class FrontEnd(object): def __init__(self): # Init pygame pygame.init() # Create pygame window pygame.display.set_caption("Tello video stream") self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode([960, 720]) # Init Tello object that interacts with the Tello drone self.tello = Tello() # Drone velocities between -100~100 self.for_back_velocity = 0 self.left_right_velocity = 0 self.up_down_velocity = 0 self.yaw_velocity = 0 self.speed = 10 self.send_rc_control = False # create update timer pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 50) def run(self): if not self.tello.connect(): print("Tello not connected") return if not self.tello.set_speed(self.speed): print("Not set speed to lowest possible") return # In case streaming is on. This happens when we quit this program without the escape key. if not self.tello.streamoff(): print("Could not stop video stream") return if not self.tello.streamon(): print("Could not start video stream") return frame_read = self.tello.get_frame_read() # TELLO EVENT REGION should_stop = False while not should_stop: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.USEREVENT + 1: self.update() elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: should_stop = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: should_stop = True else: self.keydown(event.key) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: self.keyup(event.key) if frame_read.stopped: frame_read.stop() break self.updateOnFaces(frame_read) self.screen.fill([0, 0, 0]) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame_read.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frame = np.rot90(frame) frame = np.flipud(frame) frame = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(frame) self.screen.blit(frame, (0, 0)) # HAND TRACKING pygame.display.update() time.sleep(1 / FPS) # Call it always before finishing. To deallocate resources. self.tello.end() def updateOnFaces(self, frame_read): gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame_read.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( gray, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30), ) # Draw a rectangle around the faces index = 0 for (x, y, w, h) in faces: if index != 0: return if x < 960 / 2: image = cv2.putText(frame_read.frame, 'LEFT', org, font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) self.left_right_velocity = -S elif x > 960 / 2: image = cv2.putText(frame_read.frame, 'RIGHT', org, font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) self.left_right_velocity = S if y > (720 / 2) - h: image = cv2.putText(frame_read.frame, 'DOWN', (900, 50), font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) self.up_down_velocity = -S elif y < 720 / 2: image = cv2.putText(frame_read.frame, 'UP', (900, 50), font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) self.up_down_velocity = S if (w * h) < faceWidth * faceHeight: image = cv2.putText(frame_read.frame, 'FORWARD', (50, 100), font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) self.for_back_velocity = S elif (w * h) > faceWidth * faceHeight: image = cv2.putText(frame_read.frame, 'BACKWARD', (50, 100), font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) self.for_back_velocity = -S cv2.rectangle(frame_read.frame, (faceX, faceY), (faceX + faceWidth, faceY + faceHeight), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(frame_read.frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) index += 1 def keydown(self, key): """ Update velocities based on key pressed Arguments: key: pygame key """ if key == pygame.K_UP: # set forward velocity self.for_back_velocity = S elif key == pygame.K_DOWN: # set backward velocity self.for_back_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_LEFT: # set left velocity self.left_right_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # set right velocity self.left_right_velocity = S elif key == pygame.K_w: # set up velocity self.up_down_velocity = S elif key == pygame.K_s: # set down velocity self.up_down_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_a: # set yaw counter clockwise velocity self.yaw_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_d: # set yaw clockwise velocity self.yaw_velocity = S def keyup(self, key): """ Update velocities based on key released Arguments: key: pygame key """ keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if key == pygame.K_UP or key == pygame.K_DOWN: # set zero forward/backward velocity self.for_back_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_LEFT or key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # set zero left/right velocity self.left_right_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_w or key == pygame.K_s: # set zero up/down velocity self.up_down_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_a or key == pygame.K_d: # set zero yaw velocity self.yaw_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_t: # takeoff self.tello.takeoff() self.send_rc_control = True elif key == pygame.K_l: # land self.send_rc_control = False elif key == pygame.K_f: self.tello.flip_back() elif key == pygame.K_g: self.tello.flip_forward() elif key == pygame.K_h: self.tello.flip_right() elif key == pygame.K_j: self.tello.flip_left() def update(self): """ Update routine. Send velocities to Tello.""" if self.send_rc_control: self.tello.send_rc_control(self.left_right_velocity, self.for_back_velocity, self.up_down_velocity, self.yaw_velocity)
class FrontEnd(object): """ Maintains the Tello display and moves it through the keyboard keys. Press escape key to quit. The controls are: - T: Takeoff - L: Land - Arrow keys: Forward, backward, left and right. - A and D: Counter clockwise and clockwise rotations - W and S: Up and down. """ def __init__(self): # Init pygame pygame.init() # Creat pygame window pygame.display.set_caption("Tello video stream") self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode([960, 720]) # Init Tello object that interacts with the Tello drone self.tello = Tello() # Drone velocities between -100~100 self.for_back_velocity = 0 self.left_right_velocity = 0 self.up_down_velocity = 0 self.yaw_velocity = 0 self.speed = 10 self.send_rc_control = False # create update timer pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 50) def run(self): if not self.tello.connect(): print("Tello not connected") return if not self.tello.set_speed(self.speed): print("Not set speed to lowest possible") return # In case streaming is on. This happens when we quit this program without the escape key. if not self.tello.streamoff(): print("Could not stop video stream") return if not self.tello.streamon(): print("Could not start video stream") return frame_read = self.tello.get_frame_read() should_stop = False while not should_stop: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.USEREVENT + 1: self.update() elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: should_stop = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: should_stop = True else: self.keydown(event.key) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: self.keyup(event.key) if frame_read.stopped: frame_read.stop() break self.screen.fill([0, 0, 0]) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame_read.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frame = np.rot90(frame) frame = np.flipud(frame) frame = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(frame) #elaborazione del frame per riconoscere oggetti #impartire comandi al drone sulla base del riconoscimento dell'ogg self.screen.blit(frame, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(1 / FPS) # Call it always before finishing. To deallocate resources. self.tello.end() def keydown(self, key): """ Update velocities based on key pressed Arguments: key: pygame key """ if key == pygame.K_UP: # set forward velocity self.for_back_velocity = S elif key == pygame.K_DOWN: # set backward velocity self.for_back_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_LEFT: # set left velocity self.left_right_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # set right velocity self.left_right_velocity = S elif key == pygame.K_w: # set up velocity self.up_down_velocity = S elif key == pygame.K_s: # set down velocity self.up_down_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_a: # set yaw counter clockwise velocity self.yaw_velocity = -S elif key == pygame.K_d: # set yaw clockwise velocity self.yaw_velocity = S def keyup(self, key): """ Update velocities based on key released Arguments: key: pygame key """ if key == pygame.K_UP or key == pygame.K_DOWN: # set zero forward/backward velocity self.for_back_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_LEFT or key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # set zero left/right velocity self.left_right_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_w or key == pygame.K_s: # set zero up/down velocity self.up_down_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_a or key == pygame.K_d: # set zero yaw velocity self.yaw_velocity = 0 elif key == pygame.K_t: # takeoff self.tello.takeoff() self.send_rc_control = True elif key == pygame.K_l: # land self.send_rc_control = False elif key == pygame.K_b: # flip_back self.tello.flip_back() self.send_rc_control = True elif key == pygame.K_f: # flip_forward self.tello.flip_forward() self.send_rc_control = True elif key == pygame.K_p: # battery self.tello.get_battery() self.send_rc_control = True def update(self): """ Update routine. Send velocities to Tello.""" if self.send_rc_control: self.tello.send_rc_control(self.left_right_velocity, self.for_back_velocity, self.up_down_velocity, self.yaw_velocity)