def testGenerateNetFixtures(self): 
     """ This isn't actually a test.  It just takes advantage
         of the test harness to spam a bunch of messages to the 
         nigeria app and spit out the data in a format that can
         be sucked into a fixture.  It should be moved to some 
         data generator at some point, but is being left here 
         for laziness sake """
     # this is the number of net reports that will be generated
     count = 0
     # the sender will always be the same, for now
     phone = "55555"
     expected_actual_match_percent = .8
     # allow specifying the minimum and maximum dates for message generation
     min_date = datetime(2009,4,1)
     max_date = datetime(2009,4,30)
     min_time = time.mktime(min_date.timetuple())
     max_time = time.mktime(max_date.timetuple())
     # these are the locations that will be chosen.  The actual
     # location will be a distribution point under one of these 
     # wards
     wards = [200101, 200102, 200103, 200104, 200105, 200106, 200107, 200108, 200109, 200110, 200201]
     all_net_strings = []
     for i in range(count):
         # this first part generates a net form at a random DP
         date = datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(min_time, max_time))
         ward = Location.objects.get(code=random.choice(wards))
         dp = random.choice(ward.children.all())
         distributed = random.randint(50,500)
         expected = random.randint(0,2000)
         # create an actual amount based on the likelihood of match
         if random.random() < expected_actual_match_percent:
             actual = expected
             actual = random.randint(0,2000)
         discrepancy = random.randint(0,distributed/5)
         net_string = "%s@%s > llin nets %s %s %s %s %s" % (phone, date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), dp.code, distributed, expected, actual, discrepancy)
         # the second part generates a net card form at a random MT
         date = datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(min_time, max_time))
         ward = Location.objects.get(code=random.choice(wards))
         dp = random.choice(ward.children.all())
         mt = random.choice(dp.children.all())
         settlements = random.randint(3, 50)
         people = random.randint(50, 600)
         coupons = random.randint(50, 600)
         net_card_string = "%s@%s > llin net cards %s %s %s %s" % (phone, date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), mt.code, settlements, people, coupons )
     script = "\n".join(all_net_strings)
     dumpdata = Command()
     filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"fixtures/test_net_data.json"))
     options = { "indent" : 2 }
     datadump = dumpdata.handle("bednets", **options)
Пример #2
 def dumpFixture(res):
     import os.path
     from import Command
     from import CommandError
     except CommandError, e:
         log.msg("You might run in to")
Пример #3
 def _dumpdata(self):
     dumpdata = Command()
     filename = os.path.abspath(
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test_schools.json"))
     options = {"indent": 2}
     datadump = dumpdata.handle("locations", "reporters", "schools",
                                "blaster", **options)
     file = open(filename, "w")
     print "=== Successfully wrote fixtures to %s ===" % filename
Пример #4
 def testPropertyDataDump(self):
     for i, value in enumerate(self.testing_data):
         prop = Property.objects.create(name='name %s' % i,
         dumpdata = Command()
         jsondata = dumpdata.handle('mbdb')
         data = json.loads(jsondata)
         value_data = data[0]['fields']['value']
         # dump data will always dump the pickled data stringified
         self.assertEqual(unicode(value), value_data)
Пример #5
 def testPropertyDataDump(self):
     for i, value in enumerate(self.testing_data):
         prop = Property.objects.create(name='name %s' % i,
         dumpdata = Command()
         # when calling handle() directly it's unable to pick up defaults
         # in Command.option_list so we have to pick that up manually
         defaults = dict((x.dest, x.default) for x in Command.option_list)
         jsondata = dumpdata.handle('mbdb', **defaults)
         data = json.loads(jsondata)
         value_data = data[0]['fields']['value']
         # dump data will always dump the pickled data stringified
         self.assertEqual(unicode(value), value_data)
Пример #6
 def testFixture(self): 
     """"This isn't actually a test.  It just takes advantage
         of the test harness to spam a bunch of messages to the 
         supply app and spit out the data in a format that can
         be sucked into a fixture"""
     # this is the number of transactions that will be generated
     transaction_count = 0
     # these are the locations that will be the origins, chosen randomly
     # from this list
     # the destinations will be chosen randomly from the origins' children
     originating_locations = [20, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004]
     stock_levels = dict([[loc, random.randint(1, 10000) * 10 + 50000] for loc in originating_locations])
     # the sender will always be the same, for now
     phone = "55555"
     all_txns = []
     # these are the percentages these items will match
     waybill_match_percent = .9
     amount_match_percent = .9
     loc_match_percent = .95
     num_locs = len(Location.objects.all())
     # allow specifying the minimum and maximum dates for message generation
     min_date = datetime(2009,4,1)
     max_date = datetime(2009,4,30)
     min_time = time.mktime(min_date.timetuple())
     max_time = time.mktime(max_date.timetuple())
     # generate the array of dates we're going to use at the start.  This is so we can order 
     # our transactions
     iss_dates = []
     for i in range(transaction_count):
         iss_dates.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(random.randint(min_time, max_time)))
     rec_dates = []
     for i in range(transaction_count):
         # make the date from a min and max timestamp
                # the min is the shipment date
                #the max is the shipment date + 0 to 4 days
                time.mktime((iss_dates[i] + timedelta(random.randint(0,4))).timetuple()))))
     for i in range(transaction_count):
         # get some random data based on the parameters we've set above
         origin = Location.objects.get(code=random.choice(originating_locations ))
         destination = random.choice(origin.children.all())
         waybill = random.randint(10000,99999)
         amount = random.randint(1, 500) * 10
         diff = stock_levels[int(origin.code)] - amount 
         if diff > 0:
             stock = diff
             stock = random.randint(1, 10000) * 10
         stock_levels[int(origin.code)] = stock
         issue_string = "%s@%s > llin issue from %s to %s %s %s %s" % (phone, iss_dates[i].strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), origin.code, destination.code, waybill, amount, stock)
         # create a waybill number based on the likelihood of match
         if random.random() < waybill_match_percent:
             ret_waybill = waybill
             ret_waybill = random.randint(10000,99999)
         # create an amount based on the likelihood of match
         if random.random() < amount_match_percent:
             ret_amount = amount
             ret_amount = random.randint(1, 500) * 10
         # create an origin and destination based on the likelihood of match
         if random.random() < loc_match_percent:
             ret_orig = origin
             ret_orig = Location.objects.get(pk=random.randint(1,num_locs))
         if random.random() < loc_match_percent:
             ret_dest = destination
             ret_dest = Location.objects.get(pk=random.randint(1, num_locs))
         if stock_levels.has_key(int(ret_dest.code)):
             ret_stock = stock_levels[int(ret_dest.code)] + amount
             # make sure the stock at the receiver is higher than the amount of the bill
             ret_stock = random.randint(1, 2000) * 10 + ret_amount
         stock_levels[int(ret_dest.code)] = ret_stock
         # make sure the date received is after the date sent
         receive_string = "%s@%s > llin receive from %s to %s %s %s %s" % (phone, rec_dates[i].strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), ret_orig.code, ret_dest.code, ret_waybill, ret_amount, ret_stock)
     script = "\n".join(all_txns)
     dumpdata = Command()
     filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"fixtures/test_transactions_stock.json"))
     options = { "indent" : 2 }
     datadump = dumpdata.handle("supply", **options)