Пример #1
 def get_field_list(self, obj):
     from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
     form = self.form(instance=obj)
     opts = obj._meta
     fields = SortedDict()
     objs = SortedDict()
     for field in self._fields:
         _obj = {}
         if not field.name in self.exclude:
             data = {
                 'name': field.name,
                 'is_link': False,
                 'value': getattr(obj,field.name),
                 'link': None,
                 'secure': False,
             if isinstance(field.widget, forms.PasswordInput):
                 data['secure'] = True
             if isinstance(field, ForeignKey):
                 data['is_link'] = True
                 data['link'] = u'/mds/web/{model}/{uuid}/'.format(
             elif isinstance(field, FileField):
                 data['is_link'] = True
                 data['link'] = u'/mds/media/{path}'.format(
             _obj[field.name] = data
     return tuple(fields)
Пример #2
def _parse_sig(sig, arg_names, validate=False):
  Parses signatures into a ``SortedDict`` of paramName => type.
  Numerically-indexed arguments that do not correspond to an argument
  name in python (ie: it takes a variable number of arguments) will be
  keyed as the stringified version of it's index.
    sig         the signature to be parsed
    arg_names   a list of argument names extracted from python source
  Returns a tuple of (method name, types dict, return type)
    d = SIG_RE.match(sig)
    if not d:
        raise ValueError('Invalid method signature %s' % sig)
    d = d.groupdict()
    ret = [(n, Any) for n in arg_names]
    if 'args_sig' in d and type(
            d['args_sig']) is str and d['args_sig'].strip():
        for i, arg in enumerate(d['args_sig'].strip().split(',')):
            _type_checking_available(sig, validate)
            if '=' in arg:
                if not type(ret) is SortedDict:
                    ret = SortedDict(ret)
                dk = KWARG_RE.match(arg)
                if not dk:
                    raise ValueError('Could not parse arg type %s in %s' %
                                     (arg, sig))
                dk = dk.groupdict()
                if not sum([(k in dk and type(dk[k]) is str
                             and bool(dk[k].strip()))
                            for k in ('arg_name', 'arg_type')]):
                    raise ValueError('Invalid kwarg value %s in %s' %
                                     (arg, sig))
                ret[dk['arg_name']] = _eval_arg_type(dk['arg_type'], None, arg,
                if type(ret) is SortedDict:
                    raise ValueError('Positional arguments must occur '
                                     'before keyword arguments in %s' % sig)
                if len(ret) < i + 1:
                    ret.append((str(i), _eval_arg_type(arg, None, arg, sig)))
                    ret[i] = (ret[i][0], _eval_arg_type(arg, None, arg, sig))
    if not type(ret) is SortedDict:
        ret = SortedDict(ret)
    return (d['method_name'], ret, (_eval_arg_type(
        d['return_sig'], Any, 'return', sig) if d['return_sig'] else Any))
Пример #3
def _parse_sig(sig, arg_names, validate=False):
  Parses signatures into a ``SortedDict`` of paramName => type.
  Numerically-indexed arguments that do not correspond to an argument
  name in python (ie: it takes a variable number of arguments) will be
  keyed as the stringified version of it's index.
    sig         the signature to be parsed
    arg_names   a list of argument names extracted from python source
  Returns a tuple of (method name, types dict, return type)
  d = SIG_RE.match(sig)
  if not d:
    raise ValueError('Invalid method signature %s' % sig)
  d = d.groupdict()
  ret = [(n, Any) for n in arg_names]
  if 'args_sig' in d and type(d['args_sig']) is str and d['args_sig'].strip():
    for i, arg in enumerate(d['args_sig'].strip().split(',')):
      _type_checking_available(sig, validate)
      if '=' in arg:
        if not type(ret) is SortedDict:
          ret = SortedDict(ret)
        dk = KWARG_RE.match(arg)
        if not dk:
          raise ValueError('Could not parse arg type %s in %s' % (arg, sig))
        dk = dk.groupdict()
        if not sum([(k in dk and type(dk[k]) is str and bool(dk[k].strip()))
            for k in ('arg_name', 'arg_type')]):
          raise ValueError('Invalid kwarg value %s in %s' % (arg, sig))
        ret[dk['arg_name']] = _eval_arg_type(dk['arg_type'], None, arg, sig)
        if type(ret) is SortedDict:
          raise ValueError('Positional arguments must occur '
                           'before keyword arguments in %s' % sig)
        if len(ret) < i + 1:
          ret.append((str(i), _eval_arg_type(arg, None, arg, sig)))
          ret[i] = (ret[i][0], _eval_arg_type(arg, None, arg, sig))
  if not type(ret) is SortedDict:
    ret = SortedDict(ret)
  return (d['method_name'], 
          (_eval_arg_type(d['return_sig'], Any, 'return', sig)
            if d['return_sig'] else Any))
Пример #4
        def aggregate_report(cls, scope = None,location_type = None,
                             location_name = None, startmonth_id = None,
                             endmonth_id = None, group = None):
                # entries in the scope of the webuser
                entries = scope.entries()
                webuser_location = scope.location
                # filter only confirmed entries
                if webuser_location.type.name.lower() == "zone":
                        entries = filter(lambda entries: entries.confirmed_by_woreda == True, entries)
                elif webuser_location.type.name.lower() == "region":
                        entries = filter(lambda entries: entries.confirmed_by_zone == True, entries)
                elif webuser_location.type.name.lower() == "federal":
                        entries = filter(lambda entries: entries.confirmed_by_region == True, entries)
                elif webuser_location.type.name.lower() == "woreda":
                        # show all the entries
                        entries = entries
                        entries = filter(lambda entries: entries.confirmed_by_region == True, entries)

                if location_type != "" and location_name != "":
                        # Get all locations in the specified location
                        loc_selected = HealthPost.objects.filter(
                                name = location_name,
                                type__name = location_type)[0]
                        descendent_location = loc_selected.descendants(include_self = True)
                        descendent_location_code = [des_loc.code for des_loc in descendent_location]
                        entries = filter(lambda entries:
                                   entries.supply_place.location.code in descendent_location_code, entries)

                # if time range is given, filter the entries based on the range

##                if startmonth_id != "" and startmonth_id is not None:
##                        # Get the period range from the given date from ReportPeriod
##                        startmonth_start_date = ReportPeriod.objects.filter(id = startmonth_id)[0].start_date
##                        if endmonth_id != "":
##                                #endmonth_start_date = ReportPeriod.objects.filter(id = endmonth_id)[0].start_date
##                                endmonth_end_date = ReportPeriod.objects.filter(id = endmonth_id)[0].end_date
##                                entries = filter(lambda entries: startmonth_start_date <= entries.time and
##                                                 entries.time <= endmonth_end_date, entries)
##                        else:
##                                startmonth_end_date = ReportPeriod.objects.filter(id = startmonth_id)[0].end_date
##                                entries = filter(lambda entries: startmonth_start_date <= entries.time and
##                                                 entries.time <= startmonth_end_date , entries)

                if startmonth_id != "" and startmonth_id is not None:
                        if endmonth_id != "" and endmonth_id is not None:
                                entries = filter(lambda entries: int(startmonth_id) <= entries.report_period.id and
                                                 entries.report_period.id <= int(endmonth_id), entries)
                                entries = filter(lambda entries: entries.report_period.id == int(startmonth_id), entries)

                # if group by option is given, it will aggregate the report

                if group is not None:
                        results = SortedDict()
                        # locations in the specified group location
                        locations = HealthPost.list_by_location(group)
                        for key in ['quantity', 'consumption', 'balance']:
                                results[key] = None

                        # First filter the entries based on the above parameter and scope
                        # if type cast is possible, we can simply cast the entries list to
                        # queryset to apply aggregate function
                        entry_ids = [entry.id for entry in entries]
                        entries_filtered = Entry.objects.filter(id__in = entry_ids,
                                                                supply_place__location__in = locations)

                        agg_queryset = entries_filtered.aggregate(quantity = Sum('quantity'),
                                                   consumption = Sum('consumption'),
                                                   balance = Sum('balance'))
                        for key, value in agg_queryset.items():
                                results[key] = value
                                results['complete'] = True

                        return results

                        results = []
                        if len(entries) == 0:
                                return results

                        for entry in entries:
                                result = SortedDict()
                                result['supply_place'] = entry.supply_place
                                #result['item_name'] = entry.supply_place.supply.name
                                result['quantity'] = entry.quantity
                                result['consumption'] = entry.consumption
                                result['balance'] = entry.balance
                                result['Reported_by'] = "%s %s" % (entry.rutf_reporter.first_name,
                                result['month'] = "%s %s" % (entry.report_period.month,entry.report_period.year)
                                # it lists entries. each entry is complete  
                                #result['complete'] = True
                        return results