def adjust(ap_subsim, ap_subtraj, traj_c, traj_q, opt):
    if opt == 'PSS':
        if ap_subtraj[1] == len(traj_c) - 1:
            _, each_step_f_q = submit(m0, traj_q)
            Q = each_step_f_q[0,-1,:]
            suffix_h, _ = submit(m0, traj_c[ap_subtraj[0]:])
            return np.linalg.norm(Q - suffix_h[-1,0,:]), ap_subtraj
    return ap_subsim, ap_subtraj
Пример #2
    def step(self, episode, action, index, label='E'):
        if action == 0: #non-split 
            #state transfer
            self.h0, _ = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][index:index + 1], self.h0)
            self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -  self.h0[-1])
#            self.sufsim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_back_data[0, -1] - self.cand_state_back_data[0, self.length - index - 2])
            observation = np.array([self.subsim, self.presim]).reshape(1,-1)#
#            if self.sufsim < self.subsim:
#                self.subsim = self.sufsim
#                self.subtraj = [index + 1, self.length - 1]
            if self.presim < self.subsim:
                self.subsim = self.presim
                self.subtraj = [self.split_point, index]
            if label == 'T':
                last_subsim = self.subsim_real
                #if self.subtraj[1] == self.length - 1 and self.subtraj[0] < self.length: #reward may record error
                self.subsim_real = min(last_subsim, self.presim)#, np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - self.cand_state_forw_data[-1, self.subtraj[0]])
#                else:
#                    self.subsim_real = self.subsim
                    #print('0 Rw change')
                self.RW = last_subsim - self.subsim_real              
            return observation, self.RW
            #return np.concatenate((self.query_state_data[-1].numpy().reshape(1, -1), self.h0[-1].numpy().reshape(1, -1), self.cand_state_back_data[0, self.length - index - 2].numpy().reshape(1, -1)), 1), self.RW
        if action == 1: #split
            self.split_point = index
            self.h0 = None
            self.h0, _ = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][index:index + 1], self.h0)
            #state transfer
            self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -  self.h0[-1])
#            self.sufsim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_back_data[0, -1] - self.cand_state_back_data[0, self.length - index - 2])            
            observation = np.array([self.subsim, self.presim]).reshape(1,-1)
#            if self.sufsim < self.subsim:
#                self.subsim = self.sufsim
#                self.subtraj = [index + 1, self.length - 1]
            if self.presim < self.subsim:
                self.subsim = self.presim
                self.subtraj = [self.split_point, index]
            if label == 'T':
                last_subsim = self.subsim_real
                #if self.subtraj[1] == self.length - 1 and self.subtraj[0] < self.length: #reward may record error
                self.subsim_real = min(last_subsim, self.presim)#, np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - self.cand_state_forw_data[-1, self.subtraj[0]])
                    #print('1 Rw change')
#                else:
#                    self.subsim_real = self.subsim
                self.RW = last_subsim - self.subsim_real
            return observation, self.RW
Пример #3
def ExactS(traj_c, traj_q):
    _, each_step_f_q = submit(m0, traj_q)
    Q = each_step_f_q[0,-1,:]
    subsim = 999999
    subtraj = [0, len(traj_c)-1]
    subset = {}
    for i in range(len(traj_c)):
         _, each_step_f_c = submit(m0, traj_c[i:])
         for j in range(each_step_f_c.size(1)):
             #print('sub-range:', [i, i+j])
             temp = np.linalg.norm(Q - each_step_f_c[0,j,:])
             subset[(i, i+j)] = temp
             if temp < subsim:
                 subsim = temp
                 subtraj = [i, i+j]
    return subsim, subtraj, subset
Пример #4
def SizeS(traj_c, traj_q, par=5):
    L = len(traj_q)
    L_lo = min(len(traj_c), int((L - par)))
    L_up = min(len(traj_c), int((L + par)))
    #print('Lower upper', [L_lo, L_up])
    _, each_step_f_q = submit(m0, traj_q)
    Q = each_step_f_q[0,-1,:]
    subsim = 999999
    subtraj = [0, len(traj_c)-1]
    for i in range(len(traj_c)):
         _, each_step_f_c = submit(m0, traj_c[i:i+L_up])
         for j in range(each_step_f_c.size(1)):
             #print('sub-range:', [i, i+j])
             if (j + 1) < L_lo:
             temp = np.linalg.norm(Q - each_step_f_c[0,j,:])
             if temp < subsim:
                 subsim = temp
                 subtraj = [i, i+j]
    return subsim, subtraj
Пример #5
    def reset(self, episode, label='E'):
        # prefix_state --> [split_point, index]
        # suffix_state --> [index + 1, len - 1]
        # return observation
        self.query_state_data, _ = submit(m0, self.query_train_data[episode])
        #_, self.query_state_back_data = submit(m0, self.query_train_data[episode][::-1])
        #_, self.cand_state_back_data = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][::-1])
        self.split_point = 0
        self.h0 = None
        self.h0, _ = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][0:1], self.h0)
        self.length = len(self.cand_train_data[episode])
        #whole = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_back_data[0, -1] - self.cand_state_back_data[0, -1])
        self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - self.h0[-1])
        #self.sufsim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_back_data[0, -1] - self.cand_state_back_data[0, self.length - 2])
        observation = np.array([self.presim, self.presim]).reshape(1,-1)
        self.subsim = min(self.presim, self.presim)
        #print('episode', episode, whole, self.presim, self.sufsim)
#        if self.subsim == whole:
#            self.subtraj = [0, self.length - 1]
        if self.subsim == self.presim:
            self.subtraj = [0, 0]
#        if self.subsim == self.sufsim:
#            self.subtraj = [1, self.length - 1]
        if label == 'T':
            #t = generate_suffix(self.cand_train_data[episode])
            #self.cand_state_forw_data, _ = submit(m0, t)
            #whole_real = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - self.cand_state_forw_data[-1, 0])
            #suffix_real = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - self.cand_state_forw_data[-1, 1])
            self.subsim_real = min(self.presim, self.presim)#, suffix_real
        return observation, self.length
Пример #6
    def reset(self, episode, label='E'):
        # prefix_state --> [split_point, index]
        # suffix_state --> [index + 1, len - 1]
        # return observation
        self.query_state_data, _ = submit(m0, self.query_train_data[episode])

        self.split_point = 0
        self.h0 = None
        self.h0, _ = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][0:1], self.h0)
        self.length = len(self.cand_train_data[episode])

        self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - self.h0[-1])
        observation = np.array([self.presim, self.presim]).reshape(1, -1)
        self.subsim = min(self.presim, self.presim)

        if self.subsim == self.presim:
            self.subtraj = [0, 0]

        if label == 'T':
            self.subsim_real = min(self.presim, self.presim)
            self.h0_real = self.h0

        return observation, self.length, -1
Пример #7
 def output(self, index, episode, label='E'):
     #        if self.subtraj[1] == self.length - 1 and index == self.length - 1:
     #            suffix_h, _ = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][self.subtraj[0]:])
     #            self.subsim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] - suffix_h[-1,0,:])
     if label == 'T':
         print('check', self.subsim, self.subtraj, self.subsim_real)
     if label == 'E':
         hidden, _ = submit(
             self.cand_train_data[episode][self.subtraj[0]:self.subtraj[1] +
                                           1], None)
         self.subsim_real = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
     return [self.subsim_real, self.subtraj]
def heuristic(traj_c, traj_q, opt, delay_K=5):
    delay = 0
    _, each_step_f_q = submit(m0, traj_q)
    Q = each_step_f_q[0,-1,:]
    invQ = -1
    each_step_b_c = -1
    if opt == 'PSS':
        _, each_step_b_q = submit(m1, traj_q[::-1])
        invQ = each_step_b_q[0,-1,:]
        _, each_step_b_c = submit(m1, traj_c[::-1])
    subsim = 999999
    subtraj = [0, len(traj_c)-1]
    split_point = 0
    h0 = None
    pos_d_coll = []
    pos_d_f = False
    temp = 'non'
    if opt != 'POS-D':
        for i in range(len(traj_c)):
            #submit prefix
            h0, _ = submit(m0, traj_c[i:i+1], h0)
            presim = np.linalg.norm(Q - h0[-1,0,:])
            sufsim = heuristic_suffix_opt(invQ, Q, traj_c, i+1, opt, each_step_b_c)
            #print('-> maintain:', subtraj, subsim)
            #print('prefix:', [split_point, i], presim)
            #print('suffix:', [i+1, len(traj_c)-1], sufsim)S
            if presim < subsim or sufsim < subsim:
                temp = i + 1
                subsim = min(presim, sufsim)
                if presim < sufsim:
                    subtraj = [split_point, (temp-1)]
                    subtraj = [temp, len(traj_c)-1]
                split_point = temp
                h0 = None
        i = -1
        while True:
            i = i + 1
            if temp != 'non':
                i = temp
                temp = 'non'
            if i == len(traj_c) - 1:
            #submit prefix
            h0, _ = submit(m0, traj_c[i:i+1], h0)
            presim = np.linalg.norm(Q - h0[-1,0,:])
            if pos_d_f == False and presim < subsim: #open delay
                pos_d_f = True
            if pos_d_f == True and delay < delay_K:
                delay = delay + 1
                pos_d_coll.append((presim, i))
            if pos_d_f == True and delay == delay_K:
                sort = sorted(pos_d_coll, key=lambda d: d[0])
                temp = sort[0][1] + 1
                subsim = sort[0][0]
                subtraj = [split_point, (temp-1)]
                split_point = temp
                h0 = None
                delay = 0
                pos_d_f = False
                pos_d_coll = []
        if subsim == 999999: #for extreme cases
            if pos_d_coll == []:
                h0, _ = submit(m0, traj_c[i:i+1], h0)
                presim = np.linalg.norm(Q - h0[-1,0,:])
                pos_d_coll.append((presim, i))
            sort = sorted(pos_d_coll, key=lambda d: d[0])
            temp = sort[0][1] + 1
            subsim = sort[0][0]
            subtraj = [split_point, (temp-1)]
    return subsim, subtraj
Пример #9
    def step(self, episode, action, index, label='E'):
        if action == 0:  #non-split
            if index == self.length - 1:
                done = True
                done = False
            #state transfer
            self.h0, _ = submit(m0,
                                self.cand_train_data[episode][index:index + 1],
            self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
            observation = np.array([self.subsim, self.presim]).reshape(1, -1)

            if self.presim < self.subsim:
                self.subsim = self.presim
                self.subtraj = [self.split_point, index]

            if label == 'T':
                self.h0_real, _ = submit(
                    m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][index:index + 1],
                self.presim_real = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
                last_subsim = self.subsim_real
                self.subsim_real = min(last_subsim, self.presim_real)
                self.RW = last_subsim - self.subsim_real
            return observation, self.RW, done, -1

        if action == 1:  #split
            if index == self.length - 1:
                done = True
                done = False
            self.split_point = index
            self.h0 = None
            self.h0, _ = submit(m0,
                                self.cand_train_data[episode][index:index + 1],

            #state transfer
            self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
            observation = np.array([self.subsim, self.presim]).reshape(1, -1)

            if self.presim < self.subsim:
                self.subsim = self.presim
                self.subtraj = [self.split_point, index]

            if label == 'T':
                self.h0_real = None
                self.h0_real, _ = submit(
                    m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][index:index + 1],
                self.presim_real = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
                last_subsim = self.subsim_real
                self.subsim_real = min(last_subsim, self.presim_real)
                self.RW = last_subsim - self.subsim_real

            return observation, self.RW, done, -1

        if action > 1:  #skipping
            #state transfer
            INX = min(index + action - 1, self.length - 1)
            if INX == self.length - 1:
                done = True
                done = False

            self.h0, _ = submit(m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][INX:INX + 1],
            self.presim = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
            observation = np.array([self.subsim, self.presim]).reshape(1, -1)

            if self.presim < self.subsim:
                self.subsim = self.presim
                self.subtraj = [self.split_point, INX]

            if label == 'T':
                self.h0_real, _ = submit(
                    m0, self.cand_train_data[episode][index:INX + 1],
                self.presim_real = np.linalg.norm(self.query_state_data[-1] -
                last_subsim = self.subsim_real
                self.subsim_real = min(last_subsim, self.presim_real)
                self.RW = last_subsim - self.subsim_real
            return observation, self.RW, done, INX