Пример #1
p.printhistogram = False
# display on how many screens?
p.nscreens = 2
# set up wheel encoder (NIDAQ Device, Vin, Vsig)
p.encoder = Encoder(1,1,2)
# set up terrain? [possible orientations], correct orientation]
p.terrain = Terrain(['color','orientation'])
# define terrain parameters
p.terrain.oriarray = [0,45]
p.terrain.oricorrect = 0
p.terrain.color = p.terrain.white #initial color state
p.terrain.correctfreq = 1 #(0-1)
p.terrain.orientation = 45 # starting orientation
p.terrain.lapdistance = 1920 # distance in pixels between stimuli (should be wider than screen)
p.terrain.windowwidth = 200 # size in pixels of "correct" region
p.terrain.selectiontime = 30 # in frames 
p.terrain.speedgain = 5 # pixels/degree
p.terrain.colorrandom = True #randomize the stimulus color
p.terrain.colormatters = True #does the correct color matter
p.terrain.colorcorrect = p.terrain.black #what is the correct color
p.terrain.objectwidthDeg = 25 #width of the object in degrees
#set up reward (NIDAQ device, port for DO, lines, rewardline)
p.reward = Reward(1,1,4,0)
#define reward paramters
p.reward.rewardtime = 0.03

e = ManBar(script=__file__, # this script's file name
           params=p) # create a ManBar experiment
e.run() # run it
Пример #2
# set up terrain? [trainingtypes] for example ["color"]
s.terrain = Terrain(["color", "orientation"])
# define terrain parameters
s.terrain.color = s.terrain.white #(0-1) starting color
s.terrain.correctfreq = 1 #(0-1)
s.terrain.orientation = 0 # starting orientation
s.terrain.lapdistance = 3500 # distance in pixels between stimuli (should be wider than screen)
s.terrain.windowwidth = 200 # size in pixels of "correct" region
s.terrain.selectiontime = 5 # in frames 
s.terrain.speedgain = 4 # no units
s.terrain.colorrandom = True #randomize the stimulus color
s.terrain.colorcorrect = s.terrain.black #what is the correct color
s.terrain.objectwidthDeg = 23 #width of the object in degrees

#set up reward (NIDAQ device, port for Digital Out, number of lines, rewardline)
s.reward = Reward('Dev2',1,0)
#define reward paramters
s.reward.rewardtime = 0.03

# Dynamic parameters can potentially vary from one sweep to the next. If a dynamic parameter 
# is assigned multiple values in a sequence, it's treated as a Variable, and has to be added to 
# this Experiment's Variables object

# grating orientation relative to orioff (deg)
d.ori = range(0, 360, 45)
# grating x position relative to origin (deg)
d.xposDeg = 0
# grating y position relative to origin (deg)
d.yposDeg = 0