Пример #1
    def test_test3(self):
        1D, int

        dtyp = numpy.int64

        # MPI stuff
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rk = comm.Get_rank()
        sz = comm.Get_size()

        # create the dist array
        n = 10
        da = distarray.ghZeros( (n,), dtyp, ghostWidth=1 )
        # set data
        da[:] = 100*rk + numpy.array([i for i in range(n)], dtyp)
        # access remote data
        leftRk = (rk - 1) % sz
        print 'proc %d tries to access data from %d' % (rk, leftRk)
        leftData = da.get(pe=leftRk, winID=(1,))
        print 'leftData for rank %d = %s' % (rk, str(leftData))
        # check
        if leftRk < rk:
            self.assertEqual(leftData[0], da[-1] - 100)
            self.assertEqual(leftData[0], da[-1] + 100*(sz-1))
        # free
Пример #2
    def test_test3(self):
        1D, int

        dtyp = numpy.int64

        # MPI stuff
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rk = comm.Get_rank()
        sz = comm.Get_size()

        # create the dist array
        n = 10
        da = distarray.ghZeros((n, ), dtyp, ghostWidth=1)
        # set data
        da[:] = 100 * rk + numpy.array([i for i in range(n)], dtyp)
        # access remote data
        leftRk = (rk - 1) % sz
        print 'proc %d tries to access data from %d' % (rk, leftRk)
        leftData = da.get(pe=leftRk, winID=(1, ))
        print 'leftData for rank %d = %s' % (rk, str(leftData))
        # check
        if leftRk < rk:
            self.assertEqual(leftData[0], da[-1] - 100)
            self.assertEqual(leftData[0], da[-1] + 100 * (sz - 1))
        # free
Пример #3
 def test_test0(self):
     Test constructors
     da = distarray.ghZeros( (2,3), numpy.float64 )
     da = distarray.ghOnes( (2,3), numpy.float64 )
     da = distarray.ghArray( [1,2,3] )
Пример #4
 def test_test0(self):
     Test constructors
     da = distarray.ghZeros((2, 3), numpy.float64)
     da = distarray.ghOnes((2, 3), numpy.float64)
     da = distarray.ghArray([1, 2, 3])
Пример #5
    def getLaplacian(self, x0s, ls, plot=False):
        Compute the discretized Laplacian
        @param x0s lower corner coordinates along each dimension
        @param ls pe domain sizes along each dimension
        @param plot True if want to show plot
        @return discretized Laplacian in local pe domain

        self.hs = [ls[i] / float(self.n) for i in range(self.ndim)]
        self.ls = ls
        self.x0s = x0s

        # set input data values
        shp = (self.n, self.n)
        data = numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64)
        for j in range(self.n):
            y = x0s[0] + ls[0] * (j + 0.5) / float(self.n)
            for i in range(self.n):
                x = x0s[1] + ls[1] * (i + 0.5) / float(self.n)
                data[j, i] = self.funct(x, y)

        # create MPI windows and attach data
        inData = distarray.ghZeros(shp, numpy.float64, ghostWidth=1)
        # set local domain values
        inData[:] = data

        # compute the Laplacian
        res = numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64)
        for dim in range(self.ndim):
            # iterate over dimensions (or windows)

            # inner nodes, no communication necessary
            c = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(1, self.n - 1))  # center
            p = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(2, self.n))  # plus
            m = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(0, self.n - 2))  # minus
            res[c] += inData[p] + inData[m] - 2.0 * inData[c]

            # slabs that require communication

            # lo
            c = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(0, 1))
            p = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(1, 2))
            neighPe = self.neighbors[dim]['-']
            outsidePhysDom = False
            if neighPe < 0:
                # no data transfer if out of physical domain
                neighPe = self.myid
                outsidePhysDom = True
            # collective (all pes)
            winIndex = [0 for i in range(self.ndim)]
            winIndex[dim] = +1  # hi side for neighbor
            remoteData = inData.get(neighPe, winID=tuple(winIndex))
            remoteData = numpy.reshape(remoteData, inData[p].shape)
            if not outsidePhysDom:
                res[c] += inData[p] + remoteData - 2.0 * inData[c]

            # hi
            c = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(self.n - 1, self.n))
            m = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(self.n - 2, self.n - 1))
            neighPe = self.neighbors[dim]['+']
            outsidePhysDom = False
            if neighPe >= self.npes:
                # no data transfer if out of physical domain
                neighPe = self.myid
                outsidePhysDom = True
            # collective (all pes)
            winIndex = [0 for i in range(self.ndim)]
            winIndex[dim] = -1  # lo side for neighbor
            remoteData = inData.get(neighPe, winID=tuple(winIndex))
            remoteData = numpy.reshape(remoteData, inData[m].shape)
            if not outsidePhysDom:
                res[c] += remoteData + inData[m] - 2.0 * inData[c]

        inData.free()  # must explicitly free windows

        if plot:
            import re
            import os
            # save data in file, one per pe, then combine data
            fname = 'mvLaplacianTest_rk%d.txt' % self.myid
            numpy.savetxt(fname, res, fmt='%12.6g')
            if self.myid == 0:

        return res
Пример #6
    def getLaplacian(self, x0s, ls, plot = False):
        Compute the discretized Laplacian
        @param x0s lower corner coordinates along each dimension
        @param ls pe domain sizes along each dimension
        @param plot True if want to show plot
        @return discretized Laplacian in local pe domain

        self.hs = [ls[i]/float(self.n) for i in range(self.ndim)]
        self.ls = ls
        self.x0s = x0s

        # set input data values
        shp = (self.n, self.n)
        data = numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64)
        for j in range(self.n):
            y = x0s[0] + ls[0]*(j + 0.5)/float(self.n)
            for i in range(self.n):
                x = x0s[1] + ls[1]*(i + 0.5)/float(self.n)
                data[j, i] = self.funct(x, y)

        # create MPI windows and attach data
        inData = distarray.ghZeros(shp, numpy.float64, ghostWidth=1)
        # set local domain values
        inData[:] = data

        # compute the Laplacian
        res = numpy.zeros(shp, numpy.float64)
        for dim in range(self.ndim):
            # iterate over dimensions (or windows)
            # inner nodes, no communication necessary
            c = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(1, self.n-1)) # center
            p = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(2, self.n  )) # plus
            m = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(0, self.n-2)) # minus
            res[c] += inData[p] + inData[m] - 2.0*inData[c]

            # slabs that require communication

            # lo
            c = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(0, 1))
            p = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(1, 2))
            neighPe = self.neighbors[dim]['-']
            outsidePhysDom = False
            if neighPe < 0:
                # no data transfer if out of physical domain
                neighPe = self.myid
                outsidePhysDom = True
            # collective (all pes)
            winIndex = [0 for i in range(self.ndim)]
            winIndex[dim] = +1 # hi side for neighbor
            remoteData = inData.get(neighPe, winID=tuple(winIndex))
            remoteData = numpy.reshape(remoteData, inData[p].shape)
            if not outsidePhysDom:
                res[c] += inData[p] + remoteData - 2.0*inData[c]
            # hi
            c = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(self.n-1, self.n  ))
            m = inData.getSlab(dim, slice(self.n-2, self.n-1))
            neighPe = self.neighbors[dim]['+']
            outsidePhysDom = False
            if neighPe >= self.npes:
                # no data transfer if out of physical domain
                neighPe = self.myid
                outsidePhysDom = True
            # collective (all pes)
            winIndex = [0 for i in range(self.ndim)]
            winIndex[dim] = -1 # lo side for neighbor
            remoteData = inData.get(neighPe, winID=tuple(winIndex))
            remoteData = numpy.reshape(remoteData, inData[m].shape)
            if not outsidePhysDom:
                res[c] += remoteData + inData[m] - 2.0*inData[c]

        inData.free() # must explicitly free windows

        if plot:
            import re
            import os
            # save data in file, one per pe, then combine data
            fname = 'mvLaplacianTest_rk%d.txt' % self.myid
            numpy.savetxt(fname, res, fmt = '%12.6g')
            if self.myid == 0:
        return res