][j] = graph.arcs[j][i]
    # print(graph.arcs)
    short, path = graph.shortestpath(start, end)
    print("Min=%f" % short)
    print("Path ", end='')
    for i in path:
        print(i, end=' ')
Пример #25
import ProbabilityFunction
import dijkstra

src = int(input("Enter node of packet Src : "))
dest = int(input("Enter node of packet destination : "))

matrix = []

edgeslist = ProbabilityFunction.matrixEdges(matrix, ProbabilityFunction.n)

# print(edgeslist)

graph = dijkstra.Graph(ProbabilityFunction.n * ProbabilityFunction.n)
# graph = Graph()
print("The Graph is (Src , Destination , weight)")
for i in edgeslist:
    # graph.add_edge(i)
    u = i["pt1"]
    v = i["pt2"]
    w = i["weight"]
    print(u, v, w)
    graph.addEdge(u, v, w)

print("Shortest Path between %d and %d is " % (src, dest)),
l = graph.findShortestPath(src, dest)

print("\nShortest Distance between %d and %d is %d " % (src, dest, l)),
Пример #26
        data = {"address": get_router_address_for_host(num)}
        requests.post(url=make_router_url(num), json=data)
        if exist_link(num, i):
            data = {"address": get_router_address(num, i, prefix=True)}
            requests.post(url=make_router_url(num), json=data)

def router_add_route(src, by, dst):
    data = {
        "gateway": get_router_address(by, src),
        "destination": get_router_host_address(dst)
    requests.post(url=make_router_url(src), json=data)

graph = dijkstra.Graph()

for i in node_list:

for i in distance_list:
    graph.add_edge(i[0], i[1], i[2])
    graph.add_edge(i[1], i[0], i[2])

for i in node_list:
    dij = dijkstra.DijkstraSPF(graph, i)
    for j in network_list:
        path = dij.get_path(j)
        if len(path) >= 2:
            router_add_route(i, path[1], j)