def interface_list(device): """Retrieve the list of interfaces on a device. Returns the port name, status, description, and vlan information. Example command: ./ inteface_list switch1 """ click.secho("Retrieving the interfaces for {}.".format(device)) from dnacsdk.networkDevice import NetworkDevice device = NetworkDevice(dnacp, hostname = device) headers = ["Port Name", "Status", "Description", "VLAN", "Voice VLAN"] table = list() for interface in device.interfaces.values(): tr = [ interface["portName"], "{}/{}".format(interface["adminStatus"], interface["status"]), interface["description"], interface["vlanId"], interface["voiceVlan"] ] table.append(tr) try: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")) except UnicodeEncodeError: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="grid"))
def device_list(): """Retrieve and return network devices list. Returns the hostname, management IP, and family of each device. Example command: ./ device_list """ click.secho("Retrieving the devices.") from dnacsdk.networkDevice import NetworkDevice devices = NetworkDevice.get_all(dnacp) headers = ["Hostname", "Management IP", "Family","ID"] table = list() for device in devices: tr = [device.hostname, device.managementIpAddress,,] table.append(tr) try: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")) except UnicodeEncodeError: click.echo(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="grid"))
def deploy(template, target, parameters): """Deploy a template with DNA Center. Provide all template parameters and their values as arguements in the format of: "PARAMTER=VALUE" You can find the list of parameters using: ./ template_list Example command: ./ deploy --template VLANSetup --target switch1 \\\n"VLANID=3001" "VLANNAME=Data" """ click.secho("Attempting deployment.") from dnacsdk.networkDevice import NetworkDevice from dnacsdk.templateProgrammer import Template device = NetworkDevice(dnacp, hostname = target) template = Template(dnacp, name = template) deploy_params = dict([param.split("=", maxsplit=1) for param in parameters]) # Deploy Template deployment = template.deploy( dnacp, target_device_ip = device.managementIpAddress, params = deploy_params ) print("Deployment Status: {}".format( Template.deployment_status(dnacp, deployment)["devices"][0]["status"]) )
def unassign_device_site(parameters): """Unassign a site to a device Provide all parameters and their values as arguements in the format of: "PARAMTER=VALUE" You can find the list of parameters using: ./ device_list Example command: ./ unassign_device_site "deviceid=<deviceid>" "siteid=<siteid>" """ click.secho("Attempting device/site unassignment.") from dnacsdk.networkDevice import NetworkDevice unassign_params = dict([param.split("=", maxsplit=1) for param in parameters]) # Create VLAN unassignment = NetworkDevice.unassign(dnacp, unassign_params = unassign_params) print("Unassignment Status: {}".format(unassignment))