Пример #1
async def addr(obj, bus, group, typ, mode, attr):
    """Set/get/delete device settings. This is a shortcut for the "attr" command."""
    group = (int(x) for x in group.split("/"))
    path = Path(bus, *group)
    if len(path) != 4:
        raise click.UsageError("Group address must be 3 /-separated elements.")
    res = await obj.client.get(obj.cfg.knx.prefix + path, nchain=obj.meta or 1)
    val = res.get("value", attrdict())

    if typ == "-":
        res = await obj.client.delete(obj.cfg.knx.prefix + path,
        if obj.meta:
            yprint(res, stream=obj.stdout)

    if typ:
        attr = (("type", typ), ) + attr
    if mode:
        attr = (("mode", mode), ) + attr
    for k, v in attr:
        if k in {"src", "dest"}:
            v = P(v)
                v = int(v)
            except ValueError:
                    v = float(v)
                except ValueError:
        val[k] = v

    await _attr(obj, (), val, path, False, res)
Пример #2
async def attr_(obj, attr, value, path, eval_, path_):
    """Set/get/delete an attribute on a given akumuli element.

    `--eval` without a value deletes the attribute.
    path = P(path)

    if path_ and eval_:
        raise click.UsageError("split and eval don't work together.")
    if value and not attr:
        raise click.UsageError("Values must have locations ('-a ATTR').")
    if path_:
        value = P(value)
    res = await node_attr(obj,
                          obj.cfg.akumuli.prefix + path,

    if obj.meta:
        yprint(res, stream=obj.stdout)
Пример #3
async def list_(obj, path):
    """List the next stage."""
    path = P(path)
    if len(path) > 4:
        raise click.UsageError("Only up to four path elements allowed")

    async for r in obj.client.get_tree(obj.cfg.knx.prefix + path,
        if len(path) and not isinstance(r.path[-1], int):
        print(r.path[-1], file=obj.stdout)
Пример #4
async def set_(obj, path, source, mode, attr, series, tags):
    """Set/delete part of a series.
    path: the name of this copy command. Unique path, non-empty.
    source: the element with the data. unique path, non-empty.
    series: the Akumuli series to write to.
    tags: any number of "name=value" Akumuli tags to use for the series.

    A series of '-' deletes.
    path = P(path)
    attr = P(attr)
    source = P(source)
    mode = getattr(DS, mode)
    tagged = {}
    if series == "-":
        if tags:
            raise click.UsageError("You can't add tags when deleting")
        series = None
        await obj.client.delete(obj.cfg.akumuli.prefix + path)

    if not tags:
        raise click.UsageError("You can't write to a series without tags")
    for x in tags:
            k, v = x.split("=", 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise click.UsageError("Tags must be key=value") from None
        tagged[k] = v

    val = dict(source=source, series=series, tags=tagged, mode=mode.name)
    if attr:
        val["attr"] = attr
    res = await obj.client.set(obj.cfg.akumuli.prefix + path, val)
    if obj.meta:
        yprint(res, stream=obj.stdout)
Пример #5
async def dump(obj, path):
    """Emit the current state as a YAML file."""
    res = {}
    path = P(path)
    if len(path) > 4:
        raise click.UsageError("Only up to four path elements allowed")

    async for r in obj.client.get_tree(obj.cfg.knx.prefix + path,
                                       max_depth=4 - len(path)):
        # pl = len(path) + len(r.path)
        rr = res
        if r.path:
            for rp in r.path:
                rr = rr.setdefault(rp, {})
        rr["_"] = r if obj.meta else r.value
    yprint(res, stream=obj.stdout)
Пример #6
async def test_basic():
    async with stdtest(test_0={"init": 125}, n=1, tocks=200) as st, st.client(
    ) as client, Tester().run() as t:
        await st.run(f"knx server test localhost -h -p {knx_mock.TCP_PORT}")
        await st.run("knx addr -t in -m power test 1/2/3 -a dest test.some.power")
        await st.run("knx addr -t in -m binary test 1/2/4 -a dest test.some.switch")
        await st.run("knx addr -t in -m percentU8 test 1/2/5 -a dest test.some.percent")
        await st.run("knx addr -t out -m power test 2/3/4 -a src test.some.other.power")
        await st.run("knx addr -t out -m binary test 2/3/5 -a src test.some.other.switch")
        await st.run("knx addr -t out -m percentU8 test 2/3/6 -a src test.some.other.percent")
        knx = await KNXroot.as_handler(client)

        await st.run("data get -rd_ :", do_stdout=False)

        evt = anyio.create_event()
        await st.tg.spawn(
            partial(task, client, client._cfg.knx, knx["test"]["localhost"], evt=evt)
        await evt.wait()

        se = t.exposed_sensor("some_sensor", "1/2/3", value_type="power")
        sw = t.switch("some_switch", "1/2/4")
        sp = t.exposed_sensor("some_percent", "1/2/5", value_type="percentU8")
        te = t.sensor("some_other_sensor", "2/3/4", value_type="power")
        tw = t.binary_sensor("some_other_switch", "2/3/5")
        tp = t.sensor("some_other_percent", "2/3/6", value_type="percentU8")
        assert te.sensor_value.value is None
        assert tw.state.value == 2  # None
        assert tp.sensor_value.value is None
        await anyio.sleep(2.5)

        await se.set(42)
        await sw.set_on()
        await sp.set(18)
        await client.set(P("test.some.other.power"), 33)
        await client.set(P("test.some.other.switch"), True)
        await client.set(P("test.some.other.percent"), 68)

        await anyio.sleep(2.5)
        await st.run("data get -rd_ :", do_stdout=False)

        assert te.sensor_value.value == 33
        assert tw.state.value == 1
        assert tp.sensor_value.value == 68

        ve = await client.get(P("test.some.power"))
        vw = await client.get(P("test.some.switch"))
        vp = await client.get(P("test.some.percent"))
        assert ve.value == 42
        assert vw.value == 1
        assert vp.value == 18
Пример #7
async def test_basic():  # no autojump
    async with stdtest(
            test_0={"init": 125}, n=1,
            tocks=200) as st, st.client(0) as client, Tester().run() as t:
        await st.run(f"akumuli server test -h -p {TCP_PORT}")
        await st.run("akumuli set test.foo.bar test.one.two whatever foo=bar")
        aki = await AkumuliRoot.as_handler(client)
        await st.tg.spawn(task, client, client._cfg.akumuli, aki["test"])
        await anyio.sleep(0.5)
        await client.set(P("test.one.two"), value=42)
        await anyio.sleep(0.5)
        await aki["test"].flush()

        n = 0
        async for x in t.get_data("whatever",
                                  t_start=time() - 1000,
                                  t_end=time() + 1000):
            n += 1
            assert x[0] == 42
            assert abs(time() - x[1].timestamp()) < 10
        assert n == 1
Пример #8
async def list_(obj, path):
    """Emit the state as a YAML file."""
    path = P(path)
    await data_get(obj, obj.cfg.akumuli.prefix + path)
Пример #9
async def test_split(autojump_clock):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    async with test_server() as s:
        async with s.test_client() as c1, s.test_client() as c2:
            await c1.set(P("test.a.b.c"), value=123)
            res = await c2.get(P("test.a.b.c"))
            assert res.value == 123
Пример #10
async def test_basic(autojump_clock):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    async with test_client() as c:
        await c.set(P("test.a.b.c"), value=123)
        res = await c.get(P("test.a.b.c"))
        assert res.value == 123