Пример #1
def test_satisfiable_non_symbols():
    x, y = symbols('x y')

    class zero(Boolean):

    assumptions = zero(x * y)
    facts = Implies(zero(x * y), zero(x) | zero(y))
    query = ~zero(x) & ~zero(y)
    refutations = [{
        zero(x): True,
        zero(x * y): True
    }, {
        zero(y): True,
        zero(x * y): True
    }, {
        zero(x): True,
        zero(y): True,
        zero(x * y): True
    }, {
        zero(x): True,
        zero(y): False,
        zero(x * y): True
    }, {
        zero(x): False,
        zero(y): True,
        zero(x * y): True
    assert not satisfiable(And(assumptions, facts, query), algorithm='dpll')
    assert satisfiable(And(assumptions, facts, ~query),
                       algorithm='dpll') in refutations
    assert not satisfiable(And(assumptions, facts, query), algorithm='dpll2')
    assert satisfiable(And(assumptions, facts, ~query),
                       algorithm='dpll2') in refutations
Пример #2
def test_equals():
    assert Not(Or(A, B)).equals( And(Not(A), Not(B)) ) is True
    assert Equivalent(A, B).equals((A >> B) & (B >> A)) is True
    assert ((A | ~B) & (~A | B)).equals((~A & ~B) | (A & B)) is True
    assert (A >> B).equals(~A >> ~B) is False
    assert (A >> (B >> A)).equals(A >> (C >> A)) is False
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: And(A, A < B).equals(And(A, B > A)))
Пример #3
def test_bool_as_set():
    assert And(x <= 2, x >= -2).as_set() == Interval(-2, 2)
    assert Or(x >= 2, x <= -2).as_set() == (Interval(-oo, -2, True) +
                                            Interval(2, oo, False, True))
    assert Not(x > 2, evaluate=False).as_set() == Interval(-oo, 2, True)
    # issue sympy/sympy#10240
    assert Not(And(x > 2, x < 3)).as_set() == \
        Union(Interval(-oo, 2, True), Interval(3, oo, False, True))
    assert true.as_set() == S.UniversalSet
    assert false.as_set() == EmptySet()
Пример #4
def test_bool_symbol():
    """Test that mixing symbols with boolean values
    works as expected"""

    assert And(A, True) == A
    assert And(A, True, True) == A
    assert And(A, False) is false
    assert And(A, True, False) is false
    assert Or(A, True) is true
    assert Or(A, False) == A
Пример #5
def test_overloading():
    """Test that |, & are overloaded as expected"""

    assert A & B == And(A, B)
    assert A | B == Or(A, B)
    assert (A & B) | C == Or(And(A, B), C)
    assert A >> B == Implies(A, B)
    assert A << B == Implies(B, A)
    assert ~A == Not(A)
    assert A ^ B == Xor(A, B)
Пример #6
def eval_sum_hyper(f, i_a_b):
    from diofant.logic.boolalg import And

    i, a, b = i_a_b

    if (b - a).is_Integer:
        # We are never going to do better than doing the sum in the obvious way

    old_sum = Sum(f, (i, a, b))

    if b != S.Infinity:
        if a == S.NegativeInfinity:
            res = _eval_sum_hyper(f.subs(i, -i), i, -b)
            if res is not None:
                return Piecewise(res, (old_sum, True))
            res1 = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, a)
            res2 = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, b + 1)
            if res1 is None or res2 is None:
            (res1, cond1), (res2, cond2) = res1, res2
            cond = And(cond1, cond2)
            if cond == S.false:
            return Piecewise((res1 - res2, cond), (old_sum, True))

    if a == S.NegativeInfinity:
        res1 = _eval_sum_hyper(f.subs(i, -i), i, 1)
        res2 = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, 0)
        if res1 is None or res2 is None:
        res1, cond1 = res1
        res2, cond2 = res2
        cond = And(cond1, cond2)
        if cond == S.false:
        return Piecewise((res1 + res2, cond), (old_sum, True))

    # Now b == oo, a != -oo
    res = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, a)
    if res is not None:
        r, c = res
        if c == S.false:
            if r.is_number:
                f = f.subs(i, Dummy('i', integer=True, positive=True) + a)
                if f.is_positive or f.is_zero:
                    return S.Infinity
                elif f.is_negative:
                    return S.NegativeInfinity
        return Piecewise(res, (old_sum, True))
Пример #7
def test_to_cnf():

    assert to_cnf(~(B | C)) == And(Not(B), Not(C))
    assert to_cnf((A & B) | C) == And(Or(A, C), Or(B, C))
    assert to_cnf(A >> B) == (~A) | B
    assert to_cnf(A >> (B & C)) == (~A | B) & (~A | C)
    assert to_cnf(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C), True) == B | C

    assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B)) == And(Or(A, Not(B)), Or(B, Not(A)))
    assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B & C)) == \
           (~A | B) & (~A | C) & (~B | ~C | A)
    assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B | C), True) == \
        And(Or(Not(B), A), Or(Not(C), A), Or(B, C, Not(A)))
Пример #8
def piecewise_fold(expr):
    Takes an expression containing a piecewise function and returns the
    expression in piecewise form.


    >>> from diofant import Piecewise, piecewise_fold, Integer
    >>> from diofant.abc import x
    >>> p = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (1, Integer(1) <= x))
    >>> piecewise_fold(x*p)
    Piecewise((x**2, x < 1), (x, 1 <= x))

    See Also

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or not expr.has(Piecewise):
        return expr
    new_args = list(map(piecewise_fold, expr.args))
    if expr.func is ExprCondPair:
        return ExprCondPair(*new_args)
    piecewise_args = []
    for n, arg in enumerate(new_args):
        if isinstance(arg, Piecewise):
    if len(piecewise_args) > 0:
        n = piecewise_args[0]
        new_args = [(expr.func(*(new_args[:n] + [e] + new_args[n + 1:])), c)
                    for e, c in new_args[n].args]
        if isinstance(expr, Boolean):
            # If expr is Boolean, we must return some kind of PiecewiseBoolean.
            # This is constructed by means of Or, And and Not.
            # piecewise_fold(0 < Piecewise( (sin(x), x<0), (cos(x), True)))
            # can't return Piecewise((0 < sin(x), x < 0), (0 < cos(x), True))
            # but instead Or(And(x < 0, 0 < sin(x)), And(0 < cos(x), Not(x<0)))
            other = True
            rtn = False
            for e, c in new_args:
                rtn = Or(rtn, And(other, c, e))
                other = And(other, Not(c))
            if len(piecewise_args) > 1:
                return piecewise_fold(rtn)
            return rtn
        if len(piecewise_args) > 1:
            return piecewise_fold(Piecewise(*new_args))
        return Piecewise(*new_args)
        return expr.func(*new_args)
Пример #9
def test_to_nnf():
    assert to_nnf(true) is true
    assert to_nnf(false) is false
    assert to_nnf(A) == A
    assert (~A).to_nnf() == ~A

    class Boo(BooleanFunction):

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: to_nnf(~Boo(A)))

    assert to_nnf(A | ~A | B) is true
    assert to_nnf(A & ~A & B) is false
    assert to_nnf(A >> B) == ~A | B
    assert to_nnf(Equivalent(A, B, C)) == (~A | B) & (~B | C) & (~C | A)
    assert to_nnf(A ^ B ^ C) == \
        (A | B | C) & (~A | ~B | C) & (A | ~B | ~C) & (~A | B | ~C)
    assert to_nnf(ITE(A, B, C)) == (~A | B) & (A | C)
    assert to_nnf(Not(A | B | C)) == ~A & ~B & ~C
    assert to_nnf(Not(A & B & C)) == ~A | ~B | ~C
    assert to_nnf(Not(A >> B)) == A & ~B
    assert to_nnf(Not(Equivalent(A, B, C))) == And(Or(A, B, C), Or(~A, ~B, ~C))
    assert to_nnf(Not(A ^ B ^ C)) == \
        (~A | B | C) & (A | ~B | C) & (A | B | ~C) & (~A | ~B | ~C)
    assert to_nnf(Not(ITE(A, B, C))) == (~A | ~B) & (A | ~C)
    assert to_nnf((A >> B) ^ (B >> A)) == (A & ~B) | (~A & B)
    assert to_nnf((A >> B) ^ (B >> A), False) == \
        (~A | ~B | A | B) & ((A & ~B) | (~A & B))
Пример #10
def entails(expr, formula_set={}):
    Check whether the given expr_set entail an expr.
    If formula_set is empty then it returns the validity of expr.


    >>> from diofant.abc import A, B, C
    >>> from diofant.logic.inference import entails
    >>> entails(A, [A >> B, B >> C])
    >>> entails(C, [A >> B, B >> C, A])
    >>> entails(A >> B)
    >>> entails(A >> (B >> A))


    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_consequence

    formula_set = list(formula_set)
    return not satisfiable(And(*formula_set))
Пример #11
def test_fcode_precedence():
    assert fcode(And(x < y, y < x + 1), source_format="free") == \
        "x < y .and. y < x + 1"
    assert fcode(Or(x < y, y < x + 1), source_format="free") == \
        "x < y .or. y < x + 1"
    assert fcode(Xor(x < y, y < x + 1, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "x < y .neqv. y < x + 1"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(x < y, y < x + 1), source_format="free") == \
        "x < y .eqv. y < x + 1"
Пример #12
def test_ITE():
    A, B, C = map(Boolean, symbols('A,B,C'))

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ITE(A, B))

    assert ITE(True, False, True) is false
    assert ITE(True, True, False) is true
    assert ITE(False, True, False) is false
    assert ITE(False, False, True) is true
    assert isinstance(ITE(A, B, C), ITE)

    A = True
    assert ITE(A, B, C) == B
    A = False
    assert ITE(A, B, C) == C
    B = True
    assert ITE(And(A, B), B, C) == C
    assert ITE(Or(A, False), And(B, True), False) is false
Пример #13
def test_to_dnf():
    assert to_dnf(true) == true
    assert to_dnf((~B) & (~C)) == (~B) & (~C)
    assert to_dnf(~(B | C)) == And(Not(B), Not(C))
    assert to_dnf(A & (B | C)) == Or(And(A, B), And(A, C))
    assert to_dnf(A >> B) == (~A) | B
    assert to_dnf(A >> (B & C)) == (~A) | (B & C)

    assert to_dnf(Equivalent(A, B), True) == \
        Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B)))
    assert to_dnf(Equivalent(A, B & C), True) == \
        Or(And(A, B, C), And(Not(A), Not(B)), And(Not(A), Not(C)))
Пример #14
def test_all_or_nothing():
    x = symbols('x', extended_real=True)
    args = x >= -oo, x <= oo
    v = And(*args)
    if isinstance(v, And):
        assert len(v.args) == len(args) - args.count(true)
        assert v
    v = Or(*args)
    if isinstance(v, Or):
        assert len(v.args) == 2
        assert v
Пример #15
def test_all_or_nothing():
    x = symbols('x', extended_real=True)
    args = x >= -oo, x <= oo
    v = And(*args)
    if v.func is And:
        assert len(v.args) == len(args) - args.count(S.true)
        assert v
    v = Or(*args)
    if v.func is Or:
        assert len(v.args) == 2
        assert v
Пример #16
def load(s):
    """Loads a boolean expression from a string.


    >>> from diofant.logic.utilities.dimacs import load
    >>> load('1')
    >>> load('1 2')
    Or(cnf_1, cnf_2)
    >>> load('1 \\n 2')
    And(cnf_1, cnf_2)
    >>> load('1 2 \\n 3')
    And(Or(cnf_1, cnf_2), cnf_3)
    clauses = []

    lines = s.split('\n')

    pComment = re.compile('c.*')
    pStats = re.compile('p\s*cnf\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*)')

    while len(lines) > 0:
        line = lines.pop(0)

        # Only deal with lines that aren't comments
        if not pComment.match(line):
            m = pStats.match(line)

            if not m:
                nums = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')
                list = []
                for lit in nums:
                    if lit != '':
                        if int(lit) == 0:
                        num = abs(int(lit))
                        sign = True
                        if int(lit) < 0:
                            sign = False

                        if sign:
                            list.append(Symbol("cnf_%s" % num))
                            list.append(~Symbol("cnf_%s" % num))

                if len(list) > 0:

    return And(*clauses)
Пример #17
def test_fcode_Piecewise():
    expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, True))
    # Check that inline conditional (merge) fails if standard isn't 95+
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: fcode(expr))
    code = fcode(expr, standard=95)
    expected = "      merge(x, x**2, x < 1)"
    assert code == expected
    assert fcode(Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, True)), assign_to="var") == (
        "      if (x < 1) then\n"
        "         var = x\n"
        "      else\n"
        "         var = x**2\n"
        "      end if"
    a = cos(x)/x
    b = sin(x)/x
    for i in range(10):
        a = diff(a, x)
        b = diff(b, x)
    expected = (
        "      if (x < 0) then\n"
        "         weird_name = -cos(x)/x + 10*sin(x)/x**2 + 90*cos(x)/x**3 - 720*\n"
        "     @ sin(x)/x**4 - 5040*cos(x)/x**5 + 30240*sin(x)/x**6 + 151200*cos(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**7 - 604800*sin(x)/x**8 - 1814400*cos(x)/x**9 + 3628800*sin(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**10 + 3628800*cos(x)/x**11\n"
        "      else\n"
        "         weird_name = -sin(x)/x - 10*cos(x)/x**2 + 90*sin(x)/x**3 + 720*\n"
        "     @ cos(x)/x**4 - 5040*sin(x)/x**5 - 30240*cos(x)/x**6 + 151200*sin(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**7 + 604800*cos(x)/x**8 - 1814400*sin(x)/x**9 - 3628800*cos(x\n"
        "     @ )/x**10 + 3628800*sin(x)/x**11\n"
        "      end if"
    code = fcode(Piecewise((a, x < 0), (b, True)), assign_to="weird_name")
    assert code == expected
    code = fcode(Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, x > 1), (sin(x), True)), standard=95)
    expected = "      merge(x, merge(x**2, sin(x), x > 1), x < 1)"
    assert code == expected
    # Check that Piecewise without a True (default) condition error
    expr = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x**2, x > 1), (sin(x), x > 0))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: fcode(expr))

    assert (fcode(Piecewise((0, x < -1), (1, And(x >= -1, x < 0)),
                            (-1, True)), assign_to="var") ==
            '      if (x < -1) then\n'
            '         var = 0\n'
            '      else if (x >= -1 .and. x < 0) then\n'
            '         var = 1\n'
            '      else\n'
            '         var = -1\n'
            '      end if')
Пример #18
def test_bool_map():
    Test working of bool_map function.

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    assert bool_map(Not(Not(a)), a) == (a, {a: a})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms),
                    POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) == \
        (And(Or(Not(w), y), Or(Not(x), y), z), {x: x, w: w, z: z, y: y})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1]]),
                    SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1]])) is not False
    function1 = SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]])
    function2 = SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
    assert bool_map(function1, function2) == \
        (function1, {y: a, z: b})
    assert bool_map(And(x, Not(y)), Or(y, Not(x))) is False
    assert bool_map(And(x, Not(y)), And(y, Not(x), z)) is False
    assert bool_map(And(x, Not(y)), And(Or(y, z), Not(x))) is False
    assert bool_map(Or(And(Not(y), a), And(Not(y), b), And(x, y)), Or(
        x, y, a)) is False
Пример #19
def test_operators():
    # Mostly test __and__, __rand__, and so on
    assert True & A == (A & True) == A
    assert False & A == (A & False) == false
    assert A & B == And(A, B)
    assert True | A == (A | True) == true
    assert False | A == (A | False) == A
    assert A | B == Or(A, B)
    assert ~A == Not(A)
    assert True >> A == (A << True) == A
    assert False >> A == (A << False) == true
    assert (A >> True) == (True << A) == true
    assert (A >> False) == (False << A) == ~A
    assert A >> B == B << A == Implies(A, B)
    assert True ^ A == A ^ True == ~A
    assert False ^ A == (A ^ False) == A
    assert A ^ B == Xor(A, B)
Пример #20
def test_bool_map():
    Test working of bool_map function.

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    from diofant.abc import a, b, c, w, x, y, z
    assert bool_map(Not(Not(a)), a) == (a, {a: a})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms),
        POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) == \
        (And(Or(Not(w), y), Or(Not(x), y), z), {x: x, w: w, z: z, y: y})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1]]),
                    SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1]])) is not S.false
    function1 = SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]])
    function2 = SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
    assert bool_map(function1, function2) == \
        (function1, {y: a, z: b})
Пример #21
    def __new__(cls, p1, pt=None, angle=None, **kwargs):
        p1 = Point(p1)
        if pt is not None and angle is None:
                p2 = Point(pt)
            except NotImplementedError:
                from diofant.utilities.misc import filldedent
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                    The 2nd argument was not a valid Point; if
                    it was meant to be an angle it should be
                    given with keyword "angle".'''))
            if p1 == p2:
                raise ValueError('A Ray requires two distinct points.')
        elif angle is not None and pt is None:
            # we need to know if the angle is an odd multiple of pi/2
            c = pi_coeff(sympify(angle))
            p2 = None
            if c is not None:
                if c.is_Rational:
                    if c.q == 2:
                        if c.p == 1:
                            p2 = p1 + Point(0, 1)
                        elif c.p == 3:
                            p2 = p1 + Point(0, -1)
                    elif c.q == 1:
                        if c.p == 0:
                            p2 = p1 + Point(1, 0)
                        elif c.p == 1:
                            p2 = p1 + Point(-1, 0)
                if p2 is None:
                    c *= S.Pi
                c = angle % (2*S.Pi)
            if not p2:
                m = 2*c/S.Pi
                left = And(1 < m, m < 3)  # is it in quadrant 2 or 3?
                x = Piecewise((-1, left), (Piecewise((0, Eq(m % 1, 0)), (1, True)), True))
                y = Piecewise((-tan(c), left), (Piecewise((1, Eq(m, 1)), (-1, Eq(m, 3)), (tan(c), True)), True))
                p2 = p1 + Point(x, y)
            raise ValueError('A 2nd point or keyword "angle" must be used.')

        return LinearEntity.__new__(cls, p1, p2, **kwargs)
Пример #22
def test_simplification():
    Test working of simplification methods.
    set1 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]
    set2 = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
    assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1) == Or(And(Not(x), z), And(Not(z), x))
    assert Not(SOPform([x, y, z],
                       set2)) == Not(Or(And(Not(x), Not(z)), And(x, z)))
    assert POSform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true
    assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true
    assert SOPform([Dummy(), Dummy(), Dummy()], set1 + set2) is true

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    assert (SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms,
                    dontcares) == Or(And(Not(w), z), And(y, z)))
    assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z)

    # test simplification
    ans = And(A, Or(B, C))
    assert simplify_logic(A & (B | C)) == ans
    assert simplify_logic((A & B) | (A & C)) == ans
    assert simplify_logic(Implies(A, B)) == Or(Not(A), B)
    assert simplify_logic(Equivalent(A, B)) == \
        Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B)))
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), C)) == And(Equality(A, 2), C)
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), A)) == And(Equality(A, 2), A)
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, B), C)) == And(Equality(A, B), C)
    assert simplify_logic(Or(And(Equality(A, 3), B), And(Equality(A, 3), C))) \
        == And(Equality(A, 3), Or(B, C))
    e = And(A, x**2 - x)
    assert simplify_logic(e) == And(A, x * (x - 1))
    assert simplify_logic(e, deep=False) == e
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: simplify_logic(A & (B | C), form='spam'))

    e = x & y ^ z | (z ^ x)
    res = [(x & ~z) | (z & ~x) | (z & ~y), (x & ~y) | (x & ~z) | (z & ~x)]
    assert simplify_logic(e) in res
    assert SOPform(
        [z, y, x],
        [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) == res[1]

    # check input
    ans = SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]])
    assert SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans
    assert POSform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: SOPform([x], [[1]], [[1]]))
    assert SOPform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true
    assert SOPform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true
    assert SOPform([x], [], []) is false

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: POSform([x], [[1]], [[1]]))
    assert POSform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true
    assert POSform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true
    assert POSform([x], [], []) is false

    # check working of simplify
    assert simplify((A & B) | (A & C)) == And(A, Or(B, C))
    assert simplify(And(x, Not(x))) is false
    assert simplify(Or(x, Not(x))) is true
Пример #23
def test_And():

    assert And() is true
    assert And(A) == A
    assert And(True) is true
    assert And(False) is false
    assert And(True, True) is true
    assert And(True, False) is false
    assert And(True, False, evaluate=False) is not false
    assert And(False, False) is false
    assert And(True, A) == A
    assert And(False, A) is false
    assert And(True, True, True) is true
    assert And(True, True, A) == A
    assert And(True, False, A) is false
    assert And(2, A) == A
    assert And(2, 3) is true
    assert And(A < 1, A >= 1) is false
    e = A > 1
    assert And(e, e.canonical) == e.canonical
    g, l, ge, le = A > B, B < A, A >= B, B <= A
    assert And(g, l, ge, le) == And(l, le)
Пример #24
def test_sympyissue_10641():
    assert str(Or(x < sqrt(3), x).evalf(2)) == 'x | (x < 1.7)'
    assert str(And(x < sqrt(3), x).evalf(2)) == 'x & (x < 1.7)'
Пример #25
    def _eval_interval(self, sym, a, b):
        """Evaluates the function along the sym in a given interval ab"""
        # FIXME: Currently complex intervals are not supported.  A possible
        # replacement algorithm, discussed in issue 5227, can be found in the
        # following papers;
        #     http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=281649
        #     http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
        from diofant.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs

        if sym.is_real is None:
            d = Dummy('d', real=True)
            return self.subs(sym, d)._eval_interval(d, a, b)

        if self.has(Abs):
            return piecewise_fold(self.rewrite(Abs, Piecewise))._eval_interval(
                sym, a, b)

        if a is None or b is None:
            # In this case, it is just simple substitution
            return piecewise_fold(
                super(Piecewise, self)._eval_interval(sym, a, b))

        mul = 1
        if a == b:
            return S.Zero
        elif (a > b) is S.true:
            a, b, mul = b, a, -1
        elif (a <= b) is not S.true:
            newargs = []
            for e, c in self.args:
                intervals = self._sort_expr_cond(sym, S.NegativeInfinity,
                                                 S.Infinity, c)
                values = []
                for lower, upper, expr in intervals:
                    if (a < lower) is S.true:
                        mid = lower
                        rep = b
                        val = e._eval_interval(sym, mid, b)
                        val += self._eval_interval(sym, a, mid)
                    elif (a > upper) is S.true:
                        mid = upper
                        rep = b
                        val = e._eval_interval(sym, mid, b)
                        val += self._eval_interval(sym, a, mid)
                    elif (a >= lower) is S.true and (a <= upper) is S.true:
                        rep = b
                        val = e._eval_interval(sym, a, b)
                    elif (b < lower) is S.true:
                        mid = lower
                        rep = a
                        val = e._eval_interval(sym, a, mid)
                        val += self._eval_interval(sym, mid, b)
                    elif (b > upper) is S.true:
                        mid = upper
                        rep = a
                        val = e._eval_interval(sym, a, mid)
                        val += self._eval_interval(sym, mid, b)
                    elif ((b >= lower) is S.true) and ((b <= upper) is S.true):
                        rep = a
                        val = e._eval_interval(sym, a, b)
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            """The evaluation of a Piecewise interval when both the lower
                            and the upper limit are symbolic is not yet implemented."""
                if len(set(values)) == 1:
                        c = c.subs(sym, rep)
                    except AttributeError:
                    e = values[0]
                    newargs.append((e, c))
                    for i in range(len(values)):
                            (values[i], (c == S.true and i == len(values) - 1)
                             or And(rep >= intervals[i][0],
                                    rep <= intervals[i][1])))
            return self.func(*newargs)

        # Determine what intervals the expr,cond pairs affect.
        int_expr = self._sort_expr_cond(sym, a, b)

        # Finally run through the intervals and sum the evaluation.
        ret_fun = 0
        for int_a, int_b, expr in int_expr:
            if isinstance(expr, Piecewise):
                # If we still have a Piecewise by now, _sort_expr_cond would
                # already have determined that its conditions are independent
                # of the integration variable, thus we just use substitution.
                ret_fun += piecewise_fold(
                          expr)._eval_interval(sym, Max(a, int_a),
                                               Min(b, int_b)))
                ret_fun += expr._eval_interval(sym, Max(a, int_a),
                                               Min(b, int_b))
        return mul * ret_fun
Пример #26
def test_sympyissue_8975():
    assert Or(And(-oo < x, x <= -2), And(2 <= x, x < oo)).as_set() == \
        Interval(-oo, -2, True) + Interval(2, oo, False, True)
Пример #27
def test_sympyissue_8777():
    assert And(x > 2, x < oo).as_set() == Interval(2, oo, True, True)
    assert And(x >= 1, x < oo).as_set() == Interval(1, oo, False, True)
    assert (x < oo).as_set() == Interval(-oo, oo, True, True)
    assert (x > -oo).as_set() == Interval(-oo, oo, True, True)
Пример #28
def test_distribute():

    assert distribute_and_over_or(Or(And(A, B), C)) == And(Or(A, C), Or(B, C))
    assert distribute_or_over_and(And(A, Or(B, C))) == Or(And(A, B), And(A, C))
Пример #29
def test_multivariate_bool_as_set():
    And(x >= 0, y >= 0).as_set()  # == Interval(0, oo)*Interval(0, oo)
    Or(x >= 0, y >= 0).as_set()
Пример #30
def test_true_false():
    assert true is true
    assert false is false
    assert true is not True
    assert false is not False
    assert true
    assert not false
    assert true == True  # noqa: E712
    assert false == False  # noqa: E712
    assert not (true == False)  # noqa: E712
    assert not (false == True)  # noqa: E712
    assert not (true == false)

    assert hash(true) == hash(True)
    assert hash(false) == hash(False)
    assert len({true, True}) == len({false, False}) == 1

    assert isinstance(true, BooleanAtom)
    assert isinstance(false, BooleanAtom)
    # We don't want to subclass from bool, because bool subclasses from
    # int. But operators like &, |, ^, <<, >>, and ~ act differently on 0 and
    # 1 then we want them to on true and false.  See the docstrings of the
    # various And, Or, etc. functions for examples.
    assert not isinstance(true, bool)
    assert not isinstance(false, bool)

    # Note: using 'is' comparison is important here. We want these to return
    # true and false, not True and False

    assert Not(true) is false
    assert Not(True) is false
    assert Not(false) is true
    assert Not(False) is true
    assert ~true is false
    assert ~false is true

    for T, F in itertools.product([True, true], [False, false]):
        assert And(T, F) is false
        assert And(F, T) is false
        assert And(F, F) is false
        assert And(T, T) is true
        assert And(T, x) == x
        assert And(F, x) is false
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T & F is false
            assert F & T is false
        if F is not False:
            assert F & F is false
        if T is not True:
            assert T & T is true

        assert Or(T, F) is true
        assert Or(F, T) is true
        assert Or(F, F) is false
        assert Or(T, T) is true
        assert Or(T, x) is true
        assert Or(F, x) == x
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T | F is true
            assert F | T is true
        if F is not False:
            assert F | F is false
        if T is not True:
            assert T | T is true

        assert Xor(T, F) is true
        assert Xor(F, T) is true
        assert Xor(F, F) is false
        assert Xor(T, T) is false
        assert Xor(T, x) == ~x
        assert Xor(F, x) == x
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T ^ F is true
            assert F ^ T is true
        if F is not False:
            assert F ^ F is false
        if T is not True:
            assert T ^ T is false

        assert Nand(T, F) is true
        assert Nand(F, T) is true
        assert Nand(F, F) is true
        assert Nand(T, T) is false
        assert Nand(T, x) == ~x
        assert Nand(F, x) is true

        assert Nor(T, F) is false
        assert Nor(F, T) is false
        assert Nor(F, F) is true
        assert Nor(T, T) is false
        assert Nor(T, x) is false
        assert Nor(F, x) == ~x

        assert Implies(T, F) is false
        assert Implies(F, T) is true
        assert Implies(F, F) is true
        assert Implies(T, T) is true
        assert Implies(T, x) == x
        assert Implies(F, x) is true
        assert Implies(x, T) is true
        assert Implies(x, F) == ~x
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T >> F is false
            assert F << T is false
            assert F >> T is true
            assert T << F is true
        if F is not False:
            assert F >> F is true
            assert F << F is true
        if T is not True:
            assert T >> T is true
            assert T << T is true

        assert Equivalent(T, F) is false
        assert Equivalent(F, T) is false
        assert Equivalent(F, F) is true
        assert Equivalent(T, T) is true
        assert Equivalent(T, x) == x
        assert Equivalent(F, x) == ~x
        assert Equivalent(x, T) == x
        assert Equivalent(x, F) == ~x

        assert ITE(T, T, T) is true
        assert ITE(T, T, F) is true
        assert ITE(T, F, T) is false
        assert ITE(T, F, F) is false
        assert ITE(F, T, T) is true
        assert ITE(F, T, F) is false
        assert ITE(F, F, T) is true
        assert ITE(F, F, F) is false