Пример #1
def test_hyper():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: hyper(1, 2, z))

    assert hyper((1, 2), (1, ), z) == hyper(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1), z)

    h = hyper((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), z)
    assert h.ap == Tuple(1, 2)
    assert h.bq == Tuple(3, 4, 5)
    assert h.argument == z
    assert h.is_commutative is True

    # just a few checks to make sure that all arguments go where they should
    assert tn(hyper(Tuple(), Tuple(), z), exp(z), z)
    assert tn(z * hyper((1, 1), Tuple(2), -z), log(1 + z), z)

    # differentiation
    h = hyper((randcplx(), randcplx(), randcplx()), (randcplx(), randcplx()),
    assert td(h, z)

    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = symbols('a1:3, b1:4')
    assert hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z).diff(z) == \
        a1*a2/(b1*b2*b3) * hyper((a1 + 1, a2 + 1), (b1 + 1, b2 + 1, b3 + 1), z)

    # differentiation wrt parameters is not supported
    assert hyper([z], [], z).diff(z) == Derivative(hyper([z], [], z), z)

    # hyper is unbranched wrt parameters
    assert hyper([polar_lift(z)], [polar_lift(k)], polar_lift(x)) == \
        hyper([z], [k], polar_lift(x))

    assert hyper((1, 2, 3), [3, 4], 1).is_number
    assert not hyper((1, 2, 3), [3, x], 1).is_number
Пример #2
def test_reduction_operators():
    a1, a2, b1 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(3))
    h = hyper([a1], [b1], z)

    assert ReduceOrder(2, 0) is None
    assert ReduceOrder(2, -1) is None
    assert ReduceOrder(1, Rational(1, 2)) is None

    h2 = hyper((a1, a2), (b1, a2), z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder(a2, a2).apply(h, op), h2, z)

    assert str(ReduceOrder(a2,
                           a2)).find('<Reduce order by cancelling upper ') == 0

    h2 = hyper((a1, a2 + 1), (b1, a2), z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder(a2 + 1, a2).apply(h, op), h2, z)

    h2 = hyper((a2 + 4, a1), (b1, a2), z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder(a2 + 4, a2).apply(h, op), h2, z)

    # test several step order reduction
    ap = (a2 + 4, a1, b1 + 1)
    bq = (a2, b1, b1)
    func, ops = reduce_order(Hyper_Function(ap, bq))
    assert func.ap == (a1, )
    assert func.bq == (b1, )
    assert tn(apply_operators(h, ops, op), hyper(ap, bq, z), z)
Пример #3
def test_hyper():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: hyper(1, 2, z))

    assert hyper((1, 2), (1,), z) == hyper(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(1), z)

    h = hyper((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), z)
    assert h.ap == Tuple(1, 2)
    assert h.bq == Tuple(3, 4, 5)
    assert h.argument == z
    assert h.is_commutative is True

    # just a few checks to make sure that all arguments go where they should
    assert tn(hyper(Tuple(), Tuple(), z), exp(z), z)
    assert tn(z*hyper((1, 1), Tuple(2), -z), log(1 + z), z)

    # differentiation
    h = hyper(
        (randcplx(), randcplx(), randcplx()), (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(h, z)

    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = symbols('a1:3, b1:4')
    assert hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z).diff(z) == \
        a1*a2/(b1*b2*b3) * hyper((a1 + 1, a2 + 1), (b1 + 1, b2 + 1, b3 + 1), z)

    # differentiation wrt parameters is not supported
    assert hyper([z], [], z).diff(z) == Derivative(hyper([z], [], z), z)

    # hyper is unbranched wrt parameters
    assert hyper([polar_lift(z)], [polar_lift(k)], polar_lift(x)) == \
        hyper([z], [k], polar_lift(x))

    assert hyper((1, 2, 3), [3, 4], 1).is_number
    assert not hyper((1, 2, 3), [3, x], 1).is_number
Пример #4
def test_formulae():
    formulae = FormulaCollection().formulae
    for formula in formulae:
        h = formula.func(formula.z)
        rep = {}
        for n, sym in enumerate(formula.symbols):
            rep[sym] = randcplx(n)

        # NOTE hyperexpand returns truly branched functions. We know we are
        #      on the main sheet, but numerical evaluation can still go wrong
        #      (e.g. if exp_polar cannot be evalf'd).
        #      Just replace all exp_polar by exp, this usually works.

        # first test if the closed-form is actually correct
        h = h.subs(rep)
        closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall')
        z = formula.z
        assert tn(h, closed_form.replace(exp_polar, exp), z)

        # now test the computed matrix
        cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall')
        assert tn(closed_form.replace(
            exp_polar, exp), cl.replace(exp_polar, exp), z)
        deriv1 = z*formula.B.applyfunc(lambda t: t.rewrite(
        deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B
        for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
            assert tn(d1.subs(rep).replace(exp_polar, exp),
                      d2.subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall').replace(exp_polar, exp), z)
Пример #5
def test_K():
    assert K(0) == pi/2
    assert K(Rational(1, 2)) == 8*pi**Rational(3, 2)/gamma(-Rational(1, 4))**2
    assert K(1) == zoo
    assert K(-1) == gamma(Rational(1, 4))**2/(4*sqrt(2*pi))
    assert K(oo) == 0
    assert K(-oo) == 0
    assert K(I*oo) == 0
    assert K(-I*oo) == 0
    assert K(zoo) == 0

    assert K(z).diff(z) == (E(z) - (1 - z)*K(z))/(2*z*(1 - z))
    assert td(K(z), z)
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: K(z).fdiff(2))

    zi = Symbol('z', extended_real=False)
    assert K(zi).conjugate() == K(zi.conjugate())
    zr = Symbol('z', extended_real=True, negative=True)
    assert K(zr).conjugate() == K(zr)

    assert K(z).rewrite(hyper) == \
        (pi/2)*hyper((S.Half, S.Half), (S.One,), z)
    assert tn(K(z), (pi/2)*hyper((S.Half, S.Half), (S.One,), z))
    assert K(z).rewrite(meijerg) == \
        meijerg(((S.Half, S.Half), []), ((S.Zero,), (S.Zero,)), -z)/2
    assert tn(K(z), meijerg(((S.Half, S.Half), []), ((S.Zero,), (S.Zero,)), -z)/2)

    assert K(z).series(z) == pi/2 + pi*z/8 + 9*pi*z**2/128 + \
        25*pi*z**3/512 + 1225*pi*z**4/32768 + 3969*pi*z**5/131072 + O(z**6)
Пример #6
def test_meijerg_formulae():
    from diofant.simplify.hyperexpand import MeijerFormulaCollection
    formulae = MeijerFormulaCollection().formulae
    for sig in formulae:
        for formula in formulae[sig]:
            g = meijerg(formula.func.an, formula.func.ap,
                        formula.func.bm, formula.func.bq,
            rep = {}
            for sym in formula.symbols:
                rep[sym] = randcplx()

            # first test if the closed-form is actually correct
            g = g.subs(rep)
            closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep)
            z = formula.z
            assert tn(g, closed_form, z)

            # now test the computed matrix
            cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep)
            assert tn(closed_form, cl, z)
            deriv1 = z*formula.B.diff(z)
            deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B
            for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
                assert tn(d1.subs(rep), d2.subs(rep), z)
Пример #7
def test_formulae():
    from diofant.simplify.hyperexpand import FormulaCollection
    formulae = FormulaCollection().formulae
    for formula in formulae:
        h = formula.func(formula.z)
        rep = {}
        for n, sym in enumerate(formula.symbols):
            rep[sym] = randcplx(n)

        # NOTE hyperexpand returns truly branched functions. We know we are
        #      on the main sheet, but numerical evaluation can still go wrong
        #      (e.g. if exp_polar cannot be evalf'd).
        #      Just replace all exp_polar by exp, this usually works.

        # first test if the closed-form is actually correct
        h = h.subs(rep)
        closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall')
        z = formula.z
        assert tn(h, closed_form.replace(exp_polar, exp), z)

        # now test the computed matrix
        cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall')
        assert tn(closed_form.replace(
            exp_polar, exp), cl.replace(exp_polar, exp), z)
        deriv1 = z*formula.B.applyfunc(lambda t: t.rewrite(
        deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B
        for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
            assert tn(d1.subs(rep).replace(exp_polar, exp),
                      d2.subs(rep).rewrite('nonrepsmall').replace(exp_polar, exp), z)
Пример #8
    def t(func, hyp, z):
        """ Test that func is a valid representation of hyp. """
        # First test that func agrees with hyp for small z
        if not tn(func.rewrite('nonrepsmall'), hyp, z,
                  a=Rational(-1, 2), b=Rational(-1, 2), c=Rational(1, 2), d=Rational(1, 2)):
            return False
        # Next check that the two small representations agree.
        if not tn(
            func.rewrite('nonrepsmall').subs({z: exp_polar(I*pi)*z}).replace(exp_polar, exp),
            func.subs({z: exp_polar(I*pi)*z}).rewrite('nonrepsmall'),
                z, a=Rational(-1, 2), b=Rational(-1, 2), c=Rational(1, 2), d=Rational(1, 2)):
            return False
        # Next check continuity along exp_polar(I*pi)*t
        expr = func.subs({z: exp_polar(I*pi)*z}).rewrite('nonrep')
        if abs(expr.subs({z: 1 + 1e-15}) - expr.subs({z: 1 - 1e-15})).evalf(strict=False) > 1e-10:
            return False
        # Finally check continuity of the big reps.

        def dosubs(func, a, b):
            rv = func.subs({z: exp_polar(a)*z}).rewrite('nonrep')
            return rv.subs({z: exp_polar(b)*z}).replace(exp_polar, exp)
        for n in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4]:
            expr1 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*n, I*pi/2)
            expr2 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*n + I*pi, -I*pi/2)
            if not tn(expr1, expr2, z):
                return False
            expr1 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*(n + 1), -I*pi/2)
            expr2 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*n + I*pi, I*pi/2)
            if not tn(expr1, expr2, z):
                return False
        return True
Пример #9
def test_plan():
    assert devise_plan(Hyper_Function([0], ()),
            Hyper_Function([0], ()), z) == []
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function([1], ()), Hyper_Function((), ()), z)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function([2], [1]), Hyper_Function([2], [2]), z)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function([2], []), Hyper_Function([Rational(1, 2)], []), z)

    # We cannot use pi/(10000 + n) because polys is insanely slow.
    a1, a2, b1 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(3))
    b1 += 2*I
    h = hyper([a1, a2], [b1], z)

    h2 = hyper((a1 + 1, a2), [b1], z)
    assert tn(apply_operators(h,
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function((a1 + 1, a2), [b1]),
            Hyper_Function((a1, a2), [b1]), z), op),
        h2, z)

    h2 = hyper((a1 + 1, a2 - 1), [b1], z)
    assert tn(apply_operators(h,
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function((a1 + 1, a2 - 1), [b1]),
            Hyper_Function((a1, a2), [b1]), z), op),
        h2, z)
Пример #10
    def t(func, hyp, z):
        """Test that func is a valid representation of hyp."""
        # First test that func agrees with hyp for small z
        if not tn(func.rewrite('nonrepsmall'), hyp, z,
                  a=Rational(-1, 2), b=Rational(-1, 2), c=Rational(1, 2), d=Rational(1, 2)):
            return False
        # Next check that the two small representations agree.
        if not tn(
            func.rewrite('nonrepsmall').subs({z: exp_polar(I*pi)*z}).replace(exp_polar, exp),
            func.subs({z: exp_polar(I*pi)*z}).rewrite('nonrepsmall'),
                z, a=Rational(-1, 2), b=Rational(-1, 2), c=Rational(1, 2), d=Rational(1, 2)):
            return False
        # Next check continuity along exp_polar(I*pi)*t
        expr = func.subs({z: exp_polar(I*pi)*z}).rewrite('nonrep')
        if abs(expr.subs({z: 1 + 1e-15}) - expr.subs({z: 1 - 1e-15})).evalf(strict=False) > 1e-10:
            return False
        # Finally check continuity of the big reps.

        def dosubs(func, a, b):
            rv = func.subs({z: exp_polar(a)*z}).rewrite('nonrep')
            return rv.subs({z: exp_polar(b)*z}).replace(exp_polar, exp)
        for n in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4]:
            expr1 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*n, I*pi/2)
            expr2 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*n + I*pi, -I*pi/2)
            if not tn(expr1, expr2, z):
                return False
            expr1 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*(n + 1), -I*pi/2)
            expr2 = dosubs(func, 2*I*pi*n + I*pi, I*pi/2)
            if not tn(expr1, expr2, z):
                return False
        return True
Пример #11
def test_conjugate():
    n, z, x = Symbol('n'), Symbol('z', extended_real=False), Symbol(
        'x', extended_real=True)
    y, t = Symbol('y', extended_real=True,
                  positive=True), Symbol('t', negative=True)

    for f in [besseli, besselj, besselk, bessely, jn, yn, hankel1, hankel2]:
        assert f(n, -1).conjugate() != f(conjugate(n), -1)
        assert f(n, x).conjugate() != f(conjugate(n), x)
        assert f(n, t).conjugate() != f(conjugate(n), t)

    rz = randcplx(b=0.5)

    for f in [besseli, besselj, besselk, bessely, jn, yn]:
        assert f(n, 1 + I).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), 1 - I)
        assert f(n, 0).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), 0)
        assert f(n, 1).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), 1)
        assert f(n, z).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), conjugate(z))
        assert f(n, y).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), y)
        assert tn(f(n, rz).conjugate(), f(conjugate(n), conjugate(rz)))

    assert hankel1(n, 1 + I).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), 1 - I)
    assert hankel1(n, 0).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), 0)
    assert hankel1(n, 1).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), 1)
    assert hankel1(n, y).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), y)
    assert hankel1(n, z).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), conjugate(z))
    assert tn(hankel1(n, rz).conjugate(), hankel2(conjugate(n), conjugate(rz)))

    assert hankel2(n, 1 + I).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), 1 - I)
    assert hankel2(n, 0).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), 0)
    assert hankel2(n, 1).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), 1)
    assert hankel2(n, y).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), y)
    assert hankel2(n, z).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), conjugate(z))
    assert tn(hankel2(n, rz).conjugate(), hankel1(conjugate(n), conjugate(rz)))
Пример #12
def test_partial_simp():
    # First test that hypergeometric function formulae work.
    a, b, c, d, e = (randcplx() for _ in range(5))
    for func in [Hyper_Function([a, b, c], [d, e]),
            Hyper_Function([], [a, b, c, d, e])]:
        f = build_hypergeometric_formula(func)
        z = f.z
        assert f.closed_form == func(z)
        deriv1 = f.B.diff(z)*z
        deriv2 = f.M*f.B
        for func1, func2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
            assert tn(func1, func2, z)

    # Now test that formulae are partially simplified.
    from diofant.abc import a, b, z
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([3, a], [1, b], z)) == \
        (-a*b/2 + a*z/2 + 2*a)*hyper([a + 1], [b], z) \
        + (a*b/2 - 2*a + 1)*hyper([a], [b], z)
    assert tn(
        hyperexpand(hyper([3, d], [1, e], z)), hyper([3, d], [1, e], z), z)
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([3], [1, a, b], z)) == \
        hyper((), (a, b), z) \
        + z*hyper((), (a + 1, b), z)/(2*a) \
        - z*(b - 4)*hyper((), (a + 1, b + 1), z)/(2*a*b)
    assert tn(
        hyperexpand(hyper([3], [1, d, e], z)), hyper([3], [1, d, e], z), z)
Пример #13
def test_plan():
    assert devise_plan(Hyper_Function([0], ()),
                       Hyper_Function([0], ()), z) == []
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function([1], ()), Hyper_Function((), ()), z)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function([2], [1]), Hyper_Function([2], [2]), z)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        devise_plan(Hyper_Function([2], []), Hyper_Function([Rational(1, 2)], []), z)

    # We cannot use pi/(10000 + n) because polys is insanely slow.
    a1, a2, b1 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(3))
    b1 += 2*I
    h = hyper([a1, a2], [b1], z)

    h2 = hyper((a1 + 1, a2), [b1], z)
    assert tn(apply_operators(h,
                              devise_plan(Hyper_Function((a1 + 1, a2), [b1]),
                                          Hyper_Function((a1, a2), [b1]), z), op),
              h2, z)

    h2 = hyper((a1 + 1, a2 - 1), [b1], z)
    assert tn(apply_operators(h,
                              devise_plan(Hyper_Function((a1 + 1, a2 - 1), [b1]),
                                          Hyper_Function((a1, a2), [b1]), z), op),
              h2, z)
Пример #14
def test_conjugate():
    n, z, x = Symbol('n'), Symbol('z', extended_real=False), Symbol('x', extended_real=True)
    y, t = Symbol('y', extended_real=True, positive=True), Symbol('t', negative=True)

    for f in [besseli, besselj, besselk, bessely, jn, yn, hankel1, hankel2]:
        assert f(n, -1).conjugate() != f(conjugate(n), -1)
        assert f(n, x).conjugate() != f(conjugate(n), x)
        assert f(n, t).conjugate() != f(conjugate(n), t)

    rz = randcplx(b=0.5)

    for f in [besseli, besselj, besselk, bessely, jn, yn]:
        assert f(n, 1 + I).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), 1 - I)
        assert f(n, 0).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), 0)
        assert f(n, 1).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), 1)
        assert f(n, z).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), conjugate(z))
        assert f(n, y).conjugate() == f(conjugate(n), y)
        assert tn(f(n, rz).conjugate(), f(conjugate(n), conjugate(rz)))

    assert hankel1(n, 1 + I).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), 1 - I)
    assert hankel1(n, 0).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), 0)
    assert hankel1(n, 1).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), 1)
    assert hankel1(n, y).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), y)
    assert hankel1(n, z).conjugate() == hankel2(conjugate(n), conjugate(z))
    assert tn(hankel1(n, rz).conjugate(), hankel2(conjugate(n), conjugate(rz)))

    assert hankel2(n, 1 + I).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), 1 - I)
    assert hankel2(n, 0).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), 0)
    assert hankel2(n, 1).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), 1)
    assert hankel2(n, y).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), y)
    assert hankel2(n, z).conjugate() == hankel1(conjugate(n), conjugate(z))
    assert tn(hankel2(n, rz).conjugate(), hankel1(conjugate(n), conjugate(rz)))
Пример #15
def test_rewrite():
    assert besselj(
        n, z).rewrite(jn) == sqrt(2 * z / pi) * jn(n - Rational(1, 2), z)
    assert bessely(
        n, z).rewrite(yn) == sqrt(2 * z / pi) * yn(n - Rational(1, 2), z)
    assert besseli(n, z).rewrite(besselj) == \
        exp(-I*n*pi/2)*besselj(n, polar_lift(I)*z)
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(besseli) == \
        exp(I*n*pi/2)*besseli(n, polar_lift(-I)*z)
    assert besselj(2, z).rewrite(bessely) == besselj(2, z)
    assert bessely(2, z).rewrite(besselj) == bessely(2, z)
    assert bessely(2, z).rewrite(besseli) == bessely(2, z)
    assert besselk(2, z).rewrite(besseli) == besselk(2, z)
    assert besselk(2, z).rewrite(besselj) == besselk(2, z)
    assert besselk(2, z).rewrite(bessely) == besselk(2, z)

    nu = randcplx()

    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)

    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)
Пример #16
def test_rewrite():
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(jn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*jn(n - Rational(1, 2), z)
    assert bessely(n, z).rewrite(yn) == sqrt(2*z/pi)*yn(n - Rational(1, 2), z)
    assert besseli(n, z).rewrite(besselj) == \
        exp(-I*n*pi/2)*besselj(n, polar_lift(I)*z)
    assert besselj(n, z).rewrite(besseli) == \
        exp(I*n*pi/2)*besseli(n, polar_lift(-I)*z)
    assert besselj(2, z).rewrite(bessely) == besselj(2, z)
    assert bessely(2, z).rewrite(besselj) == bessely(2, z)
    assert bessely(2, z).rewrite(besseli) == bessely(2, z)
    assert besselk(2, z).rewrite(besseli) == besselk(2, z)
    assert besselk(2, z).rewrite(besselj) == besselk(2, z)
    assert besselk(2, z).rewrite(bessely) == besselk(2, z)

    nu = randcplx()

    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselj(nu, z), besselj(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besseli(nu, z), besseli(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)

    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(bessely(nu, z), bessely(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)

    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besselj), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(besseli), z)
    assert tn(besselk(nu, z), besselk(nu, z).rewrite(bessely), z)
Пример #17
def test_rewriting():
    assert dirichlet_eta(x).rewrite(zeta) == (1 - 2**(1 - x))*zeta(x)
    assert zeta(x).rewrite(dirichlet_eta) == dirichlet_eta(x)/(1 - 2**(1 - x))
    assert tn(dirichlet_eta(x), dirichlet_eta(x).rewrite(zeta), x)
    assert tn(zeta(x), zeta(x).rewrite(dirichlet_eta), x)

    assert zeta(x, a).rewrite(lerchphi) == lerchphi(1, x, a)
    assert polylog(s, z).rewrite(lerchphi) == lerchphi(z, s, 1)*z

    assert lerchphi(1, x, a).rewrite(zeta) == zeta(x, a)
    assert z*lerchphi(z, s, 1).rewrite(polylog) == polylog(s, z)
Пример #18
def test_shift_operators():
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(5))
    h = hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ShiftA(0))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ShiftB(1))

    assert tn(ShiftA(a1).apply(h, op), hyper((a1 + 1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftA(a2).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2 + 1), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftB(b1).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1 - 1, b2, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftB(b2).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2 - 1, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftB(b3).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3 - 1), z), z)
Пример #19
def test_shift_operators():
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(5))
    h = hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ShiftA(0))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ShiftB(1))

    assert tn(ShiftA(a1).apply(h, op), hyper((a1 + 1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftA(a2).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2 + 1), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftB(b1).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1 - 1, b2, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftB(b2).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2 - 1, b3), z), z)
    assert tn(ShiftB(b3).apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3 - 1), z), z)
Пример #20
def test_plan_derivatives():
    a1, a2, a3 = 1, 2, Rational(1, 2)
    b1, b2 = 3, Rational(5, 2)
    h = Hyper_Function((a1, a2, a3), (b1, b2))
    h2 = Hyper_Function((a1 + 1, a2 + 1, a3 + 2), (b1 + 1, b2 + 1))
    ops = devise_plan(h2, h, z)
    f = Formula(h, z, h(z), [])
    deriv = make_derivative_operator(f.M, z)
    assert tn((apply_operators(f.C, ops, deriv)*f.B)[0], h2(z), z)

    h2 = Hyper_Function((a1, a2 - 1, a3 - 2), (b1 - 1, b2 - 1))
    ops = devise_plan(h2, h, z)
    assert tn((apply_operators(f.C, ops, deriv)*f.B)[0], h2(z), z)
Пример #21
def test_plan_derivatives():
    a1, a2, a3 = 1, 2, Rational(1, 2)
    b1, b2 = 3, Rational(5, 2)
    h = Hyper_Function((a1, a2, a3), (b1, b2))
    h2 = Hyper_Function((a1 + 1, a2 + 1, a3 + 2), (b1 + 1, b2 + 1))
    ops = devise_plan(h2, h, z)
    f = Formula(h, z, h(z), [])
    deriv = make_derivative_operator(f.M, z)
    assert tn((apply_operators(f.C, ops, deriv)*f.B)[0], h2(z), z)

    h2 = Hyper_Function((a1, a2 - 1, a3 - 2), (b1 - 1, b2 - 1))
    ops = devise_plan(h2, h, z)
    assert tn((apply_operators(f.C, ops, deriv)*f.B)[0], h2(z), z)
Пример #22
def test_elliptic_e():
    assert elliptic_e(z, 0) == z
    assert elliptic_e(0, m) == 0
    assert elliptic_e(i * pi / 2, m) == i * elliptic_e(m)
    assert elliptic_e(z, oo) == zoo
    assert elliptic_e(z, -oo) == zoo
    assert elliptic_e(0) == pi / 2
    assert elliptic_e(1) == 1
    assert elliptic_e(oo) == I * oo
    assert elliptic_e(-oo) == oo
    assert elliptic_e(zoo) == zoo

    assert elliptic_e(-z, m) == -elliptic_e(z, m)

    assert elliptic_e(z, m).diff(z) == sqrt(1 - m * sin(z)**2)
    assert elliptic_e(
        z, m).diff(m) == (elliptic_e(z, m) - elliptic_f(z, m)) / (2 * m)
    assert elliptic_e(z).diff(z) == (elliptic_e(z) - elliptic_k(z)) / (2 * z)
    r = randcplx()
    assert td(elliptic_e(r, m), m)
    assert td(elliptic_e(z, r), z)
    assert td(elliptic_e(z), z)
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: elliptic_e(z, m).fdiff(3))
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: elliptic_e(z).fdiff(2))

    mi = Symbol('m', extended_real=False)
    assert elliptic_e(z, mi).conjugate() == elliptic_e(z.conjugate(),
    assert elliptic_e(mi).conjugate() == elliptic_e(mi.conjugate())
    mr = Symbol('m', extended_real=True, negative=True)
    assert elliptic_e(z, mr).conjugate() == elliptic_e(z.conjugate(), mr)
    assert elliptic_e(mr).conjugate() == elliptic_e(mr)
    assert elliptic_e(z, m).conjugate() == conjugate(elliptic_e(z, m))
    assert elliptic_e(z).conjugate() == conjugate(elliptic_e(z))

    assert elliptic_e(z).rewrite(hyper) == (pi / 2) * hyper(
        (Rational(-1, 2), Rational(1, 2)), (1, ), z)
    assert elliptic_e(z, m).rewrite(hyper) == elliptic_e(z, m)
    assert tn(elliptic_e(z), (pi / 2) * hyper(
        (Rational(-1, 2), Rational(1, 2)), (1, ), z))
    assert elliptic_e(z).rewrite(meijerg) == \
        -meijerg(((Rational(1, 2), Rational(3, 2)), []), ((0,), (0,)), -z)/4
    assert elliptic_e(z, m).rewrite(meijerg) == elliptic_e(z, m)
    assert tn(
        elliptic_e(z), -meijerg(((Rational(1, 2), Rational(3, 2)), []),
                                ((0, ), (0, )), -z) / 4)

    assert elliptic_e(z, m).series(z) == \
        z + z**5*(-m**2/40 + m/30) - m*z**3/6 + O(z**6)
    assert elliptic_e(z).series(z) == pi/2 - pi*z/8 - 3*pi*z**2/128 - \
        5*pi*z**3/512 - 175*pi*z**4/32768 - 441*pi*z**5/131072 + O(z**6)
Пример #23
def test_partial_simp2():
    # Now test that formulae are partially simplified.
    c, d, e = (randcplx() for _ in range(3))
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([3, a], [1, b], z)) == \
        (-a*b/2 + a*z/2 + 2*a)*hyper([a + 1], [b], z) \
        + (a*b/2 - 2*a + 1)*hyper([a], [b], z)
    assert tn(
        hyperexpand(hyper([3, d], [1, e], z)), hyper([3, d], [1, e], z), z)
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([3], [1, a, b], z)) == \
        hyper((), (a, b), z) \
        + z*hyper((), (a + 1, b), z)/(2*a) \
        - z*(b - 4)*hyper((), (a + 1, b + 1), z)/(2*a*b)
    assert tn(
        hyperexpand(hyper([3], [1, d, e], z)), hyper([3], [1, d, e], z), z)
Пример #24
def test_meijerg_shift_operators():
    # carefully set up the parameters. XXX this still fails sometimes
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(10))
    g = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z)

    assert tn(MeijerShiftA(b1).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1 + 1], [b3, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(MeijerShiftB(a1).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1 - 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(MeijerShiftC(b3).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3 + 1, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(MeijerShiftD(a3).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1], [a3 - 1, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftA([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1 - 1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftC([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3 - 1, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftB([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1 + 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftD([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3 + 1, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)
Пример #25
def test_partial_simp2():
    # Now test that formulae are partially simplified.
    c, d, e = (randcplx() for _ in range(3))
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([3, a], [1, b], z)) == \
        (-a*b/2 + a*z/2 + 2*a)*hyper([a + 1], [b], z) \
        + (a*b/2 - 2*a + 1)*hyper([a], [b], z)
    assert tn(
        hyperexpand(hyper([3, d], [1, e], z)), hyper([3, d], [1, e], z), z)
    assert hyperexpand(hyper([3], [1, a, b], z)) == \
        hyper((), (a, b), z) \
        + z*hyper((), (a + 1, b), z)/(2*a) \
        - z*(b - 4)*hyper((), (a + 1, b + 1), z)/(2*a*b)
    assert tn(
        hyperexpand(hyper([3], [1, d, e], z)), hyper([3], [1, d, e], z), z)
Пример #26
def test_meijerg_shift_operators():
    # carefully set up the parameters. XXX this still fails sometimes
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(10))
    g = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z)

    assert tn(MeijerShiftA(b1).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1 + 1], [b3, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(MeijerShiftB(a1).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1 - 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(MeijerShiftC(b3).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3 + 1, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(MeijerShiftD(a3).apply(g, op),
              meijerg([a1], [a3 - 1, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftA([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1 - 1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftC([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3 - 1, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftB([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1 + 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    s = MeijerUnShiftD([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(
        s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3 + 1, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)
Пример #27
def test_rewriting():
    assert dirichlet_eta(x).rewrite(zeta) == (1 - 2**(1 - x))*zeta(x)
    assert zeta(x).rewrite(dirichlet_eta) == dirichlet_eta(x)/(1 - 2**(1 - x))
    assert zeta(z, 2).rewrite(dirichlet_eta) == zeta(z, 2)
    assert zeta(z, 2).rewrite('tractable') == zeta(z, 2)
    assert tn(dirichlet_eta(x), dirichlet_eta(x).rewrite(zeta), x)
    assert tn(zeta(x), zeta(x).rewrite(dirichlet_eta), x)

    assert zeta(x, a).rewrite(lerchphi) == lerchphi(1, x, a)
    assert polylog(s, z).rewrite(lerchphi) == lerchphi(z, s, 1)*z

    assert lerchphi(1, x, a).rewrite(zeta) == zeta(x, a)
    assert z*lerchphi(z, s, 1).rewrite(polylog) == polylog(s, z)

    assert lerchphi(z, s, a).rewrite(zeta) == lerchphi(z, s, a)
Пример #28
def can_do_meijer(a1, a2, b1, b2, numeric=True):
    This helper function tries to hyperexpand() the meijer g-function
    corresponding to the parameters a1, a2, b1, b2.
    It returns False if this expansion still contains g-functions.
    If numeric is True, it also tests the so-obtained formula numerically
    (at random values) and returns False if the test fails.
    Else it returns True.
    from diofant import unpolarify, expand
    r = hyperexpand(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z))
    if r.has(meijerg):
        return False
    # NOTE hyperexpand() returns a truly branched function, whereas numerical
    #      evaluation only works on the main branch. Since we are evaluating on
    #      the main branch, this should not be a problem, but expressions like
    #      exp_polar(I*pi/2*x)**a are evaluated incorrectly. We thus have to get
    #      rid of them. The expand heuristically does this...
    r = unpolarify(expand(r, force=True, power_base=True, power_exp=False,
                          mul=False, log=False, multinomial=False, basic=False))

    if not numeric:
        return True

    repl = {}
    for n, a in enumerate(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z).free_symbols - {z}):
        repl[a] = randcplx(n)
    return tn(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z).subs(repl), r.subs(repl), z)
Пример #29
def can_do(ap, bq, numerical=True, div=1, lowerplane=False):
    from diofant import exp_polar, exp
    r = hyperexpand(hyper(ap, bq, z))
    if r.has(hyper):
        return False
    if not numerical:
        return True
    repl = {}
    randsyms = r.free_symbols - {z}
    while randsyms:
        # Only randomly generated parameters are checked.
        for n, a in enumerate(randsyms):
            repl[a] = randcplx(n) / div
        if not any(b.is_Integer and b <= 0 for b in Tuple(*bq).subs(repl)):
    [a, b, c, d] = [2, -1, 3, 1]
    if lowerplane:
        [a, b, c, d] = [2, -2, 3, -1]
    return tn(hyper(ap, bq, z).subs(repl),
              r.replace(exp_polar, exp).subs(repl),
Пример #30
def can_do_meijer(a1, a2, b1, b2, numeric=True):
    This helper function tries to hyperexpand() the meijer g-function
    corresponding to the parameters a1, a2, b1, b2.
    It returns False if this expansion still contains g-functions.
    If numeric is True, it also tests the so-obtained formula numerically
    (at random values) and returns False if the test fails.
    Else it returns True.
    r = hyperexpand(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z))
    if r.has(meijerg):
        return False
    # NOTE hyperexpand() returns a truly branched function, whereas numerical
    #      evaluation only works on the main branch. Since we are evaluating on
    #      the main branch, this should not be a problem, but expressions like
    #      exp_polar(I*pi/2*x)**a are evaluated incorrectly. We thus have to get
    #      rid of them. The expand heuristically does this...
    r = unpolarify(expand(r, force=True, power_base=True, power_exp=False,
                          mul=False, log=False, multinomial=False, basic=False))

    if not numeric:
        return True

    repl = {}
    for n, a in enumerate(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z).free_symbols - {z}):
        repl[a] = randcplx(n)
    return tn(meijerg(a1, a2, b1, b2, z).subs(repl), r.subs(repl), z)
Пример #31
def test_E():
    assert E(z, 0) == z
    assert E(0, m) == 0
    assert E(i*pi/2, m) == i*E(m)
    assert E(z, oo) == zoo
    assert E(z, -oo) == zoo
    assert E(0) == pi/2
    assert E(1) == 1
    assert E(oo) == I*oo
    assert E(-oo) == oo
    assert E(zoo) == zoo

    assert E(-z, m) == -E(z, m)

    assert E(z, m).diff(z) == sqrt(1 - m*sin(z)**2)
    assert E(z, m).diff(m) == (E(z, m) - F(z, m))/(2*m)
    assert E(z).diff(z) == (E(z) - K(z))/(2*z)
    r = randcplx()
    assert td(E(r, m), m)
    assert td(E(z, r), z)
    assert td(E(z), z)
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: E(z, m).fdiff(3))
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: E(z).fdiff(2))

    mi = Symbol('m', extended_real=False)
    assert E(z, mi).conjugate() == E(z.conjugate(), mi.conjugate())
    assert E(mi).conjugate() == E(mi.conjugate())
    mr = Symbol('m', extended_real=True, negative=True)
    assert E(z, mr).conjugate() == E(z.conjugate(), mr)
    assert E(mr).conjugate() == E(mr)

    assert E(z).rewrite(hyper) == (pi/2)*hyper((-S.Half, S.Half), (S.One,), z)
    assert E(z, m).rewrite(hyper) == E(z, m)
    assert tn(E(z), (pi/2)*hyper((-S.Half, S.Half), (S.One,), z))
    assert E(z).rewrite(meijerg) == \
        -meijerg(((S.Half, Rational(3, 2)), []), ((S.Zero,), (S.Zero,)), -z)/4
    assert E(z, m).rewrite(meijerg) == E(z, m)
    assert tn(E(z), -meijerg(((S.Half, Rational(3, 2)), []), ((S.Zero,), (S.Zero,)), -z)/4)

    assert E(z, m).series(z) == \
        z + z**5*(-m**2/40 + m/30) - m*z**3/6 + O(z**6)
    assert E(z).series(z) == pi/2 - pi*z/8 - 3*pi*z**2/128 - \
        5*pi*z**3/512 - 175*pi*z**4/32768 - 441*pi*z**5/131072 + O(z**6)
Пример #32
def test_lowergamma():
    assert lowergamma(x, y).diff(y) == y**(x - 1)*exp(-y)
    assert td(lowergamma(randcplx(), y), y)
    assert td(lowergamma(x, randcplx()), x)
    assert lowergamma(x, y).diff(x) == \
        gamma(x)*polygamma(0, x) - uppergamma(x, y)*log(y) \
        - meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, x], [], y)
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: lowergamma(x, y).fdiff(3))

    assert lowergamma(Rational(1, 2), x) == sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(x))
    assert not lowergamma(Rational(1, 2) - 3, x).has(lowergamma)
    assert not lowergamma(Rational(1, 2) + 3, x).has(lowergamma)
    assert lowergamma(Rational(1, 2), x, evaluate=False).has(lowergamma)
    assert tn(lowergamma(Rational(1, 2) + 3, x, evaluate=False),
              lowergamma(Rational(1, 2) + 3, x), x)
    assert tn(lowergamma(Rational(1, 2) - 3, x, evaluate=False),
              lowergamma(Rational(1, 2) - 3, x), x)
    assert lowergamma(0, 1) == zoo

    assert tn_branch(-3, lowergamma)
    assert tn_branch(-4, lowergamma)
    assert tn_branch(Rational(1, 3), lowergamma)
    assert tn_branch(pi, lowergamma)
    assert lowergamma(3, exp_polar(4*pi*I)*x) == lowergamma(3, x)
    assert lowergamma(y, exp_polar(5*pi*I)*x) == \
        exp(4*I*pi*y)*lowergamma(y, x*exp_polar(pi*I))
    assert lowergamma(-2, exp_polar(5*pi*I)*x) == \
        lowergamma(-2, x*exp_polar(I*pi)) + 2*pi*I

    assert conjugate(lowergamma(x, y)) == lowergamma(conjugate(x), conjugate(y))
    assert conjugate(lowergamma(x, 0)) == conjugate(lowergamma(x, 0))
    assert conjugate(lowergamma(x, -oo)) == conjugate(lowergamma(x, -oo))

    assert lowergamma(
        x, y).rewrite(expint) == -y**x*expint(-x + 1, y) + gamma(x)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)
    assert lowergamma(
        k, y).rewrite(expint) == -y**k*expint(-k + 1, y) + gamma(k)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True, positive=False)
    assert lowergamma(k, y).rewrite(expint) == lowergamma(k, y)
    assert lowergamma(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma) == gamma(x) - uppergamma(x, y)

    assert (x*lowergamma(x, 1)/gamma(x + 1)).limit(x, 0) == 1
Пример #33
def test_ushift_operators():
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(5))
    h = hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftA((1,), (), 0, z))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftB((), (-1,), 0, z))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftA((1,), (0, -1, 1), 0, z))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftB((0, 1), (1,), 0, z))

    s = UnShiftA((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1 - 1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)
    s = UnShiftA((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 1, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2 - 1), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)

    s = UnShiftB((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1 + 1, b2, b3), z), z)
    s = UnShiftB((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 1, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2 + 1, b3), z), z)
    s = UnShiftB((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 2, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3 + 1), z), z)
Пример #34
def test_ushift_operators():
    a1, a2, b1, b2, b3 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(5))
    h = hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftA((1,), (), 0, z))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftB((), (-1,), 0, z))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftA((1,), (0, -1, 1), 0, z))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: UnShiftB((0, 1), (1,), 0, z))

    s = UnShiftA((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1 - 1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)
    s = UnShiftA((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 1, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2 - 1), (b1, b2, b3), z), z)

    s = UnShiftB((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1 + 1, b2, b3), z), z)
    s = UnShiftB((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 1, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2 + 1, b3), z), z)
    s = UnShiftB((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3), 2, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(h, op), hyper((a1, a2), (b1, b2, b3 + 1), z), z)
Пример #35
def test_lowergamma():
    from diofant import meijerg, exp_polar, I, expint
    assert lowergamma(x, y).diff(y) == y**(x - 1) * exp(-y)
    assert td(lowergamma(randcplx(), y), y)
    assert td(lowergamma(x, randcplx()), x)
    assert lowergamma(x, y).diff(x) == \
        gamma(x)*polygamma(0, x) - uppergamma(x, y)*log(y) \
        - meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, x], [], y)

    assert lowergamma(S.Half, x) == sqrt(pi) * erf(sqrt(x))
    assert not lowergamma(S.Half - 3, x).has(lowergamma)
    assert not lowergamma(S.Half + 3, x).has(lowergamma)
    assert lowergamma(S.Half, x, evaluate=False).has(lowergamma)
    assert tn(lowergamma(S.Half + 3, x, evaluate=False),
              lowergamma(S.Half + 3, x), x)
    assert tn(lowergamma(S.Half - 3, x, evaluate=False),
              lowergamma(S.Half - 3, x), x)

    assert tn_branch(-3, lowergamma)
    assert tn_branch(-4, lowergamma)
    assert tn_branch(Rational(1, 3), lowergamma)
    assert tn_branch(pi, lowergamma)
    assert lowergamma(3, exp_polar(4 * pi * I) * x) == lowergamma(3, x)
    assert lowergamma(y, exp_polar(5*pi*I)*x) == \
        exp(4*I*pi*y)*lowergamma(y, x*exp_polar(pi*I))
    assert lowergamma(-2, exp_polar(5*pi*I)*x) == \
        lowergamma(-2, x*exp_polar(I*pi)) + 2*pi*I

    assert conjugate(lowergamma(x, y)) == lowergamma(conjugate(x),
    assert conjugate(lowergamma(x, 0)) == conjugate(lowergamma(x, 0))
    assert conjugate(lowergamma(x, -oo)) == conjugate(lowergamma(x, -oo))

    assert lowergamma(
        x, y).rewrite(expint) == -y**x * expint(-x + 1, y) + gamma(x)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)
    assert lowergamma(
        k, y).rewrite(expint) == -y**k * expint(-k + 1, y) + gamma(k)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True, positive=False)
    assert lowergamma(k, y).rewrite(expint) == lowergamma(k, y)
    assert lowergamma(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma) == gamma(x) - uppergamma(x, y)
Пример #36
def test_partial_simp():
    # First test that hypergeometric function formulae work.
    a, b, c, d, e = (randcplx() for _ in range(5))
    for func in [Hyper_Function([a, b, c], [d, e]),
                 Hyper_Function([], [a, b, c, d, e])]:
        f = build_hypergeometric_formula(func)
        z = f.z
        assert f.closed_form == func(z)
        deriv1 = f.B.diff(z)*z
        deriv2 = f.M*f.B
        for func1, func2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
            assert tn(func1, func2, z)
Пример #37
def test_partial_simp():
    # First test that hypergeometric function formulae work.
    a, b, c, d, e = (randcplx() for _ in range(5))
    for func in [Hyper_Function([a, b, c], [d, e]),
                 Hyper_Function([], [a, b, c, d, e])]:
        f = build_hypergeometric_formula(func)
        z = f.z
        assert f.closed_form == func(z)
        deriv1 = f.B.diff(z)*z
        deriv2 = f.M*f.B
        for func1, func2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
            assert tn(func1, func2, z)
Пример #38
def test_branching():
    assert besselj(polar_lift(k), x) == besselj(k, x)
    assert besseli(polar_lift(k), x) == besseli(k, x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert besselj(n, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besselj(n, polar_lift(x)) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == besseli(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, polar_lift(x)) == besseli(n, x)

    def tn(func, s):
        c = uniform(1, 5)
        expr = func(s, c*exp_polar(I*pi)) - func(s, c*exp_polar(-I*pi))
        eps = 1e-15
        expr2 = func(s + eps, -c + eps*I) - func(s + eps, -c - eps*I)
        return abs(expr - expr2).evalf(strict=False) < 1e-10

    nu = Symbol('nu')
    assert besselj(nu, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == exp(2*pi*I*nu)*besselj(nu, x)
    assert besseli(nu, exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == exp(2*pi*I*nu)*besseli(nu, x)
    assert tn(besselj, 2)
    assert tn(besselj, pi)
    assert tn(besselj, I)
    assert tn(besseli, 2)
    assert tn(besseli, pi)
    assert tn(besseli, I)
Пример #39
def test_uppergamma():
    from diofant import meijerg, exp_polar, I, expint
    assert uppergamma(4, 0) == 6
    assert uppergamma(x, oo) == 0
    assert uppergamma(x, y).diff(y) == -y**(x - 1) * exp(-y)
    assert td(uppergamma(randcplx(), y), y)
    assert uppergamma(x, y).diff(x) == \
        uppergamma(x, y)*log(y) + meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, x], [], y)
    assert td(uppergamma(x, randcplx()), x)
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: uppergamma(x, y).fdiff(3))

    assert uppergamma(S.Half, x) == sqrt(pi) * (1 - erf(sqrt(x)))
    assert not uppergamma(S.Half - 3, x).has(uppergamma)
    assert not uppergamma(S.Half + 3, x).has(uppergamma)
    assert uppergamma(S.Half, x, evaluate=False).has(uppergamma)
    assert tn(uppergamma(S.Half + 3, x, evaluate=False),
              uppergamma(S.Half + 3, x), x)
    assert tn(uppergamma(S.Half - 3, x, evaluate=False),
              uppergamma(S.Half - 3, x), x)

    assert tn_branch(-3, uppergamma)
    assert tn_branch(-4, uppergamma)
    assert tn_branch(Rational(1, 3), uppergamma)
    assert tn_branch(pi, uppergamma)
    assert uppergamma(3, exp_polar(4 * pi * I) * x) == uppergamma(3, x)
    assert uppergamma(y, exp_polar(5*pi*I)*x) == \
        exp(4*I*pi*y)*uppergamma(y, x*exp_polar(pi*I)) + \
        gamma(y)*(1 - exp(4*pi*I*y))
    assert uppergamma(-2, exp_polar(5*pi*I)*x) == \
        uppergamma(-2, x*exp_polar(I*pi)) - 2*pi*I

    assert uppergamma(-2, x) == expint(3, x) / x**2

    assert conjugate(uppergamma(x, y)) == uppergamma(conjugate(x),
    assert conjugate(uppergamma(x, 0)) == gamma(conjugate(x))
    assert conjugate(uppergamma(x, -oo)) == conjugate(uppergamma(x, -oo))

    assert uppergamma(x, y).rewrite(expint) == y**x * expint(-x + 1, y)
    assert uppergamma(x, y).rewrite(lowergamma) == gamma(x) - lowergamma(x, y)
Пример #40
def test_branching():
    from diofant import exp_polar, polar_lift, Symbol, I, exp
    assert besselj(polar_lift(k), x) == besselj(k, x)
    assert besseli(polar_lift(k), x) == besseli(k, x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert besselj(n, exp_polar(2 * pi * I) * x) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besselj(n, polar_lift(x)) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, exp_polar(2 * pi * I) * x) == besseli(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, polar_lift(x)) == besseli(n, x)

    def tn(func, s):
        from random import uniform
        c = uniform(1, 5)
        expr = func(s, c * exp_polar(I * pi)) - func(s, c * exp_polar(-I * pi))
        eps = 1e-15
        expr2 = func(s + eps, -c + eps * I) - func(s + eps, -c - eps * I)
        return abs(expr.n() - expr2.n()).n() < 1e-10

    nu = Symbol('nu')
    assert besselj(nu,
                   exp_polar(2 * pi * I) *
                   x) == exp(2 * pi * I * nu) * besselj(nu, x)
    assert besseli(nu,
                   exp_polar(2 * pi * I) *
                   x) == exp(2 * pi * I * nu) * besseli(nu, x)
    assert tn(besselj, 2)
    assert tn(besselj, pi)
    assert tn(besselj, I)
    assert tn(besseli, 2)
    assert tn(besseli, pi)
    assert tn(besseli, I)
Пример #41
def test_branching():
    assert besselj(polar_lift(k), x) == besselj(k, x)
    assert besseli(polar_lift(k), x) == besseli(k, x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert besselj(n, exp_polar(2 * pi * I) * x) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besselj(n, polar_lift(x)) == besselj(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, exp_polar(2 * pi * I) * x) == besseli(n, x)
    assert besseli(n, polar_lift(x)) == besseli(n, x)

    def tn(func, s):
        c = uniform(1, 5)
        expr = func(s, c * exp_polar(I * pi)) - func(s, c * exp_polar(-I * pi))
        eps = 1e-15
        expr2 = func(s + eps, -c + eps * I) - func(s + eps, -c - eps * I)
        return abs(expr - expr2).evalf(strict=False) < 1e-10

    nu = Symbol('nu')
    assert besselj(nu,
                   exp_polar(2 * pi * I) *
                   x) == exp(2 * pi * I * nu) * besselj(nu, x)
    assert besseli(nu,
                   exp_polar(2 * pi * I) *
                   x) == exp(2 * pi * I * nu) * besseli(nu, x)
    assert tn(besselj, 2)
    assert tn(besselj, pi)
    assert tn(besselj, I)
    assert tn(besseli, 2)
    assert tn(besseli, pi)
    assert tn(besseli, I)
Пример #42
def test_elliptic_k():
    assert elliptic_k(0) == pi / 2
    assert elliptic_k(Rational(
        1, 2)) == 8 * pi**Rational(3, 2) / gamma(-Rational(1, 4))**2
    assert elliptic_k(1) == zoo
    assert elliptic_k(-1) == gamma(Rational(1, 4))**2 / (4 * sqrt(2 * pi))
    assert elliptic_k(oo) == 0
    assert elliptic_k(-oo) == 0
    assert elliptic_k(I * oo) == 0
    assert elliptic_k(-I * oo) == 0
    assert elliptic_k(zoo) == 0

    assert elliptic_k(z).diff(z) == (elliptic_e(z) -
                                     (1 - z) * elliptic_k(z)) / (2 * z *
                                                                 (1 - z))
    assert td(elliptic_k(z), z)
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: elliptic_k(z).fdiff(2))

    zi = Symbol('z', extended_real=False)
    assert elliptic_k(zi).conjugate() == elliptic_k(zi.conjugate())
    zr = Symbol('z', extended_real=True, negative=True)
    assert elliptic_k(zr).conjugate() == elliptic_k(zr)
    assert elliptic_k(z).conjugate() == conjugate(elliptic_k(z),

    assert elliptic_k(z).rewrite(hyper) == \
        (pi/2)*hyper((Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2)), (1,), z)
    assert tn(elliptic_k(z), (pi / 2) * hyper((Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2)),
                                              (1, ), z))
    assert elliptic_k(z).rewrite(meijerg) == \
        meijerg(((Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2)), []), ((0,), (0,)), -z)/2
    assert tn(
        meijerg(((Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2)), []),
                ((0, ), (0, )), -z) / 2)

    assert elliptic_k(z).series(z) == pi/2 + pi*z/8 + 9*pi*z**2/128 + \
        25*pi*z**3/512 + 1225*pi*z**4/32768 + 3969*pi*z**5/131072 + O(z**6)
Пример #43
def test_meijerg():
    # carefully set up the parameters.
    # NOTE: this used to fail sometimes. I believe it is fixed, but if you
    #       hit an inexplicable test failure here, please let me know the seed.
    a1, a2 = (randcplx(n) - 5 * I - n * I for n in range(2))
    b1, b2 = (randcplx(n) + 5 * I + n * I for n in range(2))
    b3, b4, b5, a3, a4, a5 = (randcplx() for n in range(6))
    g = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z)

    assert ReduceOrder.meijer_minus(3, 4) is None
    assert ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(4, 3) is None

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2, a2).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2 + 1], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2, a2 + 1).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2 - 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2 + 2], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2 - 1, a2 + 2).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4, b2 - 1], [b1, b2 + 2], [b3, b4], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_minus(b2 + 2, b2 - 1).apply(g, op),

    # test several-step reduction
    an = [a1, a2]
    bq = [b3, b4, a2 + 1]
    ap = [a3, a4, b2 - 1]
    bm = [b1, b2 + 1]
    niq, ops = reduce_order_meijer(G_Function(an, ap, bm, bq))
    assert niq.an == (a1, )
    assert set(niq.ap) == {a3, a4}
    assert niq.bm == (b1, )
    assert set(niq.bq) == {b3, b4}
    assert tn(apply_operators(g, ops, op), meijerg(an, ap, bm, bq, z), z)
Пример #44
def test_meijerg():
    # carefully set up the parameters.
    # NOTE: this used to fail sometimes. I believe it is fixed, but if you
    #       hit an inexplicable test failure here, please let me know the seed.
    a1, a2 = (randcplx(n) - 5*I - n*I for n in range(2))
    b1, b2 = (randcplx(n) + 5*I + n*I for n in range(2))
    b3, b4, b5, a3, a4, a5 = (randcplx() for n in range(6))
    g = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z)

    assert ReduceOrder.meijer_minus(3, 4) is None
    assert ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(4, 3) is None

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2, a2).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2 + 1], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2, a2 + 1).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1, a2 - 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4, a2 + 2], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_plus(a2 - 1, a2 + 2).apply(g, op), g2, z)

    g2 = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4, b2 - 1], [b1, b2 + 2], [b3, b4], z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder.meijer_minus(
        b2 + 2, b2 - 1).apply(g, op), g2, z, tol=1e-6)

    # test several-step reduction
    an = [a1, a2]
    bq = [b3, b4, a2 + 1]
    ap = [a3, a4, b2 - 1]
    bm = [b1, b2 + 1]
    niq, ops = reduce_order_meijer(G_Function(an, ap, bm, bq))
    assert niq.an == (a1,)
    assert set(niq.ap) == {a3, a4}
    assert niq.bm == (b1,)
    assert set(niq.bq) == {b3, b4}
    assert tn(apply_operators(g, ops, op), meijerg(an, ap, bm, bq, z), z)
Пример #45
def test_meijerg_shift_operators():
    # carefully set up the parameters. XXX this still fails sometimes
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(10))
    g = meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z)

    assert tn(
        MeijerShiftA(b1).apply(g, op),
        meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1 + 1], [b3, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(
        MeijerShiftB(a1).apply(g, op),
        meijerg([a1 - 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(
        MeijerShiftC(b3).apply(g, op),
        meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3 + 1, b4], z), z)
    assert tn(
        MeijerShiftD(a3).apply(g, op),
        meijerg([a1], [a3 - 1, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z), z)

    assert str(MeijerShiftA(b1)).find('<Increment upper b=') == 0
    assert str(MeijerShiftB(a1)).find('<Decrement upper a=') == 0
    assert str(MeijerShiftC(b3)).find('<Increment lower b=') == 0
    assert str(MeijerShiftD(a3)).find('<Decrement lower a=') == 0

    s = MeijerUnShiftA([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1 - 1], [b3, b4], z),

    assert str(s).find('<Decrement upper b index #') == 0

    s = MeijerUnShiftC([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3 - 1, b4], z),

    assert str(s).find('<Decrement lower b index #') == 0

    s = MeijerUnShiftB([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1 + 1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z),

    assert str(s).find('<Increment upper a index #') == 0

    s = MeijerUnShiftD([a1], [a3, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], 0, z)
    assert tn(s.apply(g, op), meijerg([a1], [a3 + 1, a4], [b1], [b3, b4], z),

    assert str(s).find('<Increment lower a index #') == 0
Пример #46
def test_reduction_operators():
    a1, a2, b1 = (randcplx(n) for n in range(3))
    h = hyper([a1], [b1], z)

    assert ReduceOrder(2, 0) is None
    assert ReduceOrder(2, -1) is None
    assert ReduceOrder(1, Rational(1, 2)) is None

    h2 = hyper((a1, a2), (b1, a2), z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder(a2, a2).apply(h, op), h2, z)

    h2 = hyper((a1, a2 + 1), (b1, a2), z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder(a2 + 1, a2).apply(h, op), h2, z)

    h2 = hyper((a2 + 4, a1), (b1, a2), z)
    assert tn(ReduceOrder(a2 + 4, a2).apply(h, op), h2, z)

    # test several step order reduction
    ap = (a2 + 4, a1, b1 + 1)
    bq = (a2, b1, b1)
    func, ops = reduce_order(Hyper_Function(ap, bq))
    assert func.ap == (a1,)
    assert func.bq == (b1,)
    assert tn(apply_operators(h, ops, op), hyper(ap, bq, z), z)
Пример #47
def test_meijerg_formulae():
    formulae = MeijerFormulaCollection().formulae
    for sig in formulae:
        for formula in formulae[sig]:
            g = meijerg(formula.func.an, formula.func.ap,
                        formula.func.bm, formula.func.bq,
            rep = {}
            for sym in formula.symbols:
                rep[sym] = randcplx()

            # first test if the closed-form is actually correct
            g = g.subs(rep)
            closed_form = formula.closed_form.subs(rep)
            z = formula.z
            assert tn(g, closed_form, z)

            # now test the computed matrix
            cl = (formula.C * formula.B)[0].subs(rep)
            assert tn(closed_form, cl, z)
            deriv1 = z*formula.B.diff(z)
            deriv2 = formula.M * formula.B
            for d1, d2 in zip(deriv1, deriv2):
                assert tn(d1.subs(rep), d2.subs(rep), z)
Пример #48
def can_do(ap, bq, numerical=True, div=1, lowerplane=False):
    from diofant import exp_polar, exp
    r = hyperexpand(hyper(ap, bq, z))
    if r.has(hyper):
        return False
    if not numerical:
        return True
    repl = {}
    for n, a in enumerate(r.free_symbols - {z}):
        repl[a] = randcplx(n)/div
    [a, b, c, d] = [2, -1, 3, 1]
    if lowerplane:
        [a, b, c, d] = [2, -2, 3, -1]
    return tn(
        hyper(ap, bq, z).subs(repl),
        r.replace(exp_polar, exp).subs(repl),
        z, a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d)
Пример #49
def can_do(ap, bq, numerical=True, div=1, lowerplane=False):
    r = hyperexpand(hyper(ap, bq, z))
    if r.has(hyper):
        return False
    if not numerical:
        return True
    repl = {}
    randsyms = r.free_symbols - {z}
    while randsyms:
        # Only randomly generated parameters are checked.
        for n, a in enumerate(randsyms):
            repl[a] = randcplx(n)/div
        if not any(b.is_Integer and b <= 0 for b in Tuple(*bq).subs(repl)):
    [a, b, c, d] = [2, -1, 3, 1]
    if lowerplane:
        [a, b, c, d] = [2, -2, 3, -1]
    return tn(
        hyper(ap, bq, z).subs(repl),
        r.replace(exp_polar, exp).subs(repl),
        z, a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d)
Пример #50
def test_meijer():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: meijerg(1, z))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: meijerg(((1,), (2,)), (3,), (4,), z))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: meijerg((1, 2, 3), (4, 5), z))

    assert meijerg(((1, 2), (3,)), ((4,), (5,)), z) == \
        meijerg(Tuple(1, 2), Tuple(3), Tuple(4), Tuple(5), z)

    g = meijerg((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8, 9), (10, 11, 12, 13, 14), z)
    assert g.an == Tuple(1, 2)
    assert g.ap == Tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    assert g.aother == Tuple(3, 4, 5)
    assert g.bm == Tuple(6, 7, 8, 9)
    assert g.bq == Tuple(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
    assert g.bother == Tuple(10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
    assert g.argument == z
    assert g.nu == 75
    assert g.delta == -1
    assert g.is_commutative is True

    assert meijerg([1, 2], [3], [4], [5], z).delta == Rational(1, 2)

    # just a few checks to make sure that all arguments go where they should
    assert tn(meijerg(Tuple(), Tuple(), Tuple(0), Tuple(), -z), exp(z), z)
    assert tn(sqrt(pi)*meijerg(Tuple(), Tuple(),
                               Tuple(0), Tuple(Rational(1, 2)), z**2/4), cos(z), z)
    assert tn(meijerg(Tuple(1, 1), Tuple(), Tuple(1), Tuple(0), z),
              log(1 + z), z)

    # test exceptions
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: meijerg(((3, 1), (2,)),
                                              ((oo,), (2, 0)), x))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: meijerg(((3, 1), (2,)),
                                              ((1,), (2, 0)), x))

    # differentiation
    g = meijerg((randcplx(),), (randcplx() + 2*I,), Tuple(),
                (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(g, z)

    g = meijerg(Tuple(), (randcplx(),), Tuple(),
                (randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(g, z)

    g = meijerg(Tuple(), Tuple(), Tuple(randcplx()),
                Tuple(randcplx(), randcplx()), z)
    assert td(g, z)

    a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, d1, d2 = symbols('a1:3, b1:3, c1:3, d1:3')
    assert meijerg((a1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2), (d1, d2), z).diff(z) == \
        (meijerg((a1 - 1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2), (d1, d2), z)
         + (a1 - 1)*meijerg((a1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2), (d1, d2), z))/z

    assert meijerg([z, z], [], [], [], z).diff(z) == \
        Derivative(meijerg([z, z], [], [], [], z), z)

    # meijerg is unbranched wrt parameters
    assert meijerg([polar_lift(a1)], [polar_lift(a2)], [polar_lift(b1)],
                   [polar_lift(b2)], polar_lift(z)) == meijerg([a1], [a2],
                                                               [b1], [b2],

    # integrand
    assert meijerg([a], [b], [c], [d], z).integrand(s) == \
        z**s*gamma(c - s)*gamma(-a + s + 1)/(gamma(b - s)*gamma(-d + s + 1))

    assert meijerg([[], []], [[Rational(1, 2)], [0]], 1).is_number
    assert not meijerg([[], []], [[x], [0]], 1).is_number
Пример #51
 def valid(a, b):
     if not (tn(a, b) and a == b):
         return False
     return True
Пример #52
def test_expand():
    assert expand_func(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
    assert expand_func(bessely(Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(yn)) == \
    assert expand_func(besselj(I, z)) == besselj(I, z)

    # Test simplify helper
    assert simplify(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))

    # XXX: teach sin/cos to work around arguments like
    # x*exp_polar(I*pi*n/2).  Then change besselsimp -> expand_func
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*cos(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(-Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sinh(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*sinh(z) - 3*z*cosh(z) + 3*sinh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cosh(z) - 3*z*sinh(z) + 3*cosh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(1, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(pi)*exp(-z)/(sqrt(2)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(z**2 + 3*z + 3)*exp(-z)/(2*z**Rational(5, 2))

    def check(eq, ans):
        return tn(eq, ans) and eq == ans

    rn = randcplx(a=1, b=0, d=0, c=2)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        ri = Rational(2*randint(-11, 10) + 1, 2)  # half integer in [-21/2, 21/2]
        assert tn(besselsimp(besselx(ri, z)), besselx(ri, z))

    assert check(expand_func(besseli(rn, x)),
                 besseli(rn - 2, x) - 2*(rn - 1)*besseli(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besseli(-rn, x)),
                 besseli(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*besseli(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselj(rn, x)),
                 -besselj(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*besselj(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselj(-rn, x)),
                 -besselj(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*besselj(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselk(rn, x)),
                 besselk(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*besselk(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselk(-rn, x)),
                 besselk(-rn + 2, x) - 2*(-rn + 1)*besselk(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(bessely(rn, x)),
                 -bessely(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*bessely(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(bessely(-rn, x)),
                 -bessely(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*bessely(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + 2, z)) == \
        besseli(n, z) + (-2*n - 2)*(-2*n*besseli(n, z)/z + besseli(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + 2, z)) == \
        -besselj(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselj(n, z)/z - besselj(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselk(n + 2, z)) == \
        besselk(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselk(n, z)/z + besselk(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(bessely(n + 2, z)) == \
        -bessely(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*bessely(n, z)/z - bessely(n - 1, z))/z

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        (sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*exp(-I*pi*(n + Rational(1, 2))/2) *
         exp_polar(I*pi/4)*jn(n, z*exp_polar(I*pi/2))/sqrt(pi))
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + Rational(1, 2), z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*jn(n, z)/sqrt(pi)

    r = Symbol('r', extended_real=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, p).is_extended_real
        assert besselx(i, x).is_extended_real is None
        assert besselx(x, z).is_extended_real is None

    for besselx in [besselj, besseli]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real
    for besselx in [bessely, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real is None
Пример #53
 def check(eq, ans):
     return tn(eq, ans) and eq == ans
Пример #54
 def u(an, ap, bm, bq):
     m = meijerg(an, ap, bm, bq, z)
     m2 = hyperexpand(m, allow_hyper=True)
     if m2.has(meijerg) and not (m2.is_Piecewise and len(m2.args) == 3):
         return False
     return tn(m, m2, z)