Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
                 map_grid: np.ndarray,
                 error: float = 0.001):
        self.__map = map_grid
        self.__max_history = max_history

        self.__y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.__map.shape[0] - 1)
        self.__x = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.__map.shape[1] - 1)
        self.__rel_y = 0
        self.__rel_x = 0
        self.error = error

        if start_direction is None:
            self.__direction = direction.Direction(
                np.random.randint(low=0, high=3))
        elif 0 <= start_direction <= 3:
            self.__direction = direction.Direction(start_direction)
            raise ValueError("Invalid start direction")

        self.__start_direction = self.__direction

        log.info("Starting at direction", self.__direction)

        self.__history = collections.deque(maxlen=self.__max_history)
        self.__history_error = collections.deque(maxlen=self.__max_history)

            (direction.RelativeDirection.FRONT, self.get_color(), 0, 0))
             self.change_measurement(self.get_color()), 0, 0))
Пример #2
 def plot_vehicle(self):
     location = self.__vehicle.location()
     arrow_dir = direction.Direction(location[2]).xy()
     plt.arrow(location[0] - arrow_dir[0] * 0.7,
               location[1] - arrow_dir[1] * 0.7,
               arrow_dir[0] * 0.2,
               arrow_dir[1] * 0.2,
Пример #3
def history_to_digraph(history: np.ndarray,
                       start_direction: tp.Union[direction.Direction, int]):
    Convert the history of a vehicle to a graph
    :param history: vehicle history (numpy array)
    :param start_direction: vehicle orientation (guess)
    :return: DiGraph
    graph = nx.DiGraph()

    for hist_ind in range(history.shape[0]):
        graph.add_node(hist_ind, color=color.Color(history[hist_ind, 1]))

    for hist_ind in range(1, history.shape[0]):
        relative_dir = direction.RelativeDirection(history[hist_ind, 0])
        abs_dir = direction.Direction((relative_dir + start_direction) % 4)

        graph.add_edge(hist_ind - 1, hist_ind, direction=abs_dir)

    return graph
Пример #4
    def move_unbound(self):
        Move in a way not bounded by the map edges
        :return: -
        d = direction.Direction(np.random.randint(low=0, high=3))
        self.__direction = d

        dx, dy = d.xy()

        self.__x = (self.__x + dx) % self.__map.shape[
            0]  # modulus works with negative numbers -1%10 = 9
        self.__y = (self.__y + dy) % self.__map.shape[1]

        rel_dir = direction.RelativeDirection(
            (self.__direction - self.__start_direction) % 4)
        rel_dx, rel_dy = rel_dir.xy()
        self.__rel_x += rel_dx
        self.__rel_y += rel_dy
            (rel_dir, self.get_color(), self.__rel_x, self.__rel_y))
            (rel_dir, self.change_measurement(self.get_color()), self.__rel_x,
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, raw_media, parent_sdp=None):
        assert type(raw_media) is str or type(raw_media) is raw.media.Media
        assert parent_sdp is None or type(
            parent_sdp) is session_description.SessionDescription
        if type(raw_media) == str:
            self.__raw_media = raw.media.Media(raw_media)
            self.__raw_media = raw_media

        self.__parent_sdp = parent_sdp
        #self.__pt_reserver = self.__parent_sdp.pt_reserver if self.__parent_sdp else PayloadTypeReserver()

        self.__ice = ice.Ice(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__direction = direction.Direction(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__sdp_codec_collection = sdp_codec.SdpCodecCollection(
        self.__mid = mid.Mid(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__crypto = crypto.Crypto(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__streams = stream.StreamCollection(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__rtcp_mux = rtcp.RtcpMux(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__rtcp = rtcp.Rtcp(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__ptime = ptime.Ptime(self.__raw_media.attributes)
        self.__silence_supp = silence_supp.SilenceSupp(
Пример #6
def locate(m: np.ndarray, history: np.ndarray, v: vehicle.Vehicle = None, skip: tp.Union[int, tp.List[int]] = None) \
        -> tp.Tuple[int, int, int, np.ndarray]:
    Vehicle locator algorithm
    :param m: map (numpy array)
    :param history: vehicle history (numpy array)
    :param v: vehicle object for debugging
    :param skip: skip these indexes
    :return: number of matches, located x, located y

    start_time = time.perf_counter()

    skip_list = []

    # Check the skip values
    if skip is None:
    elif type(skip) is int:
    elif type(skip) is list:
        raise ValueError("Invalid skip input")

    for index in skip_list:
        if not 0 <= index < history.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("Invalid skip index", index)

    # Enable debug output if the vehicle is given
    debug = (v is not None)

    if debug:
        end_x, end_y, end_dir = v.location()
        end_x = -9000
        end_y = -9000

    if debug:
        for y in range(history.shape[0]):
            log.debug(direction.RelativeDirection(history[y, 0]),
                      color.Color(history[y, 1]), history[y, 2], history[y, 3])

    if (skip_list is not None) and (0 in skip_list):
        possible_start_loc = np.ones(m.shape, dtype=bool)
        possible_start_loc = np.equal(m, history[0, 1])
    possible_loc = np.zeros(m.shape, dtype=bool)

    # Iterate map
    for y in range(m.shape[0]):
        for x in range(m.shape[1]):

            # If start location is possible
            if possible_start_loc[y, x]:
                if debug:
                    log.debug("Checking start location (x, y):", x, y)

                    if x == end_x and y == end_y:
                        log.debug("Checking the correct location", x, y)

                # Iterate orientations
                for start_direction in range(0, 4):
                    if debug:
                        log.debug("Checking with start direction",

                        if start_direction == v.start_direction():
                            log.debug("Checking correct start direction")

                    check_x = x
                    check_y = y
                    failed = False

                    # Iterate history
                    for hist_ind in range(1, history.shape[0]):
                        relative_dir = direction.RelativeDirection(
                            history[hist_ind, 0])
                        abs_dir = direction.Direction(
                            (relative_dir + start_direction) % 4)

                        if debug:
                            log.debug("Converting history dir", hist_ind, ":",
                                      relative_dir, "to", abs_dir)

                        dx, dy = abs_dir.xy()
                        check_x -= dx
                        check_y -= dy
                        check_x = check_x % m.shape[1]
                        check_y = check_y % m.shape[0]

                        # No longer a problem since the vehicle is allowed to go outside the map
                        if not (0 <= check_x < m.shape[1] and 0 <= check_y < m.shape[0]):
                            log.debug("Locator went outside the map")
                            failed = True

                        # Skip color checking if the history index is in the skip list
                        if hist_ind in skip_list:
                            if debug:
                                log.debug("Skipped history color", hist_ind,
                                          color.Color(history[hist_ind, 1]),
                                          "of", check_x, check_y,
                                          "which would correctly be",
                                          color.Color(m[check_y, check_x]))
                        # Check the color matching (the normal situation)
                        elif m[check_y, check_x] != history[hist_ind, 1]:
                            if debug:
                                log.debug("History color", hist_ind,
                                                              1]), "of",
                                          check_x, check_y, "didn't match to",
                                          color.Color(m[check_y, check_x]))
                            failed = True

                        if debug:
                            log.debug("Color match",
                                      color.Color(m[check_x, check_y]),
                                      check_x, check_y)

                    if not failed:
                        log.debug("Found possible loc", x, y)
                        possible_loc[check_y, check_x] = True

    log.debug("Locator results:\n", possible_loc.astype(int))
    possible_y, possible_x = possible_loc.nonzero()

    num_matches = possible_y.size

    log.debug("Location took", time.perf_counter() - start_time)

    if num_matches == 0:
        log.debug("No suitable places found")
        loc_x = -9999
        loc_y = -9999
    elif num_matches == 1 and possible_x.size == 1:
        log.debug("Found location", possible_x[0], possible_y[0])
        loc_x = possible_x[0]
        loc_y = possible_y[0]
        log.debug("Multiple possible locations found")
        loc_x = -9999
        loc_y = -9999

    return num_matches, loc_x, loc_y, possible_loc