Пример #1
def parse_full(path):
    dives = []
    with open(path, 'r') as file:
        for event, node in cElementTree.iterparse(file):
            if node.tag == "dive":
                dive = Dive()
                dive.number = int(node.get('number'))
                dive.date_time = _datetime(node.get('date'), node.get('time'))
                dive.duration = _duration(node.get('duration'))
                location = None
                samples = []
                events = []
                for child in node:
                    if child.tag == 'depth':
                        dive.max_depth = _depth(child.get('max'))
                        dive.avg_depth = _depth(child.get('mean'))
                    elif child.tag == 'temperature':
                        dive.temperature = _temp(child.get('water'))
                    elif child.tag == 'location':
                        location = child.text
                    elif child.tag == 'sample':
                        sample = Sample()
                        sample.time = _duration(child.get('time'))
                        sample.depth = _depth(child.get('depth'))
                        # Parse the temperature and pressure (or copy from 
                        #  last sample if not present)
                        temperature = child.get('temp')
                        pressure = child.get('pressure')

                        if temperature:
                            sample.temperature = _temp(temperature)
                        elif samples:
                            sample.temperature = samples[-1].temperature

                        if pressure:
                            sample.pressure = _pressure(pressure)
                        elif samples:
                            sample.pressure = samples[-1].pressure

                dives.append((dive, samples, events, location))
    return dives
Пример #2
def parseDiveNode(diveNode):
    Parses a single dive from the dive log.
    @param xml: The dive data as an XML string (one <dive> node).
    @param parse_samples: If set to False, samples will not be parsed - quicker 

    samples = []
    events = []

    dive = Dive()
    for node in diveNode:
        if node.tag == 'number':
            dive.number = parseInt(node)
        elif node.tag == 'fingerprint':
            dive.fingerprint = node.text
        elif node.tag == 'size':
            dive.size = parseInt(node)
        elif node.tag == 'maxdepth':
            dive.max_depth = parseFloat(node)
        elif node.tag == 'datetime':
            dive.date_time = parseDateTime(node)
        elif node.tag == 'divetime':
            dive.duration = parseDuration(node)
        elif node.tag == 'sample':
            sample, new_events = parseSampleNode(node) 
            events += new_events
        elif node.tag == 'gasmix':
            logging.warning("unknown node: %s" % node.toxml())
    # For some computers, temperatures are inserted on change only, so some 
    # samples don't have a temperature. In those cases, copy the previous 
    # sample's temparature.
    previous = None
    for sample in samples:
        if sample.temperature == None and previous != None:
            sample.temperature = previous.temperature
        previous = sample
    return (dive, samples, events)