def get_friend(): email = request.args.get('email') if email == None: return '''<h1>Please include an email in the query</h1>''' myself = None others = [] for person in people: if == email: myself = person else: others.append(person) if myself == None: return '''<h1>Your email was not found in our database</h1>''' closest_person = distance.closest(myself, others) if closest_person != None: meetup_location = distance.middle(myself, closest_person) myself_request = requests.get( "{},{}&destinations={},{}&mode=walking&departure_time=now&key=AIzaSyCIXYRaiIsZgQRapVNgy1VNK8qduZAcKpM" .format(, myself.long, myself.dest_lat, myself.dest_long)).json()['rows'][0]['elements'][0] them_request = requests.get( "{},{}&destinations={},{}&mode=walking&departure_time=now&key=AIzaSyCIXYRaiIsZgQRapVNgy1VNK8qduZAcKpM" .format(, closest_person.long, closest_person.dest_lat, closest_person.dest_long)).json()['rows'][0]['elements'][0] if myself_request['status'] == 'OK' and them_request['status'] == 'OK': myself_time = myself_request['duration']['value'] them_time = them_request['duration']['value'] else: return jsonify(,, meetup_location=meetup_location, seconds_until_meetup=False) # myself_time = requests.get("{},{}&destinations={},{}&mode=walking&departure_time=now&key=AIzaSyCIXYRaiIsZgQRapVNgy1VNK8qduZAcKpM".format(,myself.long,myself.dest_lat,myself.dest_long)).json()['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['duration']['value'] # them_time = requests.get("{},{}&destinations={},{}&mode=walking&departure_time=now&key=AIzaSyCIXYRaiIsZgQRapVNgy1VNK8qduZAcKpM".format(,closest_person.long,closest_person.dest_lat,closest_person.dest_long)).json()['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['duration']['value'] wait = max(myself_time, them_time) return jsonify(,, meetup_location=meetup_location, seconds_until_meetup=wait) else: return jsonify(success=False)
def test07(): points = [(-7.06, -25.86), (-73.45, 15.98), (65.04, -5.54), (27.97, -97.28), (47.37, -35.79), (52.2, -87.23), (-40.29, 45.19), (59.36, 16.67), (39.4, 23.95), (36.16, -67.32), (-99.47, -87.75), (-73.9, 2.72), (22.61, -29.9), (-7.57, 49.61), (-33.24, 71.83), (-17.1, -70.81), (-79.56, 31.71), (22.71, 55.9), (-44.22, -82.9), (32.09, 91.92), (-22.21, 31.3), (51.56, -38.61), (-22.52, -91.14), (-80.75, -26.52), (92.1, 42.35), (-46.26, 74.28), (-19.65, -13.2), (-99.48, 20.45), (-19.8, -0.21), (-56.07, 28.45), (80.97, 72.25), (92.85, 78.03), (23.22, 41.04), (-59.38, -13.0), (22.46, 49.48), (-62.01, 38.93), (-16.97, 72.77), (-96.5, 16.75), (-17.66, -5.43), (-92.24, -94.0), (-71.16, 46.41), (59.58, 98.24), (25.68, 83.39), (49.2, 88.02), (38.96, -13.51), (62.47, -5.25), (31.47, -53.75), (6.03, -0.39), (-47.68, -53.36), (-84.53, -32.15), (70.7, -63.78), (61.28, -56.05), (-96.5, -75.1), (25.97, 90.13), (-70.13, -85.83), (10.65, -49.68), (86.49, 80.17), (-87.49, 0.45), (-58.84, 49.11), (-25.14, 97.97), (14.09, 32.6), (-88.87, 14.53), (87.94, -57.99), (-93.58, 20.12), (78.2, 75.99), (37.9, -4.08), (-13.18, 54.04), (27.48, 15.38), (42.62, -92.15), (8.76, -88.41), (29.74, -9.29), (-13.8, -72.93), (39.89, 49.72), (19.56, -77.17), (-31.27, 47.67), (-33.49, -72.29), (-21.5, 68.62), (-6.42, -34.71), (-65.21, -14.91), (15.58, 62.9), (-11.34, 35.94), (56.07, 59.34), (13.15, 38.7), (50.6, 59.16), (70.44, -69.58), (-22.96, 77.47), (-43.3, 39.01), (-66.92, 17.81), (-26.52, 10.4), (40.21, 70.07), (83.75, -76.71), (32.99, -18.86), (-4.34, -75.2), (-16.82, -13.43), (-13.86, -16.32), (-82.4, -67.51), (88.65, -57.29), (-49.48, -22.66), (77.49, -46.71), (53.39, -10.63), (-57.88, -14.07), (-64.74, -82.89), (3.12, -24.48), (15.08, 46.49), (30.02, -71.7), (59.85, 95.4), (-68.14, 32.95), (18.63, -12.21), (28.91, -34.92), (-0.38, 2.34), (-2.09, -41.39), (49.24, -44.76), (67.99, -11.95), (84.66, 70.85), (89.38, 68.86), (90.16, 18.78), (52.15, 81.8), (47.32, 81.15), (39.13, -97.23), (4.05, 4.59), (64.79, 53.8), (68.63, -84.44), (2.86, -13.22), (54.63, -31.45), (-50.04, -3.12), (92.33, -88.11), (-67.64, -24.77), (-36.58, 90.31), (80.51, 22.62), (3.09, 67.99), (-3.88, -60.31), (97.02, -65.65), (-83.56, 26.45), (71.48, 59.63), (-6.96, -1.78), (-5.48, -76.79), (-31.73, -97.86), (10.59, -96.23), (-79.98, -59.15), (10.95, 38.86), (-82.7, -59.06), (1.9, 91.64), (-78.69, 60.69), (-86.65, 69.64), (79.13, 60.87), (-65.43, 41.4), (-25.45, -97.62), (52.06, 81.53), (-40.64, 33.36), (26.12, -23.33)] p, i, d = closest(points) return p == (-0.38, 2.34) and i == 109 and are_close(d, 2.37065391823)
def test06(): points = [(-3.2, 7.6), ( 2.0, 9.4), (7.3, 2.9), (2.1, -9.9), ( 5.7, -5.7), (-9.2, -1.2), (1.6, 6.1), (4.9, 5.9), (-6.4, 9.7), (-10.0, 1.6), (4.5, 7.0)] p, i, d = closest(points) return p == (1.6, 6.1) and i == 6 and are_close(d, 6.30634601017)
def test05(): points = [(6.8, 8.3), (7.3, 8.5), (4.5, 3.6), (4.1, 4.7), (4.4, 7.7)] p, i, d = closest(points) return p == (4.5, 3.6) and i == 2 and are_close(d, 5.76281181369)
def test04(): points = [(2, 0), (-1, 0)] p, i, d = closest(points) return p == (-1, 0) and i == 1 and are_close(d, 1)
def test02(): points = [(1, 0), (2, 0)] p, i, d = closest(points) return p == (1, 0) and i == 0 and are_close(d, 1)
video = cv.LoadImageM('depth.jpg') gray_base = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(video), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) gray_show = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(video), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) cv.CvtColor(video, gray_base, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY) #cv.ShowImage('Gray', gray_base) while 1: if changed: changed = False cv.Canny(gray_base, gray_show, 50, 180) (keypoints, descriptors) = cv.ExtractSURF(gray_show, None, cv.CreateMemStorage(), (0, _hessian + 1, _octive + 1, _layer + 1)) print 'len(keypoints):', len(keypoints) print 'keypoint[0]:', keypoints[0] c, cx, cy, cr = distance.closest(depth, [(int(x[0][0]), int(x[0][1]), x[2] / 2) for x in keypoints], 'point') print 'closest:', c, cx, cy, cr for ((y, x), laplacian, size, orient, hessian) in keypoints: #print "x=%d y=%d laplacian=%d size=%d orient=%f hessian=%f" % (x, y, laplacian, size, orient, hessian) radio = int(size*1.2/9.*2) #print "radioOld: ", int(radio) color = (255, 0, 0) #if radio < 3: # radio = 2 # color = cv.Scalar(0, 255, 0) #print "radioNew: ", int(radio) cv.Circle(gray_show, (int(x), int(y)), radio, color) cv.ShowImage('Processed', gray_show)