Пример #1
def DCG(sysID,queryID,rank):
    DCG = 0.0#iniatialize
    #input qrels and results from documents
    qrels = doc_process.qrels_input()
    results = doc_process.results_input('S'+str(sysID)+'.results')
    #sepreate value and docID from qrels
    FN = [item[0] for item in qrels[queryID][1:]]
    IR_values = [item[1] for item in qrels[queryID][1:]]
    #extract docID from retrieved documents
    FP_all = [item[1] for item in results[queryID]]
    '''trying to get the relvant docID and its value from retrieved system documents
        store the index of docID and value of docID together in the list:  indexandValue_of_rank,
        for the calculation of DG
    for i,x in enumerate(FP_all):
        #care '=' causer i start with 0 and rank start with 1
        if i >= rank:
        if x in FN:
             #[0] in indexandValue_of_rank means the rank in retrieved system, index start at 0
             #[1] in indexandValue_of_rank means the value of the docID in [0] position

             #then calculate the DG with the rank[0] and value[1],this list just for understanding the
             #process easily, not necessary


            #calculation of DG ,the index should start with 1
            DCG += float(DG(i+1,IR_values[FN.index(x)]))
Пример #2
def r_Precision(sysID):
    qrels = doc_process.qrels_input()
    r_Precision = []
    r_Precisions = []
    for i,item in enumerate(qrels):
        #Call precision_recall_atrank function with rank input = len(item)-1 : delete the first queryID element
    return r_Precisions
Пример #3
def iDCG(sysID,queryID,rank):
    iDCG = 0.0#iniatialize
    #data input
    qrels = doc_process.qrels_input()
    results = doc_process.results_input('S'+str(sysID)+'.results')
    iDCG_values = sorted([item[1] for item in qrels[queryID][1:]],reverse=True)
    for i,item in enumerate(iDCG_values):
        if i >= rank:
        iDCG += DG(i+1,int(item))
    return iDCG
Пример #4
def precision_recall_atrank(sysID,rank,queryID):
    Precisions = []
    Recalls = []
    qrels = doc_process.qrels_input()
    results = doc_process.results_input('S'+str(sysID)+'.results')
    #FN = qrels[i][1:]
    #extract relevant docIDs from query as FN
    FN = [item[0] for item in qrels[queryID][1:]]
    #FP = results[i][0:10]
    #extract retrieved docIDs for specifc query as FP
    FP = [item[1] for item in results[queryID][0:rank]]
    TP = set(FN) & set(FP)
    Pres = Precision(len(TP),len(FP),len(FN))
    recall = Recall(len(TP),len(FP),len(FN))
    return Pres,recall
Пример #5
def AP(sysID,queryID):
    #data inputs
    qrels = doc_process.qrels_input()
    results = doc_process.results_input('S'+str(sysID)+'.results')
    Precisions = []
    #FN = qrels[i][1:]
    FN = [item[0] for item in qrels[queryID][1:]]
    #FP = results[i][0:10]
    FP_all = [item[1] for item in results[queryID]]
    index_of_rank = [i for i, x in enumerate(FP_all) if x in FN]
    #index in FP_all from zero
    for i,index in enumerate(index_of_rank):
        Pres = float(i+1)/(index+1)
    if Precisions == []:
        return 0
        return sum(Precisions)/len(FN)