def html_urlize(value, autoescape=None): """Converts URLs in html into clickable links.""" from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup ignored_tags = ['a', 'code', 'pre'] soup = BeautifulSoup(value) tags = soup.findAll(True) text_all = soup.contents for text in text_all: if text not in tags: parsed_text = urlize(text, nofollow=True, autoescape=autoescape) text.replaceWith(parsed_text) for tag in tags: if not in ignored_tags: soup_text = BeautifulSoup(str(tag)) if len(soup_text.findAll()) > 1: for child_tag in tag.contents: child_tag.replaceWith(html_urlize(str(child_tag))) elif len(soup_text.findAll()) > 0: text_list = soup_text.findAll(text=True) for text in text_list: parsed_text = urlize(text, nofollow=True, autoescape=autoescape) text.replaceWith(parsed_text) try: tag.replaceWith(str(soup_text)) except: pass return mark_safe(str(soup))
def as_html(self, tag='div'): """ Return an HTML representation of this chat, including tags marking the author and text selection accordingly. Use the tag argument to customize the tag that wraps each line in a chat. """ html = u'' for line in self.text.splitlines(): line_sections = escape(line).split(': ', 1) if len(line_sections) > 1: html += u'<{tag} class="line"><span class="author">{author}: </span><span class="text">{text}</span><span class="post-text"></span></{tag}>'.format( author=line_sections[0], tag=tag, text=urlize(line_sections[1]), ) else: html += u'<{tag} class="no-author line"><span class="text">{text}</span><span class="post-text"></span></{tag}>'.format( tag=tag, text=urlize(line_sections[0]), ) return html
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(LoadDocs, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) files = os.listdir(self.path_name) context['files'] = dict([(file.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').title(), file) for file in files]) try: context['file'] = urlize(open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, self.file_name)).read()).replace('\n', '<br>') except: print(self.file_name) context['file'] = urlize(open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, self.path_name, context['files'][self.file_name])).read()).replace('\n', '<br>') return context
def handle(self, *args, **options): twitter_hashtags = TwitterHashtag.objects.all() twitter_users = TwitterUser.objects.all() n_tweets = 0 for user in twitter_users: print user_timeline= twitter.get_user_timeline(,count=20) for tweet in user_timeline: guid = tweet['id'] ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.strptime(tweet['created_at'],'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y')) text = urlize(tweet['text']) try: tweet_obj = Tweet.objects.get(guid=guid) except Tweet.DoesNotExist: tweet_obj = Tweet.objects.create( guid=guid, text=text, created_at=ts, ) n_tweets += 1 for hashtag in twitter_hashtags: print result =,count=20) tweets = result['statuses'] for tweet in tweets: guid = tweet['id'] ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.strptime(tweet['created_at'],'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y')) text = urlize(tweet['text']) try: tweet_obj = Tweet.objects.get(guid=guid) except Tweet.DoesNotExist: tweet_obj = Tweet.objects.create( guid=guid, text=text, created_at=ts, ) n_tweets += 1 self.stdout.write('Successfully imported "%s" tweets ' % n_tweets)
def insert_post(self, id_user, first_name, last_name, username, avatar, postText, extra=None): post = { "id_user": id_user, "first_name": first_name, "last_name":last_name, "username": "******" % (username), "avatar": avatar, "date": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "text": urlize(escape(postText)), "children": [], "favourite": [], "shared": 0, } post_id = super(Microblog,self).insert_post(post) # xAPI if extra and 'course_slug' in extra: user = User.objects.get(pk=id_user) try: course = Course.objects.get(slug=extra['course_slug']) except: course = None resource = { 'type': 'microblogpost', 'url': 'https://%s%s#%s' % (settings.API_URI, reverse('profile_posts_byid', kwargs={'id': id_user}), post_id), 'name': 'Microblog post', 'description': 'This is a blog post' } geolocation = extra.get('geolocation') x_api.learnerSubmitsAResource(user, resource, course, geolocation)
def message_send(self, message_body, chat_uuid): try:'req_message_send from %s with message_body %s' % (self.user, message_body)) chat = Chat.objects.get(uuid=chat_uuid) if not self.user in chat.users.all(): return message = chat.add_message(self.user, urlize(escape(message_body))) message_obj = prepare_for_emit(serializers.MessageSerializer(message).data) user_chat_statuses = chat.user_chat_statuses user_chat_statuses_obj = prepare_for_emit( [CustomUserChatStatusSerializer(ucs).data for ucs in user_chat_statuses.all()]) for user in chat.users.all(): for connection in self.connections.get(user, []): connection.emit('ev_message_sent', message_obj, user_chat_statuses_obj) # Activate any archived user_chat_statusses for user_chat_status in chat.user_chat_statuses.all().filter(status=UserChatStatus.ARCHIVED): user_chat_status.activate() chat_obj = prepare_for_emit(CustomChatSerializer(chat).data) for connection in self.connections.get(user_chat_status.user, []): connection.emit('ev_chat_created', chat_obj) except Exception, e: logging.error(str(e))
def render_content(content): content = html.escape(content) # Do the substitution content = youtube_tag.sub(r'\g<0>\n<iframe width="560" height="315" src="\1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n', content) content = html.urlize(content) content = a_tag.sub(r'<a href="\1" target="_blank">', content) return content
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, update_number_of_upcoming_gigs=False): """ Update the ``biography_html`` and ``number_of_upcoming_gigs`` fields. Convert the plain-text ``biography`` field to HTML using Markdown and store it in the ``biography_html`` field. Update the number of upcoming gigs for this artist. The update is bypassed by default, but can be forced by passing setting the third argument, ``update_number_of_upcoming_gigs``, to ``True``. The implication is that this should only be updated via the ``import_gigs_from_ripping_records`` command. """ if update_number_of_upcoming_gigs: upcoming_gigs = Gig.objects.upcoming('artist_id') gig_count = upcoming_gigs.annotate(num_of_artists=Count('id')) try: ordered_gig_count = gig_count.order_by('-num_of_artists')[0] self.number_of_upcoming_gigs = ordered_gig_count['num_of_artists'] except IndexError: self.number_of_upcoming_gigs = 0 # No gigs yet. self.biography_html = markdown(urlize(self.biography, trim_url_limit=40, nofollow=False)) super(Artist, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
def render_activity(item): if not # not implemented return action_str = ACTIVITY_ACTION_STRINGS[item.type] if item.type == Activity.CREATE_ISSUE: action_str = action_str.format(** output = '' if item.user: user = item.user name = user.first_name or output += '<span class="avatar"><img src="%s"></span> ' % (get_gravatar_url(, size=20),) output += '<strong>%s</strong> %s' % (escape(name), action_str) else: output += '<span class="avatar sentry"></span> ' output += 'The system %s' % (action_str,) output += ' <span class="sep">—</span> <span class="time">%s</span>' % (timesince(item.datetime),) if item.type == Activity.NOTE: output += linebreaks(urlize(escape(['text']))) return mark_safe(output)
def test_urlize_with_label_templatetag(self): bag1_files = self.bag1.list_payload() bag1_url = invapp_extras.urlize_with_label( urlize(self.bag1.access_url() + bag1_files[0][0]), bag1_files[0][0]) self.assertEqual(bag1_url, '<a href="' 'fakebag/data/METADATA/0123456789-dc.xml">' '/data/METADATA/0123456789-dc.xml</a>') bag2_files = self.bag2.list_payload() bag2_url = invapp_extras.urlize_with_label( urlize(self.bag2.access_url() + bag2_files[0][0]), bag2_files[0][0]) self.assertEqual(bag2_url, '/data/METADATA/0123456789-dc.xml')
def get_rendered(self): field_value = getattr(self, _name) mt = getattr(self, "%s_markup_type" % name) if mt == markup_settings.MARKUP_PLAIN_TEXT: field_value = field_value.strip() if field_value: field_value = escape(field_value) try: # try to urlize if there are no invalid IPv6 URLs field_value = urlize(field_value) except ValueError: pass field_value = linebreaks(field_value) elif mt == markup_settings.MARKUP_RAW_HTML: pass elif mt == markup_settings.MARKUP_HTML_WYSIWYG: pass elif mt == markup_settings.MARKUP_MARKDOWN: try: import markdown except ImportError: if settings.DEBUG: raise Warning("Error in {% markdown %} filter: The Python markdown library isn't installed.") return field_value else: field_value = markdown.markdown(field_value) # remove empty paragraphs field_value = field_value.replace('<p></p>', '') return mark_safe(field_value)
def _output(self): """It is this method that is responsible for rendering the object in HTML. """ if self.text is None or self.text == "": return u"" if self.text_format == '\E': return linebreaks(urlize(escape(self.text))) elif self.text_format == '\T': try: return textile(self.text) except: return mark_safe(_('There is an error in the Textile.')) elif self.text_format == '\M': try: return markdown(self.text, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS) except: return mark_safe(_('There is an error in the Markdown.')) elif self.text_format == '\R': try: return restructuredtext(self.text) except: return mark_safe(_('There is an error in the reStructuredText.')) elif self.text_format == '\H' or self.text_format == '\W': return mark_safe(self.text) else: return mark_safe(escape(self.text))
def twitterize(value, autoescape=None): # twitpic / twitvid/ yfrog support append = u"" try: v = value.lower() if ( "" in v or "" in v or "" in v or "" in v ): for w in value.split(): wx = w.lower() if wx.startswith(""): img_id = w.split("/")[-1] append = append + u'<a href="%s"><img src=""/></a>' % (w, img_id) elif wx.startswith("") and w[-1] in _YFROG_SUFFIXES: img_id = w append = append + u'<a href="%s"><img src=""/></a>' % (w, img_id) elif wx.startswith(""): img_id = w.split("/")[-1] append = ( append + u"""<object width="425" height="344"> <param name="movie" value=">"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" allowNetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" height="344" width="425"></embed> </object>""" % (img_id, img_id) ) elif wx.startswith("") or wx.startswith(""): # Example URL: pieces = urlparse.urlsplit(w) img_id = cgi.parse_qs(pieces.query)["v"][0] append = ( append + u"""<object width="425" height="344"> <param name='movie' value=''></param> <param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param> <embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowfullscreen='true' height="344" width="425"></embed> </object>""" % (img_id, img_id) ) except: pass # Link URLs value = urlize(value, nofollow=False, autoescape=autoescape) # Link twitter usernames prefixed with @ value = re.sub(r"(\s+|\A)@([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)\b", r'\1<a href="\2">@\2</a>', value) # Link hash tags value = re.sub( r"(\s+|\A)#([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)\b", r'\1<a href="\2">#\2</a>', value ) if append: value = value + u"<br/>" + append return mark_safe(value)
def do_move(self, move, *args, **kw): assert assert (self.gameplayer_set.get(user=self.current_player).player_num == self.game_instance.player) assert move in ('play_tiles', 'skip', 'swap') g = self.game_instance player_num = g.player ret = getattr(g, move)(*args, **kw) # Update fields to reflect change in game state self.current_player = self.get_player(g.player) self.last_played = self.turn += 1 if for winner in gp = self.gameplayer_set.get(player_num=winner) gp.winner = True = False if move == 'play_tiles': words = ('%s: %d' % (word, score) for (word, _, _), score in ret['words'].iteritems()) msg = 'scored %d points\n%s' % (ret['score'], '\n'.join(words)) elif move == 'skip': msg = 'skipped' else: msg = 'swapped %d tiles' % ret msg = urlize(msg, autoescape=True).replace('\n', '<br />') pubsub.publish_move(, player_num, msg) return ret
def text2html(text): #text = to_unicode(text).decode("utf-8", "replace") text = unicode(text) text = cgi.escape(text) text = urlize(text, None) text = text.replace(u'\n', u'\n<br />') return text
def escape_wiki(text, lookup = False, autoescape=None): """ This safely escapes the HTML content and replace all links, @, etc by their TN counterpart. We've got two versions: - the fast one which doesn't lookup actual values - the slow one which may wake every single object mentionned in the text. Use whichever suits you the most. """ # standard text content (statusupdate, description, ...) if not isinstance(text, SafeData): # strip all tags text = re.compile(r'<.*?>').sub('', text) # clean escape text = conditional_escape(text) # urlize the links text = urlize(text) # replace linebreaks text = text.replace('\n', '<br />') # html rich content (using safe filter) else: text = conditional_escape(text) # Replace the global matches for regex, fast_reverse, func, model_class, lookup_field in matches: subf = Subf(lookup, fast_reverse, func, model_class, lookup_field ) text = regex.sub(subf, text) return mark_safe(text)
def render_comment(comment_obj, count, user, request): #ok this is as ugly as it gets, but there's little other ways to generate this html that I am aware of content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(comment_obj.user) path = "detail.html?_t=" + str( + "&_o=" + str(comment_obj.object_pk) form = ReplyForm(initial={'is_root': False, 'is_leaf': True, 'content_type': comment_obj.content_type, 'object_pk': comment_obj.object_pk, 'reply_to': comment_obj, 'submit_date':, 'user': user}) """returns the relevant html for a single atomic comment given the comment object""" try: img = IMGSource.objects.get(, current=True) ts = img.url + '=s20-c' except: ts = '/static/img/avatar_20x18.jpg' html = "<a href='/user_profile.html" + "?_t=" + str( + "&_o=" + str( + "'" + ' class="avatar"><img src="' + ts + '" alt="' + str(user.username) + '"></a>' html += "<li id='comment" + str( + "'>" html += "<a href='/user_profile.html" + "?_t=" + str( + "&_o=" + str( + "'" + ' class="author">' + str(comment_obj.user.username) + '</a> <span class="meta">' + generate_time_string(comment_obj.submit_date, + '</span><p>' text = markdown(comment_obj.text, safe_mode=True) html += smart_str(text, encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='strict') + '</p>' if user.is_authenticated(): html += '<ul class="comment_links">' + '<li>' + "<a href='javascript:;' onmousedown=" + "'toggleSlide(" + '"add_reply' + str( + '"' + ");'>reply</a>" + '</li>' + '<li>' + "<a href='/" + path + + str( + "'>permalink</a>" + '</li>' else: html += '<ul class="comment_links">' + '<li>' + "<a href='/" + path + "&_i=s'>reply</a>" + '</li>' + '<li>' + "<a href='/" + path + "&_c=comment" + str( + "'>permalink</a>" + '</li>' if comment_obj.user == user: html += '<li>' + "<a href='javascript:;' onmousedown=" + "'toggleSlide(" + '"edit_reply' + str( + '"' + ");'>edit</a>" + '</li>' html += '</ul>' html += '<p>' if user.is_authenticated(): html += "<div class='reply_comment' id='add_reply" + str( + "' style='display:none; overflow:hidden; height:290px;width:100%;'><form id='add_reply_form" + str( +"' method='post' action=''><div style='display:none'><input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='" + str(request.COOKIES.get('csrftoken')) + "' /><input id='reply_to_object' type='hidden' name='reply_to_object' value='" + str( "'/></div>" + str(form.as_p()) + "<input type='submit' class='button' value='Submit'></form></div>" if comment_obj.user == user: editform = CommentForm(instance=comment_obj) html += "<div class='reply_comment' id='edit_reply" + str( + "' style='display:none; overflow:hidden; height:290px;width:100%;'><form id='add_reply_form" + str( +"' method='post' action=''><div style='display:none'><input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='" + str(request.COOKIES.get('csrftoken')) + "' /><input id='edit_object' type='hidden' name='edit_object' value='" + str( "'/>" + '<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="pp_comment_form' + str( + '" id="id_form_id"/>' + "</div>" + str(editform.as_p()) + "<input type='submit' class='button' value='Submit'></form></div>" html += '</p>' html += "</li>" return urlize(html, trim_url_limit=30, nofollow=True)
def status_creation_handler(sender, **kwargs): status = kwargs.get('instance', None) created = kwargs.get('created', False) if not created or not isinstance(status, Status): return # convert status body to markdown and bleachify bl = Bleach() status.status = urlize(status.status) status.status = bl.clean(markdown(status.status), tags=TAGS) # fire activity activity = Activity(, verb='', status=status, ) if status.project: activity.target_project = status.project # Send notifications. if activity.target_project: activity.target_project.send_update_notification(activity)
def test_urlize_unchanged_inputs(self): tests = ( ('a' + '@a' * 50000) + 'a', # simple_email_re catastrophic test ('a' + '.' * 1000000) + 'a', # trailing_punctuation catastrophic test ) for value in tests: self.assertEqual(html.urlize(value), value)
def make_html(self, text): """Применяет базовую html-разметку к указанному тексту. :param str text: :rtype: str """ return urlize(text.replace('\n', '<br />'), nofollow=True)
def whiteboard_messages(project=None, component=None, language=None): """Display whiteboard messages for given context""" ret = [] whiteboards = WhiteboardMessage.objects.context_filter( project, component, language ) for whiteboard in whiteboards: if whiteboard.message_html: content = mark_safe(whiteboard.message) else: content = mark_safe(urlize(whiteboard.message, autoescape=True)) ret.append( render_to_string( 'message.html', { 'tags': ' '.join((whiteboard.category, 'whiteboard')), 'message': content, } ) ) return mark_safe('\n'.join(ret))
def urlizetrunc(value, limit): """ Converts URLs into clickable links, truncating URLs to the given character limit Argument: Length to truncate URLs to. """ from django.utils.html import urlize return urlize(value, trim_url_limit=int(limit), nofollow=True)
def urlizenf(text): """ Same as urlize except it transforms the links to have rel="nofollow" >>> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> """ from django.utils.html import urlize return urlize(text, None, True, True)
def getNDescription(self): if self.description is not None : ntext = self.description.strip() ntext = strip_tags(ntext) ntext = ntext.strip() ntext = escape(ntext) ntext = urlize(ntext) return ntext.replace("\n","<br/>")
def to_native(self, value): # Convert model instance text -> text for reading. text = super(ContentTextField, self).to_native(value) # This is equivalent to the django template filter: '{{ value|urlize|linebreaks }}'. Note: Text from the # database is escaped again here (on read) just as a double check for HTML / JS injection. text = linebreaks(urlize(text, None, True, True)) # This ensure links open in a new window (BB-136). return re.sub(r'<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', text)
def convertToProperHTML(text): ntext = text.strip() ntext = strip_tags(ntext) ntext = ntext.strip() ntext = escape(ntext) ntext = urlize(ntext) return ntext.replace("\n","<br/>")
def getNText(self): ntext = self.text.strip() ntext = strip_tags(ntext) ntext = ntext.strip() ntext = escape(ntext) ntext = urlize(ntext) return ntext.replace("\n","<br/>")
def run(self): """ Request new tweets from the Twitter API. """ urls = { QUERY_TYPE_USER: ("" "user_timeline/%s.json?include_rts=true" % self.value.lstrip("@")), QUERY_TYPE_LIST: ("" "?include_rts=true" % self.value.lstrip("@").replace("/", "/lists/")), QUERY_TYPE_SEARCH: "" % quote(self.value.encode("utf-8")), } try: url = urls[self.type] except KeyError: return try: tweets = loads(urlopen(url).read()) except: return if self.type == "search": tweets = tweets["results"] for tweet_json in tweets: remote_id = str(tweet_json["id"]) tweet, created = self.tweets.get_or_create(remote_id=remote_id) if not created: continue if "retweeted_status" in tweet_json: user = tweet_json["user"] tweet.retweeter_user_name = user["screen_name"] tweet.retweeter_full_name = user["name"] tweet.retweeter_profile_image_url = user["profile_image_url"] tweet_json = tweet_json["retweeted_status"] if self.type == QUERY_TYPE_SEARCH: tweet.user_name = tweet_json["from_user"] tweet.full_name = tweet_json["from_user"] tweet.profile_image_url = tweet_json["profile_image_url"] date_format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000" else: user = tweet_json["user"] tweet.user_name = user["screen_name"] tweet.full_name = user["name"] tweet.profile_image_url = user["profile_image_url"] date_format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y" tweet.text = urlize(tweet_json["text"]) tweet.text = re_usernames.sub(replace_usernames, tweet.text) tweet.text = re_hashtags.sub(replace_hashtags, tweet.text) if getattr(settings, 'TWITTER_STRIP_HIGH_MULTIBYTE', False): chars = [ch for ch in tweet.text if ord(ch) < 0x800] tweet.text = ''.join(chars) d = datetime.strptime(tweet_json["created_at"], date_format) d -= timedelta(seconds=timezone) tweet.created_at = make_aware(d) self.interested = False
def test_urlize(self): self.assertEqual( html.urlize('Hello"sdf" hello'), 'Hello <a href="">"sdf</a>" hello' ) self.assertEqual( html.urlize('Email [email protected]'), 'Email <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>' ) self.assertEqual( html.urlize('Double urlsä&ä=4ä&ä=2 test'), 'Double urls <a href="">ä&ä=4</a> ' '<a href="">ä&ä=2</a> test' ) self.assertEqual( html.urlize('Invalid url http://ex[ does not get a tag'), 'Invalid url http://ex[ does not get a tag' ) self.assertEqual( html.urlize('text <> and url<tag>?<q>=<v> gets escaped', autoescape=True), 'text <> and url <a href="">' '<tag>?<q>=<v></a> gets escaped' ) self.assertEqual( html.urlize('No follow', nofollow=True), 'No follow <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' ) self.assertEqual( html.urlize('Truncate', trim_url_limit=5), 'Truncate <a href="">ht...</a>' )
def urlizetrunc(value, limit): """ Converts URLs into clickable links, truncating URLs to the given character limit, and adding 'rel=nofollow' attribute to discourage spamming. Argument: Length to truncate URLs to. """ from django.utils.html import urlize return urlize(value, trim_url_limit=int(limit), nofollow=True)
# Verbose names for the teams VERBOSE_TEAMS = { 'H': "Humans", 'Z': "Zombies", 'B': "Both Teams", } # The length of a feed code. FEED_LEN = 5 # The characters we allow in a feed code. VALID_CHARS = ["A", "C", "E", "L", "X", "N", "P", "O", "S", "T", "W", "Z"] MARKUP_FIELD_TYPES = ( ('markdown', lambda markup: markdown.markdown(html.urlize(markup))), ('plain', lambda markup: html.urlize(html.linebreaks(markup))), ) # The times corresponding to the beginning of "day" and "night". Used # for missions. START_TIMES = { 'D': datetime.time(hour=7), 'N': datetime.time(hour=17), } WSGI_APPLICATION = 'passenger_wsgi.application' MOD_PHONE_NUMBER = "909-555-5555" MODERATOR_EMAIL = "*****@*****.**"
def input_data_details(page, request, id): data = InputData.objects.get(id=id) template = 'pages/input_data_details_page.html' if data.description: description = urlize(linebreaks(data.description)) else: description = page.input_data_description or '' if request.user.is_superuser: description += ' <a href="{}">admin edit</a>'.format( urlresolvers.reverse('admin:climatemodels_inputdata_change', args=(, ))) subpage = {'title': 'Input data set: %s' %, 'url': ''} context = { 'page': page, 'subpage': subpage, 'description': description, 'list': [ { 'notoggle': True, 'opened': True, 'definitions': [ { 'text': 'Data Type: %s' % data.data_type }, { 'text': 'Simulation rounds: %s' % ', '.join( ( for x in data.simulation_round.all())) }, { 'text': 'Scenarios: %s' % ', '.join( ( for x in data.scenario.all())) }, { 'text': 'Variables: %s' % ', '.join( (x.as_span() for x in data.variables.all())) }, ] }, { 'notoggle': True, 'opened': True, 'term': 'Specifications', 'definitions': [{ 'text': data.specification }] }, { 'notoggle': True, 'opened': True, 'term': 'Data source', 'definitions': [{ 'text': data.data_source }] }, { 'notoggle': True, 'opened': True, 'term': 'Caveats', 'definitions': [{ 'text': urlize(linebreaks(data.caveats)) }] }, { 'notoggle': True, 'opened': True, 'term': 'Download Instructions', 'definitions': [{ 'text': urlize(linebreaks(data.download_instructions)) }] }, ] } return render(request, template, context)
}) def smile_it(str): s = str for smile, url in PYBB_SMILES.items(): s = s.replace( smile, '<img src="%s%s%s" alt="smile" />' % (settings.STATIC_URL, PYBB_SMILES_PREFIX, url)) return s PYBB_MARKUP_ENGINES = getattr( settings, 'PYBB_MARKUP_ENGINES', { 'bbcode': lambda str: urlize( smile_it(render_bbcode(str, exclude_tags=['size', 'center']))), 'markdown': lambda str: urlize(smile_it(Markdown(safe_mode='escape').convert(str))) }) PYBB_QUOTE_ENGINES = getattr( settings, 'PYBB_QUOTE_ENGINES', { 'bbcode': lambda text, username="": '[quote="%s"]%s[/quote]\n' % (username, text), 'markdown': lambda text, username="": '>' + text.replace('\n', '\n>').replace( '\r', '\n>') + '\n' }) PYBB_MARKUP = getattr(settings, 'PYBB_MARKUP', 'bbcode')
def _urlize_dict_check(self, data): """ For all items in dict test assert that the value is urlized key """ for original, urlized in data.items(): assert urlize(original, nofollow=False) == urlized
def markup2html(comment): new_comment = '' # For code blocks code = False prev_line = True lines = comment.split('\n') for index, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r'^$', line): if code: if not prev_line: new_comment += '\n' else: new_comment += '<p>' prev_line = line continue # Making sure * won't be part of urls html.TRAILING_PUNCTUATION += [u'.*', u'*'] # Create urls try: line = html.urlize(line, 63, True) except ValueError: # Temporarily fix for pass prev_line = line new_line = line # Starting with double space means it's a code block code_block ='^ ', new_line) if code_block: if not code: new_line = '<p><pre><code>' + new_line code = True else: new_line = '\n' + new_line else: # Replacing * with <i> or </i> start = True # Index offset j = 0 asterisks = [] # First getting all asterisk that should be replaced # * not followed by " rel= or </a> (basically * in links) for x in re.finditer(r'\*((?!</a>)(?!" rel=))', line): i = x.start(0) try: prev_char = line[i - 1:i] except IndexError: prev_char = None try: next_char = line[i + 1:i + 2] except IndexError: next_char = None prev_ws = re.match(r'\s', prev_char) next_ws = re.match(r'\s', next_char) # Replace all * with italic tag if it is either preceded or followed by another character # This means that ** is valid, but * * is not # The three steps check for the following: # "^*\S" or " *\S" # "\S*\S" # # "\S* " or "\S*$" # Which creates this in code: # if ((not prev_char or prev_ws) and not next_ws) or \ # (prev_char and not prev_ws and (next_char and not next_ws)) or \ # (prev_char and not prev_ws and (not next_char or next_ws)): # Shortened version of previous code if not next_ws or (prev_char and not prev_ws): asterisks.append(i) # Replace all found asterisks if len(asterisks) > 1: for i, asterisk in enumerate(asterisks): # If there is an odd number of asterisks leave the last one if (i + 1) == len(asterisks) and len(asterisks) % 2: continue if start: italic = '<i>' else: italic = '</i>' start = not start # Replacing in line with some offset corrections new_line = new_line[0:asterisk + j] + italic + new_line[asterisk + j + 1:] # Adding offset (string has more letters after adding <i>) j += len(italic) - 1 if not code_block: if code: # Ending code tag new_line = '</code></pre></p>' + new_line code = False else: new_line += ' ' # Append proper closing tags if line is last and in a code block if code and index == (len(lines) - 1): new_line += '</code></pre></p>' new_comment += new_line return new_comment
def sanitize(value, extra_filters=None): """ Sanitize the given HTML. Based on code from: * * """ if value is None: return u'' if '<' not in value and '&#' not in value and \'&\w+;', value) is None: # no HTML # convert plain-text links into HTML return mark_safe( urlize(value, nofollow=True, autoescape=True).replace('\n', '<br/>')) js_regex = re.compile(r'[\s]*(&#x.{1,7})?'.join(list('javascript')), re.IGNORECASE) allowed_tags = ('p i strong em b u a h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre br img ul ' 'ol li span').split() allowed_attributes = 'href src style'.split() whitelist = False extra_tags = () extra_attributes = () if isinstance(extra_filters, basestring): if '|' in extra_filters: parts = extra_filters.split('|') else: parts = [extra_filters.split()] if parts[0] == 'whitelist': whitelist = True parts = parts[1:] extra_tags = parts[0].split() if len(parts) > 1: extra_attributes = parts[1].split() elif extra_filters: extra_tags = extra_filters if whitelist: allowed_tags, allowed_attributes = extra_tags, extra_attributes else: allowed_tags = set(allowed_tags) - set(extra_tags) allowed_attributes = set(allowed_attributes) - set(extra_attributes) soup = BeautifulSoup(value) for comment in soup.findAll(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)): # remove comments comment.extract() for tag in soup.findAll(True): if not in allowed_tags: tag.hidden = True else: tag.attrs = [(attr, js_regex.sub('', val)) for attr, val in tag.attrs if attr in allowed_attributes] return mark_safe(soup.renderContents().decode('utf8'))
def plain_text_input_converter(text): """plain text to html converter""" return sanitize_html(urlize('<p>' + text + '</p>'))
def parse(self, text): return conditional_escape(mark_safe(linebreaks(urlize(escape(text)))))
def parse_post_text(post): """typically post has a field to store raw source text in comment it is called .comment, in Question and Answer it is called .text also there is another field called .html (consistent across models) so the goal of this function is to render raw text into .html and extract any metadata given stored in source (currently this metadata is limited by twitter style @mentions but there may be more in the future function returns a dictionary with the following keys html newly_mentioned_users - list of <User> objects removed_mentions - list of mention <Activity> objects - for removed ones """ text = post.get_text() if post._escape_html: text = cgi.escape(text) if post._urlize: text = html.urlize(text) if post._use_markdown: text = sanitize_html(markup.get_parser().convert(text)) #todo, add markdown parser call conditional on #post.use_markdown flag post_html = text mentioned_authors = list() removed_mentions = list() if '@' in text: op = post.get_origin_post() anticipated_authors = op.get_author_list( include_comments = True, recursive = True ) extra_name_seeds = markup.extract_mentioned_name_seeds(text) extra_authors = set() for name_seed in extra_name_seeds: extra_authors.update(User.objects.filter( username__istartswith = name_seed ) ) #it is important to preserve order here so that authors of post #get mentioned first anticipated_authors += list(extra_authors) mentioned_authors, post_html = markup.mentionize_text( text, anticipated_authors ) #find mentions that were removed and identify any previously #entered mentions so that we can send alerts on only new ones from askbot.models.user import Activity if is not None: #only look for previous mentions if post was already saved before prev_mention_qs = Activity.objects.get_mentions( mentioned_in = post ) new_set = set(mentioned_authors) for prev_mention in prev_mention_qs: user = prev_mention.get_mentioned_user() if user is None: continue if user in new_set: #don't report mention twice new_set.remove(user) else: removed_mentions.append(prev_mention) mentioned_authors = list(new_set) data = { 'html': post_html, 'newly_mentioned_users': mentioned_authors, 'removed_mentions': removed_mentions, } return data
def urlize_newtab(value, autoescape=True): """Converts URLs in plain text into clickable links that open in new tabs.""" url = urlize(value, nofollow=True, autoescape=autoescape) url = url.replace("a href", 'a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" href') return mark_safe(url)
def render(self): if self.message_html: return mark_safe(self.message) return mark_safe(urlize(self.message, autoescape=True))
'PASSWORD': '', } } else: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'markuptest.db' } } def render_rest(markup): parts = publish_parts(source=markup, writer_name="html4css1") return parts["fragment"] MARKUP_FIELD_TYPES = [ ('markdown', markdown.markdown), ('ReST', render_rest), ('plain', lambda markup: urlize(linebreaks(escape(markup)))), ] INSTALLED_APPS = ('markupfield.tests', ) SECRET_KEY = 'sekrit' MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = () ROOT_URLCONF = ()
else: origin_author_html = '' return '<blockquote>%s%s</blockquote>' % (origin_author_html, value) bbcode_parser.add_formatter('quote', _render_quote, strip=True, swallow_trailing_newline=True) PYBB_MARKUP_ENGINES = getattr( settings, 'PYBB_MARKUP_ENGINES', { 'bbcode': lambda str: smile_it(bbcode_parser.format(str)), 'markdown': lambda str: urlize(smile_it(Markdown(safe_mode='escape').convert(str))) }) PYBB_QUOTE_ENGINES = getattr( settings, 'PYBB_QUOTE_ENGINES', { 'bbcode': lambda text, username="": '[quote="%s"]%s[/quote]\n' % (username, text), 'markdown': lambda text, username="": '>' + text.replace('\n', '\n>').replace( '\r', '\n>') + '\n' }) PYBB_MARKUP = getattr(settings, 'PYBB_MARKUP', 'bbcode') PYBB_TEMPLATE = getattr(settings, 'PYBB_TEMPLATE', "base.html")
def tinymce_input_converter(text): """tinymce input to production html converter""" text = urlize(text) return strip_tags(text, ['script', 'style', 'link'])
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(LoadView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['file'] = urlize( open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, self.file_name)).read()).replace('\n', '<br>') return context
def markdown(text): text = markdown2.markdown(urlize(text, nofollow=True, autoescape=True)) html = bleach.clean(text, tags=settings.MARKDOWN_FILTER_WHITELIST_TAGS) return mark_safe(bleach.linkify(html))
def markdown_input_converter(text): """markdown to html converter""" text = urlize(text) text = get_parser().convert(text) return sanitize_html(text)
def urlize(value, autoescape=None): """Converts URLs in plain text into clickable links.""" from django.utils.html import urlize return mark_safe(urlize(value, nofollow=True, autoescape=autoescape))
def chat(self, player, msg): player_num = self.gameplayer_set.get(user=player).player_num msg = urlize(msg, autoescape=True).replace('\n', '<br />') pubsub.publish_chat(, player_num, msg)
def run(self): """ Request new tweets from the Twitter API. """ try: value = quote(self.value) except KeyError: value = self.value urls = { QUERY_TYPE_USER: ("" "user_timeline.json?screen_name=%s" "&include_rts=true" % value.lstrip("@")), QUERY_TYPE_LIST: ("" "?list_id=%s&include_rts=true" % value), QUERY_TYPE_SEARCH: "" "?q=%s" % value, } try: url = urls[self.type] except KeyError: raise TwitterQueryException("Invalid query type: %s" % self.type) auth_settings = get_auth_settings() if not auth_settings: from mezzanine.conf import registry if self.value == registry["TWITTER_DEFAULT_QUERY"]["default"]: # These are some read-only keys and secrets we use # for the default query (eg nothing has been configured) auth_settings = ( "KxZTRD3OBft4PP0iQW0aNQ", "sXpQRSDUVJ2AVPZTfh6MrJjHfOGcdK4wRb1WTGQ", "1368725588-ldWCsd54AJpG2xcB5nyTHyCeIC3RJcNVUAkB1OI", "r9u7qS18t8ad4Hu9XVqmCGxlIpzoCN3e1vx6LOSVgyw3R", ) else: raise TwitterQueryException("Twitter OAuth settings missing") try: tweets = requests.get(url, auth=OAuth1(*auth_settings)).json() except Exception as e: raise TwitterQueryException("Error retrieving: %s" % e) try: raise TwitterQueryException(tweets["errors"][0]["message"]) except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError): pass if self.type == "search": tweets = tweets["statuses"] for tweet_json in tweets: remote_id = str(tweet_json["id"]) tweet, created = self.tweets.get_or_create(remote_id=remote_id) if not created: continue if "retweeted_status" in tweet_json: user = tweet_json['user'] tweet.retweeter_user_name = user["screen_name"] tweet.retweeter_full_name = user["name"] tweet.retweeter_profile_image_url = user["profile_image_url"] tweet_json = tweet_json["retweeted_status"] if self.type == QUERY_TYPE_SEARCH: tweet.user_name = tweet_json['user']['screen_name'] tweet.full_name = tweet_json['user']['name'] tweet.profile_image_url = \ tweet_json['user']["profile_image_url"] date_format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y" else: user = tweet_json["user"] tweet.user_name = user["screen_name"] tweet.full_name = user["name"] tweet.profile_image_url = user["profile_image_url"] date_format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y" tweet.text = urlize(tweet_json["text"]) tweet.text = re_usernames.sub(replace_usernames, tweet.text) tweet.text = re_hashtags.sub(replace_hashtags, tweet.text) if getattr(settings, 'TWITTER_STRIP_HIGH_MULTIBYTE', False): chars = [ch for ch in tweet.text if ord(ch) < 0x800] tweet.text = ''.join(chars) d = datetime.strptime(tweet_json["created_at"], date_format) tweet.created_at = make_aware(d, utc) try: except Warning: pass self.interested = False
def default_text(text): return mark_safe(linebreaks(urlize(escape(text))))
input_file = open(input_filename, "r") # open and parse input_file_lines = input_file.readlines() edited_text = "" url_regex = '.*http[s]?://.*' # any url url_md_regex = '\[.*\]\(http[s]?://.*\)' # hyperlink in mardown link ()[http...] url2_md_regex = '\<http[s]?://.*\>' # another hyperlink in markdown <http...> # add <url> scheme # dont use url_regex # do so, term by term for line in input_file_lines: line = line.decode("utf-8") # search url # if is not already a mardown link # bool(, line)) == True and if bool(, line)) == False and bool(, line)) == False: line_urlized = urlize(line, nofollow=False) edited_text = edited_text + line_urlized else: edited_text = edited_text + line print edited_text.encode('utf-8') # edited_file = open(input_filename, 'w') #write # edited_file.write(edited_text.encode("utf-8")) # edited_file.close()
def is_url(url): return urlize(url) != url
def urlize_follow(value): return mark_safe(urlize(value, nofollow=False))
def impact_model_details(page, request, id): try: base_model = BaseImpactModel.objects.get(id=id) except: messages.warning(request, 'Unknown model') return HttpResponseRedirect('/impactmodels/') title = 'Impact model: %s' % subpage = {'title': title, 'url': ''} context = {'page': page, 'subpage': subpage, 'headline': ''} can_edit_model = False if request.user.is_authenticated() and ( base_model in request.user.userprofile.owner.all() or request.user.is_superuser): can_edit_model = True # context['editlink'] += ' | <a href="{}">admin edit</a>'.format( # urlresolvers.reverse('admin:climatemodels_impactmodel_change', args=(,))) model_simulation_rounds = [] for im in base_model.impact_model.filter(public=True): im_values = im.values_to_tuples() + im.fk_sector.values_to_tuples() model_details = [] for k, v in im_values: if any((y for x, y in v)): res = { 'term': k, 'definitions': ({ 'text': "%s: <i>%s</i>" % (x, y), 'key': x, 'value': y } for x, y in v if y) } model_details.append(res) if model_details: model_details[0]['opened'] = True edit_link = '' if can_edit_model: edit_link = '<i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="{}">Edit model information for simulation round {}</a>'.format( page.url + page.reverse_subpage(STEP_BASE, args=(, )), model_simulation_rounds.append({ 'simulation_round':, 'simulation_round_slug': im.simulation_round.slug, 'model_name':, 'edit_link': edit_link, 'details': model_details }) context['description'] = urlize(base_model.short_description or '') context['model_simulation_rounds'] = model_simulation_rounds context['model_name'] = bm_values = base_model.values_to_tuples() for k, v in bm_values: if any((y for x, y in v)): res = { 'term': k, 'definitions': ({ 'text': "%s: <i>%s</i>" % (x, y), 'key': x, 'value': y } for x, y in v if y), 'opened': True } context['base_model'] = [ res, ] template = 'climatemodels/details.html' return render(request, template, context)
def render_plain(content_data): return linebreaks(urlize(escape(content_data)))
def format_plaintext_for_html(string): return html.linebreaks(html.urlize(html.escape(string)))
def urlize_with_target_blank(s): return mark_safe( urlize(s, nofollow=True, autoescape=True).replace("<a ", '<a target="_blank" '))
def get_text_html(self, obj): return urlize(obj.text)
def send_email(self, user, place): subject = _("[Pasporta Servo] You received an Authorization") to = [] email_template_text = 'hosting/emails/new_authorization.txt' email_template_html = 'hosting/emails/mail_template.html' email_context = { 'user_first_name':, 'owner_name': place.owner.full_name, 'place_id':, 'place_address': str(place), 'site_domain': self.request.get_host(), 'site_name': settings.SITE_NAME, } message_text = render_to_string(email_template_text, email_context) message_html = render_to_string(email_template_html, {'body': mark_safe(tohtmlpara(urlize(message_text))),}) message = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message_text, to=to) message.attach_alternative(message_html, 'text/html') message.send()