Пример #1
def copy_to_version(ctx, source, outputdir=None, kind="pkg", force=False):
    """Copy source with version number to `outputdir`.

       The version type is specified by the ``kind`` parameter and can be
       either "pkg" (package version), "svn" (current subversion revision
       number), or "hash" (the md5 hash of the file's contents).

           (str) output file name
    # where to place the versioned file..
    # print "LOCALS:", locals()
    source = Path(source)
    outputdir = Path(outputdir) if outputdir else source.dirname()
    dst_fname = source.basename()
    if '{version}' not in str(dst_fname):
        dst_fname = versioned_name(dst_fname)
    dst = outputdir / dst_fname.format(version=get_version(ctx, source, kind))

    if force or not os.path.exists(dst):
        copy(ctx, source, dst, force=force)

    elif open(source).read() != open(dst).read():
        print """
        Filename already exists, add --force or call upversion: {}

    return dst
Пример #2
def test_copy(ctx):
    files = """
        foo.txt: hello world
    with create_files(files) as directory:
        ctx = ctx.init()
        copy(ctx, 'foo.txt', 'foo.txt')
        copy(ctx, 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt')
        assert open('bar.txt').read() == 'hello world'
Пример #3
def make_api_docs(ctx, force=False):
    """Run sphinx-apidoc to write autodoc documentation to `docs/api/*`
    ctx.run("rm -rf {pkg.docsdir}/api".format(pkg=ctx.pkg))
    ctx.run("sphinx-apidoc -o {pkg.docsdir}/api {pkg.sourcedir}".format(pkg=ctx.pkg))
    concat.copy(ctx, ctx.pkg.docsdir/'api'/'*', ctx.pkg.docsdir)
    ctx.run("rm -rf {pkg.docsdir}/api".format(pkg=ctx.pkg))

    if ".. include:: modules.rst" not in open(ctx.pkg.docsdir / 'index.rst').read():
        print textwrap.dedent("""\
        WARNING: you need to include the following in docs/index.rst

            .. include:: modules.rst
