Пример #1
    def _fetch_all(self):
            Fetch all uses the standard iterator but sorts the values on the
            way out, this maintains the lazy evaluation of querysets
        def locate_pk_column(query):
            pk_name = self.model._meta.pk.name
            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                if "pk" in query.values_select:
                    return query.values_select.index("pk")
                elif pk_name in query.values_select:
                    return query.values_select.index(pk_name)
                for i, col in enumerate(query.select):
                    if hasattr(col, "field") and col.field.name == pk_name:
                        return i

        if self._result_cache is None:
            # Making this work efficiently is tricky. We never want to fetch more than self.ordered_pks
            # and the __getitem__ implementation sets this to a single item, so in that case we only want
            # to fetch one. So we do a few things here:

            # 1. We clone the Queryset as a normal Queryset, then we do a pk__in on the ordered_pks.
            # 2. We add the primary key if this was a values_list query without it being specified, otherwise
            #    we can't match up the ordering
            # 3. We execute the clone, and then remove the additional PK column from the result set

            # There are various combinations to handle depending on whether it's a "flat" values_list or
            # whether or not we added the PK manually to the result set

            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                clone = QuerySet(model=self.model,
                clone._iterable_class = self._iterable_class
                if isinstance(self, ValuesListQuerySet):
                    clone = ValuesListQuerySet(model=self.model,
                    clone._fields = self._fields
                    clone.field_names = self.field_names
                    clone.extra_names = self.extra_names
                    clone.annotation_names = self.annotation_names
                    clone.flat = self.flat
                    clone = QuerySet(model=self.model,

            clone = clone.filter(pk__in=self.ordered_pks)

            pk_col = 0
            pk_added = False

            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                values_select = clone.query.values_select
                values_select = [x.field.name for x in clone.query.select]

            if values_select:
                pk_col = locate_pk_column(clone.query)
                if pk_col is None:
                    # Manually add the PK to the result set
                    clone = clone.values_list(*(["pk"] + values_select))
                    values_select = [x.field.name for x in clone.query.select]
                    pk_col = 0
                    pk_added = True

            # Hit the database
            results = list(clone)

            ordered_results = []
            pk_hash = {}

            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                flat = self._iterable_class == FlatValuesListIterable
                # On Django 1.8 things are different
                flat = getattr(self, "flat", False)

            for x in results:
                if isinstance(x, models.Model):
                    # standard query case
                    pk_hash[x.pk] = x
                elif len(values_select) == 1:
                    # Only PK case
                    pk_hash[x if flat else x[pk_col]] = x
                    # Multiple columns (either passed in, or as a result of the PK being added)
                    if flat:
                        pk_hash[x[pk_col]] = x[1] if pk_added else x
                        pk_hash[x[pk_col]] = x[1:] if pk_added else x

            for pk in self.ordered_pks:
                obj = pk_hash.get(pk)
                if obj:
            self._result_cache = ordered_results
        if self._prefetch_related_lookups and not self._prefetch_done:
Пример #2
    def _fetch_all(self):
            Fetch all uses the standard iterator but sorts the values on the
            way out, this maintains the lazy evaluation of querysets

        def locate_pk_column(query):
            pk_name = self.model._meta.pk.name
            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                if "pk" in query.values_select:
                    return query.values_select.index("pk")
                elif pk_name in query.values_select:
                    return query.values_select.index(pk_name)
                for i, col in enumerate(query.select):
                    if hasattr(col, "field") and col.field.name == pk_name:
                        return i

        if self._result_cache is None:
            # Making this work efficiently is tricky. We never want to fetch more than self.ordered_pks
            # and the __getitem__ implementation sets this to a single item, so in that case we only want
            # to fetch one. So we do a few things here:

            # 1. We clone the Queryset as a normal Queryset, then we do a pk__in on the ordered_pks.
            # 2. We add the primary key if this was a values_list query without it being specified, otherwise
            #    we can't match up the ordering
            # 3. We execute the clone, and then remove the additional PK column from the result set

            # There are various combinations to handle depending on whether it's a "flat" values_list or
            # whether or not we added the PK manually to the result set

            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                clone = QuerySet(model=self.model, query=self.query, using=self._db)
                clone._iterable_class = self._iterable_class
                if isinstance(self, ValuesListQuerySet):
                    clone = ValuesListQuerySet(model=self.model, query=self.query, using=self._db)
                    clone._fields = self._fields
                    clone.field_names = self.field_names
                    clone.extra_names = self.extra_names
                    clone.annotation_names = self.annotation_names
                    clone.flat = self.flat
                    clone = QuerySet(model=self.model, query=self.query, using=self._db)

            clone = clone.filter(pk__in=self.ordered_pks)

            pk_col = 0
            pk_added = False

            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                values_select = clone.query.values_select
                values_select = [x.field.name for x in clone.query.select]

            if values_select:
                pk_col = locate_pk_column(clone.query)
                if pk_col is None:
                    # Manually add the PK to the result set
                    clone = clone.values_list(*(["pk"] + values_select))
                    values_select = [x.field.name for x in clone.query.select]
                    pk_col = 0
                    pk_added = True

            # Hit the database
            results = list(clone)

            ordered_results = []
            pk_hash = {}

            if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
                flat = self._iterable_class == FlatValuesListIterable
                # On Django 1.8 things are different
                flat = getattr(self, "flat", False)

            for x in results:
                if isinstance(x, models.Model):
                    # standard query case
                    pk_hash[x.pk] = x
                elif len(values_select) == 1:
                    # Only PK case
                    pk_hash[x if flat else x[pk_col]] = x
                    # Multiple columns (either passed in, or as a result of the PK being added)
                    if flat:
                        pk_hash[x[pk_col]] = x[1] if pk_added else x
                        pk_hash[x[pk_col]] = x[1:] if pk_added else x

            for pk in self.ordered_pks:
                obj = pk_hash.get(pk)
                if obj:
            self._result_cache = ordered_results
        if self._prefetch_related_lookups and not self._prefetch_done:
 def cached_col(self):
     _qs = QuerySet(model=self.model)
     _qs._fields = set(['id'], )
     _qs = _qs.annotate(
         **{self.attname: self.function}).values_list(self.attname)
     return _qs.query.annotations[self.attname]