Пример #1
 def __init__(self, vessel):
     self.name = vessel['Ship name']
     self.lat = dms2dec(vessel['Latitude'])
     self.lon = dms2dec(vessel['Longitude'])
     # self.lat = vessel['Latitude']
     # self.lon = vessel['Longitude']
     self.velocity = 20
Пример #2
def check(long, lat):
    dec_long = dms2dec(long)
    dec_lat = dms2dec(lat)

    for k, v in sea_area.items():
        if dec_long < v['max_long'] and \
            dec_long > v['min_long'] and \
            dec_lat < v['max_lat'] and \
            dec_lat > v['min_lat']:
            return k
    return None
Пример #3
def cleanup_and_get_location_data_for(news):
    keys = news.keys()

    if "content" in keys:
        for i, content in enumerate(news['content']):
            content = re.sub(r"\[\d\]", "", content)
            content = unidecode(content)
            news['content'][i] = content

    if 'geo_dec' in keys:
        coords = news['geo_dec'].split(' ')
        for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
            for s in coord:
                if (s == "S" or s == "W"):
                    coords[i] = f"-{coord}"[:-2]
                    coords[i] = f"{coord}"[:-2]
        news['coords'] = {'lat': coords[0], 'lon': coords[1]}

    elif 'geo_dms' in keys:
        coords = news['geo_dms'].split(' ')
        for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
            coords[i] = dms2dec(coord.strip())
        news['coords'] = {'lat': coords[0], 'lon': coords[1]}

    elif 'location_string' in keys:
        news['coords'] = location_help_from_here_api_with(
    elif 'ptod' in keys:
        news['coords'] = location_help_from_here_api_with(news['ptod'])

        news['coords'] = location_help_from_here_api_with(news['title'])

    return news
Пример #4
def _get_XYZ(session, station_id):
    POSTs and parses XYZ coordinates
    # Request URL to get the data
    url = 'http://meteosearch.meteo.gr/FormProc.asp'

    # POST request body
    req_body = {'stationID': station_id, 'SelectYear': 2020, 'SelectMonth': 12}
    response = session.post(url, req_body)

    # Check for code 2xx.
    if response.ok:
        station_data = response.text

        xyz_line = station_data.splitlines()[3]
        # Check if the 3rd line contains the data.
        # Sometimes the 2nd one does.
        if 'LAT:' in xyz_line:
            z = xyz_line.split('ELEV:')[1].split('m')[0].strip()
            x_dms = xyz_line.split('LONG:')[1].split('E')[0].strip()
            y_dms = xyz_line.split('LAT:')[1].split('N')[0].strip()
            # Check if line contains coordinates
            if x_dms and y_dms:
                # Convert DMS to DD
                x = dms2dec(x_dms + "E")
                y = dms2dec(y_dms + "N")

                return x, y, z
            xyz_line = station_data.splitlines()[2]
            if 'LAT:' in xyz_line:
                z = xyz_line.split('ELEV:')[1].split('m')[0].strip()
                x_dms = xyz_line.split('LONG:')[1].strip()
                y_dms = xyz_line.split('LAT:')[1].split('LONG')[0].strip()
                # Check if line contains coordinates
                if x_dms and y_dms:
                    x = dms2dec(
                        x_dms.replace("deg", "°").replace("min", "'") +
                        " 00'\"E")
                    y = dms2dec(
                        y_dms.replace("deg", "°").replace("min", "'") +

                    return x, y, z
    # If no data is found
    return None, None, None
Пример #5
def find_horizon(sat_objs, sec, location):
    Get satellite altitude and azimuth list for specific observer and time
    :param sat_objs: List of satellite objects
    :param sec: Time in second
    :param location: Observer location
    :return: Azimuth list, altitude list, shell list (different shells have different colors)
    lat_dms = decimalDegrees2DMS(location[0])
    long_dms = decimalDegrees2DMS(location[1])
    observer = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lon, observer.lat = long_dms, lat_dms
    shifted_epoch = (pd.to_datetime(EPOCH) +
                     pd.to_timedelta(sec, unit='s')).strftime(
                         format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
    observer.date = shifted_epoch
    alt_list = []
    azim_list = []
    shell_list = []
    for shell_cntr in range(0, NUM_SHELLS):
        for id in range(len(sat_objs[shell_cntr])):
            sat = sat_objs[shell_cntr][id]
            angle_alt = dms2dec(str(sat.alt))
            if sat.alt < 0:
                angle_alt = 0 - angle_alt
            angle_az = dms2dec(str(sat.az))
            if sat.az < 0:
                angle_az = 0 - angle_az

            print("%d %f %f" % (id, angle_alt, angle_az))
            #if angle_alt > MIN_DEG_ELEVATION:
            if angle_alt > 0.0:
                #orb_id = math.floor(id/NUM_ORBS)
                print("%d %f %f" % (id, angle_alt, angle_az))
    X = np.array(azim_list)
    Y = np.array(alt_list)
    S = np.array(shell_list)
    return X, Y, S
def plotly_plot(button, long_d, long_m, long_s, lat_d, lat_m, lat_s):
    #convert dms to dd coordinate
    dd_long = dms2dec(f'''{long_d}°{long_m}'{long_s}"N''')
    dd_lat = dms2dec(f'''{lat_d}°{lat_m}'{lat_s}"E''')
    #convert dd to lambert 72
    x, y = transformer.transform(dd_long, dd_lat)
    #create bounding box
    x_left = x - 30
    x_right = x + 30
    y_top = y + 30
    y_bottom = y - 30
    #read in bounding box
    rst = img.read(1, window=from_bounds(x_left, y_bottom, x_right, y_top, img.transform))
    #create geopandas dataframe out of bounding box
    rst_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(rst)
    rst_gdf = rst_gdf[::-1]
    #make 3d plot out of dataframe
    fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=rst_gdf.values)])
    return fig
Пример #7
def getData(formdata):

    LKP_time = float(formdata['LKP_time'])
    LKP_Altitude = float(formdata['LKP_Altitude'])
    Distress_time = float(formdata['Distress_time'])
    Distress_Altitude = float(formdata['Distress_Altitude'])
    brng = float(formdata['brng'])
    GSpeed = float(formdata['GSpeed'])
    VSpeed = float(formdata['VSpeed'])
    Glide_TAS = float(formdata['Glide_TAS'])
    Glide_Ratio = float(formdata['Glide_Ratio'])
    Daylight_hours = 8
    Search_Speed = 150

    ###input these as DD MM SS,DD MM SS
    destination = formdata['destination']
    if destination.find(','):
        destination = destination.split(',')
        for i in range(2):
            a = destination[i].split()
            if i == 0:
                decVal = round(dms2dec(f'''{a[0]}°{a[1]}'{a[2]}N"'''), 5)
                destination[i] = decVal
            if i == 1:
                decVal = round(dms2dec(f'''{a[0]}°{a[1]}'{a[2]}E"'''), 5)
                destination[i] = decVal
        print("improper format")

    Distress_position = formdata['Distress_position']
    if Distress_position.find(','):
        Distress_position = Distress_position.split(',')
        for i in range(2):
            a = Distress_position[i].split()
            if i == 0:
                decVal = round(dms2dec(f'''{a[0]}°{a[1]}'{a[2]}N"'''), 5)
                Distress_position[i] = decVal
            if i == 1:
                decVal = round(dms2dec(f'''{a[0]}°{a[1]}'{a[2]}E"'''), 5)
                Distress_position[i] = decVal
        print("improper format")

    LKP_position = formdata['LKP_position']
    if LKP_position.find(','):
        LKP_position = LKP_position.split(',')
        for i in range(2):
            a = LKP_position[i].split()
            if i == 0:
                decVal = round(dms2dec(f'''{a[0]}°{a[1]}'{a[2]}N"'''), 5)
                LKP_position[i] = decVal
            if i == 1:
                decVal = round(dms2dec(f'''{a[0]}°{a[1]}'{a[2]}E"'''), 5)
                LKP_position[i] = decVal
        print("improper format")

    Communication_Interval = .5
    Terrain_Altitude = 0
    Altitude_Loss = Distress_Altitude - Terrain_Altitude
    Comm_Mode = 'GPS'
    Craft_Type = 'DualEngine'
    Search_Altitude = '600'
    Search_obj = 'SmallAircraft'
    visibility = '6'
    vegetation = 'Moderate'
    search_effort, Corr_Sweep_Width, Search_Endurance = availableSearchEffort.getSearchEffort(
        Search_Speed, Daylight_hours, Search_Altitude, Search_obj, visibility,
    Descent_Rate = Glide_TAS * 101 / Glide_Ratio
    Datum_point = []

    if (Distress_time and Distress_position):
        E = positionError.getE(Comm_Mode, Craft_Type, GSpeed, VSpeed,
                               Distress_Altitude, Terrain_Altitude, LKP_time,
        Altitude_Loss = Distress_Altitude - Terrain_Altitude
        Descent_Time = Altitude_Loss / Descent_Rate / 60
        Glide_Distance = ((Glide_TAS * Descent_Time) / 60) * 1.852
        Datum_point = Datum.Estimated_position(Distress_position,
                                               Glide_Distance, brng)
        Seach_area_width = effortAllocation.getSeachAreaWidth(
            search_effort, E, Corr_Sweep_Width, None, Search_Speed,

        PMap_Type, Cell_Width, No_of_cells = Pmap.getPmapType(
            E, Seach_area_width)
        Grid = HeatmapPointData.getGrid(PMap_Type)

        return Datum_point, Grid, Cell_Width

    if (Distress_position == None and Distress_time):
        E = positionError.getE(Comm_Mode, Craft_Type, GSpeed, VSpeed,
                               LKP_Altitude, Terrain_Altitude, LKP_time,
        Distance = ((Distress_time - LKP_time) * Gspeed) / 0.621371
        Est_Distress_position = Datum.Estimated_position(
            LKP_position, Distance, brng)
        Altitude_Loss = LKP_Altitude - Terrain_Altitude
        Descent_Time = Altitude_Loss / Descent_Rate / 60
        Glide_Distance = ((Glide_TAS * Descent_Time) / 60) * 1.852
        Datum_point = Datum.Estimated_position(Est_Distress_position,
                                               Glide_Distance, brng)
        Seach_area_width = effortAllocation.getSeachAreaWidth(
            search_effort, E, Corr_Sweep_Width, None, Search_Speed,

        PMap_Type, Cell_Width, No_of_cells = Pmap.getPmapType(
            E, Seach_area_width)
        Grid = HeatmapPointData.getGrid(PMap_Type)
        return Datum_point, Grid, Cell_Width

    if (Distress_position == None and Distress_time == None):

        Sample_len = 1 / 12
        samples = []
        i = 0
        PMap_Type = []
        Cell_Width = []
        No_of_cells = []
        Datum_point = []
        Grid = []

        while (i <= Communication_Interval):
            samples.append(LKP_time + i)
            i = i + Sample_len
        for i in len(samples):
            Distance = ((samples[i] - LKP_time) * speed) / 0.621371
            E = positionError.getE(Comm_Mode, Craft_Type, GSpeed, VSpeed,
                                   LKP_Altitude, Terrain_Altitude, LKP_time,
            Est_Distress_position = Datum.Estimated_position(
                LKP_position, Distance, brng)
            Altitude_Loss = LKP_Altitude - Terrain_Altitude
            Descent_Time = Altitude_Loss / Descent_Rate / 60
            Glide_Distance = ((Glide_TAS * Descent_Time) / 60) * 1.852
            Datum_point[i] = Datum.Estimated_position(Est_Distress_position,
                                                      Glide_Distance, brng)
            Seach_area_width = effortAllocation.getSeachAreaWidth(
                search_effort, E, Corr_Sweep_Width, None, Search_Speed,

            PMap_Type[i], Cell_Width[i], No_of_cells[i] = (Pmap.getPmapType(
                E, Seach_area_width))
            Grid[i] = HeatmapPointData.getGrid(typeMap[i](0))

        Datum_line = [Est_Distress_position, destination]
        Datum_length = Calc_distance(Est_Distress_position, destination)
        E = positionError.getE(Comm_Mode, Craft_Type, GSpeed, VSpeed,
                               LKP_Altitude, Terrain_Altitude, LKP_time,
        Seach_area_width = effortAllocation.getSeachAreaWidth(
            search_effort, E, Corr_Sweep_Width, Datum_length, Search_Speed,

        PMap_Type[len(PMap_Type)], Cell_Width[len(Cell_Width)], No_of_cells[
            len(No_of_cells)] = PMap_Line.getPmapType(E, Seach_area_width)

        return Datum_point, Datum_line, Grid, Cell_Width
Пример #8
def coordinates_convert(loc_degree):
    """ Convert degrees minutes seconds coordinate to decimal latitude or longitude  """
    loc_decimal = dms2dec(loc_degree)
    if loc_degree[-1] == 'O':
        loc_decimal = -loc_decimal
    return loc_decimal
Пример #9
    'Location {}: Latitude', 'Location {}: Longitude',
    'Location {}: Facility name', 'Location {}: Target country',
    'Location {}: Location description', 'Location {}: Comment on location'
deal_coords = {}
for i, row in deals_df.iterrows():
    id = row['Deal ID']
    deal_coords[id] = []
    for i in range(1, 22):
        lat = str(row['Location {}: Latitude'.format(i)]).replace(',', '.')
        lng = str(row['Location {}: Longitude'.format(i)]).replace(',', '.')

            lat = float(lat)
        except ValueError:  # probably in degree minute seconds (DMS) format
            lat = dms2dec(lat)
            lng = float(lng)
        except ValueError:  # probably in degree minute seconds (DMS) format
            lng = dms2dec(lng)

        country = row['Location {}: Target country'.format(i)]
        accuracy = row['Location {}: Spatial accuracy level'.format(i)]
        if np.isnan(lat):
            'coords': (lat, lng),
            'country': country,
            'accuracy': accuracy,
            'agriculture': row['Agriculture'],
            'size': row['Size']
Пример #10
def scrap_park_data():
    Extracts National Parks data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_parks_of_the_United_States?oldformat=true
    Saves a csv file containing:
        - Park name
        - State
        - Latitude and Longitude
        - Surface (acres km2)
        - Number of visitors
        - Description

    ## load article, turn into soup and get the <table>s.
    page = urllib.request.urlopen(NP_LINK)

    ## create soup
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

    ## find all tables
    np_table = soup.find_all('table', class_='sortable')[0]

    parks = []
    data = {}
    ## find table header

    ## find table row (tr)
    tbody = np_table.find_all("tbody")[0]
    trs = tbody.find_all("tr")

    ## skip first tr since it contains the headers
    for i in range(1, len(trs)):

        ## extract row content
        tr = trs[i]

        ## find park name
        np = tr.find_all("a")[0].get('title')

        ## clean park name
        np = np.replace('ʻ', '')
        np = np.replace('ā', 'a')
        np = np.replace('–', '-')

        data[np] = {}

        ## find park data
        tds = tr.find_all("td")

        ## first td: image
        ## skip

        ## state + coordinates
        ## offset by one if first cell is td
        if len(tds) == 6:
            offset = 1
            offset = 2

        ## extract state, latitude, and longitude
        data[np]["state"] = tds[offset].find("a").get('title')
        lat = tds[offset].find("span", {"class": "latitude"}).text
        long = tds[offset].find("span", {"class": "longitude"}).text
        data[np]["latitude"] = dms2dec(lat)
        data[np]["longitude"] = dms2dec(long)

        ## date
        data[np]["date"] = tds[offset + 1].find("span").text

        ## area
        surface = re.findall(r'(\d*\,?\d*\,?\d+\.?\d*)\s',
                             tds[offset + 2].text)
        data[np]["surface_acres"] = float(surface[0].replace(',', ""))
        data[np]["surface_km2"] = float(surface[1].replace(',', ""))

        ## visitors
        data[np]["visitors"] = float(
                      tds[offset + 3].text)[0].replace(",", ""))

        ## description
        description = re.sub(r'\[?\(?\d+\)?\]?', '',
                             tds[offset + 4].text.strip())
        data[np]["description"] = description

    ## create dataframe
    parks = pd.DataFrame(data).T.reset_index()

    ## read park units
    units = pd.read_csv("../scrapper/data/Parks.csv")

    ## merge
    parks = pd.merge(left=parks,
    del parks['parkname']

    ## read park websites
    websites = pd.read_csv('../scrapper/data/park_websites.csv')

    ## merge
    parks = pd.merge(left=parks, right=websites, on='parkunit')

    ## count photos
    parks['photo_count'] = parks['parkunit'].apply(get_photo_count)

    ## rename columns
    parks = parks.rename(columns={"index": "parkname"})

    ## get topo
    parks['boundaries'] = parks['parkunit'].apply(lambda x: get_geojson(x))
    parks['bbox'] = parks['parkunit'].apply(lambda x: get_bbox(x))

    return parks