Пример #1
 def loadManbar(self, n):
     """Load Manbar n setting in dimstim config file and assign it to the current manual bar"""
     mbn = "Manbar" + str(n)
     self.x = intround(
         deg2pix(dc.get(mbn, "xorigDeg")) + I.SCREENWIDTH / 2
     )  # int pix, since pygame.mouse pos works with ints
     self.y = intround(deg2pix(dc.get(mbn, "yorigDeg")) + I.SCREENHEIGHT / 2)
     self.widthDeg = dc.get(mbn, "widthDeg")
     self.heightDeg = dc.get(mbn, "heightDeg")
     self.ori = dc.get(mbn, "orioff")
     self.fp.position = self.x, self.y
Пример #2
 def saveManbar(self, n):
     """Save the state of the current manual bar as Manbar n in dimstim config file"""
     mbn = 'Manbar' + str(n)
     dc.set(mbn, 'xorigDeg', roundec(pix2deg(self.x - I.SCREENWIDTH / 2), ndec=6))
     dc.set(mbn, 'yorigDeg', roundec(pix2deg(self.y - I.SCREENHEIGHT / 2), ndec=6))
     dc.set(mbn, 'widthDeg', roundec(self.widthDeg, ndec=6))
     dc.set(mbn, 'heightDeg', roundec(self.heightDeg, ndec=6))
     dc.set(mbn, 'orioff', intround(self.ori))
     self.fp.position = self.x, self.y
     self.brightenText = mbn # brighten the text for feedback
Пример #3
 def loadManbar(self, n):
     """Load Manbar n setting in dimstim config file and assign it to the current manual bar"""
     mbn = 'Manbar' + str(n)
     self.x = intround(I.SCREENWIDTH / 2) # initial horizontal position
     self.y = self.ypos #allow user to set vertical position
     self.widthDeg = self.terrain.objectwidthDeg #provided by user in script
     self.heightDeg = self.terrain.objectwidthDeg #same DW
     self.offscreen = self.off_screen_distance(self.terrain.orientation)
     self.ori = self.terrain.orientation
     self.fp.position = self.x, self.y # to use later for eye-tracking
     # for grating
     self.gratingori = 0
     self.tfreqCycSec = 1
     self.sfreqCycDeg = 1
     self.phase0 = 0
     self.contrast = 1
     self.sfreqmultiplier = 1.01
     self.tfreqmultiplier = 1.01
     self.contrastmultiplier = 1.01
Пример #4
 def get_brightness(self):
     """Get target brightness"""
     if self.PLUS:
         self.brightness += self.brightnessstep
     elif self.MINUS:
         self.brightness -= self.brightnessstep
     self.brightness = max(self.brightness, 0)  # keep it >= 0
     self.brightness = min(self.brightness, 1)  # keep it <= 1
     """Set flash speed"""  # DW AIBS
     if self.BRRIGHT:
         self.flashSec += self.flashSecStep
     elif self.BRLEFT:
         self.flashSec -= self.flashSecStep
         self.flashSec = max(self.flashSec, 0)
     if self.flashSec == 0:
         self.flash = False
         self.tp.on = True  # toggle it
         self.tipp.on = True
         self.flash = True
     self.flashvsyncs = sec2intvsync(self.flashSec)
     self.flashvsyncs = intround(
         self.flashvsyncs / self.nscreens
     )  # normalize by number of screens to flip in each loop in main()
Пример #5
    def run(self, caption='Manual bar'):
        """Run the experiment"""
        info('Running Experiment script: %s' % self.script)

        # Init OpenGL graphics windows, one window per requested screen
        platform = pyglet.window.get_platform()
        display = platform.get_default_display()
        self.screens = display.get_screens()
        self.screens = self.screens[:self.nscreens] # keep the first nscreens requested
        self.nscreens = len(self.screens) # update
        self.flashvsyncs = intround(self.flashvsyncs / self.nscreens) # normalize by number of screens to flip in each loop in main()
        self.wins = []
        for screeni, screen in enumerate(self.screens):
            # make all screens fullscreen, except for the first (user) screen
            if screeni == 0:
                win = Window(screen=screen, fullscreen=False, frameless=False)
                win.win.set_location((screen.width - win.win.width)//2,
                                     (screen.height - win.win.height)//2)
                win = Window(screen=screen, fullscreen=True)


        # Create VisionEgg stimuli objects, defined by each specific subclass of Experiment

        # Create viewport(s) with varying stimuli
        self.viewports = []
        for wini, win in enumerate(self.wins):
            if wini == 0:
                self.viewports.append(ve.Core.pyglet_Viewport(window=win, stimuli=self.all_stimuli))
                self.viewports.append(ve.Core.pyglet_Viewport(window=win, stimuli=self.basic_stimuli))
        self.loadManbar(0) # load settings from Manbar0
        self.bgp.color = self.bgbrightness, self.bgbrightness, self.bgbrightness, 1.0

        # Create the VsyncTimer
        self.vsynctimer = Core.VsyncTimer()
        # Hack to fix pygame jumping mouse bug in fullscreen mode
        # mousemotion event happens on startup, and then once more due to bug
        for i in range(2):
        pygame.mouse.set_pos(self.x, I.SCREENHEIGHT - 1 - self.y) # set that sucker

        self.nvsyncsdisplayed = 0 # nvsyncs seen by Surf

        self.startdatetime = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.starttime = time.clock() # precision timestamp

        # Run the main stimulus loop, defined by each specific subclass of Experiment

        self.stoptime = time.clock() # precision timestamp
        self.stopdatetime = datetime.datetime.now()

        # Close OpenGL graphics windows (necessary when running from Python interpreter)
        self.wins[0].restore_gamma_ramps() # only needs to be done once
        for win in self.wins:

        #Turn off rotary encoder
        #Turn off reward

        # Print messages to VisionEgg log and to screen
        info(self.vsynctimer.pprint(), toscreen=self.printhistogram, tolog=self.printhistogram)
        info('%d vsyncs displayed' % self.nvsyncsdisplayed)
        info('Experiment duration: %s' % isotime(self.stoptime-self.starttime, 6))
        printf2log('\n' + '-'*80 + '\n') # add minuses to end of log to space it out between sessions