def __post_init_post_parse__(self): self._callback_fn = None if self.callback in (ROLLBACK_HANDLER, CONFIGURE_HANDLER): raise ConfigurationError( f'`{self.callback}` callback name is reserved') if self.callback and self.callback != pascal_to_snake(self.callback): raise ConfigurationError( '`callback` field must conform to snake_case naming style')
def get_template(self, name: str) -> IndexConfigTemplateT: if not self.templates: raise ConfigurationError('`templates` section is missing') try: return self.templates[name] except KeyError as e: raise ConfigurationError( f'Template `{name}` not found in `templates` config section' ) from e
def get_datasource(self, name: str) -> DatasourceConfigT: try: return self.datasources[name] except KeyError as e: raise ConfigurationError( f'Datasource `{name}` not found in `datasources` config section' ) from e
def get_contract(self, name: str) -> ContractConfig: try: return self.contracts[name] except KeyError as e: raise ConfigurationError( f'Contract `{name}` not found in `contracts` config section' ) from e
async def cli(ctx, config: List[str], logging_config: str): try: path = join(os.getcwd(), logging_config) _logging_config = LoggingConfig.load(path) except FileNotFoundError: path = join(dirname(__file__), 'configs', logging_config) _logging_config = LoggingConfig.load(path) _logging_config.apply() _config = DipDupConfig.load(config) if _config.spec_version not in spec_version_to_version: raise ConfigurationError('Unknown `spec_version`') if _config.spec_version != __spec_version__ and ctx.invoked_subcommand != 'migrate': migration_required(_config.spec_version, __spec_version__) if _config.sentry: sentry_sdk.init( dsn=_config.sentry.dsn, integrations=[AioHttpIntegration()], ) ctx.obj = CLIContext( config_paths=config, config=_config, logging_config=_logging_config, )
def __post_init_post_parse__(self): StorageTypeMixin.__post_init_post_parse__(self) ParameterTypeMixin.__post_init_post_parse__(self) TransactionIdMixin.__post_init_post_parse__(self) if self.entrypoint and not self.destination: raise ConfigurationError( 'Transactions with entrypoint must also have destination')
def load( cls, filenames: List[str], ) -> 'DipDupConfig': current_workdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd()) json_config: Dict[str, Any] = {} for filename in filenames: filename = os.path.join(current_workdir, filename)'Loading config from %s', filename) with open(filename) as file: raw_config ='Substituting environment variables') for match in re.finditer(ENV_VARIABLE_REGEX, raw_config): variable, default_value =, value = env.get(variable) if not default_value and not value: raise ConfigurationError( f'Environment variable `{variable}` is not set') placeholder = '${' + variable + ':-' + default_value + '}' raw_config = raw_config.replace(placeholder, value or default_value) json_config = { **json_config, **YAML(typ='base').load(raw_config), } config = cls(**json_config) return config
async def _execute_sql_scripts(self, reindex: bool) -> None: """Execute SQL included with project""" sql_path = join(self._config.package_path, 'sql') if not exists(sql_path): return if any( map(lambda p: p not in ('on_reindex', 'on_restart'), listdir(sql_path))): raise ConfigurationError( f'SQL scripts must be placed either to `{self._config.package}/sql/on_restart` or to `{self._config.package}/sql/on_reindex` directory' ) if not isinstance(self._config.database, PostgresDatabaseConfig): self._logger.warning( 'Execution of user SQL scripts is supported on PostgreSQL only, skipping' ) return sql_path = join(sql_path, 'on_reindex' if reindex else 'on_restart') if not exists(sql_path): return'Executing SQL scripts from `%s`', sql_path) for filename in sorted(listdir(sql_path)): if not filename.endswith('.sql'): continue with open(join(sql_path, filename)) as file: sql ='Executing `%s`', filename) await get_connection(None).execute_script(sql)
def add_contract(self, name: str, address: str, typename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if name in self.config.contracts: raise ConfigurationError(f'Contract `{name}` is already exists') self.config.contracts[name] = ContractConfig( address=address, typename=typename, ) self._updated = True
def add_index(self, name: str, template: str, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if name in self.config.indexes: raise ConfigurationError(f'Index `{name}` is already exists') self.config.get_template(template) self.config.indexes[name] = StaticTemplateConfig( template=template, values=values, ) self._updated = True
def _process_storage( self, storage_type: Type[StorageType], storage: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: for key, field in storage_type.__fields__.items(): if key == '__root__': continue if field.alias: key = field.alias bigmap_name = key if prefix is None else f'{prefix}.{key}' # NOTE: TzKT could return bigmaps as object or as array of key-value objects. We need to guess this from storage. # TODO: This code should be a part of datasource module. try: value = storage[key] except KeyError as e: if not field.required: continue raise ConfigurationError( f'Type `{storage_type.__name__}` is invalid: `{key}` field does not exists' ) from e # FIXME: Pydantic bug. `BaseModel.type_` returns incorrect value when annotation is Dict[str, bool] if field.type_ != field.outer_type_ and field.type_ == bool: annotation = field.outer_type_ else: annotation = field.type_ if annotation not in (int, bool) and isinstance(value, int): if hasattr( annotation, '__fields__' ) and 'key' in annotation.__fields__ and 'value' in annotation.__fields__: storage[key] = [] if self.diffs: self._merge_bigmapdiffs(storage, bigmap_name, array=True) else: storage[key] = {} if self.diffs: self._merge_bigmapdiffs(storage, bigmap_name, array=False) elif hasattr(annotation, '__fields__') and isinstance( storage[key], dict): storage[key] = self._process_storage(annotation, storage[key], bigmap_name) return storage
async def migrate(ctx): def _bump_spec_version(spec_version: str): for config_path in ctx.obj.config_paths: for line in fileinput.input(config_path, inplace=True): if 'spec_version' in line: print(f'spec_version: {spec_version}') else: print(line.rstrip()) config: DipDupConfig = ctx.obj.config config.pre_initialize() if config.spec_version == __spec_version__: _logger.error('Project is already at latest version') elif config.spec_version == '0.1': await DipDup(config).migrate_to_v10() _bump_spec_version('1.0') elif config.spec_version == '1.0': await DipDup(config).migrate_to_v11() _bump_spec_version('1.1') else: raise ConfigurationError('Unknown `spec_version`')
def get_tzkt_datasource(self, name: str) -> TzktDatasourceConfig: datasource = self.get_datasource(name) if not isinstance(datasource, TzktDatasourceConfig): raise ConfigurationError( '`datasource` field must refer to TzKT datasource') return datasource
def valid_url(cls, v): parsed_url = urlparse(v) if not (parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.netloc): raise ConfigurationError(f'`{v}` is not a valid Hasura URL') return v
async def fetch_schemas(self) -> None: """Fetch JSONSchemas for all contracts used in config"""'Creating `schemas` package') schemas_path = join(self._config.package_path, 'schemas') with suppress(FileExistsError): mkdir(schemas_path) for index_config in self._config.indexes.values(): if isinstance(index_config, OperationIndexConfig): for operation_handler_config in index_config.handlers: for operation_pattern_config in operation_handler_config.pattern: if (isinstance( operation_pattern_config, OperationHandlerTransactionPatternConfig) and operation_pattern_config.entrypoint): contract_config = operation_pattern_config.destination_contract_config originated = False elif isinstance( operation_pattern_config, OperationHandlerOriginationPatternConfig): contract_config = operation_pattern_config.contract_config originated = bool(operation_pattern_config.source) else: continue self._logger.debug(contract_config) contract_schemas = await self._get_schema( index_config.datasource_config, contract_config, originated) contract_schemas_path = join( schemas_path, contract_config.module_name) with suppress(FileExistsError): mkdir(contract_schemas_path) storage_schema_path = join(contract_schemas_path, 'storage.json') storage_schema = resolve_big_maps( contract_schemas['storageSchema']) if not exists(storage_schema_path): with open(storage_schema_path, 'w') as file: file.write( json.dumps(storage_schema, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) if not isinstance( operation_pattern_config, OperationHandlerTransactionPatternConfig): continue parameter_schemas_path = join(contract_schemas_path, 'parameter') with suppress(FileExistsError): mkdir(parameter_schemas_path) try: entrypoint_schema = next( ep['parameterSchema'] for ep in contract_schemas['entrypoints'] if ep['name'] == operation_pattern_config.entrypoint) except StopIteration as e: raise ConfigurationError( f'Contract `{contract_config.address}` has no entrypoint `{operation_pattern_config.entrypoint}`' ) from e entrypoint_schema_path = join( parameter_schemas_path, f'{operation_pattern_config.entrypoint}.json') if not exists(entrypoint_schema_path): with open(entrypoint_schema_path, 'w') as file: file.write( json.dumps(entrypoint_schema, indent=4)) elif contract_config.typename is not None: with open(entrypoint_schema_path, 'r') as file: existing_schema = json.loads( if entrypoint_schema != existing_schema: self._logger.warning( 'Contract "%s" falsely claims to be a "%s"', contract_config.address, contract_config.typename) elif isinstance(index_config, BigMapIndexConfig): for big_map_handler_config in index_config.handlers: contract_config = big_map_handler_config.contract_config contract_schemas = await self._get_schema( index_config.datasource_config, contract_config, False) contract_schemas_path = join(schemas_path, contract_config.module_name) with suppress(FileExistsError): mkdir(contract_schemas_path) big_map_schemas_path = join(contract_schemas_path, 'big_map') with suppress(FileExistsError): mkdir(big_map_schemas_path) try: big_map_schema = next( ep for ep in contract_schemas['bigMaps'] if ep['path'] == big_map_handler_config.path) except StopIteration as e: raise ConfigurationError( f'Contract `{contract_config.address}` has no big map path `{big_map_handler_config.path}`' ) from e big_map_key_schema = big_map_schema['keySchema'] big_map_key_schema_path = join( big_map_schemas_path, f'{big_map_handler_config.path}.key.json') if not exists(big_map_key_schema_path): with open(big_map_key_schema_path, 'w') as file: file.write(json.dumps(big_map_key_schema, indent=4)) big_map_value_schema = big_map_schema['valueSchema'] big_map_value_schema_path = join( big_map_schemas_path, f'{big_map_handler_config.path}.value.json') if not exists(big_map_value_schema_path): with open(big_map_value_schema_path, 'w') as file: file.write( json.dumps(big_map_value_schema, indent=4)) elif isinstance(index_config, StaticTemplateConfig): raise RuntimeError('Config is not pre-initialized') else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Index kind `{index_config.kind}` is not supported')
def validate(self) -> None: if isinstance(self.database, SqliteDatabaseConfig) and self.hasura: raise ConfigurationError( 'SQLite DB engine is not supported by Hasura')
async def configure_hasura(config: DipDupConfig): """Generate Hasura metadata and apply to instance with credentials from `hasura` config section.""" if config.hasura is None: raise ConfigurationError('`hasura` config section missing') if not isinstance(config.database, PostgresDatabaseConfig): raise RuntimeError'Configuring Hasura') url = config.hasura.url.rstrip("/") views = [ row[0] for row in (await get_connection(None).execute_query( f"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = '{config.database.schema_name}'" ))[1] ] hasura_metadata = await generate_hasura_metadata(config, views) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:'Waiting for Hasura instance to be healthy') for _ in range(60): with suppress(ClientConnectorError, ClientOSError): response = await session.get(f'{url}/healthz') if response.status == 200: break await asyncio.sleep(1) else: raise HasuraError('Hasura instance not responding for 60 seconds') headers = {} if config.hasura.admin_secret: headers['X-Hasura-Admin-Secret'] = config.hasura.admin_secret'Fetching existing metadata') existing_hasura_metadata = await http_request( session, 'post', url=f'{url}/v1/query', data=json.dumps({ "type": "export_metadata", "args": {}, }, ), headers=headers, )'Merging existing metadata') hasura_metadata_tables = [ table['table'] for table in hasura_metadata['tables'] ] for table in existing_hasura_metadata['tables']: if table['table'] not in hasura_metadata_tables: hasura_metadata['tables'].append(table)'Sending replace metadata request') result = await http_request( session, 'post', url=f'{url}/v1/query', data=json.dumps( { "type": "replace_metadata", "args": hasura_metadata, }, ), headers=headers, ) if result.get('message') != 'success': raise HasuraError('Can\'t configure Hasura instance', result)'Hasura instance has been configured')
def valid_address(cls, v): # NOTE: Wallet addresses are allowed for debugging purposes (source field). Do we need a separate section? if not (v.startswith('KT1') or v.startswith('tz1')) or len(v) != 36: raise ConfigurationError(f'`{v}` is not a valid contract address') return v
def valid_immune_tables(cls, v): if v and 'dipdup_state' in v: raise ConfigurationError('`dipdup_state` table can\'t be immune') return v