Пример #1
def login_with_basic_auth_required(view, request, *args, **kwargs):
    Django view decorator that requires basic authentication
    and sets request.user to a Django-Short-Urls User if found.
    Raises proper HTTP exceptions otherwise.
    user = None

    if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.META:
        method, _, auth = request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].partition(' ')

        if method.lower() == 'basic':
            login, _, api_key = _safe_base64_decode(auth.strip()).partition(':')

            user = User.objects(login=login, api_key=api_key).first()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    if user is None:
        response = HttpResponse("Authorization Required", status=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, content_type="text/plain")

        response['WWW-Authenticate'] = "Basic realm=API"

        return response

    request.user = user

    return view(request, *args, **kwargs)
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.factory = RequestFactory()

        self.user = User(login="******",

        self.data = {'login': self.user.login, 'api_key': self.user.api_key}
Пример #3
def new(request):
    Create a new short url based on the POST parameters

    if 'login' in request.REQUEST and 'api_key' in request.REQUEST:
        login = request.REQUEST['login']
        api_key = request.REQUEST['api_key']

        user = User.objects(login=login, api_key=api_key).first()
        user = None

    if user is None:
        return response(status=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED,
                        message="Invalid credentials.")

    params = {}

    if 'long_url' in request.REQUEST:
        params['long_url'] = request.REQUEST['long_url']

        (is_valid, error_message) = validate_url(params['long_url'])
        (is_valid, error_message) = (False, "Missing parameter: 'long_url'")

    if not is_valid:
        return response(status=HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message=error_message)

    for key in ['short_path', 'prefix']:
        if key in request.REQUEST:
            params[key] = request.REQUEST[key]

            if '/' in params[key]:
                return response(status=HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
                                message="%s may not contain a '/' character." %

        link = Link.shorten(**params)

        getLogger('app').info('Successfully shortened %s into %s for user %s',
                              link.long_url, link.hash, login)
    except ShortPathConflict, err:
        del params['short_path'], params['long_url']

        if 'prefix' in params:
            del params['prefix']

        params['hash'] = err.link.hash

        return response(status=HTTP_CONFLICT, message=str(err), **params)
Пример #4
def new(request):
    Create a new short url based on the POST parameters

    if 'login' in request.REQUEST and 'api_key' in request.REQUEST:
        login = request.REQUEST['login']
        api_key = request.REQUEST['api_key']

        user = User.objects(login=login, api_key=api_key).first()
        user = None

    if user is None:
        return response(status=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message="Invalid credentials.")

    params = {}

    if 'long_url' in request.REQUEST:
        params['long_url'] = request.REQUEST['long_url']

        (is_valid, error_message) = validate_url(params['long_url'])
        (is_valid, error_message) = (False, "Missing parameter: 'long_url'")

    if not is_valid:
        return response(status=HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, message=error_message)

    allow_slashes_in_prefix = 'allow_slashes_in_prefix' in request.REQUEST

    for key in ['short_path', 'prefix']:
        if key in request.REQUEST:
            params[key] = request.REQUEST[key]

            if '/' in params[key] and not (key == 'prefix' and allow_slashes_in_prefix):
                return response(
                    message="%s may not contain a '/' character." % key)

        link = Link.shorten(**params)

        getLogger('app').info('Successfully shortened %s into %s for user %s', link.long_url, link.hash, login)
    except ShortPathConflict, err:
        del params['short_path'], params['long_url']

        if 'prefix' in params:
            del params['prefix']

        params['hash'] = err.link.hash

        return response(status=HTTP_CONFLICT, message=str(err), **params)