Пример #1
def _dmp_simplify_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    """Try to eliminate `x_0` from GCD computation in `K[X]`. """
    df = dmp_degree(f, u)
    dg = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if df > 0 and dg > 0:

    if not (df or dg):
        F = dmp_LC(f, K)
        G = dmp_LC(g, K)
        if not df:
            F = dmp_LC(f, K)
            G = dmp_content(g, u, K)
            F = dmp_content(f, u, K)
            G = dmp_LC(g, K)

    v = u - 1
    h = dmp_gcd(F, G, v, K)

    cff = [dmp_quo(cf, h, v, K) for cf in f]
    cfg = [dmp_quo(cg, h, v, K) for cg in g]

    return [h], cff, cfg
Пример #2
def dmp_pdiv(f, g, u, K):
    Polynomial pseudo-division in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_pdiv(x**2 + x*y, 2*x + 2)
    (2*x + 2*y - 2, -4*y + 4)
    if not u:
        return dup_pdiv(f, g, K)

    df = dmp_degree(f, u)
    dg = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if dg < 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("polynomial division")

    q, r, dr = dmp_zero(u), f, df

    if df < dg:
        return q, r

    N = df - dg + 1
    lc_g = dmp_LC(g, K)

    while True:
        lc_r = dmp_LC(r, K)
        j, N = dr - dg, N - 1

        Q = dmp_mul_term(q, lc_g, 0, u, K)
        q = dmp_add_term(Q, lc_r, j, u, K)

        R = dmp_mul_term(r, lc_g, 0, u, K)
        G = dmp_mul_term(g, lc_r, j, u, K)
        r = dmp_sub(R, G, u, K)

        _dr, dr = dr, dmp_degree(r, u)

        if dr < dg:
        elif not (dr < _dr):
            raise PolynomialDivisionFailed(f, g, K)

    c = dmp_pow(lc_g, N, u - 1, K)

    q = dmp_mul_term(q, c, 0, u, K)
    r = dmp_mul_term(r, c, 0, u, K)

    return q, r
Пример #3
def test_dmp_LC():
    assert dmp_LC([[]], ZZ) == []
    assert dmp_LC([], ZZ) == 0
    assert dmp_LC([2, 3, 4, 5], ZZ) == 2
    assert dmp_LC([[2, 3, 4], [5]], ZZ) == [2, 3, 4]
    assert dmp_LC([[[]]], ZZ) == [[]]
    assert dmp_LC([[[2], [3, 4]], [[5]]], ZZ) == [[2], [3, 4]]
    assert dmp_LC([3, 0, 1], ZZ) == 3
    assert dmp_LC([1], ZZ) == 1
    assert dmp_LC([1, 2], ZZ) == 1
Пример #4
def dmp_ff_div(f, g, u, K):
    Polynomial division with remainder over a field.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, QQ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", QQ)

    >>> R.dmp_ff_div(x**2 + x*y, 2*x + 2)
    (1/2*x + 1/2*y - 1/2, -y + 1)
    if not u:
        return dup_ff_div(f, g, K)

    df = dmp_degree(f, u)
    dg = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if dg < 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("polynomial division")

    q, r, dr = dmp_zero(u), f, df

    if df < dg:
        return q, r

    lc_g, v = dmp_LC(g, K), u - 1

    while True:
        lc_r = dmp_LC(r, K)
        c, R = dmp_ff_div(lc_r, lc_g, v, K)

        if not dmp_zero_p(R, v):

        j = dr - dg

        q = dmp_add_term(q, c, j, u, K)
        h = dmp_mul_term(g, c, j, u, K)
        r = dmp_sub(r, h, u, K)

        _dr, dr = dr, dmp_degree(r, u)

        if dr < dg:
        elif not (dr < _dr):
            raise PolynomialDivisionFailed(f, g, K)

    return q, r
Пример #5
def dmp_eval(f, a, u, K):
    Evaluate a polynomial at ``x_0 = a`` in ``K[X]`` using the Horner scheme.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_eval(2*x*y + 3*x + y + 2, 2)
    5*y + 8
    if not u:
        return dup_eval(f, a, K)

    if not a:
        return dmp_TC(f, K)

    result, v = dmp_LC(f, K), u - 1

    for coeff in f[1:]:
        result = dmp_mul_ground(result, a, v, K)
        result = dmp_add(result, coeff, v, K)

    return result
Пример #6
def dmp_discriminant(f, u, K):
    Computes discriminant of a polynomial in `K[X]`.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y,z,t = ring("x,y,z,t", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_discriminant(x**2*y + x*z + t)
    -4*y*t + z**2
    if not u:
        return dup_discriminant(f, K)

    d, v = dmp_degree(f, u), u - 1

    if d <= 0:
        return dmp_zero(v)
        s = (-1)**((d * (d - 1)) // 2)
        c = dmp_LC(f, K)

        r = dmp_resultant(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
        c = dmp_mul_ground(c, K(s), v, K)

        return dmp_quo(r, c, v, K)
Пример #7
def dmp_content(f, u, K):
    Returns GCD of multivariate coefficients.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_content(2*x*y + 6*x + 4*y + 12)
    2*y + 6

    cont, v = dmp_LC(f, K), u - 1

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return cont

    for c in f[1:]:
        cont = dmp_gcd(cont, c, v, K)

        if dmp_one_p(cont, v, K):

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(cont, v, K)):
        return dmp_neg(cont, v, K)
        return cont
Пример #8
def dmp_zz_wang_test_points(f, T, ct, A, u, K):
    """Wang/EEZ: Test evaluation points for suitability. """
    if not dmp_eval_tail(dmp_LC(f, K), A, u - 1, K):
        raise EvaluationFailed('no luck')

    g = dmp_eval_tail(f, A, u, K)

    if not dup_sqf_p(g, K):
        raise EvaluationFailed('no luck')

    c, h = dup_primitive(g, K)

    if K.is_negative(dup_LC(h, K)):
        c, h = -c, dup_neg(h, K)

    v = u - 1

    E = [dmp_eval_tail(t, A, v, K) for t, _ in T]
    D = dmp_zz_wang_non_divisors(E, c, ct, K)

    if D is not None:
        return c, h, E
        raise EvaluationFailed('no luck')
Пример #9
def test_dmp_LC():
    assert dmp_LC([[]], ZZ) == []
    assert dmp_LC([[2, 3, 4], [5]], ZZ) == [2, 3, 4]
    assert dmp_LC([[[]]], ZZ) == [[]]
    assert dmp_LC([[[2], [3, 4]], [[5]]], ZZ) == [[2], [3, 4]]
Пример #10
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> prs = [f, g, a, b]
    >>> sres = [[1], [1], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]]

    >>> R.dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g) == (prs, sres)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return [], []

    v = u - 1
    if dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return [f], [dmp_ground(K.one, v)]

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(-K.one, v), d + 1, v, K)

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    lc = dmp_LC(g, K)
    c = dmp_pow(lc, d, v, K)

    S = [dmp_ground(K.one, v), c]
    c = dmp_neg(c, v, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k

        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), dmp_pow(c, d, v, K), v, K)

        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
        h = [dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h]

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        if d > 1:
            p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)
            q = dmp_pow(c, d - 1, v, K)
            c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
            c = dmp_neg(lc, v, K)

        S.append(dmp_neg(c, v, K))

    return R, S
Пример #11
def dmp_zz_wang(f, u, K, mod=None, seed=None):
    Factor primitive square-free polynomials in `Z[X]`.

    Given a multivariate polynomial `f` in `Z[x_1,...,x_n]`, which is
    primitive and square-free in `x_1`, computes factorization of `f` into
    irreducibles over integers.

    The procedure is based on Wang's Enhanced Extended Zassenhaus
    algorithm. The algorithm works by viewing `f` as a univariate polynomial
    in `Z[x_2,...,x_n][x_1]`, for which an evaluation mapping is computed::

                      x_2 -> a_2, ..., x_n -> a_n

    where `a_i`, for `i = 2, ..., n`, are carefully chosen integers.  The
    mapping is used to transform `f` into a univariate polynomial in `Z[x_1]`,
    which can be factored efficiently using Zassenhaus algorithm. The last
    step is to lift univariate factors to obtain true multivariate
    factors. For this purpose a parallel Hensel lifting procedure is used.

    The parameter ``seed`` is passed to _randint and can be used to seed randint
    (when an integer) or (for testing purposes) can be a sequence of numbers.


    .. [1] [Wang78]_
    .. [2] [Geddes92]_
    from diofant.utilities.randtest import _randint

    randint = _randint(seed)

    ct, T = dmp_zz_factor(dmp_LC(f, K), u - 1, K)

    b = dmp_zz_mignotte_bound(f, u, K)
    p = K(nextprime(b))

    if mod is None:
        if u == 1:
            mod = 2
            mod = 1

    history, configs, A, r = set(), [], [K.zero] * u, None

        cs, s, E = dmp_zz_wang_test_points(f, T, ct, A, u, K)

        _, H = dup_zz_factor_sqf(s, K)

        r = len(H)

        if r == 1:
            return [f]

        configs = [(s, cs, E, H, A)]
    except EvaluationFailed:

    eez_num_configs = query('EEZ_NUMBER_OF_CONFIGS')
    eez_num_tries = query('EEZ_NUMBER_OF_TRIES')
    eez_mod_step = query('EEZ_MODULUS_STEP')

    while len(configs) < eez_num_configs:
        for _ in range(eez_num_tries):
            A = [K(randint(-mod, mod)) for _ in range(u)]

            if tuple(A) not in history:

                cs, s, E = dmp_zz_wang_test_points(f, T, ct, A, u, K)
            except EvaluationFailed:

            _, H = dup_zz_factor_sqf(s, K)

            rr = len(H)

            if r is not None:
                if rr != r:  # pragma: no cover
                    if rr < r:
                        configs, r = [], rr
                r = rr

            if r == 1:
                return [f]

            configs.append((s, cs, E, H, A))

            if len(configs) == eez_num_configs:
            mod += eez_mod_step

    s_norm, s_arg, i = None, 0, 0

    for s, _, _, _, _ in configs:
        _s_norm = dup_max_norm(s, K)

        if s_norm is not None:
            if _s_norm < s_norm:
                s_norm = _s_norm
                s_arg = i
            s_norm = _s_norm

        i += 1

    _, cs, E, H, A = configs[s_arg]
    orig_f = f

        f, H, LC = dmp_zz_wang_lead_coeffs(f, T, cs, E, H, A, u, K)
        factors = dmp_zz_wang_hensel_lifting(f, H, LC, A, p, u, K)
    except ExtraneousFactors:  # pragma: no cover
        if query('EEZ_RESTART_IF_NEEDED'):
            return dmp_zz_wang(orig_f, u, K, mod + 1)
            raise ExtraneousFactors(
                "we need to restart algorithm with better parameters")

    negative, result = 0, []

    for f in factors:
        _, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K)

        if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)):
            f = dmp_neg(f, u, K)


    return result