Пример #1
def rsync_snapshot(src_region_name, snapshot_id, dst_region_name,
                   src_inst=None, dst_inst=None):

    """Duplicate the snapshot into dst_region.

    src_region_name, dst_region_name
        Amazon region names. Allowed to be contracted, e.g.
        `ap-southeast-1` will be recognized in `ap-south` or even
        snapshot to duplicate;
    src_inst, dst_inst
        will be used instead of creating new for temporary.

    You'll need to open port 60000 for encrypted instances replication."""
    src_conn = get_region_conn(src_region_name)
    src_snap = src_conn.get_all_snapshots([snapshot_id])[0]
    dst_conn = get_region_conn(dst_region_name)
    _src_device = get_snap_device(src_snap)
    _src_dev = re.match(r'^/dev/sda$', _src_device)  # check for encryption
    if _src_dev:
        encr = True
        logger.info('Found traces of encryption')
        encr = None

    info = 'Going to transmit {snap.volume_size} GiB {snap} {snap.description}'
    if src_snap.tags.get('Name'):
        info += ' of {name}'
    info += ' from {snap.region} to {dst}'
    logger.info(info.format(snap=src_snap, dst=dst_conn.region,

    dst_snaps = dst_conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self')
    dst_snaps = [snp for snp in dst_snaps if not snp.status == 'error']
    src_vol = get_snap_vol(src_snap)
    vol_snaps = [snp for snp in dst_snaps if get_snap_vol(snp) == src_vol]

    if vol_snaps:
        dst_snap = sorted(vol_snaps, key=get_snap_time)[-1]
        if get_snap_time(dst_snap) >= get_snap_time(src_snap):
            kwargs = dict(src=src_snap, dst=dst_snap, dst_reg=dst_conn.region)
            logger.info('Stepping over {src} - it\'s not newer than {dst} '
                        '{dst.description} in {dst_reg}'.format(**kwargs))
        dst_snap = create_empty_snapshot(dst_conn.region, src_snap.volume_size)

    with nested(attach_snapshot(src_snap, inst=src_inst, encr=encr),
                attach_snapshot(dst_snap, inst=dst_inst, encr=encr)) as (
                (src_vol, src_mnt), (dst_vol, dst_mnt)):
        update_snap(src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt, encr,
                    delete_old=not vol_snaps)  # Delete only empty snapshots.
Пример #2
def get_relevant_snapshots(
        conn, tag_name=DEFAULT_TAG_NAME, tag_value=DEFAULT_TAG_VALUE,
        native_only=True, filters={'status': SNAP_STATUSES}):
    """Returns snapshots with proper description."""
    if tag_name and tag_value:
        filters.update({'tag:{0}'.format(tag_name): tag_value})
    snaps = conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self', filters=filters)
    is_described = lambda snap: get_snap_vol(snap) and get_snap_time(snap)
    snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if is_described(snp)]
    if native_only:
        is_native = lambda snp, reg: get_descr_attr(snp, 'Region') == reg.name
        snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if is_native(snp, conn.region)]
    return snaps
Пример #3
def get_relevant_snapshots(
        conn, tag_name=DEFAULT_TAG_NAME, tag_value=DEFAULT_TAG_VALUE,
        native_only=True, filters={'status': SNAP_STATUSES}):
    """Returns snapshots with proper description."""
    if tag_name and tag_value:
        filters.update({'tag:{0}'.format(tag_name): tag_value})
    snaps = conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self', filters=filters)
    is_described = lambda snap: get_snap_vol(snap) and get_snap_time(snap)
    snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if is_described(snp)]
    if native_only:
        is_native = lambda snp, reg: get_descr_attr(snp, 'Region') == reg.name
        snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if is_native(snp, conn.region)]
    return snaps
Пример #4
def rsync_region(src_region_name, dst_region_name, tag_name=None,
                 tag_value=None, native_only=True):
    """Duplicates latest snapshots with given tag into dst_region.

    src_region_name, dst_region_name
        every latest volume snapshot from src_region will be rsynced
        to the dst_region;
    tag_name, tag_value
        snapshots will be filtered by tag. Tag will be fetched from
        config by default, may be configured per region;
        sync only snapshots, created in the src_region_name. True by
    src_conn = get_region_conn(src_region_name)
    dst_conn = get_region_conn(dst_region_name)
    tag_name = tag_name or config.get(src_conn.region.name, 'TAG_NAME')
    tag_value = tag_value or config.get(src_conn.region.name, 'TAG_VALUE')
    filters = {'tag-key': tag_name, 'tag-value': tag_value}
    snaps = src_conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self', filters=filters)
    snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if not snp.status == 'error']
    _is_described = lambda snap: get_snap_vol(snap) and get_snap_time(snap)
    snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if _is_described(snp)]
    if native_only:

        def is_native(snap, region):
            return get_descr_attr(snap, 'Region') == region.name
        snaps = [snp for snp in snaps if is_native(snp, src_conn.region)]

    with nested(create_temp_inst(src_conn.region),
                create_temp_inst(dst_conn.region)) as (src_inst, dst_inst):
        snaps = sorted(snaps, key=get_snap_vol)    # Prepare for grouping.
        for vol, vol_snaps in groupby(snaps, get_snap_vol):
            latest_snap = sorted(vol_snaps, key=get_snap_time)[-1]
            for inst in src_inst, dst_inst:
                logger.debug('Rebooting {0} in {0.region} '
                             'to refresh attachments'.format(inst))
            args = (src_region_name, latest_snap.id, dst_region_name, src_inst,
                logger.exception('rsync of {1} from {0} to {2} failed'.format(
Пример #5
def rsync_snapshot(src_region_name, snapshot_id, dst_region_name,
                   src_inst=None, dst_inst=None, force=False):

    """Duplicate the snapshot into dst_region.

    src_region_name, dst_region_name
        Amazon region names. Allowed to be contracted, e.g.
        `ap-southeast-1` will be recognized in `ap-south` or even
        snapshot to duplicate;
    src_inst, dst_inst
        will be used instead of creating new for temporary;
        rsync snapshot even if newer version exist.

    You'll need to open port 60000 for encrypted instances replication."""
    src_conn = get_region_conn(src_region_name)
    src_snap = src_conn.get_all_snapshots([snapshot_id])[0]
    dst_conn = get_region_conn(dst_region_name)
    _src_device = get_snap_device(src_snap)
    _src_dev = re.match(r'^/dev/sda$', _src_device)  # check for encryption
    if _src_dev:
        encr = True
        logger.info('Found traces of encryption')
        encr = None

    info = 'Going to transmit {snap.volume_size} GiB {snap} {snap.description}'
    if src_snap.tags.get('Name'):
        info += ' of {name}'
    info += ' from {snap.region} to {dst}'
    logger.info(info.format(snap=src_snap, dst=dst_conn.region,

    src_vol = get_snap_vol(src_snap)
    dst_snaps = get_relevant_snapshots(dst_conn, native_only=False)
    vol_snaps = [snp for snp in dst_snaps if get_snap_vol(snp) == src_vol]

    def sync_mountpoints(src_snap, src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt):
        # Marking temporary volume with snapshot's description.
        dst_vol.add_tag(DESCRIPTION_TAG, src_snap.description)
        snaps, vols = get_replicas(src_snap.description, dst_vol.connection)
        if not force and snaps:
            raise ReplicationCollisionError(
                'Stepping over {snap} - it\'s already replicated as {snaps} '
                'in {snaps[0].region}'.format(snap=src_snap, snaps=snaps))
        if not force and len(vols) > 1:
            timeout = src_snap.volume_size / REPLICATION_SPEED
            get_vol_time = lambda vol: parse(vol.create_time)

            def not_outdated(vol, now):
                age = now - get_vol_time(vol)
                return age.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + age.seconds < timeout

            now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
            actual_vols = [vol for vol in vols if not_outdated(vol, now)]
            hunged_vols = set(vols) - set(actual_vols)
            if len(actual_vols) > 1:
                oldest = sorted(actual_vols, key=get_vol_time)[0]
                if dst_vol.id != oldest.id:
                    raise ReplicationCollisionError(
                        'Stepping over {snap} - it\'s already replicating to '
                        '{vol} in {vol.region}'.format(snap=src_snap,
            if len(hunged_vols) > 1:
                    'Replication to temporary {vols} created during '
                    'transmitting {snap} to {reg} qualified as hunged up. '
                    'Starting new replication process.'.format(
                        snap=src_snap, vols=hunged_vols, reg=dst_vol.region))
        update_snap(src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt, encr)

    if vol_snaps:
        dst_snap = sorted(vol_snaps, key=get_snap_time)[-1]
        with nested(
                attach_snapshot(src_snap, inst=src_inst, encr=encr),
                attach_snapshot(dst_snap, inst=dst_inst, encr=encr)) as (
                    (src_vol, src_mnt), (dst_vol, dst_mnt)):
            sync_mountpoints(src_snap, src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt)
        with nested(
                attach_snapshot(src_snap, inst=src_inst, encr=encr),
                create_tmp_volume(dst_conn.region, src_snap.volume_size)) as (
                    (src_vol, src_mnt), (dst_vol, dst_mnt)):
            sync_mountpoints(src_snap, src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt)
Пример #6
def _trim_snapshots(region, dry_run=False):

    """Delete snapshots back in time in logarithmic manner.

        just print snapshot to be deleted.

    Modified version of the `boto.ec2.connection.trim_snapshots
    <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/boto/2.0>_`. Licensed under MIT license
    by Mitch Garnaat, 2011."""
    hourly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'HOURLY_BACKUPS')
    daily_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'DAILY_BACKUPS')
    weekly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'WEEKLY_BACKUPS')
    monthly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'MONTHLY_BACKUPS')
    quarterly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'QUARTERLY_BACKUPS')
    yearly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'YEARLY_BACKUPS')

    # work with UTC time, which is what the snapshot start time is reported in
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    last_hour = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour)
    last_midnight = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day)
    last_sunday = datetime(now.year, now.month,
          now.day) - timedelta(days=(now.weekday() + 1) % 7)
    last_month = datetime.now() - relativedelta(months=1)
    last_year = datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=1)
    other_years = datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=2)
    start_of_month = datetime(now.year, now.month, 1)

    target_backup_times = []
    # there are no snapshots older than 1/1/2000
    oldest_snapshot_date = datetime(2000, 1, 1)

    for hour in range(0, hourly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_hour - timedelta(hours=hour))

    for day in range(0, daily_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_midnight - timedelta(days=day))

    for week in range(0, weekly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_sunday - timedelta(weeks=week))

    for month in range(0, monthly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_month - relativedelta(months=month))

    for quart in range(0, quarterly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_year - relativedelta(months=4 * quart))

    for year in range(0, yearly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(other_years - relativedelta(years=year))

    one_day = timedelta(days=1)
    while start_of_month > oldest_snapshot_date:
        # append the start of the month to the list of snapshot dates to save:
        # there's no timedelta setting for one month, so instead:
        # decrement the day by one,
        #so we go to the final day of the previous month...
        start_of_month -= one_day
        # ... and then go to the first day of that previous month:
        start_of_month = datetime(start_of_month.year,
                               start_of_month.month, 1)

    temp = []

    for t in target_backup_times:
        if temp.__contains__(t) == False:

    target_backup_times = temp
    target_backup_times.reverse()  # make the oldest date first

    # get all the snapshots, sort them by date and time,
    #and organize them into one array for each volume:
    conn = get_region_conn(region.name)
    all_snapshots = conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self')
    # oldest first
    all_snapshots.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.start_time, y.start_time))

    snaps_for_each_volume = {}
    for snap in all_snapshots:
        # the snapshot name and the volume name are the same.
        # The snapshot name is set from the volume
        # name at the time the snapshot is taken
        volume_name = get_snap_vol(snap)

        if volume_name:
            # only examine snapshots that have a volume name
            snaps_for_volume = snaps_for_each_volume.get(volume_name)

            if not snaps_for_volume:
                snaps_for_volume = []
                snaps_for_each_volume[volume_name] = snaps_for_volume

    # Do a running comparison of snapshot dates to desired time periods,
    # keeping the oldest snapshot in each
    # time period and deleting the rest:
    for volume_name in snaps_for_each_volume:
        snaps = snaps_for_each_volume[volume_name]
        snaps = snaps[:-1]
        # never delete the newest snapshot, so remove it from consideration

        time_period_num = 0
        snap_found_for_this_time_period = False
        for snap in snaps:
            check_this_snap = True

            while (check_this_snap and
                   time_period_num < target_backup_times.__len__()):

                if get_snap_time(snap) < target_backup_times[time_period_num]:
                    # the snap date is before the cutoff date.
                    # Figure out if it's the first snap in this
                    # date range and act accordingly
                    #(since both date the date ranges and the snapshots
                    # are sorted chronologically, we know this
                    #snapshot isn't in an earlier date range):
                    if snap_found_for_this_time_period:
                        if not snap.tags.get('preserve_snapshot'):
                            if dry_run:
                                logger.info('Dry-trimmed {0} {1} from {2}'
                                    .format(snap, snap.description,
                                # as long as the snapshot wasn't marked with
                                # the 'preserve_snapshot' tag, delete it:
                                except EC2ResponseError as err:
                                    logger.info('Trimmed {0} {1} from {2}'
                                        .format(snap, snap.description,
                       # go on and look at the next snapshot,
                       # leaving the time period alone
                        # this was the first snapshot found for this time
                        # period. Leave it alone and look at the next snapshot:
                        snap_found_for_this_time_period = True
                    check_this_snap = False
                    # the snap is after the cutoff date.
                    # Check it against the next cutoff date
                    time_period_num += 1
                    snap_found_for_this_time_period = False
Пример #7
def rsync_snapshot(src_region_name, snapshot_id, dst_region_name,
                   src_inst=None, dst_inst=None, force=False):

    """Duplicate the snapshot into dst_region.

    src_region_name, dst_region_name
        Amazon region names. Allowed to be contracted, e.g.
        `ap-southeast-1` will be recognized in `ap-south` or even
        snapshot to duplicate;
    src_inst, dst_inst
        will be used instead of creating new for temporary;
        rsync snapshot even if newer version exist.

    You'll need to open port 60000 for encrypted instances replication."""
    src_conn = get_region_conn(src_region_name)
    src_snap = src_conn.get_all_snapshots([snapshot_id])[0]
    dst_conn = get_region_conn(dst_region_name)
    _src_device = get_snap_device(src_snap)
    _src_dev = re.match(r'^/dev/sda$', _src_device)  # check for encryption
    if _src_dev:
        encr = True
        logger.info('Found traces of encryption')
        encr = None

    info = 'Going to transmit {snap.volume_size} GiB {snap} {snap.description}'
    if src_snap.tags.get('Name'):
        info += ' of {name}'
    info += ' from {snap.region} to {dst}'
    logger.info(info.format(snap=src_snap, dst=dst_conn.region,

    src_vol = get_snap_vol(src_snap)
    dst_snaps = get_relevant_snapshots(dst_conn, native_only=False)
    vol_snaps = [snp for snp in dst_snaps if get_snap_vol(snp) == src_vol]

    def sync_mountpoints(src_snap, src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt):
        # Marking temporary volume with snapshot's description.
        dst_vol.add_tag(DESCRIPTION_TAG, src_snap.description)
        snaps, vols = get_replicas(src_snap.description, dst_vol.connection)
        if not force and snaps:
            raise ReplicationCollisionError(
                'Stepping over {snap} - it\'s already replicated as {snaps} '
                'in {snaps[0].region}'.format(snap=src_snap, snaps=snaps))
        if not force and len(vols) > 1:
            timeout = src_snap.volume_size / REPLICATION_SPEED
            get_vol_time = lambda vol: parse(vol.create_time)

            def not_outdated(vol, now):
                age = now - get_vol_time(vol)
                return age.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + age.seconds < timeout

            now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
            actual_vols = [vol for vol in vols if not_outdated(vol, now)]
            hunged_vols = set(vols) - set(actual_vols)
            if len(actual_vols) > 1:
                oldest = sorted(actual_vols, key=get_vol_time)[0]
                if dst_vol.id != oldest.id:
                    raise ReplicationCollisionError(
                        'Stepping over {snap} - it\'s already replicating to '
                        '{vol} in {vol.region}'.format(snap=src_snap,
            if len(hunged_vols) > 1:
                    'Replication to temporary {vols} created during '
                    'transmitting {snap} to {reg} qualified as hunged up. '
                    'Starting new replication process.'.format(
                        snap=src_snap, vols=hunged_vols, reg=dst_vol.region))
        update_snap(src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt, encr)

    if vol_snaps:
        dst_snap = sorted(vol_snaps, key=get_snap_time)[-1]
        with nested(
                attach_snapshot(src_snap, inst=src_inst, encr=encr),
                attach_snapshot(dst_snap, inst=dst_inst, encr=encr)) as (
                    (src_vol, src_mnt), (dst_vol, dst_mnt)):
            sync_mountpoints(src_snap, src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt)
        with nested(
                attach_snapshot(src_snap, inst=src_inst, encr=encr),
                create_tmp_volume(dst_conn.region, src_snap.volume_size)) as (
                    (src_vol, src_mnt), (dst_vol, dst_mnt)):
            sync_mountpoints(src_snap, src_vol, src_mnt, dst_vol, dst_mnt)
Пример #8
def _trim_snapshots(region, dry_run=False):

    """Delete snapshots back in time in logarithmic manner.

        just print snapshot to be deleted.

    Modified version of the `boto.ec2.connection.trim_snapshots
    <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/boto/2.0>_`. Licensed under MIT license
    by Mitch Garnaat, 2011."""
    hourly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'HOURLY_BACKUPS')
    daily_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'DAILY_BACKUPS')
    weekly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'WEEKLY_BACKUPS')
    monthly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'MONTHLY_BACKUPS')
    quarterly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'QUARTERLY_BACKUPS')
    yearly_backups = config.getint('purge_backups', 'YEARLY_BACKUPS')

    # work with UTC time, which is what the snapshot start time is reported in
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    last_hour = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour)
    last_midnight = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day)
    last_sunday = datetime(now.year, now.month,
          now.day) - timedelta(days=(now.weekday() + 1) % 7)
    last_month = datetime.now() - relativedelta(months=1)
    last_year = datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=1)
    other_years = datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=2)
    start_of_month = datetime(now.year, now.month, 1)

    target_backup_times = []
    # there are no snapshots older than 1/1/2000
    oldest_snapshot_date = datetime(2000, 1, 1)

    for hour in range(0, hourly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_hour - timedelta(hours=hour))

    for day in range(0, daily_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_midnight - timedelta(days=day))

    for week in range(0, weekly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_sunday - timedelta(weeks=week))

    for month in range(0, monthly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_month - relativedelta(months=month))

    for quart in range(0, quarterly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(last_year - relativedelta(months=4 * quart))

    for year in range(0, yearly_backups):
        target_backup_times.append(other_years - relativedelta(years=year))

    one_day = timedelta(days=1)
    while start_of_month > oldest_snapshot_date:
        # append the start of the month to the list of snapshot dates to save:
        # there's no timedelta setting for one month, so instead:
        # decrement the day by one,
        #so we go to the final day of the previous month...
        start_of_month -= one_day
        # ... and then go to the first day of that previous month:
        start_of_month = datetime(start_of_month.year,
                               start_of_month.month, 1)

    temp = []

    for t in target_backup_times:
        if temp.__contains__(t) == False:

    target_backup_times = temp
    target_backup_times.reverse()  # make the oldest date first

    # get all the snapshots, sort them by date and time,
    #and organize them into one array for each volume:
    conn = get_region_conn(region.name)
    all_snapshots = conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self')
    # oldest first
    all_snapshots.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.start_time, y.start_time))

    snaps_for_each_volume = {}
    for snap in all_snapshots:
        # the snapshot name and the volume name are the same.
        # The snapshot name is set from the volume
        # name at the time the snapshot is taken
        volume_name = get_snap_vol(snap)

        if volume_name:
            # only examine snapshots that have a volume name
            snaps_for_volume = snaps_for_each_volume.get(volume_name)

            if not snaps_for_volume:
                snaps_for_volume = []
                snaps_for_each_volume[volume_name] = snaps_for_volume

    # Do a running comparison of snapshot dates to desired time periods,
    # keeping the oldest snapshot in each
    # time period and deleting the rest:
    for volume_name in snaps_for_each_volume:
        snaps = snaps_for_each_volume[volume_name]
        snaps = snaps[:-1]
        # never delete the newest snapshot, so remove it from consideration

        time_period_num = 0
        snap_found_for_this_time_period = False
        for snap in snaps:
            check_this_snap = True

            while (check_this_snap and
                   time_period_num < target_backup_times.__len__()):

                if get_snap_time(snap) < target_backup_times[time_period_num]:
                    # the snap date is before the cutoff date.
                    # Figure out if it's the first snap in this
                    # date range and act accordingly
                    #(since both date the date ranges and the snapshots
                    # are sorted chronologically, we know this
                    #snapshot isn't in an earlier date range):
                    if snap_found_for_this_time_period:
                        if not snap.tags.get('preserve_snapshot'):
                            if dry_run:
                                logger.info('Dry-trimmed {0} {1} from {2}'
                                    .format(snap, snap.description,
                                # as long as the snapshot wasn't marked with
                                # the 'preserve_snapshot' tag, delete it:
                                except EC2ResponseError as err:
                                    logger.info('Trimmed {0} {1} from {2}'
                                        .format(snap, snap.description,
                       # go on and look at the next snapshot,
                       # leaving the time period alone
                        # this was the first snapshot found for this time
                        # period. Leave it alone and look at the next snapshot:
                        snap_found_for_this_time_period = True
                    check_this_snap = False
                    # the snap is after the cutoff date.
                    # Check it against the next cutoff date
                    time_period_num += 1
                    snap_found_for_this_time_period = False