def follow(request,username): """ Let one user follow another. """ follower = get_object_or_404(Profile,user=request.user) followee = get_object_or_404(Profile,user__username=username) # Is current user already following this list/profile? if followee in follower.followees.all():, "You were already following %s" % followee) else: follower.followees.add(followee) # Only send email if followee has that option enabled in their profile if followee.email_on_follow == True: site = Site.objects.get(id=1) # Need this for link in email template. recipients = [,] email_subject = render_to_string("people/follow/followed-subject.txt", { 'follower': follower, 'followee': followee }) email_body_txt = render_to_string("people/follow/followed-body.txt", { 'follower': follower, 'followee': followee, 'site': site, }) msg = EmailMessage(email_subject, email_body_txt, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, recipients) msg.send(fail_silently=False) messages.success(request, "You are now following %s" % followee) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('people_profile_detail',args=[username]))
def send_mail(self, form, files=[]): # TODO: refactor, move to utils form_data = self.get_form_data(form) message = self.compile_message(form_data) context_dict = self.get_form_data_context(form_data) mail_to = re.compile('\s*[,;]+\s*').split(self.mail_to) for key, email in enumerate(mail_to): mail_to[key] = self.string_template_replace(email, context_dict) mail_from = self.mail_from or None if mail_from: mail_from = self.string_template_replace(mail_from, context_dict) if self.mail_subject: mail_subject = self.string_template_replace(self.mail_subject, context_dict) else: mail_subject = self.title from django.core.mail import EmailMessage message = EmailMessage(mail_subject, message, mail_from or None, mail_to) if self.mail_uploaded_files: for file_path in files: message.attach_file(file_path) message.send(fail_silently=False)
def test_ascii(self): email = EmailMessage('Subject', 'Content', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']) message = email.message() self.assertEqual(message['Subject'], 'Subject') self.assertEqual(message.get_payload(), 'Content') self.assertEqual(message['From'], '*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(message['To'], '*****@*****.**')
def preset_submit(request): if request.method == "POST": form = SubmitForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): preset = request.FILES["preset_file"] message = EmailMessage(**{ "subject": "[Arista] Preset for %s" %[:-8], "body": "A user has uploaded a new preset!", "from_email": form.cleaned_data["email"], "to": [x[1] for x in settings.ADMINS], "attachments": [ (,, "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar"), ], }) message.send() return HttpResponseRedirect("/presets/?thanks=1") else: form = SubmitForm() return render(request, "presets/submit.html", { "form": form, })
def test_multiple_recipients(self): email = EmailMessage('Subject', 'Content', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']) message = email.message() self.assertEqual(message['Subject'], 'Subject') self.assertEqual(message.get_payload(), 'Content') self.assertEqual(message['From'], '*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(message['To'], '[email protected], [email protected]')
def test_from_header(self): """ Make sure we can manually set the From header (#9214) """ email = EmailMessage('Subject', 'Content', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**'], headers={'From': '*****@*****.**'}) message = email.message() self.assertEqual(message['From'], '*****@*****.**')
def test_encoding(self): """ Regression for #12791 - Encode body correctly with other encodings than utf-8 """ email = EmailMessage('Subject', 'Firstname Sürname is a great guy.', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']) email.encoding = 'iso-8859-1' message = email.message() self.assertMessageHasHeaders(message, { ('MIME-Version', '1.0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"'), ('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'quoted-printable'), ('Subject', 'Subject'), ('From', '*****@*****.**'), ('To', '*****@*****.**')}) self.assertEqual(message.get_payload(), 'Firstname S=FCrname is a great guy.') # Make sure MIME attachments also works correctly with other encodings than utf-8 text_content = 'Firstname Sürname is a great guy.' html_content = '<p>Firstname Sürname is a <strong>great</strong> guy.</p>' msg = EmailMultiAlternatives('Subject', text_content, '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']) msg.encoding = 'iso-8859-1' msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") payload0 = msg.message().get_payload(0) self.assertMessageHasHeaders(payload0, { ('MIME-Version', '1.0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"'), ('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'quoted-printable')}) self.assertTrue(payload0.as_bytes().endswith(b'\n\nFirstname S=FCrname is a great guy.')) payload1 = msg.message().get_payload(1) self.assertMessageHasHeaders(payload1, { ('MIME-Version', '1.0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"'), ('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'quoted-printable')}) self.assertTrue(payload1.as_bytes().endswith(b'\n\n<p>Firstname S=FCrname is a <strong>great</strong> guy.</p>'))
def write(request, slug_story, activation_key, t='stories/write.html', d={}): story = get_object_or_404(Story, slug=slug_story) active_membership = story.active_membership() d['story']=story if not active_membership: story.turn_membership() return render(request, 'stories/done.html', d) membership = get_object_or_404(Membership, activation_key=activation_key) if != return render(request, 'stories/done.html', d) new_line = Line(story=story) if request.POST: line_form=LineForm(request.POST, prefix='line', instance=new_line) if line_form.is_valid(): next = story.turn_membership() mail_d = { 'story': story, 'site': get_current_site(request) } message = render_to_string('stories/email.txt', mail_d) email = EmailMessage( 'Estas participando del concurso', message, to=[]) email.send() return render(request, 'stories/done.html', d) else: line_form=LineForm(prefix='line') d = { 'form': line_form, 'story': story, 'site': get_current_site(request) } return render(request, t, d)
def request_access(request, requester=None, requestee=None): # send_mail('Subject here', 'Here is the message.', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**'], fail_silently=False) ''' - need to flag the requester as having requested a specific group - need to capture name, email, username, group name, group_pk - how do I capture the target recipient's email to populate in the "to" field ''' show_this_group = request.session['show_this_group'] requester_name = '%s %s' % (User.objects.get(username=requester).first_name, User.objects.get(username=requester).last_name) requester_email = User.objects.get(username=requester).email requester_username = User.objects.get(username=requester).username requested_group_name = Group.objects.get(name=show_this_group) requested_group_pk = message = EmailMessage('Approve access for %s - %s' % (requester_name, requester_email), 'Click this link ____ to approve access for %s (%s, %s) to the group %s at primary key %s.' % (requester_name, requester_username, requester_email, requested_group_name, requested_group_pk), '*****@*****.**', [], ['*****@*****.**']) message.send() return HttpResponseRedirect('/introkick/home')
def run(self, submission, template_code):'SendEmailFromTemplate:%d template %s' % (, template_code )) try: translation.activate(submission.submission_language) letter = LetterTemplate.objects.language().get(code=template_code) email = EmailMessage( letter.subject, letter.text % {'name': submission.applicant}, '*****@*****.**', [submission.applicant_email], list(settings.MAIL_BCC_LIST), headers = {'Reply-To': '*****@*****.**'} ) email.send() except:'SendEmailFromTemplate:%d template %s exception' % (, template_code )) raise finally: translation.deactivate()'SendEmailFromTemplate:%d template %s done' % (, template_code ))
def contact(request): form_class = ContactForm # new logic! if request.method == 'POST': form = form_class(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): contact_name = form.cleaned_data['contact_name'] contact_email = form.cleaned_data['contact_email'] form_content = form.cleaned_data['content'] # email the profile with the contact info template = get_template('contact_template.txt') context = Context({ 'contact_name': contact_name, 'contact_email': contact_email, 'form_content': form_content, }) content = template.render(context) email = EmailMessage( 'New contact form submission', content, 'Your website <*****@*****.**>', ['*****@*****.**'], headers = {'Reply-To': contact_email } ) email.send() return redirect('contact') return render(request, 'contact.html', { 'form': form_class, })
def send_response(original_message, message_text, recipient_email, cc=None): """ Helper function which sends an email message in response to a control message. :param original_message: The received control message. :type original_message: :py:class:`email.message.Message` or an object with an equivalent interface :param message_text: The text which should be included in the body of the response. :param cc: A list of emails which should receive a CC of the response. """ subject = original_message.get('Subject') if not subject: subject = 'Your mail' message = EmailMessage( subject='Re: ' + subject, to=[original_message['From']], cc=cc, from_email=DISTRO_TRACKER_BOUNCES_EMAIL, headers={ 'From': DISTRO_TRACKER_CONTACT_EMAIL, 'X-Loop': DISTRO_TRACKER_CONTROL_EMAIL, 'References': ' '.join((original_message.get('References', ''), original_message.get('Message-ID', ''))), 'In-Reply-To': original_message.get('Message-ID', ''), }, body=message_text, )"control => %(to)s %(cc)s", { 'to': recipient_email, 'cc': " ".join(cc) if cc else "", }) message.send()
def run(self, submission):'SendSubmissionEmail for submission %s' % ( )) try: translation.activate(submission.submission_language) email = EmailMessage( 'Cinema Perpetuum Mobile 2013', self.get_email_message(submission), '*****@*****.**', [submission.applicant_email], list(settings.MAIL_BCC_LIST), headers = {'Reply-To': '*****@*****.**'}) email.attach( 'cpm2013.pdf', self.create_pdf(submission), 'application/pdf' ) email.send() except: logger.exception('') raise finally: translation.deactivate() try: submission = Submission.objects.get( except Submission.DoesNotExist: logger.exception('Failed to update "email sent" status') else: submission.comment_email_sent = True
def send_bookmark_reminder_email(): for profile in UserProfile.objects.all(): user = profile.user # Get all bookmarked events ending in the next 7 days from today # What day will it be 7 days from now- now = seven_days = now + timedelta(days=7) my_bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.filter(user=user, event__end_date__gte=now, event__end_date__lte=seven_days) if my_bookmarks: bookmarked_events = [] for bookmark in my_bookmarks: bookmarked_events.append({"EVENT_TITLE": bookmark.event.title, "IMAGE_URL": bookmark.event.image.url, "EVENT_DESCRIPTION": bookmark.event.description, "EVENT_URL": "http://www." + Site.objects.get_current().domain + bookmark.event.get_absolute_url(), "END_DATE": "{}".format(bookmark.event.end_date.strftime("%A, %d. %B"))}) subject = "Events ending soon on Alltoez" msg = EmailMessage(subject=subject, from_email=("Alltoez", "*****@*****.**"), to=[]) msg.template_name = "Bookmarked Events Ending" msg.global_merge_vars = { "USER_NAME": profile.first_name, "events": bookmarked_events, } msg.send()
def server_error(request): """Own view in order to pass RequestContext and send an error message. """ exc_type, exc_info, tb = sys.exc_info() response = "%s\n" % exc_type.__name__ response += "%s\n" % exc_info response += "TRACEBACK:\n" for tb in traceback.format_tb(tb): response += "%s\n" % tb if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user: response += "User: %s\n" % request.user.username response += "\nREQUEST:\n%s" % request try: from_email = settings.ADMINS[0][1] to_emails = [a[1] for a in settings.ADMINS] except IndexError: pass else: mail = EmailMessage( subject="Error LFS", body=response, from_email=from_email, to=to_emails) mail.send(fail_silently=True) t = loader.get_template('500.html') return HttpResponseServerError(t.render(RequestContext(request)))
def cdclient_cargo(request, id): cdClient = get_object_or_404(CdClient, id=id) if request.method == "POST": form = CargoForm(request.POST.copy()) if form.is_valid(): cargo = cargo.cdclient = cdClient message = loader.get_template("shipit/sent_email.html").render(Context({"cdClient":cdClient,"cargo":cargo})) mail = EmailMessage( "Pardus DVD isteğiniz", message, "Özgürlükiçin <%s>" % DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [DVD_MAIL_LIST,], headers={"Message-ID":"%s-%s" % (, cdClient.hash)} ) mail.content_subtype = "html" mail.send(fail_silently=True) cdClient.sent = True return HttpResponseRedirect(cdClient.get_absoulte_url()) else: form = CargoForm() return render_response(request, "shipit/cargo.html", locals())
def send_invitation_key(sender, invitation, **kwargs): from django.core.mail import EmailMessage body = """ Hello there, This is an invitation to be part of the {group_name} group on a StartupWeekend event. Click on the following link to activate your Startup Weekend Manager account: http://localhost:8000/#!/user/registration?email={email}&code={code} Best of lucks on th event, and remember: Stop talk, more action! -- Startup Weekend Team """.format(,, code=invitation.key) print body msg = EmailMessage(subject="[swmanager] Invitation to an swmanager event", body=body, to=[]) #[email protected]) print "msg : %s" % msg print msg.send() print "######## Invitation key: %s" % invitation.key
def send_mail_task(subject, message, to, only_print=False, history_line=None, headers=None): if not isinstance(to, (list, tuple)): to = [to] to = [t for t in to if t is not None] to = list(set(to)) # remove duplicates if history_line is not None: if headers is None: headers = {} history_header = '<%s>' % history_line headers['In-Reply-To'] = history_header headers['References'] = history_header if settings.EPO_EMAIL_ONLY_PRINT or only_print: info(u'printing portal email to: %s: %s (%r)\n%s', to, subject, headers, message) else: info('sending email to: %s', to) try: email_message = EmailMessage(subject, message, settings.SMTP_CONF["from"], to) if headers is not None: email_message.extra_headers = headers email_message.send() except Exception as e: error('failed to send email: %s', e) raise
def sendemail(request , id ): """ For send emails toa partitcular student parents """ print request.path p = request.POST student = Student.objects.get(id = id) studentemail = "*****@*****.**" #str(student.Email) if request.method == 'GET': emailform = Emailform() if request.method =='POST': emailform = Emailform(request.POST) if emailform.is_valid(): subject = p.get('subject','') body = p.get('body','') emailsubject = "%(subprfx)s %(subject)s" % {'subprfx':subprfx , 'subject':subject} try: email = EmailMessage(emailsubject,body,"*****@*****.**",['*****@*****.**',]) email.send() print "Email sent" except: print "Msg not sent" try: Email.objects.create(student = student , subject = subject ,body = body, sent_by=request.user) except: print "Email was not saves" return HttpResponse("Msg Sent") return render_to_response('msgs/sendmsg.html', dict(student = student ,emailform = emailform , user = request.user ,action="email"))
def send_email(email_body, email_type=settings.GENERIC, recipients=None, site=None, headers=None, **kwargs): recipients = recipients or [] company_name = '' domain = '' if site: domain = site.email_domain if site.canonical_company: company_name = kwargs['company_name'] = company_name kwargs['domain'] = domain.lower() sender = settings.EMAIL_FORMATS[email_type]['address'] sender = sender.format(**kwargs) # Capitalize domain for display purposes. kwargs['domain'] = kwargs['domain'].lower() subject = settings.EMAIL_FORMATS[email_type]['subject'] subject = subject.format(**kwargs) email_kwargs = { 'subject': subject, 'body': email_body, 'from_email': sender, 'to': recipients } if headers is not None: email_kwargs['headers'] = headers message = EmailMessage(**email_kwargs) message.content_subtype = 'html' message.send() return message
def SaleOrderEmail(order): """ Send email Order order Int (ID) Return True/False """ conn = connOOOP() shop = conn.SaleShop.get(OERP_SALE) context = {} context['active_id'] = values = [ [], #ids order, #rel_model_ref context, #context ] body_template = conn_webservice('poweremail.preview','on_change_ref', values) customer_email = body_template['value']['to'] if customer_email != 'False': subject = body_template['value']['subject'] body = body_template['value']['body_text'] email = EmailMessage(subject, body, EMAIL_FROM, to=[customer_email], headers = {'Reply-To': EMAIL_REPPLY}) try: email.send() return True except: error = _("Your order is in process but we don't send email. Check in your order customer section.") return False
def send_editor_mail(self): """ Send notification mails to all users in group editor. Only send if ChangeRequest is not yet accepted :return: """ if self.status == ChangeRequest.PENDING: editors = User.objects.filter(groups__name='editor') body = render_to_string('frontend/email/new_change_request.txt', { 'change_request': self, 'document_url': self.document_url() }) bcc = [] for editor in editors: bcc.append(get_user_email(editor)) email = EmailMessage(_("New change request", ), body, bcc=bcc) email.send()"Sent change request notification mail to editors", extra={ 'body': body, 'bcc': bcc, })
def do_email_reply(self, comment, content_object, request): """Send email notification of a new comment to the authors of the previous comments when email notifications have been requested.""" exclude_list = self.mail_comment_notification_recipients + \ [ for author in content_object.authors.all()] + \ [] recipient_list = set([ for comment in content_object.comments if]) - \ set(exclude_list) if recipient_list: site = Site.objects.get_current() template = loader.get_template('comments/comment_reply_email.txt') context = Context({'comment': comment, 'site': site, 'protocol': PROTOCOL, 'content_object': content_object}) subject = _('[%(site)s] New comment posted on "%(title)s"') % \ {'site':, 'title': content_object.title} message = template.render(context) mail = EmailMessage(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, bcc=recipient_list) mail.send(fail_silently=not settings.DEBUG)
def request_new_password(self, request): email = self.cleaned_data['username'] try: user = EmailUser.objects.get(email=email) except: raise PermissionDenied user.is_active = False try: tmp = TempUrl.objects.get(email=email) except: tmp = TempUrl(email=email, first_name=user.first_name, last_name=user.last_name) tmp.hash = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for x in range(20)) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) tmp.invited = now tmp.created = now tmp.used = None #email... p = {'reason':'reset password', 'service':'Django email username'} p['link'] = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('django_email_user.views.activate_account', kwargs={'hasher': tmp.hash})) html = render_to_string('django_email_user/email-invitation.html', p) mail = EmailMessage('You have requested a password reset', html, '<Django email username>' + settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, []) mail.content_subtype = "html" mail.send() return email
def send_mail(self, form, files=[]): form_data = self.get_form_data(form) message = self.compile_message(form_data) context_dict = self.get_form_data_dict(form_data) import re mail_to = re.compile('\s*[,;]+\s*').split(self.mail_to) for key, email in enumerate(mail_to): mail_to[key] = self.string_template_replace(email, context_dict) mail_from = self.mail_from or None if mail_from: mail_from = self.string_template_replace(mail_from, context_dict) if self.mail_subject: mail_subject = self.string_template_replace(self.mail_subject, context_dict) else: mail_subject = self.title import logging logging.debug('Mail: '+repr(mail_from)+' --> '+repr(mail_to)); from django.core.mail import EmailMessage message = EmailMessage(mail_subject, message, mail_from or None, mail_to) if self.mail_uploaded_files: for file_path in files: message.attach_file(file_path) message.send(fail_silently=False)
def send(self, **kwargs): protocol = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL", "http") current_site = kwargs["site"] if "site" in kwargs else Site.objects.get_current() signup_url = u"%s://%s%s?%s" % ( protocol, unicode(current_site.domain), reverse("account_signup"), urllib.urlencode({"code": self.code}) ) ctx = { "signup_code": self, "current_site": current_site, "signup_url": signup_url, } ext = "html" if settings.EMAIL_CONTENT_HTML else "txt" subject = render_to_string( "account/email/invite_user_subject.{0}".format(ext), ctx) message = render_to_string( "account/email/invite_user.{0}".format(ext), ctx) msg = EmailMessage(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, []) if settings.EMAIL_CONTENT_HTML: msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.send() self.sent = signup_code_sent.send(sender=SignupCode, signup_code=self)
def send(self, **kwargs): current_site = kwargs["site"] if "site" in kwargs else Site.objects.get_current() protocol = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL", "http") activate_url = u"%s://%s%s" % ( protocol, unicode(current_site.domain), reverse("account_confirm_email", args=[self.key]) ) ctx = { "email_address": self.email_address, "user": self.email_address.user, "activate_url": activate_url, "current_site": current_site, "key": self.key, } ext = "html" if settings.EMAIL_CONTENT_HTML else "txt" subject = render_to_string( "account/email/email_confirmation_subject.{0}".format(ext), ctx) subject = "".join(subject.splitlines()) # remove superfluous line breaks message = render_to_string( "account/email/email_confirmation_message.{0}".format(ext), ctx) msg = EmailMessage(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, []) if settings.EMAIL_CONTENT_HTML: msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.send() self.sent = signals.email_confirmation_sent.send(sender=self.__class__, confirmation=self)
def notify_about_exception(exception_title): """ If exception is identified as critical - send email to recipients. """ if EXCEPTION_TITLE_WORDS_TO_NOTIFY and EXCEPTION_RECIPIENTS: pattern = r'|'.join(EXCEPTION_TITLE_WORDS_TO_NOTIFY) search_result = search(pattern, exception_title, I) if search_result is not None: message_content = ( "<p>%(body)s</p><p>Server: " "<a href='%(protocol)s://%(domain)s'>%(domain)s</a></p>" % ( { 'body': exception_title, 'protocol': settings.SERVER_PROTOCOL, 'domain': settings.CURRENT_SERVER_DOMAIN } ) ) message = EmailMessage( "Error Monitor notification", message_content, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, EXCEPTION_RECIPIENTS ) message.content_subtype = 'html' message.send(fail_silently=True)
def enviar_email(from_email, subject, template, tags): """Envia o email para o destinatário definido, a partir do template definido para ser renderizado. Os argumentos são: * from_email - Email do remetente * subject - Assunto da Mensagem * template - Template que será usado para gerar o corpo da mensagem * tags - Variáveis de contexto para ser renderizado no template. """ if from_email is None: raise ValueError("Insira o email do remetente.") elif subject is None: raise ValueError("Insira o assunto da mensagem.") elif template is None: raise ValueError(u"Template da mensagem não encontrado") elif tags is None: raise ValueError("Insira o conteúdo da mensagem.") # Gerando a mensagem mensagem = render_to_string(template, tags) # Enviando a mensagem email = EmailMessage(settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + " " + subject, mensagem, from_email, [from_email]) email.send()
def send_new_status_notification_mail(self): subject, body = "", "" if self.status == ChangeRequest.ACCEPTED: subject = _("Your change request has been accepted") body = render_to_string( 'frontend/email/change_request_accepted.txt', { 'change_request': self, 'document_url': self.document_url() }) if self.status == ChangeRequest.DECLINED: subject = _("Your change request has been declined") body = render_to_string( 'frontend/email/change_request_declined.txt', { 'change_request': self, 'document_url': self.document_url() }) to = get_user_email( email = EmailMessage(subject, body, to=[to]) email.send(fail_silently=True)"Sent change request status notification mail to author", extra={ 'body': body, 'to': to, })
def reset_password(request, field="email"): if not settings.RELATE_REGISTRATION_ENABLED: raise SuspiciousOperation( _("self-registration is not enabled")) # return form class by string of class name ResetPasswordForm = globals()["ResetPasswordFormBy" + field.title()] # noqa if request.method == "POST": form = ResetPasswordForm(request.POST) user = None if form.is_valid(): exist_users_with_same_email = False if field == "instid": inst_id = form.cleaned_data["instid"] try: user = get_user_model().objects.get( institutional_id__iexact=inst_id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass if field == "email": email = form.cleaned_data["email"] try: user = get_user_model().objects.get(email__iexact=email) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass except MultipleObjectsReturned: exist_users_with_same_email = True if exist_users_with_same_email: # This is for backward compatibility. messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _("Failed to send an email: multiple users were " "unexpectedly using that same " "email address. Please " "contact site staff.")) else: if user is None: FIELD_DICT = { # noqa "email": _("email address"), "instid": _("institutional ID") } messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _("That %(field)s doesn't have an " "associated user account. Are you " "sure you've registered?") % {"field": FIELD_DICT[field]}) else: if not messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _("The account with that institution ID " "doesn't have an associated email.")) else: email = user.sign_in_key = make_sign_in_key(user) from relate.utils import render_email_template message = render_email_template( "course/sign-in-email.txt", { "user": user, "sign_in_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse( "relate-reset_password_stage2", args=(, user.sign_in_key,))), "home_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-home")) }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] " % _(get_site_name()), _("Password reset")), message, getattr(settings, "NO_REPLY_EMAIL_FROM", settings.ROBOT_EMAIL_FROM), [email]) from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection msg.connection = ( get_outbound_mail_connection("no_reply") if hasattr(settings, "NO_REPLY_EMAIL_FROM") else get_outbound_mail_connection("robot")) msg.send() if field == "instid": messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, _("The email address associated with that " "account is %s.") % masked_email(email)) messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, _("Email sent. Please check your email and " "click the link.")) return redirect("relate-home") else: form = ResetPasswordForm() return render(request, "reset-passwd-form.html", { "field": field, "form_description": _("Password reset on %(site_name)s") % {"site_name": _(get_site_name())}, "form": form })
def delete_model(self, request, obj): EmailMessage('Greetings from a deleted object', 'I hereby inform you that some user deleted me', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']).send() return super().delete_model(request, obj)
def xconvert(self, sourcefile, targetfile): """Convert video to mp4 format""" errormsg = "" # ffmpeg command options: # -y answer yes to all queries # -v -1 be less verbose # -i sourcefile input file # -f flv output format is flv # -an no audio in output # -s geometry set size of output # # new options for conversion to h264/mp4 # ffmpeg -v -1 -i $1 -an -vcodec libx264 -vpre hq -crf 22 -threads 0 $1:r.mp4 # ffmpeg = [ settings.FFMPEG_PROGRAM, "-y", "-v", "-1", "-i", sourcefile, "-vcodec", "libx264", "-an", "-vpre", "hq", "-crf", "22", "-threads", "0", targetfile ] debug(" ".join(ffmpeg)) process = Popen(ffmpeg, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) start = time.time() while process.poll() == None: if time.time() - start > settings.FFMPEG_TIMEOUT: # we've gone over time, kill the process os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) debug("Killing ffmpeg process") errormsg = "Conversion of video took too long. This site is only able to host relatively short videos." status = process.poll() #out,err = process.communicate() # Check if file exists and is > 0 Bytes try: s = os.stat(targetfile) fsize = s.st_size if (fsize == 0): os.remove(targetfile) errormsg = "Conversion of video failed: please try to use a diffent format" except: errormsg = "Conversion of video failed: please try to use a different video format" if errormsg: # we have a conversion error # notify the admins, attaching the offending file msgtxt = "Error: %s\n\nCommand: %s\n\n" % (errormsg, " ".join(ffmpeg)) message = EmailMessage("Video conversion failed", msgtxt, to=[a[1] for a in settings.ADMINS]) message.attach_file(sourcefile) message.send(fail_silently=False) # and raise a validation error for the caller raise ValidationError(errormsg)
def StationExitView(request, station_no): if request.method == 'POST': try: entry = request.POST.get("first") entry = int(entry) return redirect('core:station_entry', entry) except: pass try: exit = request.POST.get("second") exit = int(exit) return redirect('core:station_exit', exit) except: pass station = models.Station.objects.get(station_no=station_no) pics = list(models.Person.objects.all().values_list('pic', flat=True)) known_face_names = list(models.Person.objects.all().values_list('name', flat=True)) uids = list(models.Person.objects.all().values_list('uid', flat=True)) known_face_encodings = [] for pic in pics: # print(pic) image = face_recognition.load_image_file(os.path.join(base_dir, str(pic))) image_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(image)[0] known_face_encodings.append(image_encoding) i = 0 video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) face_locations = [] face_encodings = [] face_names = [] face_uids = [] process_this_frame = True while True: # Grab a single frame of video ret, frame = try: # Resize frame of video to 1/4 size for faster face recognition processing small_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25) # Convert the image from BGR color (which OpenCV uses) to RGB color (which face_recognition uses) rgb_small_frame = small_frame[:, :, ::-1] # Only process every other frame of video to save time if process_this_frame: # Find all the faces and face encodings in the current frame of video face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_small_frame) face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_small_frame, face_locations) face_names = [] face_uids = [] for face_encoding in face_encodings: # See if the face is a match for the known face(s) matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(known_face_encodings, face_encoding, tolerance=0.5) name = "Unknown" uid = -1 face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding) best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances) if matches[best_match_index]: name = known_face_names[best_match_index] uid = uids[best_match_index] person = models.Person.objects.get(name=name) try: log = models.Log.objects.get(person=person, status=0) log.exit_station = station log.exit_datetime = log.status = 1 log.fare = 20 try: subject = 'Thanks for Travelling in Yugant Express' message = + ', thanks for travelling.\n From Station : {} \n Entry time : {} \n To station : {}\n Exit Time : {} \n Your Fare : {}'.format( log.entry_station, log.entry_datetime, log.exit_station, log.exit_datetime, log.fare) from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER to_email = [] email = EmailMessage(subject=subject, from_email=from_email, to=to_email, body=message) email.send() # print('email sent') except: # print('failed to send email') pass except: # print('Chada hi nhi tha... cheating krta h yeh !! fine lo') pass # print(name) face_names.append(name) face_uids.append(uid) i += 1 process_this_frame = not process_this_frame # Display the results for (top, right, bottom, left), name, uid in zip(face_locations, face_names, face_uids): # Scale back up face locations since the frame we detected in was scaled to 1/4 size top *= 4 right *= 4 bottom *= 4 left *= 4 # Draw a box around the face cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2) # Draw a label with a name below the face cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX cv2.putText(frame, str(name + ':'+ str(uid)), (left + 6, bottom - 6), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 1) except: # print("Cannot read frame") pass # Display the resulting image cv2.imshow('Video', frame) # Hit 'q' on the keyboard to quit! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Release handle to the webcam video_capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return render(request, 'core/index.html')
django.setup() from jp2_to_tiff_conversion import jp2_to_tiff from model_call import ModelCaller from sentinel_download import SentinelDownload from upload_to_mapbox import start_upload if __name__ == '__main__': try: sentinel_downloader = SentinelDownload() sentinel_downloader.process_download() sentinel_downloader.executor.shutdown() model_caller = ModelCaller() model_caller.start() jp2_to_tiff() uploader = start_upload() uploader.shutdown() model_caller.executor.shutdown() except Exception as error: EmailMessage( subject='Pep download issue', body= (f'Daemon can not download Sentinel2 data. Issue information listed bellow: ' f'\n\n{str(error)}\n\n {"".join(traceback.format_tb(error.__traceback__))}' ), from_email=settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, to=settings.EMAIL_ADMIN_MAILS).send()
def dna_extraction(): q = "start c=node(*) match (c)-[:hasChild]->(cc) where c.entity ='C' and cc.entity='C' return id(cc), cc.genid" print "Retrieving mice to exclude from aliquot extraction..." mice_to_exclude = set(find_mice_to_exclude()) print "Retrieving cases..." cq = neo4j.CypherQuery(gdb, q) cases = cq.execute() print len(cases), " case(s) found" for c in cases: case_id = c[0] case_gid = c[1] gid = GenealogyID(case_gid) if gid.getOrigin() == 'CRC' and int(gid.getCaseCode()) <= 430: continue print "===[ Case %s ]====================" % case_gid check_case(case_id, case_gid) print "" print "" print "Aliquots for extraction (%d):" % len(rl_aliquots) rl = sorted(rl_aliquots) al_recent, al_old = sortAliquots(rl_aliquots) recipients = [] sender = '' subject = 'Aliquots for DNA Extraction' text_content = "" #text_content = "Red Node = Aliquot selected for extraction\nBlue Border = DNA already extracted\nBox Shape = RNAlater aliquots present\n\n" text_content = text_content + "Recent aliquots (" + ( - timedelta(days=days_recent) ).strftime("%a, %d %b %Y") + " - " + "%a, %d %b %Y") + "): " + str(len(al_recent)) + "\n" for a in al_recent: #urlimg = "" #if aliquots.index(a) != 0: # # if a[:9] == aliquots[aliquots.index(a)-1][:9]: # urlimg = "" # # else: # urlimg = ''+ a[:9] +'00000000000000000.png' #else: # urlimg = ''+ a[:9] +'00000000000000000.png' #urlimg = ''+ a[:9] +'00000000000000000.png' #text_content = text_content + a + urlimg + '\n' text_content = text_content + a + '\n' text_content = text_content + "\nOlder aliquots: " + str( len(al_old)) + "\n" for a in al_old: #urlimg = ''+ a[:9] +'00000000000000000.png' #text_content = text_content + a + urlimg + '\n' text_content = text_content + a + '\n' print "" print "Sending email" print "Recipients: ", ", ".join(recipients) print "Content:" cprint(text_content, 'cyan') try: e = EmailMessage(subject=subject, body=text_content, from_email=sender, to=recipients) e.attach(filename="Recent_aliquots.las", mimetype="text/plain", content='\n'.join(al_recent)) e.attach(filename="Old_aliquots.las", mimetype="text/plain", content='\n'.join(al_old)) e.send() print print 'Email sent' except Exception, e: print e cprint('Error sending email', 'red')
def create(): single_events = [] multiple_events = [] a = list(Events.objects.all()) print(a) for i in a: print(, i.contact_email1, i.contact_email2) if i.max_participants > 1: b = list(event_register.objects.filter( e = [] for j in b: c = [] c.append(j.team_name) d = list( Team_details.objects.filter(, team_name=j.team_name)) for k in d: c.append( c.append( c.append( for l in range(len(d), i.max_participants): c.append("") c.append("") c.append("") ps = list(Payment_Status.objects.all()) flag = 0 for ps1 in ps: if ps1.username == j.username: c.append(ps1.payment) flag = 1 if flag == 0: c.append("NO") e.append(c) labels = ["Team Name"] for k in range(0, i.max_participants): labels.append("Member" + str(k + 1) + "Name") labels.append("Member" + str(k + 1) + "Email") labels.append("Member" + str(k + 1) + "Phone") labels.append("Payment_Status") df = pa.DataFrame(e, columns=labels) df.to_csv( + ".csv") subject = "Registration File" body = u"Find the attached CSV File for registered participants for your event " + to = [ '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' ] # to = [] # to.append(i.contact_email1) # to.append(i.contact_email2) emailsend = EmailMessage(subject, body, to=to) path = os.getcwd() path += "/" + + ".csv" multiple_events.append(path) emailsend.attach_file(path) emailsend.send() else: labels = [ 'Name', 'Email', 'Username', 'College Name', 'Contact Number', 'Gender', 'Payment Status' ] labels1 = [ 'Event Name', 'Name', 'Email', 'Username', 'College Name', 'Contact Number', 'Gender', 'Payment Status' ] b = list(single_event.objects.filter(event_name=i.slug)) e = [] h = [] o = [] for j in b: f = [] h = [] c = list(User.objects.all()) for k in c: if k.username == j.username: break d = list(UserProfile.objects.filter(user=k)) for l in d: h.append( f.append( f.append( f.append(k.username) f.append( f.append( if l.gender == '0': f.append("Female") elif l.gender == '1': f.append("Male") elif l.gender == '2': f.append("Other") h += f ps = list(Payment_Status.objects.all()) flag = 0 for ps1 in ps: if ps1.username == j.username: f.append(ps1.payment) h.append(ps1.payment) flag = 1 if flag == 0: f.append("NO") h.append("NO") o.append(h) e.append(f) g = [] for m in e: if len(m) > 0: g.append(m) for m in o: if len(m) > 0: single_events.append(m) df = pa.DataFrame(g, columns=labels) df.to_csv( + ".csv") subject = "Registration File" body = u"Find the attached CSV File for registered participants for single events " to = [ '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' ] # to.append(i.contact_email1) # to.append(i.contact_email2) emailsend = EmailMessage(subject, body, to=to) path = os.getcwd() path += ("/" + + ".csv") emailsend.attach_file(path) emailsend.send() df = pa.DataFrame(single_events, columns=labels1) df.to_csv("Single_Events.csv") subject = "Single Events Registration File" body = u"Find the attached CSV File for registered participants for single event" to = [ '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' ] emailsend = EmailMessage(subject, body, to=to) path = os.getcwd() path += "/Single_Events.csv" emailsend.attach_file(path) emailsend.send() subject = "Team Events Registration File" body = u"Find the attached CSV File for registered participants for team event" to = [ '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' ] emailsend = EmailMessage(subject, body, to=to) for fil in multiple_events: emailsend.attach_file(fil) emailsend.send()
def send_email(data): email= EmailMessage( subject=data['email_subject'],body= data['email_body'],to=[data['to_email']] ) email.send()
from RestPractice import env from django.core.mail import EmailMessage import requests from datetime import datetime import django import os os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'RestPractice.settings' django.setup() username = env.USERNAME token = env.TOKEN paths = [ 'var/log/', 'var/log/' ] for path in paths: r = requests.get( f'{username}/files/path/{path}', headers={'Authorization': 'Token {token}'.format(token=token)}) date = date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') lines = r.text.split('\n') today_lines = [line for line in lines if line.split(' ')[0] == date] today_data = '\n'.join(today_lines) email = EmailMessage(from_email='Django Server <*****@*****.**>', to=['*****@*****.**'], subject=f'Server Logs [{date}]', body=f'{today_data}') email.send(fail_silently=False)
def sign_up(request): if not settings.RELATE_REGISTRATION_ENABLED: raise SuspiciousOperation( _("self-registration is not enabled")) if request.method == "POST": form = SignUpForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if get_user_model().objects.filter( username=form.cleaned_data["username"]).count(): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _("A user with that username already exists.")) else: email = form.cleaned_data["email"] user = get_user_model()( email=email, username=form.cleaned_data["username"]) user.set_unusable_password() user.status = user_status.unconfirmed user.sign_in_key = make_sign_in_key(user) from relate.utils import render_email_template message = render_email_template("course/sign-in-email.txt", { "user": user, "sign_in_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse( "relate-reset_password_stage2", args=(, user.sign_in_key,)) + "?to_profile=1"), "home_uri": request.build_absolute_uri( reverse("relate-home")) }) from django.core.mail import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage( string_concat("[%s] " % _(get_site_name()), _("Verify your email")), message, getattr(settings, "NO_REPLY_EMAIL_FROM", settings.ROBOT_EMAIL_FROM), [email]) from relate.utils import get_outbound_mail_connection msg.connection = ( get_outbound_mail_connection("no_reply") if hasattr(settings, "NO_REPLY_EMAIL_FROM") else get_outbound_mail_connection("robot")) msg.send() messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, _("Email sent. Please check your email and click " "the link.")) return redirect("relate-home") else: if ("email" in form.errors and "That email address is already in use." in form.errors["email"]): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _("That email address is already in use. " "Would you like to " "<a href='%s'>reset your password</a> instead?") % reverse( "relate-reset_password")) else: form = SignUpForm() return render(request, "generic-form.html", { "form_description": _("Sign up"), "form": form })
def register(request): if request.method == 'POST': first_name1 = request.POST['first_name'] last_name1 = request.POST['last_name'] username = request.POST['username'] email1 = request.POST['email'] password = request.POST['password'] password2 = request.POST['password2'] context = {'has_error': False} if username == '': messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Username is required') context['has_error']: True if first_name1 == '': messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Firstname is required') context['has_error']: True if last_name1 == '': messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Lastname is required') context['has_error']: True if email1 == '': messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Email is required') context['has_error']: True if password == '': messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Password is required') context['has_error']: True if password2 == '': messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Confirm Password is required') context['has_error']: True # username should be under 15 characters if len(username) > 10: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'please Enter short username') context['has_error'] = True # username should be alphanumeric mens does not contain any &*()%$ etc.. if not username.isalnum(): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Username Should Be Alphanumeric') context['has_error'] = True # Username Already exists or not if yes than show this error if User.objects.filter(username=username).exists(): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Username Already Exists') context['has_error'] = True # validate email or not if not validate_email(email1, check_regex=True, check_mx=True): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'please provide a valid Email') context['has_error'] = True # Email Already exists or not if yes than show this error if User.objects.filter(email=email1).exists(): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Email Already Exists') context['has_error'] = True # password should match if password != password2: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Password Not Match') context['has_error'] = True if len(password) < 7: messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, 'password shod be Atleast 7 character or more') context['has_error'] = True # if remember1 == '': # messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Please Agree The Terms and Conditions.') # context['has_error']: True if context['has_error']: return render(request, 'users/register.html', context, status=400) user = User.objects.create_user(username=username, email=email1, password=password) user.first_name = first_name1 user.last_name = last_name1 user.is_active = False # start here email verification online current_site = get_current_site(request) email_subject = 'Activate Your Account' message = render_to_string( 'users/activate.html', { 'user': user, 'domain': current_site.domain, 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(, 'token': generate_token.make_token(user), }) email_message = EmailMessage( email_subject, message, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [email1], ) # email_message.send() EmailThread(email_message).start() messages.add_message( request, messages.SUCCESS, 'We will share you mail to activate your account') return render(request, 'users/register.html') else: return render(request, 'users/register.html')
def post(self, request, pk): max_seats = Movie.objects.get(pk=pk).max_no_seats tickets = Ticket.objects.filter(movie=Movie.objects.get(pk=pk)) shows = Show.objects.filter(movie__name=Movie.objects.get(pk=pk).name, form = self.form_class(request.POST, mov_id=pk) if form.is_valid(): ticket = ticket.user = request.user = Movie.objects.get(pk=pk) ticket.price = #Ticket numbers taken for the shows nos = [] tis = Ticket.objects.filter(movie=Movie.objects.get(pk=pk), for t in tis: nos.append(t.seat_no) if ticket.seat_no in nos: form.add_error('seat_no', 'Seat Already taken') return render( request, self.template_name, { 'form': form, 'seats': range(max_seats), 'tickets': tickets, 'shows': shows, 'ti': self.title }) cred = UserWallet.objects.get(user=request.user) if - ticket.price < 0: form.add_error( 'seat_no', 'Please restock your account before Booking tickets') return render( request, self.template_name, { 'form': form, 'seats': range(max_seats), 'tickets': tickets, 'shows': shows, 'ti': self.title }) = - ticket.price = Theatre.objects.get( msg1 = 'Hi ' + str( ticket.user ) + '!\n\nYour ticket booking has been confirmed, with the following details : \n' msg2 = 'Movie : ' + str( + '\nTheatre : ' + str( + '\nShow : ' + str( + '\nSeat Number : ' + str(ticket.seat_no) msg3 = '\nPrice : Rs.' + str(ticket.price) msg4 = '\nRemaining Credit: Rs.' + str( msg5 = '\n\nThank you for choosing TheatriX, Enjoy your movie!' msg = msg1 + msg2 + msg3 + msg4 + msg5 email = EmailMessage('Your tickets for ' + str(, msg, '*****@*****.**', []) try: if email.send(): print "Email Sent" else: print "Email Not sent" except Exception as e: print e return redirect('Movies:ticket_details', return render( request, self.template_name, { 'form': form, 'seats': range(max_seats), 'tickets': tickets, 'shows': shows, 'ti': self.title })
def send_html_email(self, subject, html_content, to_list): """发送html邮件""" send_from = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, send_from, to_list) msg.content_subtype = "html" # 设置类型为html msg.send()
def payment_process(request): order_id = request.session.get('order_id') order = get_object_or_404(Order, id=order_id) if request.method == 'POST': # retrieve nonce nonce = request.POST.get('payment_method_nonce', None) # create and submit transaction result ={ 'amount': '{:.2f}'.format(order.get_total_cost()), 'payment_method_nonce': nonce, 'options': { 'submit_for_settlement': True } }) if result.is_success: # mark the order as paid order.paid = True # store the unique transaction id order.braintree_id = # create invoice e-mail subject = 'My Shop - Invoice no. {}'.format( message = 'Please, find attached the invoice for your recent purchase.' email = EmailMessage(subject, message, '*****@*****.**', []) # generate PDF html = render_to_string('orders/order/pdf.html', {'order': order}) out = BytesIO() stylesheets = [ weasyprint.CSS(settings.STATIC_ROOT + 'css/pdf.css') ] weasyprint.HTML(string=html).write_pdf(out, stylesheets=stylesheets) # attach PDF file email.attach('order_{}.pdf'.format(, out.getvalue(), 'application/pdf') # send e-mail email.send() # send sms # Your Account SID from #account_sid = "AC1cac4d02cc38ebe54d55d730ca00703c" # Your Auth Token from #auth_token = "423946a57f6b878f341abe7d66b3fe2f" #client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) #message = client.messages.create( # to="+14027066443", # from_="+117122484584", # body="Thank you {} {}, Your order {} has been placed successfully and will be delivered to {}, {}, {}".format(order.first_name,order.last_name,,order.address,,order.postal_code) #) #print(message.sid) client = nexmo.Client(key='afc1e627', secret='ddV43jqW79xSneKo') client.send_message({ 'from': '18595920844', 'to': '14027066443', 'text': 'Thank you {} {}, Your order {} has been placed successfully and will be delivered to {}, {}, {}' .format(order.first_name, order.last_name,, order.address,, order.postal_code) }) return redirect('payment:done') else: return redirect('payment:canceled') else: # generate token client_token = braintree.ClientToken.generate() return render(request, 'payment/process.html', { 'order': order, 'client_token': client_token })
def send_email(): subject, from_email, to = 'Docker', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**' text_content = f'Hi from docker' msg = EmailMessage(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.send()
def confirm_data(page, request, id): if not request.user.is_authenticated():, 'You need to be logged in to perform this action.') return HttpResponseRedirect('/dashboard/login/' + "?next={}".format(request.path)) try: impact_model = ImpactModel.objects.get(id=id) except ImpactModel.DoesNotExist: messages.warning(request, 'Unknown model') return HttpResponseRedirect('/impactmodels/') if not (impact_model.base_model in request.user.userprofile.owner.all() or request.user.is_superuser):, 'You need to be logged in to perform this action.') nexturl = reverse('wagtailadmin_login') + "?next={}".format( request.path) return HttpResponseRedirect(nexturl) if not impact_model.can_confirm_data(): messages.warning( request, 'Data confirmation for this model is not possible at the moment.') return HttpResponseRedirect('/impactmodels/') confirmation = impact_model.confirmation if request.method == 'GET': title = 'Confirm data for : %s' % impact_model subpage = {'title': title, 'url': ''} context = { 'page': page, 'subpage': subpage, 'user': request.user, 'simulation_round': impact_model.simulation_round, 'sector': impact_model.base_model.sector, 'impact_model_name':, 'custom_text': confirmation.email_text, 'impact_model_url': '/impactmodels/edit/%s/' %, } template = 'climatemodels/confirm_data.html' return render(request, template, context) elif request.method == 'POST': # raise Exception(request.POST) form = DataConfirmationForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): if 'license' in form.cleaned_data: messages.error( request, 'You need to confirm that your impact model is correct and complete!' ) else: messages.error(request, 'You need to select a valid license!') return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) license = form.cleaned_data['license'] if license == 'other' and form.cleaned_data['other_license_name'] == '': messages.error( request, 'If you choose the "Other" license you need to fill out the name!' ) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) # build and send confirm email confirm_email = DataPublicationConfirmation.for_site( license = license == 'other' and form.cleaned_data[ 'other_license_name'] or license context = { 'model_contact_person': request.user.get_full_name(), 'simulation_round': impact_model.simulation_round, 'impact_model_name':, 'custom_text': confirmation.email_text, 'license': license, } confirm_body = Template(confirm_email.body) confirm_body = confirm_body.render(Context(context)) # add newlines to the end of body to split attachment from text confirm_body += "\n\n" ccs = impact_model.base_model.impact_model_owner.exclude( pdf = render_impact_model_to_pdf(impact_model) subject = "%s for %s" % (confirm_email.subject, email = EmailMessage( subject=subject, body=confirm_body, reply_to=[], from_email='ISIMIP Data Confirmation <%s>' % settings.DATA_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL, to=[settings.DATA_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL], cc=[ for cc in ccs], ) filename = "DataConfirmation_%s_%s_%s.pdf" % ( impact_model.simulation_round.slug, impact_model.base_model.sector.slug, slugify( email.attach(filename, pdf, "application/pdf") email.send() # update confirmation state confirmation.is_confirmed = True confirmation.confirmed_by = request.user confirmation.confirmed_date = confirmation.confirmed_license = license messages.success(request, 'The data confirmation email has been sent.') return HttpResponseRedirect('/dashboard/')
def smart_home_manager(): try: controller_data = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() if controller_data['status'] != 'ok': return HttpResponse('Some problems with API', status=502) except: return HttpResponse('Some problems with API', status=502) json_data = {x['name']: x['value'] for x in controller_data.get('data')} controllers = json.loads(json.dumps(json_data), object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d)) payload = {'controllers': []} # Если есть протечка воды (leak_detector=true), закрыть холодную (cold_water=false) # и горячую (hot_water=false) воду и отослать письмо в момент обнаружения. if controllers.leak_detector: if controllers.cold_water: payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'cold_water', 'value': False }) controllers.cold_water = False if controllers.hot_water: payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'hot_water', 'value': False }) controllers.hot_water = False email = EmailMessage( 'leak detector', 'text', settings.EMAIL_HOST, [settings.EMAIL_RECEPIENT], ) email.send(fail_silently=False) # Если холодная вода (cold_water) закрыта, немедленно выключить бойлер (boiler) и стиральную машину (washing_machine) # и ни при каких условиях не включать их, пока холодная вода не будет снова открыта. if not controllers.cold_water: if controllers.boiler: controllers.boiler = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'boiler', 'value': False }) if controllers.washing_machine in ('on', 'broken'): controllers.washing_machine = 'off' payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'washing_machine', 'value': 'off' }) # Если обнаружен дым (smoke_detector), немедленно выключить следующие приборы # [air_conditioner, bedroom_light, bathroom_light, boiler, washing_machine], # и ни при каких условиях не включать их, пока дым не исчезнет if controllers.smoke_detector: if controllers.air_conditioner: controllers.air_conditioner = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'air_conditioner', 'value': False }) if controllers.bedroom_light: controllers.bedroom_light = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'bedroom_light', 'value': False }) if controllers.bathroom_light: controllers.bathroom_light = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'bathroom_light', 'value': False }) if controllers.boiler: controllers.boiler = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'boiler', 'value': False }) if controllers.washing_machine in ('on', 'broken'): controllers.washing_machine = 'off' payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'washing_machine', 'value': 'off' }) # Если горячая вода имеет температуру (boiler_temperature) меньше чем hot_water_target_temperature - 10%, нужно включить бойлер (boiler), # и ждать пока она не достигнет температуры hot_water_target_temperature + 10%, после чего в целях экономии энергии бойлер нужно отключить hot_water_target_temperature = Setting.objects.get( controller_name='hot_water_target_temperature').value if ( controllers.boiler_temperature or 0 ) < hot_water_target_temperature * 0.9 and not controllers.boiler and not controllers.smoke_detector and controllers.cold_water: controllers.boiler = True payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'boiler', 'value': True }) if (controllers.boiler_temperature or 0) > hot_water_target_temperature * 1.1 and controllers.boiler: controllers.boiler = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'boiler', 'value': False }) # Если шторы частично открыты (curtains == “slightly_open”), то они находятся на ручном управлении # - это значит их состояние нельзя изменять автоматически ни при каких условиях # Если на улице (outdoor_light) темнее 50, открыть шторы (curtains), но только если не горит лампа в спальне (bedroom_light). # Если на улице (outdoor_light) светлее 50, или горит свет в спальне (bedroom_light), закрыть шторы. Кроме случаев когда они на ручном управлении if controllers.curtains != "slightly_open": if controllers.outdoor_light < 50 and not controllers.bedroom_light and controllers.curtains == 'close': controllers.curtains = 'open' payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'curtains', 'value': 'open' }) if (controllers.outdoor_light > 50 or controllers.bedroom_light) and controllers.curtains == 'open': controllers.curtains = 'close' payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'curtains', 'value': 'close' }) # Если температура в спальне (bedroom_temperature) поднялась выше bedroom_target_temperature + 10% - включить кондиционер (air_conditioner), # и ждать пока температура не опустится ниже bedroom_target_temperature - 10%, после чего кондиционер отключить bedroom_target_temperature = Setting.objects.get( controller_name='bedroom_target_temperature').value if controllers.bedroom_temperature < bedroom_target_temperature * 0.9 and controllers.air_conditioner: controllers.boiair_conditionerler = False payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'air_conditioner', 'value': False }) if controllers.bedroom_temperature > bedroom_target_temperature * 1.1 and not controllers.air_conditioner and not controllers.smoke_detector: controllers.air_conditioner = True payload['controllers'] = append_if_not_in(payload['controllers'], { 'name': 'air_conditioner', 'value': True }) if payload['controllers']: try: r =, headers=headers, json=payload) if r.json()['status'] != 'ok': return HttpResponse('Some problems with API', status=502) except: return HttpResponse('Some problems with API', status=502)
for cl in oc.event.referral.client.all(): if cl.person.notify.filter( and cl.person.notify.get( ).client_event: # client set to receive a email to remember the event for x in cl.person.emails.all(): to.append(u'%s' % # send email if not empty list if to: # render html email title = u"Lembrete do atendimento" text = Context({'oc': oc, 'title': title, 'org': org}) template = get_template( "schedule/schedule_notify_client_event.html").render(text) # sendmail msg = EmailMessage() msg.content_subtype = 'html' msg.encoding = "utf-8" msg.subject = u"Lembrete do atendimento com %s." % oc.event.referral.professional.all( )[0] msg.body = template = to try: msg.send() print '--- sendmail %s ' % oc except: print '--- sendmail error %s ' % c += 1 # if just sendmail
def mail_admin(self, request, selected): EmailMessage('Greetings from a ModelAdmin action', 'This is the test email from an admin action', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']).send()
def send_html_email(to_list, subject, template_name, context, sender='*****@*****.**'): msg_html = render_to_string(template_name, context) msg = EmailMessage(subject=subject, body=msg_html, from_email=sender, bcc=to_list) msg.content_subtype = "html" # Main content is now text/html msg.attach_file('notes/aws-udemy.pdf') return msg.send()
def send(msg): subject = 'ALERT MOISTURE-CONTENT' message = render_to_string('email.html',{'content':msg}) email=EmailMessage(subject,message,from_email='*****@*****.**',to=['*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**']) email.content_subtype = "html" email.send()
def external_mail(modeladmin, request, selected): EmailMessage('Greetings from a function action', 'This is the test email from a function action', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']).send()
def get_product(request, path, out={}): slug = path.split('/')[-2] if len(path.split('/')) > 2: category_slug = path.split('/')[-3] if category_slug: product = get_object_or_404(Product, slug=slug, category__slug=category_slug) else: product = get_object_or_404(Product, slug=slug) tab = request.GET.get('tab', 'description') template_name = 'product.html' if tab == 'description': template_name = 'product.html' elif tab == 'docs': template_name = 'product_docs.html' elif tab == 'photo': galleries = product.category.galleries.filter(published=True).all() if product.category.parent_id: galleries = chain( galleries, product.category.parent_id.galleries.filter( published=True).all()) galleries = set(galleries) out.update({'galleries': galleries}) template_name = 'product_photo.html' elif tab == 'articles': template_name = 'product_articles.html' articles = set(product.category.articles.all()) | set( product.articles.all()) product.ind_articles = enumerate(articles) elif tab == 'review': template_name = 'product_review.html' out.update({'product': product}) out.update({'menu_active_item': 'catalog'}) if request.method == 'POST': callback_form = CallbackForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if callback_form.is_valid(): kwargs = dict( to=EMAILS_FOR_CALLBACK, from_email='*****@*****.**', subject=u'Заказ продукции', body= u'Поступил запрос на заказ продукции {} в количестве {} штук от {} (телефон для связи - {}, email - {}) с комментарием:\n\n"{}"' .format( callback_form.cleaned_data['product'], callback_form.cleaned_data['count'], callback_form.cleaned_data['name'], callback_form.cleaned_data['phone'], callback_form.cleaned_data['email'], callback_form.cleaned_data['comment'], ), ) message = EmailMessage(**kwargs) for attachment in request.FILES.getlist('file_field'): message.attach(,, attachment.content_type) message.send()'Send callback with text: {}'.format(kwargs['body'])) callback_form = CallbackForm() out.update({'callback_form': callback_form}) out.update({'title':}) return render(request, template_name, out)
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change=True): EmailMessage('Greetings from a created object', 'I hereby inform you that some user created me', '*****@*****.**', ['*****@*****.**']).send() return super(ArticleAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
def send_email(to, status): msg = EmailMessage("Your Product Status", str(status), to=[ str(to), ]) msg.send()
def catalog_category(request, category_path): out = {} category_slug = category_path.split('/')[-2] if len(category_path.split('/')) > 2: parent_category_slug = category_path.split('/')[-3] category = CategoryProduct.objects.filter(slug=category_slug).first() out.update({'menu_active_item': 'catalog'}) out.update({'category_path': category_path}) if category: category.number = Product.objects.filter(published=True, category=category).count() for child_category in CategoryProduct.objects.filter( published=True, category.number += Product.objects.filter( published=True, category=child_category).count() if CategoryProduct.objects.filter( title = 'Вложенные категории' subcategories = CategoryProduct.objects.filter(, published=True).all() for subcategory in subcategories: subcategory_products_all = Product.objects.filter( published=True, category=subcategory) subcategory.number = subcategory_products_all.count() for child_category in CategoryProduct.objects.filter( published=True, subcategory_products_all = subcategory_products_all | Product.objects.filter( published=True, category=child_category) subcategory.number += Product.objects.filter( published=True, category=child_category).count() subcategory.min_price = None for product in subcategory_products_all: current = Q(property__title__contains='Цена')).first() try: if current and not subcategory.min_price: subcategory.min_price = float( unicode(current.value).replace( u' ', u'').replace(u'\xa0', u'')) if current and float( current.value.replace(' ', '').replace( u'\xa0', '')) < subcategory.min_price: subcategory.min_price = float( current.value.replace(' ', '').replace(u'\xa0', '')) except Exception: pass template_name = 'catalog_category.html' ind_subcategory = enumerate(subcategories) if request.GET.get('expand', 'true') == 'true': template_name = 'catalog_category_expand.html' out.update({ 'subcategories': subcategories, 'title': title, 'category': category, 'request': request, 'ind_subcategory': ind_subcategory }) out.update({'title':}) return render(request, template_name, out) else: title = 'Список продуктов' products = Product.objects.filter(category=category, published=True) for product in products.all(): product.properties_dict = 'property__title', 'value') template_name = 'catalog_category_products.html' ind_products = enumerate(products.all()) properties = [] properties_ids = ProductProperty.objects.filter( product__in=products).values_list('property', flat=True).distinct().all() for property_id in properties_ids: properties.append(Property.objects.get(pk=property_id)) properties.sort() # найти минимальное и максимальное значение в каждом свойстве for property in properties: all_value = list( ProductProperty.objects.filter( product__in=products, property=property).values_list('value', flat=True)) all_value_int = [] for value in all_value: try: all_value_int.append( float( value.replace(',', '.').replace( ' ', '').replace(u'\xa0', '').replace( u'\u2014', '').replace('-', ''))) except Exception: all_value_int = [0] property.min = unicode(min(all_value_int)).replace(',', '.') property.max = unicode(max(all_value_int)).replace(',', '.') property.get_min = property.min property.get_max = property.max # фильтрация по гет-параметрам for property in properties: property_get_param_from = property.slug + '_from' property_value_from = request.GET.get(property_get_param_from, None) if property_value_from: property.get_min = property_value_from for product in products: if not float( property=property).first().value.replace( ',', '.')) >= float(property_value_from): products = products.exclude( property_get_param_to = property.slug + '_to' property_value_to = request.GET.get(property_get_param_to, None) if property_value_to: property.get_max = property_value_to for product in products: if not float( property=property).first().value.replace( ',', '.')) <= float(property_value_to): products = products.exclude( # отфильтровали products = products.all() for product in products: product.properties_dict = {} for property in properties: prop = ProductProperty.objects.filter( product=product, property=property).first() if prop: product.properties_dict.update({ property.title + ', ' + property.units: prop.value }) else: product.properties_dict.update( {property.title + ', ' + property.units: ' - '}) product.properties_dict = collections.OrderedDict( sorted(product.properties_dict.items())) new_properties = [] for property in properties: new_properties.append(u'{}, {}'.format(property.title, property.units)) new_properties.sort() if request.GET.get('expand', 'true') == 'true': template_name = 'catalog_category_products_expand.html' out.update({ 'products': products, 'parent': category, 'title': title, 'category': category, 'request': request, 'ind_products': ind_products, 'properties': new_properties, 'properties_objs': properties }) if request.method == 'POST': callback_form = CallbackForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if callback_form.is_valid(): kwargs = dict( to=EMAILS_FOR_CALLBACK, from_email='*****@*****.**', subject=u'Заказ продукции', body= u'Поступил запрос на заказ продукции {} в количестве {} штук от {} (телефон для связи - {}, email - {}) с комментарием:\n\n"{}"' .format( callback_form.cleaned_data['product'], callback_form.cleaned_data['count'], callback_form.cleaned_data['name'], callback_form.cleaned_data['phone'], callback_form.cleaned_data['email'], callback_form.cleaned_data['comment'], ), ) message = EmailMessage(**kwargs) for attachment in request.FILES.getlist('file_field'): message.attach(,, attachment.content_type) message.send()'Send callback with text: {}'.format( kwargs['body'])) callback_form = CallbackForm() out.update({'callback_form': callback_form}) out.update({'title':}) return render(request, template_name, out) else: return get_product(request, category_path, out)
def handlerequest(request): form = request.POST # x = 'Error Code 10' respons_dict = {} context = {"title": "handlerequest", "response": respons_dict} for i in form.keys(): respons_dict[i] = form[i] if i == 'CHECKSUMHASH': checksum = form[i] # = 'Error Code 2' verify = Checksum.verify_checksum(respons_dict, MERCHANT_KEY, checksum) # print(respons_dict) if verify: if respons_dict['RESPCODE'] == '01': # x = 'Error Code 3' # print("Order successful") ourVar = form['ORDERID'] find1 = ourVar.find('SFRAME') find2 = ourVar[find1+len('SFRAME'):] # findMatch = matches.objects.filter(pk = int(find2)).first() findOrder = Order.objects.filter(pk=int(find2)).first() order_items = findOrder.item.all() order_items.update(ordered=True) order_items.update( for item in order_items: thisItem = Item.objects.get( thisItem.stock -= item.quantity findOrder.ordered = True findOrder.amount = form['TXNAMOUNT'] findOrder.billing_date = findOrder.billing_mode = "Online" # Checking Affiliate. l = [] for item in findOrder.item.all(): thisItemSeller = item.item.seller affiliate = Affiliate.objects.filter( seller=thisItemSeller.user) if len(affiliate) > 0: if affiliate[0].completed == False: affiliate[0].orderItem.add(item) l.append(thisItemSeller.user.user.username) if item.item.discount_price: itemPrice = item.item.discount_price else: itemPrice = item.item.price qty = item.quantity price = (itemPrice/10)*qty affiliate[0].amount += price affiliate[0].save() else: pass else: pass for user in l: affiliate = Affiliate.objects.get( seller__user__username=user) affiliate.completed = True findAddress = BillingAddress.objects.filter(orderId=find2).first() fullname = findAddress.fullname user = findAddress.user phone = email = pincode = findAddress.pincode street_address = findAddress.street_address street_address2 = findAddress.street_address2 landmark = findAddress.landmark state = findAddress.state city = amount = form['TXNAMOUNT'] Pdf(request, find2) context.update({'fullname': fullname, 'amount': amount, 'user': user, 'phone': phone, 'pincode': pincode, 'street_address': street_address, 'street_address2': street_address2, 'landmark': landmark, 'state': state, 'city': city, 'email': email}) emails = [settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, ] order = Order.objects.get(pk=find2) allItems = order.item.all() for item in allItems: emails.append( Notifications.objects.create( user=item.item.seller.user, title='Someone ordered your product.', category='OrderSuccess' ) msg = EmailMessage('Order Successful at', '<html><b><center><h2>An Order has been placed at</h2><p>Please visit your dashboard.</p><br/><br/>or<br/></center></b></html>', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, emails) msg.content_subtype = "html" # msg.send() else: print("Order was not successful because " + respons_dict['RESPMSG']) ourVar = form['ORDERID'] find1 = ourVar.find('SFRAME') find2 = ourVar[find1+len('SFRAME'):] findOrder = Order.objects.filter(pk=int(find2)).first() findOrder.delete() else: print("order unsuccessful because"+respons_dict['RESPMSG']) return render(request, 'shop/paymentstatus.html', context)
def run(self): msg = EmailMessage(self.subject, self.html_content, self.sender, self.recipient_list) msg.content_subtype = 'html' msg.send(fail_silently=False)
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): form = CheckoutForm(self.request.POST or None) order = Order.objects.get(user=self.request.user, ordered=False) amount = order.get_total() try: order = Order.objects.get(user=self.request.user, ordered=False) if form.is_valid(): orderId = order fullname = form.cleaned_data.get('fullname') email = address_id = self.request.POST.get('address-value') address = Address.objects.get(Q(pk=int(address_id)) & Q(user__user=self.request.user)) payment_type = self.request.POST.get('payment-type') billing_address = BillingAddress( user=self.request.user, fullname=fullname, phone=address.phone1, email=email, orderId=orderId, pincode=address.zipCode, street_address=address.address1, street_address2=address.address2, landmark=address.landmark, state=address.state,, paymentType=payment_type ) order.billing_address = billing_address if self.request.POST.get('payment-type') == 'online': # Redirect to payment gateway param_dict = { 'MID': 'WorldP64425807474247', 'ORDER_ID': str("SFRAME" + str(, 'TXN_AMOUNT': str(amount), 'CUST_ID': address.phone1, 'INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID': 'Retail', 'WEBSITE': 'WEBSTAGING', 'CHANNEL_ID': 'WEB', 'CALLBACK_URL':'', # 'CALLBACK_URL': '', } param_dict['CHECKSUMHASH'] = Checksum.generate_checksum( param_dict, MERCHANT_KEY) return render(self.request, 'shop/paytm.html', {'param_dict': param_dict}) elif self.request.POST.get('payment-type') == 'offline': order.amount = amount + 50 order.billing_date = order.ordered = True order.billing_mode = "Offline" allItems = order.item.all() allItems.update(ordered=True) allItems.update( for item in allItems: thisItem = Item.objects.get( thisItem.stock -= item.quantity # Checking Affiliate. l = [] for item in order.item.all(): thisItemSeller = item.item.seller affiliate = Affiliate.objects.filter(seller=thisItemSeller.user) if len(affiliate)>0: if affiliate[0].completed == False: affiliate[0].orderItem.add(item) l.append(thisItemSeller.user.user.username) if item.item.discount_price: itemPrice = item.item.discount_price else: itemPrice = item.item.price qty = item.quantity price = (itemPrice/10)*qty affiliate[0].amount += price affiliate[0].save() else: pass else: pass for user in l: affiliate = Affiliate.objects.get( seller__user__username=user) affiliate.completed = True Pdf(self.request, emails = [settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, ] order = Order.objects.get( allItems = order.item.all() for item in allItems: emails.append( Notifications.objects.create( user=item.item.seller.user, title='Someone ordered your product.', category='OrderSuccess' ) msg = EmailMessage('Order Successful at', '<html><b><center><h2>An Order has been placed at</h2><p>Please visit your dashboard.</p><br/><br/>or<br/></center></b></html>', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, emails) msg.content_subtype = "html" # msg.send() return render(self.request, 'shop/paytm-offline.html', {'order': order}) messages.warning(self.request, "Failed checkout") return redirect('checkout') except ObjectDoesNotExist: messages.error(self.request, "You don't have an active order") return redirect("order-summary")
def post(self, request): context = {'data': request.POST, 'has_error': False} email = request.POST.get('email') username = request.POST.get('username') full_name = request.POST.get('name') password = request.POST.get('password') password2 = request.POST.get('password2') if len(password) < 6: messages.add_message( request, messages.ERROR, 'passwords should be atleast 6 characters long') context['has_error'] = True if password != password2: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'passwords dont match') context['has_error'] = True if not validate_email(email): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Please provide a valid email') context['has_error'] = True try: if User.objects.get(email=email): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Email is taken') context['has_error'] = True except Exception as identifier: pass try: if User.objects.get(username=username): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Username is taken') context['has_error'] = True except Exception as identifier: pass if context['has_error']: return render(request, 'auth/register.html', context, status=400) user = User.objects.create_user(username=username, email=email) user.set_password(password) user.first_name = full_name user.last_name = full_name user.is_active = False current_site = get_current_site(request) email_subject = 'Active your Account' message = render_to_string( 'auth/activate.html', { 'user': user, 'domain': current_site.domain, 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(, 'token': generate_token.make_token(user) }) email_message = EmailMessage(email_subject, message, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [email]) EmailThread(email_message).start() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'account created succesfully') return redirect('login')