Пример #1
        def writeDescFile(self):
            """ Rewrites the desc file with the new patch
            information. """

            if not self.anyChanges:
                # No need to rewrite.

            xpackage = self.doc.FirstChildElement('package')
            if not xpackage:

            packageSeq = SeqValue()
            packageSeq.loadXml(xpackage, 'seq')
            packageSeq += 1
            packageSeq.storeXml(xpackage, 'seq')

            # Remove all of the old patch entries from the desc file
            # we read earlier.
            xremove = []
            for value in ['base_version', 'top_version', 'patch']:
                xpatch = xpackage.FirstChildElement(value)
                while xpatch:
                    xpatch = xpatch.NextSiblingElement(value)

            for xelement in xremove:


            # Now replace them with the current patch information.
            xpackage.SetAttribute('patch_version', str(self.patchVersion))

            xarchive = TiXmlElement('base_version')

            # The current version is now the top version.
            xarchive = TiXmlElement('top_version')

            for patchfile in self.patches:
                xpatch = patchfile.makeXml(self)


            # Also copy the seq to the import desc file, for
            # documentation purposes.

            importDescFilename = str(self.packageDesc)[:-3] + 'import.xml'
            importDescFullpath = Filename(self.patchMaker.installDir,
            doc = TiXmlDocument(importDescFullpath.toOsSpecific())
            if doc.LoadFile():
                xpackage = doc.FirstChildElement('package')
                if xpackage:
                    packageSeq.storeXml(xpackage, 'seq')
                print("Couldn't read %s" % (importDescFullpath))

            if self.contentsDocPackage:
                # Now that we've rewritten the xml file, we have to
                # change the contents.xml file that references it to
                # indicate the new file hash.
                fileSpec = FileSpec()
                fileSpec.fromFile(self.patchMaker.installDir, self.packageDesc)

                # Also important to update the import.xml hash.
                ximport = self.contentsDocPackage.FirstChildElement('import')
                if ximport:
                    fileSpec = FileSpec()

                # Also copy the package seq value into the
                # contents.xml file, mainly for documentation purposes
                # (the authoritative seq value is within the desc
                # file).
                packageSeq.storeXml(self.contentsDocPackage, 'seq')
Пример #2
    class Patchfile:
        """ A single patchfile for a package. """
        def __init__(self, package):
            self.package = package
            self.packageName = package.packageName
            self.platform = package.platform
            self.version = package.version
            self.hostUrl = None

            # FileSpec for the patchfile itself
            self.file = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch is applied to
            self.sourceFile = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch generates
            self.targetFile = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our sourceFile
            self.fromPv = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our targetFile
            self.toPv = None

        def getSourceKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile can be applied to. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version,
                    self.hostUrl, self.sourceFile)

        def getTargetKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile will generate. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version,
                    self.hostUrl, self.targetFile)

        def fromFile(self, packageDir, patchFilename, sourceFile, targetFile):
            """ Creates the data structures from an existing patchfile
            on disk. """

            self.file = FileSpec()
            self.file.fromFile(packageDir, patchFilename)
            self.sourceFile = sourceFile
            self.targetFile = targetFile

        def loadXml(self, xpatch):
            """ Reads the data structures from an xml file. """

            self.packageName = xpatch.Attribute('name') or self.packageName
            self.platform = xpatch.Attribute('platform') or self.platform
            self.version = xpatch.Attribute('version') or self.version
            self.hostUrl = xpatch.Attribute('host') or self.hostUrl

            self.file = FileSpec()

            xsource = xpatch.FirstChildElement('source')
            if xsource:
                self.sourceFile = FileSpec()

            xtarget = xpatch.FirstChildElement('target')
            if xtarget:
                self.targetFile = FileSpec()

        def makeXml(self, package):
            xpatch = TiXmlElement('patch')

            if self.packageName != package.packageName:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('name', self.packageName)
            if self.platform != package.platform:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('platform', self.platform)
            if self.version != package.version:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('version', self.version)
            if self.hostUrl != package.hostUrl:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('host', self.hostUrl)


            xsource = TiXmlElement('source')

            xtarget = TiXmlElement('target')

            return xpatch
Пример #3
        def readDescFile(self, doProcessing=False):
            """ Reads the existing package.xml file and stores it in
            this class for later rewriting.  if doProcessing is true,
            it may massage the file and the directory contents in
            preparation for building patches.  Returns true on
            success, false on failure. """

            self.anyChanges = False

            packageDescFullpath = Filename(self.patchMaker.installDir,
            self.doc = TiXmlDocument(packageDescFullpath.toOsSpecific())
            if not self.doc.LoadFile():
                print("Couldn't read %s" % (packageDescFullpath))
                return False

            xpackage = self.doc.FirstChildElement('package')
            if not xpackage:
                return False
            self.packageName = xpackage.Attribute('name')
            self.platform = xpackage.Attribute('platform')
            self.version = xpackage.Attribute('version')

            # All packages we defined in-line are assigned to the
            # "none" host.  TODO: support patching from packages on
            # other hosts, which means we'll need to fill in a value
            # here for those hosts.
            self.hostUrl = None

            self.currentFile = None
            self.baseFile = None
            self.topFile = None
            self.compressedFilename = None
            compressedFile = None

            # Assume there are changes for this version, until we
            # discover that there aren't.
            isNewVersion = True

            # Get the actual current version.
            xarchive = xpackage.FirstChildElement('uncompressed_archive')
            if xarchive:
                self.currentFile = FileSpec()

            # Get the top_version--the top (newest) of the patch
            # chain.
            xarchive = xpackage.FirstChildElement('top_version')
            if xarchive:
                self.topFile = FileSpec()

                if self.topFile.hash == self.currentFile.hash:
                    # No new version this pass.
                    isNewVersion = False
                    # There's a new version this pass.  Update it.
                    self.anyChanges = True

                # If there isn't a top_version yet, we have to make
                # one, by duplicating the currentFile.
                self.topFile = copy.copy(self.currentFile)
                self.anyChanges = True

            # Get the current patch version.  If we have a
            # patch_version attribute, it refers to this particular
            # instance of the file, and that is the current patch
            # version number.  If we only have a last_patch_version
            # attribute, it means a patch has not yet been built for
            # this particular instance, and that number is the
            # previous version's patch version number.
            patchVersion = xpackage.Attribute('patch_version')
            if patchVersion:
                self.patchVersion = int(patchVersion)
                patchVersion = xpackage.Attribute('last_patch_version')
                if patchVersion:
                    self.patchVersion = int(patchVersion)
                    if isNewVersion:
                        self.patchVersion += 1
                self.anyChanges = True

            # Put the patchVersion in the compressed filename, for
            # cache-busting.  This means when the version changes, its
            # URL will also change, guaranteeing that users will
            # download the latest version, and not some stale cache
            # file.
            xcompressed = xpackage.FirstChildElement('compressed_archive')
            if xcompressed:
                compressedFile = FileSpec()

                oldCompressedFilename = compressedFile.filename
                self.compressedFilename = oldCompressedFilename

                if doProcessing:
                    newCompressedFilename = '%s.%s.pz' % (
                        self.currentFile.filename, self.patchVersion)
                    if newCompressedFilename != oldCompressedFilename:
                        oldCompressedPathname = Filename(
                            self.packageDir, oldCompressedFilename)
                        newCompressedPathname = Filename(
                            self.packageDir, newCompressedFilename)
                        if oldCompressedPathname.renameTo(

                        self.compressedFilename = newCompressedFilename
                        self.anyChanges = True

            # Get the base_version--the bottom (oldest) of the patch
            # chain.
            xarchive = xpackage.FirstChildElement('base_version')
            if xarchive:
                self.baseFile = FileSpec()
                # If there isn't a base_version yet, we have to make
                # one, by duplicating the currentFile.
                self.baseFile = copy.copy(self.currentFile)

                # Note that the we only store the compressed version
                # of base_filename on disk, but we store the md5 of
                # the uncompressed version in the xml file.  To
                # emphasize this, we name it without the .pz extension
                # in the xml file, even though the compressed file on
                # disk actually has a .pz extension.
                self.baseFile.filename += '.base'

                # Also duplicate the (compressed) file itself.
                if doProcessing and self.compressedFilename:
                    fromPathname = Filename(self.packageDir,
                    toPathname = Filename(self.packageDir,
                                          self.baseFile.filename + '.pz')
                self.anyChanges = True

            self.patches = []
            xpatch = xpackage.FirstChildElement('patch')
            while xpatch:
                patchfile = PatchMaker.Patchfile(self)
                xpatch = xpatch.NextSiblingElement('patch')

            return True
Пример #4
        def writeDescFile(self):
            """ Rewrites the desc file with the new patch
            information. """

            if not self.anyChanges:
                # No need to rewrite.

            xpackage = self.doc.FirstChildElement('package')
            if not xpackage:

            packageSeq = SeqValue()
            packageSeq.loadXml(xpackage, 'seq')
            packageSeq += 1
            packageSeq.storeXml(xpackage, 'seq')

            # Remove all of the old patch entries from the desc file
            # we read earlier.
            xremove = []
            for value in ['base_version', 'top_version', 'patch']:
                xpatch = xpackage.FirstChildElement(value)
                while xpatch:
                    xpatch = xpatch.NextSiblingElement(value)

            for xelement in xremove:


            # Now replace them with the current patch information.
            xpackage.SetAttribute('patch_version', str(self.patchVersion))

            xarchive = TiXmlElement('base_version')

            # The current version is now the top version.
            xarchive = TiXmlElement('top_version')
            for patchfile in self.patches:
                xpatch = patchfile.makeXml(self)


            # Also copy the seq to the import desc file, for
            # documentation purposes.

            importDescFilename = self.packageDesc.cStr()[:-3] + 'import.xml'
            importDescFullpath = Filename(self.patchMaker.installDir, importDescFilename)
            doc = TiXmlDocument(importDescFullpath.toOsSpecific())
            if doc.LoadFile():
                xpackage = doc.FirstChildElement('package')
                if xpackage:
                    packageSeq.storeXml(xpackage, 'seq')
                print "Couldn't read %s" % (importDescFullpath)

            if self.contentsDocPackage:
                # Now that we've rewritten the xml file, we have to
                # change the contents.xml file that references it to
                # indicate the new file hash.
                fileSpec = FileSpec()
                fileSpec.fromFile(self.patchMaker.installDir, self.packageDesc)

                # Also important to update the import.xml hash.
                ximport = self.contentsDocPackage.FirstChildElement('import')
                if ximport:
                    fileSpec = FileSpec()
                    fileSpec.fromFile(self.patchMaker.installDir, importDescFilename)

                # Also copy the package seq value into the
                # contents.xml file, mainly for documentation purposes
                # (the authoritative seq value is within the desc
                # file).
                packageSeq.storeXml(self.contentsDocPackage, 'seq')
Пример #5
        def readDescFile(self, doProcessing = False):
            """ Reads the existing package.xml file and stores it in
            this class for later rewriting.  if doProcessing is true,
            it may massage the file and the directory contents in
            preparation for building patches.  Returns true on
            success, false on failure. """

            self.anyChanges = False

            packageDescFullpath = Filename(self.patchMaker.installDir, self.packageDesc)
            self.doc = TiXmlDocument(packageDescFullpath.toOsSpecific())
            if not self.doc.LoadFile():
                print "Couldn't read %s" % (packageDescFullpath)
                return False
            xpackage = self.doc.FirstChildElement('package')
            if not xpackage:
                return False
            self.packageName = xpackage.Attribute('name')
            self.platform = xpackage.Attribute('platform')
            self.version = xpackage.Attribute('version')

            # All packages we defined in-line are assigned to the
            # "none" host.  TODO: support patching from packages on
            # other hosts, which means we'll need to fill in a value
            # here for those hosts.
            self.hostUrl = None
            self.currentFile = None
            self.baseFile = None
            self.topFile = None
            self.compressedFilename = None
            compressedFile = None

            # Assume there are changes for this version, until we
            # discover that there aren't.
            isNewVersion = True

            # Get the actual current version.
            xarchive = xpackage.FirstChildElement('uncompressed_archive')
            if xarchive:
                self.currentFile = FileSpec()

            # Get the top_version--the top (newest) of the patch
            # chain.
            xarchive = xpackage.FirstChildElement('top_version')
            if xarchive:
                self.topFile = FileSpec()

                if self.topFile.hash == self.currentFile.hash:
                    # No new version this pass.
                    isNewVersion = False
                    # There's a new version this pass.  Update it.
                    self.anyChanges = True
                # If there isn't a top_version yet, we have to make
                # one, by duplicating the currentFile.
                self.topFile = copy.copy(self.currentFile)
                self.anyChanges = True

            # Get the current patch version.  If we have a
            # patch_version attribute, it refers to this particular
            # instance of the file, and that is the current patch
            # version number.  If we only have a last_patch_version
            # attribute, it means a patch has not yet been built for
            # this particular instance, and that number is the
            # previous version's patch version number.
            patchVersion = xpackage.Attribute('patch_version')
            if patchVersion:
                self.patchVersion = int(patchVersion)
                patchVersion = xpackage.Attribute('last_patch_version')
                if patchVersion:
                    self.patchVersion = int(patchVersion)
                    if isNewVersion:
                        self.patchVersion += 1
                self.anyChanges = True

            # Put the patchVersion in the compressed filename, for
            # cache-busting.  This means when the version changes, its
            # URL will also change, guaranteeing that users will
            # download the latest version, and not some stale cache
            # file.
            xcompressed = xpackage.FirstChildElement('compressed_archive')
            if xcompressed:
                compressedFile = FileSpec()

                oldCompressedFilename = compressedFile.filename
                self.compressedFilename = oldCompressedFilename

                if doProcessing:
                    newCompressedFilename = '%s.%s.pz' % (self.currentFile.filename, self.patchVersion)
                    if newCompressedFilename != oldCompressedFilename:
                        oldCompressedPathname = Filename(self.packageDir, oldCompressedFilename)
                        newCompressedPathname = Filename(self.packageDir, newCompressedFilename)
                        if oldCompressedPathname.renameTo(newCompressedPathname):
                            compressedFile.fromFile(self.packageDir, newCompressedFilename)

                        self.compressedFilename = newCompressedFilename
                        self.anyChanges = True

            # Get the base_version--the bottom (oldest) of the patch
            # chain.
            xarchive = xpackage.FirstChildElement('base_version')
            if xarchive:
                self.baseFile = FileSpec()
                # If there isn't a base_version yet, we have to make
                # one, by duplicating the currentFile.
                self.baseFile = copy.copy(self.currentFile)

                # Note that the we only store the compressed version
                # of base_filename on disk, but we store the md5 of
                # the uncompressed version in the xml file.  To
                # emphasize this, we name it without the .pz extension
                # in the xml file, even though the compressed file on
                # disk actually has a .pz extension.
                self.baseFile.filename += '.base'

                # Also duplicate the (compressed) file itself.
                if doProcessing and self.compressedFilename:
                    fromPathname = Filename(self.packageDir, self.compressedFilename)
                    toPathname = Filename(self.packageDir, self.baseFile.filename + '.pz')
                self.anyChanges = True

            self.patches = []
            xpatch = xpackage.FirstChildElement('patch')
            while xpatch:
                patchfile = PatchMaker.Patchfile(self)
                xpatch = xpatch.NextSiblingElement('patch')

            return True
Пример #6
    class Patchfile:
        """ A single patchfile for a package. """
        def __init__(self, package):
            self.package = package
            self.packageName = package.packageName
            self.platform = package.platform
            self.version = package.version
            self.hostUrl = None

            # FileSpec for the patchfile itself
            self.file = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch is applied to
            self.sourceFile = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch generates
            self.targetFile = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our sourceFile
            self.fromPv = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our targetFile
            self.toPv = None

        def getSourceKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile can be applied to. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version, self.hostUrl, self.sourceFile)

        def getTargetKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile will generate. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version, self.hostUrl, self.targetFile)

        def fromFile(self, packageDir, patchFilename, sourceFile, targetFile):
            """ Creates the data structures from an existing patchfile
            on disk. """
            self.file = FileSpec()
            self.file.fromFile(packageDir, patchFilename)
            self.sourceFile = sourceFile
            self.targetFile = targetFile

        def loadXml(self, xpatch):
            """ Reads the data structures from an xml file. """
            self.packageName = xpatch.Attribute('name') or self.packageName
            self.platform = xpatch.Attribute('platform') or self.platform
            self.version = xpatch.Attribute('version') or self.version
            self.hostUrl = xpatch.Attribute('host') or self.hostUrl

            self.file = FileSpec()

            xsource = xpatch.FirstChildElement('source')
            if xsource:
                self.sourceFile = FileSpec()

            xtarget = xpatch.FirstChildElement('target')
            if xtarget:
                self.targetFile = FileSpec()

        def makeXml(self, package):
            xpatch = TiXmlElement('patch')

            if self.packageName != package.packageName:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('name', self.packageName)
            if self.platform != package.platform:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('platform', self.platform)
            if self.version != package.version:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('version', self.version)
            if self.hostUrl != package.hostUrl:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('host', self.hostUrl)


            xsource = TiXmlElement('source')

            xtarget = TiXmlElement('target')

            return xpatch
Пример #7
    def __buildInstallPlans(self):
        """ Sets up self.installPlans, a list of one or more "plans"
        to download and install the package. """

        pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:buildInstallPlans')

        self.hasPackage = False

        if self.host.appRunner and self.host.appRunner.verifyContents == self.host.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
            # We're not allowed to download anything.
            self.installPlans = []

        if self.asMirror:
            # If we're just downloading a mirror archive, we only need
            # to get the compressed archive file.

            # Build a one-item install plan to download the compressed
            # archive.
            downloadSize = self.compressedArchive.size
            func = lambda step, fileSpec=self.compressedArchive: self.__downloadFile(
                step, fileSpec, allowPartial=True)

            step = self.InstallStep(func, downloadSize, self.downloadFactor,
            installPlan = [step]
            self.installPlans = [installPlan]

        # The normal download process.  Determine what we will need to
        # download, and build a plan (or two) to download it all.
        self.installPlans = None

        # We know we will at least need to unpack the archive contents
        # at the end.
        unpackSize = 0
        for file in self.extracts:
            unpackSize += file.size
        step = self.InstallStep(self.__unpackArchive, unpackSize,
                                self.unpackFactor, 'unpack')
        planA = [step]

        # If the uncompressed archive file is good, that's all we'll
        # need to do.
        self.uncompressedArchive.actualFile = None
        if self.uncompressedArchive.quickVerify(self.getPackageDir(),
            self.installPlans = [planA]

        # Maybe the compressed archive file is good.
        if self.compressedArchive.quickVerify(self.getPackageDir(),
            uncompressSize = self.uncompressedArchive.size
            step = self.InstallStep(self.__uncompressArchive, uncompressSize,
                                    self.uncompressFactor, 'uncompress')
            planA = [step] + planA
            self.installPlans = [planA]

        # Maybe we can download one or more patches.  We'll come back
        # to that in a minute as plan A.  For now, construct plan B,
        # which will be to download the whole archive.
        planB = planA[:]

        uncompressSize = self.uncompressedArchive.size
        step = self.InstallStep(self.__uncompressArchive, uncompressSize,
                                self.uncompressFactor, 'uncompress')
        planB = [step] + planB

        downloadSize = self.compressedArchive.size
        func = lambda step, fileSpec=self.compressedArchive: self.__downloadFile(
            step, fileSpec, allowPartial=True)

        step = self.InstallStep(func, downloadSize, self.downloadFactor,
        planB = [step] + planB

        # Now look for patches.  Start with the md5 hash from the
        # uncompressedArchive file we have on disk, and see if we can
        # find a patch chain from this file to our target.
        pathname = Filename(self.getPackageDir(),
        fileSpec = self.uncompressedArchive.actualFile
        if fileSpec is None and pathname.exists():
            fileSpec = FileSpec()
        plan = None
        if fileSpec:
            plan = self.__findPatchChain(fileSpec)
        if plan:
            # We can download patches.  Great!  That means this is
            # plan A, and the full download is plan B (in case
            # something goes wrong with the patching).
            planA = plan + planA
            self.installPlans = [planA, planB]
            # There are no patches to download, oh well.  Stick with
            # plan B as the only plan.
            self.installPlans = [planB]

        # In case of unexpected failures on the internet, we will retry
        # the full download instead of just giving up.
        for retry in range(ConfigVariableInt('package-full-dl-retries', 1)):

Пример #8
    def __buildInstallPlans(self):
        """ Sets up self.installPlans, a list of one or more "plans"
        to download and install the package. """

        pc = PStatCollector(':App:PackageInstaller:buildInstallPlans')

        self.hasPackage = False
        if self.host.appRunner and self.host.appRunner.verifyContents == self.host.appRunner.P3DVCNever:
            # We're not allowed to download anything.
            self.installPlans = []

        if self.asMirror:
            # If we're just downloading a mirror archive, we only need
            # to get the compressed archive file.

            # Build a one-item install plan to download the compressed
            # archive.
            downloadSize = self.compressedArchive.size
            func = lambda step, fileSpec = self.compressedArchive: self.__downloadFile(step, fileSpec, allowPartial = True)
            step = self.InstallStep(func, downloadSize, self.downloadFactor, 'download')
            installPlan = [step]
            self.installPlans = [installPlan]

        # The normal download process.  Determine what we will need to
        # download, and build a plan (or two) to download it all.
        self.installPlans = None

        # We know we will at least need to unpack the archive contents
        # at the end.
        unpackSize = 0
        for file in self.extracts:
            unpackSize += file.size
        step = self.InstallStep(self.__unpackArchive, unpackSize, self.unpackFactor, 'unpack')
        planA = [step]

        # If the uncompressed archive file is good, that's all we'll
        # need to do.
        self.uncompressedArchive.actualFile = None
        if self.uncompressedArchive.quickVerify(self.getPackageDir(), notify = self.notify):
            self.installPlans = [planA]

        # Maybe the compressed archive file is good.
        if self.compressedArchive.quickVerify(self.getPackageDir(), notify = self.notify):
            uncompressSize = self.uncompressedArchive.size
            step = self.InstallStep(self.__uncompressArchive, uncompressSize, self.uncompressFactor, 'uncompress')
            planA = [step] + planA
            self.installPlans = [planA]

        # Maybe we can download one or more patches.  We'll come back
        # to that in a minute as plan A.  For now, construct plan B,
        # which will be to download the whole archive.
        planB = planA[:]

        uncompressSize = self.uncompressedArchive.size
        step = self.InstallStep(self.__uncompressArchive, uncompressSize, self.uncompressFactor, 'uncompress')
        planB = [step] + planB

        downloadSize = self.compressedArchive.size
        func = lambda step, fileSpec = self.compressedArchive: self.__downloadFile(step, fileSpec, allowPartial = True)

        step = self.InstallStep(func, downloadSize, self.downloadFactor, 'download')
        planB = [step] + planB

        # Now look for patches.  Start with the md5 hash from the
        # uncompressedArchive file we have on disk, and see if we can
        # find a patch chain from this file to our target.
        pathname = Filename(self.getPackageDir(), self.uncompressedArchive.filename)
        fileSpec = self.uncompressedArchive.actualFile
        if fileSpec is None and pathname.exists():
            fileSpec = FileSpec()
            fileSpec.fromFile(self.getPackageDir(), self.uncompressedArchive.filename)
        plan = None
        if fileSpec:
            plan = self.__findPatchChain(fileSpec)
        if plan:
            # We can download patches.  Great!  That means this is
            # plan A, and the full download is plan B (in case
            # something goes wrong with the patching).
            planA = plan + planA
            self.installPlans = [planA, planB]
            # There are no patches to download, oh well.  Stick with
            # plan B as the only plan.
            self.installPlans = [planB]

        # In case of unexpected failures on the internet, we will retry 
        # the full download instead of just giving up.
        for retry in range(ConfigVariableInt('package-full-dl-retries', 1)):
