Пример #1
async def cdoGetUserPermissions(**kwargs):
    Gets the userlevel of a mentioned user
    :param kwargs:

    data = list(kwargs['msg'].content.split(" "))

    if len(kwargs['msg'].mentions) == 0:
        return CDOInteralResponseData("You need to mention a user to set its permission levels")

    for i in data:
        if i.startswith("<@"):
            del data[data.index(i)]

    if len(data) != 1:
        return CDOInteralResponseData("Wrong number of parameters. Needs !getUserPermissions *mentions* ")

    addInfo = OrderedDict()
    for user in kwargs['msg'].mentions:
            user = DiscordUsers.objects.get(id=user.id)
            addInfo[user.name] = f"User level: {user.userLevel}"
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            addInfo[user.name] = f"User level: 0"

    retObj = CDOInteralResponseData("UserLevels:")
    retObj.additionalInfo = addInfo
    return retObj
Пример #2
async def cdoUpcomingGames(**kwargs):
    Lists all upcoming games
    :param kwargs:

    matchList = Scheduler.upcomingMatches()
    addInfo = OrderedDict()
    count = 0
    addInfoList = []
    for match in matchList:
        addInfo[match.title] = f"{match.match.date} (UTC)"
        count +=1
        if count == 10:
            addInfo = OrderedDict()
            count = 0

    if addInfo != OrderedDict():

    if addInfoList == []:
        respStr = "No upcoming matches"
        respStr = "Upcoming matches:"

    resp = CDOInteralResponseData(respStr)
    if addInfoList != []:
        resp.additionalInfo = addInfoList[0]

    class pageContent:
        index = 0
        def page(page):
            oldIndex = pageContent.index
            pageString = respStr + f" _(page {pageContent.index+1})_"
            if page == pageNav.forward:
                pageContent.index +=1
                pageContent.index -=1
                return CDOInteralResponseData(pageString,addInfoList[pageContent.index])
            except IndexError:
                pageContent.index = oldIndex
                return CDOInteralResponseData(pageString, addInfoList[pageContent.index])

    if addInfoList != []:
        resp.paging = pageContent.page
    return resp
Пример #3
async def cdoGetUserPermissions(msg : Message,**kwargs):
    Gets the userlevel of a mentioned user
    :param kwargs:
    addInfo = InfoObj()
    for user in msg.mentions:
            user = DiscordUsers.objects.get(id=user.id)
            addInfo[user.name] = f"User level: {user.userLevel}"
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            addInfo[user.name] = f"User level: 0"

    if addInfo == InfoObj():
        return CDOInteralResponseData("You need to mention a user to get its permission status!")

    retObj = CDOInteralResponseData("UserLevels:")
    retObj.additionalInfo = addInfo
    return retObj
Пример #4
async def cdoScores(msg : Message,**kwargs):
    Returns the scores for a given competition/matchday/team
    :param kwargs:
    channel = msg.channel

    if "parameter0" not in kwargs.keys():
        if not "live-" in channel.name:
            return CDOInteralResponseData(f"This command with no argument can only be called within matchday channels")

        comp,md = Scheduler.findCompetitionMatchdayByChannel(channel.name)

        matchList = Scheduler.getScores(comp,md)

        resp = CDOInteralResponseData("Current scores:")
        addInfo = InfoObj()
        for matchString,goalList in matchList.items():
            addInfo[matchString] = ""
            for goals in goalList[0]:
                if goals != '':
                    addInfo[matchString] += goals+"\n"

            if addInfo[matchString] == "":
                del addInfo[matchString]

            if addInfo == InfoObj():
                addInfo[matchString] = f"{goalList[1]}: 0-0"

        if addInfo == InfoObj():
            resp.response = "Currently no running matches"
            resp.response = "Current scores:"
        resp.additionalInfo = addInfo
        return resp
        searchString = kwargs['parameter0']
        query = Competition.objects.filter(clear_name = searchString)

        if len(query) == 0:
            teamList = getTeamsSearchedByName(searchString)
            if len(teamList) == 0:
                return CDOInteralResponseData(f"Can't find team {searchString}")
            matchObj = teamList[0]['Name'][0]['Description']
            matchList = getLiveMatches(teamID=int(teamList[0]["IdTeam"]))

            comp = query.first()
            matchObj = comp.clear_name
            matchList = getLiveMatches(competitionID=comp.id)

        if len(matchList) == 0:
            return CDOInteralResponseData(f"No current matches for {matchObj}")

        addInfo = InfoObj()
        for matchID in matchList:
                data = makeMiddlewareCall(DataCalls.liveData + f"/{matchID}")
            except JSONDecodeError:
                logger.error(f"Failed to do a middleware call for {matchID}")

            newEvents, _ = LiveMatch.parseEvents(data["match"]["events"], [])

            class Match:
                id = matchID

            for event in newEvents:
                title,_,goalListing = await LiveMatch.beautifyEvent(event,Match)

                if goalListing != "":
                        addInfo[title]+=goalListing + "\n"
                    except KeyError:
                        addInfo[title] = goalListing + "\n"

        if addInfo == InfoObj():
            return CDOInteralResponseData(f"No goals currently for {matchObj}")

        resp = CDOInteralResponseData(f"Current scores for {matchObj}")
        resp.additionalInfo = addInfo
        return resp