def get_all_questions_and_locations(request, q_id, language, page): q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) results_dict = {"Questionnaire":, "Language":, "Questions": [], "Locations": [], "Pages": 0} # Constructing a dictionary with all questions and options in it questions_dict = {} for question in q.questions.all(): question_dict = {"ID":, "Text": go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text, "Options": []} for option in question.options.all(): option_dict = {"ID":, "Text": go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text} question_dict["Options"].append(option_dict) results_dict["Questions"].append(question_dict) # Pagination: 100 locations at a time start_id = (page - 1) * 100 + 1 end_id = page * 100 results_dict["Pages"] = math.ceil(len(q.campaign.locations.all()) * page / 100) # Constructing a list of all locations, with name + id + lat/lng + results for loc in q.campaign.locations.filter(id__range=(start_id, end_id)): questions_dict = {} for question in q.questions.all(): questions_dict[] = {} for option in question.options.all(): questions_dict[][] = len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, option=option)) location_dict = {"ID":, "Name":, "Longitude": loc.lng, "Latitude":, "Questions": questions_dict} results_dict["Locations"].append(location_dict) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results_dict), content_type='application/json')
def info(request, q_id, language): q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) c = {} c["q_id"] = q_id c["language"] = language c["title"] = go4(QuestionnaireTitle, questionnaire=q, language=lang).text.replace("{{location}}", "[?]") c["more_info"] = go4(QuestionnaireMoreInfo, questionnaire=q, language=lang).text.replace("{{location}}", "[?]") return render_to_response("info.html", c)
def submit_response(request, q_id, l_id, language): response = {"success": False} if request.method == "POST": r = Response(questionnaire=go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id), location=go4(LocationOfInterest, id=l_id)) data = json.loads(request.POST["data"]) for answer in data["answers"]: Answer(response=r, question=go4(Question, id=answer["question"]), option=go4(Option, id=answer["option"])).save() response["success"] = True response["redirect"] = reverse("nearbysources.questions.views.thankyou", args=[q_id, l_id, language]) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response))
def results(request, q_id, language): q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) c = {} c["name"] = c["headers"] = [ [["", True, 1], ["", True, 1]] + [[go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text, True, len(question.options.all())] for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all()], [["Location", True, 1], ["Responses", True, 1]] + [[go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text + ", %", == question.options.order_by("name").all()[0].id, 1] for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all() for option in question.options.order_by("name").all()] ] c["data"] = [[(, True), (len(loc.responses.all()), True)] + [(grey_if_zero(len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, option=option)) * 100 // len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, question=question))), == question.options.order_by("name").all()[0].id) for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all() for option in question.options.order_by("name").all()] for loc in q.campaign.locations.order_by("name").all() if len(loc.responses.all()) > 0] return render_to_response("results.html", c)
def search(request, q_id, language): c = {} q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) c["q_id"] = q_id c["title"] = go4(QuestionnaireTitle, questionnaire=q, language=lang).text c["language"] = language if "query" in request.GET: c["query"] = request.GET["query"] c["results"] = LocationOfInterest.objects.filter(campaign=q.campaign, name__icontains=request.GET["query"]) else: c["results"] = LocationOfInterest.objects.all() return render_to_response("search.html", c)
def jsonresults(request, q_id, language): q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) results_dict = {"Questionnaire":, "Language":, "Locations": []} for loc in [loc for loc in q.campaign.locations.all() if len(loc.responses.all()) > 0]: questions_dict = {} for question in q.questions.all(): questions_dict[go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text] = {} for option in question.options.all(): questions_dict[go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text][go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text] = len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, option=option)) location_dict = {"Name":, "Longitude": loc.lng, "Latitude":, "No. of responses": len(loc.responses.all()), "Questions": questions_dict} results_dict["Locations"].append(location_dict) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results_dict), content_type='application/json')
def get_object_or_404(m, ekey, *arg, **kw): try: pk = decode(ekey) except ValueError: raise Http404 return go4(m, id=pk, *arg, **kw)
def get_object_or_404(m, ekey, *arg, **kw): try: pk = decode(ekey) except (EncryptedIDDecodeError, ValueError): raise Http404 return go4(m, id=pk, *arg, **kw)
def agency_list(request, agency_name): c = {} agency = go4(Agency, a_name=agency_name) c["agency"] = agency c["requests"] = list( Request.objects.order_by('-created').filter(agency=agency)) return render_to_response('requests/agency_list.html', c)
def get_object_or_404(m, ekey, *arg, **kw): try: pk = decode(ekey, get_model_sub_key(m)) except EncryptedIDDecodeError: raise Http404 return go4(m, id=pk, *arg, **kw)
def game(request, slug): game = go4(Game, slug=slug) return render( request, "game.html", { "game": game, "entries": Entry.objects.filter(state="pu", game=game).order_by("-posted") })
def author(request, accountName): author = go4(User, username=accountName) return render( request, "author.html", { "author": author, "entries": Entry.objects.filter(state="pu", owner=author).order_by("-posted") })
def images(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() img = Image(owner=request.user) form = ImageForm(instance=img) if request.method == "POST": if "delete" in request.POST: go4(Image, id=int(request.POST["delete"], owner=request.user)).delete() else: form = ImageForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=img) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('images')) return render(request, "images.html", { "form": form, "images": request.user.images.order_by("-posted") })
def csvresults(request, q_id, language): q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) output = StringIO.StringIO() csv_writer = csv.writer(output) csv_header1 = [u"", u"", u"", u""] for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all(): csv_header1.extend([go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text] + [""] * (len(question.options.all()) - 1)) csv_writer.writerow(csv_header1) csv_header2 = [u"Location", u"Latitude", u"Longitude", u"Responses"] csv_header2.extend([go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text + ", %" for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all() for option in question.options.order_by("name").all()]) csv_writer.writerow(csv_header2) for loc in [loc for loc in q.campaign.locations.order_by("name").all() if len(loc.responses.all()) > 0]: csv_line = [, loc.lng,, str(len(loc.responses.all()))] for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all(): for option in [option for option in question.options.order_by("name").all()]: csv_line.extend([str(len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, option=option)) * 100 // len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, question=question)))]) csv_writer.writerow(csv_line) return HttpResponse(output.getvalue(), content_type='text/csv')
def editGame(request, gameID): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() game = go4(Game, id=gameID) if game.owner: return HttpResponseForbidden() form = GameForm(instance=game) if request.method == 'POST': form = GameForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=game) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('editGame', args=[slug])) return render(request, "editGame.html", {"game": game, "form": form})
def edit_contact(request, contact_id): if contact_id == 'create': contact = Contact(profile=profile(request)) else: contact = go4(Contact, id=contact_id, profile=profile(request)) if request.method == 'POST': form = ContactForm(request.POST, instance=contact) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('bubbles.bubblesapp.views.frontpage')) else: form = ContactForm(instance=contact) return render(request, 'edit_contact.html', {'form': form})
def questionnaire(request, q_id, l_id, language): c = {} lang = go4(Language, code=language) q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) l = go4(LocationOfInterest, id=l_id) c["q_id"] = c["l_id"] = c["title"] = go4(QuestionnaireTitle, questionnaire=q, language=lang).text.replace("{{location}}", c["intro"] = go4(QuestionnaireIntro, questionnaire=q, language=lang).text.replace("{{location}}", c["questions"] = [{"id":, "text": go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text, "options": [{"id":, "text": go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text} for option in question.options.all()]} for question in q.questions.all()] c["language"] = language return render_to_response("questionnaire.html", c)
def request_detail(request, request_id): c = {} req = go4(Request, id=request_id) c['comment_form'] = CommentForm() c['user_form'] = UserForm() c['req'] = req if request.method == 'POST': comment_form = CommentForm(request.POST) user_form = UserForm(request.POST) if comment_form.is_valid() and user_form.is_valid(): # Save the description to a new comment new_comment = # Set the comment's creator to the user, and add user if it doesn't exist try: new_comment.creator = User.objects.get( email=user_form.cleaned_data['email']) except User.DoesNotExist: new_user = User(name=user_form.cleaned_data['name'], email=user_form.cleaned_data['email']) new_comment.creator = new_user # Set the comment's request new_comment.request = req # Add the commenter to the users of the request req.users.add(new_comment.creator) #Save the comment comment_form.save_m2m() # Notify the agency and the users subscribed about the new comments notify_event.send(sender=request, request=new_comment.request, comment=new_comment, creator=new_comment.creator) return render(request, "requests/request_detail.html", c)
def request_detail(request, request_id): c = {} req = go4(Request, id=request_id) c['comment_form'] = CommentForm() c['user_form'] = UserForm() c['req'] = req if request.method == 'POST': comment_form = CommentForm(request.POST) user_form = UserForm(request.POST) if comment_form.is_valid() and user_form.is_valid(): # Save the description to a new comment new_comment = # Set the comment's creator to the user, and add user if it doesn't exist try: new_comment.creator = User.objects.get(email=user_form.cleaned_data['email']) except User.DoesNotExist: new_user = User(name=user_form.cleaned_data['name'], email=user_form.cleaned_data['email']) new_comment.creator = new_user # Set the comment's request new_comment.request = req # Add the commenter to the users of the request req.users.add(new_comment.creator) #Save the comment comment_form.save_m2m() # Notify the agency and the users subscribed about the new comments notify_event.send( sender=request, request=new_comment.request, comment=new_comment, creator=new_comment.creator) return render(request, "requests/request_detail.html", c)
def kmlresults(request, q_id, language): q = go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id) lang = go4(Language, code=language) kml = Element("kml") kml.set("xmlns", "") doc = SubElement(kml, "Document") doc_name = SubElement(doc, "name") doc_name.text = go4(QuestionnaireTitle, questionnaire=q, language=lang).text style = SubElement(doc, "Style") style.set("id", "nbs_style") bstyle = SubElement(style, "BalloonStyle") bstyle_text = SubElement(bstyle, "text") t = "" for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all(): t += '<div class="question"><div class="question_text" style="font-weight: bold;">' t += go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text t += '</div><table>' for option in [option for option in question.options.order_by("name").all()]: t += '<tr><td>' t += go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text t += '</td><td>$[' t += str( t += ']%</td></tr>' t += '</table></div>' bstyle_text.text = t for loc in [loc for loc in q.campaign.locations.all() if len(loc.responses.all()) > 0]: pm = SubElement(doc, "Placemark") styleUrl = SubElement(pm, "styleUrl") styleUrl.text = "#nbs_style" name = SubElement(pm, "name") name.text = pt = SubElement(pm, "Point") coords = SubElement(pt, "coordinates") coords.text = str(loc.lng) + "," + str( + ",0" ed = SubElement(pm, "ExtendedData") for question in q.questions.order_by("name").all(): for option in [option for option in question.options.order_by("name").all()]: percentage = str(len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, option=option)) * 100 // len(Answer.objects.filter(response__location=loc, question=question))) data = SubElement(ed, "Data") data.set("name", str( display_name = SubElement(data, "displayName") display_name.text = go4(QuestionText, question=question, language=lang).text + " " + go4(OptionText, option=option, language=lang).text value = SubElement(data, "value") value.text = percentage return HttpResponse(tostring(kml), content_type="application/")
def cover_photo(request, pk): project = go4(Project, pk=pk) if project.cover_photo: return AttachmentResponse(file=project.cover_photo) else: raise Http404('This project does not have a cover photo.')
def entryDraft(request, entryID, secret): entry = go4(Entry, id=entryID) if entry.secret != secret: return HttpResponseForbidden() return render(request, "entryDraft.html", {"entry": entry})
def editEntry(request, entryID): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() entry = go4(Entry, id=entryID, owner=request.user) form = EntryForm(instance=entry) commandErrors = [] if request.method == "POST": if "command" in request.POST: cmd = request.POST["command"] if cmd == "publish" or cmd == "update": # check slug uniqueness and everything having content otherSlugs = Entry.objects.filter(activeSlug=entry.slug) if len(entry.title) == 0: commandErrors.append("Please specify a title.") if len(entry.slug) == 0: commandErrors.append("Please specify a slug.") elif len(otherSlugs) > 0 and not otherSlugs.all( )[0].id == commandErrors.append( "Slug is already taken by another post!") if len(entry.lede) == 0: commandErrors.append("Please specify a lede.") if len(entry.text) == 0: commandErrors.append("Please specify a text.") if len(commandErrors) == 0: entry.activeTitle = entry.title entry.activeSlug = entry.slug entry.activeLede = entry.lede entry.activeText = entry.text entry.state = Entry.PUBLISHED if cmd == "publish": entry.posted = return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('editEntry', args=[])) if cmd == "unpublish": entry.state = Entry.UNPUBLISHED return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('editEntry', args=[])) if cmd == "revert": entry.title = entry.activeTitle entry.slug = entry.activeSlug entry.lede = entry.activeLede entry.text = entry.activeText form = EntryForm(instance=entry) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('editEntry', args=[])) if cmd == "delete": entry.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('steampg.steampunkgames.views.dashboard')) else: form = EntryForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=entry) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('editEntry', args=[])) return render(request, "editEntry.html", { "entry": entry, "form": form, "commandErrors": commandErrors })
def entry(request, slug): return render(request, "entry.html", {"entry": go4(Entry, activeSlug=slug, state="pu")})
def thankyou(request, q_id, l_id, language): return render_to_response("thankyou.html", {"thankyou": go4(QuestionnaireThankYou, questionnaire=go4(Questionnaire, id=q_id), language=go4(Language, code=language)).text})
def agency_list(request, agency_name): c = {} agency = go4(Agency, a_name=agency_name) c["agency"] = agency c["requests"] = list(Request.objects.order_by('-created').filter(agency=agency)) return render_to_response('requests/agency_list.html', c)