def __init__(self): """ Virtually private constructor. """ self.base_dir = dirfuncs.guess_data_dir() self.island_data_table = {} if Imagery_Cache.__instance != None: raise Exception("This class is a singleton!") else: Imagery_Cache.__instance = self
# 'app_jambi', # d # 'app_kalbar', # 'app_kaltim', #'app_oki', # c 'mukti_prakarsa', 'app_riau', 'multipersada_gatramegah', #'musim_mas', # 'unggul_lestari', # e 'gar_pgm', 'PTAgroAndalan', 'Bumitama_PTGemilangMakmurSubur', ] my_sampler = sampler.Sampler() base_dir = dirfuncs.guess_data_dir() band_set = { 0: { 'blue_max', 'red_max', 'nir_max', 'swir1_max', 'VH_0', 'VH', 'VH_2', 'VV_0', 'VV', 'VV_2', 'EVI', 'swir2_max', 'brightness', 'wetness', 'greenness', 'slope' }, 1: { 'blue_max', 'red_max', 'nir_max', 'swir1_max', 'VH_0', 'VH', 'VV_0', 'VV', 'VV_2', 'EVI', 'swir2_max', 'wetness', 'greenness', 'slope' }, 2: { 'blue_max', 'red_max', 'nir_max', 'swir1_max', 'VH_0', 'VH', 'VV_0', 'VV', 'VV_2', 'brightness', 'swir2_max', 'wetness', 'greenness', 'slope' },
# plt.figure() # destination.plot(robust=True) # image2 = False #image3=False return image3 if __name__ == "__main__": wbt = WhiteboxTools() wbt.set_verbose_mode(True) name = 'Kalimantan' file1 = "KalimantanFINAL_classified_by_ensemble_rf.tif" year = 2017 base_dir = dir.guess_data_dir() wbt.work_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, name, 'sklearn_test', str(year), 'test_temp', 'wkdir') # wbt.majority_filter(file, "Kalimantan2018_Final_smooth3x3.tif", filterx=3, filtery=3) # base = os.path.join(base_dir, name, 'sklearn_test', str(year), 'test_temp', 'Kalimantan2017_Final_100m.tif') out1 = "resample2017.tif" out2 = "round2017.tif" wbt.resample(file1, out1, "cc", base=base) wbt.round(out1, out2) wbt.majority_filter(out2, "RES_RND_SMTH_Kalimantan2017_Final3x3.tif", filterx=3, filtery=3)
import sqlite3 import pandas as pd import dirfuncs conn = sqlite3.connect('data/hcs_database.db') #conn = sqlite3.connect('hcs_database.db') ##TODO this should be moved to base_dir = dirfuncs.guess_data_dir() concessions_csv = base_dir + 'concession_inventory.csv' concession_df = pd.read_csv(concessions_csv) assessment_year_dict = dict(zip(concession_df.app_key, concession_df.use_year)) leaf_nodes_dict = { 'Bumitama_PTDamaiAgroSejahtera': 10, 'Bumitama_PTHungarindoPersada': 6, 'PTMitraNusaSarana': 10, 'makmur_abadi': 10, 'sawit_perdana': 6, 'aneka_sawit': 10, 'PTMentariPratama': 6, 'PTSukajadiSawitMekar': 10, 'PTLabontaraEkaKarsa': 10, 'adi_perkasa': 8 } features_dict = { 'Bumitama_PTDamaiAgroSejahtera': 0.33, 'Bumitama_PTHungarindoPersada': 0.33, 'PTMitraNusaSarana': 0.65, 'makmur_abadi': 0.33, 'sawit_perdana': 0.8, 'aneka_sawit': 0.65,
def ingest_kml_fixed_classes(): #input = 'C:\\Users\\ME\\Dropbox\\HCSproject\\data\\PoC\\supplementary_class\\impervious\\doc.kml' imageSumatra = image_cache.get_band_by_context_year('nir_max', 'Sumatra', 2019) imageKalimantan = image_cache.get_band_by_context_year('nir_max', 'Kalimantan', 2019) imagePapua = image_cache.get_band_by_context_year('nir_max', 'Papua', 2019) for landcover in supplemental_class_codes.keys(): print(landcover) input = os.path.join(dirfuncs.guess_data_dir(), 'supplementary_class', landcover,'doc.kml') srcDS = gdal.OpenEx(input) output = os.path.join(dirfuncs.guess_data_dir(), 'supplementary_class', landcover, landcover + '.json') #ds = gdal.VectorTranslate(output, srcDS, format='GeoJSON') #file = glob.glob(output) print(output) with open(output) as f: data = #TODO on windows you may get a parsing error that does not make sense but it has to do with EOL characters jsonload = js.loads(data) features = jsonload["features"] print(features) # NOTE: buffer(0) is a trick for fixing scenarios where polygons have overlapping coordinates #temp = GeometryCollection([shape(feature["geometry"]).buffer(0) for feature in features]) #TODO get the year from the json or doc.kml #my_dict = sat_ops.s1_band_dict.copy() my_dict = sat_ops.l8_band_dict.copy() #my_dict.update(sat_ops.s2_band_dict) #my_dict.update(sat_ops.dem_band_dict) bands = my_dict.values() print(bands) shapes = ((shape(feature["geometry"]).buffer(0), (feature['properties']['Description']), feature['properties']['Name']) for feature in features) for geom in shapes: print(geom) get_reference = True xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = geom[0].bounds year_list = geom[1].split(sep=',') year_list = map(int, year_list) year_list = list(year_list) year_list.sort(reverse=True) my_year = year_list[0] if my_year == 2018: my_year=2019 if my_year == 2016: my_year=2017 # TODO these only appliy because we are just using landsat 8 data aggregated in 2 year chuncks name = geom[2] for band in bands: if get_reference: bbox = box(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, index=[0], crs=from_epsg(4326)) geo = geo.to_crs(crs=from_epsg(4326)) coords = getFeatures(geo) if 'kal' in name: out_img =, island = 'Kalimantan' elif 'sum' in name: out_img =, island = 'Sumatra' elif 'pap' in name: out_img =, island = 'Papua' else: raise RuntimeError # meta = out_img.meta.copy() print(island) trans = out_img.transform crs = height = width = dtype = rio.int16 # burned = rioft.rasterize(shapes=geom, fill=0) out_class = os.path.join(dirfuncs.guess_data_dir(), 'supplementary_class', landcover, name + '.tif') with, 'w+', driver='GTiff', height=height, width=width, crs=crs, dtype=dtype, transform=trans, count=1) as out: out_arr = burned = rioft.rasterize(shapes=[(geom[0], supplemental_class_codes[landcover])], fill=-9999, out=out_arr, transform=out.transform) burned = np.where(burned != supplemental_class_codes[landcover], -9999, burned) # NoData the other pixels out.write_band(1, burned) out.close() get_reference=False out_band = os.path.join(dirfuncs.guess_data_dir(), 'supplementary_class', landcover, 'out', name + '_' + band + '.tif') if os.path.isfile(out_band): continue # this is a hack because I have hit errors in the middle of long batch jobs and had find way to restart image = image_cache.get_band_by_context_year(band, island, my_year) out_img =, if out_img.dtype == 'float64': = np.float32(out_img) dtype = rio.float32 print('Writing: ', out_band) with, 'w+', driver='GTiff', height=height, width=width, crs=crs, dtype=dtype, transform=trans, count=1) as out2: out2.write_band(1, out_img[0]) out2.close()
""" Running regression to explore how different parameterizations affect accuracy across all analyses in a summary table. """ # ============================================================================= # Imports # ============================================================================= import dirfuncs import pandas as pd import statsmodels.formula.api as smf dropbox_dir = dirfuncs.guess_data_dir() # ============================================================================= # Load data # ============================================================================= data_dir = dropbox_dir result_csv = data_dir + 'result.12252019.csv' result_df = pd.read_csv(result_csv) # ============================================================================= # Run regression # ============================================================================= mod = smf.ols(formula="two_class_score_weighted ~ bands + class_scheme", data=result_df) res = print(res.summary())
# Parameters #================================================================================ #A shape file - study area lon_edge=2 # lon_end=119 # lat_start = -5 # lat_end = 5 #lat_edge = 2.5 #PAPUA lat_edge = 2 #site = 'Kalimantan' start = 1 end = 50 years= [#2017,2015, 2019] site = 'None' out_path = dirfuncs.guess_data_dir() #Take a set of years #Take a set of bands # take a step # for each grid cell # for each band def get_grid_polygons(lon_start, lon_end, lat_start,lat_end): print(lon_start, lon_end, lat_start,lat_end) polys = []; lon = lon_start cell_id=0 while lon < lon_end : x1 = lon; x2 = lon + lon_edge;