Пример #1
def zulip_otp_required(view: Any=None,
                       redirect_field_name: str='next',
                       login_url: str=settings.HOME_NOT_LOGGED_IN,
                       ) -> Callable[..., HttpResponse]:
    The reason we need to create this function is that the stock
    otp_required decorator doesn't play well with tests. We cannot
    enable/disable if_configured parameter during tests since the decorator
    retains its value due to closure.

    Similar to :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required`, but
    requires the user to be :term:`verified`. By default, this redirects users
    to :setting:`OTP_LOGIN_URL`.

    def test(user: UserProfile) -> bool:
        :if_configured: If ``True``, an authenticated user with no confirmed
        OTP devices will be allowed. Default is ``False``. If ``False``,
        2FA will not do any authentication.
        if_configured = settings.TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED
        if not if_configured:
            return True

        return user.is_verified() or (_user_is_authenticated(user)
                                      and not user_has_device(user))

    decorator = django_user_passes_test(test,

    return decorator if (view is None) else decorator(view)
Пример #2
def zulip_otp_required(
    redirect_field_name: str = "next",
    login_url: str = settings.HOME_NOT_LOGGED_IN,
) -> Callable[[ViewFuncT], ViewFuncT]:
    The reason we need to create this function is that the stock
    otp_required decorator doesn't play well with tests. We cannot
    enable/disable if_configured parameter during tests since the decorator
    retains its value due to closure.

    Similar to :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required`, but
    requires the user to be :term:`verified`. By default, this redirects users
    to :setting:`OTP_LOGIN_URL`.

    def test(user: UserProfile) -> bool:
        :if_configured: If ``True``, an authenticated user with no confirmed
        OTP devices will be allowed. Also, non-authenticated users will be
        allowed as spectator users. Default is ``False``. If ``False``,
        2FA will not do any authentication.
        if_configured = settings.TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED
        if not if_configured:
            return True

        # User has completed 2FA verification
        if user.is_verified():
            return True

        # This request is unauthenticated (logged-out) access; 2FA is
        # not required or possible.
        # TODO: Add a test for 2FA-enabled with web-public views.
        if not user.is_authenticated:  # nocoverage
            return True

        # If the user doesn't have 2FA set up, we can't enforce 2FA.
        if not user_has_device(user):
            return True

        # User has configured 2FA and is not verified, so the user
        # fails the test (and we should redirect to the 2FA view).
        return False

    decorator = django_user_passes_test(
        test, login_url=login_url, redirect_field_name=redirect_field_name

    return decorator