Пример #1
    def test_simple_schedule_more_machines(self):
        jobs = {"j0": [(0, 1)], "j1": [(1, 1)], "j2": [(2, 1)]}
        max_time = 3

        # Get JSS BQM
        scheduler = JobShopScheduler(jobs, max_time)
        bqm = scheduler.get_bqm()

        # Expected solution
        expected = {"j0_0,0": 1, "j1_0,0": 1, "j2_0,0": 1}
        fill_with_zeros(expected, jobs, max_time)
        expected_energy = get_energy(expected, bqm)

        # Sampled solution
        # response = EmbeddingComposite(DWaveSampler()).sample(bqm, num_reads=10000)
        # response_sample, sample_energy, _, chain_break_fraction = next(response.data())
        # print("Chain Break Fraction: ", chain_break_fraction)
        # response = SimulatedAnnealingSampler().sample(bqm, num_reads=2000, beta_range=[0.01, 10])
        response = ExactSolver().sample(bqm)
        response_sample, sample_energy, _ = next(response.data())

        # Print response
        self.assertEqual(expected_energy, sample_energy)
        self.compare(response_sample, expected)
Пример #2
 def test_no_bounds(self):
     bqm = BinaryQuadraticModel({
         0: 0.0,
         1: 0.0,
         2: 0.0,
         3: 0.0,
         4: 0.0
     }, {
         (0, 1): -2.0,
         (0, 2): -5.0,
         (0, 3): -2.0,
         (0, 4): -2.0,
         (1, 2): -2.0,
         (1, 3): -2.0,
         (1, 4): 4.0,
         (2, 3): -3.0,
         (2, 4): -5.0,
         (3, 4): -4.0
     }, 0, dimod.SPIN)
     with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
         sampler = ClipComposite(ExactSolver())
     solver = ExactSolver()
     response = sampler.sample(bqm)
     response_exact = solver.sample(bqm)
Пример #3
    def test_vertex_cover_weighted(self):
        weight = 'weight'
        G = nx.path_graph(6)

        # favor even nodes
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, {node: node % 2 + 1 for node in G}, weight)
        cover = dnx.min_weighted_vertex_cover(G, weight, ExactSolver())
        self.assertEqual(set(cover), {0, 2, 4})

        # favor odd nodes
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, {node: (node + 1) % 2 + 1
                                   for node in G}, weight)
        cover = dnx.min_weighted_vertex_cover(G, weight, ExactSolver())
        self.assertEqual(set(cover), {1, 3, 5})

        # make nodes 1 and 4 unlikely
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, {0: 1, 1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 3, 5: 1}, weight)
        cover = dnx.min_weighted_vertex_cover(G, weight, ExactSolver())
        self.assertEqual(set(cover), {0, 2, 3, 5})

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(5, .5)
            nx.set_node_attributes(G, {node: random.random()
                                       for node in G}, weight)
            cover = dnx.min_weighted_vertex_cover(G, weight, ExactSolver())
            self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)
Пример #4
 def test_with_labels(self):
     bqm = BinaryQuadraticModel(
             'a': 0.0,
             'b': 0.0,
             'c': 0.0,
             'd': 0.0,
             'e': 0.0
         }, {
             ('a', 'b'): -2.0,
             ('a', 'c'): -5.0,
             ('a', 'd'): -2.0,
             ('a', 'e'): -2.0,
             ('b', 'c'): -2.0,
             ('b', 'd'): -2.0,
             ('b', 'e'): 4.0,
             ('c', 'd'): -3.0,
             ('c', 'e'): -5.0,
             ('d', 'e'): -4.0
         }, 0, dimod.SPIN)
     sampler = ClipComposite(ExactSolver())
     solver = ExactSolver()
     response = sampler.sample(bqm, lower_bound=-1, upper_bound=1)
     response_exact = solver.sample(bqm)
     self.assertEqual(response.first.sample, response_exact.first.sample)
Пример #5
    def check_generated_ising_model(self, feasible_configurations, decision_variables,
                                    linear, quadratic, ground_energy, infeasible_gap):
        """Check that the given Ising model has the correct energy levels"""
        if not feasible_configurations:

        from dimod import ExactSolver

        samples = ExactSolver().sample_ising(linear, quadratic)

        # samples are returned in order of energy
        sample, ground = next(iter(samples.items()))
        gap = float('inf')

        self.assertIn(tuple(sample[v] for v in decision_variables), feasible_configurations)

        seen_configs = set()

        for sample, energy in samples.items():
            config = tuple(sample[v] for v in decision_variables)

            # we want the minimum energy for each config of the decisison variables,
            # so once we've seen it once we can skip
            if config in seen_configs:

            if config in feasible_configurations:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, ground)
                gap = min(gap, energy - ground)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(ground_energy, ground)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gap, infeasible_gap)
Пример #6
    def test_sample_hising_quadratic_range(self):
        linear = {'a': -4.0, 'b': -4.0, 'c': -4.0}
        quadratic = {('a', 'b', 'c'): 3.2}
        offset = 5
        ignored_variables, ignored_interactions = _check_params(None, None)

        comp_parameters = dict(ignored_interactions=ignored_interactions,
                               quadratic_range=(-1, 2)
        sampler = ScaleComposite(
                           J=quadratic, offset=offset,
        response = sampler.sample_ising(linear, quadratic, offset=offset,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(response.first.energy, -3.8)

        comp_parameters = dict(ignored_interactions=ignored_interactions,
                               quadratic_range=(-1, 0.4)
        sampler = ScaleComposite(
                           J=quadratic, offset=offset,
        response = sampler.sample_ising(linear, quadratic, offset=offset,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(response.first.energy, -3.8)
Пример #7
 def test_ub_only(self):
     bqm = BinaryQuadraticModel({
         0: 0.0,
         1: 0.0,
         2: 0.0,
         3: 0.0,
         4: 0.0
     }, {
         (0, 1): -2.0,
         (0, 2): -5.0,
         (0, 3): -2.0,
         (0, 4): -2.0,
         (1, 2): -2.0,
         (1, 3): -2.0,
         (1, 4): 4.0,
         (2, 3): -3.0,
         (2, 4): -5.0,
         (3, 4): -4.0
     }, 0, dimod.SPIN)
     sampler = ClipComposite(ExactSolver())
     solver = ExactSolver()
     response = sampler.sample(bqm, upper_bound=1)
     response_exact = solver.sample(bqm)
     self.assertEqual(response.first.sample, response_exact.first.sample)
Пример #8
    def test_largerSchedule(self):
        jobs = {
            'small1': [(1, 1)],
            'small2': [(2, 2)],
            'longJob': [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]
        max_time = 4

        # Get exact sample from Job Shop Scheduler BQM
        jss = JobShopScheduler(jobs, max_time)
        bqm = jss.get_bqm()
        response = ExactSolver().sample(bqm)
        response_sample = next(response.samples())

        # Verify that response_sample obeys constraints

        # Create expected solution
        expected = {
            "small1_0,0": 1,
            "small2_0,0": 1,
            "longJob_0,0": 1,
            "longJob_1,1": 1,
            "longJob_2,2": 1

        # Compare variable values
        self.compare(response_sample, expected)
Пример #9
    def test_dimod_vs_list(self):
        G = nx.path_graph(5)

        matching = dnx.min_maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        matching = dnx.algorithms.matching.maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        matching = dnx.min_maximal_matching(G, SimulatedAnnealingSampler())
        matching = dnx.algorithms.matching.maximal_matching(
            G, SimulatedAnnealingSampler())
Пример #10
    def test_edge_cases(self):
        # get the empty graph
        G = nx.Graph()

        S = dnx.maximum_cut(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(len(S) == 0)

        S = dnx.weighted_maximum_cut(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(len(S) == 0)
Пример #11
    def test_maximal_matching_typical(self):

        G = nx.complete_graph(5)
        matching = dnx.algorithms.matching.maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(7, .5)
            matching = dnx.algorithms.matching.maximal_matching(
                G, ExactSolver())
            self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))
Пример #12
    def test_min_maximal_matching_typical(self):

        G = nx.complete_graph(5)
        matching = dnx.min_maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(7, .5)
            matching = dnx.min_maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
            self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching),
                            "nodes: {}\nedges:{}".format(G.nodes(), G.edges()))
Пример #13
    def test_vertex_color_basic(self):
        # all small enough for an exact solver to handle them reasonably
        G = dnx.chimera_graph(1, 2, 2)
        coloring = dnx.min_vertex_coloring(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_vertex_coloring(G, coloring))

        G = nx.path_graph(5)
        coloring = dnx.min_vertex_coloring(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_vertex_coloring(G, coloring))

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(5, .5)
            coloring = dnx.min_vertex_coloring(G, ExactSolver())
            self.assertTrue(dnx.is_vertex_coloring(G, coloring))
Пример #14
    def test_vertex_cover_basic(self):

        G = dnx.chimera_graph(1, 2, 2)
        cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G, ExactSolver())
        self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)

        G = nx.path_graph(5)
        cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G, ExactSolver())
        self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(5, .5)
            cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G, ExactSolver())
            self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)
Пример #15
    def test_path_graph(self):
        G = nx.path_graph(10)
        matching = dnx.algorithms.matching.maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))

        matching = dnx.min_maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))

        G.add_edge(0, 9)

        matching = dnx.algorithms.matching.maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))

        matching = dnx.min_maximal_matching(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_maximal_matching(G, matching))
Пример #16
    def test_vertex_color_disconnected_graph(self):
        """One edge and one disconnected node"""
        G = nx.path_graph(2)

        coloring = dnx.min_vertex_coloring(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(dnx.is_vertex_coloring(G, coloring))
Пример #17
    def _get_sampler(self, profile, solver):
        "Return a dimod.Sampler object."
        # Handle built-in software samplers as special cases.
        info = {}
        if solver != None:
            info["solver_name"] = solver
        if solver == "exact":
            return ExactSolver(), info
        elif solver == "neal":
            return SimulatedAnnealingSampler(), info
        elif solver == "tabu":
            return TabuSampler(), info

        # In the common case, read the configuration file, either the
        # default or the one named by the DWAVE_CONFIG_FILE environment
        # variable.
        if profile != None:
            info["profile"] = profile
            with Client.from_config(profile=profile) as client:
                if solver == None:
                    solver = client.default_solver
                    solver = {"name": solver}
                sampler = DWaveSampler(profile=profile, solver=solver)
                info = {
                    "solver_name": sampler.solver.name,
                    "endpoint": client.endpoint
                return sampler, info
        except Exception as err:
            self.qmasm.abend("Failed to construct a sampler (%s)" % str(err))
Пример #18
class TestExactSolver(unittest.TestCase, TestSamplerAPI):
    def setUp(self):
        self.sampler = ExactSolver()

    def test_all_samples(self):
        """Check that every sample is included and that they all have the correct energy."""

        n = 10

        # create a qubo
        Q = {(v, v): (v % 3) for v in range(n)}
        Q[(0, n - 1)] = 1.3
        Q[(3, n - 2)] = -.26666666

        response = self.sampler.sample_qubo(Q)

        self.assertEqual(len(response), 2**n,
                         "incorrect number of samples returned")

        sample_tuples = set()
        for sample in response.samples():
            stpl = tuple(sample[v] for v in range(n))

        for tpl in itertools.product((0, 1), repeat=n):
            self.assertIn(tpl, sample_tuples)

        # let's also double check the enegy
        for sample, energy in response.items():
            self.assertTrue(abs(energy - qubo_energy(Q, sample)) < .000001)
Пример #19
 def test_vertex_color_no_edge_graph(self):
     """Graph with many nodes but no edges, should be caught before QUBO"""
     # this should get eliminated in software so be fast to run
     G = nx.Graph()
     coloring = dnx.min_vertex_coloring(G, ExactSolver())
     self.assertTrue(dnx.is_vertex_coloring(G, coloring))
Пример #20
    def test_vertex_cover_basic(self):
        """Runs the function on some small and simple graphs, just to make
        sure it works in basic functionality.
        G = dnx.chimera_graph(1, 2, 2)
        cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G, ExactSolver())
        self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)

        G = nx.path_graph(5)
        cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G, ExactSolver())
        self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(5, .5)
            cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G, ExactSolver())
            self.vertex_cover_check(G, cover)
Пример #21
    def test_structural_imbalance_basic(self):
        sampler = ExactSolver()

        blueteam = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol']
        redteam0 = ['Eve']
        redteam1 = ['Mallory', 'Trudy']

        S = nx.Graph()
        for p0, p1 in itertools.combinations(blueteam, 2):
            S.add_edge(p0, p1, sign=1)
        S.add_edge(*redteam1, sign=1)
        for p0 in blueteam:
            for p1 in redteam0:
                S.add_edge(p0, p1, sign=-1)
            for p1 in redteam1:
                S.add_edge(p0, p1, sign=-1)

        frustrated_edges, colors = dnx.structural_imbalance(S, sampler)

        greenteam = ['Ted']
        for p0 in set(S.nodes):
            for p1 in greenteam:
                S.add_edge(p0, p1, sign=1)

        frustrated_edges, colors = dnx.structural_imbalance(S, sampler)
    def test_roof_duality_3path(self):
        sampler = FixVariablesComposite(ExactSolver(),
        sampleset = sampler.sample_ising({'a': 10}, {'ab': -1, 'bc': 1})

        # all should be fixed, so should just see one
        self.assertEqual(len(sampleset), 1)
        self.assertEqual(set(sampleset.variables), set('abc'))
    def test_maximum_independent_set_basic(self):
        """Runs the function on some small and simple graphs, just to make
        sure it works in basic functionality.

        G = dnx.chimera_graph(1, 2, 2)
        indep_set = dnx.maximum_independent_set(G, ExactSolver())
        self.set_independence_check(G, indep_set)

        G = nx.path_graph(5)
        indep_set = dnx.maximum_independent_set(G, ExactSolver())
        self.set_independence_check(G, indep_set)

        for __ in range(10):
            G = nx.gnp_random_graph(5, .5)
            indep_set = dnx.maximum_independent_set(G, ExactSolver())
            self.set_independence_check(G, indep_set)
Пример #24
    def test_sampleset_trim(self):
        h = {'a': -4.0, 'b': -4.0, 'c': 0}
        J = {('a', 'b'): 3.2}

        sampler = TruncateComposite(ExactSolver(), 6)
        samples = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

        self.assertEqual(len(samples), 6)
Пример #25
    def test_invalid_graph(self):
        """should throw an error with a graph without sign attribute"""
        S = nx.Graph()
        S.add_edge('Alice', 'Bob', sign=1)
        S.add_edge('Alice', 'Eve', sign=-1)
        S.add_edge('Bob', 'Eve')  # invalid edge

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            frustrated_edges, colors = dnx.structural_imbalance(S, ExactSolver())
Пример #26
 def test_vertex_color_almost_complete(self):
     # this should get eliminated in software so be fast to run
     G = nx.complete_graph(10)
     mapping = dict(zip(G.nodes(), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
     G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)
     n0, n1 = next(iter(G.edges()))
     G.remove_edge(n0, n1)
     coloring = dnx.min_vertex_coloring(G, ExactSolver())
     self.assertTrue(dnx.is_vertex_coloring(G, coloring))
Пример #27
    def test_tinySchedule(self):
        jobs = {"a": [(1, 1), (2, 1)], "b": [(2, 1)]}
        max_time = 2

        # Get exact sample from Job Shop Scheduler BQM
        jss = JobShopScheduler(jobs, max_time)
        bqm = jss.get_bqm()
        response = ExactSolver().sample(bqm)
        response_sample = next(response.samples())

        # Verify that response_sample obeys constraints

        # Create expected solution
        expected = {"a_0,0": 1, "a_1,1": 1, "b_0,0": 1}

        # Compare variable values
        self.compare(response_sample, expected)
Пример #28
    def test_typical_cases(self):

        G = nx.complete_graph(10)

        S = dnx.maximum_cut(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(len(S) == 5)  # half of the nodes

        with self.assertRaises(dnx.DWaveNetworkXException):
            S = dnx.weighted_maximum_cut(G, ExactSolver())

        nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 1, 'weight')
        S = dnx.weighted_maximum_cut(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(len(S) == 5)  # half of the nodes

        G = nx.Graph()
        G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (2, 4)])
        S = dnx.maximum_cut(G, ExactSolver())
        self.assertTrue(len(S) in (2, 3))
Пример #29
    def test_default_sampler(self):
        G = nx.complete_graph(5)

        self.assertIsNot(dnx.get_default_sampler(), None)
        cover = dnx.min_vertex_cover(G)
        self.assertEqual(dnx.get_default_sampler(), None,
                         "sampler did not unset correctly")
Пример #30
    def test_sampleset_trim(self):
        h = {'a': -4.0, 'b': -4.0, 'c': 0}
        J = {('a', 'b'): 3.2}

        sampler = PolyTruncateComposite(HigherOrderComposite(ExactSolver()), 6)
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            samples = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

        self.assertEqual(len(samples), 6)