def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    Runs a hook.

        appID: The ID of the application that called the hook

        params: The parameters coming from the POST data inside the hook
    template = {
        'Ingles': 'englishAcceptedMail',
        'Español': 'spanishAcceptedMail',
    transformer = {
        'title': 'name', 

    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID)
    item = podioApi.getItem(params['item_id'], no_html=True)
    if item['values']['paso-entrevista'] == 'Si':
        data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer)
        data['project_name'] = item['values']['project-you-are-applying']['values']['title']
        data['tn_id'] = item['values']['project-you-are-applying']['values']['tn-id-2']

        email = mailApi.MailApi(template[item['values']['project-you-are-applying']['values']['idioma-proyecto']]) 
        status = email.send_mail('*****@*****.**', [item['values']['email'], ], data) 
        podioApi.comment('item', params['item_id'],
                     {'value': 'El correo ha sido enviado satisfactoriamente a ' + item['values']['email'] + ' con código ' + str(status)})
def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    Runs a hook.

        appID: The ID of the application that called the hook

        params: The parameters coming from the POST data inside the hook
    template = {
        'Ingles': 'englishMatchedMail',
        'Español': 'spanishMatchedMail',

    transformer = {
        'nombre': 'name', 

    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID)
    item = podioApi.getItem(params['item_id'], no_html=True)
    if item['values']['estado-en-expa'] == 'Match':
        data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer)
        email = mailApi.MailApi(template[item['values']['proyecto']['values']['idioma-proyecto']]) 
        status = email.send_mail('*****@*****.**', [item['values']['entrevista']['values']['email'], ], data) 
        podioApi.comment('item', params['item_id'],
            {'value': 'El correo ha sido enviado satisfactoriamente: ' + str(status)})
Пример #3
def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    Runs a hook.

        appID: The ID of the application that called the hook

        params: The parameters coming from the POST data inside the hook
    template = {
        'Ingles': 'englishMatchedMail',
        'Español': 'spanishMatchedMail',

    transformer = {
        'nombre': 'name',

    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID)
    item = podioApi.getItem(params['item_id'], no_html=True)
    if item['values']['estado-en-expa'] == 'Match':
        data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer)
        email = mailApi.MailApi(
        status = email.send_mail('*****@*****.**', [
        ], data)
            'item', params['item_id'], {
                'El correo ha sido enviado satisfactoriamente: ' + str(status)
Пример #4
def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    transformer = {
        'english-writing': 'writing', 
        'english-reading': 'reading',
        'english-listening': 'listening',
        'english-speaking': 'speaking',
        'world-citizen-after': 'wc_a',
        'solution-driven-before': 'sd_b',
        'empowering-others-after': 'eo_a',
        'horas-semanales': 'horas_semanales',
        'title': 'cargo',
        'world-citizen-before': 'wc_b',
        'self-aware-before': 'sa_b',
        'empowering-others-before': 'eo_b',
        'self-aware-after': 'sa_a',
        'lider': 'lider__nombre',
        'main-functions': 'main_functions',
        'software-knowledge': 'software_knowledge',
        'specific-knowledge': 'specific_knowledge',
        'kpis': 'critical_success_factors',
        'job-description': 'job_description',
        'solution-driven-after': 'sd_a',

    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID)
    item = podioApi.getItem(params['item_id'], no_html=True)
    data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer)
    data['lider'] = item['values']['lider']['values']['title']
    data['area'] = item['values']['lider']['values']['nombre-del-cargo'].replace('LCVP ', "")
    data['horas_semanales'] = data['horas_semanales'].split('.')[0]
    print data

    generator = documentsApi.ODTTemplate('jdTemplate.odt')
    if item['values']['formato-del-jd'] == 'Word':
        fileExtension = '.odt' 
        jd = generator.renderODT(data)
        fileExtension = '.pdf'
        jd = generator.render(data)
    fileName = 'JD - %s' % data['cargo']
    email = EmailMessage()
    email.subject = fileName 
    email.body = 'Lo puedes encontrar como un archivo adjunto'
    email.from_email = '*****@*****.**' = [item['values']['lider']['values']['correo-corporativo-aiesecandesorg'],]
    fileData =
    #email.attach(fileName + fileExtension, fileData)
    podioApi.appendFile(params['item_id'], fileName + fileExtension, fileData)

def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID, client=True)
    item = podioApi.get_item(params['item_id'], external_id=False)
    print item
    transformer = {
        '118632836#117701833':'119050124',#TMP, TLP o EB
    new_dict = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], {}, transformer, ignore_unknown = True)
    ans = podioApi.updateItem(params['item_id'], new_dict)
    return ans
Пример #6
def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID, client=True)
    item = podioApi.get_item(params['item_id'], external_id=False)
    print item
    transformer = {
        '118632836#117701833':'119050124',#TMP, TLP o EB
    new_dict = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], {}, transformer, ignore_unknown = True)
    ans = podioApi.updateItem(params['item_id'], new_dict)
    return ans
Пример #7
def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    ans = ""
    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID)
    item = podioApi.get_item(params['item_id'], external_id=False)
    hook = hook.email_document_hook
    conditions = hook.conditions.all()
    all_conditions = True
    for condition in conditions:
        ans += unicode(condition)
        if condition.condition_type == "=":
            all_conditions = all_conditions and condition.value == item['values'][condition.field_id]['value']
            print item['values'][condition.field_id]['value']
    print ans
    if all_conditions:
        transformer_dict = {}
        related_transformer_dict = {}
        transformers = hook.transformers.all()
        attachments = []
        for transformer in transformers:
            if "#" in transformer.key:
                related_transformer_dict[transformer.key] = transformer.value
                transformer_dict[int(transformer.key)] = transformer.value
        data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer_dict, related_transformer_dict, True)            
        print data
        flat_data = tools.flatten_dict(data)
        if hook.document:
            generator = documentsApi.ODTTemplate( + '.odt')#TODO: esto solo sirve con odts, toca formalizarlo 
            generated_document = generator.render(flat_data)
            file_name = hook.document.file_name + '.pdf'
            attachments.append({'filename':file_name, 'data':})
            podioApi.appendFile(params['item_id'], file_name, generated_document)
        if hook.email_template:
            email = mailApi.MailApi(
            from_email = tools.retrieve_email(hook.from_email, item)
            to_email = tools.retrieve_email(hook.to_email, item)
            if hook.cc_email:
                cc_email = tools.retrieve_email(hook.cc_email, item)
                cc_email = []
            print from_email
            print to_email
            status = email.send_mail(from_email, [to_email], flat_data, attachments=attachments)
        return status
        return ans
Пример #8
def run(appID, params, hook=None):
    Runs a hook.

        appID: The ID of the application that called the hook

        params: The parameters coming from the POST data inside the hook
    template = {
        'Ingles': 'englishAcceptedMail',
        'Español': 'spanishAcceptedMail',
    transformer = {
        'title': 'name',

    podioApi = api.PodioApi(appID)
    item = podioApi.getItem(params['item_id'], no_html=True)
    if item['values']['paso-entrevista'] == 'Si':
        data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer)
        data['project_name'] = item['values']['project-you-are-applying'][
        data['tn_id'] = item['values']['project-you-are-applying']['values'][

        email = mailApi.MailApi(
        status = email.send_mail('*****@*****.**', [
        ], data)
            'item', params['item_id'], {
                'El correo ha sido enviado satisfactoriamente a ' +
                item['values']['email'] + ' con código ' + str(status)
Пример #9
def load_lc_goals():
    Este método carga todas las metas mensuales presentes en el espacio de PODIO asociado a esta funcionalidad
    #Un diccionario que asocia los field_ids de la aplicación con un mes
    month_dict = {
        130505516:(1, 2016),
        130505517:(2, 2016),
        130505518:(3, 2016),
        130505519:(4, 2016),
        130505520:(5, 2016),
        130505521:(6, 2016),
        130505522:(7, 2016),
        130505523:(8, 2016),
        130505524:(9, 2016),
        130505525:(10, 2016),
        130505526:(11, 2016),
        130505527:(12, 2016),
        130652156:(1, 2017),
    podioApi = api.PodioApi(16759334)
    items = podioApi.get_filtered_items({})
    for item in items:
        #Se crea un diccionario que luego entra como parámetro a la creación de las metas.
        create_dict = {
            'program_id':item['values'][130504336]['value'], #Para obtener el valor del programa del item de PODIO
            'office_id':item['values'][130504335]['value']['values'][130513591]['value'], #Para obtener el ID del LC del related item "LC"
        month_goals = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], month_dict, ignore_unknown=True)
        #Recorre todos los meses en el diccionario y crea un objeto de tipo MonthlyGoal para cada uno de ellos
        for date, goals in month_goals.iteritems():
            create_dict['month'] = date[0]
            create_dict['year'] = date[1]
            create_dict['defaults']= {
                item['values'][130507913]['value'].lower():goals['value'].split('.')[0]#Obtiene la meta, eliminando decimales, y la asigna al approved o al realized según sea el caso
            print create_dict
Пример #10
def load_lc_goals():
    Este método carga todas las metas mensuales presentes en el espacio de PODIO asociado a esta funcionalidad
    #Un diccionario que asocia los field_ids de la aplicación con un mes
    month_dict = {
        139291307:(2, 2018),
        139291308:(3, 2018),
        139291309:(4, 2018),
        139291310:(5, 2018),
        139291311:(6, 2018),
        139291312:(7, 2018),
        139291313:(8, 2018),
        139291314:(9, 2018),
        139291315:(10, 2018),
        139291316:(11, 2018),
        139291317:(12, 2018),
        139291318:(1, 2019),
    podioApi = api.PodioApi(17770429)
    items = podioApi.get_filtered_items({})
    for item in items:
        #Se crea un diccionario que luego entra como parámetro a la creación de las metas.
        create_dict = {
            'program_id':item['values'][139291304]['value'], #Para obtener el valor del programa del item de PODIO
            'office_id':item['values'][139291303]['value']['values'][130513591]['value'], #Para obtener el ID del LC del related item "LC"
        month_goals = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], month_dict, ignore_unknown=True)
        #Recorre todos los meses en el diccionario y crea un objeto de tipo MonthlyGoal para cada uno de ellos
        for date, goals in month_goals.iteritems():
            create_dict['month'] = date[0]
            create_dict['year'] = date[1]
            create_dict['defaults']= {
                item['values'][139291305]['value'].lower():goals['value'].split('.')[0]#Obtiene la meta, eliminando decimales, y la asigna al approved o al realized según sea el caso
            print create_dict
Пример #11
def email_document(item, email_document_hook, podioApi):
    This method takes a PODIO item, retrieves its data, and uses it to fill out fields inside an odt/pdf document template and/or an email. The document will be sent as an attachment of the email, if both exist.
    ans = ""
    hook = email_document_hook
    conditions = hook.conditions.all()
    all_conditions = True
    for condition in conditions:
        ans += unicode(condition)
        if condition.condition_type == "=":
            # Checks that the value exists. In PODIO, empty fields are not sent as part of the item, so trying to retrieve them will net an exception
                field = item['values'][condition.field_id]['value']
            except KeyError:
                field = None
            # If the value is a "null" string, it is converted to a None value
            if condition.value == "null":
                value = None
                value = condition.value
            all_conditions = all_conditions and value == field
            print field
    print ans
    if all_conditions:
        transformer_dict = {}
        related_transformer_dict = {}
        transformers = hook.transformers.all()
        attachments = []
        for transformer in transformers:
            if "#" in transformer.key: #Es un valor que está adentro de un Related Item
                related_transformer_dict[transformer.key] = transformer.value
                transformer_dict[int(transformer.key)] = transformer.value
        data = tools.dictSwitch(item['values'], transformer_dict, related_transformer_dict, True)#Crea el diccionario final, que será utilizado en los templates de los correos o de los pdfs, a partir de el item de PODIO y los distintos valores
        flat_data = tools.flatten_dict(data)
        #Para reemplazar las variables de tipo fecha
        for date in hook.dates.all():
            #Primero se revisa si la fecha es un valor de PODIO o la fecha actual
            if date.field_id == "":
                raw_date = 
                    raw_date = datetime.strptime(item['values'][int(date.field_id)]['value']['start_date'], "%Y-%m-%d")
                except KeyError: # This happens when for some reason the date is not set, not found. Will just leave the field blank
                    flat_data[date.variable] = ""
                #TODO Debe atender dos casos: cuando es un campo normal y cuando es un campo dentro de un related item
            #Segundo, se corre la fecha la cantidad de días que especifica el date_manager
            raw_date = raw_date + timedelta(days=date.time_delta)
            #Tercero, se define el formato que va a tomar la fecha
            if date.formatting == date.INGLES:
                formatter = "%d of %B, %Y" 
            elif date.formatting == date.ESPANHOL:
                mes = tools.MESES[int(raw_date.strftime("%m")) - 1]
                formatter = "%d de " + mes + ", %Y"
            elif date.formatting == date.DMA:
                formatter = "%d/%m/%Y"
            elif date.formatting == date.DIA:
                formatter = "%d"
            elif date.formatting == date.MES:
                mes = tools.MESES[int(raw_date.strftime("%m")) - 1]
                formatter = mes
            elif date.formatting == date.MONTH:
                formatter = "%B"
            elif date.formatting == date.NUM_MES:
                formatter = "%m"
            elif date.formatting == date.ANHO:
                formatter = "%Y"
            #Al final, se agrega el valor de la variable al diccionario
            print date.variable
            flat_data[date.variable] = raw_date.strftime(formatter)
        flat_data['fecha'] ='%d de %%s, %Y') % tools.MESES[int('%m')) - 1]
        print flat_data
        status = ""
        final_message = ""
        if hook.document:
            print "generando documento"
                generator = documentsApi.ODTTemplate(hook.document.file_name + '.odt')#TODO: esto solo sirve con odts, toca formalizarlo 
                generated_document = generator.render(flat_data, odt=hook.generate_odt)
                if hook.generate_odt:
                    extension = '.odt'
                    extension = '.pdf'
                file_name = Template(hook.document.generated_file_name).render(Context(flat_data)) + extension
                attachments.append({'filename':file_name, 'data':})
                documentResponse = podioApi.appendFile(item['item'], file_name, generated_document)
                status += str(documentResponse)
                final_message += "Document created and uploaded successfully."
                print "documento subido exitosamente"
            except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
                print "Error con el documento, no tiene formato adecuado. Continuando con el script..."
                final_message += "Error when generating the document: %s. The script continued. Check it out @['Camilo Forero'](user:1707071)" % e
                podioApi.comment('item', item['item'], {"value":final_message})
                print e
        if hook.email_template:
            print "Iniciando el envio del correo"
            email = mailApi.MailApi(
            from_email = tools.retrieve_email(hook.from_email, item)
            to_email = [tools.retrieve_email(hook.to_email, item)]
            if hook.cc_email:
                cc_email = tools.retrieve_email(hook.cc_email, item)
                cc_email = []
            print "Enviando correo a %s desde %s" % (to_email, from_email)
            email_send_status = "Test mode"
                email_send_status = str(email.send_mail(from_email, to_email, flat_data, attachments=attachments))
                final_message += "Email sent successfully from %s to %s" % (from_email, to_email)
            except Exception as e:
                final_message += "ERROR sending the email from %s to %s: %s. Check it out @['Camilo Forero'](user:1707071)" % (to_email, from_email, e)

                print e
            print "Status de envio: %s" % email_send_status
            status += email_send_status
        print final_message
        podioApi.comment('item', item['item'], {"value":final_message})
        return status
        return ans