Пример #1
def my_style(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    context['auth_url'] = generate_oauth_url()
    context['facebook'] = fb = get_facebook_graph(request)
    return render_to_response('django_facebook/my_style.html', context)
Пример #2
        def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
            if canvas:
                oauth_url, redirect_uri = generate_oauth_url(
                    scope_list, extra_params=extra_params)
                oauth_url, redirect_uri = get_oauth_url(
                    request, scope_list, extra_params=extra_params)

                # call get persistent graph and convert the
                # token with correct redirect uri
                get_persistent_graph(request, redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
                return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
            except open_facebook_exceptions.OpenFacebookException, e:
                if test_permissions(request, scope_list, redirect_uri):
                    # an error if we already have permissions
                    # shouldn't have been caught
                    # raise to prevent bugs with error mapping to cause issues
                        u'requesting access with redirect uri: %s, error was %s',
                        redirect_uri, e)
                    response = response_redirect(oauth_url, canvas=canvas)
                    return response
Пример #3
def my_style(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)

    context['auth_url'] = generate_oauth_url()
    context['facebook'] = fb = get_facebook_graph(request)

    return render_to_response('django_facebook/my_style.html', context)
Пример #4
def canvas(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    context['auth_url'] = generate_oauth_url()
    if fb.is_authenticated():
        likes = context['facebook'].get_connections("me", "likes", limit=3)
        logger.info('found these likes %s', likes)
    return render_to_response('django_facebook/canvas.html', context)
Пример #5
def canvas(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)

    context['auth_url'] = generate_oauth_url()
    fb = get_persistent_graph(request)
    if fb.is_authenticated():
        likes = context['facebook'].get_connections("me", "likes", limit=3)
        logger.info('found these likes %s', likes)

    return render_to_response('django_facebook/canvas.html', context)
Пример #6
def canvas(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)

    context["auth_url"] = generate_oauth_url()
    fb = get_persistent_graph(request)
    if fb.is_authenticated():
        likes = context["facebook"].get_connections("me", "likes", limit=3)
        logger.info("found these likes %s", likes)

    return render_to_response("django_facebook/canvas.html", context)
Пример #7
 def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
     if canvas:
         oauth_url, redirect_uri = generate_oauth_url(scope_list)
         oauth_url, redirect_uri = get_oauth_url(request, scope_list)
     if test_permissions(request, scope_list, redirect_uri):
         return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
         logger.info('requesting access with redirect uri: %s',
         response = response_redirect(oauth_url, canvas=canvas)
         return response
Пример #8
 def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
     if canvas:
         oauth_url, redirect_uri = generate_oauth_url(scope_list)
         oauth_url, redirect_uri = get_oauth_url(request, scope_list)
     if test_permissions(request, scope_list, redirect_uri):
         return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
         logger.info('requesting access with redirect uri: %s',
         response = response_redirect(oauth_url, canvas=canvas)
         return response
Пример #9
 def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
     if canvas:
         oauth_url, redirect_uri = generate_oauth_url(scope_list, extra_params=extra_params)
         oauth_url, redirect_uri = get_oauth_url(request, scope_list, extra_params=extra_params)
         # call get persistent graph and convert the
         # token with correct redirect uri
         get_persistent_graph(request, redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
         return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
     except open_facebook_exceptions.OpenFacebookException, e:
         if test_permissions(request, scope_list, redirect_uri):
             # an error if we already have permissions
             # shouldn't have been caught
             # raise to prevent bugs with error mapping to cause issues
             logger.info(u'requesting access with redirect uri: %s, error was %s',
                         redirect_uri, e)
             response = response_redirect(oauth_url, canvas=canvas)
             return response
Пример #10
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from urlparse import urlparse
from open_facebook.api import FacebookAuthorization, OpenFacebook
from django_facebook.canvas import generate_oauth_url
from django_facebook.utils import ScriptRedirect
from django_facebook.connect import connect_user
from django.contrib.auth import logout
from django_facebook import settings
from django_facebook.exceptions import MissingPermissionsError

redirect_login_oauth = ScriptRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(),

class FacebookCanvasMiddleWare(object):
    def process_request(self, request):
        This middleware authenticates the facebook user when
        he/she is accessing the app from facebook (not an internal page)
        The flow is show below:

        if referer is facebook:
            it's a canvas app and the first hit on the app
            If error:
                attempt to reauthenticate using authorization dialog
            if signed_request not sent or does not have the user_id and the access_token:
                user has not authorized app
                redirect to authorization dialog
                check permissions
Пример #11
    def process_request(self, request):
        This middleware authenticates the facebook user when
        he/she is accessing the app from facebook (not an internal page)
        The flow is show below:

        if referer is facebook:
            it's a canvas app and the first hit on the app
            If error:
                attempt to reauthenticate using authorization dialog
            if signed_request not sent or does not have the user_id and the access_token:
                user has not authorized app
                redirect to authorization dialog
                check permissions
                if user is authenticated (in django):
                    check if current facebook user is the same that is authenticated
                    if not: logout authenticated user
                if user is not authenticated:
                    connect_user (django_facebook.connect module)
                changed method to GET. Facebook always sends a POST first.
            It's an internal page.
            No signed_request is sent.
        logger.info("PR01 process_request in django-facebook middleware")

        # This call cannot be global'ized or Django will return an empty response
        # after the first one
        redirect_login_oauth = ScriptRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(), show_body=False)
        # check referer to see if this is the first access
        # or it's part of navigation in app
        # facebook always sends a POST reuqest
        referer = request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", None)
        if referer:
            logger.info("PR02 referrer %s" % referer)
            urlparsed = urlparse(referer)
            is_facebook = urlparsed.netloc.endswith("facebook.com")
            # facebook redirect
            if is_facebook and urlparsed.path.endswith("/l.php"):
                logger.info("PR03 is_facebook = True")
            if not is_facebook:
                logger.info("PR04 is_facebook = False")
            # when there is an error, we attempt to allow user to
            # reauthenticate
            if "error" in request.GET:
                logger.info("PR05 errors in request.GET")
                return redirect_login_oauth
            logger.info("PR06 no referrer")

        # get signed_request
        signed_request = request.POST.get("signed_request", None)
            # get signed_request
            parsed_signed_request = FacebookAuthorization.parse_signed_data(signed_request)
            access_token = parsed_signed_request["oauth_token"]
            facebook_id = long(parsed_signed_request["user_id"])
            logger.info("PR07 facebook_id = %s" % facebook_id)
            logger.info("PR08 app is not authorized by user")
            # redirect to authorization dialog
            # if app not authorized by user
            return redirect_login_oauth
        # check for permissions
            graph = self.check_permissions(access_token)
            logger.info("PR09 got graph")
        except MissingPermissionsError:
            logger.info("PR010 no graph")
            return redirect_login_oauth
        # check if user authenticated and if it's the same
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            logger.info("PR11 use is authenticated, user_id = %s" % request.user.id)
            if not self.check_django_facebook_user(request, facebook_id, access_token):
                logger.info("PR12 check django facebook user failed")
        request.facebook = graph
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            logger.info("PR13 user is not authenticated")
            _action, _user = connect_user(request, access_token, graph)
        # override http method, since this actually is a GET
        if request.method == "POST":
            logger.info("PR14 overwrite POST to GET")
            request.method = "GET"
Пример #12
    def process_request(self, request):
        This middleware authenticates the facebook user when
        he/she is accessing the app from facebook (not an internal page)
        The flow is show below:

        if referer is facebook:
            it's a canvas app and the first hit on the app
            If error:
                attempt to reauthenticate using authorization dialog
            if signed_request not sent or does not have the user_id and the access_token:
                user has not authorized app
                redirect to authorization dialog
                check permissions
                if user is authenticated (in django):
                    check if current facebook user is the same that is authenticated
                    if not: logout authenticated user
                if user is not authenticated:
                    connect_user (django_facebook.connect module)
                changed method to GET. Facebook always sends a POST first.
            It's an internal page.
            No signed_request is sent.

        # This call cannot be global'ized or Django will return an empty response
        # after the first one
        redirect_login_oauth = ScriptRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(),
        # check referer to see if this is the first access
        # or it's part of navigation in app
        # facebook always sends a POST reuqest
        referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
        if referer:
            urlparsed = urlparse(referer)
            is_facebook = urlparsed.netloc.endswith('facebook.com')
            # facebook redirect
            if is_facebook and urlparsed.path.endswith('/l.php'):
            if not is_facebook:
            # when there is an error, we attempt to allow user to
            # reauthenticate
            if 'error' in request.GET:
                return redirect_login_oauth

        # get signed_request
        signed_request = request.POST.get('signed_request', None)
            # get signed_request
            parsed_signed_request = FacebookAuthorization.parse_signed_data(
            access_token = parsed_signed_request['oauth_token']
            facebook_id = long(parsed_signed_request['user_id'])
            # redirect to authorization dialog
            # if app not authorized by user
            return redirect_login_oauth
        # check for permissions
            graph = self.check_permissions(access_token)
        except MissingPermissionsError:
            return redirect_login_oauth
        # check if user authenticated and if it's the same
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            self.check_django_facebook_user(request, facebook_id, access_token)
        request.facebook = graph
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            _action, _user = connect_user(request, access_token, graph)
        # override http method, since this actually is a GET
        if request.method == 'POST':
            request.method = 'GET'
Пример #13
def canvashome(request):
    redirectTo = request.session.get('redirect_to', False)
    if redirectTo:
        del request.session['redirect_to']
        return HttpResponseRedirect(str(redirectTo))
    member = None
    fb_url = settings.FACEBOOK_APP_URL  #.format(appname=settings.FACEBOOK_APP_NAME)
    share_title = ConfigKey.get('SHARE_APP_TITLE', 'iBidGames')
    share_description = ConfigKey.get(
        'iBidGames is the first true online Interactive Auction, is the only interactive auction game within Facebook framework that allows players to win real items'
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():

        if not request.GET.get('facebook_login', None) and not request.GET.get(
                'code', None):
            return render_response(request, 'login.html')
            if not request.GET.get('code', None):
                return redirect(generate_oauth_url())
            access_token = FacebookAuthorization.convert_code(
                request.GET.get('code', None), fb_url)['access_token']
            #Here the user dont came from facebook. The  dj-middleware redirects to this poin without authentication
            data = {
                'authorization_url': fb_url,
                'app_url': fb_url,
                'site_url': settings.SITE_NAME,
                'share_title': share_title,
                'share_description': share_description,
            _action, _user = connect_user(request, access_token)
            return render_response(request, 'fb_redirect.html', data)
    #    social_auth_user = UserSocialAuth.objects.filter(provider='google-oauth2').filter(user_id=request.user.id)
    #    if social_auth_user.count() > 0:
    #        social_auth_user = social_auth_user[0]
    #        data = get_data(social_auth_user.uid,social_auth_user.extra_data['access_token'])
    #        google_profile = Google_profile.objects.filter(user_id=social_auth_user.user_id)
    #        if google_profile.count() ==0:
    #            google_profile = Google_profile.objects.create(
    #                user_id= social_auth_user.user_id,
    #                profile_url =  data['url'],
    #                profile_picture_url = data['image']['url'],
    #                displayName = data['displayName'],
    #                email = data['emails'][0]['value'],
    #                gender =data['gender']
    #            )
    #            member=Member.objects.get(id=social_auth_user.user_id)
    #            member.bids_left = 0
    #            member.tokens_left = 2000
    #            member.save()
    #            client.update_tokens(member)
    #        else:
    #            google_profile = google_profile[0]
    #            profile_picture_url = data['image']['url']
    #            google_profile.save()

    if not member:
        member = Member.objects.get(id=request.user.id)
    #give free tokens from promo
    freeExtraTokens = request.session.get('freeExtraTokens', 0)
    if freeExtraTokens and not member.getSession('freeExtraTokens', None):
        member.tokens_left += freeExtraTokens
        member.setSession('freeExtraTokens', 'used')
        del request.session['freeExtraTokens']

    display_popup = False
    if not member.getSession('revisited'):
        display_popup = True
        member.setSession('revisited', True)
        auction_type = request.GET['auction_type']
    except Exception:
        auction_type = 'token'
    response = render_response(
        request, 'bidding/mainpage.html', {
    return response
Пример #14
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Created on Jan 9, 2013

@author: dudu
from urlparse import urlparse
from open_facebook.api import FacebookAuthorization, OpenFacebook
from django_facebook.canvas import generate_oauth_url
from django_facebook.utils import ScriptRedirect
from django_facebook.connect import connect_user
from django.contrib.auth import logout
from django_facebook import settings

redirect_login_oauth = ScriptRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(),

class FacebookCanvasMiddleWare(object):

    def process_request(self, request):
        check if referer is facebook. If yes, this is the canvas page:
        if not return.
        if yes:
        1) look for error. if error=permission denied -> redirect to permission. if other error: check what it can be
        2) get signed_request and parse it.
        3) if user_id and access_token not it parsed data -> redirect to permission page
        4) check permissions
        5) user:
        a) if user is authenticated: check if it's the same
Пример #15
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Created on Jan 9, 2013

@author: dudu
from urlparse import urlparse
from open_facebook.api import FacebookAuthorization, OpenFacebook
from django_facebook.canvas import generate_oauth_url
from django_facebook.utils import CanvasRedirect
from django_facebook.connect import connect_user
from django.contrib.auth import logout
from django_facebook import settings

redirect_login_oauth = CanvasRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(),

class FacebookCanvasMiddleWare(object):
    def process_request(self, request):
        check if referer is facebook. If yes, this is the canvas page:
        if not return.
        if yes:
        1) look for error. if error=permission denied -> redirect to permission. if other error: check what it can be
        2) get signed_request and parse it.
        3) if user_id and access_token not it parsed data -> redirect to permission page
        4) check permissions
        5) user:
        a) if user is authenticated: check if it's the same
        b) user is not authenticated: connect
Пример #16
def my_style(request):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    context["auth_url"] = generate_oauth_url()

    return render_to_response("django_facebook/my_style.html", context)
Пример #17
    def process_request(self, request):
        This middleware authenticates the facebook user when
        he/she is accessing the app from facebook (not an internal page)
        The flow is show below:

        if referer is facebook:
            it's a canvas app and the first hit on the app
            If error:
                attempt to reauthenticate using authorization dialog
            if signed_request not sent or does not have the user_id and the access_token:
                user has not authorized app
                redirect to authorization dialog
                check permissions
                if user is authenticated (in django):
                    check if current facebook user is the same that is authenticated
                    if not: logout authenticated user
                if user is not authenticated:
                    connect_user (django_facebook.connect module)
                changed method to GET. Facebook always sends a POST first.
            It's an internal page.
            No signed_request is sent.

        # This call cannot be global'ized or Django will return an empty response
        # after the first one
        redirect_login_oauth = ScriptRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(),
        # check referer to see if this is the first access
        # or it's part of navigation in app
        # facebook always sends a POST reuqest
        referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
        if referer:
            urlparsed = urlparse(referer)
            if not urlparsed.netloc.endswith('facebook.com'):
            # when there is an error, we attempt to allow user to
            # reauthenticate
            if 'error' in request.GET:
                return redirect_login_oauth

        # get signed_request
        signed_request = request.POST.get('signed_request', None)
            # get signed_request
            parsed_signed_request = FacebookAuthorization.parse_signed_data(
            access_token = parsed_signed_request['oauth_token']
            facebook_id = int(parsed_signed_request['user_id'])
            # redirect to authorization dialog
            # if app not authorized by user
            return redirect_login_oauth
        # check for permissions
            graph = self.check_permissions(access_token)
        except MissingPermissionsError:
            return redirect_login_oauth
        # check if user authenticated and if it's the same
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            self.check_django_facebook_user(request, facebook_id, access_token)
        request.facebook = graph
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            _action, _user = connect_user(request, access_token, graph)
        # override http method, since this actually is a GET
        if request.method == 'POST':
            request.method = 'GET'
Пример #18
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Created on Jan 9, 2013

@author: dudu
from urlparse import urlparse
from open_facebook.api import FacebookAuthorization, OpenFacebook
from django_facebook.canvas import generate_oauth_url
from django_facebook.utils import CanvasRedirect
from django_facebook.connect import connect_user
from django.contrib.auth import logout
from django_facebook import settings

redirect_login_oauth = CanvasRedirect(redirect_to=generate_oauth_url(),

class FacebookCanvasMiddleWare(object):

    def process_request(self, request):
        check if referer is facebook. If yes, this is the canvas page:
        if not return.
        if yes:
        1) look for error. if error=permission denied -> redirect to permission. if other error: check what it can be
        2) get signed_request and parse it.
        3) if user_id and access_token not it parsed data -> redirect to permission page
        4) check permissions
        5) user:
        a) if user is authenticated: check if it's the same