def test_dijkstra_vs_networkx_apsp(): """ Test Dijkstra: My implementation vs Networkx implementation > All Pairs """ # NX Version G = nx.from_edgelist(edgelist_james) nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 'weight', edgelist_james) nx_all_complete_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G, 'weight') # My Version d = Dijkstra() d.from_edgelist(edgelist_james, directed=False) dc_all_lenghts, dc_all_paths = d.all_pairs_shortest_paths() dc_all_complete_paths = d.shortest_complete_paths assert (nx_all_complete_paths == dc_all_complete_paths)
def test_dijkstra_vs_networkx_single_source_all_lenghts_and_paths(): """ Test Dijkstra: Rion's implementation vs Networkx implementation > Single Source """ # NX Version G = nx.from_edgelist(edgelist_james) nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 'weight', edgelist_james) nx_lenghts = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G, source='s', weight='weight') nx_paths = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(G, source='s', weight='weight') # My Version d = Dijkstra() d.from_edgelist(edgelist_james, directed=False) dc_lenghts, dc_paths = d.single_source_shortest_paths('s', kind='metric') assert (nx_lenghts == dc_lenghts) assert (nx_paths == dc_paths)
def compute_metric_backbone(G): print('> Computing Dijkstra APSP') dict_edges = {(i, j): prox2dist(d['weight']) for i, j, d in G.edges(data=True)} dij = Dijkstra.from_edgelist(dict_edges, directed=False, verbose=10) print('> Metric') poolresults = list(range(len(dij.N))) for node in dij.N: print('> Dijkstra node {node:d} of {n_nodes:d}'.format(node=node + 1, n_nodes=len( dij.N))) poolresults[node] = _cy_single_source_shortest_distances( node, dij.N, dij.E, dij.neighbors, ('min', 'sum'), verbose=2) shortest_distances, local_paths = map(list, zip(*poolresults)) dij.shortest_distances = dict(zip(dij.N, shortest_distances)) MSD = dij.get_shortest_distances(format='dict', translate=True) # dict_edges_backbone = {} dict_edges_s_values = {} for (i, j), d in dict_edges.items(): # Backbone = distance == distance-closure if d == MSD[i][j]: dict_edges_backbone[(i, j)] = True else: dict_edges_backbone[(i, j)] = False # S-Value = distance / distance-closure dict_edges_s_values[(i, j)] = d / MSD[i][j] return dict_edges_backbone, dict_edges_s_values
def test_dijkstra_sssp_from_edgelist(): """ Test Dijkstra: Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) from Edgelist """ dij = Dijkstra(verbose=True) dij.from_edgelist(edgelist_james) dij.single_source_shortest_paths(source='s', kind='metric')
def test_dijkstra_sssp_from_numpy(): """ Test Dijkstra: Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) from Numpy """ dij = Dijkstra(verbose=True) dij.from_numpy_matrix(D) dij.single_source_shortest_paths(source=0, kind='metric')
# Build Networkx object print('--- Building Network ---') # C for Correlation network G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(df, create_using=nx.Graph) # P for Proximity network (which in this case is a Correlation) P = [w for i, j, w in'weight')] # Converts (P)roximity to (D)istance using a map. D_dict = dict(zip(G.edges(), map(prox2dist, P))) # Set the distance value for each edge nx.set_edge_attributes(G, name='distance', values=D_dict) # Compute closure (Using the Dijkstra Class directly) print('--- Computing Dijkstra APSP ---') dij = Dijkstra.from_edgelist(D_dict, directed=False, verbose=10) # Serial Computation poolresults = list(range(len(dij.N))) for node in dij.N: print('> Dijkstra node %s of %s' % (node + 1, len(dij.N))) # Computes the shortest distance and paths between a source node and every other node poolresults[node] = _cy_single_source_shortest_distances( node, dij.N, dij.E, dij.neighbours, ('min', 'sum'), verbose=10) shortest_distances, local_paths = map(list, zip(*poolresults)) dij.shortest_distances = dict(zip(dij.N, shortest_distances)) # (S)hortest (D)istances SD = dij.get_shortest_distances(format='dict', translate=True) print('> Done.') print('> Populating (G)raph') # Mapping results to triplet (i, j): v - Convert Dict-of-Dicts to Dict