def test09_authority(self): "Testing the authority name & code routines." for s in srlist: if hasattr(s, 'auth'): srs = SpatialReference(s.wkt) for target, tup in s.auth.items(): self.assertEqual(tup[0], srs.auth_name(target)) self.assertEqual(tup[1], srs.auth_code(target))
def test02_bad_wkt(self): "Testing initialization on invalid WKT." for bad in bad_srlist: try: srs = SpatialReference(bad) srs.validate() except (SRSException, GDALException): pass else:'Should not have initialized on bad WKT "%s"!')
def test13_attr_value(self): "Testing the attr_value() method." s1 = SpatialReference('WGS84') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s1.__getitem__(0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s1.__getitem__(('GEOGCS', 'foo')) self.assertEqual('WGS 84', s1['GEOGCS']) self.assertEqual('WGS_1984', s1['DATUM']) self.assertEqual('EPSG', s1['AUTHORITY']) self.assertEqual(4326, int(s1['AUTHORITY', 1])) self.assertIsNone(s1['FOOBAR'])
def test13_attr_value(self): "Testing the attr_value() method." s1 = SpatialReference("WGS84") with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s1.__getitem__(0) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s1.__getitem__(("GEOGCS", "foo")) self.assertEqual("WGS 84", s1["GEOGCS"]) self.assertEqual("WGS_1984", s1["DATUM"]) self.assertEqual("EPSG", s1["AUTHORITY"]) self.assertEqual(4326, int(s1["AUTHORITY", 1])) self.assertIsNone(s1["FOOBAR"])
def test_unicode(self): wkt = ( 'PROJCS["DHDN / Soldner 39 Langschoß",' 'GEOGCS["DHDN",DATUM["Deutsches_Hauptdreiecksnetz",' 'SPHEROID["Bessel 1841",6377397.155,299.1528128,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7004"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6314"]],' 'PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],' 'UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],' 'AUTHORITY["EPSG","4314"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],' 'PROJECTION["Cassini_Soldner"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",50.66738711],' 'PARAMETER["central_meridian",6.28935703],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],' 'PARAMETER["false_northing",0],AUTHORITY["","187939"],AXIS["x",NORTH],AXIS["y",EAST]]' ) srs = SpatialReference(wkt) srs_list = [srs, srs.clone()] srs.import_wkt(wkt) for srs in srs_list: self.assertEqual(, 'DHDN / Soldner 39 Langschoß') self.assertEqual(srs.wkt, wkt) self.assertIn('Langschoß', srs.pretty_wkt) self.assertIn('Langschoß', srs.xml)
def load_boundary_set(self, slug, definition, data_sources, options): BoundarySet.objects.filter( slug=slug).delete() # also deletes boundaries boundary_set = BoundarySet.objects.create( slug=slug, last_updated=definition['last_updated'], name=definition['name'], singular=definition['singular'], domain=definition['domain'], authority=definition['authority'], source_url=definition['source_url'], licence_url=definition['licence_url'], start_date=definition['start_date'], end_date=definition['end_date'], notes=definition['notes'], extra=definition['extra'], ) boundary_set.extent = [None, None, None, None] # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] for data_source in data_sources:'Loading %(slug)s from %(source)s') % {'slug': slug, 'source':}) layer = data_source[0] layer.source = data_source # to trace the layer back to its source if definition.get('srid'): srs = SpatialReference(definition['srid']) else: srs = layer.srs for feature in layer: feature = Feature(feature, definition, srs, boundary_set) feature.layer = layer # to trace the feature back to its source if feature.is_valid():'%(slug)s...') % {'slug': feature.slug}) boundary = self.load_boundary(feature, options['merge']) boundary_set.extend(boundary.extent) if None not in boundary_set.extent: # unless there are no features
def import_shapes(shapefile_path, logger): srs = SpatialReference(srs_wkt) lm = LayerMapping(Parcel, shapefile_path, { "shape_leng": "SHAPE_Leng", "shape_area": "SHAPE_Area", "map_par_id": "MAP_PAR_ID", "loc_id": "LOC_ID", "poly_type": "POLY_TYPE", "map_no": "MAP_NO", "source": "SOURCE", "plan_id": "PLAN_ID", "last_edit": "LAST_EDIT", "town_id": "TOWN_ID", "shape": "POLYGON" }, source_srs=srs)
def parse_layer(self, shapefile, layername, fields_of_interest): ds = DataSource(shapefile) lyr = ds[0] num_feat = lyr.num_feat overwrite = True if overwrite: try: old_lyr = Layer.objects.get(name=layername) old_lyr.delete() except: pass try: the_layer = Layer(name=layername) except: raise Exception('Unable to create layer named %s' % layername) wgs84 = SpatialReference(4326) pctdone = 0 for feat in lyr: try: the_geometry = feat.geom.transform(wgs84, clone=True) the_feature = Feature(layer=the_layer, geom=the_geometry.wkt) except: raise Exception('Unable to create feature') try: for fld in lyr.fields: if fld in fields_of_interest or len( fields_of_interest) == 0: the_attribute = Attribute(key=fld, value=str(feat[fld]), feature=the_feature) except: raise Exception('Unable to create attribute') oldpctdone = pctdone pctdone = int((feat.fid * 100.) / float(num_feat)) if pctdone > oldpctdone: print "Completed %d percent of %d features" % (pctdone, num_feat)
def srs(self): """ Returns a GDAL SpatialReference object, if GDAL is installed. """ if HAS_GDAL: if hasattr(self, '_srs'): # Returning a clone of the cached SpatialReference object. return self._srs.clone() else: # Attempting to cache a SpatialReference object. # Trying to get from WKT first. try: self._srs = SpatialReference(self.wkt) return self.srs except Exception, msg: pass raise Exception('Could not get OSR SpatialReference from WKT: %s\nError:\n%s' % (self.wkt, msg))
def get_dump_object(self, obj): data = { "type": "Feature", "properties": self._current, } if ((self.selected_fields is None or 'pk' in self.selected_fields) and 'pk' not in data["properties"]): data["properties"]["pk"] = if self._geometry: if self._geometry.srid != self.srid: # If needed, transform the geometry in the srid of the global geojson srid if self._geometry.srid not in self._cts: srs = SpatialReference(self.srid) self._cts[self._geometry.srid] = CoordTransform(self._geometry.srs, srs) self._geometry.transform(self._cts[self._geometry.srid]) data["geometry"] = eval(self._geometry.geojson) else: data["geometry"] = None return data
def handle(self, *args, **options): if 'shape_file' not in options: raise CommandError(_('Missing locations shape file path')) else: try: path = os.path.abspath(options['shape_file']) except Exception as e: raise CommandError(_('Error: %(msg)s' % {"msg": e})) else: pre_create = Household.objects.count() count = 0 failed = 0 srs = SpatialReference('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') ds = DataSource(path) layer = ds[0] locations = Location.objects.exclude(parent=None)\ .order_by('pk') code_field = options.get('code') for feature in layer: geom = feature.geom.transform(srs, True) point = GEOSGeometry(geom.centroid.wkt, srid=srs.srid) polygon = GEOSGeometry(geom.wkt, srid=srs.srid) try: plocations = locations.filter(geom__covers=point) blocations = locations.filter(geom__covers=polygon) if plocations.count() and blocations.count(): location = blocations.first() hh_id = feature.get(code_field) Household.objects.create(hh_id=hh_id, geom=MultiPoint(point), bgeom=polygon, location=location) count += 1 except Location.DoesNotExist: failed += 1 continue self.stdout.write("Updated {} failed {}".format(count, failed)) created = Household.objects.count() self.stdout.write("Created {} households".format(created - pre_create))
def get_dump_object(self, obj): data = { "type": "Feature", "properties": self._current, } if self._geometry: if self._geometry.srid != self.srid: # If needed, transform the geometry in the srid of the global geojson srid if not HAS_GDAL: raise SerializationError( 'Unable to convert geometry to SRID %s when GDAL is not installed.' % self.srid ) if self._geometry.srid not in self._cts: srs = SpatialReference(self.srid) self._cts[self._geometry.srid] = CoordTransform(self._geometry.srs, srs) self._geometry.transform(self._cts[self._geometry.srid]) data["geometry"] = eval(self._geometry.geojson) else: data["geometry"] = None return data
def setUp(self): self.definition = definition = Definition({ 'last_updated': date(2000, 1, 1), 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'name': 'Districts', 'name_func': clean_attr('Name'), 'id_func': attr('ID'), 'slug_func': attr('Code'), 'is_valid_func': lambda f: f.get('ID') == '1', 'label_point_func': lambda f: Point(0, 1), }) self.fields = { 'Name': 'VALID', 'ID': '1', 'Code': '\tFoo—Bar–Baz \r Bzz\n', # m-dash, n-dash } self.boundary_set = BoundarySet( last_updated=definition['last_updated'], name=definition['name'], singular=definition['singular'], ) self.feature = Feature(FeatureProxy(self.fields), definition) self.other = Feature( FeatureProxy({ 'Name': 'INVALID', 'ID': 100, 'Code': 3, }), definition, SpatialReference(4269), self.boundary_set)
def handle(self, *args, **options): if 'shape_file' not in options: raise CommandError(_('Missing locations shape file path')) else: try: path = os.path.abspath(options['shape_file']) except Exception as e: raise CommandError(_('Error: %(msg)s' % {"msg": e})) else: code = options['code'] code_is_integer = options['code_is_integer'] count = 0 failed = 0 srs = SpatialReference('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') ds = DataSource(path) layer = ds[0] for feature in layer: if feature.get('manual_c_1') != 'Targeted': continue try: location = self._get_location(feature, code, code_is_integer) except Location.DoesNotExist: failed += 1 continue else: if isinstance(feature.geom, geometries.Polygon): geom = geometries.MultiPolygon('MULTIPOLYGON', srs=srs) geom.add(feature.geom.transform(srs, True)) else: geom = feature.geom.transform(srs, True) location.geom = geom.wkt count += 1 self.stdout.write("Updated {} locations, failed {}".format( count, failed))
class GeoSampaMiner(MapMiner): mapMinerName = "Geo Sampa" mapMinerId = "geosampa" """Miner for the Geo Sampa's database""" _basecrs = SpatialReference(29183) _crs = {"type": "name", "properties": {"name": "EPSG:29183"}} #TODO: Refactor this with the decorator @staticmethod #TODO: Comment this method (and the whole class) def _getBusStops(regions: FeatureCollection) -> [Point]: ret = GeoSampa_BusStops.objects.all()[:0] for feature in regions['features']: #This represents a simple exterior linear ring. Interior rings are #not considered. geom = geos.Polygon( feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0], srid=int(regions['crs']['properties']['name'].split(':')[1])) partial = GeoSampa_BusStops.objects.filter(mpoint__within=geom) #TODO: Replace union with Collect #// ret = ret.union(partial) featuresList = [] for busStop in ret.all(): GeoSampaMiner._reproject(busStop.mpoint) featuresList.append( Feature(, properties={ 'name':, 'description': busStop.description, 'address': busStop.address }, geometry=Point(busStop.mpoint))) return FeatureCollection(featuresList, crs=GeoSampaMiner._crs) @classmethod def _initialize(cls): pass _availableQueries = {"Bus Stops": _getBusStops}
def bbox(lhs, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, crs=None, bboverlaps=True): """ Create a bounding box filter for the given spatial attribute. :param lhs: the field to compare :param minx: the lower x part of the bbox :param miny: the lower y part of the bbox :param maxx: the upper x part of the bbox :param maxy: the upper y part of the bbox :param crs: the CRS the bbox is expressed in :type lhs: :class:`django.db.models.F` :return: a comparison expression object :rtype: :class:`django.db.models.Q` """ assert isinstance(lhs, F) box = Polygon.from_bbox((minx, miny, maxx, maxy)) if crs: box.srid = SpatialReference(crs).srid box.transform(4326) if bboverlaps: return Q(**{"%s__bboverlaps" % box}) return Q(**{"%s__intersects" % box})
def create_from_geojson(cls, geojson): """Create from GeoJSON (lon/lat coordinates)""" try: geojson_dict = json.loads(geojson) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(e.message) if geojson_dict['type'] != 'FeatureCollection': raise ValidationError('GeoJSON must contain a FeatureCollection') geoms = [] web_mercator = SpatialReference(3857) def add_polygon(geom_dict): try: geom = GEOSGeometry(json.dumps(geom_dict), 4326) except GEOSException: raise ValidationError('GeoJSON is not valid') geom.transform(web_mercator) geoms.append(geom) for feature in geojson_dict['features']: geom_dict = feature['geometry'] if geom_dict['type'] == 'Polygon': add_polygon(geom_dict) elif geom_dict['type'] == 'MultiPolygon': for polygon in geom_dict['coordinates']: add_polygon({'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': polygon}) else: raise ValidationError( 'GeoJSON features must be Polygons or MultiPolygons') bounds = MultiPolygon(geoms) if not bounds.valid: raise ValidationError('GeoJSON is not valid: %s' % bounds.valid_reason) return InstanceBounds.objects.create(geom=bounds)
def get_dump_object(self, obj): data = { "type": "Feature", "id": if self.id_field is None else getattr(obj, self.id_field), "properties": self._current, } if ( self.selected_fields is None or "pk" in self.selected_fields ) and "pk" not in data["properties"]: data["properties"]["pk"] = if self._geometry: if self._geometry.srid != self.srid: # If needed, transform the geometry in the srid of the global # geojson srid. if self._geometry.srid not in self._cts: srs = SpatialReference(self.srid) self._cts[self._geometry.srid] = CoordTransform( self._geometry.srs, srs ) self._geometry.transform(self._cts[self._geometry.srid]) data["geometry"] = json.loads(self._geometry.geojson) else: data["geometry"] = None return data
def data(self): ''' Read the output file and provide an iterable result ''' if not hasattr(self, '_data'): if self.raster_obj is None: self._data = None return None layer = geom_extent = geom_type = spatial_ref = geom_srid = None # If we get here, then we have successfully determined the file type # that was provided, using OGR. ogr_obj contains the OGR DataSource # object, and fn contains the name of the file we read to get that. # We only support single layer uploads, if there is more than one # layer then we will raise an exception driver = layer = None geom_extent = self.raster_obj.extent geom_type = 99 srs = self.raster_obj.srs geos_extent = Polygon.from_bbox(self.raster_obj.extent) ogr_extent = geos_extent.ogr srid = epsg = None # User supplied SRID, so we will use that... if self._srid: srs = None geom_srid = self._srid epsg = str('EPSG:%s' % (geom_srid,)) logger.debug('Setting output SRID to %s', epsg) try: srs = SpatialReference(epsg) srs.validate() geom_srid = srs.srid except Exception, e: logger.debug('Invalid SRS (or none): %s', e, exc_info=True) srs = None # No SRID! Let's try to detect it if srs and not geom_srid: if not srs.srid: try: srs.identify_epsg() logger.debug('Auto-detect of SRID yielded %s', geom_srid) except Exception as e: logger.debug( 'SRID identification failed: %s', e, exc_info=True) else: geom_srid = srs.srid epsg = str('EPSG:%s' % (geom_srid,)) logger.debug('Final SRID of file is %s', geom_srid) if srs and not geom_srid: ''' Still no SRID - but we have an srs - so let's try to reproject... ''' try: reprojection = CoordTransform( r.srs, SpatialReference('EPSG:4326')) ogr_extent.transform(reprojection) geos_extent = ogr_extent.geos geom_srid = geos_extent.srid except Exception, e: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.exception('Failed to transform: %s', e) raise FormatException('Unable to determine valid SRID ' + 'for this data')
def wkt(self): from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReference return SpatialReference(self.proj4text).wkt
def add_srs_entry(srs, auth_name='EPSG', auth_srid=None, ref_sys_name=None, database=None): """ Take a GDAL SpatialReference system and add its information to the `spatial_ref_sys` table of the spatial backend. Doing this enables database-level spatial transformations for the backend. Thus, this utility is useful for adding spatial reference systems not included by default with the backend: >>> from django import add_srs_entry >>> add_srs_entry(3857) Keyword Arguments: auth_name: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_name` field. Defaults to 'EPSG'. auth_srid: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_srid` field. Defaults to the SRID determined by GDAL. ref_sys_name: For SpatiaLite users only, sets the value of the `ref_sys_name` field. Defaults to the name determined by GDAL. database: The name of the database connection to use; the default is the value of `django.db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS` (at the time of this writing, its value is 'default'). """ database = database or DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS connection = connections[database] if not hasattr(connection.ops, 'spatial_version'): raise Exception('The `add_srs_entry` utility only works ' 'with spatial backends.') if not connection.features.supports_add_srs_entry: raise Exception('This utility does not support your database backend.') SpatialRefSys = connection.ops.spatial_ref_sys() # If argument is not a `SpatialReference` instance, use it as parameter # to construct a `SpatialReference` instance. if not isinstance(srs, SpatialReference): srs = SpatialReference(srs) if srs.srid is None: raise Exception('Spatial reference requires an SRID to be ' 'compatible with the spatial backend.') # Initializing the keyword arguments dictionary for both PostGIS # and SpatiaLite. kwargs = {'srid': srs.srid, 'auth_name': auth_name, 'auth_srid': auth_srid or srs.srid, 'proj4text': srs.proj4, } # Backend-specific fields for the SpatialRefSys model. srs_field_names = { for f in SpatialRefSys._meta.get_fields()} if 'srtext' in srs_field_names: kwargs['srtext'] = srs.wkt if 'ref_sys_name' in srs_field_names: # SpatiaLite specific kwargs['ref_sys_name'] = ref_sys_name or # Creating the spatial_ref_sys model. try: # Try getting via SRID only, because using all kwargs may # differ from exact wkt/proj in database. SpatialRefSys.objects.using(database).get(srid=srs.srid) except SpatialRefSys.DoesNotExist: SpatialRefSys.objects.using(database).create(**kwargs)
def test12_coordtransform(self): "Testing initialization of a CoordTransform." target = SpatialReference('WGS84') CoordTransform(SpatialReference(srlist[0].wkt), target)
def transform_geometry(geometry, source_wkt): """Transform geometry into the database's spatial reference system.""" source = SpatialReference(source_wkt) dest = SpatialReference(DB_SRID) transform = CoordTransform(source, dest) return geometry.transform(transform, clone=True)
def test01_wkt(self): "Testing initialization on valid OGC WKT." for s in srlist: srs = SpatialReference(s.wkt)
def add_srs_entry(srs, auth_name='EPSG', auth_srid=None, ref_sys_name=None, database=None): """ This function takes a GDAL SpatialReference system and adds its information to the `spatial_ref_sys` table of the spatial backend. Doing this enables database-level spatial transformations for the backend. Thus, this utility is useful for adding spatial reference systems not included by default with the backend -- for example, the so-called "Google Maps Mercator Projection" is excluded in PostGIS 1.3 and below, and the following adds it to the `spatial_ref_sys` table: >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import add_srs_entry >>> add_srs_entry(900913) Keyword Arguments: auth_name: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_name` field. Defaults to 'EPSG'. auth_srid: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_srid` field. Defaults to the SRID determined by GDAL. ref_sys_name: For SpatiaLite users only, sets the value of the `ref_sys_name` field. Defaults to the name determined by GDAL. database: The name of the database connection to use; the default is the value of `django.db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS` (at the time of this writing, it's value is 'default'). """ from django.db import connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS if not database: database = DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS connection = connections[database] if not hasattr(connection.ops, 'spatial_version'): raise Exception('The `add_srs_entry` utility only works ' 'with spatial backends.') if or connection.ops.mysql: raise Exception('This utility does not support the ' 'Oracle or MySQL spatial backends.') SpatialRefSys = connection.ops.spatial_ref_sys() # If argument is not a `SpatialReference` instance, use it as parameter # to construct a `SpatialReference` instance. if not isinstance(srs, SpatialReference): srs = SpatialReference(srs) if srs.srid is None: raise Exception('Spatial reference requires an SRID to be ' 'compatible with the spatial backend.') # Initializing the keyword arguments dictionary for both PostGIS # and SpatiaLite. kwargs = { 'srid': srs.srid, 'auth_name': auth_name, 'auth_srid': auth_srid or srs.srid, 'proj4text': srs.proj4, } # Backend-specific fields for the SpatialRefSys model. if connection.ops.postgis: kwargs['srtext'] = srs.wkt if connection.ops.spatialite: kwargs['ref_sys_name'] = ref_sys_name or # Creating the spatial_ref_sys model. try: # Try getting via SRID only, because using all kwargs may # differ from exact wkt/proj in database. SpatialRefSys.objects.using(database).get(srid=srs.srid) except SpatialRefSys.DoesNotExist: SpatialRefSys.objects.using(database).create(**kwargs)
def read_geometry_archive(archive_id): """Read an archive of a single shapefile (and associated) files. This will load zipped archives of shape files and create entries for a single shapefile (basename of files). A single shapefile will consist of a collection of one or many features of varying types. We produce a single ``GeometryCollection`` of those data. Hence, we associate a single shapefile with a single ``GeometryCollection``. We may need to do more checks/validation to make sure the user only added a single shape file or provide a more explicit upload interface where they upload the ``shp``, ``dbf``, etc. files individually and we assert that they match. """ archive = GeometryArchive.objects.get(id=archive_id) # TODO: add a setting like this: workdir = getattr(settings, 'GEODATA_WORKDIR', None) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=workdir) as tmpdir: with archive.file.yield_local_path() as archive_path:'The geometry archive: {archive_path}') # Unzip the contents to the working dir with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(tmpdir) msg = 'There must be one and only one shapefile in the archive. Found ({})' shape_files = glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, '*.shp')) if len(shape_files) > 1: raise ValidationError(msg.format(len(shape_files))) elif len(shape_files) == 0: shape_files = glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, '**/*.shp')) if len(shape_files) != 1: raise ValidationError(msg.format(len(shape_files))) shape_file = shape_files[0] # load each shapefile using fiona with as shapes: geometry_entry, created = get_or_create_no_commit( Geometry, defaults=dict(, geometry_archive=archive) shapes.meta # TODO: dump this JSON into the model entry crs_wkt = shapes.meta['crs_wkt']'Geometry crs_wkt: {crs_wkt}') spatial_ref = SpatialReference(crs_wkt)'Geometry SRID: {spatial_ref.srid}') collection = [] for item in shapes: geom = shape(item['geometry']) # not optimal? # TODO: check this collection.append( transform_geometry( GEOSGeometry(memoryview( dumps(geom, srid=spatial_ref.srid)), srid=spatial_ref.srid), crs_wkt, )) = GeometryCollection(*collection) geometry_entry.footprint = bounds = geometry_entry.footprint.extent # (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) coords = [ (bounds[0], bounds[3]), # (xmin, ymax) (bounds[2], bounds[3]), # (xmax, ymax) (bounds[2], bounds[1]), # (xmax, ymin) (bounds[0], bounds[1]), # (xmin, ymin) (bounds[0], bounds[3]), # Close the loop ] geometry_entry.outline = Polygon(coords) return True
def convert_shapefile(shapefilename, srid=4674): """ shapefilename: considera nomenclatura de shapefile do IBGE para determinar se é UF ou Municípios. ex. 55UF2500GC_SIR.shp para UF e 55MU2500GC_SIR.shp para Municípios srid: 4674 (Projeção SIRGAS 2000) """ # /home/nando/Desktop/IBGE/2010/55MU2500GC_SIR.shp ds = DataSource(shapefilename) is_uf = shapefilename.upper().find('UF') != -1 transform_coord = None if srid != SRID: transform_coord = CoordTransform(SpatialReference(srid), SpatialReference(SRID)) if is_uf: model = UF else: model = Municipio ct = 0 for f in ds[0]: # 3D para 2D se necessário if f.geom.coord_dim != 2: f.geom.coord_dim = 2 # converte para MultiPolygon se necessário if isinstance(f.geom, Polygon): g = OGRGeometry(OGRGeomType('MultiPolygon')) g.add(f.geom) else: g = f.geom # transforma coordenadas se necessário if transform_coord: g.transform(transform_coord) # força 2D g.coord_dim = 2 kwargs = {} if is_uf: kwargs['nome'] = capitalize_name(unicode(f.get(CAMPO_NOME_UF),'latin1')) kwargs['geom'] = g.ewkt kwargs['id_ibge'] = f.get(CAMPO_GEOCODIGO_UF) kwargs['regiao'] = capitalize_name(unicode(f.get(CAMPO_REGIAO_UF), 'latin1')) kwargs['uf'] = UF_SIGLAS_DICT.get(kwargs['id_ibge']) else: kwargs['nome'] = capitalize_name(unicode(f.get(CAMPO_NOME_MU),'latin1')) kwargs['geom'] = g.ewkt kwargs['id_ibge'] = f.get(CAMPO_GEOCODIGO_MU) kwargs['uf'] = UF.objects.get(pk=f.get(CAMPO_GEOCODIGO_MU)[:2]) kwargs['uf_sigla'] = kwargs['uf'].uf kwargs['nome_abreviado'] = slugify(kwargs['nome']) # tenta corrigir nomes duplicados, são em torno de 242 nomes repetidos # adicionando a sigla do estado no final if Municipio.objects.filter(nome_abreviado=kwargs['nome_abreviado']).count() > 0: kwargs['nome_abreviado'] = u'%s-%s' % (kwargs['nome_abreviado'], kwargs['uf_sigla'].lower()) instance = model(**kwargs) ct += 1 print(ct, (is_uf and "Unidades Federativas criadas" or "Municipios criados"))
def test07_boolean_props(self): "Testing the boolean properties." for s in srlist: srs = SpatialReference(s.wkt) self.assertEqual(s.projected, srs.projected) self.assertEqual(s.geographic, srs.geographic)
def __init__(self): self.srs = SpatialReference(settings.SRID) self.fields = list(features[0].keys()) self.mock_features = features
def tile_url(layer, z, x, y, style=None, internal=True): """Construct actual tile request to QGIS Server. Different than tile_url_format, this method will return url for requesting a tile, with all parameters filled out. :param layer: Layer to use :type layer: Layer :param z: TMS coordinate, zoom parameter :type z: int, str :param x: TMS coordinate, longitude parameter :type x: int, str :param y: TMS coordinate, latitude parameter :type y: int, str :param style: Layer style to choose :type style: str :param internal: Flag to switch between public url and internal url. Public url will be served by Django Geonode (proxified). :type internal: bool :return: Tile url :rtype: str """ try: qgis_layer = QGISServerLayer.objects.get(layer=layer) except QGISServerLayer.DoesNotExist: msg = 'No QGIS Server Layer for existing layer {0}'.format( logger.debug(msg) raise x = int(x) y = int(y) z = int(z) # Call the WMS top, left = num2deg(x, y, z) bottom, right = num2deg(x + 1, y + 1, z) transform = CoordTransform(SpatialReference(4326), SpatialReference(3857)) top_left_corner = Point(left, top, srid=4326) bottom_right_corner = Point(right, bottom, srid=4326) top_left_corner.transform(transform) bottom_right_corner.transform(transform) bottom = bottom_right_corner.y right = bottom_right_corner.x top = top_left_corner.y left = top_left_corner.x bbox = ','.join([str(val) for val in [left, bottom, right, top]]) if not style: style = 'default' if style not in [ for s in qgis_layer.styles.all()]: style = query_string = { 'SERVICE': 'WMS', 'VERSION': '1.3.0', 'REQUEST': 'GetMap', 'BBOX': bbox, 'CRS': 'EPSG:3857', 'WIDTH': '256', 'HEIGHT': '256', 'MAP': qgis_layer.qgis_project_path, 'LAYERS':, 'STYLE': style, 'FORMAT': 'image/png', 'TRANSPARENT': 'true', 'DPI': '96', 'MAP_RESOLUTION': '96', 'FORMAT_OPTIONS': 'dpi:96' } qgis_server_url = qgis_server_endpoint(internal) url = Request('GET', qgis_server_url, params=query_string).prepare().url return url
def test03_get_wkt(self): "Testing getting the WKT." for s in srlist: srs = SpatialReference(s.wkt) self.assertEqual(s.wkt, srs.wkt)
def wkt(self): if hasattr(self, 'srtext'): return self.srtext from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReference return SpatialReference(self.proj4text).wkt
def test12_coordtransform(self): "Testing initialization of a CoordTransform." target = SpatialReference('WGS84') for s in srlist: if s.proj: ct = CoordTransform(SpatialReference(s.wkt), target)
from muni.models import Run from muni.models import Path from muni.models import Point from muni.models import Stop from muni.models import Direction from muni.models import DirectionStop from muni.models import DirectionPath from muni.models import Speed from muni.models import StopId2Tag import django.contrib.gis from django.db import connection, transaction from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReference, CoordTransform, OGRGeometry proj4 = '+proj=lcc +lat_1=37.06666666666667 +lat_2=38.43333333333333 +lat_0=36.5 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=2000000 +y_0=500000.0000000001 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=us-ft +no_defs' srid = '100000' ccsf = SpatialReference(proj4) wgs84 = SpatialReference('WGS84') ct = CoordTransform(wgs84, ccsf) url = "" print(url) #r = open('r.config','r') #routes = routes = '' if (len(routes)): dom = minidom.parse('r.config') else: dom = minidom.parse(urlopen(url)) def fixlat(n):