def __init__(self,
              x_lim=(100, 900),
              y_lim=(100, 900),
     print('initializing DistopiaEnvironment')
     self.x_min, self.x_max = x_lim
     self.y_min, self.y_max = y_lim
     self.step = 1
     self.step_min = step_min
     self.step_max = step_max
     self.pop_mean = pop_mean
     self.pop_std = pop_std
     self.occupied = set()
     self.coord_generator = self.gencoordinates(self.x_min, self.x_max,
                                                self.y_min, self.y_max)
     self.evaluator = VoronoiAgent()
     self.state = {}
     self.mean_array = self.std_array = None
     self.subsample_scale = 1  # defaults to 1->no subsampling.
     # Usage of subsampling: if subsample scale of n, then starting from xmin and ymin,
     # block positions can only be at coordinates at n pixels intervals
     assert self.step % self.subsample_scale == 0
     assert self.step >= self.subsample_scale
Пример #2
 def __init__(self,
              x_lim=(100, 900),
              y_lim=(100, 900),
     self.x_min, self.x_max = x_lim
     self.y_min, self.y_max = y_lim
     self.step = step_size
     self.step_min = step_min
     self.step_max = step_max
     self.pop_mean = pop_mean
     self.pop_std = pop_std
     self.occupied = set()
     self.coord_generator = self.gencoordinates(self.x_min, self.x_max,
                                                self.y_min, self.y_max)
     self.evaluator = VoronoiAgent()
     if metrics == []:
         for m in metrics:
             assert m in self.evaluator.metrics
     if task == []:
         self.set_task([1 for i in range(len(self.metrics))])
         assert len(task) == len(self.metrics)
Пример #3
class RewardEvaluator:
    objective_ids = []

    def setup_voronoi(self):
        self.voronoi = VoronoiAgent()

    def setup_objectives(self, objectives):
        self.objective_ids = []
            for objective in objectives:
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Trying to optimize on {} but it doesn't exist!".format(

    def evaluate(self, observation):
            state_metrics, district_metrics = self.voronoi.compute_voronoi_metrics(

        except Exception as e:
            print("Couldn't compute Voronoi for {}:{}".format(observation, e))
            return False

            return self.calculate_reward(state_metrics, district_metrics)
        except ValueError as v:
            print("Problem calculating the metrics: {}".format(v))
            return False

    def calculate_reward_range(self, info):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def calculate_reward(self, state_metrics, district_metrics):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def extract_objectives(self, districts, objectives=None):
        if objectives is None:
            objectives = self.objective_ids
        all_objectives = {}
        if len(districts) < 1:
            raise ValueError("No Districts")
        for obj in objectives:
            objective_vals = []
            for d in districts:
                data = districts[d][obj].get_data()
                if len(data['data']) < 1:
                    raise ValueError("Empty District {}".format(d))
            all_objectives[obj] = objective_vals
        return all_objectives
Пример #4
 def designs2mat_labelled_helper(designs, task, progress_queue):
     temp_voronoi = VoronoiAgent()
     x = np.zeros((len(designs), 72, 8))
     y = np.zeros((len(designs), 5))
     for i, design in enumerate(designs):
         # should work, since it is pass-by-object-reference
         x[i, :, :] = DistopiaData.static_fiducials2district_mat(
             design, voronoi=temp_voronoi)
         y[i, :] = DistopiaData.task_str2arr(task)
     return x, y
Пример #5
 def setup_voronoi(self):
     self.voronoi = VoronoiAgent()
Пример #6
class RFBO:
    max_cost = 1e9
        random forest bayes minimization
        takes a single objective for now, e.g. 'name'
    def __init__(self,objective,objective_fn,n_fiducials=4):
        self.objective_fn = objective_fn
        self.objective_name = objective
            self.objective_id = self.agent.metrics.index(objective)
        except ValueError:
            print("Trying to optimize on {} but it doesn't exist!".format(objective))
        self.n_calls = 0

    def init_agent(self):
        self.agent = VoronoiAgent()
        self.width, self.height = self.agent.screen_size
    def init_cost_dimensions(self):
        self.cost_dimensions = []
        for i in range(self.n_fiducials):
    def cost_function(self,x):
            x is a tuple of fiducial x,y coords, e.g (x0,y0,x1,y1...)
        assert len(x) == 2*self.n_fiducials
        self.n_calls += 1

        fids = {}
        for i in range(0,len(x),2):
            fids[i//2] = [(x[i],x[i+1])]
            state_m,district_m = self.agent.compute_voronoi_metrics(fids)
        except Exception:
            print("Couldn't compute Voronoi for {}".format(fids))
            return self.max_cost
            objectives = self.extract_objective(district_m)
            cost = self.objective_fn(objectives)
        except ValueError as v:
            cost =  self.max_cost
        return cost
    def extract_objective(self,districts):
        objective_vals = []
        if len(districts) < 1:
            raise ValueError("No Districts")
        for d in districts:
            data = districts[d][self.objective_id].get_data()
            if len(data['data']) < 1:
                raise ValueError("Empty District")
        return objective_vals

    def minimize(self, max_iters=100):
        return forest_minimize(self.cost_function, self.cost_dimensions, n_calls=max_iters)
Пример #7
 def init_agent(self):
     self.agent = VoronoiAgent()
     self.width, self.height = self.agent.screen_size
class DistopiaEnvironment(Environment):
    # want to define the voronoi agent for districts and metrics calculations
    # scalar_value is mean over districts
    # scalar_std is standard deviation between districts
    # scalar_maximum is max over districts
    # s is state metric object (for this metric)
    # d is list of district objects (for all metrics)
    metric_extractors = {

        # overall normalization plan: run one-hots in either direction to get rough bounds
        # then z-normalize and trim on edges
        # 'population' : lambda s,d : s.scalar_std,
        # standard deviation of each district's total populations (-1)
        # normalization: [0, single_district std]
        lambda s, d: np.std(
            [dm.metrics['population'].scalar_value for dm in d]),
        # mean of district margin of victories (-1)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: s.scalar_maximum,
        # minimum compactness among districts (maximize the minimum compactness, penalize non-compactness) (+1)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: np.mean(
            [dm.metrics['compactness'].scalar_value for dm in d]),
        # mean ratio of democrats over all voters in each district (could go either way)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: np.mean([
            dm.metrics['projected_votes'].scalar_value / dm.metrics[
                'projected_votes'].scalar_maximum for dm in d
        # std of ratio of nonminority to minority over districts
        # normalization: [0, ]
        lambda s, d: np.std([
            dm.metrics['race'].scalar_value / dm.metrics['race'].scalar_maximum
            for dm in d
        # scalar value is std of counties within each district. we take a max (-1) to minimize variance within district (communities of interest)
        lambda s, d: np.max([dm.metrics['income'].scalar_value for dm in d]),
        # 'education' : lambda s,d : s.scalar_std,

        # maximum sized district (-1) to minimize difficulty of access
        # normalization [0,size of wisconsin]
        lambda s, d: s.scalar_maximum
    json_metric_extractors = {

        # overall normalization plan: run one-hots in either direction to get rough bounds
        # then z-normalize and trim on edges
        # 'population' : lambda s,d : s.scalar_std,
        # standard deviation of each district's total populations (-1)
        # normalization: [0, single_district std]
        #'population': lambda s, d: np.std([dm['metrics']['population']['scalar_value'] for dm in d]),
        lambda s, d: np.std([[
            m['scalar_value'] for m in dm['metrics']
            if m['name'] == 'population'
        ][0] for dm in d]),
        # mean of district margin of victories (-1)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: s['scalar_maximum'],
        # minimum compactness among districts (maximize the minimum compactness, penalize non-compactness) (+1)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        #'compactness': lambda s, d: np.min([dm['metrics']['compactness']['scalar_value'] for dm in d]),
        lambda s, d: np.mean([[
            m['scalar_value'] for m in dm['metrics']
            if m['name'] == 'compactness'
        ][0] for dm in d]),
        # TODO: change compactness from min to avg
        # mean ratio of democrats over all voters in each district (could go either way)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: np.mean([[
            m['scalar_value'] / m['scalar_maximum'] for m in dm['metrics']
            if m['name'] == 'projected_votes'
        ][0] for dm in d]),
        #[dm['metrics']['projected_votes']['scalar_value'] / dm['metrics']['projected_votes']['scalar_maximum'] for dm in d]),
        # std of ratio of nonminority to minority over districts
        # normalization: [0, ]
        lambda s, d: np.std(
            [[m['scalar_value'] for m in dm['metrics']
              if m['name'] == 'race'][0] for dm in d]),
        #lambda s, d: np.std([dm['metrics']['race']['scalar_value'] / dm['metrics']['race']['scalar_maximum'] for dm in d]),
        # scalar value is std of counties within each district. we take a max (-1) to minimize variance within district (communities of interest)
        lambda s, d: np.max(
            [dm['metrics']['income']['scalar_value'] for dm in d]),
        # 'education' : lambda s,d : s.scalar_std,

        # maximum sized district (-1) to minimize difficulty of access
        # normalization [0,size of wisconsin]
        lambda s, d: s['scalar_maximum']

    def __init__(self,
                 x_lim=(100, 900),
                 y_lim=(100, 900),
        print('initializing DistopiaEnvironment')
        self.x_min, self.x_max = x_lim
        self.y_min, self.y_max = y_lim
        self.step = 1
        self.step_min = step_min
        self.step_max = step_max
        self.pop_mean = pop_mean
        self.pop_std = pop_std
        self.occupied = set()
        self.coord_generator = self.gencoordinates(self.x_min, self.x_max,
                                                   self.y_min, self.y_max)
        self.evaluator = VoronoiAgent()
        self.state = {}
        self.mean_array = self.std_array = None
        self.subsample_scale = 1  # defaults to 1->no subsampling.
        # Usage of subsampling: if subsample scale of n, then starting from xmin and ymin,
        # block positions can only be at coordinates at n pixels intervals
        assert self.step % self.subsample_scale == 0
        assert self.step >= self.subsample_scale

    def set_normalization(self, standard_file, st_metrics):
        #Only reason this is a seperate method is so that I can instantiate distopia_environment
        #and set up normalization without doing anything else in distopia_human_logs_processor
        with open(standard_file, 'rb') as f:
            self.mean_array, self.std_array = pickle.load(f)
            if type(self.mean_array) is not np.ndarray:
                self.mean_array = np.array(self.mean_array)
            if type(self.std_array) is not np.ndarray:
                self.std_array = np.array(self.std_array)
            # cut down the metrics to the ones that we are using.
            # this is not going to work if they are out of order
            # TODO: generalize this, maybe by adding metadata to the data file
            self.mean_array = self.mean_array[:len(st_metrics)]
            self.std_array = self.std_array[:len(st_metrics)]

    def set_params(self, specs_dict):
        metrics = specs_dict['metrics']
        if metrics == []:
            for m in metrics:
                assert m in self.evaluator.metrics
        if 'standardization_file' in specs_dict and specs_dict[
                'standardization_file'] is not None:
            # hopefully the above condition short-circuits
        if 'subsample_scale' in specs_dict:
            self.subsample_scale = specs_dict['subsample_scale']
            self.step = self.subsample_scale
            assert self.step % self.subsample_scale == 0
            assert self.step >= self.subsample_scale
            print("subsample scale environment: " + str(self.subsample_scale))

    def gencoordinates(self, m, n, j, k):
        '''Generate random coordinates in range x: (m,n) y:(j,k)
        instantiate generator and call next(g)

        based on:

        MODIFIED: To handle the case where the map is subsampled to reduce state space
        for the SARSA agent
        seen = self.occupied
        x_range = np.arange(m, n + 1, self.subsample_scale)
        y_range = np.arange(j, k + 1, self.subsample_scale)
        # print("IN GENCOORDINATES, THE XRANGE IS ", x_range)
        x, y = np.random.choice(x_range), np.random.choice(y_range)
        while True:
            while (x, y) in seen:
                x, y = np.random.choice(x_range), np.random.choice(y_range)
            seen.add((x, y))
            yield (x, y)

    def set_metrics(self, metrics):
        '''Define an array of metric names
        self.metrics = metrics

    def seed(self, seed):

    def take_step(self, new_state):
        self.state = new_state

    def reset(self, initial=None, n_districts=8, max_blocks_per_district=5):
        '''Initialize the state randomly.
        #Generator must be reset bc environment is reset at every episode
        self.coord_generator = self.gencoordinates(self.x_min, self.x_max,
                                                   self.y_min, self.y_max)
        if initial is not None:
            self.state = initial
            self.occupied = set(itertools.chain(*self.state.values()))
            return self.state

            # print("resetting to initial state....")
            while True:
                self.occupied = set()
                self.state = {}
                # Place one block for each district, randomly
                for i in range(n_districts):
                    self.state[i] = [next(self.coord_generator)]
                initial_blocks = [p[0] for p in self.state.values()]

                # add more blocks...
                # for i in range(n_districts):
                #     # generate at most max_blocks_per_district new blocks per district
                #     # district_blocks = set(self.state[i])
                #     district_centroid = self.state[i][0]
                #     other_blocks = np.array(initial_blocks[:i] + [(float('inf'), float('inf'))] + initial_blocks[i + 1:])
                #     # distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(other_blocks - district_centroid), axis=1))
                #     distances = np.linalg.norm(other_blocks - district_centroid, axis=1)
                #     assert len(distances) == len(other_blocks)
                #     closest_pt_idx = np.argmin(distances)
                #     # closest_pt = other_blocks[closest_pt_idx]
                #     max_radius = distances[closest_pt_idx]/2
                #     for j in range(max(0, randint(0, max_blocks_per_district-1))):
                #         dist = np.random.uniform(0, max_radius)
                #         angle = np.random.uniform(0,2*np.pi)
                #         new_block = district_centroid + np.array((dist*np.cos(angle),dist*np.sin(angle)))
                #         new_block_coords = (new_block[0], new_block[1])
                #         max_tries = 10
                #         tries = 0
                #         while new_block_coords in self.occupied and tries < max_tries:
                #             tries += 1
                #             dist = np.random.uniform(0, max_radius)
                #             angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
                #             new_block = district_centroid + (dist * np.cos(angle), dist * np.sin(angle))
                #             new_block_coords = (int(new_block[0]), int(new_block[1]))
                #         if tries < max_tries:
                #             self.state[i].append(new_block_coords)
                #             self.occupied.add(new_block_coords)
                if self.get_metrics(self.state) is not None:
                    return self.state
            # print("initial state resetted, printing the current positions")
            # print(self.state)

    def get_neighborhood(self, n_steps):
        '''Get all the configs that have one block n_steps away from the current
        neighborhood = []
        state = self.state
        for district_id, district in state.items():
            for block_id, block in enumerate(district):
                neighborhood += self.get_neighbors(district_id, block_id)
        return neighborhood

    def get_sampled_neighborhood(self, n_blocks, n_directions, resample=False):
        '''Sample n_blocks * n_direction neighbors.

        take n blocks, and move each one according to m direction/angle pairs
        ignore samples that are prima facie invalid (out of bounds or overlaps)
        if resample is true, then sample until we have n_blocks * n_directions
        otherwise, just try that many times.
        neighbors = []
        n_districts = len(self.state)
        for i in range(n_blocks):
            # sample from districts, then blocks
            # this biases blocks in districts with fewer blocks
            # i think this is similar to how humans work however
            district_id = np.random.randint(n_districts)
            district = self.state[district_id]
            block_id = np.random.randint(len(district))
            x, y = district[block_id]
            for j in range(n_directions):
                mx, my = self.get_random_move(x, y)
                valid_move = self.check_boundaries(
                    mx, my) and (mx, my) not in self.occupied
                if valid_move:
                    neighbor = {k: list(val) for k, val in self.state.items()}
                    neighbor[district_id][block_id] = (mx, my)
                elif resample == True:
                    # don't use this yet, need to add a max_tries?
                    while not valid_move:
                        mx, my = self.get_random_move(x, y)
                        valid_move = self.check_boundaries(mx, my)
        return neighbors

    def make_move(self, block_to_move, direction, is_random):
        """Moves the specified block in the specified direction, return the new design"""

        if is_random == False or is_random == True:
            moves = [
                np.array((self.step, 0)),
                np.array((-self.step, 0)),
                np.array((0, self.step)),
                np.array((0, -self.step))
        # else:
        #     moves = [np.array((4*self.step, 0)), np.array((-4*self.step, 0)),
        #              np.array((0, 4*self.step)), np.array((0, -4*self.step))]

        constraints = [
            lambda x, y: x < self.x_max, lambda x, y: x > self.x_min,
            lambda x, y: y < self.y_max, lambda x, y: y > self.y_min
        move = moves[direction]
        x, y = self.state[block_to_move][
            0]  # here assuming each district only holds one block
        mx, my = (x, y) + move
        if constraints[direction](mx, my) and (mx, my) not in self.occupied:
            new_state = deepcopy(self.state)
            new_state[block_to_move][0] = (mx, my)
            return new_state
            return -1

    def get_boundaries(self):
        return [self.x_min, self.x_max, self.y_min, self.y_max]

    def get_random_move(self, x, y):
        dist, angle = (np.random.randint(self.step_min, self.step_max),
                       np.random.uniform(2 * np.pi))
        return (int(x + np.cos(angle) * dist), int(y + np.sin(angle) * dist))

    def check_boundaries(self, x, y):
        '''Return true if inside screen boundaries
        if x < self.x_min or x > self.x_max:
            return False
        if y < self.y_min or y > self.y_max:
            return False
        return True

    def get_neighbors(self, district, block):
        '''Get all the designs that move "block" by one step.

        ignores moves to coords that are occupied or out of bounds
        neighbors = []

        moves = [
            np.array((self.step, 0)),
            np.array((-self.step, 0)),
            np.array((0, self.step)),
            np.array((0, -self.step))

        constraints = [
            lambda x, y: x < self.x_max, lambda x, y: x > self.x_min,
            lambda x, y: y < self.y_max, lambda x, y: y > self.y_min

        x, y = self.state[district][block]

        for i, move in enumerate(moves):
            mx, my = (x, y) + move
            if constraints[i](mx, my) and (mx, my) not in self.occupied:
                new_neighbor = deepcopy(self.state)
                new_neighbor[district][block] = (mx, my)

        return neighbors

    def check_legal_districts(self, districts):
        if len(districts) == 0:
            return False
        # TODO: consider checking for len == 8 here as well
        for d in districts:
            if len(d.precincts) == 0:
                return False
        return True

    def get_metrics(self, design, exc_logger=None):
        '''Get the vector of metrics associated with a design

        returns m-length np array
            districts = self.evaluator.get_voronoi_districts(design)
            state_metrics, districts = self.evaluator.compute_voronoi_metrics(
        except ColliderException:
            if exc_logger is not None:
                exc_logger.write(str(design) + '\n')
                print("Collider Exception!")
            return None
        except AssertionError as e:
            if exc_logger is not None:
                exc_logger.write(str(design) + '\n')
                print("Assertion failed: {}".format(e.args))
            return None

        if not self.check_legal_districts(districts):
            return None
        return self.extract_metrics(self.metrics, state_metrics, districts)
        # metric_dict = {}
        # for state_metric in state_metrics:
        #     metric_name =
        #     if metric_name in self.metrics:
        #         metric_dict[metric_name] = self.metric_extractors[metric_name](state_metric, districts)

        # metrics = np.array([metric_dict[metric] for metric in self.metrics])
        # return metrics

    def extract_metrics(metric_names,
        metric_dict = dict()
        for state_metric in state_metrics:
            if from_json:
                metric_name = state_metric["name"]
                if metric_name in metric_names:
                        metric_name] = DistopiaEnvironment.json_metric_extractors[
                            metric_name](state_metric, districts)
                metric_name =
                if metric_name in metric_names:
                        metric_name] = DistopiaEnvironment.metric_extractors[
                            metric_name](state_metric, districts)

        metrics = np.array([metric_dict[metric] for metric in metric_names])
        return metrics

    def get_reward(self, metrics, reward_weights):
        '''Get the scalar reward associated with metrics
        if metrics is None:
            return float("-inf")
            return, self.standardize_metrics(metrics))

    def standardize_metrics(self, metrics):
        '''Standardizes the metrics if standardization stats have been provided.
        if self.mean_array is None or self.std_array is None:
            return metrics
            if type(metrics) is not np.ndarray:
                metrics = np.array(metrics)
            return (metrics - self.mean_array) / self.std_array

    def destandardize_metrics(self, metrics):
        '''Undo's standardization
        if self.mean_array is None or self.std_array is None:
            return metrics
            if type(metrics) is not np.ndarray:
                metrics = np.array(metrics)
            return metrics * self.std_array + self.mean_array

    def fixed2dict(self, fixed_arr):
        '''Convert a fixed array of nx8 to an 8 district dict
            The fixed_arr should be in form [x0,y0,x1,y1...]
            Strips out zeros
        dist_dict = dict()
        assert len(fixed_arr) % 8 == 0
        blocks_per_dist = len(fixed_arr) // 8

        for i in range(len(fixed_arr), 2):
            x = fixed_arr[i]
            y = fixed_arr[i + 1]
            district = i // blocks_per_dist
            if district in dist_dict:
                dist_dict[district].append((x, y))
                dist_dict[district] = [(x, y)]
        return dist_dict

    def dict2fixed(self, dist_dict, blocks_per_dist):
        '''Convert a district dict into a fixed-width array (zero-padded)
        fixed = []
        for district, blocks in dist_dict.items():
            n_to_pad = blocks_per_dist - len(blocks)
            assert n_to_pad >= 0
            for block in blocks:
            for i in range(n_to_pad):
                fixed.append(0.0)  # x
                fixed.append(0.0)  # y
        return fixed
Пример #9
import distopia
from import VoronoiAgent

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import time
    import random
    agent = VoronoiAgent()
    print('data loaded')

    w, h = agent.screen_size
    t = [
    ] * 10
    for i in range(len(t)):
        ts = time.clock()
        fids = {
            i: [(random.random() * w, random.random() * h)]
            for i in range(4)
            state_v, district_v = agent.compute_voronoi_metrics(fids)
            for d in district_v:
                print("District {}:\n".format(d))
                for stat in district_v[d]:
        except Exception:
            print("Couldn't compute Vornoi for {}".format(fids))
        t[i] = time.clock() - ts
Пример #10
class GreedyAgent(DistopiaAgent):
    # scalar_value is mean over districts
    # scalar_std is standard deviation between districts
    # scalar_maximum is max over districts
    # s is state metric object (for this metric)
    # d is list of district objects (for all metrics)
    metric_extractors = {

        #overall normalization plan: run one-hots in either direction to get rough bounds
        # then z-normalize and trim on edges
        #'population' : lambda s,d : s.scalar_std,
        # standard deviation of each district's total populations (-1)
        # normalization: [0, single_district std]
        lambda s, d: np.std(
            [dm.metrics['population'].scalar_value for dm in d]),
        # mean of district margin of victories (-1)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: s.scalar_maximum,
        # minimum compactness among districts (maximize the minimum compactness, penalize non-compactness) (+1)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: np.min(
            [dm.metrics['compactness'].scalar_value for dm in d]),
        # mean ratio of democrats over all voters in each district (could go either way)
        # normalization: [0,1]
        lambda s, d: np.mean([
            dm.metrics['projected_votes'].scalar_value / dm.metrics[
                'projected_votes'].scalar_maximum for dm in d
        # std of ratio of nonminority to minority over districts
        # normalization: [0, ]
        lambda s, d: np.std([
            dm.metrics['race'].scalar_value / dm.metrics['race'].scalar_maximum
            for dm in d
        # scalar value is std of counties within each district. we take a max (-1) to minimize variance within district (communities of interest)
        lambda s, d: np.max([dm.metrics['income'].scalar_value for dm in d]),
        #'education' : lambda s,d : s.scalar_std,

        # maximum sized district (-1) to minimize difficulty of access
        # normalization [0,size of wisconsin]
        lambda s, d: s.scalar_maximum

    def __init__(self,
                 x_lim=(100, 900),
                 y_lim=(100, 900),
        self.x_min, self.x_max = x_lim
        self.y_min, self.y_max = y_lim
        self.step = step_size
        self.step_min = step_min
        self.step_max = step_max
        self.pop_mean = pop_mean
        self.pop_std = pop_std
        self.occupied = set()
        self.coord_generator = self.gencoordinates(self.x_min, self.x_max,
                                                   self.y_min, self.y_max)
        self.evaluator = VoronoiAgent()
        if metrics == []:
            for m in metrics:
                assert m in self.evaluator.metrics
        if task == []:
            self.set_task([1 for i in range(len(self.metrics))])
            assert len(task) == len(self.metrics)

    def gencoordinates(self, m, n, j, k):
        '''Generate random coordinates in range x: (m,n) y:(j,k)

        instantiate generator and call next(g)

        based on:
        seen = self.occupied
        x, y = randint(m, n), randint(j, k)
        while True:
            while (x, y) in seen:
                x, y = randint(m, n), randint(m, n)
            seen.add((x, y))
            yield (x, y)

    def set_metrics(self, metrics):
        '''Define an array of metric names
        self.metrics = metrics

    def set_task(self, task):
        self.reward_weights = task

    def reset(self, initial=None, n_districts=8, max_blocks_per_district=5):
        '''Initialize the state randomly.
        if initial is not None:
            self.state = initial
            self.occupied = set(itertools.chain(*self.state.values()))
            return self.state

            self.occupied = set()
            self.state = {}
            # Place one block for each district, randomly
            for i in range(n_districts):
                self.state[i] = [next(self.coord_generator)]
            initial_blocks = [p[0] for p in self.state.values()]

            # add more blocks...
            for i in range(n_districts):
                # generate at most max_blocks_per_district new blocks per district
                # district_blocks = set(self.state[i])
                district_centroid = self.state[i][0]
                other_blocks = np.array(initial_blocks[:i] +
                                        [(float('inf'), float('inf'))] +
                                        initial_blocks[i + 1:])
                # distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(other_blocks - district_centroid), axis=1))
                distances = np.linalg.norm(other_blocks - district_centroid,
                assert len(distances) == len(other_blocks)
                closest_pt_idx = np.argmin(distances)
                # closest_pt = other_blocks[closest_pt_idx]
                max_radius = distances[closest_pt_idx] / 2
                for j in range(max(0, randint(0,
                                              max_blocks_per_district - 1))):
                    dist = np.random.uniform(0, max_radius)
                    angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
                    new_block = district_centroid + np.array(
                        (dist * np.cos(angle), dist * np.sin(angle)))
                    new_block_coords = (new_block[0], new_block[1])
                    max_tries = 10
                    tries = 0
                    while new_block_coords in self.occupied and tries < max_tries:
                        tries += 1
                        dist = np.random.uniform(0, max_radius)
                        angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
                        new_block = district_centroid + (dist * np.cos(angle),
                                                         dist * np.sin(angle))
                        new_block_coords = (int(new_block[0]),
                    if tries < max_tries:

            return self.state

    def get_neighborhood(self, n_steps):
        '''Get all the configs that have one block n_steps away from the current
        neighborhood = []
        state = self.state
        for district_id, district in state.items():
            for block_id, block in enumerate(district):
                neighborhood += self.get_neighbors(district_id, block_id)
        return neighborhood

    def get_sampled_neighborhood(self, n_blocks, n_directions, resample=False):
        '''Sample n_blocks * n_direction neighbors.
        take n blocks, and move each one according to m direction/angle pairs
        ignore samples that are prima facie invalid (out of bounds or overlaps)
        if resample is true, then sample until we have n_blocks * n_directions
        otherwise, just try that many times.
        neighbors = []
        n_districts = len(self.state)
        for i in range(n_blocks):
            # sample from districts, then blocks
            # this biases blocks in districts with fewer blocks
            # i think this is similar to how humans work however
            district_id = np.random.randint(n_districts)
            district = self.state[district_id]
            block_id = np.random.randint(len(district))
            x, y = district[block_id]
            for j in range(n_directions):
                mx, my = self.get_random_move(x, y)
                valid_move = self.check_boundaries(
                    mx, my) and (mx, my) not in self.occupied
                if valid_move:
                    neighbor = {k: list(val) for k, val in self.state.items()}
                    neighbor[district_id][block_id] = (mx, my)
                elif resample == True:
                    # don't use this yet, need to add a max_tries?
                    while not valid_move:
                        mx, my = self.get_random_move(x, y)
                        valid_move = self.check_boundaries(mx, my)
        return neighbors

    def get_random_move(self, x, y):
        dist, angle = (np.random.randint(self.step_min, self.step_max),
                       np.random.uniform(2 * np.pi))
        return (int(x + np.cos(angle) * dist), int(y + np.sin(angle) * dist))

    def check_boundaries(self, x, y):
        '''Return true if inside screen boundaries
        if x < self.x_min or x > self.x_max:
            return False
        if y < self.y_min or y > self.y_max:
            return False
        return True

    def get_neighbors(self, district, block):
        '''Get all the designs that move "block" by one step.

        ignores moves to coords that are occupied or out of bounds
        neighbors = []

        moves = [
            np.array((self.step, 0)),
            np.array((-self.step, 0)),
            np.array((0, self.step)),
            np.array((0, -self.step))

        constraints = [
            lambda x, y: x < self.x_max, lambda x, y: x > self.x_min,
            lambda x, y: y < self.y_max, lambda x, y: y > self.y_min

        x, y = self.state[district][block]

        for i, move in enumerate(moves):
            mx, my = (x, y) + move
            if constraints[i](mx, my) and (mx, my) not in self.occupied:
                new_neighbor = deepcopy(self.state)
                new_neighbor[district][block] = (mx, my)

        return neighbors

    def check_legal_districts(self, districts):
        if len(districts) == 0:
            return False
        # TODO: consider checking for len == 8 here as well
        for d in districts:
            if len(d.precincts) == 0:
                return False
        return True

    def get_metrics(self, design, exc_logger=None):
        '''Get the vector of metrics associated with a design 

        returns m-length np array
            districts = self.evaluator.get_voronoi_districts(design)
            state_metrics, districts = self.evaluator.compute_voronoi_metrics(
        except ColliderException:
            if exc_logger is not None:
                exc_logger.write(str(design) + '\n')
                print("Collider Exception!")
            return None

        if not self.check_legal_districts(districts):
            return None

        metric_dict = {}
        for state_metric in state_metrics:
            metric_name =
            if metric_name in self.metrics:
                metric_dict[metric_name] = self.metric_extractors[metric_name](
                    state_metric, districts)

        metrics = np.array([metric_dict[metric] for metric in self.metrics])
        #metrics = np.array([self.metric_extractors[metric](state_metrics, districts) for metric in self.metrics])
        return metrics

    def get_reward(self, metrics):
        '''Get the scalar reward associated with metrics
        if metrics is None:
            return float("-inf")

    def standardize_metrics(self, metrics):
        '''Standardizes the metrics if standardization stats have been provided.
        if self.pop_mean is None or self.pop_std is None:
            return metrics
            return (metrics - self.pop_mean) / self.pop_std

    def run(self,
        '''runs for n_steps and returns traces of designs and metrics
        i = 0
        last_reward = float("-inf")
        no_valids = 0
        samples = 0
        resets = 0
        randoms = 0
        if logger is None:
            metric_log = []
            mappend = metric_log.append
            design_log = []
            dappend = design_log.append
        while i < n_steps:
            i += 1
            if i % 50 == 0:
                last_reward = float("-inf")
            count = 0
            best_reward_this_step = []
            best_metrics_this_step = []
            best_neighborhood_this_step = []
            best_reward_val_this_step = float("-inf")
            for j in range(n_tries_per_step):
                # clearing metrics and rewards to prevent case where
                # we continue on empty neighborhood and end loop without clearing reward
                # I think this is causing the index error
                metrics = []
                rewards = []
                samples += 1
                neighborhood = self.get_sampled_neighborhood(4, 2)
                if len(neighborhood) < 1:
                    metrics = [
                        self.get_metrics(n, exc_logger) for n in neighborhood
                    count += len(metrics)
                    rewards = [self.get_reward(m) for m in metrics]
                    best_idx = np.argmax(rewards)
                    # if there are no legal and evaluatable moves, ignore this try
                    if rewards[best_idx] == float("-inf"):
                        no_valids += 1
                    # if on the other hand there is a move that beats the last step
                    # the first step, this is any legal move
                    elif rewards[best_idx] > last_reward:
                    # otherwise, record this sample in case we can't find a better one
                    # skip if it's worse than the best seen so far
                    elif len(best_reward_this_step) == 0 or rewards[
                            best_idx] > best_reward_val_this_step:
                        best_reward_this_step = rewards[:]
                        best_metrics_this_step = deepcopy(metrics)
                        best_reward_val_this_step = rewards[best_idx]
                        best_neighborhood_this_step = deepcopy(neighborhood)
            assert len(rewards) == len(neighborhood)
            # if we ended and didn't find something better, take the last best legal thing we saw
            # however, if there's no legal states then just reset
            #if rewards[best_idx] <= last_reward or rewards[best_idx] == float("-inf"):
            if len(rewards) == 0 or rewards[best_idx] == float("-inf"):
                if len(best_reward_this_step) > 0:
                    rewards = best_reward_this_step[:]
                    metrics = deepcopy(best_metrics_this_step)
                    neighborhood = deepcopy(best_neighborhood_this_step)
                    best_idx = np.argmax(rewards)
                    last_reward = float("-inf")
                    # if rewards[best_idx] == float("-inf"):
                    #     print("No valid moves! Resetting!")
                    # else:
                    #     print("No better move! Resetting!")
                    # what should I do here? this means there's nowhere to go that's legal
                    i -= 1  # not sure if this is right, but get the step back. will guarantee n_steps
                    # alternatives, restart and add an empty row, or just skip this step
                    resets += 1
            if np.random.rand() < eps:
                randoms += 1
                # mask out the legal options
                legal_mask = np.array(
                    [1 if r > float("-inf") else 0 for r in rewards],
                # convert to probability
                legal_mask /= np.sum(legal_mask)
                best_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(rewards)),
            if eps > eps_min:
                eps *= eps_decay
            if eps < eps_min:
                eps = eps_min
            last_reward = rewards[best_idx]
            # TODO: need to update occupied when changing state
            # chosen_neighbor = neighborhood[best_idx]
            # for district in chosen_neighbor:
            #     for block in chosen_neighbor[district]:
            #         if block not in self.state[district]:
            #             self.occupied.add(block)
            # for district in self.state:
            #     for block in self.state[district]:
            #         if block not in chosen_neighbor[district]:
            #             self.occupied.remove(block)
            self.state = neighborhood[best_idx]
            self.occupied = set(itertools.chain(*self.state.values()))
            if status is not None:
            if logger is not None:
                        time.perf_counter(), count,
                        list(metrics[best_idx]), self.state
                    ]) + '\n')
        if logger is not None:
            return "n_steps: {}, samples: {}, resets: {}, none_valids: {}, randoms: {}".format(
                n_steps, samples, resets, no_valids,
                randoms), self.reward_weights
                "n_steps: {}, samples: {}, resets: {}, none_valids: {}, randoms: {}"
                .format(n_steps, samples, resets, no_valids,
                        randoms), self.reward_weights)
            return design_log, metric_log
Пример #11
 def __init__(self):
     self.voronoi = VoronoiAgent()
Пример #12
class DistopiaData(Data):
    master_metric_list = [
        'population', 'pvi', 'compactness', 'projected_votes', 'race'

    def __init__(self):
        self.voronoi = VoronoiAgent()

    def set_params(self, specs):
        for param, param_val in specs.items():
            setattr(self, param, param_val)
        self.preprocessors = specs["preprocessors"]
        # if "n_workers" in specs:
        #     self.n_workers = specs["n_workers"]
        # else:
        #     self.n_workers = 1

    def load_agent_data(self,
        """Loads the log file from running agent
            Assumes that the log file contains data from multiple tasks"""
        env = DistopiaEnvironment(
        )  # TODO: This is a temp fix to standardize human metrics
        env.set_normalization(norm_file, self.metric_names)
        logs = self.load_json(fname)
        cur_task = None
        task_counter = 0
        cur_trajectory = []
        trajectories = []

        #        for log in logs:
        rewards = []
        cur_task = logs[0]["task"]
        cur_trajectory = []
        task_counter += 1
        for episode in logs[0]['episodes']:
            for step in episode['run_log']:
                step_tuple = []
                if load_designs:
                    step_districts = self.jsondistricts2mat(step['design'])
                if load_metrics:
                    assert hasattr(self, "metric_names")
                    step_metrics = env.standardize_metrics(
                if load_rewards:
        if load_rewards:
            self.rewards = rewards
            if data_dir:
                self.save_rewards(data_dir, fname)
                self.save_rewards('', fname)
            trajectories.append((cur_trajectory[:], cur_task))
        if append == False or not hasattr(self, 'x') or not hasattr(self, 'y'):
            self.y = []
            self.x = []
            self.y = list(self.y)
            self.x = list(self.x)
        x = []
        y = []
        for trajectory in trajectories:
            samples, task = trajectory
            for sstep in samples:
                x.append(*sstep)  # any sample data
                y.append(task)  # task

        for preprocessor in self.preprocessors:
            x, y = getattr(self, preprocessor)((x, y))
        for i in x:
        for j in y:

        self.x = np.array(self.x)
        self.y = np.array(self.y)

    def load_data(self,
        if fmt is None:
            fmt = self.infer_fmt(fname)
        if fmt == "pkl" or fmt == "pk":
            metrics, designs = self.load_pickle(fname)
            if not hasattr(self, 'feature_type'):
                raw_data = designs
            elif self.feature_type == "metrics":
                raw_data = self.taskdict2vect(metrics)
            elif self.feature_type == "designs":
                raw_data = designs
            self.x, self.y = raw_data
            for preprocessor in self.preprocessors:
                self.x, self.y = getattr(self, preprocessor)(
                    (self.x, self.y))  #design_dict2mat_labelled(raw_data)

            # try to force de-allocation
            raw_data = None
        elif fmt == "npy":
            assert labels_path is not None
            self.x = np.load(fname)
            self.y = np.load(labels_path)
            for preprocessor in self.preprocessors:
                self.x, self.y = getattr(self, preprocessor)((self.x, self.y))
        elif fmt == "json":  #it's a log file (for now)
            # env = DistopiaEnvironment()  # TODO: This is a temp fix to standardize human metrics
            # env.set_normalization(norm_file, self.metric_names)
            logs = self.load_json(fname)
            trajectories = [
            ]  # tuple of trajectory, focus_trajectory, and label
            cur_task = None
            cur_focus = "None"
            cur_trajectory_districts = []
            cur_trajectory_metrics = []
            cur_trajectory = []
            task_counter = 0
            for log in logs:
                keys = log.keys()
                step_tuple = []
                if "task" in keys:
                    trajectories.append((cur_trajectory[:], cur_task))
                    cur_task = log["task"]
                    cur_trajectory = []
                    task_counter += 1
                elif "focus" in keys and log['focus']['cmd'] == 'focus_state':
                    cur_focus = log['focus']['param']
                elif cur_task is None:
                elif "districts" in keys:
                    if len(log['districts']['districts']) < 8:
                    district_sizes = [
                        for d in log['districts']['districts']
                    if min(district_sizes) < 1:
                    if load_designs == True:
                        step_districts = self.jsondistricts2mat(
                    if load_metrics == True:
                        assert hasattr(self, "metric_names")
                        #perform normalization on human data
                        # step_metrics = env.standardize_metrics(DistopiaEnvironment.extract_metrics(self.metric_names,log['districts']['metrics'],
                        #                                         log['districts']['districts'],from_json=True))
                        step_metrics = DistopiaEnvironment.extract_metrics(
            trajectories.append((cur_trajectory[:], cur_task))
            if append == False or not hasattr(self, 'x') or not hasattr(
                    self, 'y'):
                self.y = []
                self.x = []
                self.y = list(self.y)
                self.x = list(self.x)
            x = []
            y = []
            for trajectory in trajectories:
                samples, task = trajectory
                for sstep in samples:
                    x.append(*sstep)  #any sample data
                    y.append(task)  #task
            for preprocessor in self.preprocessors:
                x, y = getattr(self, preprocessor)((x, y))
            #TODO: make this more efficient. probably use np concat or something
            for i in x:
            for j in y:
            self.x = np.array(self.x)
            self.y = np.array(self.y)

        elif fmt == "csv":
            # TODO: no pre-processing for now, let's fix this later.
            assert labels_path is not None
            raw_x = self.load_csv(fname)
            raw_y = self.load_csv(labels_path)
            for preprocessor in self.preprocessors:
                raw_x, raw_y = getattr(self, preprocessor)((raw_x, raw_y))

            if append == False or not hasattr(self, 'x') or not hasattr(
                    self, 'y'):
                self.x = raw_x
                self.y = raw_y
                self.x = np.concatenate((self.x, raw_x))
                self.y = np.concatenate((self.y, raw_y))

    def generate_task_dicts(self, dim):
        if not hasattr(self, "task_labels"):
            self.task_labels = hierarchical_sort(
                list(map(np.array, itertools.product(*[[-1., 0., 1.]] * dim))))
            self.task_labels = hierarchical_sort(
                list(map(np.array, self.task_labels)))
        self.task_ids = {
            self.task_arr2str(task): i
            for i, task in enumerate(self.task_labels)
        self.task_dict = {
            self.task_arr2str(task): task
            for task in self.task_labels

    # pre-processing functions
    def save_csv(self, xfname, yfname):
        with open(xfname + ".csv", 'w+', newline='') as samplefile:
            with open(yfname + "_labels.csv", 'w+', newline='') as labelfile:
                samplewriter = csv.writer(samplefile)
                labelwriter = csv.writer(labelfile)
                for i, sample in enumerate(self.x):

    def save_rewards(self, data_dir, fname):
        with open(str(fname) + '_rewards_pickle.txt', 'wb') as rewardsfile:
            pkl.dump(self.rewards, rewardsfile)

    def save_npy(self, xfname, yfname):, self.x), self.y)

    def standardize(self, data, standardization_file=None):
        env = DistopiaEnvironment()
        if standardization_file is None:
            if self.standardization_file is None:
                raise ValueError("No standardization params are set!")
                standardization_file = self.standardization_file

        env.set_normalization(standardization_file, self.metric_names)

        x, y = data
        return env.standardize_metrics(x), y

    def destandardize(self, data, standardization_file=None):
        env = DistopiaEnvironment()
        if standardization_file is None:
            if self.standardization_file is None:
                raise ValueError("No standardization params are set!")
                standardization_file = self.standardization_file

        env.set_normalization(standardization_file, self.metric_names)

        x, y = data
        return env.destandardize_metrics(x), y

    # pre-process labels
    def filter_by_task(self, data):
        x, y = data
        labels = list(self.task_dict.keys())
        mask = [self.task_arr2str(label) in labels for label in y]

        return x[mask], y[mask]

    def slice_metrics_to_3(self, data):
        x, y = data
        return x[:, :3], y

    def slice_metrics_to_4(self, data):
        x, y = data
        return x[:, :4], y

    def onehot2class(self, data):
        x, y = data
        y_out = []
        for label in y:
        return x, y_out

    def class2onehot(self, data):
        x, y = data
        y_out = []
        for label in y:
        return x, np.array(y_out)

    def unflatten_districts(data):
        flattened_arr_list, labels = data
        n, flat_dim = flattened_arr_list.shape
        assert flat_dim == 72 * 8
        return flattened_arr_list.reshape(n, 72, 8), labels

    def task_str2arr(task_str):
        ''' convert a stringified np array back to the array
        :param string: the stringified np array
        :return: a np array
        assert type(task_str) == str
        assert task_str[0] == '['
        assert task_str[-1] == ']'
        if ',' in task_str:
            return np.array(eval(task_str))
            return np.array(task_str[1:-1].split(), dtype=float)

    def task_arr2str(arr):
        return str(np.array(arr, dtype=float))

    # pre-process designs
    def truncate_design_dict(self, design_dict):
        assert (hasattr(self, "slice_lims"))
        start, limit = self.slice_lims
        for key, samples in design_dict.items():
            design_dict[key] = samples[start:limit]
        return design_dict

    def filter_by_metrics(self, data):
        '''remove all the data with labels that have nonzero weight on metrics that are not on our list
        x, y = data
        x_out = []
        y_out = []
        metric_indices = [
            for metric in self.metric_names
        for i, label in enumerate(y):
            in_scope = True
            for j, weight in enumerate(label):
                if np.abs(weight) == 1 and self.master_metric_list[
                        j] not in self.metric_names:
                    in_scope = False
            if in_scope == True:
                x_out.append(x[i, :])
        return np.array(x_out), np.array(y_out)

    def sliding_window(self, data, window_size=40):
        if hasattr(self, "window_size"):
            window_size = self.window_size
        # should probably also check if metrics or designs here
        if type(data) == dict:
            # chunk into 50 and slide the window
            task_dict = dict()
            for key, val in data.items():
                upper_bound = val.shape[0] - val.shape[0] % 50
                truncated = val[:upper_bound]
                n_steps, metric_dim = truncated.shape
                n_chunks = n_steps // 50
                task_dict[key] = val.reshape(n_chunks, 50, metric_dim)
            x, y = data
            x_out = []
            y_out = []
            task_dict = self.get_task_dict(x, y, merge=False)
        for key, val in task_dict.items():
            for instance in val:
                #slide across as much as possible
                i = 0
                while i + window_size < len(instance):
                    x_win = (instance[i:i + window_size])
                    x_out.append(instance[i:i + window_size])
                    i += 1
        return np.array(x_out), np.array(y_out)

    def balance_samples(self, data):
        '''cuts samples to sample size for each class.
        Assumes that the order of the data doesn't matter.
        x, y = data
        labels = set(y)
        x_ = None
        y_ = None
        y = np.array(y)
        for label in labels:
            if x_ is None:
                x_ = x[np.random.choice(
                    np.where(y == label)[0], self.balanced_sample_size)]
                assert y_ is None
                y_ = [label for i in range(self.balanced_sample_size)]
                assert len(x_) == len(y_)
                x_ = np.concatenate([
                    x_, x[np.random.choice(
                        np.where(y == label)[0], self.balanced_sample_size)]
                y_ = np.concatenate(
                    [y_, [label for i in range(self.balanced_sample_size)]])
        return x_, y_

    def conv3dreshape(self, data):
        x, y = data
        n, w, h, d = x.shape
        return x.reshape(n, h, d, w, 1), y

    def strip_repeats(self, data):
        x, y = data
        x_out = [x[0]]
        y_out = [y[0]]
        last_sample = x[0]
        for i, sample in enumerate(x[1:], 1):
            if not np.array_equal(last_sample, sample):
                last_sample = sample
        return np.array(x_out), np.array(y_out)

    def window_stack(a, stepsize=1, width=3):
        return np.hstack(a[i:1 + i - width or None:stepsize]
                         for i in range(0, width))

    def sliding_window_arr(self, data):
        print("sliding window")
        assert hasattr(self, "window_step")
        assert hasattr(self, "window_size")
        # this is expensive, but the easiest way I think of to do this is to make a dict on label, convert to windows, and recreate the array
        data_dict = dict()
        x_arr, y_arr = data
        for i, x in enumerate(x_arr):
            y = y_arr[i]
            y = self.task_arr2str(y)
            if y in data_dict:
                data_dict[y] = [x]
        windowed_x = None
        windowed_y = None
        for y, xs in data_dict.items():
            wxs = self.window_stack(np.array(xs), self.window_step,
            if windowed_x is None:
                windowed_x = [wxs]
                windowed_y = [self.task_str2arr(y)]
                import pdb
                windowed_x = np.concatenate([windowed_x, wxs])
                windowed_y = np.concatenate([windowed_y, self.task_str2arr(y)])

        return windowed_x, windowed_y

        for key, samples in design_dict.items():
            design_dict[key] = self.window_stack(samples, self.window_step,
        return design_dict

    def sliding_window_dict(self, design_dict):
        print("sliding window")
        assert hasattr(self, window_step)
        assert hasattr(self, window_size)
        import pdb
        for key, samples in design_dict.items():
            design_dict[key] = self.window_stack(samples, self.window_step,
        return design_dict

    def design_dict2mat_labelled(self, design_dict):
        print("Converting designs to matrices.")
        lengths = [len(samples) for samples in design_dict.values()]
        n_samples = np.sum(lengths)
        print("allocating space.")

        print("converting {} designs.".format(n_samples))
        if self.n_workers < 2:
            x = np.zeros((n_samples, 72, 8), dtype=np.uint8)
            y = np.zeros((n_samples, 5), dtype=np.uint8)
            sample_counter = 0
            with tqdm(total=n_samples) as bar:
                for key in design_dict.keys():
                    for sample in design_dict[key]:
                        x[sample_counter, :, :] = self.fiducials2district_mat(
                        y[sample_counter, :] = self.task_str2arr(key)
                        sample_counter += 1
            print("Multi-Processing the preprocessor")
            # get the start index for dict entry that we are running through here
            start_indices = [0]
            for length in lengths:
                start_indices.append(start_indices[-1] + length)
            progress_queue = Manager().Queue()
            progress_thread = Thread(target=self.progress_monitor,
                                     args=(n_samples, progress_queue))
            queued_tasks = [(design_dict[key], key, progress_queue)
                            for i, key in enumerate(design_dict.keys())]

            with Pool(self.n_workers) as pool:
                results = pool.starmap(self.designs2mat_labelled_helper,
            # block here until finished
            x, y = map(np.concatenate, zip(*results))
        assert (np.sum(x) == n_samples * 72)
        return x, y

    def designs2mat_labelled_helper(designs, task, progress_queue):
        temp_voronoi = VoronoiAgent()
        x = np.zeros((len(designs), 72, 8))
        y = np.zeros((len(designs), 5))
        for i, design in enumerate(designs):
            # should work, since it is pass-by-object-reference
            x[i, :, :] = DistopiaData.static_fiducials2district_mat(
                design, voronoi=temp_voronoi)
            y[i, :] = DistopiaData.task_str2arr(task)
        return x, y

    def progress_monitor(self, n_samples, progress_queue):
        for i in tqdm(range(n_samples)):

    def static_fiducials2district_mat(fiducials, voronoi):
        districts = voronoi.get_voronoi_districts(fiducials)
        district_mat = DistopiaData.districts2mat(districts)
        return district_mat

    def fiducials2district_mat(self, fiducials, voronoi=None):
        '''converts a dict of fiducials into a matrix representation of district assignments
           the matrix representation is 72x8 one-hot
        if voronoi is None:
            voronoi = self.voronoi
        districts = voronoi.get_voronoi_districts(fiducials)
        district_mat = self.districts2mat(districts)
        return district_mat

    def districts2mat(district_list):
        '''takes a list of district objects and returns an occupancy matrix
            of precincts by district (72x8 one-hot matrix where mat[a,b] indicates whether
            precinct a is in district b)
        mat = np.zeros((72, 8), dtype=int)
        for i, district in enumerate(district_list):
            precincts = district.precincts
            for precinct in precincts:
                mat[int(precinct.identity), i] = 1
        return mat

    def jsondistricts2mat(district_list):
        '''takes a list of district objects and returns an occupancy matrix
            of precincts by district (72x8 one-hot matrix where mat[a,b] indicates whether
            precinct a is in district b)
        mat = np.zeros((72, 8), dtype=int)
        for i, district in enumerate(district_list):
            precincts = district['precincts']
            for precinct in precincts:
                mat[int(precinct), i] = 1
        return mat

    def get_task_dict(self, x=None, y=None, merge=False):
        '''Get a dictionary of trajectories keyed on task
            if merge is True, then concat the trajectories
        if x is None:
            x = self.x
        if y is None:
            y = self.y
        task_dict = dict()
        task_keys = set()
        # start by getting the list of tasks in the data
        for task in y:

        for key in task_keys:
            task_arr = self.task_str2arr(key)
            indices = np.where((y == task_arr).all(axis=1))[0]
            if merge:
                task_dict[key] = x[indices]
            # otherwise, we have to split the indices
                task_dict[key] = []
                last_idx = indices[0]
                start_idx = indices[0]
                for idx in indices[1:]:
                    if idx - last_idx > 1:
                        end_idx = last_idx
                        if end_idx - start_idx > 1:
                        start_idx = idx
                    last_idx = idx
                if start_idx < last_idx:
                        x[start_idx:last_idx])  #close up the last one

        return task_dict

    def taskdict2vect(self, task_dict):
        # returns x,y from a dict
        x = []
        y = []
        for y_str, x_arr in task_dict.items():
            for x_row in x_arr:
        return np.array(x), np.array(y)