Пример #1
 async def allow_service(self, user: Union[discord.User, int]):
     if user is int:
         user = self.bot.get_user(user)
         if not user:  # User not found
             raise discord.NotFound("User cannot be found.")
     stopped = await self.config.user(user).stop()
     return not stopped
Пример #2
 async def deny(self, ctx, party_id: convert_invite,
                invite_id: convert_invite):
     party = await Party.from_id(self.bot, party_id)
     if not party:
         raise discord.NotFound("No party found")
     await party.deny_invite(ctx.author, invite_id)
     await ctx.send("Party Denied!")
Пример #3
 async def from_user(cls, bot, member):
     doc = await bot.db["links"].find_one({
         "user": member.id
         return cls(bot, member, doc["uuid"])
         raise discord.NotFound()
Пример #4
 def get_channel(channel_id):
     if channel_id == TEST_CHANNEL.id:
         TEST_CHANNEL._state = discard.client._connection
         return TEST_CHANNEL
     elif channel_id == TEST_CHANNEL2.id:
         TEST_CHANNEL2._state = discard.client._connection
         return TEST_CHANNEL2
         raise discord.NotFound()
Пример #5
 async def kick(self, ctx, member: discord.Member):
     party = await Party.from_channel(self.bot, ctx.channel)
     if not party:
         raise discord.NotFound("No party found")
     if ctx.author.id == party.leader.id or ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
         await party.leave(member)
         await ctx.send("**Only the party leader (or admins) can do this!**"
async def test_add_emoji_role_pair_emoji_not_found(mocker):
    """Adds a emoji/role pair to the role message creation, but the emoji is NotFound."""
    cog, mock_bot, _ = init_mocks()
    mock_message = tosurnament_mock.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_MOCK
    mock_not_found_response = mocker.Mock()
    mock_not_found_response.status = 0
    mock_message.add_reaction = mocker.AsyncMock(side_effect=discord.NotFound(mock_not_found_response, ""))
    await cog.add_emoji_role_pair(cog, tosurnament_mock.CtxMock(mock_bot, message=mock_message), "🛎️", None)
    cog.send_reply.assert_called_once_with(mocker.ANY, "emoji_not_found", "🛎️")
Пример #7
 async def guild(self, ctx, guild):
         for x in ctx.bot.guilds:
             if x.name == guild or str(x.id) == guild or x.owner == guild:
                 return x.convert(ctx, guild)
             raise discord.NotFound(
                 'No guild with the name/id/owner {} found'.format(guild))
     except Exception as E:
         raise E
Пример #8
 async def alert_new_letter(self, user_id: int, letter: Letter, letter_id: int):
     user = self.bot.get_user(user_id)
     if user is None:  # User not found
         raise discord.NotFound("User cannot be contacted.")
     if not await self.allow_service(user):
         raise StopService("User stopped using the service.")
     message = str()
     prefix = await self.bot._config.prefix()
     first_time = await self.config.user(user).first_usage()
     if first_time:
         message += (
                 f"Hello {user.name}, this is the first time you're receiving a letter in your "
                 "letterbox, so let me introduce you to the service.\n\nLetters is a service that "
                 "allows you to send and receive letters from members of Discord, as long as I "
                 "share a server with you and I can contact you. When you receive a letter, the "
                 "letter gets into your letterbox where all your letters are stocked, so you can "
                 "open a letter whenever you want. When you have read a letter, it is marked as "
                 "read.\n\nYou can disable this service. **However, this system is meant for "
                 "receiving letters over Discord from others, from your friends, from the past or "
                 "of today, every letters deserve to be delivered.** It would be hurtful "
                 "for you to disable it.\n\n Now that you are familiar with the concept, here are "
                 "2 commands you should know:\n- `[p]letterbox` to check your letterbox;\n- "
                 "`[p]letterset` to set your settings for the letter service;\n\n You will not "
                 "receive this message again. From now on, you will only receive regular alerts "
                 "about new letters.\n\n📩 You have received a new letter from {authors}! Check "
                 "it out in your letterbox!"
             .replace("[p]", prefix[0])
         message += (
             f"📩 You have received a new letter from {letter.author}! Check it out in your "
             "letterbox! (`[p]letterbox`)"
         ).replace("[p]", prefix[0])
         if [
             for i in list(letter.authors.values())
             if i in await self.config.user(user).blocklist()
             message += (
                 "\nâš  The author of this letter as been marked as blocked, you still "
                 "receiving this letter in your letterbox, open it if you want or delete "
                 "it. Letter ID: " + str(letter_id)
         await user.send(message)
         if first_time:
             await self.config.user(user).first_usage.set(False)
         return True
     except discord.HTTPException:
         return False
     return False
Пример #9
 async def delete_letter_in_letterbox(self, receiver_id: int, id: int):
     Remove a new letter to a letterbox.
     user = await self.bot.get_or_fetch_user(receiver_id)
     if user is None:  # User not found
         raise discord.NotFound("User cannot be found.")
     async with self.config.user(user).letterbox() as letterbox:
             del letterbox[str(id)]
         except KeyError:
             raise LetterNotExist("Cannot find the letter ID.")
Пример #10
 async def convert(self, ctx, arg: int):
     """Converter function for the lookup command"""
     async with ctx.bot.http._session.get(f'https://discordapp.com/api/v6/guilds/{arg}/widget.json') as get:
         assert isinstance(get, aiohttp.ClientResponse)
         if get.status == 200:
             json = await get.json(encoding='utf-8')
             json['data_type'] = 'guild'
             return json
         elif get.status == 403:
             return {'data_type': 'guild_partial', 'id': arg}
             raise discord.NotFound(get, 'guild not found')
Пример #11
 async def add_new_letter_in_letterbox(self, receiver_id: int, letter: Letter) -> int:
     Append a new letter to a letterbox.
     user = self.bot.get_user(receiver_id)
     if user is None:  # User not found
         raise discord.NotFound("User cannot be found.")
     if not await self.allow_service(user):
         raise StopService("User stopped using the service.")
     letter_id = await self.config.custom("LetterBox", user.id).next_id()
     await self.config.custom("LetterBox", user.id).letterbox.set_raw(
         str(letter_id), value=letter.to_json()
     await self.config.custom("LetterBox", user.id).next_id.set(letter_id + 1)
     return letter_id
Пример #12
    async def get_message(self, id_, *args, **kwargs):
        """Find a message by id

        :param id_: Id of message to find
        :type id_: int

        :raises discord.NotFound: This exception is raised when a message is not found (or not accessible by bot)

        :rtype: discord.Message
        :return: discord.Message instance if message is found.
        msg = None
        for channel in self.client.get_all_channels():
                return await channel.get_message(id_, *args, **kwargs)
            except discord.NotFound:
        if msg is None:
            raise discord.NotFound(None, "Message not found")
Пример #13
async def send(bot: utils.SeraphimBase, mes: discord.Message):
    # sends message to starboard channel

    send_embed = await star_generate(bot, mes)
    star_entry = await bot.starboard.get(mes.id)
    starboard_chan = mes.guild.get_channel(
        bot.config.getattr(mes.guild.id, "starboard_id"))

    if starboard_chan:
        content = star_utils.generate_content_str(star_entry)
        starred = await starboard_chan.send(content=content, embed=send_embed)
        await starred.add_reaction("тнР")

        star_entry.star_var_id = starred.id
        star_entry.starboard_id = starred.channel.id

        return starred

    raise discord.NotFound(21234, "Unable to find starboard channel.")
Пример #14
    async def get_from_cdn(url) -> bytes:
        A method that downloads an image from a url.

            url (str): The url of the image.

            (bytes): A bytes object of the downloaded image.

        async with ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get(url) as resp:
                if resp.status == 200:
                    return await resp.read()
                elif resp.status == 404:
                    raise discord.NotFound(resp, 'Not Found')
                elif resp.status == 403:
                    raise discord.Forbidden(resp, 'Forbidden')
                    raise discord.HTTPException(resp, 'Failed')
Пример #15
 async def leave(self, member):
     if member.id not in [p.id for p in self.players]:
         raise discord.NotFound(self.players, "Not found!")
     x = 0
     for i, p in enumerate(self.players):
         x = i
         if p.id == member.id:
     if member.id in [p.id for p in self.players]:
     await self.channel.set_permissions(member,
     if self.has_vc:
         await self.vc.set_permissions(member,
     await self.update()
     await self.channel.send(f"{member.mention} just left the party!")
Пример #16
 async def fetch_message(self, id):
     modlog = self.__get_modlog_channel()
     if modlog is not None:
         return await modlog.fetch_message(id)
         raise discord.NotFound()
Пример #17
 def test_not_found(self):
     message = AsyncMock()
     message.delete.side_effect = discord.NotFound(Mock(), "")
Пример #18
 async def fetch_message(id):
     m = next((m for m in channel.history_for_mock if m.id == id), None)
     if not m:
         raise discord.NotFound(None, f'message {id} not found')
     return m
Пример #19
 async def invite(self, ctx, member: discord.Member):
     party = await Party.from_channel(self.bot, ctx.channel)
     if not party:
         raise discord.NotFound("No party found")
     await party.invite(member)
     await ctx.send("**Invited!**")
Пример #20
        by raising a `StopIteration`. The `async for` construct does not expect it, and we
        therefore need to substitute it for the appropriate exception type.
            return next(self.iter_messages)
        except StopIteration:
            raise StopAsyncIteration

class MockSignal(enum.Enum):
    A = "A"
    B = "B"

mock_404 = discord.NotFound(
    response=MagicMock(aiohttp.ClientResponse),  # Mock the erroneous response
    message="Not found",

class TestDownloadFile(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
    """Collection of tests for the `download_file` helper function."""
    async def test_download_file_success(self):
        """If `to_file` succeeds, function returns the acquired `discord.File`."""
        file = MagicMock(discord.File, filename="bigbadlemon.jpg")
        attachment = MockAttachment(to_file=AsyncMock(return_value=file))

        acquired_file = await incidents.download_file(attachment)
        self.assertIs(file, acquired_file)

    async def test_download_file_404(self):
        """If `to_file` encounters a 404, function handles the exception & returns None."""
Пример #21
 async def leave(self, ctx):
     party = await Party.from_channel(self.bot, ctx.channel)
     if not party:
         raise discord.NotFound("No party found")
     await party.leave(ctx.author)