Пример #1
def smart_date(start_date=None, end_date=None, date_format='j.n.'):
    from datetime import datetime
    from django.utils import dateformat

    now = datetime.now()

    components = []

    if start_date:
        components.append(dateformat.format(start_date, date_format))
        if start_date.year != now.year: components.append(str(start_date.year))
        start_time = start_date.time()
        if start_time.hour > 0 or start_time.minute > 0:

    if end_date:
        components.append(' – ')
        if (not start_date) or end_date.date() != start_date.date():
            components.append(dateformat.format(end_date, date_format))
            if end_date.year != now.year: components.append(str(end_date.year))

        end_time = end_date.time()
        if end_time.hour > 0 or end_time.minute > 0:
    return ''.join(components)
Пример #2
def reldate(val, arg=""):
    if not val:
        return _("Never")
    now = datetime.now(utc if is_aware(val) else None)
    local_now = localtime(now)
    diff = now - val
    local = localtime(val)

    # Today check
    if format(local, 'Y-z') == format(local_now, 'Y-z'):
        return _("Today, %(hour)s") % {'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])}
    # Yesteday check
    yesterday = localtime(now - timedelta(days=1))
    if format(local, 'Y-z') == format(yesterday, 'Y-z'):
        return _("Yesterday, %(hour)s") % {'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])}
    # Tomorrow Check
    tomorrow = localtime(now + timedelta(days=1))
    if format(local, 'Y-z') == format(tomorrow, 'Y-z'):
        return _("Tomorrow, %(hour)s") % {'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])}
    # Day of Week check
    if format(local, 'D') != format(local_now, 'D') and diff.days > -7 and diff.days < 7:
        return _("%(day)s, %(hour)s") % {'day': format(local, 'l'), 'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])}

    # Fallback to date      
    return date(val, arg)
Пример #3
 def __str__(self):
     # FIXME: output date in locale-specific format
     if self.opens and self.closes:
         hours = ", {0} - {1}".format(time_format(self.opens, "G:i"), time_format(self.closes, "G:i"))
         hours = ""
     return "{4}, {3}: {1:%d.%m.%Y} - {2:%d.%m.%Y}, {0}: {3} {5}".format(
         self.get_weekday_display(), self.period.start, self.period.end,
         STATE_BOOLS[self.closed], self.period.name, hours)
Пример #4
 def _format(self, value, label, cast=None, null='(None)', empty='(Empty)', places=2, map=None, max_length=100, truncate='...'):
     """Intelligently format typed data"""
     if value is None:
         value = null % {'label': label}
     if cast is not None:
         value = cast(value)
     if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime, datetime.time, datetime.date)):
         if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
             result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(value, settings.DATE_FORMAT))
         elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
             result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(value, settings.TIME_FORMAT))
             result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(value, settings.DATE_FORMAT))
     elif isinstance(value, bool):
         BOOLEAN_MAPPING = {True: 'yes', False: 'no', None: 'unknown'}
         result_repr = E.IMG(src="%sadmin/img/icon-%s.gif" % (settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX, BOOLEAN_MAPPING[value]), alt="%s" % value)
     elif isinstance(value, (float, Decimal)):
         result_repr = (u'%%.%sf' % places) % value
     elif map:
         result_repr = map.get(value, '--')
     elif isinstance(value, (SafeUnicode, SafeString)):
             return etree.fromstring(value)
         except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
             result_repr = value
         result_repr = unicode(value)
     if empty and result_repr == '':
         result_repr = empty % {'label': label} 
     if not isinstance(result_repr, (SafeUnicode, SafeString)) and max_length and len(result_repr) > max_length:
         result_repr = E.ABBR(result_repr[:max_length-len(truncate)] + truncate, title=result_repr)
     return result_repr
Пример #5
def display_for_field(value, field):
    from django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_list import _boolean_icon
    from django.contrib.admin.views.main import EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE

    if field.flatchoices:
        return dict(field.flatchoices).get(value, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
    # NullBooleanField needs special-case null-handling, so it comes
    # before the general null test.
    elif isinstance(field, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(field, models.NullBooleanField):
        return _boolean_icon(value)
    elif value is None:
    elif isinstance(field, models.DateField) or isinstance(field, models.TimeField):
        if value:
            date_format = formats.get_format('DATE_FORMAT')
            datetime_format = formats.get_format('DATETIME_FORMAT')
            time_format = formats.get_format('TIME_FORMAT')
            if isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField):
                return capfirst(dateformat.format(value, datetime_format))
            elif isinstance(field, models.TimeField):
                return capfirst(dateformat.time_format(value, time_format))
                return capfirst(dateformat.format(value, date_format))
            return EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE

    elif isinstance(field, models.DecimalField):
        if value is not None:
            return ('%%.%sf' % field.decimal_places) % value
            return EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
    elif isinstance(field, models.FloatField):
        return escape(value)
        return smart_str(value)
Пример #6
 def value_list(self):
     Returns a list of {value, url} dictionaries representing each value for
     this attribute.
     from django.utils.dateformat import format, time_format
     urls = [None]
     descriptions = [None]
     if self.is_filter:
         if self.is_lookup:
             urls = [look and '/%s/by-%s/%s/' % (self.schema_slug, self.sf.slug, look.slug) or None for look in self.values]
         elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.date):
             urls = ['/%s/by-%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (self.schema_slug, self.sf.slug, self.raw_value.year, self.raw_value.month, self.raw_value.day)]
         elif self.raw_value in (True, False, None):
             urls = ['/%s/by-%s/%s/' % (self.schema_slug, self.sf.slug, {True: 'yes', False: 'no', None: 'na'}[self.raw_value])]
     if self.is_lookup:
         values = [val and val.name or 'None' for val in self.values]
         descriptions = [val and val.description or None for val in self.values]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.datetime):
         values = [format(self.raw_value, 'F j, Y, P')]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.date):
         values = [format(self.raw_value, 'F j, Y')]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.time):
         values = [time_format(self.raw_value, 'P')]
     elif self.raw_value is True:
         values = ['Yes']
     elif self.raw_value is False:
         values = ['No']
     elif self.raw_value is None:
         values = ['N/A']
         values = [self.raw_value]
     return [{'value': value, 'url': url, 'description': description} for value, url, description in zip(values, urls, descriptions)]
Пример #7
 def _format_value(self, value):
     if value is None:
         return ''
     elif not isinstance(value, datetime.time):
         return value
         return time_format(value, self.format)
Пример #8
 def values(self):
     Returns a list of values for this field for this instance. It's a list
     so we can accomodate many-to-many fields.
     # This import is deliberately inside the function because it causes
     # some settings to be imported, and we don't want to do that at the
     # module level.
     if self.field.rel:
         if isinstance(self.field.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
             objs = getattr(self.instance.instance, self.field.name)
         elif isinstance(self.field.rel, models.ManyToManyRel): # ManyToManyRel
             return list(getattr(self.instance.instance, self.field.name).all())
     elif self.field.choices:
         objs = dict(self.field.choices).get(self.raw_value, EMPTY_VALUE)
     elif isinstance(self.field, models.DateField) or isinstance(self.field, models.TimeField):
         if self.raw_value:
             date_format, datetime_format, time_format = get_date_formats()
             if isinstance(self.field, models.DateTimeField):
                 objs = capfirst(dateformat.format(self.raw_value, datetime_format))
             elif isinstance(self.field, models.TimeField):
                 objs = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(self.raw_value, time_format))
                 objs = capfirst(dateformat.format(self.raw_value, date_format))
             objs = EMPTY_VALUE
     elif isinstance(self.field, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(self.field, models.NullBooleanField):
         objs = {True: 'Yes', False: 'No', None: 'Unknown'}[self.raw_value]
         objs = self.raw_value
     return [objs]
Пример #9
def time(value, arg=None):
    if value is None or isinstance(value, Undefined):
        return u''
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    return time_format(value, arg)
Пример #10
def time(value, arg=None):
    if value is None or isinstance(value, Undefined):
        return u''
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    return time_format(value, arg)
Пример #11
def time_format(value, format=None, use_l10n=None):
    Formats a datetime.time object using a localizable format

    If use_l10n is provided and is not None, that will force the value to
    be localized (or not), overriding the value of settings.USE_L10N.
    return dateformat.time_format(value, get_format(format or 'TIME_FORMAT', use_l10n=use_l10n))
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
    if value in (None, u''):
        return u''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    return time_format(value, arg)
Пример #13
def time_format(value, format=None, use_l10n=None):
    Formats a datetime.time object using a localizable format

    If use_l10n is provided and is not None, that will force the value to
    be localized (or not), overriding the value of settings.USE_L10N.
    return dateformat.time_format(value, get_format(format or 'TIME_FORMAT', use_l10n=use_l10n))
Пример #14
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    return time_format(value, arg)
Пример #15
 def format_datetime(self, data):
     data = make_naive(data)
     today = make_naive(timezone.now())
     time_string = dateformat.time_format(data, "P")
     date_string = dateformat.format(data, "j M Y")
     if data.date() == today.date():
         return "today, " + time_string
         return date_string
Пример #16
Файл: ajax.py Проект: HiPiH/life
 def _msg_format(self, msg, req):
     return {
                               'date': time_format(msg.create,"H:i"),
                               #'date': unicode(_human_datetime(msg.create)),
                               'i': int(msg.author==req.user),
                               'name': msg.author.get_full_name(),
                               'text': msg.text
Пример #17
def humantime(time):
    formatting = 'H:i'
        formatted = formats.time_format(time, formatting)
    except AttributeError:
            formatted = time_format(time, formatting)
        except AttributeError:
            formatted = ''
    return _("{date} at {time}").format(date=humandate(time), time=formatted)
Пример #18
 def value_list(self):
     Returns a list of {value, url, description} dictionaries
     representing each value for this attribute.
     from django.utils.dateformat import format, time_format
     # Setting these to [None] ensures that zip() returns a list
     # of at least length one.
     urls = [None]
     descriptions = [None]
     if self.is_filter:
         if self.is_lookup:
             urls = [
                 look and '/%s/by-%s/%s/' %
                 (self.schema_slug, self.sf.slug, look.slug) or None
                 for look in self.values
         elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.date):
             urls = [
                 '/%s/by-%s/%s/%s/%s/' %
                 (self.schema_slug, self.sf.slug, self.raw_value.year,
                  self.raw_value.month, self.raw_value.day)
         elif self.raw_value in (True, False, None):
             urls = [
                 '/%s/by-%s/%s/' % (self.schema_slug, self.sf.slug, {
                     True: 'yes',
                     False: 'no',
                     None: 'na'
     if self.is_lookup:
         values = [val and val.name or 'None' for val in self.values]
         descriptions = [
             val and val.description or None for val in self.values
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.datetime):
         values = [format(self.raw_value, 'F j, Y, P')]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.date):
         values = [format(self.raw_value, 'F j, Y')]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.time):
         values = [time_format(self.raw_value, 'P')]
     elif self.raw_value is True:
         values = ['Yes']
     elif self.raw_value is False:
         values = ['No']
     elif self.raw_value is None:
         values = ['N/A']
         values = [self.raw_value]
     return [{
         'value': value,
         'url': url,
         'description': description
     } for value, url, description in zip(values, urls, descriptions)]
Пример #19
 def test_P_format(self):
     for expected, t in [
         ("midnight", time(0)),
         ("noon", time(12)),
         ("4 a.m.", time(4)),
         ("8:30 a.m.", time(8, 30)),
         ("4 p.m.", time(16)),
         ("8:30 p.m.", time(20, 30)),
         with self.subTest(time=t):
             self.assertEqual(dateformat.time_format(t, "P"), expected)
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Format a time according to the given format."""
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return ''
Пример #21
 def test_P_format(self):
     for expected, t in [
         ('midnight', time(0)),
         ('noon', time(12)),
         ('4 a.m.', time(4)),
         ('8:30 a.m.', time(8, 30)),
         ('4 p.m.', time(16)),
         ('8:30 p.m.', time(20, 30)),
         with self.subTest(time=t):
             self.assertEqual(dateformat.time_format(t, 'P'), expected)
Пример #22
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            return ''
Пример #23
    def appointment_time(self, obj=None):
            start = localize(timezone.localtime(obj.appointment.start))
        except AttributeError:
            start = ""

            end_time = time_format(timezone.localtime(obj.appointment.end), "H:i")
        except AttributeError:
            end_time = ""

        return f"{start} - {end_time}"
Пример #24
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format

    if value in (None, u""):
        return u""
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
        return ""
Пример #25
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #26
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #27
    def render(self, context):
        start_time, end_time = None, None
            start_time = self.start_time.resolve(context)
            end_time = self.end_time.resolve(context)
        except template.VariableDoesNotExist:

        if start_time is None:
            return ''
        start_format = ""
        end_format = ""

        if start_time == end_time or not end_time:
            start_format = "%s" % self.format['hour']
            if start_time.minute != 0:
                start_format += ":%s" % self.format['minute']
            start_format += " A"
            start_format = "%s" % self.format['hour']
            if start_time.minute != 0:
                start_format += ":%s" % self.format['minute']

            if end_time:
                end_format = "%s" % self.format['hour']
                if end_time.minute != 0:
                    end_format += ":%s" % self.format['minute']
                end_format += " A"
                start_format += " A"

        ret = dateformat.time_format(start_time, start_format)
        if end_format:
            ret += " - " + dateformat.time_format(end_time, end_format)
        return ret
Пример #28
def reldate(val, arg=""):
    if not val:
        return _("Never")
    now = datetime.now(utc if is_aware(val) else None)
    local_now = localtime(now)
    diff = now - val
    local = localtime(val)

    # Today check
    if format(local, 'Y-z') == format(local_now, 'Y-z'):
        return _("Today, %(hour)s") % {
            'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])

    # Yesteday check
    yesterday = localtime(now - timedelta(days=1))
    if format(local, 'Y-z') == format(yesterday, 'Y-z'):
        return _("Yesterday, %(hour)s") % {
            'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])

    # Tomorrow Check
    tomorrow = localtime(now + timedelta(days=1))
    if format(local, 'Y-z') == format(tomorrow, 'Y-z'):
        return _("Tomorrow, %(hour)s") % {
            'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])

    # Day of Week check
    if format(local, 'D') != format(local_now,
                                    'D') and diff.days > -7 and diff.days < 7:
        return _("%(day)s, %(hour)s") % {
            'day': format(local, 'l'),
            'hour': time_format(local, formats['TIME_FORMAT'])

    # Fallback to date
    return date(val, arg)
Пример #29
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    from django.utils import dateformat
    if value in (None, u''):
        return u''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
            return dateformat.time_format(value, arg)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #30
def format_seconds(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a number of seconds according to the given format."""
    from django.utils import dateformat
    #from django.utils import formats
    if value in (None, u''):
        return u''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    data = Duration(value)

        return dateformat.time_format(data, arg)
    except AttributeError:
        return ''
Пример #31
def format_seconds(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a number of seconds according to the given format."""
    from django.utils import dateformat
    #from django.utils import formats
    if value in (None, u''):
        return u''
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
    data = Duration(value)
        return dateformat.time_format(data, arg)
    except AttributeError:
        return ''
Пример #32
    def localize(f_value):
        if isinstance(f_value, datetime):
            return dateformat.format(f_value, datetime_format)

        if isinstance(f_value, time):
            return dateformat.time_format(f_value, time_format)

        if isinstance(f_value, date):
            return dateformat.format(f_value, date_format)

        if isinstance(f_value, decimal.Decimal):
            return moneyformat(f_value, None, app_settings.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR)

        return value
Пример #33
    def localize(f_value):
        if isinstance(f_value, datetime):
            return dateformat.format(f_value, datetime_format)

        if isinstance(f_value, time):
            return dateformat.time_format(f_value, time_format)

        if isinstance(f_value, date):
            return dateformat.format(f_value, date_format)

        if isinstance(f_value, decimal.Decimal):
            return moneyformat(f_value, None, app_settings.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR)

        return value
Пример #34
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    if value is None or isinstance(value, Undefined):
        return u''
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.utils import formats
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg) 
    except AttributeError:
            return time_format(value, arg) 
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #35
def time(value, arg=None):
    """Formats a time according to the given format."""
    if value is None or isinstance(value, Undefined):
        return u''
    from django.conf import settings
    from django.utils import formats
    from django.utils.dateformat import time_format
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #36
def time_range(start_time, end_time):
    """Make time ranges like 7-9 p.m."""
    if start_time is None:
        return u''
    if end_time is None or start_time == end_time:
        return time_format(start_time, 'P')
    if start_time.hour == 12 or start_time.hour == 0 \
       or end_time.hour == 12 or end_time.hour == 0:
        return u'%s - %s' % (time_format(start_time, 'P'), time_format(end_time, 'P'))
    if (start_time.hour < 12 and end_time.hour >= 12) \
       or (end_time.hour < 12 and start_time.hour >= 12):
        return u'%s - %s' % (time_format(start_time, 'P'), time_format(end_time, 'P'))
    first_part = time_format(start_time, 'P')
    first_part = first_part.replace(' a.m.', '').replace(' p.m.', '')
    return u'%s-%s' % (first_part, time_format(end_time, 'P'))
Пример #37
def time(value, arg=None):
    Alternative implementation to the built-in `time` template filter which also accepts the
    date string in iso-8601 as passed in by the REST serializers.
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
    if not isinstance(value, datetime):
        value = from_iso8601(value)
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #38
def time(value, arg=None):
    Alternative implementation to the built-in `time` template filter which also accepts the
    date string in iso-8601 as passed in by the REST serializers.
    if value in (None, ''):
        return ''
    if not isinstance(value, datetime):
        value = from_iso8601(value)
    if arg is None:
        arg = settings.TIME_FORMAT
        return formats.time_format(value, arg)
    except AttributeError:
            return time_format(value, arg)
        except AttributeError:
            return ''
Пример #39
def nicetimedelta(date1, date0):
    tdelta  = date1 - date0
    days    = tdelta.days
    sdays   = day * days
    delta   = tdelta.seconds + sdays
    if delta < fudge:
        return u'about a second ago'
    elif delta < (60.0 / fudge):
        return u'about %d seconds ago' % int(delta)
    elif delta < (60.0 * fudge):
        return u'about a minute ago'
    elif delta < (hour / fudge):
        return u'about %d minutes ago' % int(delta / 60.0)
    elif delta < (hour * fudge):
        return u'about an hour ago'
    elif delta < day:
        return u'about %d hours ago' % int(delta / hour)
        return u'%s %s' % (format(date0, settings.DATE_FORMAT),time_format(date0.time(), settings.TIME_FORMAT))
Пример #40
    def test_timezones(self):
        my_birthday = datetime(1979, 7, 8, 22, 00)
        summertime = datetime(2005, 10, 30, 1, 00)
        wintertime = datetime(2005, 10, 30, 4, 00)
        noon = time(12, 0, 0)

        # 3h30m to the west of UTC
        tz = get_fixed_timezone(-210)
        aware_dt = datetime(2009, 5, 16, 5, 30, 30, tzinfo=tz)

        if TZ_SUPPORT:
            for specifier, expected in [
                ("e", ""),
                ("O", "+0100"),
                ("r", "Sun, 08 Jul 1979 22:00:00 +0100"),
                ("T", "CET"),
                ("U", "300315600"),
                ("Z", "3600"),
                with self.subTest(specifier=specifier):
                    self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(my_birthday, specifier),

            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(aware_dt, "e"), "-0330")
                dateformat.format(aware_dt, "r"),
                "Sat, 16 May 2009 05:30:30 -0330",

            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(summertime, "I"), "1")
            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(summertime, "O"), "+0200")

            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(wintertime, "I"), "0")
            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(wintertime, "O"), "+0100")

            for specifier in ["e", "O", "T", "Z"]:
                with self.subTest(specifier=specifier):
                    self.assertEqual(dateformat.time_format(noon, specifier),

        # Ticket #16924 -- We don't need timezone support to test this
        self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(aware_dt, "O"), "-0330")
Пример #41
    def test_timezones(self):
        my_birthday = datetime(1979, 7, 8, 22, 00)
        summertime = datetime(2005, 10, 30, 1, 00)
        wintertime = datetime(2005, 10, 30, 4, 00)
        noon = time(12, 0, 0)

        # 3h30m to the west of UTC
        tz = get_fixed_timezone(-210)
        aware_dt = datetime(2009, 5, 16, 5, 30, 30, tzinfo=tz)

        if TZ_SUPPORT:
            for specifier, expected in [
                ('e', ''),
                ('O', '+0100'),
                ('r', 'Sun, 08 Jul 1979 22:00:00 +0100'),
                ('T', 'CET'),
                ('U', '300315600'),
                ('Z', '3600'),
                with self.subTest(specifier=specifier):
                    self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(my_birthday, specifier),

            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(aware_dt, 'e'), '-0330')
                dateformat.format(aware_dt, 'r'),
                'Sat, 16 May 2009 05:30:30 -0330',

            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(summertime, 'I'), '1')
            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(summertime, 'O'), '+0200')

            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(wintertime, 'I'), '0')
            self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(wintertime, 'O'), '+0100')

            for specifier in ['e', 'O', 'T', 'Z']:
                with self.subTest(specifier=specifier):
                    self.assertEqual(dateformat.time_format(noon, specifier),

        # Ticket #16924 -- We don't need timezone support to test this
        self.assertEqual(dateformat.format(aware_dt, 'O'), '-0330')
 def values(self):
     Returns a list of values for this field for this instance. It's a list
     so we can accomodate many-to-many fields.
     # This import is deliberately inside the function because it causes
     # some settings to be imported, and we don't want to do that at the
     # module level.
     if self.field.rel:
         if isinstance(self.field.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
             objs = getattr(self.instance.instance, self.field.name)
         elif isinstance(self.field.rel,
                         models.ManyToManyRel):  # ManyToManyRel
             return list(
                 getattr(self.instance.instance, self.field.name).all())
     elif self.field.choices:
         objs = dict(self.field.choices).get(self.raw_value, EMPTY_VALUE)
     elif isinstance(self.field, models.DateField) or isinstance(
             self.field, models.TimeField):
         if self.raw_value:
             date_format, datetime_format, time_format = get_date_formats()
             if isinstance(self.field, models.DateTimeField):
                 objs = capfirst(
                     dateformat.format(self.raw_value, datetime_format))
             elif isinstance(self.field, models.TimeField):
                 objs = capfirst(
                     dateformat.time_format(self.raw_value, time_format))
                 objs = capfirst(
                     dateformat.format(self.raw_value, date_format))
             objs = EMPTY_VALUE
     elif isinstance(self.field, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(
             self.field, models.NullBooleanField):
         objs = {True: 'Yes', False: 'No', None: 'Unknown'}[self.raw_value]
         objs = self.raw_value
     return [objs]
Пример #43
def format_datetime(dt, user, date_format, time_format, separator=' '):
    Formats a datetime, using ``'Today'`` or ``'Yesterday'`` instead of
    the given date format when appropriate.

    If a User is given and they have a timezone set in their profile,
    the datetime will be translated to their local time.
    if user:
        dt = user_timezone(dt, user)
        today = user_timezone(datetime.datetime.now(), user).date()
        today = datetime.date.today()
    date_part = dt.date()
    delta = date_part - today
    if delta.days == 0:
        date = u'Today'
    elif delta.days == -1:
        date = u'Yesterday'
        date = dateformat.format(dt, date_format)
    return u'%s%s%s' % (date, separator,
                        dateformat.time_format(dt.time(), time_format))
Пример #44
def format_datetime(dt, user, date_format, time_format, separator=' '):
    Formats a datetime, using ``'Today'`` or ``'Yesterday'`` instead of
    the given date format when appropriate.

    If a User is given and they have a timezone set in their profile,
    the datetime will be translated to their local time.
    if user:
        dt = user_timezone(dt, user)
        today = user_timezone(datetime.datetime.now(), user).date()
        today = datetime.date.today()
    date_part = dt.date()
    delta = date_part - today
    if delta.days == 0:
        date = u'Today'
    elif delta.days == -1:
        date = u'Yesterday'
        date = dateformat.format(dt, date_format)
    return u'%s%s%s' % (date, separator,
                        dateformat.time_format(dt.time(), time_format))
Пример #45
def general_formatter(value, cast=None, **kwargs):
    Intelligently format typed data
    if value is None:
        if 'null' in kwargs:
            value = kwargs.get('null', EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)  % {'attribute': kwargs.get('attribute', '')}
            value = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
    if cast is not None:
        value = cast(value)

    if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime, datetime.time, datetime.date)):
        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(value, settings.DATE_FORMAT))
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
            result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(value, settings.TIME_FORMAT))
            result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(value, settings.DATE_FORMAT))
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
    elif isinstance(value, (float, Decimal)):
        result_repr = (u'%%.%sf' % kwargs.get('places', 2)) % value
    elif 'map' in kwargs:
        result_repr = kwargs['map'].get(value, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
    elif isinstance(value, (SafeUnicode, SafeString)):
        result_repr = value
        result_repr = unicode(value)
    if 'empty' in kwargs and result_repr == '':
        result_repr = kwargs.get('empty', EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE) % {'attribute': kwargs.get('attribute', '')} 
    if not isinstance(result_repr, (SafeUnicode, SafeString)) and kwargs.get('max_length', False) and len(result_repr) > kwargs['max_length']:
        result_repr = mark_safe(u'<abbr title="%s">%s</abbr>' % (result_repr, 
                                                       result_repr[:kwargs['max_length']-len(kwargs.get('truncate', ''))] + kwargs.get('truncate', '')))
    return result_repr
Пример #46
 def value_list(self):
     Returns a list of {value, url, description} dictionaries
     representing each value for this attribute.
     from django.utils.dateformat import format, time_format
     # Setting these to [None] ensures that zip() returns a list
     # of at least length one.
     urls = [None]
     descriptions = [None]
     if self.is_filter:
         from ebpub.db.schemafilters import FilterChain
         chain = FilterChain(schema=self.sf.schema)
         if self.is_lookup:
             urls = [chain.replace(self.sf, look).make_url() if look else None
                     for look in self.values]
             urls = [chain.replace(self.sf, self.raw_value).make_url()]
     if self.is_lookup:
         values = [val and val.name or 'None' for val in self.values]
         descriptions = [val and val.description or None for val in self.values]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.datetime):
         values = [format(self.raw_value, 'F j, Y, P')]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.date):
         values = [format(self.raw_value, 'F j, Y')]
     elif isinstance(self.raw_value, datetime.time):
         values = [time_format(self.raw_value, 'P')]
     elif self.raw_value is True:
         values = ['Yes']
     elif self.raw_value is False:
         values = ['No']
     elif self.raw_value is None:
         values = ['N/A']
         values = [self.raw_value]
     return [{'value': value, 'url': url, 'description': description} for value, url, description in zip(values, urls, descriptions)]
Пример #47
def my_items_for_result(cl, result, form):
    defines onclick function in book's change_list 
    (returns _unicode_() instead of id )
    first = True
    cl_pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            field = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
                if callable(field_name):
                    attr = field_name
                    value = attr(result)
                elif hasattr(cl.model_admin, field_name) and \
                   not field_name == '__str__' and not field_name == '__unicode__':
                    attr = getattr(cl.model_admin, field_name)
                    value = attr(result)
                    attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                    if callable(attr):
                        value = attr()
                        value = attr
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
                    result_repr = smart_unicode(value)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
                    result_repr = mark_safe(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, field.attname)

            if isinstance(field.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, field.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            elif isinstance(field, models.DateField) or isinstance(
                    field, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format,
                     time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(field, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            elif isinstance(field, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(
                    field, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            elif isinstance(field, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % field.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            elif field.flatchoices:
                result_repr = dict(field.flatchoices).get(
                    field_val, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
                result_repr = escape(field_val)
        if force_unicode(result_repr) == '':
            result_repr = mark_safe('&nbsp;')
        if (first and not cl.list_display_links
            ) or field_name in cl.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True: 'th', False: 'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            if cl.to_field:
                attr = str(cl.to_field)
                attr = cl_pk
            value = result.serializable_value(attr)
            result_id = repr(force_unicode(value))[1:]

            ######### my representation for books in author
            if isinstance(result, Author):
                result_name = repr(force_unicode(result.name))[1:]

                yield mark_safe(u'<%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                    (table_tag, row_class, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.checkboxDismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s, %s); return false;"' %(result_id, result_name) or ('','')), conditional_escape(result_repr), table_tag))
                yield mark_safe(u'<%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                    (table_tag, row_class, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.checkboxDismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s); return false;"' %result_id or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr), table_tag))
            if form and field_name in form.fields:
                form_field_name = form[field_name]
                result_repr = mark_safe(
                    force_unicode(form_field_name.errors) +
                result_repr = conditional_escape(result_repr)
            yield mark_safe(u'<td%s>%s</td>' % (row_class, result_repr))
    if form:
        yield mark_safe(force_unicode(form[cl.model._meta.pk.name]))
def thumbnails_for_result(cl, result, form):
    Basically does the same thing as django's items_for_result, but makes all the
    items fit in one <td> element instead of separate elements for each field
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method,
            # property or returned via a callable.
                if callable(field_name):
                    attr = field_name
                    value = attr(result)
                elif hasattr(cl.model_admin, field_name) and \
                   not field_name == '__str__' and not field_name == '__unicode__':
                    attr = getattr(cl.model_admin, field_name)
                    value = attr(result)
                    attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                    if callable(attr):
                        value = attr()
                        value = attr
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
                    result_repr = smart_unicode(value)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
                    result_repr = mark_safe(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format, time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.flatchoices:
                result_repr = dict(f.flatchoices).get(field_val, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
                result_repr = escape(field_val)
        if force_unicode(result_repr) == '':
            result_repr = mark_safe('&nbsp;')
        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.list_display_links) or field_name in cl.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True:'th', False:'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            # Convert the pk to something that can be used in Javascript.
            # Problem cases are long ints (23L) and non-ASCII strings.
            if cl.to_field:
                attr = str(cl.to_field)
                attr = pk
            value = result.serializable_value(attr)
            result_id = repr(force_unicode(value))[1:]
            if cl.is_popup and cl.params['pop'] == u'2':
                yield mark_safe(u'<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % \
                ('#', (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="FileBrowserDialogue.fileSubmit(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'); return false;"' % (result.media_url or '', quo_esc(result.caption) or '', result.get_absolute_url())), conditional_escape(result_repr)))
                #(url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="FileBrowserDialogue.fileSubmit(\'%s\'); return false;"' % result.get_absolute_url() or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr)))
                yield mark_safe(u'<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % \
                (url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s); return false;"' % result_id or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr)))
            # By default the fields come from ModelAdmin.list_editable, but if we pull
            # the fields out of the form instead of list_editable custom admins
            # can provide fields on a per request basis
            if form and field_name in form.fields:
                bf = form[field_name]
                result_repr = mark_safe(force_unicode(bf.errors) + force_unicode(bf))
                result_repr = conditional_escape(result_repr)
            yield mark_safe(u'%s' % (result_repr))
    if form:
        yield mark_safe(force_unicode(form[cl.model._meta.pk.name]))
Пример #49
 def time_format(value, format=settings.TIME_FORMAT):
     from django.utils import dateformat
     return dateformat.time_format(value, format)
Пример #50
def time_format(value, format=None):
    Formats a datetime.time object using a localizable format
    return dateformat.time_format(value, get_format(format or 'TIME_FORMAT'))
Пример #51
def thumbnails_for_result(cl, result, form):
    Basically does the same thing as django's items_for_result, but makes all the
    items fit in one <td> element instead of separate elements for each field
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method,
            # property or returned via a callable.
                if callable(field_name):
                    attr = field_name
                    value = attr(result)
                elif hasattr(cl.model_admin, field_name) and \
                   not field_name == '__str__' and not field_name == '__unicode__':
                    attr = getattr(cl.model_admin, field_name)
                    value = attr(result)
                    attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                    if callable(attr):
                        value = attr()
                        value = attr
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
                    result_repr = smart_unicode(value)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
                    result_repr = mark_safe(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    date_format = get_format('DATE_FORMAT')
                    datetime_format = get_format('DATETIME_FORMAT')
                    time_format = get_format('TIME_FORMAT')
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.flatchoices:
                result_repr = dict(f.flatchoices).get(field_val, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
                result_repr = escape(field_val)
        if force_unicode(result_repr) == '':
            result_repr = mark_safe('&nbsp;')
        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.list_display_links) or field_name in cl.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True:'th', False:'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            # Convert the pk to something that can be used in Javascript.
            # Problem cases are long ints (23L) and non-ASCII strings.
            if cl.to_field:
                attr = str(cl.to_field)
                attr = pk
            value = result.serializable_value(attr)
            result_id = repr(force_unicode(value))[1:]
            if cl.is_popup and cl.params['pop'] == u'2':
                yield mark_safe(u'<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % \
                ('#', (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="FileBrowserDialogue.fileSubmit(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'); return false;"' % (result.media_url or '', quo_esc(result.caption) or '', result.get_absolute_url())), conditional_escape(result_repr)))
                #(url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="FileBrowserDialogue.fileSubmit(\'%s\'); return false;"' % result.get_absolute_url() or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr)))
                yield mark_safe(u'<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % \
                (url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s); return false;"' % result_id or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr)))
            # By default the fields come from ModelAdmin.list_editable, but if we pull
            # the fields out of the form instead of list_editable custom admins
            # can provide fields on a per request basis
            if form and field_name in form.fields:
                bf = form[field_name]
                result_repr = mark_safe(force_unicode(bf.errors) + force_unicode(bf))
                result_repr = conditional_escape(result_repr)
            yield mark_safe(u'%s' % (result_repr))
    if form:
        yield mark_safe(force_unicode(form[cl.model._meta.pk.name]))
Пример #52
def mptt_items_for_result(cl, result, form):
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname

    # figure out which field to indent
    mptt_indent_field = None
    for field_name in cl.list_display:
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            if mptt_indent_field is None:
                attr = getattr(result, field_name, None)
                if callable(attr):
                    # first callable field, use this if we can't find any model fields
                    mptt_indent_field = field_name
            # first model field, use this one
            mptt_indent_field = field_name

    for field_name in cl.list_display:
        row_class = ''
        f = None
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method,
            # property or returned via a callable.
                if callable(field_name):
                    attr = field_name
                    value = attr(result)
                elif hasattr(cl.model_admin, field_name) and \
                   not field_name == '__str__' and not field_name == '__unicode__':
                    attr = getattr(cl.model_admin, field_name)
                    value = attr(result)
                    attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                    if callable(attr):
                        value = attr()
                        value = attr
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
                    result_repr = smart_unicode(value)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
                    result_repr = mark_safe(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(
                    f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format,
                     time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(
                    f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.flatchoices:
                result_repr = dict(f.flatchoices).get(field_val,
                result_repr = escape(field_val)
        if force_unicode(result_repr) == '':
            result_repr = mark_safe('&nbsp;')

        if field_name == mptt_indent_field:
            level = getattr(result, result._mptt_meta.level_attr)
            padding_attr = ' style="padding-left:%spx"' % (
                5 + MPTT_ADMIN_LEVEL_INDENT * level)
            padding_attr = ''

        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.list_display_links
            ) or field_name in cl.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True: 'th', False: 'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            # Convert the pk to something that can be used in Javascript.
            # Problem cases are long ints (23L) and non-ASCII strings.
            if cl.to_field:
                attr = str(cl.to_field)
                attr = pk
            value = result.serializable_value(attr)
            result_id = repr(force_unicode(value))[1:]
            yield mark_safe(u'<%s%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                (table_tag, row_class, padding_attr, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s); return false;"' % result_id or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr), table_tag))
            # By default the fields come from ModelAdmin.list_editable, but if we pull
            # the fields out of the form instead of list_editable custom admins
            # can provide fields on a per request basis
            if form and field_name in form.fields:
                bf = form[field_name]
                result_repr = mark_safe(
                    force_unicode(bf.errors) + force_unicode(bf))
                result_repr = conditional_escape(result_repr)
            yield mark_safe(u'<td%s%s>%s</td>' %
                            (row_class, padding_attr, result_repr))
    if form:
        yield mark_safe(u'<td>%s</td>' %
Пример #53
def items_for_result(cl, result):
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method,
            # property or returned via a callable.
                if callable(field_name):
                    attr = field_name
                    value = attr(result)
                elif hasattr(cl.model_admin, field_name) and \
                   not field_name == '__str__' and not field_name == '__unicode__':
                    attr = getattr(cl.model_admin, field_name)
                    value = attr(result)
                    attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                    if callable(attr):
                        value = attr()
                        value = attr
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
                    result_repr = smart_unicode(value)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
                    result_repr = mark_safe(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(
                    f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format,
                     time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(
                    f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.choices:
                result_repr = dict(f.choices).get(field_val,
                result_repr = escape(field_val)
        if force_unicode(result_repr) == '':
            result_repr = mark_safe('&nbsp;')
        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.list_display_links
            ) or field_name in cl.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True: 'th', False: 'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            # Convert the pk to something that can be used in Javascript.
            # Problem cases are long ints (23L) and non-ASCII strings.
            if cl.to_field:
                attr = str(cl.to_field)
                attr = pk
            value = result.serializable_value(attr)
            result_id = repr(force_unicode(value))[1:]
            yield mark_safe(u'<%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                (table_tag, row_class, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s); return false;"' % result_id or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr), table_tag))
            yield mark_safe(u'<td%s>%s</td>' %
                            (row_class, conditional_escape(result_repr)))
Пример #54
def format_datetime(dt):
    return format(dt, settings.DATE_FORMAT) + ", " + time_format(
        dt, settings.TIME_FORMAT)
Пример #55
def items_for_result(cl, result):
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.lookup_opts.admin.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method
            # or a property.
                attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if callable(attr):
                    attr = attr()
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(attr)
                    result_repr = str(attr)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format, time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.choices:
                result_repr = dict(f.choices).get(field_val, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
                result_repr = escape(str(field_val))
        if result_repr == '':
            result_repr = '&nbsp;'
        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.lookup_opts.admin.list_display_links) or field_name in cl.lookup_opts.admin.list_display_links: 
            table_tag = {True:'th', False:'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            result_id = str(getattr(result, pk)) # str() is needed in case of 23L (long ints)
            yield ('<%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                (table_tag, row_class, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %r); return false;"' % result_id or ''), result_repr, table_tag))
            yield ('<td%s>%s</td>' % (row_class, result_repr))
Пример #56
def localtime(value, time_format=settings.TIME_FORMAT):
        return dateformat.time_format(value, time_format)
    except Exception as e:
        return value
def items_for_result(cl, result):
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.lookup_opts.admin.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method
            # or a property.
                attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if callable(attr):
                    attr = attr()
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(attr)
                    result_repr = str(attr)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(
                    f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format,
                     time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(
                            dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(
                    f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # FloatFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.FloatField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.choices:
                result_repr = dict(f.choices).get(field_val,
                result_repr = escape(str(field_val))
        if result_repr == '':
            result_repr = '&nbsp;'
        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.lookup_opts.admin.list_display_links
            ) or field_name in cl.lookup_opts.admin.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True: 'th', False: 'td'}[first]
            first = False
            url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            result_id = str(getattr(
                result, pk))  # str() is needed in case of 23L (long ints)
            yield ('<%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                (table_tag, row_class, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %r); return false;"' % result_id or ''), result_repr, table_tag))
            yield ('<td%s>%s</td>' % (row_class, result_repr))
Пример #58
def items_for_result(cl, result):
    first = True
    pk = cl.lookup_opts.pk.attname
    for field_name in cl.list_display:
        row_class = ''
            f = cl.lookup_opts.get_field(field_name)
        except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
            # For non-field list_display values, the value is either a method,
            # property or returned via a callable.
                if callable(field_name):
                    attr = field_name
                    value = attr(result)
                elif hasattr(cl.model_admin, field_name) and \
                   not field_name == '__str__' and not field_name == '__unicode__':
                    attr = getattr(cl.model_admin, field_name)
                    value = attr(result)
                    attr = getattr(result, field_name)
                    if callable(attr):
                        value = attr()
                        value = attr
                allow_tags = getattr(attr, 'allow_tags', False)
                boolean = getattr(attr, 'boolean', False)
                if boolean:
                    allow_tags = True
                    result_repr = _boolean_icon(value)
                    result_repr = smart_unicode(value)
            except (AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
                result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                # Strip HTML tags in the resulting text, except if the
                # function has an "allow_tags" attribute set to True.
                if not allow_tags:
                    result_repr = escape(result_repr)
                    result_repr = mark_safe(result_repr)
            field_val = getattr(result, f.attname)

            if isinstance(f.rel, models.ManyToOneRel):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = escape(getattr(result, f.name))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Dates and times are special: They're formatted in a certain way.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DateField) or isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                if field_val:
                    (date_format, datetime_format, time_format) = get_date_formats()
                    if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, datetime_format))
                    elif isinstance(f, models.TimeField):
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.time_format(field_val, time_format))
                        result_repr = capfirst(dateformat.format(field_val, date_format))
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
                row_class = ' class="nowrap"'
            # Booleans are special: We use images.
            elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.NullBooleanField):
                result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
            # DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
            elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
                if field_val is not None:
                    result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
                    result_repr = EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE
            # Fields with choices are special: Use the representation
            # of the choice.
            elif f.choices:
                result_repr = dict(f.choices).get(field_val, EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE)
                result_repr = escape(field_val)
        if force_unicode(result_repr) == '':
            result_repr = mark_safe('&nbsp;')
        # If list_display_links not defined, add the link tag to the first field
        if (first and not cl.list_display_links) or field_name in cl.list_display_links:
            table_tag = {True:'th', False:'td'}[first]
            first = False

            #url = cl.url_for_result(result)
            # a hack: I'm using this file to stash a global variable for the
            # HTTP request, which is currently used by admin_list.py to exclude
            # a link to a page for editing details.
            req = dsh_common_django_request.get()
            if not dsh_common_django_request.deny_it(req):
                url = cl.url_for_result(result)
                url = dsh_common_django_request.no_permission_reply()

            # Convert the pk to something that can be used in Javascript.
            # Problem cases are long ints (23L) and non-ASCII strings.
            if cl.to_field:
                attr = str(cl.to_field)
                attr = pk
            result_id = repr(force_unicode(getattr(result, attr)))[1:]
            yield mark_safe(u'<%s%s><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></%s>' % \
                (table_tag, row_class, url, (cl.is_popup and ' onclick="opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, %s); return false;"' % result_id or ''), conditional_escape(result_repr), table_tag))
            yield mark_safe(u'<td%s>%s</td>' % (row_class, conditional_escape(result_repr)))