Пример #1
def create_volume(volname, mnode=None, dist=1, rep=1, stripe=1, trans='tcp',
                  servers=None, disp=1, dispd=1, red=1):
    """Create the gluster volume specified configuration
       volname and distribute count are mandatory argument
        volname(str): volume name that has to be created

        mnode(str): server on which command has to be execeuted,
            defaults to tc.servers[0]
        dist(int): distribute count, defaults to 1
        rep(int): replica count, defaults to 1
        stripe(int): stripe count, defaults to 1
        trans(str): transport type, defaults to tcp
        servers(list): servers on which volume has to be created,
            defaults to number of servers in pool list, if that is None,
            then takes tc.servers
        disp(int): disperse count, defaults to 1
        dispd(int): disperse-data count, defaults to 1
        red(int): rdundancy count, defaults to 1

        tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err).
            The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value
            of command execution.

            The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value
            of the command execution.

            The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value
            of the command execution.

           (-1, '', ''): If not enough bricks are available to create volume.
           (ret, out, err): As returned by volume create command execution.

    if servers is None:
        servers = nodes_from_pool_list()
    if not servers:
        servers = tc.servers[:]
    if mnode is None:
        mnode = tc.servers[0]
    dist = int(dist)
    rep = int(rep)
    stripe = int(stripe)
    disp = int(disp)
    dispd = int(dispd)
    red = int(red)
    dispc = 1

    if disp != 1 and dispd != 1:
        tc.logger.error("volume can't have both disperse and disperse-data")
        return (-1, None, None)
    if disp != 1:
        dispc = int(disp)
    elif dispd != 1:
        dispc = int(dispd) + int(red)

    number_of_bricks = dist * rep * stripe * dispc
    replica = stripec = disperse = disperse_data = redundancy = ''

    from distaflibs.gluster.lib_utils import form_bricks_path
    bricks_path = form_bricks_path(number_of_bricks, servers[:],
                                   mnode, volname)
    if bricks_path is None:
        tc.logger.error("number of bricks required are greater than "
                        "unused bricks")
        return (-1, '', '')

    if rep != 1:
        replica = "replica %d" % rep
    if stripe != 1:
        stripec = "stripe %d" % stripe
    ttype = "transport %s" % trans
    if disp != 1:
        disperse = "disperse %d" % disp
        redundancy = "redundancy %d" % red
    elif dispd != 1:
        disperse_data = "disperse-data %d" % dispd
        redundancy = "redundancy %d" % red

    ret = tc.run(mnode, "gluster volume create %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s "
                 "--mode=script" % (volname, replica, stripec, disperse,
                                    disperse_data, redundancy, ttype,

    return ret
Пример #2
def tier_attach(volname,
    """Attaches tier to the volume

        volname (str): volume name
        num_bricks_to_add (str): number of bricks to be added as hot tier
        peers (list): from these servers, hot tier will be added to volume

        replica (str): replica count of the hot tier
        force (bool): If this option is set to True, then attach tier
            will get executed with force option. If it is set to False,
            then attach tier will get executed without force option
        mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed.
            If None, defaults to servers[0].

        tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err).
            The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value
            of command execution.

            The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value
            of the command execution.

            The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value
            of the command execution.

        tier_attach(testvol, '2', ['peer_node1','peer_node2'])

    if mnode is None:
        mnode = tc.servers[0]

    replica = int(replica)
    repc = ''
    if replica != 1:
        repc = "replica %d" % replica

    frce = ''
    if force:
        frce = 'force'

    num_bricks_to_add = int(num_bricks_to_add)

    from distaflibs.gluster.lib_utils import form_bricks_path
    bricks_path = form_bricks_path(num_bricks_to_add, peers[:], mnode, volname)
    if bricks_path is None:
        tc.logger.error("number of bricks required are greater than "
                        "unused bricks")
        return (-1, '', '')

    bricks_path = [
        re.sub(r"(.*\/\S+\_)brick(\d+)", r"\1tier\2", item)
        for item in bricks_path.split() if item
    tier_bricks_path = " ".join(bricks_path)
    cmd = ("gluster volume tier %s attach %s %s %s --mode=script" %
           (volname, repc, tier_bricks_path, frce))

    return tc.run(mnode, cmd)
Пример #3
def tier_attach(volname, num_bricks_to_add, peers, replica=1, force=False,
    """Attaches tier to the volume

        volname (str): volume name
        num_bricks_to_add (str): number of bricks to be added as hot tier
        peers (list): from these servers, hot tier will be added to volume

        replica (str): replica count of the hot tier
        force (bool): If this option is set to True, then attach tier
            will get executed with force option. If it is set to False,
            then attach tier will get executed without force option
        mnode (str): Node on which cmd has to be executed.
            If None, defaults to servers[0].

        tuple: Tuple containing three elements (ret, out, err).
            The first element 'ret' is of type 'int' and is the return value
            of command execution.

            The second element 'out' is of type 'str' and is the stdout value
            of the command execution.

            The third element 'err' is of type 'str' and is the stderr value
            of the command execution.

        tier_attach(testvol, '2', ['peer_node1','peer_node2'])

    if mnode is None:
        mnode = tc.servers[0]

    replica = int(replica)
    repc = ''
    if replica != 1:
        repc = "replica %d" % replica

    frce = ''
    if force:
        frce = 'force'

    num_bricks_to_add = int(num_bricks_to_add)

    from distaflibs.gluster.lib_utils import form_bricks_path
    bricks_path = form_bricks_path(num_bricks_to_add, peers[:],
                                   mnode, volname)
    if bricks_path is None:
        tc.logger.error("number of bricks required are greater than "
                        "unused bricks")
        return (-1, '', '')

    bricks_path = [re.sub(r"(.*\/\S+\_)brick(\d+)", r"\1tier\2", item)
                   for item in bricks_path.split() if item]
    tier_bricks_path = " ".join(bricks_path)
    cmd = ("gluster volume tier %s attach %s %s %s --mode=script"
           % (volname, repc, tier_bricks_path, frce))

    return tc.run(mnode, cmd)